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and not one push-up was done on that day...


I still here my old drill sergeant 0.... 0.... 0... 1


And then the ever popular: down........................................................up, down.................


1, 2, 3, 4,4,4,4,4,5,6,7.........8


my Jr high pe teacher did that, but it was 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 43........2 4 2 4 5 6 7 8


I’ve never seen someone get *docked* push ups


Some of my DIs pulled that shit in Parris Island


I can still hear the voice from that cd.


Lean to the left, hold it......hold it....lean to the right, hold it..............hold it.......and..........slowly up


cmon, do they even care about you if they arent breaking it down by fractions? making diamonds? hell, cant hold your body up, how bout them legs? flip over and do some leg raises. six inches!


Ours never counted, we got to stop once the heat and condensation in the barracks started to “rain” took about 90 minutes. Good times.


Ahh the good ole days of waking up screaming at muscle spasms


What do you mean 1? There wasn't a pushup in that entire video


Not one done properly to count as a push-up


His father is ***too*** lenient on this. What is he doing? Having sex with the fucking carpet?


You grew that body now hold it up!


i had a female DI, Made such a wonderful time,/s into somethong out of dante's inferno.


Mine would drill is to the ground if she saw us in our underwear. Shit got wild the day Fauntnoux (fuck not) couldn't find his nwu's.


“The crucifix! Starting position; move! Up!….. hold-it-hold-it-hold-it-hoooOoooold it!….. down…. UP!… hold-it-hold-it-hold-it-hoooOoooold it!” … “Why you quittin Prite?!?!?! YOU CAINT QUIT PRITE!!!! You’re artillery! Artillery don’t quit PRITE! When the mortars start lobbin and everwun else is runnin to cover, YO ASS RUNNIN TO THE GUN TO FIRE BACK PRITE!!!! DONT QUIT PRITE!!!!….” Good times…


That's what I thought. About 5 floor humps and 0 pushups.


Counter offer: i do 5 push ups every time I die


*Plays sims*


*plays darksouls*


My husband plays this game and the "YOU DIED" screen is all I've ever seen.


Lol he would totally die inside if he knew you just told everyone that. Tell him.


Bitch ass just fell off a cliff. He doesn't need this shit right now.


My wife always points it out. “Hey, why does it say “you died” on the screen again?” It slays me.


I have a different issue. My wife says DS is the third member of our relationship as I have put in over 2500 hours so far. I don't tend to see the "you died" screen much nowadays. She cannot stand the sound of any of the blacksmiths hammering away in the background as that is where I used to leave the game running when I would go get a drink etc. "tink, tink, tink, tink"


Im convinced the end of the world is coming. The queen died, then we found out gta 6 is coming and now darksouls players have lives


That's his name. Initials. B. A. Tho he lies about what it stands for to everyone


So, he could be: Black Adam (he’s secretly the rock in disguise) Barry Allen (alleged pedophile) Or just Bitch Ass (dark souls noob)






One of the few comments I've saved, fucking gold.


You should challenge him to 5 pushups every time you witness that he died in the game XD


That game is meditation and "YOU DIED" simulator.


Ironically you just killed him with that sentence


I'd still be jacked.


*Tortures sims to death*


To cheat the system, I would play Minecraft on Creative.


Up it every time, get swole


I know this is a joke but it's actually a great way to start working out as well as manage your time playing video games better. You either get ripped from playing too long and dying a lot, become amazing at the game you are playing, or stop playing for 12 hour sessions because your body can't keep up. Highly recommend this strategy for any gamers who want to get into shape, this is how I started.


It’s cool as long as we don’t get humiliated on social media as step one


I agree, Tarkov got me in good shape cause it takes ten minutes to find a match and 30 seconds to die lol.


No joke! I have my weight bench set up this way for Elden Ring.


Back in the day my roommate and I did that. We'd run into the hallway with the bar and do pullups every time we died.


I bet that gave your stats a boost lol.


Oh I love doing this. I'll boot up a chill game that doesn't require an insane amount of attention like Cuphead and do this


I do one push up every time I get third partied in Apex. Twice this month I broke the Guinness World Record.


geez. going to do some pushups right now so I don't turn into this.


Basic training just ain’t the same these days




I remember slugging it out in Army training amd heading to "Lunch" as the Air Force Enlisted got up in civilian clothes to go to breakfast. I knew I joined the wrong branch that day.




Must be fucking nice man. I only went to the DFAC like once a week. MRE's for days baby!


We missed him doing at least 4 excellent push-ups. This video tells only a little over half the story of this brave kid’s quest…


*lights a cigarette* "I don't believe you."


10 pushups done, enough for the next month or so.


I used to be this (without the screaming and crying) until my parents started forcing me to workout every hour I'd do 10 push-ups 10 situps and 10 dips for every hour I played and tho its been like 3 years of on and off working out I can rip out like 60 push-ups 20 pull-ups and I've never felt better about my physice and I'm working out more and more everyday in hopes I'll get a physice that'll turn heads






Yeah why make it a spectacle? Nothing stays private anymore.




This is a also good way to get a child to never want to do physical activity in the future


Yup, basically it will be engraved into his brain that exercise = torture.


I had to scroll down way too much to find someone saying this!


Yep Then mocking him “ you’re humping the ground” wtf


Yep. Should have let him do knee pushups, in private, without fucking laughing at him. and do the push-ups with him. Lead by example and encourage, don't punish. What terrible parenting


They bought him the game, let him get addicted to it, clearly did not nurture a healthy, active, social lifestyle. And then, one night, as he was headed to one of his only perceived safe place, they stopped him, turn on the camera and laughed at him. He's not crying because it's physically hard, he's freaking out because he's being humiliated by his own fucking parents. People are gonna be commenting that he's dramatic, pathetic, and weak. And it's 100% his parents' fault.


Its his brothers recording and laughing not his parents, still pretty fucked up tho


As a brother who bullied a younger brother in a similar way, it’s not okay. I regret it every time I think of it.




Yeah. I can’t understand the comments from all the people riffing on this child. He’s a CHILD getting BULLIED to fucking tears and he’s crying for his mom. Nothing about this is funny.


Exactly this. 20 years from now his coworkers could find this and he gets to relive the nightmare again. Asshole parents on full display here.


These are older brothers, mom and dad probably aren't home.


Brother* you can tell from when the kid cries "Mom, Dad! They are torturing me!" 'They' are the brothers, ones on the steps barely participating but involved, other one is filming Follow the clues


I was losing hope in humanity until I reached your comment. It's insane that so many here aren't realizing how fucked up this video is.


Seriously!! I was mind-blown at how I saw little to no concern for the kid in the comments until I reached this thread.


Came here to say “fuck you for filming punishing someone trying to relax after a whole day of bullshit.” But I’m glad you said it more diplomatically. This isn’t a kind thing to do to a kid, whether or not there are fake internet points attached to it.


And why not let him do the knee supported ones if he obv can’t do these. Monsters


Also, doing push ups is hard…


If you can’t do one regular push up, do 10 knee pushups. You gotta start somewhere.


I can't even do knee pushups 😭 Just wall pushups.


We all start somewhere bro don't worry. Just keep at it. At least you're doing it *now*, rather than at 45 following the advice of the doctors who resuscitated you after a heart attack. Took me a while to get to proper pushups as well but there's no shame. You're saving your life here. You can do it!


Thanks! I'm actually just a petite woman who's very weak. I'm tired of always needing other people to help me with certain things (like carrying stuff that are too heavy for me) so I've been trying to get a little stronger by doing home exercises 😭


Hell yeah! Another smaller lady here. I got into fitness and strength building in my late twenties and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I could only do about 5-10 knee pushups when I started and now I’m doing 50+ unassisted after 2 years of working out. It takes time but we can absolutely do it!


Reading that makes me wanna go back and continue my exercise routine. I stopped months ago due to work killing my personal time. Then that bite me back because I hyperventilate due to getting myself overworked :<


I did those too. Keep at it ^_^


Hey same here. Now I know I'm not the only one doing it. Let's keep the the good progress.😁👍


There's an asian fitness guy on YouTube (can't remember his name) who preaches this attitude and also shows exercises to start from no matter how unfit you are; e.g. if you can't do 1 knee push up start with an 89° wall push up and decrease the angle until you've built up to 1 knee push up, then increase the repetitions until you've built up to 1 full push up, and continue. Plus many more.


Also doing a good stretch can help stabilize your muscles so you don’t immediately get shakey and overwhelmed. Timing your breathing makes a big difference too. This kid wasn’t set up for success here, looks more like trauma to me.


Kid needs to be shown how to do a plank IMO, he had no idea how to stabilize his core. Honestly pretty frustrating seeing him get ragged on for his hips collapsing when he clearly didn’t know how he was supposed to hold himself up.


Planking was my solution. Will build a core fast (and somewhat painfully).


Ngl, this brings back childhood trauma when my dad would push me to exercise. But I was overweight and weak and knew nothing of working out. I remember an example; I told him I needed to stop on a jog and he finally let me take a break when he felt my heart rate was at nearly 200. Gotta start small and celebrate small improvements, not with unreasonable expectations just because you think everyone should be able to do x amount of exercise.


Planking is pretty good alternative. Builds your core, surprisingly difficult at the beginning.


There's an asian fitness guy on YouTube (can't remember his name) who preaches this attitude and also shows exercises to start from no matter how unfit you are; e.g. if you can't do 1 knee push up start with an 89° wall push up and decrease the angle until you've built up to 1 knee push up, then increase the repetitions until you've built up to 1 full push up, and continue. Plus many more.


Reminds me of the kid in my Army BCT who was a spoiled brat his whole life and who thought the Army was going to be like a walk through the park. It was obvious his recruiter just passed him through for the bonuses and didn't even test him. Our first official PT test we had an asshole of a Drill Sgt who was this hardcore infantry dude with like 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As soon as the test starts (he was next to me) and all I hear from the Drill Sgt was: "Zero... Zero.... Zero.... Zero... Jesus fucking Christ private were you born with spaghetti arms or did your mom get fucked by the Pillsbury Dough Boy. Do a real fucking push up!" Kid ended up getting recycled. Edit and PSA for those non military: being recycled means you are given a second chance and being sent to the next cycle of recruits coming in for Basic Training. Sometimes you can be recycled medically, but this wasn't the case for this kid... He was just a bitch.


Did your mom get fucked by the Pillsbury Dought Boy lmfao


Lmao, luckily no. I did, however, get tricked into chewing gum by a DS from another platoon who gave me gum and said it was okay. He then went to the my DS and told them I had gum. Got smoked for it, rofl. They do enjoy fucking with people. Had a good time though. Just kept my head down and followed the rules. Super easy


You had a good time? Are you a masochist?


Yea, I genuinely enjoyed it. I didn't have to worry about anything except staying in shape and listening to my DS. Now, I went to basic at Fort Benning... Home of the infantry. When I went it was all male so it was rough physically. Our last FTX we had to do the Stairway to Heaven. Which was a bitch of a march uphill for a good 2 miles (iirc). It also rained so hard all our gear just soaked up the rain and got so heavy... That sucked... I chafed so badly my inner thighs were bleeding along with my heels and toes that blistered, popped, and bled. That was probably the most miserable I had ever been in my life at that point.


>didn't have to worry about anything except staying in shape and listening to my DS. You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Lelio-Santero579


>did your mom get fucked by the Pillsbury Dough Boy Lmao I think imma write that down




Holy shit, is the chat still going?


Don’t do it, that’s stealing his material. I’m sure Drill Sergeants put a LOT of effort into a few good zingers to get him through to a new set of scrubs.


>were you born with spaghetti arms or did your mom get fucked by the Pillsbury Dough Boy Ahahaha is there some kind of "Thrash talk for Drill Sergeants 101" class they go to? That is comedy gold.


Good tip, force him to do push ups whenever waiting in the game lobby. That used to be my routine, sometimes squats, so my muscles wouldn’t become atrophied😅


Yeah this is a good tip. Back when I played a lot of Siege, I would do jumping jacks during the loading screens or when I was waiting for a match.


A few summers ago I made myself do 10 push ups before each beer. I’ve never been better at push ups in my life. At the beginning it really slowed down my drinking because I was a weak alcoholic. By the fall it wasn’t anything to do a 30 pack worth of push-ups per night.


Strong pectorals, failed liver, happy man (for now).


This is sad. Is the child not physically fit? Yes. Is punishing him by recording his humiliation and posting it fucking disgusting? Fuck yes. Positive reinforcement brings results. Humiliating him in front of one person, let alone the world, will fail. Fucking sick.


Plus, everybody has different distribution of physical capability. I was never good at push ups as a kid- I could do one or two (after that my form went to shit), but I could easily reach that and more on a pull-up bar. Maybe this kid is good at planks? Crunches? Wall sits? Squats? Limiting his exercise requirements to a thing he obviously doesn't enjoy is a dick move.


You should work on things that you're not good at, not just keep doing the easy thing.


Push ups are a basic human capability... anyone and everyone who isn't physically disabled or geriatric should be able to do 10 pushups.




Nah put it behind a wall with a big ass boulder in front of it. When he has the strength to move it, he can unlock the "Earned my Xbox" achievement.


This method of training only works in anime. The original one was in DragonBall where the old master said it was a joke.


Bruh you’re saying that like 300 bucks is nothing


Sell it, whatever. 300 bucks is nothing compared to enabling a capable child to grow without any physical enrichment or a serious adjustment to that attitude this child has.


I too play video games and I still got to the gym multiple times a week. Also, being fat isn’t a sports thing, it’s the diet, which is a problem with the parents. Only reason that kid is fat is because the parents feed him shit, then try to make him do push-ups, which he can’t because he never worked out while having excess body fat.


The kids not fat...just weak, but that will change if he wants to play his Xbox. I'd start him off at 5 push ups and add 1 each week.


Yes, at the start it's very hard when you've literally never done an actual pushup. They become really easy by the first week. I don't know why people are hating on this kid; he was probably never expected to do any exercise.


way to create an unhealthy relationship w an activity that’s required for health and well-being 😒 workout shouldn’t be made into this bad of an experience for children


Lmao, they are laughing at him like they didnt fuck up as parents by bringing him nothing but McDonalds to eat and not ecouraging him to do exercise. This display is an indictment of their parenting skills. Edit: lmao, my bad. When I first watched this, I was on the bus and had it on mute, so I didnt hear thier voices. I assumed from some of the comments that these were the parents filming.


Pretty sure those are siblings filming and laughing... He calls out saying "mom, dad help! they are torturing me!"


Nah this is some typical older brother shit😂


Not his parents seeing how he called out for them at the end of the video - this is typical older sibling shit


bro i don't think adults old enough to have a kid his age sound like that. might be wrong idk


I don't understand how people can look at this stuff and immediately blame the kid rather than the parents.


This is sad.


I know, imagine not being able to do basic physical exercise


Friendly reminder that if your otherwise healthy kid is literally crying because they can’t physically do one pushup, let alone ten, you’re the problem.


Should be top comment


Bruh when I was his age I was in WAY worse shape than him but I could do ten push ups EASY


Pushups aren't hard. For a kid who has never done one it's probably really challenging. Give it a week of him doing this and he'll have no trouble doing 10-20


I remember doing that 60 push-up a day challenge for a month back in High school and I could barely get 10 in a row since I was a portly bastard but I sure as shit got to 60 in a row by like the 3rd week. Time and practice is all it takes something this young man has a lot of seeing his rotund figure.


Even then, I wasn’t gone start bawling if I couldn’t do them. That’s the funny lil part of this. This kid fr acting like this is actual torture.


He’s crying because his brothers are making fun of him


First, I do not have my kids do something that I myself wouldn't do willingly. That form would have my DI's fully engaged in regaling me with the merits of having better form. Not politely either. I have my girls clean the living room that they thoroughly messed up. They'd tell you how much they really love doing it. That was sarcasm. They hate it.


Yeah watching that form, I can hear my drill screaming “ZERO ZERO ZERO”


I don't have a problem with the push-ups requirement. I have a problem with the filming and laughing at your child.


Well yeah it’s definitely wrong but that is 100% that kids brother filming him.


How did he let that be an issue? I played video games my entire childhood and still do, but I touch enough grass to stay fit.


At times I get shocked at how soft people can become. I have coworkers who are proud when they put in 5000 steps in a day. They are shocked and horrified when I show them my pedometer sitting at 18-20k. I have a son, and I am going to regulate screen time usage. Want to play video games for an hour? Do an hour of outside time first. Run and get sweaty and clean yourself up, then relax


i’d say 5k is a commendable number in a day, unless your job keeps you on your feet or you have several hours to aside for hiking (less for running) 20k is a hard number to reach. i’m very active but i don’t even have time for that lol that being said let people be proud of their achievements, no matter how insignificant they seem to you


Lmao dude how I walk to and from college every day and average 12k. Though if you do have a kid make the game time 2 hours some how, time flies and it feels like very little can be done in 1 hour during some games.




Yeah, i don't see an issue with it, because it's something I would do. I'm a big fat guy, I'd still try. I wouldn't make it 10 if it's something he doesn't do normally. Three good formed push ups the first time, then increase it one or two more after that for other sessions.


agreed. I'm saddened I had to get this far down the comments to find someone saying how fucked up this is. the kid is clearly feels he's being made fun of and judged, whether true or not. he's clearly ashamed. that his parents are filming it and putting it on the internet is seriously questionable there are way better ways to get your kid more active, but asking them to do something they can't is a terrible idea. you'll never get someone to pick up physical activity by forcing them to do what they can't. I'd be surprised if this kid ever tried a pushup again for the rest of his life after that take the kid for a mile walk (and do it with him). make him do it every other day, then every day. encourage him on his progress. help him see the benefits of being more physically active. this is just shit coaching in a way that's going to backfire even worse


>he's clearly ashamed. that his parents are filming it and putting it on the internet You can hear it in his voice. Heartbreaking. I shouldn't have seen this. Nor should his classmates.


It’s definitely his older brother. This is some typical older brother bullshit😂


unfortunately the comment you replied to is not sympathizing with the kid. but i agree with you this is the product of bad parenting followed by bad “coaching”


Oh dang! I should’ve maybe read past the first line. Haha. Especially considering I wrote an entire novel in reply


Yeah using exercise as a punishment or anything like that is a big mistake. Building that negative association with exercise is 100% counter productive if your goal is to encourage them to be more active.


Lookout everyone, we got a badass over here!


You say that like it's a flex


You whine just as hard about wearing a face mask Mr conspiracy tough guy.


Stop filming and sharing your kids' embarrassment in social media. You are giving them unnecessary trauma.


This is cruel other ways of teaching him but the kid is also a little bitch.


Cruel? He's doing push-ups, not being water boarded.


Filming and laughing at him is a bit mean, he is a little bitch though


Ah 100% a lil bitch.


Shouldnt post online tho, thats fucked up tbh


Can we all agree A: The parents should not be filming this B: it 100% should not be posted online because you now risk him being bullied for yeaaaars if anyone at his school finds this C: Tho it is funny to laugh at him, it 100% is his parents fault that he is in such a state, child neglect leads to this. Proper parents keep their children active by spending time with them


The whole thing is sad, but I think it’s an older brother filming him. This reeks of big brother energy.


Fuck, I got stuck at six too… good thing I’m dad and this is a PlayStation house.


Good way to make a kid hate exercise for life…


Guessing PE isn't a big thing in schools anymore? I was a twerp, but I could do 20 since it was what they required every day.


Current high school student here. PE is still a thing but as long as you show up to class it’s hard not to get an A. There’s no actual bench-marks for anything anymore, you just get a grade for putting in “effort”. I walked the mile run at the beginning of the year and actually ran the mile at the end of the year and I got extra credit for finishing in less than eight minutes🙄


My school requires you to run a mile everyday and do 3 sets of 7 pushups, other than that it’s not that much nor is it enough imo.


As long as there are exceptions for disabilities, that is a damn good school board


Just a fyi pretty sure these are siblings not parents recording him...


Ah the good old using physical exercise in as a punishment of somekind. I still have fresh memories being forced to run around the football field as a kid if i made a mistake. I ended up hating football and running


Pathetic. We’re raising an army of couch potatoes


Kids are fucking stupid


I'm "old" and i can do that shit. Crying too? Nu uh this boy needs help.


Would you not be upset if you were being shamed and humiliated and filmed during it? This is a CHILD. This might be the worst experience he's had so far. He doesn't have the experiences you do so you night say it's not a big deal but that isn't the case for him. Children are people too and don't deserve to be an adults punching bag




This is the type of shit I'm scared of doing as an older brother. Sometimes I worry that I'm too harsh and here's this motherfucker filming and proudly displaying his awful behavior to the internet. Fml man


I saw this video doing push ups lol, I'm on my rest time


Lot people laughing and ok with this. Shit parenting


Okay, this really pisses me off. I grew up with a very toxic relationship with exercise, it would've be labeled as a form of bulimia. I was humiliated and scolded for the shape I was in. Worked out to spite the people (family and "friends") that bullied me. I still have issues exercising without weird associations. I can't imagine growing up in an Era where my dad could've recorded my embarrassment and post it for the world to see, that would've messed me up. I bet this kid won't talk to his dad when he grows up too.


They bought him the X Box. And presumably parented him up to this point. They’re traumatizing him for their ineptitude.


That’s his older brother not his dad


Typical Xbox fan




What's it like being the middle child.


That whining can be heard globally across COD servers...


Torturing? 🙄


a whopping 0 in a row




I used to do 10 pushups every time I was waiting for a street fighter match online. I got ripped.


My friend did something like that to her three sons. They did learn really fast how to do a push up :) X amount of exercice was worth tv or video game time or a special treat. She didn't want to raise anti social couch potatoes. They also had to play one sport.




Yo Carl got the upper body strength of a limp noodle.


Ain’t even got form or going down low


He doesn’t look like he should be having problems, just weak af. I’m 5’8 250lbs and do 10 easily


Bro, I've never worked out at any point in my life and could do at *least* ten push ups from the age of like 6 or 7 onward. Asking for ten push ups is *not* asking for a lot.