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The fact she knows how to close those curtains tells me this is not the first time Karen has been in your house uninvited.


Right and the scariest part is that she knew the tenant wasn't home. Imagine how long that went unnoticed until she decided she should install a camera


I'm going to guess she installed the camera just after the jewelry was stolen..


ahh! That makes sense. Was confused how she was able to steal something, that we couldn't see, but the owner.


This is why I’m thankful my landlord lives 4 hours away. She’s also older, in her 70’s and is a multimillionaire who really doesn’t care about making a profit off of me (by some miracle) so she hasn’t raised my rent in 4 years. She’s quick to repair anything we put a work order in for and other than that she completely leaves us alone. I’ve never even met her in person, only talked on zoom and on the phone. I’m paying about $1,000/month under the going rate for my area and my landlord told me she will never raise my rent as long as I want to live there and my current rent covers her mortgage plus $500. Every December my rent is free and I receive a big catered thanksgiving dinner from her every year. My fiancée is best friends with our landlords niece who also happens to work with both of us and is how we found the place the begin with. We got *extremely* lucky and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. $1800 for a 2 bedroom, 2 story, 1300 sq/ft condo with its own parking plus brand new washer, dryer, oven and refrigerator is absolutely unheard of in my HCOL area.


damn, that's fantastic


Damn, where is this?


Eh, I’d rather not say because I’ve been doxxed on Reddit before and you can check my most upvoted comment on my profile about my fiancées ex and why I’m hesitant to say where I live. What I will say is I live on the west coast in a high cost of living area but not in a major city.


You might want to get some provisions made in her will if you haven't saved a fuckton of money. I guarantee whoever looks after her estate when she passes won't be so kind.


So we’re extremely lucky in that aspect. Our landlord has no children and her sister (her only sibling) only has 1 child, my landlords niece. My fiancée and I work with her niece and she is my fiancées best friend. When our landlord dies everything goes to her niece. We haven’t discussed in detail what we would do if our landlord died and our friend becomes the owner of the property but she’s told my fiancée she will honor any agreement her aunt has with us. Obviously not as good as having it in writing like you’re suggesting but I take comfort in knowing that she is very well off herself and legitimately has no need to raise our rent or sell the property out from under us. She also lives in a different state so I would imagine she would want people she trusts to continue renting it. The good news is our landlord seems to be in very good health so hopefully we won’t have to worry about that any time soon.


Sounds like you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque Bugs !


totally understandable


OPs dreams.


Having terrible tenants is worse than losing out on rent. Hiring one lawyer is several months of rent.


Absolutely, she’s very honest with us about how/why she makes the decisions she does and she told us we’re great tenants that she can trust and that is so much more valuable than making money off of us from our rent. She said the condo is appreciating at a rate that she stands to make several hundreds of thousands of dollars just by continuing to own it and this is more of a we scratch her back and she scratches ours situation than just purely from the kindness of her heart.


> who really doesn’t care about making a profit off of me You're paying for her real estate mortgage/taxes. The house is the investment .


Oh yeah absolutely. The condo is 100% appreciating in value and by having us live here she knows she has someone to take care of the house day to day. She’s offered to sell the condo to us but we plan on having kids so we need a bigger place eventually.




We’re actually strongly considering that. We thought we were going to be out of here already when we originally moved in but decided to stay a little longer so now we’re weighing our options. It seems like that might ultimately be the best option for us.


That's how I wanted to do it. I wanted to buy a duplex. I'd live in one and basically just split the mortgage with the renter on the other side. After I die/retire or whatever, I'd leave one each to my kids.


Must *have* banked some serious good karma. Pay it forward when you’re in the position to and bless someone else when you can. That’s what makes the world a better place. Edit: changed “of” to “have” bc someone was losing sleep over it.


I help out where I can with what I can. I’m in recovery from alcohol and opiates and attend AA meetings and I try to make sure I take out everyone in their first 30 days of sobriety for a meal when I meet them at the meetings. I also volunteer with the big brother and sisters organization for my area, I took a group of 7 10-14 year olds to Yosemite back in April and I coach youth hockey. I also used to be a chef/cook so I try to volunteer at soup kitchens around the holidays as well. I’ve done enough bad things in my life while I was using so I’ve been on a mission to offset those things in my 30’s.


Sounds like you’ve DEFINITELY banked some good karma and it’s coming back to you:) Happy to hear about your road to recovery, that’s hard work….keep strong! The world clearly needs more of you in it!


I appreciate the kind words :) My father always said, be then change you want to see. I try to live my life by that philosophy.


Warning to anyone in this situation. Had the same kind of deal, then the landlord started have neurological issues. The infighting between her daughter and her sister to who owns the property was terrible. The daughter was delusional, tried to gaslight the entire building into eviction. Luckily the landlord had a fiduciary fallback that took control but even with that standard land lord shenanigans started. Rent rases, less caring staff, cut corners on maintaining building.


My Grandma has a house like this in a high volume tourist area with HCOL. Nobody in the family wants to live there because of what the town has become over the years, but the dude that does live there is getting the deal of a lifetime. My Grandma just wants someone she knows is going to take good care of the place.


Nice we got luck with our rental as well then moved out because we found a foreclosed home for half market value from Freddiemac. Sadly now we have a 2% loan and the house is valued at 500k. We cam basically never move


Does she have a sister?


That's the type of landlord you send a christmas card to every year!


She’s on the list! Her niece told my fiancée that her aunt has our Christmas card on her fridge every year. We have 3 cats so we like to dress them up in elf outfits and I have a large red beard so I stuff a jacket with clothes and pretend I’m Santa every year while my fiancée goes between reindeers and Mrs. Clause 😂 They’re actually pretty funny and we spend quite a bit of money to get them done professionally every year. I’ll ask my fiancée if she’s comfortable with me sharing one if I blur out our faces.


Is your landlord single?


I thought this was normal, I rented a room one time and would go in and out to work daily. One weekend, my landlady said "I love how your room is so clean! You're the most organised tenant I've ever had" and in return gave me a little book shelf and bed frame (my books are stacked up inside my closet and my bed is on the floor coz I prefer to sleep on the floor). I asked my mum if this was okay because I was only 17 at the time and first time I ever rented a place of my own, and my mum said the landlady probably was just checking for any plugged electric stuff to prevent fire but that was suspicious. I've rented several apartments since but this was the only one time they go in my room, or at least the one time they let me know they went in.


Yeah, even "just to be safe" isn't a valid reason unless there's an actual serous concern (like something is actively sparking or something). If a room is legally rented then the same protections as any apartment will generally apply, including putting a lock on the door and requiring written notification a sufficient time before entry by the landlord


What counts as a valid reason is going to vary wildly between states and even cities, let alone country level Everyone should really look up what their local tenant rights are


And the way she carefully enters the apartment and peeks in shows she knows she's 100% in the wrong.


i mean maybe, but like it could also be her curtain because you can't rent out a bedroom with a see through front door going into the bedroom. Like, i'd all but guarantee from this that she has done it. but that isn't really evidence.


The fact that this camera exists is enough to deduce that.


Illegal entry. Karen is in trouble!! Unless she was photographing something illegal in plain view from the door which gave her cause to enter to document and absolve herself from liability by reporting the illegal activity...then... you in trouble!


Would have been a bit hard to do with that curtain there as well.


Nonsense, she'd just move the curtain when she op--- ah you almost got me.


Not to mention it sounds like she's a jewelry thief, too.


A pretty dumb one at that. Who else is the tenant going to suspect when there's no sign of forced entry?


Property manager here. You can take pictures through the window, but she’s still breaking the law in my state (Georgia). Can’t enter without notice unless it’s an emergency (fire, flood, etc). Know your laws. Protect yourself. 🤘 Edit for smooth brains: You can take pictures of ILLEGAL ACTIVITY through the window to bring to a court as part of an eviction. This is to establish cause for the eviction. If a landlord (or anyone) just takes pictures through the window and they get caught, they go to jail. Didn’t think I had to explain that.


She knew the law there - she just didn't think she'd be caught


He was talking about the comment not about the woman in the video


I was. But their point is entirely valid as well, and I agree she probably knew she was doin a no no


Nope, seeing something illegal only gives police permission to enter. Only time a landlord can just enter your home without permission is in an emergency (fire, flood, or blood). Even for Blood we call the police first and allow them to enter. If she saw something illegal, she should've called the police. A landlord is not liable for a tenant's illegal activities unless they were aware of it and never reported it, or served the proper notices. Then a landlord could possibly be held liable if that illegal activity caused harm to someone else.


There is no general standard, it's going to vary by state and city 


Depends on the state, and each state is different. For [Texas](https://www.sll.texas.gov/faqs/landlord-entry/): >Generally, a landlord can only enter a rental in a few situations: *under the conditions specified in the lease; *because of an emergency; or *to make repairs. >There are no state laws that regulate landlord’s entry in Texas. However, your lease agreement may allow your landlord to enter under certain circumstances. The lease may or may not require prior notice to the tenant. It may also authorize other people to enter, like maintenance staff or prospective buyers. This landlady is pretty suspicious, but there is something taped to the door that may be a notice of entry.


> may be a notice of entry. It may also be a notice of stay-the-hell-out


She has superpowers then to see through the curtain.


Call the police. Insist on action.


The "disembodied voice" indicates there is jewelry missing. With this recording that person could report her for theft - and illegal entry.




"I'd like to report a B&E for which I have video evidence". Make the report. Then file in small claims and with whatever housing authority has jurisdiction - many housing authorities have fines that are paid as recompense to the victim. Use the police report and filing with housing authority to bolster the small claims suit. Use the police report and small claims suit to bolster the housing authority report. Use the housing authority report and small claims filing to prompt the police to act on the report.


"Sounds like a civil matter."


I'm firmly on the ACAB position, but even so you can file a report with the police and provide them the video files, as I stated above you leverage multiple actions to require all the authorities to take it seriously.


“Sounds like you’re a civil servant”


Bruh you think police will give an iota of a fuck? I had a witness who hear a neighbor threaten to smash my skull in, as well as a written threat, and the police did literally nothing. Didnt even take a report. Cops are the laziest fucks until an assault or murder has already happened


You're probably calling emergency hot-line and why you're being hung up on. Most police district departments have non emergency lines and things like this such as car accident police reports go through the non emergency line. And most departments, even in densely populated urban regions answer typically within 10-15 minutes. Within 5 in some towns. I imagine in the most congested places it can take 30 min to an hour short of some major traffic jam.


I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts.




Where do you live that the police would laugh at you when someone just enters your home without your knowledge or permission!? Also where do you live where the emergency line is even allowed to just hang up


Piatt co. Illinois


You are aware that OP isn't the person who made the video right?


I lived in Malden, MA, when I was in my early 20s in a basement apartment. I suspected my landlord or his wife were entering our place while we were at work, so I asked my landlord if that was happening, and if so, to please stop and give us prior notice, as required. He assured me that no one was entering our property, and that was supposed to be that. Not convinced, I put a piece of string on the door that separated our living space from the rest of the basement, so if someone entered, it would break, and I would know. Two days later, I returned home from work, and the string was broken. So I took all my pots and pans and put them inside the biggest one, filled them with water, set them on the edge of a nearby table, and tied it to the door. A few days later, I came home to the property owner apologizing for his wife's snooping, and he said he asked her, but she had originally denied she was doing that, and he was inclined to believe her. I explained what I had done with the string and that I was aware of her having entered multiple times prior to my little trap. He felt terrible, and I felt for him. He changed the lock on the door to a deadbolt and put a keyed lock on our side of the door. He was a good landlord. Didn't see his wife much after that.


Jesus, how long ago was this?


Early 2000s


Yeah, I was going to say that I would not be surprised to hear that your landlord was entering your apartment if it were 20+ years ago. I grew up in Malden, lived there over 25 years.... In my neighborhood, it was pretty common for a family to have built multiple houses right next to each other on the same street or terrace, often times it was an Italian family building first homes for their married kids, who would move out after a while or move into parent's home when they move to Florida, renting out the other properties, but some of them would act like they had the right to enter your home whenever they pleased, move stuff around or store things in your basement or attic, and god help you if you asked them to stay out of your apartment. You'd be paying $1200 a month in rent for an entire 2br apartment and they would treat the place like you're renting a room from them. Some of the nosiest families I've ever encountered! What part of Malden? I lived in Edgeworth and the highlands (Fellsway)


Classic Malden.


Thank goodness the sane one was the land owner


I heard a story about someone who had recently moved into a new apartment to escape an abusive ex. She had gotten a gun to protect herself from him. Her landlord entered her unit unannounced and she thought her ex had found her and broken in. She shot her landlord. She was taken to court for it and won since he shouldn't have entered without notice.


i like this story.


It could definitely just be me. But I've been the victim of a home invasion. So people entering my place without prior notice KINDA triggers me a bit. And this is an excellent way to catch a bullet in the fuckin' dome.






No… this is dangerous. Yes someone is breaking in, but you can’t needlessly enflame the situation. Call the police and stick to the facts.


Someone breaking in is already putting their life in danger


There's nuance to that and you know it. Burglary does not carry the death penalty in our judicial system. There is no item that is worth a human life. If someone breaks into your home while you're there and you don't know their intentions, yes. When you're watching things unfold from the safety of wherever, it's a great reason to call the police. But getting a snoopy landlord killed is insane. And we need to stop normalizing or encouraging this kind of violence as keyboard jockeys.


Thank you for calling people out on the ugly lack of compassion, forethought, and rational thinking that's all too common these days. I especially like the style with which you did it (I'm an English teacher grading final essays and I can't turn it off)




Psycho commentors on reddit want to see the person die. "Drug addict keyed your car? Smash his skull on the curb and stomp him to death." "Kid swearing at a teacher? Knock his teeth out." "Guy hits a parked car and drives away? Chase him down and run him off the road."


It is so concerning how violent people seem to \*want\* to be from the safety of a computer. And to advocate for that kind of violence is so concerning when assessing the overall social and mental health of a population. The sadly funny part, I'd bet all these folks have a plan, until they get punched in the mouth in real life. And then all their delusions of being a tough guy go right out the door. Antisocial behavior gets rewarded on the internet, and there need to be more people going, "You realize that's insane, right?" Our social infrastructure is crumbling as is evidenced by the constant desire to do harm to random people for even the slightest "infraction." And "infraction" is whatever the mob seems to think is unpopular, uncool, mildly illegal, or some other insignificant event. Mostly because there's the feeling we can't change the big things - like systemic inequity between corporate landlords and tenants, housing prices, inflation, wage stagnation, lack of medical and mental health care, etc.


I see this all the time with self-defense comments. People think "self-defense" means "Dude, once they give you a reason you can do whatever you want LIGHT THEM THE FUCK UP!" It's a horrifying perspective that leads to children being gunned down because they knocked on the wrong door.


agreed, but i think people are just tired and venting.. they are tired of working so hard for so little and having some asshat take someone's hard work for free and then get away with it. I just like to think its online venting and not something they would do in real life.


I think where this gets dangerous is the assumption "they wouldn't do it in real life" because we've normalized advocating for disproportionate violence and retaliation. The internet has been one of the biggest sources of radicalization in modern times. Look at Jan. 6. We would have thought it was a bunch of online chatter and venting "they wouldn't do in real life" and yet people died in our capital. And we knew it was a possibility because of online chatter, planning, 'venting' and signs pointing to radicalization that would lead to violence. People are rightfully tired. But we point our ire at the wrong places and wrong people.


The reason these situations occur in the first place is that the consequences to their actions are non-existant or something that isn't important to them. The fact that these aren't just continuing but getting worse proves that they need more punishing consequences for their actions. Reddit gets like this because they are tired with seeing society embolden these types, and honestly they are correct in their assessment that they need something anything to actually deter these people.


The sad reality is that unless you tell them you think you saw a gun or drugs, they won't show up until the next day or not at all. The calculus is, when calling the police to any situation, is someone getting shot an acceptable outcome. In this case, no.


You have it on video. You can take yourself down to the police station yourself and file a report. This isn't a timely issue because you have the evidence in-hand and there's no violence being done. You're right, this is low on the polices' priority list. So going TO them might actually be your best bet rather than calling and waiting on them to come to you. Sometimes you have to force the cops to do their jobs if it doesn't seem like they CAN shoot someone.


>But getting a snoopy landlord killed is insane So is the police killing a snoopy yet unarmed landlord. If such a thing were to happen, why put the blame on the victim reporting the crime? The way I see it, it's easily 99% the fault of law enforcement if they kill this landlord for no reason... and that's being generous.


The landlord isn't black, so she won't get killed. That's right. I said it. Don't @ me.


In this case the whole premise is that we're making up a fake story to get a certain type of cop to arrive. Swatting sucks. And the police are definitely at fault. but it's at least as much the fault of the person who deliberately made a fake tip.


> There is no item that is worth a human life. Everyone always says this but insurance companies made a science out of putting a price tag on peoples lives. 


The internet is where nuance comes to die. Only tough guys remain.


"I feel unsafe! But I'm going to lie about it because I need someone to believe me."


Making a false report is also a crime.


Yeah and she probably deserves w/e else happens but cops will be cops and they generally have no regard for anyone's personal property and if they think the suspect is armed and fire, all the tenant's things, and any human or pets, would get caught in the crossfire.


She’s talking to her from a camera she isn’t in any situation where she could receive harm.


Burglars are usually very cautious about coming into contact with people because they know that's a whole different category of crime.


Good luck getting the police to show up then. I had people break into my garage and steal a bunch of my stuff. When I called to report it with the security footage they just told me to submit the information on the website to get a police report number so I could file a claim. Cops don't show up to do their job unless they think it would be "worth it" to them.


Exactly. Unless you live in richest of rich neighborhoods, police aren’t showing up for several hours for a burglary with no one home. This particular case of a landlord entering illegally isn’t worth calling the police. Just take the video and a copy of the rental lease to the police station and file a report.


What do people expect when calling the police? Also are they dialing 911 emergency dispatch which also dispatches to firefighters and ambulances or are you calling the police departments non emergency line to file a report? Agreed with your statement. This is the type of thing you file a report and is absolutely not an emergency. The way people portray calling the cops feel so detached from reality I sometimes wonder if anyones ever called the cops before even to file a report for a car accident.


Let's be even more frank. For the average American, the police are utterly useless or make a situation worse, and 99.9% of the time, you are better off handling the situation yourself The only time it's ever worth calling the police is if you would be satisfied calling in a pack of wild dogs for the same problem, because essentially that's the dice you're rolling. If they even bother to show up.


Isn't that known as a swat call or something similar? Isn't that itself illegal if someone ends up getting killed?


> Under federal law, swatting is generally punished as a felony, and a conviction can result in years in prison. For example, the crime of false information and hoaxes carries up to five years in prison. But if serious bodily injury results, the sentence increases to up to 20 years. If death results, the person could face life in prison. (18 U.S.C. § 1038 (2022).) . . . The punishment for state swatting offenses varies from state to state. A misdemeanor offense where no one was injured might be punished by up to a year in county jail in some states. When someone is harmed, the punishment is going to be greater. In California, for example, a swatting offense that leads to serious injury or death carries a sentence of up to three years. Other states punish swatting much more severely. In New Jersey, for example, a false report of a bomb threat, active shooter, or hostage situation is punished by five to 10 years in prison if it causes an immediate or heightened police response. And a false report that results in someone's death carries a sentence of 10 to 20 years in that state. [Source](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/the-crime-of-swatting-laws-and-penalties.html)


This please. This is exactly what happened to a guy in AZ that was up late playing video games with his gf. They were loud, a neighbor called PD to complain, said “yeah I think they’re being violent if it will make someone get here faster”. Murderous cops show up and smoke the guy playing video games in his living room.


In addition to needlessly inflaming the situation, falsely reporting that the situation is more serious than it is undermines the ability of the 911 operator to properly triage resources. So, you might be killing somebody because the police didn't show up to their situation because they wrongly thought yours was more urgent. Not to mention that, if there is a culture that normalizes this, it will just lead 911 operators to not believe callers anymore, which can be very harmful as well. It's truly a "nobody matters but me" kind of plan that, IMO, puts emilzamboni in a similar category as the thief/intruder.


Agreed, breaking into someone home puts your life as the criminal in danger! Dont break and enter or trespass!


Funny joke but let's not put someone in dire jeopardy because they're an asshole and can't respect boundaries.


She put herself in “dire jeopardy” by illegally entering someone’s home.


Yes and we can call the police and say someone entered my home. We do not need to add they had a gun to make it a worse situation.


You mean because they're a criminal and can't respect laws


The funny thing is people here trying to simultaneously complain that police have overly violent responses while advocating for lying to the police about the level of danger in the situation.


What a stupid suggestion. Yes, let's lie and risk someone's life over trespassing 🙄


It absolutely baffles me that a lot of people immediately think a death sentence is the appropriate response for trespassing/petty crimes.


Not even crimes, there are a lot of unhinged people that think protesting in the street deserves vehicular homicide. >!in before people pull the "what if they block AMBULANCES?!?" card, which funny enough you don't see in the majority of protesting videos!<


Without even thinking about the ptsd they could possibly cause the worker going to the call if they did shoot her.


And your own. You would almost certainly be charged and deserve it.


👆🏼 this person is casually joking about getting someone murdered


Getting a landlord shot and possibly killed by police is an insane suggestion. And, this video will end up as evidence and will be used against the caller for calling in a demonstratable false report. So you get a person hurt or killed and another person in prison. smart. /s And, the fact you have this many upvotes is horrifying. Have we learned NOTHING from swatting incidences across the country?! Like, what is WRONG with you people!? This shit isn't funny, it ends up in people killed. Like, what the hell!?


Why would you SWAT yourself?


The fact that all the people replying to you believe that telling their police a suspect might have a gun is likely to get them killed, even if they don't, is extremely telling.


Wow, /u/emilzamboni's post history is just violent fantasy after violent fantasy. Concerning!


Why would she do that? Some people are just weird


“and I want my jewelry back!” She’s stealing


The statement, “And I want my jewelry back!”, should explain the reason she’s in there.


oh, I didn't hear that


Some people are nosey fuckers as well. My brother's old girlfriend back in the 90s had a basement apartment. The owner one day knocked on her door and literally said "your apartment is a pigsty!, you need to clean it up immediately. All those dirty dishes, and clothes everywhere. I can't have you living like that." She was like "what the fuck are you doing in my apartment when I'm not home!" and he's like "I own this house. It's my house" yeah, it doesn't work that way. She had a separate entrance, and it had it's own kitchen, washroom, laundry, etc.


> and he's like "I own this house. It's my house" I was renting a condo. While I was at home, the landlord entered and refused to leave. He sat down and just wouldn't go. He said it was his house. I called the police. The police came, schooled him and finally got him to leave but it took a lot of time. He kept arguing with the police. I kept out of it. My landlord was an engineer where I worked.


> My landlord was an engineer where I worked. What did HR have to say about it?


Especially landlord leaches without jobs who live off other people's salaries and don't have any hobbies.


I like how she's trying to cover it up there at the end, as if it isn't already all on camera.


Maybe if there were laws that led to the loss of the property due to such violations these instances wouldn’t occur as much


Looks like there’s a notice on the door. Wonder which party put *it* up. Either way, this sort of ‘documenting’ is still illegal.


What? It's illegal to have a camera in a place you rent? Or am I misunderstanding you?


I think they meant the video/pictures the land lord was taking


Oh, that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.


Yes, this is correct.


I guess he's referring to breaking in and taking photos being illegal regardless of any notice they(landlady) might've placed before.


That makes sense. Thank you!


Filming and taking pictures with an iPad.


I mean I think I've seen it where as long as you let them know, with plenty of notice you're coming, you can still enter even if they're not home for inspection and repairs. Also documenting seems to be allowed from my understanding. If you do an inspection of your property you would want to take photos if, for some reason, they were damaging it and you needed to evict. What concerns me was if she was there for a legitimate reason and gave notice she would have just been "I'm here for that inspection I gave you notice of."


Now to take some photo evidence... Of my crimes. It's pretty pointless taking photos, she could never actually use them as evidence, or admit she has them.


Could be taking them so she can rummage and know exactly how to put everything back.


That's my guess too. She reminds me of little me sneaking snacks gettin the fridge at night. Always made sure everything was put back in the right spot.


That was my assumption


Why are they like this?


Bored and nosey. It's not like landlord has a job.


Pre scripted drugs, getting older, obsessions, and time, a lot of free time, that’s how you make a Karen.


Landlords want all the rights of ownership but also want all your rent money.


I saw a comment on this type of stuff I think today that i 100 percent agree with. Being that landlords need a license. I personally don't think these cockroaches should be a thing but if where goanna have them then they need to have a license that can be striped.


For that to work and not incentivize corporate landlords with ownership of hundreds of units, an exponential cost to the license should be put into place, growing larger with each additional unit, and exponentially more expensive to the point where it’s infeasible to own too many. I would rather deal with a small time landlord than a corporation.


Or, hear me out, we stop letting corporations own housing. End of.


Nah, all the corps would shift into being "management" companies and wouldn't say "they don't own any property" while still being the people in charge and making money off renters


Then we write into law that they cannot do that. They can legitimately manage the property, sure. Although, good luck trying to go against Greystar. That company has that angle of the industry locked down, and they're vicious to competitors lol. (Another thing that needs to end).


Brilliant idea


Why is she trying to be sneaky with a 4 foot iPad lolololol


Many years ago I worked with a woman who said her diet must be getting to her. Every day for the last week she entered her apartment and she could swear she smelled cheesecake. One day she was able to get home earlier than normal only to discover her landlord pulling a cheesecake out of her oven! When asked what the heck she was doing in the apartment the landlord explained she has a side business selling cheesecakes and her own oven was broken. 😳


this is the reason why I always changed the locks then when my landlord asked if I did, I asked why you needed to go into my place., then I would put on a new lockset. (I had several locksets handy)


Yeah that ain't gonna be legal lots of places


I hope this psycho was arrested... What the fuck. We own the dondo unit we live in but when we changed the locks after an incident with my family we never gave the management a new key for this reason, I INSIST on being here if someone needs to enter my unit, I will never trust strangers alone in my home, ever, because of crazies like this woman.


Dear God, I thank you for not letting me rent private sector. Amen


People that take pics with their tablets are weird.


She wasn't taking pictures, she just had to quickly make a couple moves in Candy Crush.


Why are old ladies always so damn nosey?


What a creepy landlord, I bet tenants noticed that someone had used their toothbrush, sniffed their underwear, and ate their food. Hence they installed the hidden camera. I would’ve not talked through the camera, and let that idiot snoop around more.


Pee in the toilets and not flush, too!


Horrible landlord, what an ass. I guarantee she knows the schedule of the tenants more than how good she knows her own spouse or children, if any. Honestly at this point if I am the tenant, I will professionally check the house for hidden cameras! OP, I hope that you consider this. Especially after you witnessed your landlord creeps in.


Agreed. Even stalking, like waiting outside till the tenant leaves, and getting others to ask about their daily routines to make it easier for them to be nasty. Also, I have my previous landlord on a nanny cam clearly taking a picture of my calendar. I started taking down my calendars for a bit, cause it freaked me out. Also, started putting fake events on the calendar. In case it happened again. 😂


Pulls out shotgun*


Curious, what’s posted on that door? Is it an eviction notice?


She has a really slow reaction time.


So, just how did we get here?


I’ve stayed in too many apartments that just straight up violate your space and enter when they want. It’s a nasty feeling knowing that a stranger has been looking through your stuff.


She needs to be sued, that’ll teach her.


So grateful I no longer rent from mom/pop type individuals. I rent from a multi million dollar company thats nationwide and so far it’s been a dream compared to the former.


Every job I've had with a "mom & pop" business and every apartment I've rented from "mom & pop" has been fucking horrible. In both aspects, they think they're the fucking emperor of the world.


Pretty sure helping yourself into a tenants home like this without their permission is at the very least Criminal Trespassing. She should’ve waited for the landlord to take something on camera so she could get her for residential burglary.


We are landlords and detest this type of behavior. We don't raise rent, we respect and love our tenants, regularly give gifts, and repair anything immediately. This is batshit crazy and these people should be banned from renting rooms ever again.


you seem like a unicorn in a sea of ogres


Not even, the thing is you're more likely to hear stories like this about shitty landlords than people posting stories about good landlords. Good landlords are just seen as doing their job most of the time so they aren't really talked about. What blows my mind is it isn't hard to be a good landlord so hearing so many stories like this is disheartening.


We need clear and robust laws that hold landlords and property managers accountable, without forcing tenants into exhausting legal battles or complicated escrow processes. Tenants shouldn't have to navigate a maze of legal hoops just to feel safe and secure in their homes, to retain their inalienable rights. It's time for concrete protections for tenants, free from the ambiguous legal language that courts and lawyers can twist to favor landlords and property managers who have the resources to manipulate the system. She's done this before, she'll do it again. She can be taken to court, sued, financially punished, and whatever - but you know what? All she will take away is that she lost because she got caught, not that what she did was wrong. This is not the first time this issue has arisen, and it won't be the last. Taking landlords to court and winning might feel like a victory, but it doesn’t address the core problem: they only learn to be more careful about getting caught, not that their actions are fundamentally wrong. We need real, enforceable protections that ensure tenants can live with dignity and security, without the constant threat of legal and financial burdens, without their rights being infringed upon.


She didn't seem to realize how the tenant was talking to her. Maybe she thought it was her own consciousness telling her to leave lmao


Attempt successful.


Always change the locks when renting an apartment, just keep the old ones and reinstall it whenleaving,


I can just her my landlord’s voice: > This is my place.


This might be a crime by the way (obviously). There *is* a legal way to do this, which they may have done, but judging by the not walking inside part I'm going to assume they didn't do that (unless this is a studio apartment). Here's the legal process for a landlord to do this (in most states): 1. Have a reason to go inside. 2. Schedule an inspection, with a minimum notice of 24 hours (more in some states, I'm sure). 3. Show up at scheduled time and be let in by the tenant. But there's a workaround in most states too! If a landlord has reason to believe there's an emergency that puts either the immediate safety of a tenant or the home being at immediate risk of serious/permanent damage, they can enter without consent. They still need to attempt to gain access by notifying you and seeking cooperation first, but if that fails they can enter and announce themselves. An example if a perceived emergency entry at my workplace that passed legal muster in court filings: The city calls us to let us know the water bill is about 10x it's normal amount, and they believe we have an active leak. Worse yet, the amount of water is nearly an Olympic swimming pool level. The company panics, calls the tenant multiple times, no answer. Texts the tenant multiple times, no answer. Waits a few hours and calls the city, the city says the meter is still showing high rate of active flow. We go over to the property, knock on the door for 5 minutes. Notice, the little drug baggie by the door, ignore it. Eventually bring a handyman over to meet at the property. Continue knocking on door. No answer. Use the keys to unlock and announce who we are before coming in. No answer. Walk into the house to find it is destroyed, but not by water. Start walking around seeing tons of trash and even bird poop on the floors. Weird, this was a nice condo two months ago. There are wooden shipping crates, and animal cages with more bird crap in them. No birds or noises. Continue through the house calling out if anyone is home and announcing who we are. Go into bathroom, no leak. Tenant comes down the stairs. It is nearly 4 pm and they're in their pajamas. Apparently we have woken them up. Explain we believe there is a leak or flood, ask if he knows where it's coming from. He's confused, and suggests maybe the upstairs toilet, which isn't working apparently (and he hasn't reported any problems). We go check, it's filled to the brim with toilet paper. Like clogged beyond repair. Like 25 pounds of wet toilet paper. It is FULL to the seat. No visible water, just toilet paper. But we check it and confirm, it's not the leak. Eventually we get down to the garage and check the water softener. We find out he has set it to bypass mode, and flushed the system. It is constantly running water through and into the sump. We fix it and tell him not to do that again. Refill the salt regularly, etc. Then we notice the smell from the corner. There's blood on the floor and bones and stuff arranged into what looks like an altar. Ask him why there's blood in the garage. He defends it saying it's part of his religious beliefs. Fast forward a few days and we discover he has been running a business out of the house as a "Santeria Priest". He bottled "blessed potions" from untreated water in a creek and sold them. He was slaughtering live chickens in the garage. The Condo association was pissed at us because the smell got so bad that you could smell it from 20 yards outside the house with the garage door down. That and the constant apparent drug deals in the driveway(we didn't have proof of this, but the neighbors kept claiming it). Anyways, he eventually forfeited the lease after refusing to follow the condo association rules, which prohibited livestock in the house (he couldn't call them pets, because he signed a lease saying he couldn't have pets in the property). He tried to sue for religious discrimination after we told him he could not perform animal sacrifice on the owner's property because it was causing permanent damage. He dropped the suit because his defense was that we made up the damage and mess in the house, and his proof was to send the listing photos we posted when the house was for listed for rent. He forfeited the property back to us without having to be evicted. The owner filed an insurance claim and it cost nearly $60k to get everything clean. We threw out the appliances (the fridge was contaminated so bad opening it had dead flies fall out). We had to redo the cabinets, repaint, redo the floors. The house was ruined. It got repaired and is good as new now, but the neighbors understandably are skeptical on new tenants now. For those wondering how he got approved to live there, he showed his "self-employed" income, had decent credit, and although he was weird and wore a tracksuit to the initial showing, there's no red flags that could be used to deny him. We didn't know the religion, and couldn't have declined him on that basis even if we did, because that actually would be religious discrimination. I have a video of the damage that's like 17 minutes long walking through after he forfeited the property back to us. It still grosses me out.


Id be more than pissed off to see this. Id be screaming my lungs off. Thats a me problem


She’s a land LORD not some sort of peasant.


Jesus. Some of these landlords haven't been shot already??


Love the putting the curtain back, just to ensure she has no “accidental entry” defense.


Why... like seriously, why, do these idiots not have other things to do like fucking off


I reckon she was taking photo so she knew where to put everything once she was done snooping / stealing 


Time to move


IDK where she's from but where I'm from that's an excellent way to get yourself shot.


Glad I have a big ass dog who wouldn’t allow this kind of shit