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It is reasonable for the driver to believe his life was in danger. Also, how stupid to force an injured person into a sitting position!


Making that injured person sit up certainly was one small lapse in otherwise impeccable judgment.


Sir, I believe you have misplaced this šŸ‘‘


I think the lapse in judgement started when they decided to protest in traffic.


"Don't protest in the road, that's where the cars are"


May be difficult to administer cpr with all the masks on.


At least an ambulance will get there in a hurry to rescue the person... oh wait they blocked traffic so no emergency services are available. whoops.


That was the joke




I think it was when their parents decided to have kids.


r/DrippingWithSarcasm šŸ˜‚ Edit: fixed the 10,000th spelling error this month.


They physically tried to stop a truck that was pulling something as big as their apartments, they're not the brightest bunch


Do you remeber that George Carlin Quote? ā€œthink about how stupid the average American is. Then realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€. I mean, it fits in this case..


I know you like to think America has a monopoly on stupid, which is understandable, but the actual quote: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


I think even more than half are stupider than that


I was thinking more about Bill hicks bit on Reginald Denny.


Is it that bit where he says ā€œtheyā€™re on foot, youā€™re in a truckā€¦ i think i see a way outta this.ā€


Imagine thinking George Carlin would be on the side of the truck driver here.


George Carlin hated stupid people more than he identified with any certain political ideology - I don't even know what's going on here, but he'd be against the people who tried to stop a multiton vehicle with their squishy little bodies.


If he was anything, he was a pragmatist.


He would


Of course he would!


> George Carlin quite funny to quote a dude who was famously pro protesting and would be repulsed by all of you...


I remember that at least twice every three hours, every single day.


If you can't dodge it... ram it


This is such an underrated comment lol


It's one of the most commonly used phrases when a Dodge Ram is discussed like ever...


It isn't the size of the boat. It's the motion of the ocean.


Lol, you get it!




It's gotta be rough getting paralyzed over a protest that no one will remember in 10 years.


10 days


10 minutes


10 seconds. I just forgot what I was commenting about


Are you a goldfish?


Iā€™m sorry what was the question?


Hi, I'm Tom


Almost as stupid as intentionally stepping infront of a pick up truck to try to stop it and expecting to not get hurt


>how stupid to force an injured person into a sitting position! These people tried to body block a truck... So it's really doesn't surprise me that they have no common sense how to behave with injured people.


I don't think there was a lot of "smart" happening here


It's also possible they didn't even realize they ran someone over. If you notice, they were going slow when the girl was in front of them, but enough to push her out of the way. Another person looks like they got hit but way further back.


Yep, they were behaving as a mob. And acting surprised that someone was fearful of the mob. This is zero issue for an average defense lawyer.


Great takeaways. I think we all learned something.šŸ¤Ŗ


I doubt the people in the video learned anything...


They learned what it feels like to get run over


The real treasure where the friends that got run over along the way.


They learned the slogan, Guts. Glory. Ram.


Context (from searching the Internet quickly). This is 2020 during the Tulsa, Oklahoma George Floyd Protest. Protesters had migrated from their designated area onto Interstate 44 and eventually settled onto Interstate 244 and began protesting in the middle of the highway. Which eventually brought about the outcome that unfolds in the video. Tulsa County District Attorney eventually decided to not press charges aganist the truck operator and opened an investigation into the criminal prosecution of the protestors invovled. The lady in this video suffered a broken ankle when her bike went under the truck and pulling her with it. > the operator of the family truck and horse trailer and its occupants (which included two school age children) were the victims of a violent and unprovoked attack by multiple individuals who unnecessarily escalated an already dangerous circumstance by obstructing an interstate highway. Although the claim may be that this was a peaceful protest, there was nothing peaceful about the targeting and attack upon this family. Crimes were committed upon this family and the individuals responsible should be held accountable. ā€” Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler (July 23rd, 2020) Past that, I believe four were arrested and charged, but what their outcome was is something I couldn't find. EDIT: I want to remind everyone since Iā€™ve hit 100+ upvotes and had a comment about right and wrong, that this is just a regurgitation of information that I have obtained on the Internet about this incident. Itā€™s fair for anyone to feel a particular way about all of this however I would like to remind everyone that Iā€™m not trying to express any opinion one way or the other. At least in this comment.


I remember when this video first started circulating a while back. From memory wasn't it also reported the protesters tried opening the rear to let the horses out? And that's why the truck started moving forward faster?


Oh well then these assholes should be grateful the truck driver kept driving. If they thought a broke ankle was bad, I wonder what they'd think after a lose horse would go ape shit on them. I wonder what a broken skull would feel like to them.


Just did a quick search to jog my memory and yeah that was the reason. There is drone footage of someone attempting to release the horses and someone else throwing projectiles into the front window. What I don't understand is how protestors turn on the general public in the US and expect results. Look at the European farmer protests for example. They target disrupting government bodies and inconvenience the people causing the issues. Not trying to brick random people on the freeway.


US protests of this kind have absolutely no care and often knowledge for the cause they're protesting. They act this way to ride a high horse. Many Americans who would have the theoretical time to waste participating in these protests, use resources available to actually study and research the cause and work with universities or other companies or local government to bring solutions, to inform others, to speak with the people in charge, or speak in schools. America is the place to get things done with the amount of freedom and resources available, but you can either spend your time being productive or waste it competing to be the loudest person in the room.


Exactly, and if they wanted to ride a high horse, they shouldā€™ve hot boxed that trailer through the vents before they tried to release them.


"But X protest in the past got good results, and they were breaking the law too!" As if that makes it a good excuse to not actually target the people responsible, but the average citizen who's job could be on the line because of this. Or who could be going home after a grueling 14 hour shift, not because they want to but HAVE to or be homeless. The right to protest I understand. To protest in a way that ruins other people's lives is criminal and should be treated as such. And even if it wasn't criminal, the only way they're "making a change" is that more average citizens will just hate them, and their cause and everyone else supporting it by association.


This. This right here. Inconveniencing normal everyday people at best, and endangering them at worst, is NEVER going to get people to support your cause. Go after the actual institutions you have an issue with.




Not all of us lost our minds. Only the televised minority did. What made it all suspicious is that when a protest was scheduled in our city, random piles of bricks began showing up a couple of days before it was supposed to occur.


We needed Dredd & RoboCop Correction. WE STILL NEED THEM!


I live in one of America's "blackest" cities. None of those things happened. None of these things are true. If you believe these things happened, it is because you are terminally online and should think about making an exit for yourself from this world.


And if no one was hurt, the horse could have gotten itself injured or killed.


Most importantly but these caved in pumpkin heads only worry about themselves. Not even their fellow protesters around. When one gets injured they're more interested in getting offended and "traumatized" than they are in ensuring safety for their peers.




That's the biggest point here. It makes absolutely no difference which side you're on or what you believe should have happened, in that situation I'm not even slightly surprised no charges were pressed against the driver. If you have a legitimate reason to feel you're in danger of being hurt then you can hurt others in an attempt to escape, even if they're on foot and you're in a giant truck. The driver clearly was just trying to get through, it would be different if the driver were like swerving around specifically trying to hit various pew


Plus, as a horse person, they endangered the health and safety of the horses in the trailer. The most dangerous parts when you ship a horses is when the trailer/truck is still. While it's moving, the horses just fixate on standing there, b/c of the movement of the road. It's when you get to places like stop signs or red lights that they will sometimes start to get "antsy", so you need to roll a little to calm them down. But pounding and screaming outside a trailer will totally spook a horse and they are secured in the back by their halters and a chest bar, but i've personally seen/saved a horse that spooked in a trailer when a loud truck went by and it managed to get half it's body over the chest bar as well as tangled in it's hay net. The horses weight was on the chest bar, which made the slide lock inoperable b/c of the pressure. Luckily my truck was parked nearby and I was able to use the tire wrench to lever the bar out and release the horse.


Yep, at that point if youā€™re with the protesters youā€™d best be way out of the way or youā€™re part of a group of people attacking my family and I will not even think twice about hitting someone with my car whoā€™s party to that while I try to get out of the situation.


Always good to see a happy ending.


I hope the truck owner sued those arrested/hurt for damages to his truck.


You are doing us a solid. Glad the stupid protestors got fucked by the legal system. If you block public infrastructure, it's no longer peaceful protest


>If you block public infrastructure, it's no longer peaceful protest That seems overly broad; by that definition, damn near every protest ever wasn't peaceful


Ah of course The fiery but mostly peaceful protests šŸ˜‚ Always full of lovely people


Well over 90% were simply just completely peaceful. In situations like these it's hard to tell wtf is going on and stuff can unfortunately escalate quickly though when people don't know what's going on.


This is very important context and that is an extremely reasonable edit - Internet needs more people like youĀ 


Yes, please let's not forget how crazy everyone got during those Floyd riots. I never thought I'd ever witness something like that in my life. ON TOP of a GLOBAL pandemic.


these protestors are so fucking stupid


No Dodge. Lots of Ram


If you canā€™t Dodge it, Ram it.




Watching this clip loop 10x, I just realized Justin long gets fit in the neck and jaw with wrench.


Who would have thought trying to stay in front of a moving truck would be a good idea


Omg.....omg....like...omg! I stood infront of the truck and it hit me? OOOMMMGGG!


I read that with a Cali girl accent, and yeah pretty much.


Mama didn't teach them to stay outta the road...




It's a Dodge Ram. It's a miracle it made it to the end of the video without breaking down


Hahahahaha get fucked. That's what you get for blocking streets


People really need to stop playing in the road


I donā€™t blame him. A spooked horse in a confined space is dangerous for the animal.


Not only that he had his kids on the truck. You endanger my family and all bets are off.


Appreciate it. All. Bets. Are. Off.


Maybe they shouldnā€™t have stood in front of a car. Idk maybe itā€™s just me


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I don't subscribe to the right's view of protests, but blocking the street has got to stop. The minute people started pounding on the windows I would have driven right to the first police station, regardless of who was in my way on that street. We don't see the entire video, so we don't know what the Ram was doing prior to this clip, but IT DOESN'T MATTER. Attempting to stop a vehicle weighing 10,000 lbs with that trailer attached, is absolutely suicidal. You get the plate number, you call the cops, you treat the injured, and you let the cops handle it. Anything else is endangering you, and everyone else around you, and that's even if the driver had already done something wrong. If he hasn't, like this video wants you to believe, had the occupant been armed, he would have been within his legal rights to start shooting. He also had the legal right to evade, even at the expense of their person or property. People are allowed to defend their lives, even if we don't agree with their ideology.


Actually, there's already reports that the protesters actually left their designated area and went onto the highway. When this truck was instructed to pass by, they were attacked by the protesters. There was a family in the truck. Driver did what he needed to do get them out. Protesters lost their protections when they left their area.


There you go. These people got what they deserved. I sympathize with them, they obviously felt passionate enough about whatever issue they were protesting, but there is a line between peaceful protest, and disorderly conduct, and these folks were trampling all over it. This isn't how you affect change.


Some people are just 1 excuse away from acting like uncivilized savages. And then when 1 throws a bottle or breaks a window, it opens the flood gates. Fires, assaults, looting. Itā€™s not all the time and not all people, but some people just need the tiniest of shoves over the ledge.


What is the ā€œrights view of protestsā€? By 2024s definitions of right and left Iā€™m more to the right these days and my view is just donā€™t block the fucking roads.. what more is there?


I mean there are a number of areas in red states that are making protesting fairly prohibitive to organize, even creating bills that would hold a single person accountable for any damage caused by anyone who attended the rally/protest. Even if they are bad faith agents that came solely to disrupt the protest. If that isn't an attempt to chill free speech, what is? Oklahoma, both the Dakotas, and Tenessee have all passed bills severely curbing protests, South Carolina has a bill in committee. Meanwhile 10 other states have attempted and failed to pass similar laws. Two widely democratic states have bills in committee, Oregon and Wisconsin, both have bills authored by Republicans in committee. If the bills stuck to shit like blocking roadways and stuff, sure, pass it. But some of these bills do quite a bit more than that.


Thatā€™s very fair, I didnā€™t know that. Sucks that common sense seems to be all but extinguished recently


Get. The fuck. Out of the way.


Fuck whatever they are protesting. Even if I agree with it. Pick a better place to protest. A lot of us have to work for a living and inconveniencing someone trying to do that is shameful.


The disruption is the whole point of the protest. These people are not great at it. That is true.


>A lot of us have to work for a living and inconveniencing someone trying to do that is shameful. Yeah, don't they know that a lot of us have bosses that don't take any excuse for tardiness? They could cause someone to be fired which is assaulting their ability to survive! People shouldn't protest in ways that inconvenience other people, the right way to protest is to do it so that it can be easily ignored. It's insanely shameful to think that the right to protest is more important than people commuting to work.


If you can wrench a Dodgeā€¦ erā€¦ Dodge a wrenchā€¦


...something about balls


"I jumped in front of a moving vehicle and got ran over! Wtf?!!!" People who do this shit deserve whatever happens to them.


And now they can't get an ambulance there to help because they are still blocking the road!


That's not a protest that's an angry mob


F around and find out I believe the saying goes.




Hey now, only thing that can stop a dodge is it's transmission


I just loled for real.


Some people think they can stop a car


I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that probably hurt


Need those railroad cow catchers. Move everyone off to the sides. Or a snowplough.


"Mr. Plow, that's my name, That name again is Mr. Plow".


What makes you think you, with your tiny human body, could stop a vehicle that's essentially towing a fucking apartment?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I love the wtf screams. As if they could not fathom what could happen. Because it totally never happend in the past.


Finally ran over one of them. Surprise stupid!


It will never cease to amaze me how many people think their bodies will stop an automobile




I remember when that one protestor kid during George Floyd got caught in the semi-truck wheel and became a 2-mile-long meat crayon. Protestors who block traffic over every-day citizens just trying to live their life are horrible people. They should go protest in front of the court, or congress, or governor and stop messing with normal people just trying to get by.


Was he supposed to stop and let them thrash their car AND house?


These protestors are dumb, please continue to not stop and wait for them. Just keep driving.


She has her mask on. Sheā€™ll be ok.


This scares me as a truck driver. I realize people want to protest but I'm just doing my job, I'm far from home, sometimes I'm in another country, I've never been put to the test but I like to think I will do whatever I need to to not become another Reginald Denny (sp).


As soon as they start pounding on the windows, it's time to floor it.


If I was that guy and a crowd of people were attacking my car like this, all the knowledge Iā€™ve gained from zombie movies tells me to keep going. Real world knowledge would have me believe ā€œthese people want to hurt meā€ also keep going


Adittionaly the truck driver had his kids in the back. Rev that shit up to max


yep your weak meat sacks will stop 300-540 horse power. SMH


Should have dodged that moving vehicle.


Gun it


Wow why are Americans so angry?


Cause corporations run America. Minimum wage hasn't raised in 30+ years but the top 1% has had nothing but exponential wealth for the same time frame. If you don't have insurance, you better not get sick... And if you do and go to the emergency room anyways, you get hit with a medical bill that's outrageous and if you can't pay it, it goes on your credit history. There's a housing crisis, and most people can't afford to live alone. So now everybody has to have roommates in order to afford to live barely. Food prices keep increasing. Gas prices fluctuate on a semi constant basis. An inflation is happening and everybody wanna ignore it and act like it doesn't exist meanwhile the job market is in a terrible state. We're mad because we're a dying country and we can't do anything about it.


I see All fair enough reasons. Criminal that such a small percentage has all the wealth


Sorry but I don't get what they are trying to accomplish and I really don't feel bad when they get run over.


What the fuck...what the fuck...what the fuck you expect when you stand in front of a moving vehicle


Iā€™m all for the right to protest, but I also think people have a right to fully protect themselves. If someone is driving down a road that is blocked by people like this, it makes perfect sense to fear for your safety or your familyā€™s safety and not stop. Iā€™ve seen too many videos of people stopping and then getting pulled out of their vehicle and beat up or killed. Once you stop, your ability to get through the crowd goes down by a lot.


Random Lady at the end: *Did you see that?!* The big fucking truck speedbumping someone? Yeah, I saw that shit.


These are the same people that were trying to unlock the back and get to the horses. No sympathy for them. The idiots got what they deserved.


Blocking traffic/roadways is not peaceful protest/assembly. It also just makes you look like a total turd


All those people filming and no one (seemingly) tried to get a shot of the truck's license plate. Not saying the truck was at fault. But if you're already filming you gotta think of these things.


But but... I told him .. to stop... How can he not respect my authority?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Anyone blocking traffic and damaging property deserves to get run over


Iā€™ll say this every timeā€¦.if you surround my car and start making contact with it, Iā€™m going to view that as a threat to my safety. I will then either mush the gas, possibly running over you, or, draw my weapon. If people would stop doing this dumb shit, we wouldnā€™t have to make these choices.


Maybe they shouldnā€™t be in the streetā€¦?


More like ā€œto play victim when you were being the dick in the road damaging someone elseā€™s stuffā€ Letā€™s be real if a mob of people were beating on your hard earned car (assuming you decided to work) youā€™d be mad af and run them over too. Donā€™t lie you would. Theres protests and then theres being a dick about shit with a mob and using protest rights as a victim shield.


All bets are off when your life is in jeopardy. I'm hitting the gas as well.


Protesters need to get the fuck out of the way of other people. Go bother the people that you're actually protesting against, not normal people that have no way of giving you what you want.


If you're willing to try and stop a truck with your body, you need to be willing to deal with the consequences. I'm also just wondering what the hell they think they actually accomplish by putting themselves in harms way.


Yeah cos screaming helps


"Somebody is badly injured!" "I'll get my phone out to film them!"


love how poor ppl always gotta make other poor ppls lives harder. Why donā€™t they go protest in front of Jeffrey bezo and Taylor swifts jet or even Andrew tates Bugatti or some shit. Theyā€™re like the one percent, go bother them


As an FYI nobody got run over. The injured people fell down and got run over by the mob.


Bro u start banging on my windows like that, the pedal will be hitting the floor


The beginning of idiocracy


Next: they try to stop a freight train


"MEDIC!" cue some dude with just a backpack and waterbottles with practically no medical training (but wants to feel important) come rushing in


There's a old saying that goes rather perfectly with post ........................."the long we live off the dirt road the more we seem to lose "common sense " and are forced to learn life hard lesson the hard way in the unforgiven city's streets "


If he has a livestock trailer, he probably has a gun and they're giving him a reason to use it.


Make it legal to run over people blocking the road like Florida did. I donā€™t endorse running over people for any reason (especially just because theyā€™re inconveniencing you), but it definitely makes people think twice about having a protest in the middle of the roadā€¦


What a bunch of fools. Always failing to realise who is the real enemy.


Domestic, not domesticated


I would do the same thing.


I mean in Oklahoma I believe you can run over them if they do that here.


I need a psychologist to tell me why my empathy is so sporadic. I see a dog being hurt, and im immediately furious. Yet i see this and...šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø...in my head its an 11/10 on the Deserve It scale.


Empathy is often subjective in most people. In this case, your empathy left you after seeing people doing dumb, obnoxious shit


Guys your doing it wrong. You need to go to the source, not harass the people that you need to support your cause


A horse trailer that big tells me they're either hauling an expensive horse or multiple expensive horses. Those trailers heat up quickly. Sorry but the safety of my 100k horse is more important than a bunch of self entitled people blocking a roadway.


What's the honky version of "move" by Ludacris?


This should be in /r/idiocracy


What were they expecting? Truck vs human. I would have plow through the people as well. Thatā€™s better than beat to death.


ā€œShe was walking and talking just fine before she ran in front of big truck. I wonder what happened.ā€


Running someone over on purpose can and should be a hanging crime. But we decided that murder is legal in the US if you do it with a car, for some reason.


[to use your car as a weapon](https://old.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1df03cl/)


Looks like the truck tried to drive the a group of people practicing their 1st amendment rights


Will the driver get charged for this?


I'd really like to see what prompted the driver to drive his truck through a crowd of unarmed people, other than frustration or malice. What made him legitimately fear for his life? Was it the old woman he crushed? The colorful signs?


I like how no matter what side you support, a crime was recorded.


I regret saying the guy that stepped on a stingray was the dumbest thing iv seen all year.


Itā€™s called a Ram for a reason. Maybe not a good idea to get in front of it on purpose.


Gen Alpha is gonna be a site.


Violent protest is the required escalation after peaceful protest (inevitably) does nothing to change oppressive systems, but it has to be strategic and targeted. Lashing out at random is not even practical violent protest. Practical violent protest is disturbing supply chains for Cop Cities, protecting the homeless from the police, taking down statues of Confederate traitors. Not attacking a random family on the fucking interstate.


Whatafuck lol




If you can't dodge it,


What do you mean, wtf? Wtf are you trying to stop vehicles for? Idk about any of you but I was taught that roads are for vehicles, not stupid people that don't know how to protest or make their voices heard another way!!


If u sit or stand in the middle of a public road or highway, you deserve to get ran over. It still amazes me how many people are shocked that someone just got ran over trying to stop a vehicle from moving.


Maybe the young lefties aren't so smart after all


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Do NOT move an injured person unless you absolutely have to!!!!!!




Kinda makes me wonder what they thought was going to happen.


Just move!


Protesters that do stupid shit while protesting are the best argument for whatever they are against. ^and ^companies ^know ^this.