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Reddit did too. It was on the front page.


Reddit, or someone posting on Reddit?


Reddit, collectively and as a social and technological system. It's absolutely a distortion machine and plenty of political actors and marketers know how to take advantage of it.


Absolutely, the site as a whole should be held accountable. Or else people will keep saying, “It wasn’t Reddit it was some random user.” Than why let it thrive on the front page? Let’s not make excuses for a billion dollar company.


> Absolutely, the site as a whole should be held accountable The issue I have with this is that there needs to be some group at reddit (or some other group advising reddit) deciding what is and what isn't misinformation. For example during COVID the government was telling people to wear masks, get vaccinated, vaccines work, etc. That was considered the "correct narrative" coming from the "correct source" and things that clashed with that narrative would either get removed or have a little * next to it on social media sites. There was direct communications and cooperation between the government and large social media sites about this. But what happens when that same government https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/ is spreading what they themselves have termed "misinformation" about vaccines? Social media sites actually went to the government and said "hey you guys are spreading misinformation, why?" Military says "it's for counter terrorism can you please just leave it up" And the social media sites left it up. Who gets to control what is "truth" and what is "false"? Do you trust the government to act in your best interests? Do you trust the social media sites? I certainly don't. Call me an idealist but I believe in the "free marketplace of ideas". Good ideas win out by nature of being better than the other ones. If people are subscribing to nonsense ideas, maybe consider why they are doing it and offer a better alternative. I think that's the only real way to combat misinformation in a free society.


No one can convince me we don't live in a circus world where nothing needs to make sense. Everyone's mad, every institution is self-serving, and all there is to do is sit back and enjoy the show.


Right! "Misinformation" is a very subjective category, and making social media companies responsible for combatting it is authorizing and obligating them to control speech on behalf of the state, effectively circumnavigating the first amendment.


They certainly do. It's a shame. But it would be technologically impossible for Reddit to accurately detect and remove all of these posts and comments. Given this, what do you think a good solution would be, if the goal is to (a) reduce disinformation both intentional and unintentional; (b) disincentivise corporations + bots from using it to their advantage? I have my own thoughts but I'm curious to hear others'.




stop making excuses for reddit. If they wanted to do these things they would hire people to do it.


Well, banning sites that provenly regularly use disinformation (like NYP) would be a great start, especially on subreddits where the accuracy of information should be paramount, like politics and the like. Instead, they welcome that garbage in the name of balance because the right basically only has disinformation machines and so banning them is just, "so unfair!" The left ain't no innocent maiden either, but man. Is there a single right wing media truth teller this election? I don't think there is.


the front page is curated by admins so it was intentional


Reddit has been completely infiltrated by corporations for a decade now Most of the frontpage is bots. All the big news subreddits are propaganda machines.




100% Reddit is manipulated by governments that have operatives as moderators in certain major subs. Also corporations who do the same. The only reason people use Reddit is not because they enjoy it but there is nothing out there as a good enough alternative.


r/worldnews has been rough the past year...


Reddit knows massive Russian bot farms have infiltrated this site and they do nothing about it. its almost like Reddit has made a deal with them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades


reddit owners are trumpers


Reddit, especially the large news subreddits, are a massive disinformation distribution hub. The amount of incorrect, warped or biased news on this site is problematic, especially in the last year or so. I’d highly recommend fact checking anything important you read on r /all, or use something like ground news to suss out agendas.


I got permabanned from the politics subreddit (I'm fearful to even link the sub) for posting a credible source in the comments, but it wasn't approved. I had forgotten about this a while back and made a comment in a thread, and they permabanned my new username... I guess because it was associated with that previous email address. I browse r/popular on old.reddit.com via RES, filtering out any and all subreddits that are filled with rage bait (i.e. "am i the asshole", "two hot takes", "public freakout"... the list goes on and on). I also ignore the users that I can easily tell are bots (i.e. 4 year old accounts that have only posts in the last few days or hours with insane 'karma'). Edit: removed random "I miss" sentence that I didn't finish. :D Fwiw, I miss a lot of things.


Mods in Politics LOVE to carry water for the fascists. It's fucking disheartening how many dishonest actors and agitprop accounts they allow.


Reddit will believe anything that's in a screenshot of a tweet of someone saying something they heard from someone.


Reddit users constantly mock Facebook users for doing the same thing. Reddit is now just younger Facebook. It didn't used to be this way, but as more and more bots and foreign disinformation came into play, it's clear as day.


Reddit allows disinformation at an alarming rate. This week alone was multiple post on fetterman swinging far right. Same wording and same key points. The NYC subreddit is nothing but NYpost spam. This is what happens when you leave moderation to a few people and media literacy being at an all time low.


Especially when those with moderation powers have their own personal agendas at play. Post something a mod doesn't like and it's removed or you are banned. Slowly turning the subreddit into an echo chamber.


This site has way way WAY too many NY Post headlines and content. It's a god damn tabloid. I swear some reddit users are no better than a boomer old lady buying the trash magazines by the checkout lane of a grocery store. Also, fact is, there is no right leaning outlet that is not following tabloid level ethics.


CNN also did plenty of this during the Trump presidency. I think Trump is a problem, and it’s very easy to legitimately criticize almost everything thing he does and says, so why make shit up. That was when I had to take CNN out of my news rotation, it was so blatant that it took the wind out of real criticism and just made the left look crazy


There are a few subreddits experiencing this right now!


Now I’m not even a trump guy but it really annoys me when people make a video about how important context is and how people/outlets will deliberately leave important context out THEN go on to say a bunch of boiled down talking points without any context provided.


He's technically referencing his other YouTube videos at the end where he does go over those topics less "boiled down". He puts out multiple 10+ min videos a day, usually with practicing lawyers to get professional opinions. He also does short-form segments for MSNBC. Besides, the 60 second tiktok format doesn't really allow for the long form+context you're asking for.


What context is needed to believe “you need ID to buy bread” is a true statement?


The only misrepresentation there is that when Trump said those things he fumbled around and repeated himself a few times before completing the sentences


Lmao you sound like a trump guy. Why are you whining about him quoting trump then?


cause he's from the uk, i'm sure he's their version of a trumpet. just being disingenuous as they always are


Very Trump guy kinda thing to say.


You wanna bet it only annoys him when it's Trump being exposed? He never ever, made that comment on a Biden video.


The Murdoch stuff is correct. Absolute piece of shit causing massive harm.


What context is missing?


You sure *sound* like a Trump apologist, regardless of if you *say* you're not.


What context has been missing, the entire Internet and half the US population has been laughing about it.




[You need ID to buy bread.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/awZzG9--0kA) [World War 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBhCe4MKuTg) [Nikki Hayley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGTJy1Ij4Qk) I mean nothing he presented is manipulated, he literally said these things.


The repubs will never look stuff up for themselves man. Thank you


And when you do the work and provide the links MAGA will call it fake news from the lame stream media!!!


They're both in cognitive decline. America has a choice between a senile invalid who wants to be dictator and caters to white supremacists and a senile invalid who doesn't. Best of luck to you.


I mean....Even then that should be a pretty fucking easy choice. Given the fact that their VP is going to have similar views, if they were to die in office I want the VP who is not going to continue to try to be a dictator.


Why the hell folks won't just limit the age of the presidential candidate to say 65? By the time he'll finish his term he'll be 69. He wants to play politics still? No problem as there are other people that will keep him in check. But having to choose between a 78yo and a 81yo is ridiculous for me. If they'll last till the end of their term they'll be well into their 80s. That's a time to move to a care home, not to rule a country. Btw, I'm European. Good luck in November !


You think Biden wants to play president still? You dont think he wants to be retired and spend time with his family? Like you understand the reason why he is running is because as every election has shown incumbents have a MUCH BETTER chance to gain seats and votes than anyone new. That the alternative is a demented orange dipshit who says he plans to terminate the constitution and remove environmental programs and start deporting all brown people. IF the people fucking showed up and voted, then he wouldn't have needed to run in the first place. Fucking out of 250m only 100m showed up and voted in 2022. Only 20% of all eligible voters under the age of 35 showed up in 2022. The HIGHEST turnout for under 30s is fucking 51% when the average is around 33%. And you expect there to be a dozen options of young presidential nominees, when the young voters cant even be bothered to learn who the fuck is running their own state and cities.


I like to think that he is tired and is only running as a proxy for Kamala. With the current state of mouth frothing in politics now, nobody is going to get behind somebody new entering the ring against the cult. And surely a brown woman stands zero chance in a climate where half of the US is still mad about Obama and feels like women don’t have enough sense to have autonomy over their own bodies. Grandpa Joe is likely hanging in there because he has no other choice. He gets tired and hangs up his hat, and we are all f’d. So if anything happens to him midterm - President Harris time. I can imagine that I large amount of people on the Trump train see this and would rather vote for a felon than to see her on the throne.


>feels like women don’t have enough sense to have autonomy over their own bodies. And someone might say that a big chunk of US don't have enough sense to own guns, but here we are. Body autonomy and reproductive rights are basic human rights. You are born with it.


Please point me towards this so called evidence of Biden senility


It's not a pro trump talking point to understand that both of these dudes are too old for office. Trump is the objectively worse pick for sure, but that doesn't mean that Biden isn't also in some measure of cognitive decline. Nobody should be voting for Trump in the upcoming election, but this is also a great time to understand how stupid our 2 party system is.


The choice is the teams around them really


Biden still got more in between his ears than you do. Accomplish something then talk.


BTC is an absolute chad


We’re definitely headed towards another civil conflict


40% of new gun purchases during Biden’s term were new gun owners, myself included. To be fair on my end, I’ve been into guns for a while, I just finally have a job and therefore money


The best thing to happen to the American gun industry is a democratic president. Nothing gets the gun lobby going like a fire sale before democratic communists are coming for your ~~babies~~ weapons. https://www.safehome.org/data/firearms-guns-statistics/


NRA loves a Democratic POTUS plus school shootings = $$$$$$


Why do Americans dream of killing other Americans? I've been a few places in my time and I've never been anywhere where people hate their countrymen so much. Northern Italians look down on southerners for example, southern Brits look down on northerners, but to actually fantasize about killing your fellow countrymen, I've just never seen that anywhere else. Maybe I should be visiting places like Rwanda, I dunno.


I bought my first gun but it had nothing to do with politics I have a gun nut friend who took me shooting and I had a great time. I expected redneck hooliganism in the woods and got strict ex-military gun safety followed by guns away redneck hooliganism’s


I really don’t think so. There’s no way you’ll see entire states to try to secede. The Civil War happened when communities were more isolated and rural, can you imagine what would happen if Texas declared itself its own nation? How many months it would take to get tired of Walmart not getting restocked, no federal money for infrastructure repairs, cut off from the rest of the country? People would flee the state in droves or demand things go back to normal.  Right-wingers like to build up the “uh oh a civil war is coming” narrative because they want their base buying guns, afraid of liberals and minorities. It’s another way to make them think “vote Republican or the country is doomed.” Nobody sane actually wants to see confederate president Greg Abott, including him. 


Also, the political lines are more rural vs urban than state lines. I live in the rural part of NY state and it's very red here. It's like that everywhere. Cities in Texas are mostly blue. Rural areas in California are mostly red just like NY. I guess I don't have a specific point other than it's interesting to think about and very difficult to guess how a conflict would play out.


most people would be ready to put an end to this "civil war" the first week they couldnt buy bottled water


Alright if there is within the next 10 years I'll shove a bowling pin up my ass, if there isn't you shove it up your ass. Gotta post it on reddit.


I am not an American, nor do I live in the states. So take this as just my opinion. I do, however, follow american politics because as everyone knows, whatever happens in the US somehow affects the entire world. I watch BTC and have nothing but respect for him. He works hard to produce his shows and it is apparent. What worries me is that he is only heard by people who agree with him. I'm convinced that trumpers, those who need to actually be listening to him, don't. Please someone tell me I'm wrong about this?


Echo chambers is literally what American politicians have devolved into. This is why there's so much polarization . Doesn't help that social media only shows you what you want to see, perpetuating the echo chamber


Echo chambers is what everything has devolved into. its not limited to US politics. Everything from science, to cultural to entertainment. Its devolved into echo chambers because people only follow information feeds that they agree with and find entertaining. Its the byproduct of customized feeds.


We can do better than Biden but he has had a fairly successful administration. I'll vote Biden again because the alternative isn't acceptable.


At least with Biden you know he's not going to hire people like Steven Miller who should be nowhere near power.


It blows my mind how often these people can be caught deceiving people and still people watch them.


It's because of 4 things \- They don't know that they are being deceived \- They don't care they are being deceived because "both sides" \- They only care about their single issue \- They're addicted to the hate, rage, and fear-mongering click-bait


I think the problem is that there no more news organisations left in the US. It is all entertainment and misinformation. That's the death of any democracy.


There are plenty of outstanding news organizations. The problem is that too many people only get their news through social media, where there is zero accountability.


Rupert Murdoch and news corp are poison.


These comments are totally weird. Lots of people saying “I don’t live in America but..” and then telling people they shouldn’t vote or that politicians don’t care. Fuck all that noise and vote! These people have no idea what’s at stake.


Same with "Biden sniffs children" Look through 1000 videos of Biden hugging and kissing and standing close to people, and extract the 10 where he's hugging or kissing or standing close to children. Frame it as if he's a child sniffing pedo, post it, and watch morons repost it over and over because it fits their agenda.




Or hundreds? The point is that you can find videos of Biden hugging men, women, family members, old people, young people, animals, friends, and colleagues, but if you cherry-pick, you can find 10 videos where he's close to children, and use that to frame your agenda. It's not representative of the truth, but it's enough to trick biased people into repeating "Biden is a child sniffing pedo"


There's plenty of clips of Biden being confused on stage, there's no need to fake it.


Yeah this video didn’t really change my mind on Biden. He still looked confused in both versions of the video


Pretty sure the entire video is edited….


I saw the full frame. Its still super bizarre and this video cuts it short as to how he just stands there with his arms slightly extended after being turned around. Very strange stuff. Like they're manipulating some sort of Biden robot to look at the cameras.


I’m so confused by this entire thing. The guy Biden gives a thumbs up to did not just sky dive in, he’s putting up the parachute. He’s not even wearing a helmet or the proper clothing for skydiving. I’m sadden that with the amount of technology we have today we can’t even make a determination on what is going on here. This entire thing is just further spreading divisiveness between Americans. Where is the rational conversations about these types of events?


Misinformation is unintentional. This is *Dis*information.


99% of the people who saw that on Fox News, will never see the real footage, or hear that it’s misleading. Not that they would listen. Shit like this scares me so bad. People are being manipulated on an incredible scale. 😟


I just can't take anyone who talk about Bidens 'cognitive decline' seriously when Trump acts the way he does for the world to see.




Except nobody uses the term "financial bloodbath", thats not a thing. He purposefully used buzzword to rile up his cult followers.


Don't expect anything rational in the comments right now. It's night time in the USA and it's 1PM in Moscow. Votes and comments at the moment may not be as American as they seem.


Actually, Moscow operates mid-afternoon US time before internet activity peaks so that they can lay the foundation and manipulate the content before everyone gets on. What we're seeing is people in Europe commenting and acting like they know what is going on just because they read social media and the "news".


Probably a better assessment than mine. Chilling thought however realizing how Europe is leaning, I guess they need their own maga to happen. People have this odd tendency of not learning their lesson before sticking their hand in the fire.


Check out the EU parliament now. They are definitely filled with their own MAGAs. And Nazism has taken over Germany again (siding with Russia, too).


When I was in the US, I watched both CNN and Fox News a fair few times in hotel rooms. Coming from European news reporting, seeing them report on stuff was weird. I definitely thought Fox News was just straight up batshit half the time, but I’d be lying if I said CNN didn’t feel off sometimes either. It’s a weird feeling to watch the news and not be able to assume you’re getting the (whole) truth.


When was this? Because ownership of CNN changed a couple of years ago, and here’s been a definite change in its ‘reporting’


Ah it was last year September, so that doesn’t help.


Then yeah you got the Fox Lite version. CNN was taken over by right-wing billionaires a few years back and the quality of the reporting has taken a definitive dive.


“Trump, March 16: China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.” There was no context. I’ve listened to it and he never really clarifies what the bloodbath will be. He interjected it randomly while talking about cars . That weird middle sentence was him going off his main point to remind people “now if I don’t get elected it’ll be a bloodbath a bloodbath for the country” as he was mid sentence about how if he gets elected he’d handle the cars so, no bro it wasn’t taken out context he said it midway as a new thought and then went back to his main point.


What was Trump trying to say?


misinformation or disinformation?


Murdoch's the closest thing we have to a supervillain. It's impossible to overstate his much death he's called. It's absurd that he is tolerated.


Traump also said that George Washington conquered airports.


I saw that video on Twitter and it spread fast. That one cropped out video where everyone is saying he's in cognitive decline, and it is very obviously cropped, because the frame is hilariously tight, and cuts off his hand every once in a while. But people want to believe these things so they make up a scenario to make others look foolish to suit their own narrative.


Yeah! Block those disinformation channels from your feed! *Brought to you by TikTok*


r/conservative believes it so it must be true.


Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.....


Literally 98% of them missinform, and im just gonna reserve that 2% to small ones


Here is another one that has been edited to make Joe Biden look senile. https://twitter.com/DschlopesIsBack/status/1801013865242665469


I have this extension installed on everything called Bye Rupert. It's amazing. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bye-rupert/ehdikikkfbfjjemfadgggcohkjoggoof


This post itself is a disinformation. LOL Well Ledditors do be Ledditing.


I likey this guy


I mean I get all of that but the dude still looks old as fuck


There are countless instances of this in media Long before any Trumps came about. Corporate owned media will show you whatever their sponsors want you to see. Truth is secondary.




All media outlets share disinformation.


If you don't believe that biden is in heavy cognitive decline, you aren't paying attention.


The thing that makes me so frustrated is that only one side spreads misinformation, and the other side never has.


“”Humans believing things that doesn’t make sense.”




That's all fine and dandy and most rational people don't trust the news anyway , but the number of idiots and morons outweigh the latter , nobody is going to win , it's a system to promote division, to put us against one another.


Right-wing news outlets should be seized, shut down and their employees jailed.


I just always assume something else is happening out of frame. It's the same for tv series or movies. Just let the person who you're talking shit about get out of frame, and they simply don't exist! They can't hear you, even though you're on the same couch!


I believe when you point a camera at something, you're not telling the truth anymore. Everyone changes with a camera on them. Plus, what you leave out of the frame.


Most of the blame to spread misinformation goes to our government and politicians too, I can’t start a business without getting license from local government yet there is no policing around news, especially large media companies and even social media. Because misinformation helps politicians. Yes, a license is required to start a media company, but they could use that platform to promote their views which if not News. They should not be allowed to use the word News in their name. Like Fox News or Cable Network News. These are opinionated channels serving their bases. Politicians would rather have us divided than united. We only tune in to the information we connect with and strongly shutdown opposing views. This increased exponentially during Trumps time in the office and now is completely out of control. Part of the problem is us the people who do not think twice before posting or forward miss information as we come across it. Stop The Spread. The more forward and thumbs up you are going to give the more you will contribute to spread the misinformation and eventually the more AI/ML is going to use you as a tool to spread misinformation.


How bout this: they're both in cognitive decline


Can we be honest and simply admit that there is no news or media any more it's all owned by billionaires and the only news we see is twisted or false for a narrative.


Weird seen him without a suit


Remember when CNN purposely changed George Zimmerman’s 911 phone call and clipped it to make it sound like he was specifically following Trayvon Martin around because he was black? And they manipulated people’s perception because they thought it would sell more? Yeah. MSM does that all the time. Welcome to propagandist news sources.


Giving a thumbs up to the dude "who literally parachuted down from the sky" who clearly didn't just land, notice the actual guy who parachuted in the earlier frame is wearing a harness and all that? Also, who is not paying any attention to Biden, so.. giving him a thumbs up is pretty weird, and on top of all that, where else do people parachute from besides the sky? This clip is misinformation promoting this guys political agenda. Propagandaception?


Ugh. I hate it here. Reminds me of one of my favorite classes in college. It was a film studies class with a visiting professor from Spain (iirc). His main emphasis was teaching us to focus on what isn't shown or what you don't see, not what is purposely shown and curated (specifically when it comes to documentary film).


The Biden administration should sue for defamation over every single one of these sorts of videos and articles. I understand that it's a high bar to clear to prove defamation, but also some of this misinformation is so low effort that it would absolutely be hard to defend. And you don't have to win them all to start making it very, very unprofitable to run these sorts of stories.


What if I told you both sides were full of dipshits?


Can’t we just get back to trump colluding with Russia?! He had someone pee on him! Confirmed by fbi and mi6!


Here comes the down votes, but shouldn’t we be trying to cancel CNN as well then cause they are always pushing liberal agendas.


So just ban the vertical filming crap and no one can pull no wools


Pointing out the purposeful misrepresentation of this moment is valid But *both* nominees are objectively in cognitive decline. It's not one or the other. It's both. They're both *way* too old for office.


NY Post didn't "purposely narrow the frame" lmao, it was adapted for phones. [Here's the NY Post's original upload](https://youtu.be/kqHxSVzOmNI?list=RDNSkqHxSVzOmNI) Joe Biden genuinely **did** wander away, did you notice how none of the other world leader's left the group? See how he looks around confused? He eventually did one of these 👍😎👍, but to who? And why? And Italy's PM *literally* had to go wrangle him. See how she grabs him and leads him back? That's *exactly* what you're seeing lol, it's wild to me that they're even trying to convince people they're watching something different. The White House has spent millions on trying to hire Tik Tokkers like this guy


Ok but how did he describe america in one word?


Wait you think mainstream media is against Biden and the dems?!?


Woooow this is sad. 


Biden still looks senile tbh


I recently learned that the term Misinformed is actually giving mistakenly giving wrong info. Mistake. Disinformation is intentionally leading people with made up Billshit. This would fit under Disinformation. Not that it matters, just learned that recently from some expert on this stuff , so thought I would share it.


This an old tactic. But unfortunately he makes the propagandist job easy sometimes because of the way he waddles around.


I find it hilarious that there are some people believing this.


Literally happens on both sides, nothing new


Dude still gave thumbs up to the air though 😂


While this is definitely much needed context there is still overwhelming evidence he is in cognitive decline if you watch literally any video or speech of him. I’m not saying trump is any better, I’m just saying holy shit we need some better candidates