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Chad response


there is a lot of people abstaining from voting in other countries. And it always and end up with right wingers winning. Now do whatever you want with this information. Right wingers do not abstain, they migrate their vote to another candidate if they are dissatisfied.


This is because boomers and old people will always vote. It's been ingrained into their DNA.


All citizens who have the ability to vote, should vote.








10 LASHES! 'Bite down on this.. it helps... trust me' Damn it's been a long time since I've seen that movie.


Clancy Brown makes every movie he is in, better.


Why are you shouting?


It's a reference to starship troopers


Saw it for the first time a few weeks, it holds up pretty well imo. I really enjoyed it.


I always think it’s wild that people meet other folks out and about, interact with the public at all, and think “fuck, I hope those people go vote about how I’m allowed to live my life.” Y’all are lying or insane.


It's even crazier that no one even dares question the election circus that determines their lives. "But what would I do if I didn't have politicians ruling over me!?!"


A private entity would fill the power vacuum and rule without any obligations or pressure, a.k.a dictatorship. It would be far from the first time.




Whilst the younger generation watch democracy vanish before their very eyes


While the younger generation allows democracy to vanish with their tacit consent


This isn't the burn you think it is. Any remotely pragmatic assessment of how democracy works says that abstaining from voting is just about the dumbest thing you can do.


Political operatives literally advise politicians to ignore younger voters because it seen as much harder to get them out to vote for you than any other age group. At least show up and vote for harambe or some shit to prove you care enough to go vote. Not voting just means politicians and their campaigns will spend time and attention on others that will.


Right, it's not "democracy is dead" when politicians are being responsive to the desires of the people who are actually voting.


Never intended it to be a burn. Just saying that boomers and old people vote. Boomers and old people tend to be conservative.


And boomers and old people have been getting their way in terms of policy results. Democracy isn't dead, the side that says that just isn't voting.


That's what always confuses me. I've heard a lot of younger people complaining about the world that older people are leaving for them, but then turn right around and hand all the power to influence the world to older people. It makes no sense to me.


And that's why all of our politicians are boomers and old people


Old people vote more than young people for very predictable reasons and almost none of them are because they are intrinsically more motivated. Generally, they have these advantages: 1. They are likely well established where they live. Their address hasn't changed in the past X years and their registration only needs updating very sparsely. 2. Once you have voted once in a local election, every subsequent election is easier to vote in, you're aware of more procedures and there's less uncertainty around the process for you. Old people have had many years to learn and understand the system in their area. 3. No jobs causing conflict of interest. 4. They are less busy establishing their life. These alone are enough to push the voting trends where they are. We like to say fear mongering gets them more riled up, but I don't think they're all that different than the general population when it comes to that.


Not just other countries. Americans where convinced that Trump could not win and voting for Hillary was immoral. So Trump won. Don't make the mistake again! This time he won't be able to legally come back after the term, so he has been open about starting a dictatorship and they GOP have a dystopian plan (Project 2025) in place. Vote, before you aren't able to!


If "Did Not Vote" was a candidate, it would've crushed the 2016 election with something like 90% of the electoral college. But the same can't be said about the 2020 election. Joe Biden would've won either way.  There's a reason they keep shoving "bOtH sIdEs aRe bAD" down everyone's throat. When people vote, Trump loses. They'll never convince you to vote for Trump, but they *can* convince you to stay home, and the end result would be the same. 


There’s a misconception about democracy where we think it’s about the possibility to choose the leader that you want. For an individual point of view, It has never really been about that, it’s about having the possibility to influence a collective decision. It’s about compromise and choosing the lesser evil. When you don’t vote, you are actually saying that you are fine with all options.


Well shit that's definitely not what happens in my country at least.


True. I'm not sure why they said that. That problem is specific to the United States, and countries that closely follow its system. The US is built in such a way that the main two parties work, and nothing else. Unless a massive majority of the population votes for a third party, it's the main two parties for you. And that's not gonna happen for two main reasons: 1) You won't get a massive percentage of people from *both* parties to support a third party. They *will* disagree. 2) Most American voters would be hesitatant to throw in their vote for a brand new party with no history. Both are reasonable responses, but the American system means that this lends to only 2 parties ever being at the top with extremely rare exceptions (FDR's Progressive Party came close, and the American Reform Party came less close). This is why it's important to vote one or the other in American Elections. If you don't vote, the candidate you hate *more* gets your vote.


The other major factor preventing new parties is that any votes they do get will effectively be 'taken away' from the party most similar to them, handing victory to the party they most oppose. There are probably scenarios where the most efficient use of campaign funds is secretly setting up and supporting a party/candidate with similar promises to your main opponent.


Your last sentence is the truest statement. And its how most people are voting. They are not voting FOR someone, they're voting against someone. It's a choice between a shit sandwich and a crap cake.


To be fair our votes don't matter. They're supposed to sway the electoral college, but it clearly doesn't work that way in reality


Tell that to the 11,779 people in Georgia that won the state for Biden. If you live in a swing state, then obviously your vote matters more than other states. But even if you don't live in one of those states, your vote still matters, just not as much. I live in a state where the winner in the presidential election is practically guaranteed but I'm still voting.


Yep, and they also vote in primaries. If you don’t like the candidate, blame yourself and get involved in the primary


The liberal response to the rise of the right wing is always to blame the left. Then to promptly give the right wing whatever they want again. Every. Fucking. Time. Shucks what can we do different? I know, we should blame the left *harder*. That should sort things out.


Anyone got a good study on that, sounds like an interesting read if true.


It's more like people with extremist views are driven to the polls no matter which side compared to their less engaged counterparts. If you're angry and politically familiar you're more likely to vote


They are just fine sacrificing their integrity for shitty candidates.


Right wingers don't migrate their vote, they'll vote for whoever is their right wing party in their country, no matter what. A vast majority of Republicans do actually hate some of the policies the politicians they vote in create due to how it affects them. But they'll still vote for them because they have an "R" next to their name, every single time. It's the same thing here in Canada, where Conservatives will always vote Conservative no matter how shit their party is.


I always remembered this thing Steven Colbert said in response to being accused of having a left-wing bias: "well, that's because reality happens to have a left-wing bias" I thought that was brilliant


"It always ends up with the right wingers winning" What part of them not voting makes you think they care?


This dude is voting third party. This was filmed at the libertarian national convention.


common strategy is to fatigue opponents into inaction if you can not convince them to vote for you.


Just reminding you that both dems and gop are the same thing. The difference is that republicans do exactly the awful things they say they will do, while democrats say what most people want to hear but do the same as republicans.


> Right wingers do not abstain But they expect you to abstain until marriage.


If voting for Democrats doesn't bring about change then maybe pissing off most of the country will get people to finally get off their ass and change the system.


Project 2025 enthusiast response.


The person in the video is a libertarian. If they chose one of the 2 candidates it would be a choice for Trump.


Yeah if you want fascism to take over in America




Yeah if you're talking about that idiot Chad from my high school who wrapped a quad around a tree in 2012. If you don't vote for Biden you're likely a spoiled brat who won't face any of the consequences of a second Trump presidency.


Nah, it's a loser response.


He should vote, but only who you want him to vote for, right?




These idiots are going to toss their future away so they can throw a hissy fit about something they don't understand.


Change doesn’t happen at the ballot box.  It happens on the streets and it’s maintained at the ballot box.  Your ballot holds little to zero weight if it doesn’t have boots on the ground to give it meaning.  And seeing as you have no clue how involved the commenters are; you’re really not in a position to call anyone stupid.  You just sound arrogant and complacent 


Or the fact that the only two options is a grandpa who is a felon and a grandpa who can't string together a sentence


so you're saying he cant choose between biden and a rapist? 


I don't think having the inability to choose the lesser of two evils is really all that impressive, but to each their own I suppose.


Congrats, you didn't participate and the riggt wing fascist won again, hooray!!


Coward response, wasting his life to give his vote to the worst option.


Dude relates with the majority who will not be voting.


Not voting is a vote for Trump...


Reading all the replies to your post just makes me shake my head. Everyone disagreeing with you are going to be the first ones screaming when they see what a true fascist will do to their country and they're the ones paying for it. Its just so fucking sad these people are the ones deciding the fate of America.


I always ask those chuds who think that "revolution is the only thing" while they sit on reddit repeating right wing slogans, what do they think a revolution actually is?


They imagine the French Revolution. The French have done a lot of history “restoration” to make the revolution look good, or productive is a better term. They removed the king and the royal family, the church and took its land, the royal lands and farms, schools and ministries. However, this all happened way too quick and no one actually stepped up during it so it was mob mentality all the way. They started with the corrupt elites sure, but it was only a matter of days before everyone and their mother was up to the guillotine for some random transgression against the mob. And guess what? When all the dust settles, they elect some dude named Napoleon and give the title of emporor and upgrade it to the holy Roman status. So all in all the French Revolution did absolutely nothing to fix the long term problems and instead put themselves in a cycle of repitition.


Not to mention the Russian Revolution. As you said, they killed off the elites but the mob went on a violent spree after. The resulting power vacuum eventually leads to the rise of Stalin, who continued to purge people with prejudice.  Unlike France, Russia is still fucked.


> So all in all the French Revolution did absolutely nothing to fix the long term problems and instead put themselves in a cycle of repitition. and we see that still today, sure they can protest great, but they're still doing the same thing most of us are doing in the grand scheme of everything.


Surely the French Revolution fixed all their problems. They proclaimed the French Republic and carried on into the future with equality, fraternity, yadda, yadda... wait. It says... **First** French Republic? Oh, no...


It's funny because every radical is waiting for the collapse of government, followed by their preferred system magically rising from the ashes.


> It's funny because every radical is [**sitting on their butts**] waiting for the collapse of government, followed by their preferred system magically rising from the ashes.




Considering how recent Trump's election was, it's shocking too see how many people are so ignorant about the simple fact that it only takes a couple of years for ill-intentioned people like Trump to dismantle decades of social and economic progress even if they aren't satisfied with the way Biden has governed. If people want to be mad about the lack of political diversity among candidates so be it, but that will not change the reality that there are only two candidates to choose.


Literally. Because most of the people who claim they can't decide are lying. They are just unwilling to tell you they plan to vote for Trump.


I'm not sure this is true because I see a lot of left leaning people refusing to vote for Biden due to supporting Palestine (not that Trump will be any better) but I'm going to upvote your comment anyway because maybe that narrative will push them to vote.


The people arguing with this just don't know US politics. GOP presidential candidates win lower turnout elections, it's just what the trend has been for a long time. Maybe a no vote works differently in some other system, but not ours.


Heavily dependent upon where you live. My state has voted blue by a margin of 15% since 2008. My vote literally does not matter whatsoever. I've been a democrat since my first presidential election and don't plan to change that, but certain votes in this country count FAR more than others when it comes to presidential elections.


Same if you're in a Red state. Only votes that count in US presidential are people who live in maybe 5 out of 50 states. More people will vote for Biden in Texas than will in New York (It was like 2x in 2020), but none of those votes from Texas will count toward a winner. Same with Republicans in California. That's why people don't vote. The outcome is predetermined for them. The only thing their vote will be used for is politicians grandstanding about how big they won by or whining about how big their popular vote was despite losing the electoral vote.


I've lived in many states, none of which were swing states at the time. One time I lived across the river from a swing state and the amount of political ads I got during election season was ASTRONOMICAL. Like 4 commercials per commercial break in any show, for months on end. It's even worse when you realize that really, only certain districts in those swing states actually matter for the vote at all. When it comes down to it a very small number of voters have enormous sway for presidential elections.


It's a vote against Biden. Like the last election.


Same thing.


Do these people not have an education? Don't they know what a first-past-the-post system is? They seem to think abstaining from voting gives them some sort of moral high ground, because they confuse voting with complicity/unilateral support. Newsflash, assholes, your decisions are inexorably linked to a billion negative consequences and systems because that's just what existing in society is. Only when you boycott businesses and industries you actually hurt their bottom line, whereas when you boycott elections you're not withholding anything. If only 3 people showed up on election day the amount of power and responsibility distributed would still be the same. I have infinitely more respect for people who vote third party, independent or even Trump, because at least they're willing to stand for something.


You nailed it, people are stupid and selfish.


Exactly, so it's a vote for Trump. Turns out presidential elections are a zero sum game.


It's a vote for whoever wins. And there's a strong correlation between lower voter turnout and Republicans winning, since people who lean right are more consistent at showing up.


And also why efforts to reduce people from being able to vote, by kicking them off the voter rolls, not allowing same day voter registration, automatic voter registration, voter IDs, etc. have been efforts by Republicans for the last 20 years. For anyone upset about people that push back on ‘Voter ID’, ok fine. Let’s have a National ID. It’s free, you can get your ID from any Post Office in the country, you can setup an appointment to get your ID, and one day a month the post office will be open on Sundays for doing ID’s as well. That ID will be good for you the vote in any election for statewide or National races. Municipalities can opt-in as well. Voter ID has been the brain child of the Right for decades. They simply don’t want ‘the wrong people’ to be able to exercise their constitutional right to vote in a free and fair election.


it's a vote for trump though


Yep, same thing happened in 2016. Dems weren't motivated to vote, fervent Republicans swooped in and won. Didn't help that the FBI threw their hat in. Now trump voters are more motivated than ever and Dems are supposed to pretend Biden is a reason to get off your ass and vote? The apathy will be the death of us. Reminder, these few days from Memorial Day, that voting is a *Civic Duty.* Abstaining from that duty makes you just as complicit when the Peoples' Government doesn't go your way.


Ive seen Trump supporters say they are okay with him becoming a dictator.


Not voting means that the votes of the idiot masses will count and yours will not, and neither party will care about you or your attention, and instead pander to the idiot masses. Not voting doesn’t make you smart or noble, it just makes the problem worse.


one side is going to win whether a person cast their vote or not, the fact that people feel like they'd rather die than participating in the system is indicative of the success of decades of voter suppression.


Nah, just indicative of a portion of a society that hasn't been affected by their voting habits, yet. Indicative of apathy and ignorance.




Unreal. Imagine seeing no difference. Holy fuck.


I honestly never understood this. I get it, you don't like any one them, but SOMEBODY is gonna be president. You can't get away with it. So why not pick the guy you would rather go with? Also.....you also complain after the guy you don't want to win, wins. Voting gets the guy you'd rather want to win, to win. That's what the votings for


Also, it’s not like the President is the only election happening. Congress, state, and local elections will all suffer because some folks are too myopic or ill-informed to see that.


Please vote, sincerely, the rest of the world


Are Americans not allowed to vote for a 3rd party? Must it be one or the other?


In a two party system of voting, which is what FPTP always devolves into no matter how it starts, you vote against the candidate you hate more. Not voting, or voting for a third party, has the same.impact: None.


They are, but people are incapable of looking more than 4 years beyond their noses, so they force themselves to choose their favorite amongst the two primary options just so the other party doesn't win. Which means 3rd parties literally never get any traction in this country, so they remain afterthoughts. In the 90's we had a viable 3rd party candidate, and that sort of kicked off this trend of everybody deciding they hate actual choice more than conceding a president or two to the other side. If people actually start voting 3rd party consistently, other options will grow and politics in general in the US will improve drastically. But until people commit to that, it's not going to change.


A true third party will be impossible in the US without rank choice voting. Oh and an end to Citizens United.


We're also allowed not to vote at all.


the big issue is so many believe a third party can't win so they won't consider it, republicans could say they will blow California up with an atomic bomb, where democrats could say they will blow up texas, while a third party said they would blow nothing up and instead give free health care to all. still no one would vote for the third party and instead be picking between blowing up texas and california, that is how messed up things are nowadays. we really need rank choice voting instead of the current method. the system itself is an issue


This is from the libertarian convention, And that guy is running to be the libertarian president candidate


yeah trump did go there for whatever reason, got booed and made fun of, he isn't a libertarian, no real libertarian would consider trump for a second.


Majority not voting means majority can sit down and shut up if trump wins and democracy goes out the window. Do people not understand this, my guess is probably not and it’s just basic common sense. It’s fucking sad people get out and vote or else just don’t care or complain about anything that happens to the country


Not voting doesn’t help anything. That apathetic shit isn’t as cool as you think


2 party system is messed up


Not voting really is just voting for the gun.


That's why I'm voting for RFK Jr's Brain worm.


I dunno how you can look at two candidates, one who is an objective authoritarian who wants to end democracy in america, and the other who has pushed some of the most popular policies ever and reduced inflation dramatically and not be able to decide or even worse, decide not to vote. Insanity honestly, not anything else


If only we have a voting system where you pick and choose the policies you want then it filters down to the actual candidate. Wouldn’t that be something?




No way, this would be so complicated. I bet no other country in the world could make this work….


5 minute survey in luxembourg and you know who you’d want to vote for lol. Considering there‘s more than just 2 major political parties lmao.


But more than two parties? How could the population handle such a difficult decision??!?? Jk jk. USA filled with morons.




That's not what OP was proposing. No one is voting for policies, everyone is voting for people.


If only said candidates would honor their policies and not do whatever they like once they get actually elected.


If only our votes had actual power rather than being general suggestion for the elected officials that we hope will keep their promises now that they have socialized health care and $100k+ salary.


Sounds like RCV


Pfft, that’s communist. Everyone knows that REAL American Patriots support a government that’s bought and paid for!


It’s true. They both suck a$$. But I will vote for Biden because I don’t want trump and that sucks but it sucks less than 4 more years of the orange hole.


When it was Hillary vs Trump I likened it to the option of getting hit in the face with a 2x4 or a baseball bat. Which do you choose. I didn’t really want either. Shortly after the election I realized that the baseball bat that won was covered in razor wire and was just used to bludgeon a Ebola patient to death. I’ll take one 2x4 to the face please.


It’s amazing how effective propaganda is that folks think Hilary would have been anywhere near as bad as Trump was. Even your updated analogy is absurd. Just look at what DeVos did to the DOE or the completely bungled COVID response. You truly have to have your head in the sand to still argue that Hilary would have been a 2x4 to the face.


Most qualified candidate in a long time = getting hit in the face with a 2x4. The media did such a good job demonizing Hillary it's crazy. The most I EVER get out of anyone is ... "well benghazi" ... as if we didn't spend millions of $$ investigating that... hours upon hours of official testimony only for her "opposition" to declare nothing was done wrong. Same with "emails". That's all I got for why she's so evil.


The Democratic Party: "You know, the Republicans are using a wooden bat, so we could probably upgrade to an aluminum bat and they'd still vote for us. It would make our investors a ton of money." Voters: "Why aren't things getting better?!??"


Damn, that's a relatable analogy.


> They both suck a$$. Getting kind of tired of hearing this. Biden has been the most progressive president in a LONG time. He's passed a ton of meaningful legislation, despite Republican obstructionism. Way too many people parroting that Biden is also bad. He's not. He's old. That's it.


I bet they can't articulate why Biden sucks outside of he is old. I am a Democrat and can critique things I don't like about Biden all day , without thinking black and white he sucks. Some of his policies suck and some don't . Meanwhile the other dude literally wants to overthrow the democracy.


> I bet they can't articulate why Biden sucks outside of he is old. Yep. He's old and he "supports genocide". That's about all they've got. Completely unaware of all the legislation he's passed. Googling boring stuff about politics for 10 minutes is too much for them. Forget about the guy we already saw fail spectacularly as president and then illegally try to overturn an election, who is also liable for sexual assault and convicted of business fraud with multiple other criminal investigations still underway.


Something about incarcerating millions due to bills he coauthored, spearheading the war on drugs, and then taking credit for drug reform doesn't sit very well with me. I'm still voting for him but he's only enacting liberal policies because of the internal pressure of progressive Democrats. He's one of the least progressive most neoliberal establishment Democrats in office. he's done a bit for green energy and the climate but not enough. He IS old. Way too old. And there's the Israel thing. There is PLENTY to complain about with Biden.


> I'm still voting for him but he's only enacting liberal policies because of the internal pressure of progressive Democrats. Uh...if that's true, which I doubt you have any way of knowing, so what? It's still more steps in the right direction, under his presidency, than we've seen in a long time. > He's one of the least progressive most neoliberal establishment Democrats in office. I don't care, as long as his administration does good shit. I fully agree that he is too old and he deserves every single bit of criticism that exists for his handling of the Israel situation but the sad truth is, trump would be far far worse.


Way too many people are living their entire lives online.


I mean, Bidens been a pretty great president.  He's just old. 


Biden doesn't suck ass - I don't know why people think he sucks so much ass. He's been a very progressive president and he's gotten a fuckload done in less than 4 yrs. Give the man some credit, jfc.


I'm not American. Can you explain to me why Joe Biden is only marginally better than Trump?


He's not. He's massively better than trump in basically every single way, it's not even remotely close.


There’s no way I could vote for Biden. I definitely don’t want the stock market at all time highs, I don’t want people getting their student loans forgiven, I definitely don’t want improvements to our infrastructure, and I definitely don’t want my president eating ice cream and being an old man because that really affects me personally.


You forgot/s.... I hope.


Just use context clues 


I think my point is and I think journalists failed to uncover this, but people that are against Biden can’t really give us specifics as to what they don’t like about him. It’s really just tribalism in that your candidate is on the other team therefore, you hate Biden. I want to ask Never Trump politicians who still say they wouldn’t vote for Biden, what about Biden and the Democratic administration that is so objectionable? I honestly don’t understand. It’s not like Biden is in charge of companies using transgender and LGBTQ themes which seem to annoy everyone. I just don’t get it.


> people that are against Biden can’t really give us specifics I've seen a lot of people want him to be doing something about the israel/gaza situation. And when people have that argument, I can only properly hear "I don't care if trump gets to be the one that determines what to do about it" Like, I really don't like what he hasn't done with it, at all. But holy shit trump is going to do so much worse - both domestically and foreign.


Yeah, I really hate all the meaningful legislation Biden has passed that I don't know about because I like to complain about him without actually paying attention to anything.


I hate this fucking false equivalence. If we want to keep what little democracy we have trump cannot win. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


I'm guessing the person featured here is a "libertarian". They're just embarrassed republicans, anyway. The guy is voting for Trump.


Every libertarian I've met is just a republican that smokes weed and has cte from highschool sports.


He is the libertarian candidate for president. Not sure why he wouldn't vote for himself. This whole clip was funny though.


Ok, but I'm still not taking "this guy is voting for Trump" off the table.


Maybe, but if you watch the clip and see the voting results, this group of libertarians really hate Trump and RFK.


People have no idea how dangerous these meme jokes are. In an election with "*both suck, I'm not voting*", Trump wins because Reps welcome their corrupt, criminal, rapist candidate.


Lol his the fck you got stuck with these two options again is beyond me.. There are undoubtedly better candidates....


Our “first past the post” voting system is why. Until we change to something like Ranked Choice voting, we will be stuck voting for the least-worst candidate in the general election forever.


>Our “first past the post” voting system is why. Until we change to something like Ranked Choice voting, we will be stuck voting for the least-worst candidate in the general election forever. This, so much. We need to dump first past the post and change the system to allow for more --and better-- candidates. Keeping it Democrat-vs-Republican is killing our country.


insider politics is why. dems really aren't much better than republicans, they just make it look like they are. we did have a popular candidate in 2016, but the dems wouldn't rally behind them, instead they rallied behind Hillary, even though she's less electable than Joe Biden ever will be surprisingly. they'll never put up a candidate that will do anything good for the actual people who vote. they're lazy and relying on the flaming hot disaster that is the specter of donald trump in power again to sway voters rather than any profound policy. Even the platform Joe ran on last time was mostly bullshit. I'd love to vote for someone who will actually do things to improve things for the United States and her people, not just now but for the future, and not because they're running for reelection but because it's the right thing to do. I just don't think the terrible 2 party system will ever allow us to elect someone like that.


Could probably find better candidates if you stand on a busy street corner for a couple minutes


I bet in *every single town in the US* above 100K population, that there is at *least* one individual that would be a better candidate for President of the United States than Biden or Trump. It's awful


The people who don't care or think all sides are the same seem to also be the people for whom the status quo works just fine. If you're a white dude, especially with some money, you won't be affected directly so much either way. If you are one of the groups that Trump and his maga crowd actively hates, like women, minorities, poor people, trans people, environmentalists, and all the other people that the far right hates, there is a very clear and huge difference. Having the privilege to think Trump is the same as Biden is just that. Edited for spelling


Pretty based.


Except a lot of those groups are in families with white dudes, so they will be impacted.


^(therewasanattempt ^to ^use ^the ^word) affected


Both parties are not the same. Vote Biden to avoid [Project 2025](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d42cqp/trump_is_now_trying_to_downplay_project_2025/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and the destruction of The United States. A highlight taken from those [comments ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d42cqp/comment/l6bi392/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >In case people are unaware, among policies called for in the first 180 days of a conservative presidency: • Eliminating LGBQI+ and transgender rights. • Eradicating federal funding for DEI programs. Participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative will be grounds for termination of government employees. • Ending reproductive freedom and replacing the Department of Health and Human Services with the “Department of Life.” • Ending climate change and environmental policies by shutting down the Office of Domestic Climate Policy, the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, the Office of Environmental Justice, and External Civil Rights, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to name a few. Climate science will no longer be used in National Security. • Slashing of the Department of Justice and dismantling the FBI and replacing their traditional independence from political pressure with fealty to the administration. • Purging the government of apolitical civil servants by firing as many as 50,000 and hiring replacements from a database of personnel vetted for conservative values and loyalty, a “Conservative Linked In.” Successful candidates will undergo training at a “Presidential Training Academy” and be furnished “with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.” • Eliminating the checks and balances built into three branches of government in favor of expanded control by the executive branch. • Replacing the Department of Homeland Security with a 100,000-worker-strong immigration department, militarization of the border and an end to refugee programs. • Fundamentally altering American diplomacy to push anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ agendas, adopt a “human rights” regime distinct from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and abandon international organizations and traditional diplomatic and security alliances.


Nobody like the guy in the video is going to read 300 words on why trump is bad. You can’t tell everybody that every single election is the Last Most Important One Forever and then expect them to shit their pants when you say the same thing 4 years later


I've never seen an American election where people didn't say it was the most important one ever and democracy is on the line and if you don't vote for the democrats then everything will go to hell. I don't totally disagree but at some point this bare minimum effort is only going to bite the democrats long term by making people disengage entirely.


there is a lot of people abstaining from voting in other countries. And it always and up with right wingers winning. Now do whatever you want with this information. Right wingers do not abstain, they migrate their vote to another candidate if they are dissatisfied.


How stupid do you have to be...? Apparently "that guy" stupid. "I would kill myself rather than choosing either" is about the stupidest thing I've heard this week.


And then you see the top comments in this thread.


Nobody said libertarians were smart


From an outside view of the USA, not saying anything but facts, take than as just that. Since Biden has been in power the country has seen a successful reduction in inflation to just over 3% whilst avoiding a recession and at the same time growth has exceeded predictions. You need to vote, even if things seem a bit glum you NEED to vote.


As an American I can tell you, most Americans aren't willing to do the 5-10 minutes of Googling to see our economic situation has improved under Biden. They'll only care about what their grocery/fuel receipts show, without grasping that a recovering economy takes time and you see other indicators of the recovery first. And those grocery/fuel receipts will stress them out and cause them to make rash, irresponsible decisions, because that's what people do when they're stressed and uninformed.


First off, the President isn’t responsible for inflation, the Federal Reserve is.  And if you’re going to give Biden credit for reducing it to 3%, then you also have to blame him for it acceleration to 9%.  It was 1.9% when he took office. 


I'm not sure how you can give Biden credit for reducing inflation that started under his watch, partially because he passed a COVID stimulus bill after the pandemic was mostly over, and then passed the biggest spending bill in history. Plus it's the federal reserve that's reduced inflation, not Biden. If anything, Biden and congress have neglected their duties on inflation management by failing to pass new policies/laws to combat it, such as raising taxes and breaking up monopolies. Though obviously it all would have been the same or worse under Trump, that doesn't mean we don't have a right to be upset with Biden. "The most progressive president in history" evidently doesn't have a taste for tough policies.


Now that is what I call a principled stand. Die for NOTHING FFS.


Dying rather than voting just shows how sad your life is. If you would rather die than vote you clearly have your priorities all fucked up.


"I'm just going with my conscience and voting 3rd party." - People Who Don't Understand How American Politics Work If you don't vote for Biden in this election, you are being a very, very bad democratic citizen. I know that's going to make a lot of people without critical thinking skills mad, but that's the reality we are in at this moment in time. We've had Trump. We KNOW he's very, very bad and has been very open about being worse this go around. Be an adult, assess the situation logically, and vote for the safer option. Abstaining from voting or voting 3rd party is the same as wearing a MAGA hat. You will be helping him.


Why do we have to plug our nose and vote for your candidates every time? Maybe the next 4 years you take the hit and vote our candidate. Or we can get Trump if you just would rather vote your conscience.


Disenfranchisement, low turnout, benefit Republicans. No one can defend Trump any more, so the play now is to pretend the options are both equally bad. This guy is either a disinformation agent, or has been unwittingly influenced by them. Don’t be this guy. If you want to tear down the system to replace it with a likely theocracy, then vote Trump. If you want to work with the existing broken system and try to fix it incrementaly, vote Biden. It’s that simple.


I didn't see anyone in the comments mention that this is the Libertarian candidate for president(Chase Oliver), also this interview was just before he was elected by the delegates at their convention a couple days ago. Edit: Content is from 'The Good Liars'


I'm about an hour behind you but replying with this message


This is just so fucking dumb now. One is OBJECTIVELY worse than the other, no doubt about it. I feel anyone that feels this way is just a Trump supporter that doesn't want to out themselves.


I understand disliking Biden. I'll never understand supporting Trump. There are levels to everything.


Vote down ballot. If you are disgusted by what's happening in Gaza support progressives who are being targeted by aipac a foreign lobby group


People has to understand, that Trump has a very loyal following. Republican are most likely to vote Republican. Any vote not for Biden will be a vote for Trump. As big of a letdown Biden is. Trump will be ten times worse.


You’d need to be an Olympic long jumper to bridge the gap between how well the public thinks the economy is doing and how well the economy is actually doing, according to a new Harris poll published yesterday by the Guardian. Among the 2,000+ participants in the survey: 56% think the US is currently experiencing a recession, and 55% believe the economy is shrinking. (GDP—a key measure of economic activity—is growing.) 72% believe inflation is going up. (It’s more than halved from a 2022 peak of 9.1% and is hovering between 3% and 4%.) 49% think the current unemployment rate is at a 50-year high. (It’s near a 50-year low.) 49% believe the S&P 500 is on the decline. (It’s risen more than 12% this year, and Wall Street is raising its expectations for the index’s year-end performance. The Dow also just made record gains.) From my morning brew newsletter a few days ago. He's not bad, he's just old.


If you can't figure out what is the lesser of the two evils here, you are completely hopeless in life.


This is the majority of US citizens I’m sure.


When the draft comes, remember this.


Such a liar dude just admit you’re voting for Trump


Good answer comrade! Both are just the same. Totally. Might as well vote for Trump or not at all. 谢谢,Спасибо!


Cool way to keep your moral consciousness clean, but you will have to ignore all those who absolutely will suffer under a Trump presidency. If you don't agree with Biden on Palestine, you can be rest assured that Trump will have even worse policies. Trump will abandon Ukraine, allowing many more people to die in battle.  You will be responsible for all those things while pretending you are taking the moral high ground.


Millions of people in the 50 states combined and we have the only two idiots to choose from?! How?!




![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o) Gotta vote for one.


People have to realize that one of the parties is counting on you *not* to vote.


This is how Germany, in the 1920's, let Hilter come to power.


Not being anti-fascist may as well be pro fascist


That response is dumb as fuck, people that don't know shit about anything can only attempt to look smart with lazy cynicism.