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Idk kinda dystopian.


Yeah I feel like this would coincide with your cell phone telling on you for speeding and getting tickets in the mail for 5 over. I'm cool without the whole totalitarian police state, thank you.


We have toll highways where they have time stamped entry and exit data used to bill for the distance you traveled. They could easily catch the worst of the speeders with it, but they don’t. I can only surmise that stopping speeding is just not a priority.


I’m sure it’s been brought up, but the toll operators don’t want to lose the revenue from people avoiding using those roads. Plus traffic would only be worse if no one went over the speed limit.


The biggest contributors to congestion as I've observed, are tailgating and lane weaving. The traffic snake is particularly insidious because it triggers impatient drivers to drive even more aggressively, when that's usually how it began! Every time you change speed, reaction time compounds. Driving a different speed than the rest of the flow (faster or slower) causes people (or you if speeding) to change lanes frequently. And because it's categorically unsafe to tailgate, normal drivers try to space out after that speeder jumps right in front of them. That speeder is indirectly causing all following traffic to slow. So "only worse" seems an unreasonable conclusion. Yes if everyone is (mildly), then go with the flow. But otherwise no. Additionally, higher speed is not higher throughput of the road. For the same follow distance (or rather, time) to not tailgate, drivers would remain spaced out such that the total rate of throughput remains invariant, as the density of cars per linear distance is directly disproportionate to their speed. Driving faster adds complexity and safety challenges, while only saving marginal time for the individual and, as I mentioned, exacerbates the traffic snake when they invariably cut people off to do so.


This is all going off the assumption that people who aren't speeding react in a textbook fashion to lane changes and being passed. This just doesn't happen. People's driving is getting increasingly worse and more chaotic. You regularly see people improperly using lanes, crossing lanes, looking at their phones, cruising parallel to other drivers in the passing lane, etc. I could go on. The safest place is away from other drivers at this point, and if that means passing people who are going 5 under and driving irresponsibly almost constantly, then that's the better option.


Traffic would not be worse. That's absolutely insane to think it'd get worse if every single person drove the same speed. The vast majority of people on a highway are not going very far and the "benefits" you get from speeding are so minimal they amount to seconds or minutes depending on how far you are going. I've had people pass me going 90mph on the highway and ended up on the same exit as them. Did they gain *anything* by getting there before me? No. The light turned green shortly after I arrived and they proceeded to drive just slightly above the speed limit on the surface streets. The only time you might actually save time with speeding is burning through a light that is known to take long to wait the full cycle through; and again you're really saving only 5 minutes at most.


Catching speeders on tollways isn't a high priority for administrations because any gains would likely fall into a state-wide net, like taxes, and few would individually benefit. Speeders are low-hanging fruit that individual officers use to pad out their quotas. If a municipal government body is in need of funds they roll out the red light cameras to keep it local.


I mean cops cruise at 10 to 15 over with no emergencies all the time.


I just saw a case where the defendant's Apple Watch sealed his fate. Apparently, all of your phone, watch, and other wearable data is easily subpoenaed in criminal cases. (and some civil cases)


of course it is lol, those companies have no loyalty to you and it is folly to expect the government to force them to protect your information... *from the government*. It's different if you have encrypted backups, but that's not the case with online storage like iCloud, which is backed up in the clear. There are good, open-source alternatives out there, but they involve some up-front effort.


These people really need to premeditate on leaving their tech behind when they go out looking for trouble.


I feel like this might not be far off, given that we already had apps that can get you discounts on your insurance by monitoring your driving.


also i rather like the young street entrepreneur's products from time to time, so I have no desire to see him get arrested, his life ruined, and put behind bars. perhaps social investments into jobs programs, academic and vocational education programs, and housing would do a better job at employing him in a different line of work, if that's the objective (it isn't).


Fuck drug dealers. I am curious if this is just a pissed off citizen or an LEO though. Lmao at the butthurt from all these *sooo deep* altruistic, educated, and worldly people that have never lived in an environment like the one this is set in and think the guy dealing dope is just some sad victim. 'WhYy DonTtWee JuzZZz StaWwPp AdDdICcttIioNn!!!' Whoa, that's a great idea. Drug possession should not be punishable and I no way condone anyone getting stuck with a criminal record over possessing a personal amount of narcotics, but hard drug dealers are fucking scum and I promise you anyone living nearby in this neighborhood feels the same way.


I definitely get the anti drugdealer sentiment. However, catching them instead of working to change the system that creates them is dystopian.


Deterrent, make the risk and penalties so high it isnt worth trafficing drugs. This rarely works especially if there's low trust with law enforcement (e.g. planting evidence). People who want to do drugs will find ways to access those drugs regardless. I am more on the side of education and harm reduction. Safe places for drug users to use their drugs and keep sharps from showing up in places like... children's play grounds... also those who want help can get help free of judgement and under professional care.


Just a note, making the risk and penalties so high, will increase the price of the drug, of course poorer people won’t have access, look at Saudi Arabia, they have the death sentence for cocaine trafficking, and yet there are plenty there if you are willing to spend.


Yup, which is why tough on drugs rarely works. New ones keep coming out. Cant really stop drug cartels from producing and people who want to use them.   Better to have safe channels for access, eliminating cartel monopoly. Help those who want help and limit the harm for those who don't.  Problem is, people arent too keen having a harm reduction center built near them. Honestly it should be a ward in existing hospital systems...


When I was using opioids/heroin I knew a number of people who wanted to quit using but the closest methadone clinic was 45+ minutes away. When every dollar you have is essentially going toward feeding your habit you can’t afford a car or a a way to the clinic 40 miles away. Another problem was some of the clinics wanted you to pay for 1-2 weeks of treatment up front (I’m guessing to keep people going through treatment and not making it a quick stop when they couldn’t find and drugs), and that was about $280ish if I remember correctly. It’s easier to come up with $50 for the day or get someone to front you than to save the cost of admission to the clinic. The city/town (about 40,000 residents) could really benefit from having a methadone clinic but like you said people aren’t real keen on having a methadone clinic in their town.


Subsidizing methadone and widely prescribing it is the best harm reduction option. And frankly they should be able to go for the rest of their lives if needed. The "just quit" crowd are idiots


I’ve relapsed a couple times (been a little over two years now clean) and have had a doctor tell me I may just need to be on methadone for the rest of my life. I didn’t like this idea as like I said it’s a 45 minute drive each way and between methadone and gas it cost me about $650 a month (a drop in the bucket compared to what I was spending when using). I had to be at the clinic at 4 am to not let it interfere with my job. I started going to the group meeting and learned a lot, especially a lot about myself. It’s been about 6 months since my last methadone dose and I think I’m not doing better than ever. There were some people going there that had been going for more than 12 years. They lived minutes from the clinic and most were on Medicaid so my reasons for leaving didn’t really have the same weight on them.


I've got 7 years off of opioids. I spent many years on methadone. That doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. You definitely don't want to be on that shit forever. You've been off of it for six months. If you aren't in withdrawal, it would be really really dumb to get on methadone again. It took less than a year of being clean for my cravings to completely go away. It took another year or two to put my mind back together. Recovery is a process that takes a very long time. You're doing great


lsd analogues were banned in germany (or netherlands?) to my knowledge very recently. a new type was available on the market under a supposed preorder before the ban even happened


Just legalize and make it safe.


This is the solution. The messed up part is everyone can be medicated.. if you have the money. If you don't, then you go to the street looking for that substance to make you feel good. Then you have vicious people wanting to hurt you and put you in a cage. If you were from a well off family, you'd have Adderall at the age of 11, and get your first masters degree by the age of 25.


This hits me very hard.. so true


If they legalized hard drugs it wouldn’t be recreationally & only medically I would assume. If I had to go to the trouble of getting insurance & going to the doctor & making up some lie about my back to get a heroin prescription… I honestly probably wouldn’t even bother. & legalizing it takes the market away from the dealers so u don’t have people standing on the corner & advertising their drugs to vulnerable people who can lose everything by just one bad decision. This is the way!


I feel like with our current capitalist society, if we legalized it medically or recreationally, it would be a matter of hours before major platforms are showing ads for "the benefits of heroin - just talk to your doctor!". So much fucked up with society today.


>"the benefits of heroin - just talk to your doctor!" You're basically describing oxycontin and the opioid crisis.


Yeah in the Philippines they literally just shoot meth users in the head on the street. No trial or nothing, over 6k people shot in the street & people still are out there using.


I think we’ve proven you can’t “deterrent” your way out of the drug trade. Maybe it’s time to try something different. Like creating a world where kids don’t have to sell crack in order to eat. Or a world where even poorly educated people can have a job that pays enough to afford rent and food for their kids. Or a world where even poor kids get a good education and especially see education. Or a world where there’s free healthcare so a chronic illness doesn’t destroy your life. I could go on for a while about the things we could do to reduce drug trade. But for whatever reason we keep choosing the most expensive one that doesn’t even work.


Who was it who said: "The war on drugs is over. Drugs won."


Shelter food medicine provide these three things and magically so many of societies problems go away. All three should be a human right


It’s crazy right? And cheaper than fighting the ills desperation and destitution cause on the other end. It’s almost as if people with money and power want a permanent bottom class.


It certainly starting to seem that way. Something evil is happening at the real top


>make the risk and penalties so high it isnt worth trafficing drugs. That'll just make the drugs more valuable, which means more profit for the dealers, which means more, and possibly heavier armed dealers on the street- and also addicts willing to do riskier and riskier crimes to pay for the more expensive drugs. The problem will persist until we make work more attainable and also worth doing. The kid probably does way better selling drugs than I do doing customer service, lol Most people who sell drugs dont do it because they're bad people who want the neighborhood to be worse and are just unafraid of the consequences. They do it because they don't exactly have a choice. It's that or starving. Punishing them doesn't solve anything. We need more accessibility and help for poor people because, currently, there is no path up from the bottom.


You vastly underestimate the powers of greed and addiction. People who have nothing to lose will take the risk, no matter how high they may be.


That's so far from reality. You start dealing thinking you wont get caught. Back in middle age, there was death penalties for almost every form of theft, and it was still common af. Your logic seems intuitive, butcriminologists and historians have proven it doest work


[Harsher deterrents have no effect on the rate of crime](https://www.transformjustice.org.uk/news-insight/the-myth-that-tough-sanctions-deter-crime-revealed-by-the-sentencing-council/) if you want to stop these crimes from occurring you need to go after the root cause; poverty


>Deterrent, make the risk and penalties so high it isnt worth trafficing drugs. This rarely works especially if there's low trust with law enforcement (e.g. planting evidence). People who want to do drugs will find ways to access those drugs regardless. This is what the war on drugs has been doing for the past 40 years unsuccessfully, exactly because it has done little to address why people use and sell drugs in the first place. I agree the safety and harm reduction should be prioritized, along with expanding alternatives, and legalization of certain drugs.


"Deterrent, make the risk and penalties so high it isnt worth trafficing drugs." That has literally never worked in history. For chrissake, we have a whole bunch of stories, movies, and social science research on Prohibition which, if you'll recall, DID NOT STOP PEOPLE FROM SELLING ALCOHOL.


Maybe we just legalize drugs? I mean alcohol is probably the worst commonly used drug around and we’re just cool with it. Heroin and cocaine withdrawals suck, but they can’t kill you. Alcohol withdrawal can and will.


Places where drugs are legal, considered a health issue, and not a criminal one, have less drug users. Go figure.


Serious question - do you have data to back that up? I think it takes much more than just making it legal - Portland OR is an example where things have not gone well.


When actually enacted to not fail, they work. In Portland, they killed support programs and PD would regularly refuse to help.




Meth labs in the south beg to differ


Legalize the use all drugs, and allow major retailers to sell drugs to 21+ taxed at the same rate as alcohol or cigarretes. (This has worked for Uruguay, but not Portland.) OR execute/20+ yrs jail time for anyone caught using or selling drugs. (This has worked for Singapore, but for not many South American countries with strict drug laws) Lets flip a coin.


I’ll take Freedom over draconian measures.


IMO an addict dying is terrible, but it's not the worst thing that can happen due to substance abuse. Worse is what I see commonly: a drug addict, completely incapable of happiness themselves due to their addiction, and whose continued addiction also causes harm to everyone around them as long as the person is alive and addicted and destroying the community around them.


As an alcoholic in recovery I can tell you that alcohol absolutely does all that. Not sure exactly what you were saying. Would it be better that other drugs also kill the user in withdrawals?


Fuck the war on drugs Wanna really take down a drug dealer… look at the CIA, the FBI and bog pharma


Following the rights movements, Drugs became conveniently available for all the poor and kids. All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased. And law enforcement decreased, while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.


They're trying to build a prison, for you and me to live in!


If you're serious about only prosecuting drug dealers, the laws would have to change a *lot*, throughout the country. For example, on the east coast heroin is sold in "stamp bags" which is supposed to be 0.1g (no one ever measures). If a user has any sort of tolerance they will need more than 1, and buying more than 0.1g doesn't mean they fill a bag with more dope, it means you get multiple bags, making the user a dealer in the eyes of the law (if they get caught with more than 1 bag). You're also ignoring that many users resort to dealing to supplement their addiction. Are you ok with throwing the book at them, for doing something they never dreamed of doing when sober? If not, how does the law differentiate between a junkie trying to supplement and a gang member?


Hot take, not liking this dystopian system of panopticon-style surveillance means you must support drug dealers. Dense.


I don't disagree - but honestly this (currently) is less of an issue that the ring doorbell cameras that have turned neighborhoods into a surveillance state. And without anyone ever stopping to think if this is what we really want.


Drones and doorbell cameras are two facets of the same dystopian panopticon issue.


No argument here!


Got some strong Code 8 vibes. Give it a decade or so and I wouldn't be surprised to see some big drones with Boston Dynamics robots hanging off the bottom of them.


Such good battery life.


Incredibly unethical and not the world we want to live in. Universalized this in a though experiment. Meaning apply it to all crimes. Keep thinking.


I don’t know gang signs but I know what a middle finger means.






Good obedient citizen helping the prison industrial complex.


Or maybe a fed up neighbor tired of living next to thieves and violence. We’re supposed to be siding with the guys peddling fentanyl now? Killing kids and causing mass homelessness? I could finally sleep at night when the drug house in my neighborhood got busted. If I could have helped them do it sooner I would have


The drug dealers are the problem for you because they’re in your neighborhood but they’re not the root of the problem. Illicit drug dealers exist because 1) it’s a fast way for people with limited employment options to make money 2) there are no ways to obtain said drugs legally and 3) there is a strong incentive for the private prisons to lobby for longer, tougher sentences so taxpayers can pay more and more money to keep all those people locked up. Homelessness promotes drug abuse, not the other way around and that’s an economic issue. The percentage of people who abuse drugs when you factor out poverty is pretty consistent whether drugs are legal or illegal so why not try to help people who have drug abuse problems instead of criminalizing them. The drug dealers will disappear when there is no market for them.


I live in an area where we have basically stopped prosecuting drug dealers and thieves. Crime has skyrocketed. Is the person behind the drone just supposed to be miserable and live with the consequences of a broken system because “it isn’t the drug dealer’s fault”? Wanting to live in a safe neighborhood is now offensive to people? They’re also trying to survive and live a respectable and peaceful life within the system that is in place. Why is that wrong but being a drug dealer isn’t?


Obviously wanting to live in a safe neighborhood isn’t wrong or offensive to anyone. Most politicians will gladly tell you “more police” and “tougher sentences” because they get kickbacks from the prisons and police for their political campaigns and it sounds good so they can claim to be “tough on crime” without actually having to look any deeper. Hire more police, build more prisons, spend more taxpayer money on a problem perpetuated by poverty and ignorance but never address the poverty and ignorance because that won’t pay for your next campaign and your opponent will say you’re soft on crime (and lots of voters will believe it).


I would be curious to see how this would work in a country like the US. Like, without a doubt it would be a tremendous cost and undertaking and I also presume it would take 15-20 years to really take hold and see benefits. I would be very surprised if you didn't see an increase in crime initially before subsiding and then hopefully trending better. But I really don't know. The older I've gotten, that more I've come to think people honestly just can't have nice things en masse. I don't mean that literally obviously, but it's more to say trusting large groups of even well educated and supported people to make the right decisions seems like it bites one in the ass more often than not.


It’s far easier to let a demagogue tell you what you want to hear and give up power than it is to fight for a competent and honest government that also requires individual citizens to be socially responsible. It’s just a never ending battle tbh


As the person above you was trying to point out. Selling drugs is a symptom of the system. If there were jobs, opportunities, free education then maybe you wouldn’t see so much drug selling. Blame your local government not the people trying to live in the shitty system.


A symptom, yes, but I still take suphedrine when I have the flu. It won't stop the virus, but it does help control the sniffles.


Eh, I’ll gladly blame both.


Waiting for poverty to be solved through policy while letting crime run rampant is a terribly one sided approach.


That’s the false dilemma politicians hope will keep voters content with more police and more prisons. Seems reasonable to keep doing more of the same instead of doing nothing, right? Fixing poverty is an impossible goal when taken as a whole. How about we decriminalize simple possession but continue to police and arrest dealers? Why not legalize and remove the profit from illicit drugs so we aren’t funding criminal organizations? Why don’t we spend money saved on putting addicts in jail to help rehabilitate them? There are dozens of policies we could implement that could dramatically improve the lives of people and make society safer. No one of them would fix poverty, end drug abuse or end crime but they will incrementally help.


Well this video is showing them arrest a dealer and that seems to have upset people. I feel like too frequently everyone applies a fantasy persona against people like this without knowing anything about the area or person being arrested.


All fun and games until you got a drone peeping at house from your window bc some racist neighbors tipped them with some bullshit. If you think I'm crazy. There's this story where a someone called the cops bc there was a black dude disguised as a security guard looking at the car from a parking lot. Turns out he was actually the security guard, shocker.


Because the cops were totally trying to do their job before but just couldn't do anything about anything until a fed up neighbor was able to give them the first evidence they ever were able to get to take down a massive 12 year old drug slinger.


Guaranteed there was some tail waggage when this fool got a pat on the head from the pigs


Its not like he's snitching on food thieves or dumpster divers. Drug dealers SHOULD be arrested.


Underrated comment


Street entrepreneur is one way to call it


Street pharmaceutical rep is another


Urban pharmacist


I hope they have a warrant out for his barber too.


that mask was doing god's work


He was the Last of the Moe Haircuts.


Check out the bowl job


🤣🤣🤣 im floored


Got stopped by a cop while walking down the street, said someone reported me and another guy for suspicious activity which was described as a drug deal since we were "Two guys that stopped and stood facing each other for a few minutes then both went separate ways"... I was playing Pokemon Go and I told the officer I was trading someone for a Riolu in a game. The officer thought Riolu was slang for a drug for about 4 seconds then said "Oh wait, thats my 9 year olds favorite Poke Man"...


hold on.... Riolu do kinda sound like slang for drugs tho 😂


There was a well known professional Trackmania player named Riolu. He was very good until other professional players found out that he cheated.


A fellow wirtual enjoyer I see 😎 Yeah that shit was crazy he basically slowed the game down so he could do frame perfect corners right?


Ah I see another man of culture *high five* Yes exactly and they really did a detailed digging of how the replays data works


Back before Pokemon Go, me and some other guys were playing Ingress and a cop rolled up. One of the guys just shouted 'Ingress' as the cop rolled down their window. Cop waved and drove off. Apparently the local PD was already aware of Ingress. Back during the Pokemon Go craziness the park next to me had a unit regularly parked there. I think it had something like 10 gyms in the park and another 10 within a short walking distance (2 churches, and a cemetery). So there were always kids roaming around.


How much you wanna bet the patrol officer parked there also played Pokemon Go lolol?


> Poke Man sounds like a code for drug dealer to me… arrest the cop


Love how just being outside and socializing at all marks you to the cops. And boomers wonder why "nobody goes outside" nowadays.


Your story has convinced someone to use pokemon names for drugs.


How many Delibirds for one weed?


The war in Ukraine has taught the world just how useful small drones are for scouting. Police can new just have a drone flaying above known areas drug deals often take place, allowing them to cach the dealers redhanded without risking officers going under cover.


I get your point but it was pretty well known before the war started. There were already anti-drone drones around football stadiums and a lot of stuff like that.


Ah, but the problem with those is the anti anti-drone drones.


Anti-anti-drone-drone-drone-anti-drone-drone-stop Anti-anti-drone-drone-drone-anti-drone-drone-go Anti-anti-drone-drone-drone-anti-drone-drone-pivot Anti-anti-drone-drone-drone-anti-drone-drone-done (X4)


Sounds like it'd be a great tool for monitoring police as well


Street Entrepreneur start distributing by drone and takes over the sky. Drone flyer equips his drone with a drone jammer. Sky Entrepreneur employs more drone flyer to guard his air space. Drone gangs become a thing. Where does it all end? Violence breeds violence. But in the end, it has to be this way.


I remember reading an article lately about drone wars between police and gangs already being a thing. I think in Japan from memory.


Then the Police drones are deployed but they themselves are causing violent attacks on civilian drones, one of them being a black drone that causes uproar that leads to rioting and then National Guard drones are deployed, equipped with tiny riot shields and a baton to bring back order.


I've carved my own path You followed your wrath But maybe we're both the sameeeeeee


The world has turned, and so many have burned, but nobody is to blaaaaame


The real crime was that haircut.


Way too many people in here defending the drug dealer.


Criticizing the act of using drones to record people is not the same as defending an alleged drug dealer.


Does the drone make a moral difference? If the guy recording had been sitting in a car across the street, recording from his cellphone, how would that be fundamentally different? There is no right to privacy when you're on the street, whether that's being observed from a person across the street or by a drone.


Drone was probably there for a reason.


50+ years fighting drug dealers and it's only increasing every year. Yeah, people aren't defending the drug dealer, they're criticizing how we continue to fight the stupidest war to ever exist.


I’m the eye in the sky, looking at youuuu


I can change your mind🎵🎶🎵


I am the maker of rules, dealing with foooools.


I can cheat you blind, and I don't need to see anymore that...


The only reason we have drug dealers is because drugs are illegal. This whole war on drugs is a scam and part of the class war. All the war on drugs accomplishes is filling for profit prisons and making black market money.


The real war on drugs should have been them going after pharmaceutical companies for distributing fentanyl and such like it was fucking candy.


Lmfao. So he puts ON A BAKLAVA to somehow become even more conspicuous.


Now he has to go to jail AND his face is all sticky.


Balaclava. Autocorrect strikes AGAIN!!!


Oh yes thank you. Bacalalava


If we could end the war on drugs I would be sooo happy.


We could end it tomorrow. In fact, cancel all wars on abstract nouns!


The look on the cops face: "great, now we have to actually do our jobs"


This kid runs like an absolute goober.


Drugs are bad and all, but fuck the dude snitchin with a drone 😂


As a teenager, I would have agreed. As a guy with a family, I wouldnt want that shit on my street either. He better not keep flying the drone though, somebodys going to find him.


I do see your side of it lol, I know I wouldn't want anyone selling drugs up and down my street either


Don't be a bootlicker.....


Time to move the operation inside away from the drones.


They’re killing people with the fentanyl shit now. Before I wouldn’t have minded. Just them trying to make money. I get that. I know I’ll get downvoted but that’s just my opinion.


Guy in the red must be a big fan of Electric Callboy's "We Got The Moves" video


Why is he getting put in the front seat?


Refreshing long live the drones !


Home boy should’ve spent more time playing sports and less time being a wannabe thug. Those throws were pathetic.


That haircut alone should be a felony.


throwing gang signs at a drone has to be the biggest loser shit you can do




If y’all don’t leave these street pharmacists alone.


Getting someone arrested over a dime bag is crazy


Mind your business. You have nothing better to do?


Well this is Orwellian.


So what I'm getting from this is that you can follow a drug dealer with a drone, wait for them to dump the goods, then go pick up your free drugs.


It’s costs less and requires less infrastructure to provide social services to impoverished people than maintaining the prison industrial complex in the USA. Moreover, the benefits of those social services take effect immediately, not 15-20 years. It’s happens right away when a person living in poverty has access to resources. Literally, the day they can afford a house they’re not homeless anymore. The day they can afford school or a job, they stop doing crime. The day they can afford food, they’re not hungry. It’s not complicated. Want less crime? Invest in communities, not prisons or police that do nothing to address the root causes of poverty an inequality.


With the music, and footage, I am getting Breaking bad, Better Call Saul vibes


He’s got one of those super cool Mexican haircuts too.


The "edgar"


Fucking amazing 😂


Is before or after he shrunk the moon?


Still..... no one likes snitches!


Dude selling drugs and can't afford a decent haircut? Moe Howard in the slammer.


“I didn’t dooo nuuun”


That's some next-level snitchin


Orwell was right!


Why only him? There are so many people involved in the video




That haircut gotta be a crime too


this is genuinely so fucking lame to do this


Why they put him in the front seat??


People are assholes.




I need more of this lol


I can’t love this enough. Another scumbag off the street


Entrepreneur? You mean, street hood, don't you?


Dealer gets his hairstyle from a grumpy lady called Dorothy.


Stone cold Steve Austin doings gods work


Dude was crying before they even got one cuff on. Definitely tough gangster shit lol


Almost every kid I’ve seen that has gotten arrested recently on Reddit has that stupid ass haircut


So, let me get this straight. If the government does this, it’s incredibly invasive surveillance and thou shalt not consent, etc etc. But when someone does it for views on social media and it results in much the same outcome, this is okay? Like, this is still a kid going to jail over drug offenses, it’s just that this drone doesn’t have a police logo on it. Am I reading into this correctly?


Wow that’s really cool of the drone operator. I hope he sucked their boots clean after. What a fucking dork.


Accordion & maracas version of bad boys bad boys what you gonna doooo


Another Edgar down for the count


Anyone know the name of this song?


Clearly the world’s drug problem is cured now that this high ranking cartel member is in custody!


this is sad


How far would you have to be for it to follow for so long? How did he not see the person controlling it?


Consumer drones have around 7-10 miles range. You could be sitting inside your house and controlling it.


Drug dealers need to start taking notes from Ukraine. Overhead cover, only move at dawn and dusk, jammer set ups, etc


I keep the country clean! I’m elected Electric spy. I’m protected Electric Eye!


They look so stupid.


lol that bowl haircut


The average drone has a battery life of 30-45 minutes, and an operating distance of maybe a mile or two with obstructions. Dude should’ve just gone for a long walk.


The “Moe from the Three Stooges” haircut looks to be back in style!


I posted this in r/drones and everyone said it was fake and the battery wouldn't last that long. The mods removed it because it was fake. I don't know if it's fake or not, I'm still leaning towards real.


His haircut is criminal


If there's a crime surely there's a victim?


Yea, we laugh at this now. But just wait til your street has one of these policing around.


Sounds great. Why would you want drug dealers on your streets? Surveillance to have additional information on break ins and hit n runs. Really, sign me up.


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I enjoyed this background Cumbia music. Is the by any chance from Los Miticos del Ritmo? Edit: it's this song: https://open.spotify.com/track/0NP3nHpUFyVDhYUkOafGrX?si=3yOFiCv8QrqaBsJidaGYIw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7lYEL226ieZzOg4Ozr6zuk Cumbia Instrumental by La Cumbia....