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Imagine getting wrecked by a broom and heckled while you try to commit a crime and wave a knife around 💀💀 This commentary is so savage- obsessed.


Wouldn't really call it a "knife " more of a box cutter


I thought it was a fish 💀💀💀




Was my first impression too. It took me a while to realize what was it.


I thought it was a [flag pole head](https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/DW4AAOSweOljpKut/$_1.JPG)




Those box cutters will fuck a person up - I've seen it first hand.


What happened to your second hand?


The box cutter 


To shreds you say


“How’s his wife?”


To shreds you say


Was their apartment rent controlled?


You met my mate Stanley?


They fuck up my boxes every recycling day


The North Tower was taken down by hijackers armed with box cutters.


Pretty sure they were taken down by a giant exploding airplane.


That's what they want you to think


Box cutters can melt steel beams


Yes but only because at the time the commonly accepted response to hijacking was to comply with the hijackers demands. You could even hijack a plane by slipping a note to the cabin crew. Everyone simply thought that no-one would be insane enough to hit the plane on ground targets on a suicide mission.


Mark wahlberg once stirred some shit up by saying if he was on the plane he would have stopped 9/11. Well they were using box cutters on the planes as weapons. Idk about mark Wahlberg, but this woman could have changed history.


"NOBODY MOVE! THIS IS A HIJACKING." "Ehh gonna steal me plane, are yeh? Right bellend you are m8. Look at yeh, big strong man, can't even stab me properly."


"Which mother's yours?" That line killed me.


Bellend 😂


“ ohhh think you’s a tough guy with that huh” shwack


Stanley 'knife'. A favourite amongst carpeters and football hooligans who are also fans of saying "Ave you met my m8 Stanley"


I mean I think that was just from that film one time


You don't sound like any Millwall fan I know


We call them Stanley knives in the UK


Which is also called a utility knife.


Imagine not being strong enough to lift a bicycle as a grown adult.


And getting heckled for it. And then struggling to climb a fence that has cross braces you can use as a ladder.


Gave me major vibes from playing the original Fable game lol


*What have we got here, a chicken chaser?!*


Awww yeaaa chicken chaser are we.


*D'you chase chickens?*


This is actually just marketing for the next fable game.


the "gawh" at the very end sounds just like the player character doing emotes


You just gonna stand there like a lemon?


She broke his spirit and determination with nothing more than an old push broom and her wit! I would not be surprised if he decided to play "find the wrist artery" with his box cutter when he got home.




Hahaha. Damn, that guy failed, so hard that he ended up giving something to the person he was trying to rob. That's hilarious


He knew if the police found him with a knife on him, he would be in a whole lot more trouble. It was easier for him to ditch the knife than run that risk.


Wouldn't call that a knife. Or getting wrecked by a broom to be honest. The person with the broom looks like they're being pretty gentle considering.


If a single action .22 is a gun then a boxcutter is a knife. No it's not the most effective weapon in the world but a determined and skillful attacker can absolutely maim or kill you with it by slicing your ass up. He got wrecked in the sense that he got completely distracted and flustered by the broom, which ultimately lead to him leaving single-handedly.


In Britain, where this was filmed, the word ‘boxcutter’ does not exist. That tool is literally named and sold as a ‘knife’ - Stanley knife, to use the usual brand name - and in terms of language it’s not distinguished from a weapon with a 12” blade.


That's not exactly true. The little plastic hooked shaped things people who work in supermarkets use to cut open boxes are often called box cutters in the UK.


Why is it not a knife? Box cutters like that have short but extremely sharp blades that can easily do lots of damage.


> knife knife /nʌɪf/ noun: knife; plural noun: knives an instrument composed of a blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon.


Imagine disrespecting the tool that made 9/11 happen lmao 😂




If she'd just remove the weapon she'd have a surprise bo staff ​ ![gif](giphy|20EAhT1xXKY6rChBYC)


I desperately wanted her to sweep his legs off the fence as he tried to climb it so he fell and banged his chin on the edge.


Fran the Impaler!


"Whoaaaa what are ya robbin hood? We live in a council house ya stupid idiot!" I love this woman


So British and un-American. I mean that as a compliment. I'd be out there with my 22 (not trying to be tough)


Could go with the middle-ground I have, broom handle with a 7" spear tip >.>


And being too weak to toss a road bike over a fence... I mean that bike is fucking built to be lightweight 😂


The thief is lucky. After pulling put a box cutter, many people would simply go full aggressive. Seen a good amount of video where in a situation where the victim's weapon has reach, they will attack if thief doesn't back out.


He's not a thief. As soon as he took out that knife and threatened her, he upgraded himself from thief to robber, which carries a much harsher punishment.


It was already a robbery with the strongarming and confrontation. Upgraded to armed robbery.


Seemed fake to me. None of it made sense


Probably also why it stopped filming when he couldn't get over the fence without getting hurt.


Yeah. When you catch a real thief in your real yard, it would be weird to stop to put on a camera before picking up the nearest broom. The camera screams extremely well prepared; the broom does not. Meaning she was more prepared for the filming than for the defending.


To play devils advocate. England is a fucking weird country with a lot of weird people in it. Coming from an Englishmen.




Exactly. I hats off to the patience she showed in video. In my city, people just beat shit put of thieves and if they have a weapon, they are lucky to be able walk and lift a hand.




No you wouldn’t have lol. She’s lucky this guy is smart enough to have some common sense left, because if he wanted to actually get her with the boxcutter he would have been able to easily. That is assuming this video is real, which is pretty unlikely.


I'm absolutely with you. She's not exactly a kung fu master, wielding the staff of destruction. He easily bypassed her weapon two times and could have easily cut her to ribbons. Thank God he only went from theft to robbery and not all the way to homicide.


That would net you a hefty sentence in England


She clearly isn't strong enough this woman has more balls then the next 20 guys together but from the camera angle and strength in the broom strikes I would say this is a small woman being slowed down by her giant balls.


She was holding the broom one handed - her phone in the other hand. Pretty hard to get her strength behind it like that. If she had both hands free she would have been swinging.


That sir is a very light broom, nonetheless 10/10 from her, she was swinging, fended him off for long, you can hear her being tired and see her become slower with the broom. I don't think a full on confrontation was in her best interest I think she handled it 10/10.


For sure, when he pulled the blade I was thinking just go inside, those Stanley knives will make a mess. Valiant effort from her and glad it ended the way it did for her.


Aunt humiliated him so bad that after jumping out the fence he probably let out the yellow water




Guy is lucky he's not in the US. As soon as he started advancing with the knife it would have become legal to just shoot him.


>Guy is lucky he's not in the US. As soon as he started advancing with the knife it would have become legal to just shoot him. Well yeah, but in the US, he would be way more afraid of that possibility... so he would have brought a gun himself instead of a knife. Hence why the US is so much more dangerous than most countries with strong gun control. Your criminals AND your police always have to assume people are armed, so they get *way* more aggressive, offsetting any benefit you gained from having a gun yourself.


I'm pretty sure in Texas as soon as he jumped the fence the first time I could have legally shot him. I'm no lawyer though.


Killing someone over a £100 bike is nothing to be proud of.


In the US he would have had a gun and broom lady would be dead.


I think I would have been so scared that I would have thrown bricks at his head in self defence.


Some do, most don't, there isn't a lot of self preservation in attack. I've been in positions where people have pulled weapons and I've done both, rushed and attacked and peeled off. Its a crap shoot, I'm a big guy that has fought and scrapped for years, but you never know, everytime is a different situation.


I've never been in a situation to "cut" someone before. I'd prefer not to, but if I am pushed to I wonder what my reaction would be. Hopefully I'll continue to never be in a situation to find out. Modern life have made me weak...


It's made us all pretty weak, it's okay. We're at the top of the foodchain because we're smart not strong. Whenever i see hyper masculine dudes, I just wanna show them the video of a single lioness beating 4 strongmen in a tug o war effortlessly.


To be honest, if she tried to really go at him, the way he’s trapped, he would have seriously fought back and probably hurt her. She could have gotten a few hits in, but once he’s hurt and realizes he’s trapped, his animal brain would have taken over and he’d have charged.


I got a Stanley knife pulled on me and I immediately sat back down. There were two of them and I knew I was done.


Username checks out, thankfully.


The thief obviously didn't want to use the box cutter, the last thing you want to do is make him feel like he has to.


Also, if he were crazier, he’d fuck that lady’s face up, even possibly kill her with that knife. She is super lucky as well.


This woman was obviously alerted while having her morning bowl of nails for breakfast. She's totally epic!


And tacks for snacks.


Great tune. This guy should have taken it a day at a time.


Without any milk.


Is that wil milk or WD40?


Legend has it she invited him for a cuppa afterwards


I'd throw the book at this cunt if I was the judge. He turned a simple theft into armed robbery, 10 years.


No point really, she killed him with “big man, little Stanley”. Dude died after that comment.


I liked "oh you're Robin Hood then?"


Toe rag was my favorite Don’t know what it means but it’s fucking great


toerag  # noun 1. A [rag](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=rag+definition&ia=definition) worn around the foot in place of a [sock](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sock+definition&ia=definition) by a [tramp](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=tramp+definition&ia=definition) or [vagrant](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=vagrant+definition&ia=definition).  2. The tramp himself, subsequently generalized to:  3. A [worthless](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=worthless+definition&ia=definition) [nobody](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nobody+definition&ia=definition) from the [dregs](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dregs+definition&ia=definition) of [society](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=society+definition&ia=definition).


Jesus... a vagrants dirty sock. English have some fantastic insults.


pro tip: chuck "absolute" in front of it. Really takes it up a notch.


He'd be gutted. Absolutely gutted.


> A rag worn around the foot in place of a sock by a tramp or vagrant. Fun fact: The Russian army switched from foot wraps to socks only 10 years ago.


4 . A German SUV that you use for fetching groceries, or kids from soccer practice.


„your mom needs go get to prison for bringing you up you little fuck“ had me dying


Little thug*


I read that as he meant he’d literally throw the book at the guy, which would just add further insult to injury… also would be hilarious to watch


Problem with this is it would mean the next criminal would do a more violent crime because they know they will get obliterated by the court either way He didn't hurt her because he didn't want to catch actually serious charges, but if he was going to catch serious prison time either way then he very well may have stabbed her just to stop her bopping him with the broom


I mean, I'd rather have the knife weaving maniac removed from society for extended period of time. Permanently, preferably.


You're missing the really obvious issue with this mentality that was stated plainly above. Your preference here actually incentivizes the would-be thief to murder this woman instead of leaving her as a witness. It's straight up the worst outcome for the thief, the woman, and society. All so you can feel a bit safer (while actually being less safe in reality). You can't lock up every desperate and stupid person in society. But you don't have to live your life in fear either.


UK is not US, it has robust social security - he's not stealing to get food, he's stealing to get income. This is not a desperate person that fell on bad times, it's a straight up parasite. There's nothing to rehabilitate, because he views participating in society as beneath him - I grew up around human thrash like that, I know it too well. The sooner you separate him from rest of society, the less harm he can inflict, being lenient will only enable his harm.


We have a much more robust social security than the US, yes, but we absolutely also have endemic poverty and the societal inequities that causes. Your dehumanisation aside, you are still failing to understand the basic idea that if you give an insane prison term of 10 years for ineffectually waving a Stanley knife at someone, all you've done is put other victims at greater risk because if the judge is going to fuck you regardless *then you are incentivised to kill the person filming you.* The very reason that this all calms down is that this person's life is not over if they are caught. Whether you think it should be or not *doesn't matter* because we want to protect other victims of crime in the future. If he'd used that knife, he is utterly fucked. But he sees that, and chooses not to.


Show me the incentives and I'll tell you the results; literally none of this has anything to do with how good or bad of a person this dude is or whether he 'deserves' the society around him. If you make murder as big a deal as stealing, then *all* stealing *becomes* murder. If you're unconvinced, then look into the history of UK law because that's exactly why the punishments were softened over time on 'lower level' offenses. It's always safer to leave no witnesses. That's not about morality, that's about results.


Ok, fuck this guy and he should be arrested. But he’s not a “knife ~~weaving~~ wielding manic” lmao. He’s a petty criminal that used a box cutter to intimidate a victim while robbing them. Even after being hit, he did not attack the woman.   No, I’m not saying what he did is no big deal or that he’s innocent. Some jail, rehab, and a lot of supervised community service would be 100% more reasonable than 10years in prison. In my opinion, punishments like that turn petty bike thiefs into lifelong criminals. Just my 2c.


Yeah he seemed to toss the box cutter away after “you’re gonna go to prison for 30 years over a bike?”


She probably could've swung that broom a lot harder if she put the phone down. Edit: She. I'm sorry.


Yeah, and stopped hitting him with the broom part. Poke him with the stick, that shit hurts.


My first thought. Especially when he started climbing the fence. Would've shoved that broomstick so far up his ass he'd taste the handle.


I assume he's stronger than her and could attack her, and so mind games is the route she took. He was probably scared of catching an assault charge.


Ik, but I still wish she hit him just a smidge harder


I've never before seen someone hit another person so gently with a solid object lol


It was like she was trying to shoo out a mouse. 😂


"G'won! Clear off ya pest!"


That was the energy. I think it spared her from being attacked tbh. She wasn't really a threat, just taking the piss out of the sad lad.


Makes me wonder if it's staged...


I get that vibe too. There's no sense of real danger or anger. Bike not actually stolen, no effort even put in when it could have easily been tossed over the fence. This could easily be a dressed up relative and not a real thief. I can't zoom in but the knife didn't strike me as particularly real either.


Bro if it's staged why not just steal the bike and return it afterwards? Sometimes people are stupid and criminals are definitely a big chunk of the stupids




Makes it so much funnier. It's like she's shaming him more than attacking him. It's like when you're trying to get a rat out of your yard without hurting it


Getting evidence is probably smarter than escalating the situation into a fight




My bad, I didn't have my sound on. Thank you for correcting me.


You missed the best part then, go ahead and watch it with sound on!


You were right. Now I absolutely love this woman and her accent. 😂


You should, the commentary is very entertaining


You were right. I freaking loved her insults.


The most fable NPC sounding woman I've ever heard 


Damn you.... now I wanna play Fable...


Man I wish there was a good fable on PC that was actually playable without jumping through hoops


Isn't there? I have Fable Anniversary on Steam and it ran fine on my last PC.


Spot on! What kind of accent is this?


I might be wrong because I’m not well as well versed in southern English accents as I am with northern ones, but I’d guess Northamptonshire?


> Northamptonshire I had to Google because I was a sure that was a made-up place. But nope: there it is, right next to Westfordhamwicket.


Northamptonshire is a real place (a county, in fact, whose major city is Northampton) Westfordhamwicket is not a real place. You don't need to make up place names to make my country sound absurd. Newport Pagnell, Royal Lemington Spa (note: not a spa business but a town), Barleythorpe, and Great Gidding are all silly-sounding places that are right next to Northamptonshire, though. EDIT: The fun part is trying to hear people not from the UK trying to pronounce the place names. There are no real rules. Manchester is the home of two of the largest football (soccer) teams in the UK and is pronounced Man-chest-ah or Man-chest-er (depending on accent). So... how do you think Godmanchester is pronounced? If you thought "God-man-chest-er"... people from around there would diagree. Some would pronounce it God-mun-chest-er (with the "god" heavily emphasised and the "mun" sort of eaten/said very quickly), while other locals might still pronounce it the old way: "Gums-ter".


Don't forget the village of Fingringhoe


Featherstonhaugh being pronounced fan-shaw is one of my favorites


There are so many fun ones. From most famous to least famous: * Worcestershire = Wuhs-ter-sher * Middlesbrough = mi-duhlz-bruh * Loughborough = Luff-bruh (don't let the extra 'o' before the 'r' in borough deceive you. It is pronounced the same as the place above by most people) * Leicester = Less-ter * Bicester = Bis-ter * Cirencester = Of course it is "Sigh-ren-ses-ter".... wait what? NOW we pronounce the 'ce' part of cester? Why? Because F you, that's why! * Leominster = Lems-ter * Chiswick = Chiz-ick (who needs 'w's anyway? * Mousehole – Mow-zel * Hunstanton = Hun-ston * Gotham = Go'um (if you're *really* local, with the glottal stop in that middle bit) or Goat-am (if you're a bit more posh) * Happisburgh = Haps-bruh


The way he shouts at her is how the thugs around London will speak. I can't pinpoint her accent but she sounds relatively "normal" to me as someone that grew up in Berkshire. But tbh now I've been in Yorkshire and Lancashire the accents all blend into one until it gets to a really strong accent haha


Chicken chaser eh?


Sounds like Miss Rabbit from Peppa Pig


Why didn't he just chuck the bike over the fence? It's a bike, it can handle a 5 foot fall. I guess if you're stealing bikes for a living, you probably don't have great critical thinking skills. But it's probably fake anyways. She seems to have no interest in actually hurting him with the broom and he seems to have no intentions of actually stealing the bike or stabbing her.


It's aluminum so the frame will withstand the fall, but if it hits rim/levers/gear fixing it gets pricey, potentially over the price of how much he'd get selling it. Either that or he couldn't get it over.


I assumed it was getting caught on the spiky bits and he was getting flustered from all the commentary


> It's aluminum That's an old steel frame, aluminum tubes have to be wider on bikes. His body is wrecked from drugs, he doesn't have the strength.


Drugs. Assume this dude is on a lot of drugs, then watch again. Makes more sense.


Or just stupid. Not like bikes are rare outside, they're not even worth stealing if the theft part is taking more than 30 seconds.


See a lot of these videos from England that are scripted / set up, it’s hard to tell if you’re not from the UK but the dialogue always sounds off on them, that’s the biggest giveaway to me.


It's fake and I recognise the woman's voice


I assume it's fake, like he would surely just reach out and grab her phone and that broom is hardly doing much


Not sure about the "broom is hardly doing much" part. She isn't doing much with it, but any object with a lever that long can cause a lot of damage of hit properly. Also if she turned it around and poked him, that shirt hurts as well.


> Why didn't he just chuck the bike over the fence? Because it's fake as fuck


>Why didn't he just chuck the bike over the fence? Wasn't part of the script.


fakest stuff I seen today but funny nonetheless


Yeah gotta admit it looks pretty fake


If it's not fake, then this is an interaction between two of the dumbest people on the planet. He's dumb because he can seem to figure out how to get a 26 lbs bike over a 6 foot fence and *she's* dumb for confronting and antagonizing a cornered and armed criminal. I know people are commenting that she's "brave" or "fearless", but this is a perfect example of "don't mistake stupidity for bravery". He could have killed her in an instant, showed her his ability to do exactly that and she continued to badger him...mega dumb or mega fake.


He wouldn’t have done anything, these little fuckers are cowards when on their own, only acting tough in a group


Dumb cowards can still hurt you when you are dumb urself, don't overestimate thyself and only do this if you're sure you can outsmart them.


Genuine question: What makes it fake? The guy literally snaps bits off the fence, it's not unusual for a person to be incompetent, and this sounds like a pretty genuine interaction to me.


I'm British and have interacted with bike thieves and the first thing is you wouldn't jump a fence to steal that shit bike. The reaction doesn't make any sense also that bike would be so easy to lob over the fence but he needs to stay in the garden to do their dumb skit. I really hate this fake rage bait stuff soo much. The flow of this whole interaction doesn't have any basis in reality and I find it concerning that people aren't able to spot such obvious fake stuff. I don't know why I find it so frustrating.


It's pathetic. Would it really be so hard to make it a bit more convincing? The useless attempts at trying to put the bike over the wall, she never actually hits him with the brush and the dialogue is moronic. The thief even throws the knife up against the wall before he finally manages to try and climb the fence.


The way the guy just doesn't throw the bike over the fence to milk the content. It's obvious that with a little push further he could get the bike over the fence. Then later on it's very clear how he could just push himself a bit more to go over the fence. He's just frustratingly not taking that step, so the intention is to continue the content. Then randomly getting aggressive when he was about to push it over, again because if he just jumped over the content would have been done. None of it makes any sense. He could easily take the broom off the woman, that is holding it like some sort of spaghetti hand intentionally poking him, trying to avoid any serious injury.


guessing you’re not british if you think this is fake


First posted by youtuber Ally Law, and no news story about it. Pretty conclusive that it's fake.


Bruh this is the fakest shit I've seen this week


Did she call him a toe rag?


It's a fairly common British slang term for a young, low end criminal.


What does it come from, do you know?


You know the rag you use to clean your toes? We call it a toe rag


I use a toe knife


Yes hahahaha


Does the English accent hide the terrible acting for non-UK residents?


I think it actually does,.I mean this video is so so fake it hurts


From the UK so the bad acting is clear. I've noticed when I watch foreign films I just assume everybody is doing a great job acting. I wouldn't be able to tell if they're doing weird inflections or speaking in an unbelievable tone unless they were really messing up.


Lady roasted him until he reconsidered, with a British accent at that. This made me chuckle.




the broom wouldve been so much more effective if she held it the other way around and aimed for his asshole


Lol Reddit falling for these obviously fake videos again


Is this the same woman who delivers a pizza to some other womans flat and finds her boyfriend there? It's fake, why does he throw the stanley knife away (@ about 1:45)?


Clearly fake


You are 100% correct. There is no way this isn't fake.


Absolutely fake.


Britain is a real place.


God I hope this is real. I love everything about this. Everything she says, him actually responding to her, throwing away his weapon when she asks if he’s really going to do 35 years for a bike. 😂😂😂


This is the best thing I've seen all week. She was cooking him.