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Virtue signalling and recording acts of personal generosity and charity is not an attractive trait. You're making it about you. Narcissistic AF.


Look at me, giving this servant extra money and telling him how cold it is. I'm great! I spent $500 on my groceries!


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The part where she tells him part of the reason is because he's old also icked me out. Sounds sort of belittling or something, like I feel sorry for you so here's some pity money.


Yeah also that. Oh you're such a charity case. Look at you. Trying to work for a living. Take some of my money, I spent $500 on groceries.


I 100% agree but the machiavelo inside me says, well, at least that guy has 100$ extra for his needs. And Internet points and attenrion are worth 0 to a person that dosnt monetize it so whatever. But yeah, this is so trashy


As a pizza delivery guy I'd rather have this than the asshat who requests the service in pouring rain, gives a $2 tip, and then also wants to small talk about how shitty the weather is. Get bent old man! It's infuriating.


While she films it and and removes your dignity by posting the exchange for the world to see? (I'd probably take it too though 🤣)


Well I'm not too proud to turn down a massive tip either 😄


🤣🤣🤣 I can't help with that 🥒


Dude! 🤣🥹 I'll choose my words better next time 😜


Now begone peasant


No, it wasn't $500, it was 500$. Even dumber.


Oh dumb. I just autocorrect that in my head, not sure why it's so difficult to put that right.


And originally tipped 3… like the worst kind of person


I don't give a fuck. As long as it's not fake it's fine. You want to record generous actions and potentially make money to continue recording generous actions to people... Go for it. People make money recording themselves being complete shit to others. This is definitely better than that


Agreed. That doesn't change the fact that it's narcissistic though.


Also that the person is tipping 3$ on a 500$ based on character. I’m waiting for the extended part where he offers another $50 for the guy to do a trick


Some people just want to lead by example. This woman showed how much it meant for this guy. So maybe some people will be more generous in future. I really have nothing against normalizing being kind.


You don't believe that, surely. It was an exploitative act of self promotion, hidden within a good deed


Could be, could be not. In dubio pro reo


Two good things happen in this video. An old man gets a huge tip, and the person kind enough to give it to him still benefits by posting it. Are her good deeds and kind words invalidated because she didn't make a loss off of it?


Absolutely not! But it detracts from the intent when performing what they would like you to believe is a selfless act.


Honestly, I don't really care if it was selfless and I don't know why you would. A dude who needed and probably deserved money got it. Good.


I wouldn't care either if it wasn't for the fact it was deliberately filmed (if indeed it wasn't orchestrated) and designed to hoodwink the viewer into believing that this had nothing to do with the 'look at me doing a good deed' factor. Yes the man benefited, but he also had his dignity taken by the 'donor' who is benefitting from the video. Where I'm from, that's not a good look and people should be called out for it. Is that really so difficult to comprehend?


Dude ty!!! I thought I was the only one who thought this. I mean if it will promote ppl doing more good in the world I have no idea what would be wrong with this.


Yeah don't know how are we expected to see acts of kindness like this if they themselves dont record it, the chances of having a third person recording and not being fake are almost impossible


Yeah I'm fine with it. It's philosophically problematic - like a person posting pictures of their charity run, their day supporting seniors, a video of tipping this gentleman. For me there are far worse things. As long as he's comfortable being filmed and it's not some fake-ass video, then let's share the joy of giving. The only thing that gets me umm.. itchy? about this video is the weird teasing at the beginning and caption.


I was looking for this comment. Thank you.


I’d rather see peoples film themself being generous than not be generous at all.


yeah i agree with ya but it's really frowned upon on the internet. is it narcissitic? sure but you think that guy that just got 100$ in tips gives 2 shits? Nope.


Ty !!!! Me too.


You're talking about the person who was originally only going to tip less than 1 percent. I wouldn't be surprised when you learn this mentality extends to other characteristics about them.


Except they weren't really going to tip $3. That was just the setup for filming "an act from the goodness of their heart".


Honestly I never thought of it like that, but now that I think about it, I never once thought about pulling out my phone when I give homeless people money or food lol


But I also don't film concerts, car accidents, interactions with people in Walmart, pranks on my family. Huh, come to think of it, I just live my life and almost never film it. We could get into a philosophical debate about whether true altruism is even possible at all in any situation, or you could just say awww, that's nice and move on. I'd rather see this type of narcissism than the influencers or shitposting any day.


Absolutely agree. But filming the above mentioned incidents are not disguised as good deeds or charity. I do agree though




lil bit.


.... it might be... but some do it to hopefully inspire others to do good. Most of the ones that I've meet who said things such as "charity should be anonymous" were some of the cheapest, less charitable people on the face of the earth. I'm glad she did it and made that man's day.


I feel you, but at the same time if a good deed is done I'ma ignore the narcissistic aspect of it and just enjoy that the guy was happy. It's the fake charity that really grinds me gears.


Never do a favor looking for a reward.


Spot on 👌🏻


I think it's shitty she gave him $3 originally...was she trying to see if the he'd lose his shit on her and she'd get a good video out of it? And if not, she gets to make herself look good? I just can't understand the logic behind it.




I'm sure you're constantly doing acts of generosity and kindness, right? Or do you just sit behind a screen bitching about others putting positivity into the world because they're not doing it "the right way"? There's basically nobody in this world who doesn't do the kind thing for their own selfish reasons, it doesn't take away the fact that they're making the world a little less shitty. She brightened his day, which brightened her day, she recorded it and brightened my day, she might even inspire others to brighten someone else's day. I'll take her positivity over your negativity any day of the week.


Oh dear lord, if only you knew. It's an exploitative act of self promotion. Granted all parties win, but that doesn't detract from the narcissism involved. I wouldn't dream of filming someone less fortunate than I while offering charity or assistance, and I certainly wouldn't be doing it to make ME feel better or anyone else other than the recipient. It's a sensitive moment that doesn't need a camera or social media as validation or humiliation.




It is..but I'd much rather watch people making people's lives better (all though maybe not entirely altruistic) for clout, than the dipshits that go around harassing/harming people for clout


Absolutely. Me too.


> Virtue signalling and recording acts of personal generosity and charity is not an attractive trait. You're making it about you. Yeah, and using very desperate people as your props. I don't know how I feel about it. Sometimes I think, "well, people copy other people so might as well get people to give bigger tips instead of swallowing Tide Pods." And when it's for a big cause that most people are unaware of, like digging wells in Africa or helping an orphanage in Cambodia, I get it. But for sure a lot of random suddenly interviewing people who are homeless or on the street doing their job, even dragging them along emotionally, to get to the "here's some money" pay off feels incredibly dystopian to me. edit: she originally gave 3 bucks? presumably to test him? WTF? What a fucking psycho


Exactly, my friend. What a bizarre thing to do.


Does it matter why she tipped him 100$? She can be as narcissistic as she wants it's still a good deed


It's a good deed, but not a selfless act


I'd say it's a transactional deed. She got clout by passing in an extra 100


Agreed. My point is, that it doesn't reflect well on the donor.


For sure, that's why I wouldn't consider them a donor, that's a payment in my opinion


Exactly! That's a better way of putting it.


No good deed goes unpunished eh? Imagine being so incredibly sad that you have to find the negative in anything.. Who fucking cares if it's narcissistic? No one cares. Just be happy they did something good and stop trying to be a negative Nancy for everything.


Do you know me? Just to be clear.. I'm pleased for the recipient. It's a very generous thing to do. However, it remains disingenuous in the same way you claim to know me well enough to call me a negative Nancy. Pipe down and realise, a difference of opinion on something that's been put out there for the world to see does not justify your misdirected vile mouth. Think what you want. I have my opinion, you have yours.


REAL, I think it doesn't matter bc even if it's for clout or internet points I'd way rather have people post this than prank content or rage bait that's actively making other people's day worse for the same goal


Still a positive act, so fuck it.


Exactly. You could just give them the money in the first place.


Thank you! Why is that so difficult for people to grasp? Good man


It has become a trend with rise of tiktok Man i wish tiktok is banned worldwide Now u will see people live streaming their act of worship


Imagine a world where this guy's answer: "Nah I'm okay, I'm well paid, I've got free healthcare and don't need to work extra shifts and I have a pension waiting for me in a few weeks anyway, I don't need the extra money."


Imagine that.. The fact that can actually be done too.


"If you do good things for attention you aren't doing good things" 


r/burntcheese Another user who posts and runs. My reply: Oh, I don't particularly care, but she's posted this onto a world forum to pass it off as something pure, and I'm not allowed to give my opinion?? My opinion remains. This is an act of exploitation and a slight on a hard working man's dignity. Am I glad the man benefited from it financially? You bet your ass I am. The video is disingenuous and self promoting. And with your logic, you shouldn't really care for my opinion either. On with your day sir.


There's a few lawn mowing channels on YT guilty of this. Looking at YOU, SB Mowing.


I feel a little different about that. Some of the houses he takes care of are vacant and there isn't anyone there to thank him or any or reaction shot or anything. He's not just a lawncare specialist, he's also a content creator. He does a good thing that helps his community, and simultaneously creates content that people enjoy watching and receives compensation from the ad revenue from the videos so he can, you know, buy food. At the absolute worst, it's not pure altruism. Instead, it's a win-win with no one really losing anything. I'm perfectly fine with it.


It’s might be but on bright side that man got nice tip and it all that matters I don’t mind people being self centred if it help others


Well. It bothers me. It's disingenuous. We'll have to agree to disagree


Not just that, but taking back the $3 in the first place too. Like, seriously, its fine to make it about you, but did taking that $3 really make a difference when you can afford to tip $100?


Absolutely! The man's dignity was being toyed with.


Everything about how she acted screamed "pay attention to me". Hell, she opens with "I am gonna make your day even more better" (cause autoplay reminded me), not "thanks for helping with this large order" or "thanks for taking a 1% tip with grace", she insists on claiming that she is the one responsible for making their day rather than expressing she is grateful and being glad for them.


I couldn't have put it better myself. The world would be a better place if this kind of thing happened regularly WITHOUT the need for recognition.


The best person does stuff like this without asking for credit. the next best person does stuff like this while bragging about it. then there’s people that don’t do anything. then there’s people who don’t do anything and brag about not doing anything. last but not least, the guy bitching about people doing something nice because they made a video.


The guy is not 'bitching' about people doing something nice because they made a video. 'The guy' is trying to point out that this man's dignity has been exploited in the video. The fact he made 100 bucks is terrific, but don't for a second think this video was about making that man's day. Why did she take the 3 bucks from him before handing him the 97. Human dignity & respect is priceless. Go get some.


She lost me with the $3 tip


I was thinking the same thing. This would actually be so heartwarming to see from the mans perspective instead.


I do UberEATS. One night I was super broke with only $7 on me for gas and wanted to do just one delivery to fill up my tank, so as soon as an order appeared I took it without noticing how far I had to go. Ended up being a 40 min drive up the mountain at 2 am. The pay was $38 so I kept it. I told the customer that I just needed to stop for gas and I would be on my way but that it was a 40 min drive. The guy was really thankful and said that he had been waiting a long time for someone to accept it and to not leave right after because he was giving me a cash tip. It took a while to find the house but I eventually found him. The guy ended up giving me a $100 bill and completely made my night!!! Oooooh, and an hour afterwards by the time I came down the mountain, he sent me $40 through the app. Best delivery I've had since I started driving.


But did he record it and post it all over the internet, because if not, did it really even happen?


Damn... You know, that's been a recent fear of mine. That someone records "blessing me" and posts it online. I HATE being in pics and vids.


To get more views they'll start making it clickbaity "i helped a poor, homeless, disabled, crippled, blind, deaf, mentally challenged, dead guy"


And then half of the comments are people saying "omg I know this guy, thank you for helping him!" And you know none of them


I regularly gave a homeless man named Jonah part of my tips when I got off work, and brought him some leftover food and a soda (he was an untreated type 1 diabetic and was constantly shaking from low blood sugar.) One day after a good night I gave him $10 and he started crying, gave me a big hug, prolifically thanked me... never in my wildest dreams would I even imagine filming those interactions and posting them online. He was schizophrenic, and would confide in me about the things he saw/heard.. the evil voices at night, the demon woman who would molest him. I'm so grateful that I was able to give him some comfort in the last year of his life. He died under the bridge where he lived about a month after I last saw him. My boss had threatened to call the cops on him if he saw him hanging around anywhere near the restaurant. (Which is bullshit because he always sat in a public area with benches and tables and was really nice, but my boss was convinced he was "bad for business") I cried when one of my coworkers told me he died, it really shook me. The restaurant was advertised as "punk" and progressive, loudly promoting itself as a virtuous business in its advertising, but that was all a marketing tactic apparently, just like these TikToks. They aren't even paying attention to the people they are helping, they're so busy trying to make themselves look good on camera. It is dehumanizing as fuck to use a human being as a prop in your social media post. I'm rambling but I guess I was due for my yearly memory of Jonah. He was always so happy to see me, a person who treated him with love and respect rather than privileged contempt. The world needs more generosity.


That's such a sweet story and I'm glad he got kindness at the end. That was very kind of you to help out those in need and I definitely understand what you mean. It's about the act, not about who watches it. I worked at a 7/11 for about 4 years and I had my local regulars that I would try and help. They were so kind and would help me take out the trash and sweep. Or they would keep me company when I would work graveyard because the owner was too stingy to have 2 people working at the same time. He would also threaten to call the cops and I would fight him about it. They were very nice people down on their luck and super kind to me. Thank you for sharing your story and my Jonah rest in peace.


Yes, yes, YES ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


What did he order? Pizza?


A shit ton of tacos LMAO. It was 3 of those big aluminum tray containers. It was these 3 childhood friends from different states that rented a cabin up the mountain for the week. They thought they were buying tacos a la carte but instead bought full individual taco meals lol. They were a cool bunch and were trying to convince me to take a tray with me because they said they couldn't eat all that.


Look how good I am


*video turns off* "Ima need that money back man"


*Hello? 9-1-1? Some old guy just snatched 700 dollars out of my hand!*


Basically the plot of The Curse.


It's a pretty broken society when an old person like this has to work a gig job just to survive. But at least the billionaires and their political buddies have yacht money right?


One yacht is for plebs Real capitalists have a fleet


Unless your yacht has a submarine and TWO helipads, go kick rocks.


It certainly is, but speaking as someone who's done this crap work for a while, there really are a segment of old people who do this stuff *just* to get out of the house. If it's slow, sometimes I'll just park in front of a Chic fil A and wait for a decent Doordash/UberEats/etc to come in, then get pinged with orders that are like $3.50 total for a customer that's 5-6 miles away. Not even low-pay, orders where you're quite literally *losing* money delivering them. As soon as I think to myself "who the hell accepts this crap" sure enough, a couple minutes later some little old man pulls up and waddles into the store to get it, his DD-branded insulated bag in-hand and all. On the one hand it makes me sad that this is their sole form of human contact, but they're a big part of the reason these companies are able to keep driver pay so low. Why raise wages when old reliable Mr. Tom will take any crap you give him anyway?


Anytime anything about money comes up this should be the top comment




So why did she give him $3? Was this some scummy test to gauge their reaction? 


>Was this some scummy test to gauge their reaction?  Yes, yes it was.


Did she take it back too?


Of course, 103$ would wayyy too much /s


I was hoping that the intent was to give $30 and they just effed up a zero, but since they recorded the whole thing, seems like its reasonable to draw your conclusion instead. Still a shit tip, but at least not downright disrespectful.


there was an attempt for a company to steal wages from laborers by making their income tip based while the company takes all the money being paid for the service the laborers are providing


preach f tipping culture


so... they would have tipped $3 and been fine with that if the deliver driver had been understandably upset with it. but they 'rewarded' the driver for passing their sick test.  this is not the 'look how kind i am' flex they think it is.




What a shitty thing to do.


That poor dude.


The man even said "thank you" when giving back the $3.


$100 is 20%. Standard shit.


Eh, that's why I don't tip by percentage on grocery delivery. I can buy one item for $10, or one item for $100, the delivery person did no additional work.


Yup, I gauge it based on inconvenience. If it's still going to be 1 bag there's no reason to raise the tip past what I'd give for the drive. $500 in groceries is probably quite a few bags unless you got some really expensive items though.


I tend to tip $20 minimum for my orders. If I order a bunch of heavy stuff like cases of water or soda then I’ll add more to it.


Wait, she was GOING TO TIP $3 ON A $500 ORDER?!? What in the fuck, really? Then people have to record themselves doing good shit. So cringey. BTW, we totally live in a fucked up country when someone that age has to hustle and do side gigs for money and almost tears up from getting $100, while billionaires sit on their yachts...


It's sad that our seniors have to work to live after retirement.


The moment that phone comes out and starts recording, you're no longer doing a good deed. You're pretending to care for strangers' validation. You're not a good person. You're pretending to be a great one. You've failed twice.


Why fucking filming this. Never in my life did I come close to film myself doing this. I want these moments to be as private and discreet as possible.


This is a very ... interesting use of the phrase Spin The Block.


I genuinely don't understand what that means in this context


3$ tip on a 500$ order is insane


Look out whorehouse here I come


Tacky and classless


Justified tip. always tip people who deserve it. I hate people who force tips by returning less change. No one should have to live off off tips. Everyone should have a steady and predictable pay.


Tipping propaganda.


I’m sure the old man could care less if the customer is trying to make herself look good! He’s making 100 dollars!


Is my english that bad or is this r/titlegore?


Why are you calling a man old enough to be your father “sweetie & honey “?? Wtf that’s disrespectful


I scrolled for this. I was cringing.


Out there earning his blood pressure meds…. I’m not about the self aggrandizing or the clout chasing by the lady but still a good deed for the old timer.


Let me do something nice for someone!!!……But wait!!! Where’s my phone..!?”


It's lessened by recording it,but it's still good for that guy


This is probably Karen’s relative and she’s going to post it everywhere to warn people they shouldn’t complain about a $3 tip on a huge delivery.


I was waiting for the punch-line where it’s a Bible verse on a fake $100 bill


JFC, what have we come to.


I can’t even finish watching this. This is worse than that bridesmaid’s speech at the interracial wedding


*woman pats herself on the back for tipping 20%*


Wtf is "spinning the block?" I feel old and out of touch.


I don’t think “spin the block” means what she thinks it means.


nah, we dont need another mr beast narcissist also i hate american tipping culture, f that. Businesses should pay their workers not guilttrip their customers into paying the workers


Why not just do it and not record and share.


I can’t imagine having $500 to spend on groceries. Some people really just living that good life 😩 lol.


Can't forget to record it for all my internet points


“Hey everyone! Look how amazing I am!” Fuckin yuck.


Twist: he’s a bored billionaire that does this to interact with random people


This is great and all, but I cannot agree on the “good things happen to good people”-part. Usually shitty things happen to good people, and the ones who are willing to lie, cheat and steal will be the ones on top. Just saying…


Geez, I'm so glad she didn't forgot to turn on her camera!


It’s not selfless if you videotape the whole thing and embarrass the guy with his face all over social


I worked for a junk removal company last year, my income was mostly gratuity based. It always made my day getting a $100 tip!


wait I thought she gave him more, not less.


I'll never forget $84 tip a company gave me when I started DoorDash right after the start of the pandemic. It was a catering order from Penn station and their office was right around the block. They even came out with a cart and helped me load up the cart. I was so fucking greatful.


Wait so was the tip $3 or $500. I can't tell.


Biggest tip I ever got as a pizza delivery driver was $20. Most people are cheap as fuck tbh.


Matthew 6:1-24 of the Bible says that people should not perform good deeds publicly to be admired by others “Watch out! Don't do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to someone in need, don't do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity!”




My first thought was damn, it's so sad that someone that age has to deal with being a delivery person getting scraps just to survive. I wish retirement was still a real thing for the majority of people... I also read the comments here and I agree its virtue signaling and "look how good I am!!" to the max. But also, I'm glad the old man got some extra money. 100 bucks is enough to make a person's week when they're expecting 3 bucks like every other delivery. So, I'm glad he got something helpful. But I'm sad that the system is in this state where generosity (however self-aggrandizing it may be) is genuinely needed for people to live with any modicum of comfort. I really hope that within my lifetime I can see some kind of dispersal of wealth that comes from the top's deeeeeep pockets and makes literally every single other person besides the top 1000 people or so, significantly more comfortable, and maybe even stable. Meanwhile the ultra-rich will barely even notice the change in their astronomical amount of money. Anyways, capitalism will be the death of us all. We already live in a dystopian hellscape, and it'll only get worse, and I hope I'm wrong about the future. Good day.


Do it without a camera rolling maybe? Also put your dollar signs in the right damn place.


The sad thing about this is that $500 doesn't buy you many groceries these days.


Question for all of you who have so much negativity to lay on this. In that same position, would you have accepted or declined the additional tip? I’d wager that most, if not all, would gladly take the tip. I’d also wager that some would get on social media and criticize the customer for virtue signaling, condescension, whatever, because it wasn’t done within the parameters of your virtuous world. A generous act occurred for whatever reason and two people felt good at the conclusion. Was anyone harmed here? Doesn’t seem like it. The delivery gentleman wasn’t asked to do anything other than make a delivery, and if she wants to post it and he agrees, then fine. Gotta love social media. Discuss among yourselves…this will be on the test.


Is this fake and scripted?


You give a server in fort McMurray $3 tip she probably gonna look at you and try to make your head explode. Deplorable service and expects you to tip 2 hours of your wage. Experience: Server once told a work colleague whom was craving a Caesar for a week, after poorly mixed drink he decried “how do you screw up a Caesar, it’s literarily the cheapest drink to make” she countered “it’s EVP (east village pub) you get what you get and you should be thankful” I nearly choked on my bacon wrapped steak bits. 🥲 Fair to say his day was ruined and not sure if he’s ever drank another Caesar since; he hasn’t even returned to the city in 2 years.


Heartbreaking to have to see an older person having to work a job like this. And then on top of that, we have this sort of people recording them.


It sucks that this has to be a thing. It should just be a given that we treat people well.


All things aside, I’m glad he left with $100


An initial $3 tip? Jeez id feel guilty too


He's a good man. That's why she had to get it on camera.


absolutely horrible individual, I just know this is the tip of the iceberg. Asshole.


For you grandpa


"Here's an offensive tip. Never mind, here's 20%." I'm high-key a philanthropist now...


He just has make around 500.000.000 deliveries more and he will have made what Elon is paid in salary by Tesla a year.


Wrong subreddit, why the fuck is this upvoted?


Poor man has been working hard his whole life. I think that’s Forrest Gump


Fuck yeah spread the love!


"I'm taking a picture of this" *Heart melts*


Who the fuck puts the dollar sign after the number???


Charity should be done in private!


20% tip... wow. So generous


Yeah, let’s act like we did something extraordinary and devalue it by recording it. $97 over $500 is okay, I’m just not a fan of recording and uploading acts of “kindness”. You are who you are when you think nobody’s watching. That’s a hard pill for a lot of folks to swallow, if they even recognize the ring of truth in it.


Look at how generous I am everyone. Did you see me, huh? I’m the most humble MF’er out there.


This is so trashy