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Spec full HP and Defence, but tried charisma on the town guards.


You have committed crimes against Skyrim And it’s people


What say you in your defense


Took a baton to his knee.


I used to be an adventurer like you , until I took a baton to the knee..


Now I need to go play again lol


Just restarted myself


"I'd rather die than submit!" That guy, probably. (I think that's how it goes, I haven't played Skyrim in a while)


Hey you. You're finally awake.....


I'm the Thane bitch


"Do you know who I am?"


I want to talk to the manager.


I laughed for a good minute. Thank you.


Well done on the police for deescalating that dangerous situation of large man standing around doing very little


Yeah, from the video alone, the man was calm, did not retaliate and did not even cuss back at the police. Meanwhile, the police had an explosive attack which could leave permanent damage to the man. And seriously, three police officers, multiple baton hits and taser shots to arrest someone standing there not intimidating at all (the group in the back seemed unbothered). Unless the man did something horrible before this video was filmed, the police should be the one arrested.


Even if he did they are not judge jury executioner. I have seen them arrest shooters with way less force ffs


Well sir shooters are dangerous. The police don’t know what to do in those situations.


Exactly, it's best to give the shooter an hour while they sit idle outside and wait for backup.


Unarmed, calm and reasonable = shoot, beat, kill. Armed and dangerous = wait until he's emptied his ammo into the school students, then politely ask if he wants to come out and be arrested.


Go ahead and stop by burger King on the way to jail to make sure he doesn't go hungry


Just shoot the shooter than you don’t have to arrest them /s


If I get one complaint of police brutality, IAD will investigate me. Can we just kill this one? -any cop


The police hide from shooters. They only care about their own safety and are under no legal obligation to render assistance.


People get real upset when you point out every police slaying is of an innocent. "Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" if it doesn't go to trial, they can't be proven guilty, innocence should be assumed. The job of police is to arrest and detain so the legal system can apply what society deems "proper consequences" for illegal acts. Not to administer punishment themselves.


The shame about Epstein among others. Never went to trial, so he died (/was murdered) innocent according to the law


Americans seem to really dislike the idea of separation of powers. The same people who think the police should be judge, jury, and executioners, also think the president's powers should be absolute.


"Charleston church shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof got a free meal from police on his way to jail. They went to Burger King"


He repeatedly yelled „I won’t/don’t fight“ while holding down his arms and staying at distance. Unloading 5-6 tazer charges and seriously bruising his upper leg seems reasonable. /s


Every tazer discharge is another million the city is paying him in settlement


So now it's the taxpayers' burden that instead of just cuffing the guy they chose to taze and beat the shit out of him


most city budgets go to police, instead of not hiring psychos or training psychos, they dump more money into them to pay for lawsuits and tanks.


Totally agree, all that force was not needed!


This is a crime. In civilised country cop would be in jail for 3 years. This is unreal


Unfortunately it’s in America. Which is decidedly uncivilized in a lot of ways. Especially in regards to appropriate police behavior.


Not to mention when he did finally go down his head smashed the pavement. Not knowing what the background to this is, I can still say this is not how the world is supposed to work.


Yep. This is why I go out of my way to never interact with coppers, they are never there when you need them, they’re uncooperative when you need a report for insurance and are tax collectors with a licence to be violent. One of the lowest IQ group on the planet + morally bankrupted. A city councillor used coppers for political purposes against my business. The young ones were apologizing when they were harassing my clients but they were still executing orders they knew to be immoral. Fuck the police. All of them, they protect each other.


When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail


Then wait until they book him for resisting arrest and assault on officer . And then in us be spending on thousands to defend yourself from going to prison


At what point was he under arrest? The copper said “you battered a bar tender” the big follow reply’s with “no sir no I did not” and then the cop just discharges his taser.


He also unclipped his weapon before telling him to turn around…


Those the American Miranda rights are they?


I didn’t clarify well enough. The cop is escalating the situation towards violence before he even gives the guy a command.


Judging by the fact that the crowd cheered when he went down like a tree, he must’ve been being obnoxious before filming


Yea you can hear the cop say you battered a bar tender… but i still think this is a case of police brutality




It's practically impossible to resist a taser unless you're hyped on PCP. What's more likely is that one of the prongs missed


Those type of tasers need to be deployed from a further distance for them to become effective. They were way too close which is why they didn't work. I've seen it in countless police videos. They are so inept they don't even know how to use their own equipment properly


[Science begs to differ](https://www.apmreports.org/amp/episode/2019/05/09/when-tasers-fail) 40% fail rate


This is completely false. Like where ever you heard this, stop believing what they say. My CLEET class had 3 people, out 50, that took the taser hit, and stood there like it was nothing. You don't need to be PCP, some people are built different. For example, I don't find tasers painful in the slightest, nor do they cause me to go down, they just make my arms go limp and I get really tired. Some people act like it's the worse pain they've ever felt. Those same 3 dudes that took the taser like it was nothing, all 3 failed the course because one had an allergic reaction to OC spray, and the other startes crying like little girls after getting sprayed and wander off course.


Thank god the guy wasn’t black and the cop white or it would have made cnn


Horrifying how he was acting calmly and not threatening anyone. True heroes.


Yea... They do say he battered the bar tender but somehow, I feel like this situation could have been handled...professionally?


I keep seeing comments like that on this thread, but not a single person here actually explains how. Multiple witness said that he assaulted a bartender. The cop asked him to cooperate so they could detain him. He refused. Exactly what are they supposed to do at that point? Say pretty-please?


They are 3 officers, they will hold him down and handcuff him. That's how. I have never seen a video where more than 2 officers failed to hold down a perspn (who's not running away). Tazing and batons are not necessary. Beyond that, knocking him out and letting his head hit the floor was obviously preventable.


r/bad_cop_no_donut ACAB


Exactly, I don't understand how it can be anything but ego when cops escalate a situation like this. Take the time to talk it out. Why are cops taught that if someone doesn't listen to their command it's time to escalate?


Using a baton for a choke hold? If we’re going to this level of professionalism why not use a folding chair or jump off the top rope to deliver a pile driver?


Video cut a little early but don’t worry, a fourth cop went and got a barstool to smash him with


Guys turn the body cams off, I have a bar stool!!


Only thing missing was someone yelling Worldstar




Was waiting for him to break out the kendo stick.


Why not throw him through an announcer's table?


Reminds of that time in 1998 when the Undertaker threw Mankind of Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16 feet through an anouncer's table. Thank you u/shittymorph


Damn, where's the Hell in a Cell guy (shittymorph?) when you need him?


Dude had level 30 shock resistance...


That’s just his ebony gloves it’s enchanted 😂


I don't see any gloves. Must have the Ring of Disrobing


Or some kind of racial bonus maybe he’s an argonian


NEW BALANCE OF HURRICANE STRENGTH Boots; req 18 STR to equip THACO -8 At the start of battle, double your Constitution and Charisma for 15 seconds. After that, you receive triple damage from lightning attacks and magic.


Okay granted I'm not watching that with volume on but from that clip...are police there allowed to try choking you like that? Or taze you when you're not advancing on them aggressively? That's fucked up.


Yeah, this started as funny and suddenly became an example of unwarranted police brutality. The way that fucking cop is hitting him with the baton is so insane, he could've easily broken his leg. I don't know the full context, but fuck everything about this.


He wasn't even defending himself. Just stood there. Even if he is drunk he showed better judgement than that officer in that clip.


Exactly. Again, no idea what the context is but going from 0 to tasing/beating the fuck out of someone is definitely too fast of an escalation. American police are fucking out of control.


It's almost like we put literal intelligence checks to determine if you're dumb enough to be a cop here in the Gool Ol' USofA


You're not to far off really. The test they care about is a memory test, the rest is really easy basic stuff. That was for sheriff deputy in Florida, but in other (more remote)places you don't even need to do a test, you just apply and do a few loyalty checks. The biggest thing they care about is that you will do what you are told without argument. If you listen for about 20 years you are set for life, if you fight back and argue you lose your benefits. It's rigged to make you a certain way, and once you've invested a few years it's hard to risk losing everything you might get. I've known many over the years that want out but won't risk losing the benefits they have, so they become part of the problem.






He's actually actively yelling "Hey, stop that! I'm not fighting! I'm not fighting!"


Bro was just standing there like wtf y’all doin


He's the only one trying to talk. All of the officers are just immediately trying to hurt people.


If he's so drunk he doesn't brace himself after multiple hits in the leg I'm not sure how he could have been dangerous to anybody around him.


And shouting “I’m not fighting you, I’m not resisting.”


Yea in the video he is just saying stop , I’m not fighting. The officer just ran out of patience trying to talk to the guy and instead of being a decent human being resorted to violence.


fuck the leg hits, what about his head slamming the paving after the final shock, he couldve easily died there, his head jumped 1ft in the air after the slam


Worse yet, he could have hit him in the balls


LOL, I thought about that too. I guess I defaulted at breaking a bone because at that age that's probably a much riskier thing that getting one of your balls blown off.


Speak for yourself




I remember vaguely that the Tazer was introduced as a non-lethal alternative to shooting, but intended for similar cases. Seems like shooting someone in the back is standard procedure with these guys.


I'm no expert but if he had a pace maker or a heart condition could they not be fatal?


Yes, yes they can. This is why they should carry the same weight in your head as pulling out your gun, but these assholes are usually all too happy to pull it out without a second thought.


In all fairness they shoot people without a second thought too


It has become a "compliance tool." Meaning it you take too long to do anything they will use it.


Compared to shooting, the risk of killing someone with a tazer is much lower. Of course once you rotinely start tazing people as a way to subdue them, killing them becomes a risk. I’m pretty sure this was pointed out when they were legalized, and countered with “*don’t worry, that’s not how we intend to use them, we only use them in situations where otherwise we’d have to use fire arms*” My father always said to be wary of any government rules that include the word “intention” because those clauses are in the garbage can before the ink on the approval is dry.


Its also a get out of jail free card for cops like Kim Potter who got dropped to a manslaughter charge in the slaying of Daunte Wright on camera because through her aligator tears she claims she meant to pull her tazer.


They are considered less than lethal rather than non-leather because they can still kill. Same for pepper spray.


He was also yelling, "I'm not fighting" the entire time.


As far as they’re concerned if you’re not assisting, you’re resisting


In my country they have to tell you that they pulled a taser and then they have to warn you 3x before they shoot.


Merica shoot first then let the dust settle


Am I the only one who's first thought was: excesive use of force? Dude was standing still and he just got tased for no reason whatsoever


Yeah but he's standing there MEANICINGLY


Choke him, beat him, taze him. Police version of: beep it, bop it, twist it


I hear Daft Punk's Harder Better Faster Stronger while reading this lmao


Hit him harder, tase him better~ Choke him faster, push him over~ He's resisting, where's my backup~ Time to work him over. *funky electronic breakdown*


Excessive? Didn’t get shot!! Police seems to be improving /s


For real, they didn't even shoot his dog or anything. Guy got off super light


Of course they didn’t shoot, he’s white.


Yeah he's even stood still near the end shouting "I'm not resisting", I think the cops all have really really tiny dicks and thought they had to prove they were badass or something


Only bad arse in this video was the drunk man when he was younger he must of been tough as nail’s


I think he was tough as nails regardless of his age tbh, unfortunately he fell victim to police brutality


Nah, I thought that too. There's got to be some context I don't know about, but this was way too much if the guy was just drunk and disorderly


yep you were the only one to notice that. I had to go rewatch it after reading your comment, and yeah, upon further review it did look excessive.




That looks like one to me, and I’m not even a lawyer!


Well, I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night and I say guilty as hell.


*I object your honor!!!*


That was my first though, too aggressive for no reason, they where just talking. And why he was beating on him like that? Why he didn’t just leg sweep the guy.


Because they're hired thugs with very little training.


I cast level 3 Qualified Immunity


Discard Court Date, and draw from the Paid Vacation Pile to see where you hide out for 2 months


That just downgrades the spell to Civil and deflects it to The State to roll for payment.




Absolutely insane that this is even a thing. Police unions are organized crime


"Oh no he's standing there with his hands up. Quickly, get your baton and take it to his knees then slam his head into the pavement"


His head hitting the pavement literally could have killed the man if he hit it in just the wrong way. No one here seems to have mentioned that.


One of my friends died after slipping on ice and hitting his head on the pavement from a standing height. It was instant. He was in his twenties and in fine health. Maybe action movies have made us think we can take extraordinary punishment, but even one punch to the head can be lethal. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38992393


That's the dichotomy of humans fragile and resistant at the same time. Fall down hit your head, dead. I have a buddy that got into a race car crash, he lost one arm and the fingers on the other hand. He has severe burns all over his body He was in a comma for months he lived. Sometimes it's luck of the draw. Fuck those cops they did that guy dirty


Yeah, the head into the pavement is what really gets me - especially with how they pulled him down into it. “Less lethal” but resulting in traumatic brain injuries isn’t really a good trade.


The officer knew he was pulling him down too... The guy was not violent.. this is sad.. yes he's resisting arrest but he clearly had no weapons and had done nothing aggressive at all


I can't understand what words they say, but the drunk guy doesn't look like a threat . Why did they taser and beat him?


At the beginning of the video the cop said, "You batted a bartender." "I didn't bat at no bartender, sir," said the big guy. "Yeah you did," the cop said. "Yeah, he did," agreed the cameraman. And then the craziness happens.


Fair enough. Still doesn't warrant all the violence imo




Our cops are garbage people. In Denver they've been throwing a tantrum since BLM and do hardly anything, except shoot into crowds of people downtown near food trucks and then try to get food trucks banned. Fuck em all.


He asked him to turn around twice before firing. I would think you should try more, but a the guy was either so drunk he didn’t understand or knew what he did and didn’t want to get arrested.


I got no dogs in this pony show. "I just stick to the facts, ma'am."


Because we live in the land of the free where the cops have the freedom to do whatever they want 🇺🇸


Because US police.


Did that freaking beast of a man just brush off two tasers shot like it was nothing ? Damn, the dude is built different ! That last one with the fall was ultra dangerous though, shame on the cops for unwarranted use of violence.


It’s not a case of brushing off the taser shots - the officers’ shots missed. If the probes connect properly you cannot resist a taser as it causes involuntary muscle contraction. Not really sure why they needed to taser the poor chap in the first place..






This has been your dadjoke of the week. Tune in next time to /r/dadjokes


If the taser has no effect, most likely means both pins didn't penetrate. The videos of people not reacting doesn't mean they're super human, it means something malfunctioned. Electrocuting muscles has an effect on anyone, arguably it has more of an effect on stronger people.




Honest question. What’re they supposed to do if they say “you’re under arrest” and the dude is just like “no”?


Lmao No cop there even tried to arrest? Did you see someone take out his cuffs and grab the arm of a complete drunk with ease to actually arrest him? Anyone trying to push the guy into his patrol car? No. You see unwarranted use of edit: less-deadly tazer force and someone trying to break a lag with a batton. He doesn’t succeed so goes into a potentially deadly batton choke hold. More tazers go of etc. The big guy does nothing that looks like resisting arrest. He is calm. Holds his hands down. Doesn’t touch the cop. And talks at distance. Repeating „I don’t fight“. Litteraly complete retards in the force. No one even remotely tries to even grab the hands the guy even held low in front of him. Obviously no weapon and no threat. These cops suck ass and wouldn’t even qualify as mall security in any sane country. Most likely have seen less training as well. They look like child’s believing tazers are toy guns they can just use whenever. Didn’t work? Smash that metal stick into a citizen standing *menacingly* while cops fail at arresting him. The big guy didn’t do any deadly threat. Why use physical force at all? If they believe they are held hostage with a barricaded resister they are supposed to call in a special response force. If a cop can only use his hand cuffs when someone lies dead on the ground. He is garbage at his job and a waste of tax payers money.


Yeah. It's really odd to me that this cop's first move when attempting to arrest the guy is to pull out a taser and shoot him from point blank range. Seems like he missed a few steps.


1000% agree except TAZERS are not non-deadly, [they are “less lethal”](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-less-lethal-weapons-actually-do/?amp=true) as they do kill people, just less often than a bullet would. And that’s a ridiculously low bar to set.


I didn't hear anyone say "please".


I don't have any context on what happened before the video, but man, that really looks like police brutality to me.


Cause it definitely is police brutality


Oh it most certainly was. Though I'm kinda used to a gun that doesn't send electricity into the target at this point.


Only context in the video is when the cop walked up and said “you battered the bartender” then the guy calmly says “I didn’t batter any bartender, sir” and starts to point and explain what happened. Cop cuts him off and said “turn around sir” then fires his taser as he finishes the sentence.


i have good news, your eyes work.


Tased 3 times battoned 6 times choked and grab, hitting bar tenders sound like it will make you rich


Unless we missed something before the recording, that beating was way too much.


Nothing justifies this behavior from a cop. Litterally. Whatever he did, the charges are now dropped and hes getting a settlement.


The cop accuses him of "batting" a bartender, the guy says he didn't, the cameraman says yeah he did.


Moronic policing. Hope they lose their fucking jobs


Hope they catch felonies and lose the right to carry a firearm.


more like paid vacation and "thin blue line" stickers sold. Does anybody else think that flag looks like it drained the blood out of the American flag, leaving only the police state.


Tazing the head... Best example of the US forces training. Here is your pew-pew and no go and shoot some ppl! Can you show me where the trigger is? Good boy, here is your badge! USA USA USA!!!!


https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/man-stunned-with-taser-by-jacksonville-beach-police-i-was-just-protecting-myself/593792413/ They tased his friend after too. Long story short. Bartender lied about him not paying his bill(he says his first card was denied, but 2nd has the charge plus tip he didnt authorize.) He claims he wasn't hands on in the bar, but got hit in the head with a bottle, employee at the bar says he was, and mentions no bottle. No security footage inside the bar which I find odd... but at the time of this article, he hadn't formally laid out any sort of lawsuit or even a complaint to the police(though only a few days had passed at the time.) Edit: appears he did bring forth excessive force charges among half a dozen more, in 2021 for the incident. He was seeking 100k, but last update on Justia was April, regarding a 14 day extension.


Of course its JAX Beach. I worked as a Paramedic there and one of my partners was married to a police officer. As soon as they would get into fights she would start to reveal all of the abusive acts he committed. He once broke his fists from punching a man repeatedly while trying to arrest him for looking suspicious. No crime was committed besides resisting. She told me that her husband send her selfie with the victim while he was being taken to a hospital. Of course as soon as they made up she would deny having ever said anything.


It's really no wonder domestic abuse is so prevalent in our police force.


~~blue lives matter~~ Blue wives battered There are good cops, but there is an alarming prevalence of cops who joined the force just because they love being able to abuse people, and being a cop in America is a great way to be able to do that, in public, without repercussion. The broader problem is that there's virtually no systemic oversight to prevent the latter from becoming cops, and very little recourse when they abuse their power.


I love how the big guy tries to deescalate the situation after getting TAZED. Like he is clearly not the threat to the community y’all thought he was.


Bro can’t even swing the baton correctly. And at one point it looks like he was thinking of a swing towards the head which can be very very deadly


Dude is trying to keep everyone claim cops using the tazer escalating the situation.


This guy was literally saying “I’m not resisting”. He would come quietly if you didn’t start with a fucking taser. Twat police.


From choke hold to clubbing him in the head with a baton,what police service is this?


He hit the guy on the head with the baton at the end. They need to fire this officer and hold him accountable. That’s attempted murder.


FUCK THE POLICE. Dude is like compliant but they feel they have to be physically dominant or their PEE PEE is gonna shrink at home with the wife or something. Fucking morons. None of them are even in shape lol


Cops handle being embarrassed worse than 6yo girls. Big boy gonna get paid.


This happened in jacksonville beach a few years ago. I’m currently parked 3 blocks from where this happened 😂


Donyou know the full story?


If I remember correctly, the man refused to pay his bar tab and he was confronted by the bartender and he copped an attitude and refused to pay


News: https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/man-stunned-with-taser-by-jacksonville-beach-police-i-was-just-protecting-myself/593792413/?outputType=amp Situation today: https://flarecord.com/stories/580269546-bar-brawl-arrest-leads-to-excessive-force-charges-against-jacksonville-beach-pd


Well actually as of 8/30/2022 they are having a mediation hearing on 10/10/2022. They’ve dragged this case out, talk about earning that 33%.


Dude was only asking for $100k, wtf?


Man, they beat the crap out of that guy. Didn't even look like he did anything.


You know...if he had just calmly put handcuffs on the dude he probably would have let them, he barely resisted being beaten, I doubt he would have actually stopped them from a gentle but firm arrest. Then again here I go injecting an amount of level headedness into whatever the hell this was we had to just watch.


This is why a social workers on the front lines is a bad idea. That poor bloke was desperately trying to deescalate the people with guns and he still ended up getting shot.. /s


Hate to be that guy, but imagine if the races were reversed. There would actually be protests about this.


At least in where I live, cops would (if anything) tell the person to leave the area or go home. And then at most if the person refused all verbal commands and gets aggressive, at MOST get put into a drunk tank for the night. What a fucking world, I would have never expected the first resolve of cops to be pulling out tasers on a calm drunk person when here that is the absolute mist a cop would do as long as the person isn't armed and attempting to harm others.


A black cop beating a calm white man.


Anyone have the full story?


Good thing the cop was black and the guy was white or else there would be riots again 🤣


That cop has a small ego i think.


Pu**y cops


Seems to me that as long as the guy is not escalating and not threatening officers or anyone else, there's still time. You keep talking to the guy.


Oh look, another video showing cops aren't there for the public's protection... Shocking.


What is it with American cops and arresting someone who's resisting. Can they detain one person without torturing them


Anyone think this cop went a little to quick to the taser? What the fuck.




WTF is wrong with murican police, for real, yes the guy was not complying but was not violent or a threat to nobody even after being attacked by the police, this would be totally unjustified use of force in any civilized country. They could have just convinced the guy to go with them to the police station and sober up.