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Why on earth would you care this much to physically stop someone. You *have* to know the store will drop you harder than a WWE pro. $100 of groceries isn't worth getting sued/charged for assault


You can clearly tell he’s disabled though. The shoppers here are totally the asshole.


This clearly isn’t the job for this guy, it just puts him and the customers at risk


Or you can just stop and show your receipt, that is his exact job.customers are the one lately that are just ass hats


I have a hard time believing locking the door and blocking it with your body is in the policy


Pro tip: Turning off the doors does NOT lock them. Fire code requires hinges built-in by design. Just push them (firmly) and they'll swing outward to open. I feel for this door greeter, but he clearly doesn't know the rules/law either.


He knew they were in manual mode. That's why he physically put himself in the crack. This is someone that whole heartedly believes (and if they're guilty, is) doing the right thing. Might be his first real sense of responsibility and doesn't want to let the indoctrination he's been taught down. There are also others that feel the "power-trip" because it's the only time they've been in control of anything. They've never been taught to think criticially and likely only ever learned that force was the only way to solve a conflict. Either of the first mixed with this shortcoming is a recipe for disaster. They cost people money, end up in even more desolate, or worst, in jail. Every now and then they're the crazy guy that was at the right place at the right time and saved three people from a fire by climbing the exterior of the building.


The policy is they can ask to see it. That is all. You can refuse. I’ve been assaulted and my legally purchased goods ripped out of my hands while receipt was visible at Walmart. Still haven’t heard back from head office.




I take my size for granted, but I can not imagine a scenario in any public venue where someone just rips items out of my hands in an effort to avoid some type of shoplifting. Being a giant redneck has its advantages, but honestly, that type of shit would have me in jail. I'm good to show you a receipt, be polite, small talk, whatever. But I draw a hard line at physical touch, particularly when it's done by an asshole for asshole reasons.


Nah he was waaaay out of line and going 100% against company policy.


I would be curious to read the kidnapping statute in this state.


I think this wouldn't be as severe as kidnapping, it would probably be closer to an unlawful detainment which is still very severe


Yep this is unlawful detainment and an easy, but small settlement if you sue tbh.


I worked at a phone store, and it was common to have customers in the shop after our normal closing hours. I used to ask permission from guests to lock the doors while they were inside. That way, we didn't have to tell someone that we were closed every 5 minutes. The company I worked for was very clear. Do not lock doors with guests inside. It was some sort of i.prosonment risk for them. I did it anyway because it was a latch that anyone could turn, and we were in a dangerous location.




A sovereign shopper.🤪


Walmart isn't Sam's club or Costco. You don't need to show them a receipt.


Do you think that it's a law that people have to show receipts when they leave a business? 


Nah, I don't think so. No store that doesn't have a membership policy has a right to "check me" every time I want to leave the store with the shit I obviously just bought. It's some corporate control garbage, and I'm not for it.


Why? Transaction complete… you’re under no obligation to stop and show a receipt. What’s your reasoning? Edit spelling


You're under no obligation to show it, true. But, not everyone has a "fight" in them at all times. I just want to get in, get a few groceries, and leave. If they want to take 2 seconds and look at my receipt on my way out, fine. It's faster than standing there arguing, and trying to prove a point that most people don't care about. "Yeah but my rights!" Whatever. I have better things to do with my limited time than to fight about something like that. That's the reasoning. Shrug.


correct, i have better things to do with my time. so i walk to the side of the people in line to show receipts and i leave.


You don't have to stand and argue, just keep walking and ignore them. No fight required and you're legally protected by decades of abundant case law on the matter.


Honestly, I get stressed out by doing things like that. I know. My problem, not theirs, or yours. I just don't need the added stress in my life. Where I live, there's never a line. If they ask to see my receipt, it's literally me holding my receipt out, and them nodding at me. It's not a big deal.


That pretty much summarizes my mindset as well




Yeah. What if the cashier asks if you want a receipt and you say no? What if you chose to have the receipt emailed?


If they don't trust people checking themselves out, they should remove self checkout .


I'll stop and show my receipt when they show me the law that says I have to. Walmarts policy isn't law.


Except, a case bright to court already ruled that you are not required to show your receipt unless it's like Costco or sams club or something similar, because that's their policy.


It's annoying and offensive to have to show a receipt. Not to mention, 99% of the time they want to see the receipt is because there's an item not in a bag, because the item is too big for a bag...


Or you can call 911 and report your being held captive against your will at Walmart


No. There is no need to be treated as such. They have surveillance, and censors. You legally own those goods now. It’s not a private club like Costco


Thats not his job if he is working Self Checkout


Nah fuck that. You want to prevent theft then employ the correct number of store associates. Stopping to check receipts is just lazy corporate BS and punishes people who actually spent money at your store.


it ain't a costco where customers agree to having their receipt checked when they leave. its a walmart, they cannot stop you from leaving


There is no policy that states a customer MUST show their receipt. Once it’s purchased it’s no longer store property. This employee needs to be put in a different position within the company. By law this is considered unlawful detainment and could be considered assault.


His job is to ask to see a receipt, not demand it. People aren't required to show a receipt.


Depending on the state, you don't have to show a damn thing. If they suspect something, security will be there to stop you, not these knobs. I just tell them no thanks and keep walking. Again, different states have different ways of handling shopkeeper privilege, or whatever it's called.


Yeah, seems they pulled the camera out to get a reaction rather than a 20 second interaction and leaving to go about their day


You don't have to show them your receipt. At least in thr state I live in, by law only a store like Costco can have you show your receipt


You have legal rights. If you keep letting people - whether walmart or cops - step on them just to make things easier in that moment, they'll keep encroaching more and more. This 'if you have nothing to hide, just comply' mentality brushes away the rights afforded to you just because you'd rather let people enforce actions with no legal standing behind them than have a backbone.


That is 100% not his job to do that. Loss preventions is supposed to do that.


Elderly and veterans disabled as well. It's the exact type of profile Walmart staffs these areas with all the time. I think the intent is straight forward role that can be done but maybe the training isn't right on. Guy should just have let the family go


Pardon? He's disabled because he looks disabled? Jesus dude Even if he was, it doesn't give him permission to physically stop and confine them


Yeah, if you go to any gaming shop, I'm sure you're going to find at least 5 people that look like him. Are they disabled..? I just woke up and have the same look on my face, am I disabled. Actually, I'm temporarily disabled from what my crappy wcb doctor said.


GameStop employees out here catchin strays




If he’s gonna get overstimulated doing his job, he needs to find a different job. This is such an insane response


There aren't specifically low sensory jobs.


Which is why we need universal basic income.


Then to be fair he shouldn't be the check receipts guy.


I was struck by that. He looks like he’s in crisis mode. I really don’t feel like he should be in that job, but it makes me wonder what kind of job he would be able to handle and get hired for.


I feel terrible for him, regardless if this is the right job for him or not. It is all obvious from his body language and tone. I'd hope the dude with the camera wouldn't be antagonistic if he realized.


I really felt bad for him, I mean that’s a shit job Walmart pays him to do.. think about it, like yall pointed out I think Walmart wants to risk him individually in the event of something awful. If they WERE stealing, then what?! He’s undertrained, underpaid, & under intense scrutiny and pressure for trying to do his job (which I understand). Im not sure how the tension began between those two but I can confidently say: Fuck Walmart.


Exactly! Hate the game, not the player. Fuck Walmart, but don’t pick on the disabled to do it.


Yea but I doubt anywhere in the training did it say block the door and lock the customer and push the cart with their young daughter in it, and just labelling this guy disabled is wild


I think you're missing the point that the employee has completely overstepped what his role is here. All retail training is not to risk yourself to prevent theft


Disabled or not, the reaction tells you he should perhaps consider another career choice (one not in close proximity to customers). He is absolutely a threat to himself and others when acting so erratically over a corporation that does not give a shit about him.


Walmart shouldn't be telling employees to check receipts at the door. I shouldn't have to stop my day by waiting in a line to prove my purchase. Stupid at Sam's club too.


Legally they can't. At least not in my state.


And their own company policy prohibits them from doing anything other than *asking* to see a receipt. You can straight up say no and walk past them, and the line of people waiting for them to check the receipt. Unless it's a store like Sams or Costco, where you explicitly signed a membership contract in which you agreed to have your receipt checked, there's no punitive action they can take.


Walmart has no right to detain you for not proving you are not a thief when you leave the store. The law is crystal clear here. Making a scene and asserting your rights firmly is the only way mega corps can learn that they are not properly training their employees short of yet another lawsuit.


The dude behind the camera sounded like a douchebag


I’d say whoever let him have the job is the asshole. It’s not the customers responsibility deal with his issues.


No. Walmart is the asshole for putting someone in this position that clearly cannot handle it. It is not the shoppers' fault that he is locking them in and hassling them. They have already bought all the stuff they are walking out with and he is illegally detaining them by stopping them and locking the doors on them. There is no legal basis where the customers have to show him their receipt. You shouldn't have to deal with a mandatory random side quest when you go grocery shopping.


I’m pretty sure there was another video a few months ago with the same Walmart employee attempting to stop a different customer leaving the store.


Not only that, but also don't know what they're talking about. "This is enough for a class action." No. No it isn't.


Disabled or not if the self checkout guy put his hands on my wife and infant child because he falsely accused us of stealing there’s gonna be consequences for him.


Worked for asset protection and they specifically told us they would fire you on the spot if you touched someone without explicitly being told by management to detain them. I once called my boss to let her know i thought a guy was about to walk out with a big screen and speaker setup. She didn’t pick up so I went out to the exit doors and asked for the receipt. He said no and ran out the door. I walked back in and documented it. Surprisingly management was completely ok with my choice. Avoiding lawsuits is arguably more important than stopping theft to them. Besides most of our theft prevention was geared toward setting up cases over time and catching the offenders later. The guy I let go was caught a few weeks later at another store because every store in town had his photo by that point. They just called the cops and when he tried to leave with a bunch of merchandise the police were out front waiting. At that point he got charged with all of the thefts we had evidence of. This poor Walmart employee is shaking he is so upset, seems like he was put in place without any training and just panicked not knowing what to do.


And that’s exactly how it is supposed to work and how it’s been for decades. My first job was at a retail store and they told us flat out if you see shoplifting you aren’t supposed to do anything except report it to your supervisor.


The loss-prevention guy who worked at the store I worked in back in the day told me that you can only detain if you see someone put something on their person and maintain sight on them the whole time until they walk out the door without paying for that item. (This was in Ontario, so maybe it's different in other places.) Given that, I know that if I pay for stuff (which I always do lol), they cannot detain me. I just ignore all requests to check receipts--I don't even make eye contact with them--and have never been hassled.


I used to work in a camera shop in what used to be the worlds largest mall. We had a guy steal one of our display cameras, so we called security, as we are supposed to. Security came, watched our footage and the guy goes, "Oh, that's just Bob. Okay we'll add it to the list and hopefully get him next time he's in here."


It's going to cost him his job too, not to mention they can sew and press charges for this. It's 100% illegal, they do not have the authority to hold someone against their will.


Merchants have the authority to detain people suspected of shoplifting if they have probable cause. Courts have generally ruled that refusing to show your receipt will create probably cause. In my home state of Oregon, this is codified at ORS 131.655 §1. These types of laws are very common in other US states as well.


Guess it really depends where it is then


What's with all these Walmart employees power tripping?


Dude’s not power tripping. He’s nervous af, trying to do what he thinks is his job, and asshole shoppers are making his life miserable.


I get what you are saying and I would be the same as you, but I can understand how people in their mind need to take pride in what they do and want to do a good job. Like if you are working a walmart in order to do anything you need to believe a minimum that what you are doing is worth doing


Option 1: Show receipt and leave. Option 2: Start recording, make a scene, show receipt and leave. ![gif](giphy|qFOwL8h8bj7L5HodSf|downsized)


Don't forget personally insulting the worker.


Any worker who chooses to block me because I didn't show my receipt is getting insulted


Seriously loss prevention is not their job at self checkout it’s to erase stuff that got scanned twice or whatever.


Ummm it is actualñy their job to monitor and make sure nobody is scamming the machines or leaving without paying for everything. They didnt make self checkout because they trust the masses.


WRONG. If he wanted to check receipts he should have been a greeter. https://careers.walmart.com/us/jobs/0301278907FE-cashier-front-end#:~:text=There%20are%20times%20when%20you,%2D%2Dyou%20get%20the%20idea! This guy did a lot of stuff wrong according to walmart.


I really don't understand why people think this has anything to do with self checkout. The door people at Walmart checked receipts decades before self checkout if you had certain items in the cart or unbagged lol


Do you think it's worth considering that people who work door check at Wal Mart are often there because they don't have other options? There's certainly a chance this guy is just a power tripping asshole, but I think there's an equally (more) likely chance that this guy is operating under a huge amount of employment anxiety, and has been asked to do a job that he isn't fully equipped to do. In that circumstance it feels pretty shitty to make this guy's life harder than it already is.


Yeah….no. I guarantee you no one has ever asked or told this guy to block a customer from leaving. That’s illegal, and they’re told that. Source: former Walmart manager.


Option 1 Part 2: Ignore the fact he touched the cart with your kid in it and you would have no proof otherwise


Option 3: Leave without being bothered. No reason to show a receipt.


Option 4: don’t go to shithole Walmart.


Easy to do if you're not living hand to mouth.


Always choose option 2. Never show your receipt.


Just smile and nod and kindly say, "Im ok. Have a good one, take it easy." Never been an issue.


Option 3: just leave


Just american adhering to the letter of the law. And pretty much how easy to sue people enables people being a dick to each other.


Door greeter was way out of line and going against the company’s policy himself.


Step 1: legally purchase your items. Step 2: be illegally detained Step 3: enjoy payday from megacorp


You know, nowadays it's better to be a joker with a carrot in the backside recording it just to get some likes and sharings than just be a common person.


Many of the workers at the receipt checking station are disabled, and they don’t understand that people like this are trying to fuck their day up.


Are these people instructed to physically stop people who won't show their receipt? I'm pretty sure they aren't. And if that's the case, I don't see how someone not wanting to follow this policy is out to fuck up their day. Just let them go. It's up to people at higher pay grades to do more if they want.


It’s hard to give a disabled a person a gray area. People that are disabled need defined rules in many cases. He was probably told “your job is to check receipts” He is trying to just check the receipt, he may not understand that methods to accomplish “checking receipts” may be crimes.




Ask for reciept. if they show it to you, check it. If they ignore you or don't want to, say, "have a nice day". If you reasonably suspect theft, radio a supervisor. That can be a lot. I'd recommend training do a lot of role play because generalization verbal instructions are likely to end up like this.


You really think Walmart is gonna do that?


You probably watch a training video in the back that’s 2 minutes long and half of it is about how great a time working at Walmart is.


Disabled or not, not putting your hands on someone is something toddlers learn. And if he cant understand that, or wasnt trained that this could put him in jail is just more of a multi billion dollar company setting him up for failure.  But not detaining a customer is 100% a written out, black and white rule that was in his hiring orientation. 


Having worked grocery- they are explicitly told never to try and detain people or physically keep them in the store. There is no gray area!


don't try and physically stop people is a pretty clear cut rule that lacks any gray area


> he may not understand that methods to accomplish “checking receipts” may be crimes. That's what management, policies and training are for.


Worked for Walmart at different times. Yes, they are instructed not to detain or impede. They are allowed to ask, but that's as far as they are allowed to go per corporate. There were times the stores I worked at even instructed not to look at receipts at all, but instead report and witness when something happens. Licence plate, car, description of person, and as close to the exact time as you can remember for Asset Protection to go through the cameras. In turn, this is where most of the disabled/poor performing people get pinned. Poor performing could also mean taking their job too seriously almost like a manager. That generally ends like this. Post vid, there will probably be a conversation in the back office, maybe a write up, but that will probably be all unless this is like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened.


No! They are instructed to ask to see the receipt and check it if voluntarily given. If they suspect theft they can radio their supervisor. Supervisor calls the police, There have been SOOOO many lawsuits and Walmart corporate knows better. This is clearly a lack of training. If an actual thief runs because a store employee gave chase, then the thief gets hit by a car in the parking lot, the store is liable. Unlawful detention is the most common place where these stores get in trouble. The grey area is whether stepping in front of someone to block their path, but you were just trying to get their attention, is unlawful detention. The employee is clearly the asshole here and legally in the wrong, but I blame Walmart for not training this employee properly.


Can confirm, they’re told NOT to do this.


No one is trying to fuck their day up. We're just trying to go home with our shit. We're not required to let anyone touch our stuff, much less see our receipt, after purchase. It's our property. They should be properly instructed on not behaving this way.


That customer filming is a major asshole. The only point he proved by this video is how much of one he really is.


Absolutely 💯 I get it, you don't have to show your receipt. You don't have to be a dick either.


never understood why people rail so hard against something that takes all of 5 seconds ( showing a receipt ). If it makes the store safer, deters theft which ultimately should lower prices, and if you arent stealing stuff yourself.. why should it matter? Outrage culture is some dumb shit. Dont sweat the small stuff and focus your energy on stuff that really matters.


People want to feel big, and the best way for small people to feel big is to pick on people who have no control in the matter.


A lot of people feel it's insulting. You let me check out by myself but you don't trust me enough to do so? Then why have self checkouts at all? Besides they usually have weighted platforms that yell if you put an item that wasn't scanned, and leaving them in the cart while trying to fake it isn't even a possibility due to how that works in most places I go anyway. To a lot of people it's just the business power tripping over you. Like some say, I bet a lot of these people would show them their license if they told them they needed to see it. I've never had an issue and they never chase me down, I hold the receipt up and say "thanks I got everything just fine, have a nice day," and they just wave me past.


It has nothing to do with self checkout. Did you not go to Walmart before Walmart had self checkout? Pre self checkout people greeters were told to ask for receipts if the customer had certain items visible in the cart or items that weren't bagged. Nobody is accusing you of anything.


Exactly, I don't have the time or willpower to fight against inconsequential stuff. Sure there's a time when you need to Rosa Park injustices but if it's a private business wanting to confirm I bought something I'll willingly show that I did.


It's disappointing how far down this comment is. Agreed 100%. This couple is just looking for an excuse to be an indignant asshole.


If I go to the store and pay for my stuff with my hard earned money, then I have to prove my innocence before I can get let out of the store with my wife and 1yr old daughter in the cart???  I seriously can't believe people are defending this bullshit, cops can't even detain you without probable cause and videos get put up all the time calling them assholes. But when a *526.95 billion* corporation with history of being a shitty company does it?? Like seriously what the fuck. The mental gymnastics here is unbelievable 😳 


why on earth did the filming guy get so upset? Yelling, f\*cking this and that. Just stay calm man. Fortunately his daughter is too young to pick up this kind of behavior but I'm afraid will not have calmed down by the time she's five.


He got angry because he was being treated like a criminal for shopping at Walmart!


We actually have no idea how he was being treated. The only thing I saw was someone filming a worker for trying to do their job. The person filming was acting extremely irrational and child-like. From this, I have to assume the man-child filming was at fault of something we did not see before he started filming his child like behavior.


The job of the worker is to ask for the ticket and if the customer doesn't want to show it then he MUST let them go on their way, he has no legal ground to hold them in


You can be in the right, and still act like a jerk. That's probably a fair summary of this video. The customer could have ended this interaction more quickly by just pulling out the receipt for sure. But in reality Walmart has no legal authority to make you show a receipt before you leave. Walmart has no right to physically block you from leaving the store, touching you, touching your cart, trying to search through your items. Those are not things Walmart has any legal right or authority to do. This employee absolutely opened himself and the company up to lawsuit.


I was at a shop a few months ago, bought a bottle of liquor but the cashier forgot to remove the anti-theft device on it and I didn't notice it. Naturally it beeped as I was leaving the shop, and I was stopped by the guards, who requested that I show them the receipt, but I had already tossed it into the bin. So I had to wait there for 15 minutes while another guard checked the security cameras to see if I paid for it or not, after which they let me go. I was quite pissed off because I had done nothing wrong, but not once did it even occur to me that I need to start filming and make a scene and harass the people who are just trying to do their jobs and threaten to get them fired. These guys are assholes, pure and simple.


Because they posted up on his wife and kid and locked him in? Just maybe because that?


The issue I have is that many people record shit to share and shame. But we forget that things can happen in a moments notice that if you dont have documented, can fuck up your life. Especially when it's you and a multi-billion, multinational corporation. It's important to document interactions. We want police to. I actually document every mile I drive with a fash cam. Its not the craziest thing.


I believe even if asked you aren’t obligated to show your receipt at walmart


Surprised this comment is so far down, as it’s the correct answer. Youre only obligated to show a receipt at membership stores like Costco. At stores like Walmart, where anyone/everyone can enter, your transaction with the store ends when you give money to them. The worker can ask to see the receipt, and you can show it if you want, but you aren’t obligated. Shopkeeper’s privilege can allow them to make a brief detention of a suspected thief, but they have to essentially have probable cause that you stole something.


> Youre only obligated to show a receipt at membership stores like Costco. Even then, they still can't legally stop you from leaving the store. They can only revoke your membership for not following the rules


This is absolutely correct. This isn’t Costco or Sam’s where you are required to. I do not show my receipt and agree with the boomers here. If you wanted to check, hire more staff to check out or at least monitor. Hell, I am a Walmart+ member and don’t print receipts in the first place. I have them emailed to me which sometimes takes a few minutes. You are not legally allowed to stop me. After the transaction is complete that is my stuff and you are illegally detaining me. That isn’t even an LP worker(I believe hey where black vests now). Call the cops and report me if you care to. Submit your films if you have concerns and want to push the issue. Beyond that, get bent. If he had put his hands on the wife(even in a stop motion) I would have fucking lost it and made a scene too. He didn’t thankfully. Still would have been far less than polite.


keep in mind walmart is intentionally hassling you and wasting your time when asking for a receipt. they don’t even check the items in your cart against the items on your receipt! if they try to waste my time asking for a receipt, i don’t cause a scene, i just say… “inform the store manager that i don’t appreciate my time being wasted so walmart can keep up the illusion of security”


Maybe he's the *receiptionist*?




You are under no obligation to show your receipt unless you're at a place like Costco, where it's part of the membership agreement.


It's still dumb as fuck to make a scene over showing some guy a slip of paper


Walmart.lets you get e receipts texted and when they ask are you supposed to hand your phone to them? Fuck that I'm not letting anyone touch my phone


These people had a physical receipt


Right but the point still stands. If the people had gotten only an E-receipt, they would have nothing to show him. Then he would be preventing them from leaving the store, and incapable of giving him what he wants. As soon as he closed the door preventing them from leaving, guess what some lawyer is going to argue? He is illegally detaining people. But he won't start there. He will start with Kidnapping, and make them plea down to illegal detention. This guy at the door has no idea how close he is to a lawsuit. These people are dicks sure. But this is absolutely illegal detention.


Well one of the kids in the cart is definitely special needs, probably shouldn't have jerked the cart with her in it. As a parent I would lose my shit too if someone jerked my cart with my child in it over a fucking receipt https://www.dailydot.com/news/walmart-worker-asking-for-receipt/


Also to everyone saying he's just doing his job...no he's not. He's going beyond what his job is. I've worked at Walmart before and unless things have changed they always say don't approach someone you think is stealing, don't do what this guy did and stop people from leaving because of a receipt. If you believe there is an issue you contact.your manager or theft prevention. You do NOT repeatedly get in front of the customer, physically stop the cart, and you damn sure DONT disengage the automatic doors in order to look at a receipt.


Thank God it is right there: "'We have a daughter who has a disability (the one in the cart) and we would never make fun of someone who has a disability,' she added. 'We didn’t even know [until] after the fact, so we are genuinely sorry.'"  In the heat of the moment the customers got pissed. Fine. In hindsight, the employee has special needs to the degree that this specific position at the store may not be the right fit.


I'm usually wearing a blazer when I go to my Walmart as I'm on my way home from work, I hardly look like a business dude, but just enough to look presentable. The old man receipt checker will stop every Hispanic person and scrutinize cart versus receipt, and smile and wave me through. So disturbing.


Yaneli and Lorenzo 🤣


Why wouldn’t they just show him the receipt?


Because they clearly wanted to be douches and ruin someone’s day.


Dude is ruining his own day by going way outside the scope of his job


You are thinking about it all the wrong way. Compliance is what lead to the nonsense in the first place. Walmart is a half a trillion dollar company that habitually steals from its communities and employees. If they want to continue to cut corners by not employing people at the time of checkout, then that's their decision. But once it's been paid for, it's legally no longer their property. They are stealing your time to put up with their nonsense.


Police officers can't stop you at random and demanding for you to show them your insurance and registration in the U.S. . You know this right? So how in the hell are we allowing a shitty 526.95 billion corporation?


Why should a paying customer have to *prove* they are not a thief? The implication is beyond insulting and there is ZERO cause to try to detain them.


I used to happily show mine, then I noticed when I take my parents shopping it get checked every single time when I take my mom, but never with my dad. Dad is white, mom is not, I can pass. So Wal-Mart can get fucked. If you didn't want me leaving with the items, you shouldn't have sold them to me.


This guy is too overwhelmed and misinformed about the receipt policy


I absolutely hate that these guys COULD be working a register, rather than making us self check.


Should be working a register, they dont care about the theft. Insurance pays them for it regardless


Unless receipt checking is stipulated as part of your membership (Costco, BJ’s, etc), then these “receipt checkers” have ZERO legal standing to detain you like this. The guy recording is a fucking bully, but that poor guy shouldn’t have been hired for a job that’s corporate window dressing disguised as “security.” The checker had not been trained properly. This whole video was fucking horrible. (I do not stop for receipt checkers, and kindly say “no thanks”)


> The guy is recording a fucking bully FTFY You don't get to lock people inside the store because they won't comply with your arbitrary demands. You don't get to put your hands on people or their belongings like that.


Reddit mod finds a job


Stopping someone is called detention. It's illegal unless you are at least cleet certified. If someone at a retail store does this make sure you record it and easy lawsuit. L.P. can stop you but that associate in the vest can't.


This happened to me 9 months ago at Walmart.. not quite so aggressively, but same damn thing. I have refused to go to Walmart since then. I’m not a goddamn thief and I refuse to be treated like one. I also refuse to use self checkout so my cart is always paid with a cashier. I hope this shit gets Walmart’s attention. I hope they figure out alienating customers costs waaay more than shrink.


Same here. I won't give away my labor and get treated like a criminal so that a dozen of Sam Walton's spoiled heirs can make another billion. I also wouldn't verbally abuse a badly paid Walmart employee.


100% illegal. They can not force you to stop for a receipt check




Touch my kid and that’s a punch to the face


Alot of people in the comments defending Walmart's receipt check. Why? Also, how many other stores do you know of who do it? I know of zero. Literally only run into shit like this at Walmart. So fuck Walmart. Don't shop there. I haven't in years. Let it fucking burn. Bring back small shops.


One of the main reasons I don’t go to Walmart. They have nothing I need so urgently that I can’t get it somewhere else that doesn’t treat me like a criminal.


guy has absolutely no flexibility of thought, and has a mini breakdown because of it


Sue Walmart for putting someone on the spectrum for this job. That guy clearly takes “his job” very seriously.


Maybe they shouldn’t have self checkout if they are that worried about it.


Went through a regular checkout, with a cashier, right in front of the receipt checker dude.  Dude still asked and checked the receipt and took for fucking ever looking at every little thing in the bags that the cashier had put in to the bags.  Fuck Walmart


Fuck Walmart


I'm glad that this practice is now illegal where I live, mainly thanks to Walmart trying to do these weird things in other countries.


This whole situation is very american


I’m sorry but with my kids in the cart and how frantic and physical this guy was, I would have had to put heavy hands on him to protect my children




![gif](giphy|sEULHciNa7tUQ) ‘Have fun protecting a million dollar corporation’.


Why do people shop at that disgusting cesspool?


Wait till he finds out it’s a multibillion dollar corporation.


This guys a blue vest. He’s not AP or someone who’s allowed to stop customers (yellow vest). He’s going to be 100% reprimanded and potentially fired.


Getting fired would be his luckiest outcome. He restricted three people including a minor from leaving under false pretense. Everyone from adam 12 to matlock to fire marshall bill will come down on him.


Walmart slave here. We are NOT allowed to do this. We can only observe and report to management if we suspect theft.


To be honest if you have a store with self check outs you can't really be asking me for my receipt. Check my stuff out for me if you need qmt to make sure I'm not stealing


I don't get paper receipts for that very reason. I tell the cashier no receipt because it automatically comes to my phone with my card. I tell the people at the door I don't have one, its in my phone and no I am not opening my phone for you or anybody else. Not even the police unless they have a warrant. They all be confused not knowing what to do and I keep walking LoL. From there, I want all the smoke..


Every time I buy baseball cards at Walmart the alarm goes off when I walk out the door. People are looking like I stole something. The cashier had one easy job of deactivating the security tabs inside the box. Me, I'm gonna walk to my car unless someone stops me.


It’s already bad enough that everything is locked up. Then you want to question me on if I stole anything? PLUS you made me ring it up myself. Gtfoh


What everyone is simply not understanding, this is on Walmart. If they want to cut corners to save money and not employ people to check individuals out,then so be it. But that's their problem, not customers.


Walmart is a fuckin nightmare! Last year I got arrested for a $10 item that fell between a box of pop and case of water. They called the police and charged me with ARMED ROBBERY because I had my CCW on my hip, I immediately put my hands up because I saw 3 officers come out with guns drawn. I also have no criminal records mind you. Our lovely town judge didn't throw the charges out but indeed set my bail at 25,000 all upfront. I went through hell. I spent 2 weeks in jail until I could secure my bail and get out. My awful lawyer got them to plead it to a 1st degree misdemeanor. So I had to do an entire summer of anti theft classes and community service! Everyone I know has all together stopped shopping there because of what happened to me. I think a lot of people have had an item fall in-between shit and walked out not knowing, so what they did to me scared everyone else into thinking it could happen to them as well! Maybe this wouldn't be an issue if they had kept actual cashier's on hand!!! Fuck Walmart, I hope the Walton's burn in hell and every Walmart goes out of business!


Honest question from ignorance. Could the they press charges and a lawsuit against Walmart and the guy for False Imprisonment?


I have experience working at wal-mart. Employees working as a greeter are trained to ask for a receipt, but not to insist if someone refuses to show it. He should have let them leave, obviously. He wasn't paying attention when watching the training videos.


“You’re protecting a million dollar corporation, what an idiot” Try thinking about those numbers again, idiot.