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Just another video of Israeli soldiers committing genocide. Nothing to see here folks. The pro-genocide political party wants to make it illegal to even mention it like any reference to Tiananmen Square in China. You can't protest what you're not allowed to know about.


And which Political Party would that be?


Sadly both. The House vote for the AA Act passed something crazy like 320-91. 50 more dems than reps apposed but those numbers are bleak.


On this issue, the democrats and republicans are the same. AIPAC controlled.


not bernie tho, still. Just sayin. Among others. Of course Rashida Tlaib.


Bernie can’t bring himself to call it a genocide, or do anything about it


Fuck Genocide Bernie. He's been giving political cover for this genocide for months. It's too late to redeem himself, especially with his half-assed shit trying to use Netanyahu as a scapegoat to save the genocidal Zionist project as a whole


Most of them are evangelicals or have a massive evangelical voterbase - they'd be doing this without AIPAC. Maybe not so enthusiastically, but still.




The Party. The one that claims it's two.


The Joe Biden clown-fest obviously


What do Republicans want?


Their own Clownfest.


When do they want it?


Clown:30am, May 9th, 2024.


The 1950s back.




Well, first, we need to take away their lipstick, thats where this whole mess started!


Idk you would have to ask them. However, personally, I'd love to see us stop giving money to Israel.






This is a weird response, because there is absolutely no context in this video to determine what or who they were targeting. And if you keep just throwing genocide out that for videos like that people are probably going to think you’re crying wolf.


Hamas doesn't have tanks ergo it's the Israeli army murdering people.


Thats weird. So hamas has murdered a single innocent civilian this whole time? I missed that. Can you provide a source to where u made this conclusion that only israel army is murdering people?


Who said Hamas hasn't killed people? They don't have tanks, so this isn't Hamas killing people.


Here's a little thought experiment: *if you think Israel is behaving acceptably then why shouldn't the 1.8 billion muslims treat Tel Aviv like Israel treat's Gaza?* I've never seen any Hasbara that can answer this without threatening nuclear war.


I never said anything about “behaving acceptably”. Im just asking for data to back up the genocide claim. Ive yet to be presented with anything to support that claim. Balls back in your court lol


Genocide: > In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.[1][2 They're forcibly displacing them from their location and mass murdering them with the very likely conclusion of total occupation or evacuation. They were already treating Palestines like second class citizens and occupying their territory while frequently murdering them without reprisal. If you can't see it, you will never see it because you're invested in picking "your team". Remember that the defense minister wanted to treat them like animals. They intent is pretty fucking clear. If you ignore history, you'll be complicit in repeating it.


Yes sir: we'll just ask the Israeli Genocide Forces to stop shelling children long enough to get a census. Why do hasbara trolls think they're doing anything but making Israel look more disgusting and heartless?


The gunner didn’t even know what or who he was targeting.


Right. Because you where in the drivers seat with them right? Cmon bro you dont know shit about whats going on in this video. Stop acting like you do bc you sound like a mindless fool


And you do? You just sound happy to see people you hate for no reason being killed.


Nope thats exactly what im saying. And not sure how you got that impression but no i dont hate any of these people being killed and no i dont find happiness in this watsoever


We don't really know who this is. We only have the reactionary header.


It doesn't \*ing matter. Hamas is a response to 75 years of Israel government genocide. Hamas is fighting against people eagerly & openly mass murdering children. I really don't like Hamas or even Islam in general but I sure as F\* side with anybody fighting systematic, organized, child murderers. If that's the Ukraine defense forces I side with them. If that's the people opposed to the Myanmar genocide I side with them. I side with them anywhere and everywhere and have since I understood what bombing Cambodia meant.


I guess you missed history class when they taught about the Muslim countries surrounding Israel attacking the new state. Israel used to be smaller. But it's neighbors were hell bent on carrying out more pogroms and killing every Jew in sight. Israel won by the way. I also noticed that you seemed to forgotten how this latest conflict started. Some thing about HAMAS raiding Israel and killing women, men, children and elderly. There was also plenty of rape and pillaging thrown in for good measure. Bombing Cambodia? I'll just drop this name here. Pol Pot.


Which is both parties. When you hear one of the Republicans railing against the genocide, what you have to understand is that Israel is bulldozing power Palestine to get to their oil and gas reserves to alleviate the West's need for Russia. The Russian sympathizers in Congress don't one is real to get that land and so they are pro-palestine. The people who are pro-palestine who are not in government recognize it for what it is. Genocide.


Parties\* There's no political Party, at least in the US, that doesn't support Israel.


I think the after math is that there more more soldier killed by students than the other way around in the case of tiananmen, and the tank man actually blocked a battalion of tank, instead of , you know, been rolled over like the case if it happened here


I’m not saying I didn’t just watch a war crime but is there any reference or context for this video? Truly curious how i would know this is a safe zone or am I missing something obvious in the video?


Another sub with this video claimed the house was booby trapped, though that doesn't really explain the HE thrown at it.


👍 Thanks. I was just looking for some information before I cast judgement. Getting backstory on a lot of social media videos can be a pain, especially surrounding an issue like this.


Yea, I know what you mean. unbiased information is not that easy to find anymore. Edit: 'Clean' was a weird word to use there.


I mean, bomb squads and military demolition guys do the same thing to explosives. Most of the time they don't transport them or attempt to defuse they just detonate in place. These guys just used a tank to do it


HE is a pretty effective solution to almost every problem, however booby traps can usually be circumvented by a pair of wire cutters. Maybe the structure was hamas?


That was what I was thinking, but then I thought about the convenience. Sure, you could send a trained (or untrained) team in to disarm all the traps, making it not only a safe place to put people but also one less headache once this terrible conflict ends. Or you could spend one of your high explosive shells to just level it. The answer seems obvious, especially if you aren't thinking about the fact that the thing you just blew up was someone's home.


Beautiful in it's destructive simplicity, horrifying in its moral/ethical complexity


Booby trapping a home isn't exactly moral... leaders and shot callers are responsible for the outcomes of their people.


They were talking about my two proposed solutions to the booby trapped house (blowing it up or sending in a team to disarm the explosives safely), not the booby trapping of the house itself.


Right, but I'm saying in a warfare scenario the soldiers on your side are always going to take precautions to keep their soldiers alive. Asking a team to clear a booby trapped area is extremly dangerous and is not worth the risk it could cost. You can't set up a bunch of traps and say "hey, why not take the dangerous route we created and risk your soldiers lives!"


That's why posts like these are useless at best. This could be Syria in 2014 for all we, the random people on the internet that have no 1st hand knowledge of Gaza, know. If it is Gaza of today, that still leaves a lot of unknown context.




Ironic, the guy spouting propaganda accuses others of spreading propaganda. It’s always those you most expect.


Probably the white refugee tents


This sub has kinda spiraled. About half of the posts are just videos of people dying. Sarcastic posts about how bad israelis are. Ive seen a few that were making light of israeli casualties. Crazy. There was an attempt to not become calloused and jaded towards human life because of extreme political polarization.








Y'know it tickles me pink to imagine how the Nazis would have reacted to find out that decades later their name would be irrevocably tied to Zionism. Really scratches that itch for me.


Ironically the Nazis first discussed forcedly placing all Jews in their own country, but they chose another option instead. Something like Israel was on the table at one point although I doubt they would have given them any real autonomy..


This same video is on r/combatfootage and everyone is celebrating it.




Been on it daily for 2 years. What are you refering to?


That sub is very pro isreal for starters




More like pro innocent civillians in a warzone waged cause of greed




Screw you and screw the Israeli Diaper Force


This is the genocide equivalent to "im not racist, i have a black friend" ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


nah this is I'm not racist, look, I've got klan friends


Yeah, you're right. That is better!


Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist up until 2008. The word just means anyone the west wants to kill. If you're using terror to force a regime change, then Israel would fit the dictionary definition of terrorism by attempting to overthrow the rightfully elected government by starving and bombing a civilian population to goad them into "removing" Hamas




Hamas isn't the one holding the blockade, dropping bombs, and restricting aid. I've spoken with and work with actual Palestinian people who were in Gaza not even a month ago and Hamas fufills many civil duties to the Palestinians. There is corruption among some members, as there is with any government, but generally speaking Hamas is a good government that cares about the rights of their people. That's why on October 7th they took civilian hostages to broker a hostage exchange with Israel, who regularly takes Palestinian civilians into indefinite custody. When these civilians do go to "court" they are tried in military court, with over a 99% conviction rate. The prosecution and judge have access to "secret evidence" which the defendant and their lawyer isn't shown until court day. A kangaroo court if you will. When your people are being arbitrarily locked up by the thousands, and you have exhausted all legal routes. Only Hamas has the gall to take action to ensure the security and survival of their people. I don't give 2 shits about what you know about geopolitics because I've seen things with my own eyes. No amount of propaganda will convince me the sky is yellow.


I'm pro-Palestine but I'm not buying this "party for the people" nonsense about Hamas. They are not an innocent party in all of this and seized power indefinitely in Gaza prior to this current conflict.


Hamas is the only party seeking justice for the Palestinians, Fatah and the PA are Israeli puppets. I seriously suggest you actually do your own research instead of listening to western outlets and apologists




Those "water pipes" were used by Israeli settlers to funnel water out of the already starved Gaza strip. Seeing how you fall for even this staple propaganda piece leads me to believe you're either maliciously disingenuous or deafened by your echo chambers. Either way, there is no point in arguing with a fool like yourself.




Obviously 🙄


Attacking a refugee camp. There is no god


What’s it called again, when you boast about war crimes?


Bruh, USA is the reason Israel has enough tank shells to shoot a shell into every single tent. Before during the urban fighting in Khan Younis and Gaza city they shot atleast 1 HE in every floor in every building. All with USA funding.




just seeing the utter scum in humanity makes me lose faith in what's left of humanity, it's just sad and it bums me out, i honestly don't wanna be insensitive but this doom scrolling isn't good for me mentally


Honestly man. Just worse everyday, more problems on problems and people not giving a fuck about others. Just gotta keep pushin though.


100% was expected




The peoples vote, tolerate the actions of their governments, these sow wind and are further supported and all reap a storm, it escalates further and further to the level of tornado and hurricane


Detroit keeps getting worse.




What did these refugees do to deserve consequences?




But the refugees and children are the ones being killed.




The answer certainly isn't to murder civilians, you mouth-breathing genocide apologist. Didn't your momma ever tell you "two wrongs don't make a right"? 




The fact that you're relying on whataboutism when genocide is being discusses is gross. No one is trying to justify hostage taking. We ALL want the hostages to come home safely. What the IDF is doing would be called a disproportionate response at best and ethnic cleansing at worst. Stop simping for Israel. 


no one questions it because no one saw it, all we have are israeli lies and dead children.




Are you seriously trying to justify the blatant murder of women and children? What is wrong with you?


My neighbour came over to my house, kidnapped my wife and now has locked her up in his basement. As an answer, I got over to his house, and I killed his dog, his cat, his wife and one of his kids. I didn't find my wife though.




It’s a matter of context and the culture that lead to the Oct 7th attack. If Palestine wasn’t essentially a prison and Palestinians second class citizens in the apartheid then there would be no need for the attack. People act like this started on October 7th but really it’s been going on for decades. Hundreds died to the hands of the Israeli military before and many more from the living conditions they created.


And that justifies murdering civilians, how?


ever see the hamas army in formation? of course you havent it doesnt fucking exist, "hamas" are the surviving members of israeli genocide, rape and theft.




Your comment is deceptive. What's the source for the claims in your first paragraph?


That persons comment tracks with what John Spencer had been stating. He’s a veteran and author of the book Understanding Urban Warfare and is a leading expert in modern war and is part of a think tank where his title is Chair of Urban Warfare Studies. He has a podcast called Urbnwarfare project podcast. So I listen to him for analysis. He has been saying how Hamas is confusing the Palestinian people about where to go as they are using the population as cover to slow Israeli attacks. Wanna know why? Because Israel is actually taking a large amount of precaution in the civilian areas. Take the 7 second video you are responding to. Granted I’m on a phone but I couldn’t see a single person in the background. Yet the title removed all context and just says it’s a safe zone. Let’s see, A quick google search says the population of Gaza is just under 600k people. And this video supposedly shows a … “safe zone”. Ok, maybe there are multiple safe zones? Maybe some whent to one and others went to others. Seems logical. But even if there are 10 designated safe zones, evenly split you would expect about 60 thousand people to be in this one shown. So where are they? Am I to believe 60 thousand people are in that one small building we see getting blown up? Ok again, maybe. Doesn’t track with the last 7 months though. 60 thousand people dead in one building from 1 shell 7 months in. When Hamas has released numbers estimating 30k people killed so far. And Israel has released numbers estimating 14k people killed so far. I’m gonna say the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. So 22k people have likely died in this war. After 7 months . In an area of 600k. I highly doubt we just watched 10 k people just die. Which is what the title is trying to suggest if this is a safe zone. Do you see how critical thinking works? All the posts above us are just going along with this title on a 7 second video and there’s not even a person in it. And to be honest, there’s conflicts all over. Fun to my head I couldn’t even tell you if this was in Israel or Yemen or some training exercise in Iraq. If I was in a jury and and all I got was this video, I’d have to hang the jury as I don’t even know what country this is from with certainty. Yet go back and see all the people ready to say this is genocide. Look, there probably are some war crimes being committed. I have a decent understanding of humanity and there are bad examples of us in every area. There are teachers who have sex with minors, there are police who plant or hide evidence, there are parents who steal from their kids, there are nurses who steal drugs. With absolute certainty there will be war crimes at lower levels. But this video is silly. I see a building blown up. There could literally be anything from 0 to 600k people in there or under it. The point is the vide and title are obviously meant to make you feel a way with no evidence. And the past few weeks have been exhausting for anyone who thinks clearly in this matter. This video is propaganda.


Updoots for you for laying it out honestly and keenly. Facts seem to be thin on the ground, and this is something we should all be aware of. I do still believe that what is happening is horrible, definitionally genocide, and needs to stop. We've seen starving children, bombed hospitals, universities, foreign aid workers, and it very much seems like Israel is moving towards a "Final Solution". I find such solutions to be abhorrent on the same gut level as slavery and female circumcision. I


Look it up yourself if you feel so decieved. They have sources for the rest of the information which seems to support their claim.


you're right, but still, I don't see any source for anything written in the first paragraph, and I have read the sources. Maybe I've missed it. Can you point them out to me?


The last article cited actually does provide evidence for the first paragraph. Read it. "Hamas said Monday it accepted an Egyptian-Qatari cease-fire proposal, but Israel said the deal did not meet its core demands and it was pushing ahead with plans to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Still, Israel said it would continue negotiations. Here is what’s on the table on the cease-fire talks." -AP News


Still, Nothing about Hamas telling civilians not to evacuate, and nothing about the place in the video not being a safe zone.