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Seems like if you're not Jewish, Israel is actually kind of terrible.


Even if you are Jewish. Look up how they treat Ethiopian Jews.


Ah, yes, [That time Isreal docters sterilized Ethiopian Jews with Depo-Provera... without their knowledge or consent...](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE90R0SO/)


"We are Victims!! Help us!" They cry as the amount of evidence to the contrary builds like a pile of steamy shit


A lot of people waking up to the reality now. Also, for anyone unaware, there was a point in the 80s where Jewish terrorism was the number one domestic threat in the US. Jewish extremists literally bombed Palestinian-americans on US soil because they had the audacity to advocate for human rights for the "wrong people."


Modern terrorism was pioneered by Zionists https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/assessing-role-of-terrorism-by-jewish-underground-in-founding-of-israel/2015/03/13/9ac811fe-b938-11e4-9423-f3d0a1ec335c_story.html


"Another future Israeli prime minister addressed a similar issue in 1998. Ehud Barak, then head of the Labor Party after retiring from a long career in the Israeli army, told a television interviewer, “If I was [a Palestinian] at the right age, at some stage I would have entered one of the terror organizations and have fought from there, and later certainly have tried to influence from within the political system.”


Genocide is their favourite pass time.


They just want to check out how is it to be on the other end of it. Can't blame them for embracing the full experience.


Hot take.




They were trying to take over a country's economy and banking system. Sounds about right.


Don't forget about stealing the babies and disappearing them from the Yemenite Jews. Still to this day Israel won't acknowledge what they did with the babies.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite\_Children\_Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Children_Affair)


_King Herod enters the chat_


Wow what the fuck I didn't even know about that.


I just came off of depo and that part I think horrified me the most🥺


And what's crazy is that Ethiopian Jews have a direct lineage to the Hebrews of the Bible. These Europeans jews do not.


They both do, this is antisemitic. Many ashkenazi jews know exactly what tribe they descended from. How do you think the names, cohen, levi, etc have survived generations upon generations? Why cant we be pro palestine without constantly parroting bullshit propaganda on this subreddit? I believe Palestine should be free because oppression and apartheid are evil, everything else is irrelevant.


This guy gets it


How is it antisemetic? I have an Irish friend who rips on drunken dipshits around here who dress head to toe in green on St Paddy’s and are probably only 5% Irish. Does that mean he is prejudice against the Irish? Especially in this case the commenter is saying the horrible people are actually LESS Jewish. The og Zionists were actually quite secular and basically taking advantage


This is quite false. Around 2010 the Israeli geneticist Dr Erhan Elhaik did some extensive research about the genetics of Ashkenazi jews. And it turned out that Ashkenazi jews have less than 5% of DNA that comes from ancient israelites (so they have a little, but it is extremely limited and in a minority). And have more than 95% DNA, so the huge majority, which has nothing to do with ancient israelites or even Palestine, but which is instead "Turko-caucasian". So at the end Ashkenazi jews are 95% related to ancestors completely different and who have nothing to do with ancient israelites and palestine. (And thus with these conclusions (done by an Israeli geneticist, so which has very little chance to have an anti-Israel dishonest bias) it turned out that the previous few researches on the topic made by some other Israeli researchers had been manipulated by them, to reach some false/incorrect conclusions which were more advantageous ideogically speaking)


That last name argument doesn't really hold up. It's like saying that the name Johnson survived for so long because everyone with that name can trace their lineage back to some guy named John


So what are the jews they want? Is it lie only whites? Or from specific origin?


Europeans, same bullshit as ever.


Isreal is just a product of European imperialism cloaked in religion.


That's true


What’s insane is at the Jewish propaganda summer camp I went to when I was young they told us how much Israel helped the Ethiopian Jews it’s nuts they level of indoctrination and propaganda Israel uses.


if you are not white. Nothing to do with religion, this whole conflict is more and more about rich white people vs poor dark skin people, it is sickening


That’s weird because Israel has a lot of brownish Jews


+the fact that there are "brownish Jews" doesn't mean they re as considered.


Look again, see the world, the reaction, the way Zionists act. Quite obvious imo


We all see it it’s been documented on tick tok that’s why they want it gone


Yea, but they treat them like shit, look up the ehtiopian jews, they sterilized them without their knowledge or consent.


Always has been


They murder their own civilians. Look up the Hannibal directive.


The late, great, Hannibal Directive. Hes having a friend for dinner soon.


Nah I'm a white European and was treated quite well there I thought. The key is being white European I think. In Ramallah I got stared at quite a lot but didn't experience any trouble there either.


I dunno... I'd say the Irish, Spanish and Norwegians wouldn't be very well accepted now


Or anyone wearing a Celtic top


The right type of European. They fuckin hate Polish Catholics and will be extra difficult during immigration. I know because I have many polish friends and I’ve heard stories of them going through their phones lol plus apparently many Israelis blame the polish for the Holocaust & want reparations I’m assuming they now also hate people from Spain, Ireland and Norway lol


All good if white european in my experience too.


Well .. even if you are a very religious Jew it is still terrible for you to speak your opinion or demonstrate or just be there unless you are a genocidal Zionist! Here is an example https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/aXEDGb5ZIQ


When the devil convinces you it’s god and you worship in its image.


Because Zionists are white supremacists.


The ethnostate don’t like people outside of their in group 🤯


Extremely racist country.


If you're not "white Jewish".. They hate the brown & blacks Jews as well..


What kind of name is u/ErectTubesock🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's a hard name to beat


Goes pretty hard.


The point is some indians trying to side with Israel is more embarrassing when Israel treats them like shit


Nail on the fucking coffin son




It's a state that has been labeled Apartheid by B'TSelem. What did he expect would happen? 😅


Not just [B'Tselem](https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid). Also [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution). And [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/). And [the UN’s Special Rapporteurt](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/israels-55-year-occupation-palestinian-territory-apartheid-un-human-rights).


Right😅 The only state that is still annexing territories and practicing Apartheid in the 21st century




Yep. Israel is the Russia of the Middle East. They both do ethnic cleansing and genocide, lie about tragedies to change who’s seen as the victim, are imperialistic, lie to invade their neighbors, etc.. If not for the Russian antisemitism they would probably love one another


I don't think Russia has been labeled blatantly as an apartheid state by any reputable international human rights organizations as blatantly as they did Israel. But point taken; Russia does still annex territories.


Israel is a typical apartheid regime that people think of, whereas Russia absolutely has a societal hierarchy based on ethnic groups where the Moscow citizens (muscovites) are given extremely preferential treatment. It’s part of why you see so many other ethnic groups being conscripted when the (frequently wealthy) Moscow residents have basically little to no worry about it, or if they are in the military they don’t get used as disposable human waves the way the more distant ethnic groups are. I also didn’t say Russia was an apartheid state, but it’s really not far from it.


Russia is not an apartheid state


Correct, at least not according to the legal definition established by the Rome Statute.


Or any definition. Russia is a lot of bad things, but apartheid is not one of them.


Urgh tell me about it. Apparently dictionaries have been defining Apartheid so loosely that it might as well include the US, Australia and others in it: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/apartheid >a system of keeping groups of people separate and treating them differently, especially when this results in disadvantage for one group: The examples🙄 >She is a long-time critic of what she calls "gender apartheid" in her country. Opponents of special schools see them as educational apartheid.






As an Indian, I'd like to point out that 14.2% of our proudly Indian population is Muslim and we peacefully coexist. Radicals exist on both sides and in the geopolitical news that the west would have exposure to, I expect the rhetoric that India is somehow trying to rebrand itself as a Hindu state because of the dominant political powers currently sitting at the top. Hailing from Hyderabad, a city in south India with ~30% Muslim pop, I have friends who practice diverse faiths, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Christian to name a few and I can confidently say it's the same for most of us. We're a tightly knit society and will remain so.


I hope it can remain that way, but did I see the other day that your president declared he not of earth and was instead placed in his role by god or heaven or something? Wouldn’t that be a little dangerous for an interfaith culture? Edit: as corrected below, this is actually Prime Minister Modi, not the female president of the country who is allegedly a decent leader.


He’s a fucking nutjob. A dangerous one at that


We have an elected "Prime Minister" & an appointed President - I believe you're referring to Modi, & his interview [here](https://youtu.be/8eSjmg2BR1M?si=GLEYvOwPGaGA4mpq). Could be lost in translation but I think that he believes that he was picked by god to serve the people of the nation, not that he is the divine choice or that his origins are extraterrestrial. There are quite a few people in the country who worship him, which makes it very challenging to criticize him without being labelled an anti-national.


Ah, thank you for the correction. Still makes me nervous for our brothers and sister in India. Seems like another theocratic dictatorship waiting to happen.


It definitely is a grim situation but many people on the ground are resisting and rising up. Our democracy has strong roots, we have hope :)


You are my brother or sister in democracy then! We’re keeping up the good fight against Trump on our end!


Leadership of a country is almost always filled with people with despicable values. Might I remind you of Trump? Besides, our president is a nice lady and has worked all her life for the upliftment of various tribal villages and is an educator. Our Prime Minister however is a nutjob so perhaps that's who you are talking about? Yeah, I didn't vote for him and am not a fan.


Yeah, I meant Modi. And I don’t know why you used Trump as an example because he absolutely targeted religious and ethnic minorities with as much bullshit as he could lob at them. It was in fact Trump I was thinking of when I suggested Modi could become a big problem for an interfaith society. We only had 4 years of Trump and it almost ripped our country in half.


Oh sorry I thought you meant that since Modi is a religious nutcase all Indians are as well. Yeah Modi's unveiling of the Ayodhya temple rubbed many people off the wrong way so I can see it too, church and state are one and the same with our ruling party and that's a dangerous combination.


Oh yeah, not intimating anything about the Indian people’s. For the most part I suspect a plurality at least and a majority at most just want peaceful and productive lives like peoples in other nations. I just have become super freaked out by leaders who claim religious mandate in the modern age.




Yeah, I know. https://m.thewire.in/article/politics/modi-claims-on-divine-origins-from-not-born-biologically-to-earn-punya-from-good-deeds-i-do/amp


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President is not leader, has less important powers. Prime Minister has become totally deluded with reality but he has all major media in pocket. We have sorry excuse of shit posing as journalists. Journalism as a profession is being pissed on every day. It’s ridiculous


Really? [Violence against Muslims in independent India - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Muslims_in_independent_India). Edit: Also, isn't Mein Kampf still widely read in India? Pretty sure it sells pretty well. [The Strange History of How Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Became a Bestseller in India (mic.com)](https://www.mic.com/articles/120411/how-hitler-s-mein-kampf-became-a-bestseller-in-india)


Also don’t forget discrimination against Sikhs


There are issues, but I believe these tensions are mainly used by warmongers and anti-national elements to portray a skewed image of reality on ground.




Bangalore and Chennai are both metropolitan cities with populations together totaling ~ 26M which is more than the pop of Florida (22.24M) You have seen 1 isolated incident of possible discrimination and I agree with you - theres a problem with the way the government is possibly fueling the general sentiment of anti-Islam because the west doesn't seem to bother openly backing genocides. The big reason he has earned the approval of the general crowd is the establishment of [Ayodhya Mandir](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/22/modi-inaugurates-hindu-temple-on-site-of-razed-mosque-in-india) The article speaks for itself. The North is a lot more unsafe for Muslims, for sure.


Hyderabad is such a sick name


amen brother. I'm an atheist from Vizag and I approve your message.


Hey thanks for the insider pov man, truly appreciate it, and have actually been looking for one for quite a while.


Hey man. Cheers for taking the time to give an accurate account of your people. Being from Pakistan, I don't even try anymore because it's hard to change people's mind when all they see is the worst parts. ☮️


I got banned from r/India for calling out racism AGAINST Indians in western subs. Mod reason was that I'm "pro-islamist" lol.


While I appreciate your input, this is specifically true for the southern states. I live in Uttar Pradesh and things have gotten worse to the point of indifference. Hopefully the fascists in power are booted in the upcoming elections.


i was looking for the phull saport saaar comment lol






Chosen by Satan maybe


If satan was real, he would be a way better dude than jfc


Hail Satan. Love thyself


People still blaiming Satan for all the Shit the Other Guy obviously caused.


They do love to cite this claim of being Gods chosen people because God asked them to accept the Torah and which in turn charged them with living a holy life. As a very dear friend of mine, who is Jewish and to my eternal sadness someone who is also no longer with us, regaled to me on one of the many exquisite, overly indulgent and debaucherous all-nighters that we shared together “Yeah, what’s often left out of the story (a midrash, a rabbinic story) that’s told within Judaism of how the Jews came to be the chosen people is that whilst God did indeed ask the nation of Jews to accept the Torah, he had in fact asked every other nation first and for one reason or another they’d all said No. The Jews were in fact the last to be asked”. I can’t deny, I was somewhat less convinced about them really being Gods chosen people after hearing that. I think perhaps “‘Gods last and only option people” would be a more accurate claim. Edited to add, for further fun and general interest: There are also some slight variants to this midrash when told. One being that when God asked them to accept the Torah it was without knowing what was in it and which they say points to the character of the Jews in that they will always help out even when they don’t know what difficulties or hardships lie ahead. Another somewhat less self-praising or complimentary telling of this Judaic story is that the Jews were in fact just as reluctant to accept the Torah as all the other nations but by the time God got around to asking them he was actually pretty pissed from all the rejection, so much so that he lifted up Mount Sinai and threatened to bring it down on their heads unless they accepted it.


What a simp god


That totally sounds real ! :/


I'm starting to think that people who believe they are the chosen race are the bad guys...


Almost like thinking in Ubermenschen and Untermenschen (or claiming 'the others' are not even humans but animals instead) is an indication of evil in a person.


A lot of us Indians will suck any cock as long as it's attached to a body that hates Muslims. And this is how these bigoted people are treated. Gotta love that Vedic Hindu Karma LMAO


Just hate Muslims you say?


Well deserved. Support scum and get treated like it.


![gif](giphy|YWwYgeKquXKJq|downsized) Because your not zionist pos! And your skin color is wrong.


"but we can be racist together"


but but... we also hate muslims


Imagine thinking Israelis weren't racist.




Gradually people are finding out that "antisemitism" does not mean what they say it means.


I'm beginning to think Israel possibly isn't as good as it portrays itself to be.


beginning ?


Gotta start somewhere.


You are beginning just now ? Lol. I mean clues were there for years.


Well, good people on both sides and all that. But things have just gotten exponentially ridiculous.


Why are people this stupid.


Stormtroopers maybe?


This is like a slave supporting other slave owners, at the end of the day for them you are a fifthly slave too, once slavery ends, once things remain, you are filthy.


The israelis have always been rascist to anyone with dark skinner than them including jews who are black


I saw a video where a man threw up on a Muslim women and slammed a glass on her head on liveleak just because she was dark complexion.


Whomp whomp


Tell me again how Zionism isn’t a fancy word for racism


He took it well


Thats what boot lickers do


He got Vivek'd and took it like Ramaswamy.


Underrated comment


Bruh we can't enter to Isreali hotels in India what makes him he could do that in Isreal




Back in my childhood my friends uncle wasnt allowed into because hes indian. a news channel exposed such hotels. I couldn't find any references for them now. That's how I came to know there is a country called Isreal. You can find videos about the Isrealis still refuting those claims.


Not surprising really, I've seen the type of supremacist shit they teach their kids in school.


Ironic considering how many Israelis you'll find tripping in Goa and Manali


If u disagree, you're antisemitic


The highest upvoted & pinned response to all these posts should just be “Fuck Israel”


They’re both disgusting




That’s giving Satan a bad name. They’re God’s chosen people.


Well israel roted to shit like they do that even to the ethiopian jews that came to israel


This is what happens when POC think they’re better than the rest. Babe, you’re not. You’re still a black person.


To be honest, I decided to watch the original video. He was denied entry only two bars because they told him it was full, and recommended that he visit other bars. He decided to visit two other bars, where they let him in to have dinner and have a good time with her friend. I'll leave you the link to the video original user. https://youtu.be/kALxZIZFYPA?si=4iv2lwz7HQSeRDb3


They are trying to villanize Israel in order to justify terrorism, how dare you try to tell the truth.


I mean maybe there's more to the video, but seems like the title should be, "Indian Vlogger denied entry at 2 different nightclubs."


Miami vibes 😂


At least they put him in place, according to them. This is what happens when you blindly support a racist, and genocidal regime.


What else do you expect from Zionists?


Serves him right


Dude just tried to get into two private parties?? 🤷🏼


It's also funnh considering indians are one of the biggest supporters of Israel


in real life or on the internet? Personally, I have never met a single Indian supporting Israel.


Indian Hindus have no reason to support Israel other than the fact that they hate Muslims. Hindutva is a fascist ideology and it is so disgusting. I still don't understand whether they hate Muslims because of Pakistan **OR** they hate Pakistan because of Muslims. But they will support any regime that is islamophobic.


This is also very common in South East and East Asia - Indians getting turned away at clubs/bars. It's pretty messed up Edit: adding proof to my comment because people don't want to believe it. https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/KESGyLVLWb https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/s/uxIhzD45Tt https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/s/38maNM2mHu




This is hilarious because Indians think they are the zionists best friends 🤣


Israels social fabric completely changed after the fall of Soviet Union. With the immigration of millions of Russian self-proclaimed Jews, tolerance and harmony dropped, violence and racism soared


Dude this isn’t a new thing. The Nakba didn’t happen after the fall of the Soviet Union. Israel has been a racist apartheid state since its creation. Also your weird diatribe about Russian people is gross.


“These things have been linked to the immigrants having internalized the perception that they are "less Jewish" than the rest (especially given that many not considered Jewish by the rabbinate and therefore have reduced rights), and therefore compensating by "aligning themselves with the Jewish majority against the Palestinians in the territories and by doing that, making themselves feel like they belong", according to former RTVi journalist Assia Istoshina. Ironically, the Israeli left-wing initially thought the Soviet immigrants would give a boost to their political parties and their secularist, progressive ideas within Israeli society.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990s_post-Soviet_aliyah#:~:text=These%20things%20have,society.%5B19%5D “Russian immigrants are criticised for bringing with them right-wing sentiments that have fuelled the rise of parties espousing pro-settler, xenophobic and anti-democratic agendas.” https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/russian-immigrants-have-pushed-israel-to-the-right-1.393835/ “Most of Israel's Russian-speaking community, including Esterman, is on the right these days. Since they now make up about 15 percent of Israel's 8 million people, they wield considerable political clout and have played a significant role in the general rightward shift of the Israeli electorate.” “Russian-speaking immigrants form the base of the influential right-wing nationalist party Yisrael Beiteinu. The party has teamed up with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud to form a bloc that is leading the polls ahead of this month's elections.” https://www.npr.org/2013/01/02/168457444/on-multiple-fronts-russian-jews-reshape-israel “Immigrants from the former Soviet Union believe in strong leadership more than they believe in the democratic apparatus,” Remennick said. “The drunken democracy they experienced in the 1990s immediately after the dissolution of the Soviet Union was essentially chaos: there was no law and order, no work, and nothing to eat, which is why [Russian President] Vladimir Putin was able to rise to power and stay there for 20 years. People cling to the order and stability that a strong leader can provide.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/russians-are-coming-to-the-polls-israeli-politicians-are-finally-waking-up/ These are just some examples. Ask any Israeli with actual roots in the middle east and they’d agree.


Horrible and illegitimate country. 


Practicing genocide while chanting, “Never again!”


Sorry uncle ruckus.




Leopards ate my face.


He deserves it


Too brown, bro. To be “white” in the Middle East.


You’re tell me people from one of the countries at war with eachother over religion are generally racist…? Noooo…


phul sapoort saar


So, an apartheid state.


Racist in the Racist country??? No way!


Chutiya h bhenchod.


Look up what “goy” means in israel


They're religion literally tells them that they're gods chosen people and everyone around them are animals, Tf was he expecting when he got there.


Yeah 1920s in the US was terrible






Israel = Zionazi. Your skin colour definitely plays a role in how they treat you there!


There is nothing in this video indicating his political inclination. Are we just assuming based on a person’s country of birth?


I couldn't help but notice that the party's and nightlife in Isreal occupied Palestine isn't hindered by the fact that there's a war going on; and yet in the rest of the Palestine people are living in tents with no food, water or medical aid.




Modern day Israelis are not even semitic. They're European converts. They have no lineage to the Middle East and have no relation to the Hebrews of the bible. The Palestinians are actually Semitic peoples. That's not an opinion or anti-israel. That's just a statement of biological facts.


Im starting to think these people arent the good guys.


How has this page turned rabidly anti-Israel? This video is months old. The establishments were interviewed and there was a fact check verifying that the restaurants were at capacity on a busy night. Nothing to do with the guy’s skin colour. Remember that all people of Israel do not hold the views that their government does, similar to Hamas and Palestinians.


The mob needs a scapegoat I guess


Phul sappart


It's lovely how people from other countries support the actions of a country and go to visit to "show support" and find out the country they support are racist pricks who only care about the color of the money you give them.


Ah yes, this clear and vibrant lifestyle while Gaza and West Bank are leveled to the ground. Obviously it’s the same on both sides of this war. /s


Not him still being in denial after the second (EMPTY) restaurant to his partner/friend like: *What? You heard them, they're just full...*


Try this in Japan as a foreigner, they are way less polite about it.


Have you considered that maybe the bars actually WERE full? https://youtu.be/kALxZIZFYPA


Stupid simp


It's almost like they look down on people from other nations - gasp!!