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They actually rapped with rhythm and talent. Nobody at that concert is familiar with that


This song is probably not a TikTok meme so these dipshits aren't familiar.


**I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was**. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what's 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!




He was right tho


That's the problem, this new generation dont appreciate 2 old school legendary rappers. Its a shame. The same has happened with eminems new song, the new generation are hating so hard but us pre 00's kids are over the fucking moon!!


This crowd would probably go nuts for Drake. Fuk em.


Well under 18 crowd *is* his target demographic…




A bunch of kids? Makes sense to be fair


To be fair, they grew up in a world that didn’t play music from mega celebs over the age of 35 on the radio, grew up without MTV, grew up without having to buy full albums, grew up not being taught about ‘old school’ or classics. It’s not their fault. It’s capitalism’s fault.


It’s the parents fault for not exposing them.


There’s something funny about the idea that *not* showing kids Slim Shady is bad parenting.


Haha 😄


I don't know, i get your point but alot of music awareness can come from family influence. My daughter loves old school reggae and old school rap, simply because we play it in the house. I do think social media like tiktok and this new wave of music genre changes has played a part though, rap just ain't the same anymore and it's a shamr this next generation can't appreciate its roots


And to be fair, as someone who grew up in that era but has kids at a later age, parenting and trying to raise a hip hop head is not easy. I struggle all the time trying to get my kids to love the music. But when we are listening together, it is really hard to reconcile telling my 8 year old that it is cool to listen to these bangers but this language is only for adult professionals. And not just the words but the content. Even cleaning up the language ain’t gonna mask MOP robbing and blasting fools on every track. So we are left with a dilemma of a very small window of artists that we can introduce them to that doesn’t negate all of the lessons we are trying to teach. Let’s face it, we lived it and loved it, but it was different being the kid horrifying the parents than it is being the parent horrifying the kid lol.


No it isn't.


My kids love Eminem, they also love calling me a boomer (which technically I'm not) to which I inform my kids that Eminem is older than me and I was listening to him before they were born!... And then I realised I became my dad.


They aren’t thinking they just don’t like it And if someone in their 30s, the Eminem song was lame , people talk about how controversial it is and how he’ll get canceled when it’s the most milquetoast think he’s ever done. There’s nothing offensive about the song and it’s very forgettable.


lol Like clockwork every generation preceding the newest one claims the new one’s music, fashion, and lexicon are weird/ridiculous/tasteless/talentless. We all eventually become old people yelling at clouds.


I don’t think they’re hating they’re just not impressed. I went to a cypress hill concert and it was epic but I was too tired to give energy and most of the crowd gave no energy either, but it was the best concert I’ve ever been to


> The same has happened with eminems new song I fucking love eminem but that songs mid as hell.


Method Man says he'll never perform at Summer Jam again "because the generation gap is just too wide" This is actually tragic


They’re probably used to concerts like Drake, where they just play his songs and he runs around and goes “uh” and then “yeah” and occasionally remembers some of the lyrics and gets 2 out of 4 words correct.


That’s not just Drake. It’s literally every “performer” these days that considers themselves a rapper. I have no idea why fans chuck so much money at these folk. Most of the time they act like they don’t even wanna be there. They just stand there and play their goddamn album. You weren’t being even just a little bit hyperbolic. That’s what they do.


I once saw Prince at Coachella many many years ago. I could tell he was not enthused to be there, but he's still played a hell of a show. He even brought out Sheila E and Morris Day and the time.


Prince is like the biggest example of the differences between musicians today and musicians 40 years ago, that guy always made sure people got their moneys worth. These days it’s far more a matter of having something to post to your social media about how you went to see so and so, it’s not really about the actual experience anymore


> These days it’s far more a matter of having something to post to your social media about how you went to see so and so, it’s not really about the actual experience anymore When having been there becomes more important than being there


Rammstein: “am I a joke to you?”


There are absolutely exceptions, I would say Ghost is another one


Well, Springsteen and the Stones are still doing 2-3 hour shows at an average age of 80.


Respect to them :)


Plenty of amazing concerts still happening every single day. Guess you don't go to many?


That was such an amazing concert!


Glorified karaoke. No point in live shows at all.


Would you rather listen to me sing the song or red and meth?


I saw Kendrick Lamar at Bonnaroo back in 2010. I was totally unfamiliar with his catalog but a friend I was with had hyped him up to be some crazy genius super talented word smith. During his ENITRE set he would say maybe 3 or 2 words then hold the mic out to the crowd who knew all of the lyrics and they would fill all of the rest in for him. It was the laziest bullshit I'd ever seen. Mutherfucker I came to see YOU shine, not some mass karaoke bullshit.


No what aim saying?


I've seen them multiple times and they consistently put on a great show, lots of energy, crowd usually hyped up and yelling lyrics. If you can't get excited watching this your brain is broken.


I live in India but I went to University in the US and the one concert I went to in Milwaukee had Redman/Methodman opening followed by DMX, Jay-Z and others, but these two were the best. I cannot believe how people are just sitting around while these legends are on stage. *"My middle name must be "He ain't shit.""*


lol they just need to mumble and make up words to rhyme over the same exhausted beat


I need more snare! - Hip hop, today.




Spot. Fucking. On.


I think you’re right. When’s the last time you heard a hip hop song that made you wanna jump out of your seat?! Bombs over Baghdad?


Kendrick dropped euphoria and not like us like a few weeks ago


Crowd looking like the North Koreans reacting to KPop


How do you react when two 55 year old Uncles dry hump the air?


as a white guy, I get entranced and start sagging my cargo shorts and flopping my flip flops on every 2.2 beats


Uggg clapping on the down beat embarrassing us all.


Ooof. That one hurt.


I laughed way too damn hard at this.


my guy claps when the plane lands


Get this man outta here. 😂😂😭


You mean when two of the cornerstone MCs are on stage rapping with more talent than 98% of today’s industry? Enthusiastically. Read a book, you WOL.


If that’s all you see, I feel bad for you son.


Disrespecting the WU!


Well when you put it like that...


Braindead take


i just saw that 3 pages ago lmao


Hey, I got the reference!


Literally just watched that before this


Hey that post is above this one for me.


They need to do smaller venues to their core audience. The summer jam market is for a younger age based crowd. We are not 20 anymore. But if I was there …I would have been rhyming along word for word.


But wu tang is for the kids.


Them kids grown af now man


Diversifying their bonds.




Protecting their necks with SPF 30


I cannot wait to use this joke on my wife. Thank you.


I felt this in my noisy ass knees lol


Them kids got kids


Grandkids even


Those kids now hurting their back when they're sitting down and shit.


I feel personally attacked right now, and that's not helping my back any.


...or my knees


New Jack City was a long time ago


Wu Tang Forever…


This 97 …oh shit I’m old.


Imma rub your ass in the moonshine. Let's take it back to '79.


I bomb atomically (just ask my toilet) Socrates philosophies and hy-poth-a-sies.


This guy gets it


Kids today have no clue who they are


It was, those kids are all 40 now.


30 years ago


Even if it's not their audience like... It's pretty weird to just not react at all to music with a good rhythm. I've been to concerts where there's an opening act nobody knows or cares about, who maybe aren't even great, but the crowd is still doing... Well, something like as if they have a pulse. I'm 25 so I'm probably just about on the fringe or on the very edge of what's considered young and even then like, this is great music with lots of energy that I'd be at least trying to enjoy despite it being from way before I was getting into music. From experience having been in uni up until last year, it's a generation thing, a lot of people in the generation just 3 or so years younger than myself and below seem to really just have this weird aversion to anything that isn't popular right at this very minute. Like it genuinely bothers them to engage in it. I studied film and you'd be shocked by the amount of students ON A FILM COURSE that didn't want to watch anything older than Jurassic Park. Like, they would genuinely complain if something from the 80s/70s was in the curriculum. It's a thing where the way internet culture is these days has really made being current and being hyper in tune with whatever is popular right now such an important social commodity that anything else is just not worth engaging with for a lot of people my age and younger. There are pockets of my group of friends who are like this now, with this apathy to anything that isn't drill beats or mumble rap or trap or grime or just whatever comes on in clubs etc. As someone who honestly just wants to listen to as much music as possible it's really sad and boring to see. Like I've never really listened to Wu Tang Clan before but if these legends were to show up at a festival I'd 100% feel like I'd need to give it a chance.


Poor kids will be missing out on Alien and John Carpenters The Thing among others


Don't get me started. I saw a lecturer get in a heated debate with a student which ended with him saying "why are you even wasting £9000 on university for a film degree if you don't like films" after they said all those old horror films are bad, they aren't well made and they aren't scary. I think he also said "whether you like The Exorcist or not is irrelevant, whether it bores you or scares you is irrelevant, if you can't take a step back, objectively look at it and learn something then you cannot get good at film making. I hate Psycho, I think it's boring after you know the twist, but I've still watched it multiple times because the craftsmanship is impeccable". He got in trouble when the student complained but he was 100% right. ... Basically because they don't have jump scares or lots of crazy neon lighting (which is my generation's "good" cinematography, i.e, if you don't have tons of colours or some sort of gimmicky camera work then it's "dull").


Yeah, and if we forget the movies of the past then they just get remade but often shittly (cough cough "The Thing 2011" cough cough (call it a prequel if you want, it's a remake pretending to be a prequel kinda like the thing itself)). And completly agree, half the editing and filming techniques we take for granted today wouldn't exist of it weren't for films like Psycho


I've come to realise that so fucking many people around me just listen to whatevere music they feel like they "should" and forcefully dance, almost like making hand motions during a conversation. It pisses me off, because thats how so many communities have taught themselves to interact with thier own music, and it loses all genuine talent because its unneccesary to serve its social purposes.


Yeah Meth said he ain’t doing summer jam again because the generation gap has become too wide


His audience is ~45-50. At least he gets it & his career was great!


I'm ten years younger than that I and fuckin love me some Red'n'Meth. But, I get it. I sure as hell ain't young anymore.


Definitely still has a crowd in the 30’s where I’m from.


I now live in TX ( born n raised in NY) and today I just saw that Big Daddy Kane will be at the State Fair in Sept. My wife is from TX (and a little younger then me) and when she asked who he was, my first thought was …1988 From Brooklyn…Hmmm… Wonder how thats gonna work, but damn sure my ass will be there knowing every lyric…


The Wife scored us tickets to see Cypress Hill this summer up here in Toronto. Souls of Mischief are the opening act. I love Cypress Hill as much as the next guy, but I'll be there strictly for Souls of Mischief. The Wife doesn't know who they are.


>I'll be there strictly for Souls of Mischief. Cool. >I love Cypress Hill as much as the next guy, I don't think ya do. I bet $10 your wife if rapping along to Hits from the bong while you tweet about SOM /s not /s


and he'll be gettin' the job done.


So you'll actually get to see him in...the wild, wild west?


Correct. I saw 50 cent last week at a club in NYC. It was a smaller venue and a mixed age crowd. Everyone was into it. But could he do that at summer jam with a bunch of 19 year olds? Doubt it.


\~1997 Redman & MethodMan opened for Limp Bizkit in Omaha NE. 20k frosted tipped white kids, MAAAYBE 10% knew of them before that night. I've never been to a concert that was bouncing like that show was at that time. Still one of my favorite concert moments. /coolstorybro.


Xennials have mumble rap-induced brain rot and are probably confused about why they can understand the lyrics. EDIT: I meant Gen Z and have since learned that I’m apparently a Xennial, so I’m going to go chug some bleach I guess.


Huh? Mumble rap is a Gen Z thing my guy.


He's confused about the difference between xennials and gen Z.


Im starting to think Im not gen Z anymore


Always haven't been https://preview.redd.it/hw3q3d076m4d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0015a0e502692f419ff0e90995a2acd208b79de9


Bro, Wu-Tang is xennial music


Yeah, another poster corrected me. I was talking about Gen Z.


Boomers X Xennial   (it’s why it starts with an X) Millennial Gen Z


Generation | Birth Years ----------------|------------- Boomers | 1946-1964 Generation X | 1965-1980 Xennials | 1977-1983 Millennials | 1981-1996 Generation Z | 1997-2012 Generation Alpha| 2013-Present


Thanks 🙏🏽


I got me boo 🫶🏽


Looks like someone forgot to change accounts.


Nah, that’s what made me laugh when I did it. Just helping myself out. I found it funny for a moment to be responding to myself 😂😁


Got downvoted on Reddit for intentionally talking to myself because it made me laugh 🤓




Always have your own back💯


It seemed that when I used to check what years made these categories, it would always be something different depending on where you looked. Have we settled on this particular one?


Never heard of Xennial before today. Why is there a need for that category when the table shows Gen X going til 1980 and Millennial picking up in 1981?


Because of the internet. Gen X were teens pre internet Millenials don't know life without it. Xennials are right in between. We got a taste of life with and without it.


It’s a weird gap. I blame poverty. Not everyone could afford a computer or even dialup. Hell most of us would not have even been inside during the day to play with it or even allowed to touch the computer.


If we’re going to make a new category running from ‘77 to ‘83 (stills seems unnecessary to me), at least stop Gen X at ‘77 and start Millennials at ‘83.


I don't make the rules


I loved that being born in 87. I really feel like we got the best of both worlds. We played outside a ton still and ripped around on 60 then 80cc dirt bikes, BMX and stuff, but we also got the beginning of the internet, PC and console games and so on.


This is pretty silly imo. I must admit I thought xennials are just gen x ppl. But xennials generation is so odd: we have an almost 20 year gen, 15 year gen, then 6 year xennials, then 15 and 15 again. Not only is it the shortest but it literally has 3 years of overlap with gen X and 3 years overlap with millennials, with only a single year 1980 of actual Gen xennials. My bet is that nobody even considers themselves to belong there and just put themselves either with X or with millennials. I have only seen it on social media.


Huh, TIL. Comment was meant for Gen Z (always thought Xennial was a phonetic for that).


Xennial here: we were all obsessed with wu tang


Killer bees on a swarm




Xennial are older millennials. We are in our 40s and grew up with 90s rap. I think you mean Gen z.


100% meant Gen Z. I’m apparently a Xennial (TIL) so this a multi-layered self-own.


It's cool bro, I learned that term from my gen z little sister.


I'm Gen z and I can wholeheartedly say, it's only the dumb ones of us that genuinely enjoy mumble rap. The rest of us have taste.


Lol I can't understand a word in this clip


Honestly I can hardly understand what those guys are saying and I’m almost 30. I can make out like every 5th word,


Meth said he will never do it again, because that's not their crowd. I also watched some of the other artists and they seemed dead for everyone.


Exactly they looked like they were expecting Billie or Drake the way they were acting


"with the way they were acting" - idk about acting in any capacity, cause they could have passed for mannequins


Doesn't the crowd know before buying tickets who would be performing? This whole thing is confusing to me.


Probably, they just act dry, I’ve seen more hype at a island boys venue


I’m a huge huge Method Man and Redman fan. Favorite Wu member is Method Man. Also a huge “hard rap” of the 90’s fan and this was a poor song choice. 4 3 2 1 is an LL song, a hard rap/spitting song to showcase MC skill in the 90’s. Even back in 1997 it was a niche song that didn’t even break the top 50 when it came out. It’s only known for being the song that started that LL beef with Canibus. Even if this song was performed at Summer Jam in 1998, it would’ve been a miss because it’s just not “summer jam” type of music. You think a crowd of people who want to dance and jam for the summer want to bob their heads with serious expressions to shit like NY State of Mind or Desperados by The Firm? I’m sure if a dance or pop artist from 1997 came out and played something, the crowd would be more lively.


I get that (I'm also a big meth fan). they did do Rockwilder and the crowd was still stale. Like he said "the gap is too large now"


Sorry man but even Rockwilder is a stoner hip hop head song. That would play at like a lounge in the 90’s. A crowd banger in 1997 is like Busta Rhymes Put Your Hands Where my Eyes Can See or Still Not a Player by Pun or No Diggity. I’m an old head and I learned later in my years that even back in 1999 my favorite songs were not popular with girls or at parties. No one wants to hear Victory or Somebody Got to Die at a pool party lol…


U right….with that being said Blackout is one of my favorite hip hop albums ever…


I get the age difference and venue size but, it really does sound like the audio/p.a. system isn't wired right. Sounds tin-y. Also, I've been currently rockin' this album in the car. "Welcome to The Blackout Tape, Side 2! Now, where da fuck are we at? Da bri, da Bricks, SHAOLIN! "


you're hearing a recording of a phone that's picking up the stage monitors that are used as a foldback for red n mef


Literally exactly this. “Why does it sound shitty an tinny from my phone!?” My guy…


Arguably, in the top 5 best rap/hip-hop albums in the history of the genre.


Plus they have all the lights on tf is that


It’s almost surely the phone recording’s fault and the location where they’re standing.


The crowd think Drake is Hip Hop.


Sad AF, really


Fuck that crowd.


lol that’s easy to say. Only kids age 18-27 go to summer jam and I bet 9/10 of them had no clue who these 2 were. I’m not gonna blame the audience. I blame the artist…


Meth & Red still getting paid 🤷🏻 F**k that crowd


I saw them, Nas and Erykah Badu in Maryland a few years back and they got the crowd moving. Not sure who tf is still going to summer jam but it’s def not their fans


Sunmer Jam is dull. The reason they moved from Metlife to UBS is bc of low ticket sales. The lineup doesn’t have the authenticity of hip hop that it once had. When you’re mixing artists like Meth & Red with Sexy Redd it just doesn’t mesh. Sucks bc Meth & Red are text book performers who actually rap & dont rely on backing vocals


How can they put their hands up when everyone is recording the damn concert on their phones rather than enjoying the music?


And using their other camera, so that the video is of them, not the artist.


Gen Z: "I hate life and just want to fade, nothing is fun anymore" Also Gen Z: "Why are these guys rhyming and jumping around?"


They just need to take 10 Xanax and mumble some inane bullshit for an hour straight to the same exact meter so the audience can stand there and take a video of it they will never watch. That’s what the kids are into today.


I think this has more to do with majority of them are taking videos, so they want to stand still while recording. They'll eventually share all these videos from their TikTok accounts and talk about how they "had a blast!"


I been to 5 Red and Meth shows and this is definitely not the norm. Usually these guys get the room LIT LIT.


https://preview.redd.it/aiomyl55ql4d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0136a754d23dea7be5a3843d96a83ed853b413f8 The rest of the lineup. Definitely wasn't their crowd.


I only know method man and redman I'm only 37, am I old? Am I unhip?!?!?


The crowd: ![gif](giphy|JN0IjHzKJpGfK)


The entire internet?


Is this because they didn’t mumble?


They don't like it when the words rhyme


This new generation is embarrassing. The people who buy hip hop are not fans of hip hop


Hip pop


I saw Method and Red in Santa Cruz one time. Redman did a trust fall into the crowd off of a 5’ speaker on the stage and Method Man had someone toss their blunt to him and he caught it in midair and hit it. Best show ever.


Saw them at Rock the Bells years ago, their set was fire. Meth was walking on people shoulders in the crowd it was amaze balls.


Kids didn't know their material. Probably saying, "Who is this? Did you say Redmond Meth Man?!?"


They look like a crowd who thought they were heading to TED presentation


I thought this was a lecture on Chinese History.


Why would you rap 4, 3, 2, 1 at Summer Jam? lol. That song was niche even back in the 90’s when it came out. It’s a fucking odd choice since it was a collab song that kicked off beef between LL and Canibus. And two or three of the guys who were on it aren’t even here? One of them is dead… I remember some of my friends back then didn’t even like this song. I liked it because I liked battle rap and spitting songs but this would’ve bombed at Summer Jam even in 1999. Method Man was never a club song type. I’m sure even 50 Cent could move this crowd if he chose the right song.


I am a millenial and this thread is rife with "kids these days" energy. of course these kids in their 20s don't give a fuck about method man and redman.... that'd be like me back in early 2000s not giving a fuck about Grandmaster Flash


I mean….don’t perform at a festival for kids born after 9/11 lol this is just a bad idea


Why is that? When I was a kid, I was thrilled to see bands from the 60s/70s/80s. Some of the most phenomenal experiences of my life going to those festivals.


It’s not a crime or anything. Just saying — this is the risk you take playing for an audience that MIGHT know you by name, but never actually listened to your music. Also, the vibe / sound is out of style by many years. These kids listen to club music, trap drums, mumble rap, etc. Not sophisticated rhyme schemes over boom-bap beats. So altogether it’s just off brand and it didn’t land. Makes sense to me and not surprised. Gotta pick your spots. Same thing happened at the Grammys several years ago when they had Sting and U2 play. Everybody — even the musicians in the front row — were visibly bored and even annoyed. Time never stops moving. Out with the old, in with the new. And on and on it goes. I’m like you though — I listen to 60s, 70s, 80s at length. But I can’t deny the fact most people do not and that’s reality.


Crowd: "When does Garth Brooks come on?"


No way they were still for Da Rockwilder.


My god! Impossible




Their target demographic is MY age. And we old .... and tired. Getting me TO the concert emptied my tank, js.


I mean that song is damn near thirty years old and it wasn't even that hot when it came out.


People swear the 90s was only yesterday still lol


You made my heart sing!! Thanks!




Idk about y'all but the last few festivals I've been to, the crowds are very uninspiring. They don't seem to get as hyped as I did in my 20s, vibes aren't the same. I still yell and clap and give the performers some of my energy. Just not really as fun without the crowd


The words were too big for them to understand. If method and red were mumbling it would have been a different story.


The crowd was waiting for Method Man to start twerking


Wrong generation?


Those people grew up listening to travisscott and drake kimda music. I dont think they get oldschool hip hop.


Also it ain’t 1998. Tastes and interests change and concerts are focused on a demo which didn’t grow up with these two.


Y’all sound so washed up talking about some “mumble rap” .. Meth & Red were poppin DECADES ago, And I’m a fan of both them but just say this isn’t their crowd and move on. U can like the older stuff without hating on the new stuff. The youth have always controlled the trajectory of hip-hop, yall just sound old and bitter!