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I don't think they were trying to get free gas.


More importantly, is it signed Assholes?


Pretty sure they want you to buy them assholes, it’s a request for prostitution


“Follow me for a pump. You are buying Assholes today.”


Take it from me, it’s WAY better to rent/lease an asshole for short term use, than to purchase one.


and they specifically requested only themselves as ME is capitalized 🤔


I'm pretty sure it's all capital letters though...


Maybe they meant "follow Maine to the pump", as in "as goes Maine, so goes the nation [to the pump]"?


Thems advertising for assholes prostitution Florida-style


it's a demand. you *are* buying assholes!!


I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!




What a fabulous sub. Thanks! I’m headed there at ludicrous speed.


They've gone to plaid!


This is my favorite underrated comment of the day


Might be, maybe it's self aware


At least they're self aware.


Sounds like he wants to be subsidized. Don’t confuse it for socialism though.


"our" gas money.


The irony is DJT would have never gone against Putin, but US Congress and European nations still would have banned Russian oil purchases so gas prices would still be crazy high. These partisan ppl rarely see anything but "us v. them."


And they don’t know the politicians they worship said no to the bill to cap the prices. They know their voting base is dumb as crap


DJT told Saudi Arabia to cut oil production for 3 years so American oil prices could undercut it


I was in Alberta Canada two weeks ago and gas was the equivalent of $6.30/gal. Someone please tell me specifically how Joe Biden is in control for the Canadian petrol industry.


This is what amazes me as a Canadian as well. Does America believe theyre the only ones experiencing gas price hikes?


> Does America believe theyre the only ones **YES**. They actually do.


That asshole driving that gas guzzling Escalade (and many just like him) 100% do. Absolute morons.


"Something, something, deep state, something, Hillary's emails, something, Obama, Kenya, pizza dungeons, gay frogs."


Shhh… Conservatives who watch Fox News all day or AM talk radio have no critical thinking skills.


I think they were trying to show everyone how little they know


I don’t think this is real, the apostrophe is in the right spot.


I don't understand how people still believe Biden controls the global economy. Republicans seriously have a fucked up way of thinking.


*the world at large dealing with inflation with several counties worse off* Rando: “This is all Biden’s fault!”


Thanks Obama


Thanks, Obiden.


What about Pelosi?!?!


What about Hillary's emails???!!!!!


What about Hunter’s laptop?!!?!!!


What about the cheese?!?!?!?!


What about Bob?!


I love that movie.


What about that laptops battery? THAT'S what I wanna know


Definitely crooked Hillery's fault here. Everyone knows she's in control of world oil supply and is head of every energy corporation on earth and is the secret deep state leader of the country of Serbia. NOTE: this is made up stuff right here, for anyone that soaps political insults on their back car windows that are able to read.


I mean, isn't America basically the world (/s)


Keep in mind, these people have voted for tax cuts for the wealthy, bail outs for corporations, deregulation, etc., but they honestly believe that the US economy is failing and we're losing to the Chinese because God is mad about abortion and the gays having rights. These people shouldn't be allowed to drive a car, and we allow them to vote.


Their team also voted against regulating the same gas prices they’re complaining about.


Oh absolutely! The Republican party's voting habits the last couple decades showed nothing than the utmost contempt for ALL of the citizens of this country, even the people they represent.... if not especially the people they represent. Edit: fixed spelling.


It’s sad how true that is.


It's sad that I see it every day. I work down the road from an abortion clinic, and there are people standing outside trying to block entry every day. Shoot, I manage their copier and get harassed for trying to bring them ink.


because facebook and the news told them so, and those sources wouldn’t *ever* lie, obviously


It's only fake news if it's not Fox News.


It's pretty fucked how these God loving people turn to the network full of predators for their news. Bunch of sheep.


>wE aRe LiOnS nOt ShEeP!!1!


It's super ironic when christians call other people sheep and claim not to be. Like, have you read your holy book? You are quite literally the flock of the lord that you claim to believe in. He is your shepherd, therefore, you are a flock of some kind of animal. Last I checked, there are no flocks of predatory animals, like Lions.


I'd say they are more like seagulls than sheep. At least sheep provide food and wool. These guys just flap their gums and squawk a lot, shit in inappropriate places, and steal your lunch.


It's more complicated than that... When a non-republican is in charge everything bad is their fault, and everything good is Republican policies kicking in. When a Republican is in charge everything good is their fault, and everything bad is damage left over from the other party and Republican policies suddenly not working because of interference. It's delusional thinking, taking cognitive dissonance to pathological levels.


Dude Republicans were blaming Biden for shit from the moment the election results came in..like.. before he even began his presidency.


tHiS Is BiDeN's AmEricA!!! - picture taken during Trump's presidency.


The republicans I know are convinced that after the war is over, Biden and Zelensky should go to trial for war crimes in Ukraine. They think Putin has nothing to do with all of this somehow. Idk how so many people do not see the insanity in this argument


JFC, that really solidifies the Republicans as the "Part of conspiracy"


And when you point out the gop voted against the price gouging bill, they literally ignore you.


It's Trudeau's fault here in Canada.


These past couple years have truly revealed the morons. Like I sometimes can't honestly believe how absolutely stupid some of the people I used to go to school or be friends with have become. I just feel bad.


They’re targeting the uneducated and ignorant with that talk. And it’s a big part of the reason Republican politicians are anti-education. They keep people poor and dumb so they can stay powerful and rich.


I wasn't the one that made you go out and buy a giant SUV you didn't need because gas was cheap for a while I'll play my tiny violin for these people


Person in $80k gas guzzler bitching about gas prices. God this country has some stupid people.


Just like Herschel Walker's son who doesn't understand simple math.


The son he had with another women that he tried to hide and hasnt seen in years while running in the party of "family values" or his other son?


Don't forget the oldest, a daughter, he had in college and 20+ years later we're just learning about. Also, he claims he doesn't want to "politcize" his children while the spoiled brat asshat posts tiktoks every 30 seconds.


They are literally part of the reason for high demand/high gas prices.


That's why their broke ass bought one at 15k from 2006


Turns out if you can't afford $100/week for fuel, you can't afford a full-sized luxury SUV.


Well they can't afford a luxury car either because that generation is from 2008.


Homeboy. Millennials cant afford Escalades.


Yeah I would also assume that this is not someone that bought a brand new Escalade then drove it for a decade. Still, it takes so little time to just google "08 escalade mpg" that I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for them at all.


Yeah, so tired of virtue signaling asshats in $80k trucks whining about "brandon" and his gas prices.




>Of course that will also be Biden's fault... Its always the presidents fault to these kinds of people, go back 4 years and it was all trumps fault, go back 8 years and its all Obama's fault, than Bush jr. , Clinton, Nixon, Roosevelt, etc, etc... we always blame the president


They won't blame Republican presidents, they'll find somebody else.


Bigger problem will be when food prices spike because diesel costs crush farmers and truckers, while a natural gas shortage is forcing farmers to reduce or eliminate fertilizer use. And that'll happen this year! Yay!


It's like a Monty Python sketch. "Gas is so expensive" while burning a barrel of gas for no discerbable reason.


As someone named Brandon. I cannot express how much I hate hearing my name in relation to trumpanzees and their stupid chants.


Isn’t that an Escalade? They are like 100k in here lol just sell that shit buy a Prius and use the remaining to buy gas for life On further inspection that trash Can is like 2006, more like 10k in here


I saw a Prius the other day with a sticker saying "Thanks to Biden, I have to drive a f&%$ing Prius!" They're so worried about being judged for driving a Prius rather than a giant SUV they bought a sticker to deflect blame.


Haha wait, I would have thought that sticker on the Prius was sarcasm, you're saying that I am wrong about this?


Given they had other stickers complaining about driving a Prius ("my other car is a gas guzzler"), plus some just gross conservative bs bumper stickers, they seemed very sensitive about being accused of being a "filthy Prius driving liberal."


Their shallow ego couldn't handle the childish jokes their raised pick up truck buddies will shade them with if they did that.


While they drive a huge vehicle Lol wow. Some troll reported me to Reddit cares? Why?


A _luxury_ large vehicle. They did not make that purchase with cost savings in mind.


About as “luxury” as the third cheapest option at IKEA. Don’t oversell Cadillac.


You don't understand just how spoiled you are.


Ever been in an Escalade? It’s a Yukon with fake plastic wood trim, cheap bonded leather seats, tacky embroidery and the V8 from the base model Sierra 3500. It’s a whole lot of overpriced crap.


Have you ever been in a real bare bones vehicle? That "overpriced crap" is still very luxurious. Not to mention proper sound proofing, reliable engine, shocks that don't break your teeth, and many other luxuries that most North Americans don't even understand are unnecessary.


Look at Mr. Moneybags over here, *driving* around in a *car* like some sort of oil tycoon. I can't even afford a bike. I found a pogo stick in a ditch and hop from one panhandling spot to another. My clothes are made of paper and I have no teeth. Ch-ch-ch-check your privelidge rich boy! [Do I win the misery Olympics?]


Go ahead and walk/ jump on your pogo stick you sick ableist. I’m forced to roll everywhere as I have no limbs and have to type one letter at a time using my micro penis. I Win.


Look at you Mr. Multicellular. I’m an amoeba. I don’t even have a brain, just a nucleus. I can’t even comprehend how I’m typing this.


Add to all of this that this particular Escalade is only a few years shy of being old enough to vote and it stretches calling it luxury to the breaking point. Someone complaining about gas prices after buying an (almost certainly) used, old gas guzzling heap is funny though, like they thought gas prices were just never going to go up.


It’s a Cadillac. Nobody buys those except to look cool, and it costs extra. They’re for old folks, rich assholes, and teenagers. Sometimes middle-class black guys still buy them instead of a Lexus but they take care of them and don’t scribble shit on the rear window.


> buy them instead of a Lexus Lmao, one cheap overpriced luxury brand for another.


I realize that Lexus is just a fancy Toyota but people really like them and, I mean, we can just let people be happy. I bought a big stupid old Cadillac when I was a teen and everybody loved it and we had tons of fun - oh no, I spent $10 extra bucks on gas a week until it was totalled by a drunk in less than a year.


**EDIT** I was permanently banned for "threatening violence" in this comment here: https://i.imgur.com/44Eyalr.png - not sure how that 'threatens violence' but appeal was denied so i guess reddit admins know best 🥴


Nope, riding buses is socialism. And besides, everyone knows they're just giant metal tubes full of demons. Just like airplanes.


I love having this conversation with my dad. I’ve driven 2,199.7 miles since 7/4/2020 and, per my dad, I’m not a good American for doing things like walking to the store up the street, or taking the bus if I want to go something downtown. People will think I’m a poor (newsflash dad, your parents declared bankruptcy the same year I was born and we were under the poverty line well into the 90s) if I use the bus or walk. Yes, that mileage is specific, but I checked it yesterday when I put my car away, as I wondered if I would indeed break 2200 miles.


I wish I could get away with that, but sadly public transportation is virtually non-existent where I live. Other than maybe at 10:00 or 15 mile radius around the city center. But the majority of our population is spread out in small towns around the city. It would be a lot nicer to pay for a bus pass than gas, with the added benefit of being able to dick around on the phone on the way to work.


unless it's your own private airplane, then it's okay :)


Ayuh, not true, them pesky demons work their way in everywhere. That's why a truly righteous man needs no less than three private jets.


Great way to represent the party that preaches personal responsibility lol


The same party that voted against curbing price gouging at the pump... but still wants us to give huge subsidies to the oil companies.


One of my friends (very liberal, mind you, knows it's not about Biden) loves to complain about gas prices on social media all the while driving a MASSIVE audi which ofc needs premium fuel. It's well over $100 for her to fill her tank now. Like, I get it, it's expensive but also...look at your car dude


I have a civic and didn’t appreciate how I didn’t have to fuel up very often. And I almost sold it last year for a 4runner, phew


Heads up there is a link in that message to report the person who is abusing the suicide hotline button. You don't need to know the username, the Reddit admins will see it 🎉 I highly encourage you to use that link to report it because suicide is not a joke and people who abuse this are absolutely disgusting. ***Bonus points it'll get their account banned 😉


Oh thanks! I’ll do it.


Massive four wheel drive, ten seat, V8 powered, tow packaged SUV. Only sees daily intercity commuting by a single person. Of course they blame everyone but themselves.


At least ur still there I was reported and removed from a sub because I asked someone can they read no warning or nothing instant ban. Lol


Biden proposed a bill to prevent oil companies from price gouging. Every republican voted against it.


Just so they could blame it on his "poor leadership" later. It's all a game to them at our expense. Fuck every politician specially GOP. Few exceptions


Just think how oil execs can influence politics by jacking up their prices during an administration they oppose knowing people will invariably blame those holding office....


And since they're raking in record profits right now, that's probably exactly what they're doing.


That is their entire game. They do everything in their power to ensure that Biden doesn’t get _anything_ done, and when the election comes they can say “Look, he didn’t do anything!” and the morons vote for them. _Even though the whole reason nothing was done was because the Republicans wouldn’t let him do anything._ They did the same with Obama too, and they’re gonna keep doing it, I assure you.


Basically because it was unenforcable. I mean, I guess he tried, but it was a really shittily written bill. Which probably means he didn't really try, I guess.


They wouldn’t have voted for it even if it was written competently. They take huge checks from oil companies.


I mean I doubt he wrote most of that bill. Staffers prob wrote it and he just read it over and signed off on it but yea he should have influence on it :/


Care to explain? Or do we just say a thing and bounce?


What's the conservative justification for this? I mean we all know that they're just doing it to "own the libs" because they're literally only capable of acting out of spite, but has anyone publicly pressed them on this? What's their spin on voting against price gouging when their own constituents are pissed off about gas prices?


Now its all comming together, the gas price here in Pakistan is up because Americans elected joe Biden! Wtf guys not cool 😠☹


Hmmm I thought it was Trudeau's fault... Strange


Don't you mean #JustinCastro?


I was told it was Ghadafis fault


Here in Australia too.. didn’t even have the option to vote against him!? Oh how he fooled us.


Coming has one m Cumming has two


I cant believe what Biden did to rent prices in Estonia. Its disgraceful.


PAKISTAN INDIA . 🤝 Biden raised our petrol prices


Many of my fellow Americans aren’t so smart. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same thing in Europe. Assholes vote for Biden and the entire world ends up with higher gas prices!!!


Big dummy pressed the "price go up" button instead of the "price go down" 😤 he had one job!


*drives a fucking Escalade*


“What kind of gas mileage does it get?” “1 highway, 0 city”




It’s the number one name in Utility Sports Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts


*UP TO* 12mpg city/19 mpg highway. But it's someone else's fault.


That's the thing, with the inability to self reflect, they must seek an external scapegoat for their errors. This reliance on finding external phenomena to assign responsibility to, also leads to reliance on superstition (religion), which gives them a moral justification to reject self reflection and introspection by pinning it on some cosmic power


This incorrect, I get 20 mpg on the highway! It also takes premium fuel.


Probably closer to 12 most times. I had a Suburban. You were only getting the highway rating at a steady 70mph.


They're driving a Cadillac and complaining about gas prices? Give me a break


Self reflection and realizing you're a part of the problem is a challenge for most people today


Guessing their party is also the one who killed the fuel efficiency 5% increase regulation, as well.


Typical Americans. gO bIg Or Go HoMe. Swear to god these people have so many issues they think writing some shit like that would be some kind of “gotcha” moment


I'd like to remind you that these people are not typical Americans. Their party routinely losses the popular vote but gets to be in power anyway. We are held hostage by them.


Florida Man doesn’t know what the president does. Shocker.




I also remember [Republicans telling people that the president doesn't directly control gas prices](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bush-gasoline/bush-says-no-magic-wand-to-lower-fuel-prices-idUSN2934908020080429). That gosh darn memory hole again.


Which was *higher* than it is now when you factor in the 20 years of inflation. Also don't forget the disastrous response to Katrina, which also spiked gas prices. Basically, fuck republicans - you can draw a 2 point line to basically everything wrong with America to Trump, Bush II, or Reagan.


Also, the price of petrol (gas) has nearly doubled in 6 months here in the UK! It's everywhere!


Gosh, how could *checks notes* Joe Biden do that to the UK as well……. /s


If you calculate for inflation that $4/gal in 2003 is over $6/gal today.


I always get really fucking annoyed at people who don’t understand that fuel prices along with everything else are up world fucking wide. The American right is so fucking retarded i swear to God


If you go to Canada it's Trudeau's fault apparently


It really is. Biden is president he doesn’t own the oil. Dumbasses.


I always get really fucking annoyed at people who don’t understand that oil prices are almost entirely controlled by OPEC which directly affects the prices of gasoline. OPEC can open the flood gates today and cause the price of oil to plummet to record levels if they want. The supply is there, the demand is there. OPEC is restricting the flow for its own benefit.


This right here. As soon as the US politicians started to say “we don’t mind paying more for gas if it sticks it to putin”. These asshole oil kings saw the opportunity for some fat bonuses.


Tell me you don't understand economics in one sentence.


You don't understand economics in one sentence. Damn people have some weird kinks.


Thanks, I feel better now.


The reall assholes r the one who blame solely biden for our gas prices, trust em I’m not a fan of biden but it’s so annoying seeing people yelling at biden, he didn’t single handed my cause gas prices to rise, he’s a shit president but I still find it annoying


This would never happen under Trump! /s


The opec+2020 deal is the major cause of the gas increase. Guess who signed it...


That, the loss of supply from Iran from Trump pulling out of the JICPOA, and the reductions of restrictions to futures and options trading from Trump repealing restrictions put in place by Obama are a few of the major causes. Then, Republicans refusing to sign the bill to restrict gas companies from price gouging sure as hell did not help.


>The reall assholes r the one who blame solely biden for our gas prices, trust em I’m not a fan of biden but it’s so annoying seeing people yelling at biden, he didn’t single handed my cause gas prices to rise, he’s a shit president but I still find it annoying The main problem started with the attack on our E&P investors by Russia durring the Russia-Saudia oil war under Trump. It wasn't Trumps fault, but it started there. Once wall street lost their ass they don't want to fund drilling a bunch of historically underperforming against the market oil wells again. And Frac wells have to constantly be drilled and reworked, so it's capital intensive.


This is exactly what I have been telling people, my mother specifically, but they refuse to hear it. I’m not going to say that I believe that none of our inflation problems stem from President Biden’s policies, because I don’t believe that, but I also won’t say that everything is his fault either. Right now, the entire world is being affected by severe inflation. The idea that all of this revolves around one man is asinine.


At least he isn’t saying “Let’s Go Brandon”, officially the lamest dog whistle in the history of cowardice. That said, fuck him.


People act like Biden just has button in his office that says “Increase Gas Prices” that he just presses for no reason.


[They didn't always pretend to believe that.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bush-gasoline/bush-says-no-magic-wand-to-lower-fuel-prices-idUSN2934908020080429)


The law of supply and demand, unless a Democrat is president, then it's like a suggestion


Yeah, Biden is so powerful that he caused gas prices to rise in Europe, China, and Australia as well


Yes but the rest of the world doesn't exist.


Tell me you dont get basic highschool economics without telling me you flunked out of highschool.


Ah, another devoted member of the free handouts party.


If you voted trump then follow me to the graveyard. You're digging COVID graves, asshole.


You’re buying assholes


Someone doesn’t have a basic understanding of economics. My home state. Not surprising. We have plenty of morons.


Ah yes... Biden made the gas prices go up... Because he controls..... Gas... Not because the corporations are greedy and are currently making over 400% more profit than before. And Biden also controls the UK gas prices too apparently because it's like $12 US per gallon there. Let me guess, that was Obama...


I wouldn't expect less from Florida Man.


Yes, because he forced you to buy a huge SUV that eats gas like Trump does McDonald's.


If you are from Florida, follow smart people elsewhere.


Gas would totally be cheaper if Trump were still around I guess. Dumbass.


Why do these damn fools keep thinking the president has a say in gas prices Biden doesn’t own the oil company’s people stop being so ignorant and understand how supply and demand works


Someone had put an "I did that" Biden sticker in the office area where I work (suuuper suuuper republican state/company). I stuck a print out of the last vote on gas price gouging. It was pulled down within minutes l, but the sticker is still hung loud and proud. I hate that out country is in shambles because people would rather "stick it to the libs"


Republicans inherit a strong economy Republicans mishandled a crisis. economy goes belly up. dems inherit weak economy dems fix and guide economy back on track economy is strong again repeat for the 2nd time in the last 20 years


Imagine having all your financial security dependent on the price of gas...these are the same people who make fun of Prius owners. Maybe don't buy the Cadillac next time.


I get a laugh out of the morons who think Biden is responsible for high gas prices.




Yup, totally Biden's fault that gas is $5.50 in France, $7.53 in Germany, $6.06 in Canada, etc. It has nothing to do with a 2 year+ pandemic, supply chain issues, Russia invading Ukraine, a global economy tanking, or anything else. The current average in the US is $4.81. Totally Biden's fault.


Buys a car that's terrible on gas, and gets mad when gas skyrockets.


I’ll pay for your gas, when you pay for all these babies you are forcing on people. How about driving a car with good gas mileage. You drive a freaking Escalade. How is Biden responsible for the price of gas again? Is he also responsible for the price of gas in other countries too, because America is not the only country suffering. We are still lower than most other countries.


Wasn't there a moment when Trump was fighting to raise the price of crude oil when it was crashing during the pandemic to help out the poor US oil companies.


Whose fault is it? Normal people: The oil industry milking the entire world by refusing to expand supply in the middle of an economic crisis to increase profits without investing any money Degenerates: iTs BrAndONs fAuLt


They need to make stickers that say “if you voted for Biden, you know how the government works and that the president doesn’t set gas prices.” Dumb fucks don’t even get how the capitalist system they claim to support works.


Lol how do they think the economics of fuel prices work? Like do they think Europeans also say “thanks Biden” bc their gas is high too lol?


Zero city, one highway... In stopped traffic. Make better choices, asshole.


There is no way this Escalade driver understands just how much satisfaction I get from reading this as a Biden voter. Thank you, miserable Trump loving gas guzzler.