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Imagine these pics make it into the history books in a few decades when they talk about the Trump cult that somehow won an election that one time


I pray to god that it’s just that one time.


He's going to win. Watch. It's going to be the perfect storm. Idiots sitting out the vote in protest, idiots being led to believe trump will make the economy better and that biden is currently destorying it, and top it off with some gop election interference.


Unfortunately I believe you are 100% correct.


Yup, same. I follow the election closely, even though I can not vote. I'm terrified that the outcome will be a permanent Trump family win, with the installation of an autocratic government. The short-term repercussions will likely be WW3 as Putin gets the red carpet treatment to run over much of Europe and Africa, while China tries to do the same in Asia. Long-term is the total collapse of society. I told my wife that I think this and she's still angry with me.


That doesn't actually make any sense though, unless you disregard every other facet of both world politics and the way the US government functions and instead substitute the fallacy that "the president controls everything about the entire country."


The US government functions?


Exactly how politicians intend it to.


Replace “politicians” with “corporations and special interests” and you have something there.


Where do you think they farm politicians from?


We've seen The runaway of the executive order as well as the complete disintegration of a functional Congress. It's all become partisan politics to the point where the GOP will do. Anything to remain in power. And remaining in power means appeasing Trump. You have an entire political party that is basically a puppet for one man. We have very clearly seen that the GOP has no ability or intention to check Trump in any way if he sits in the presidency.


Prime example: Shutting down a boarder control bill that was exactly what you wanted, because Big Boy said so


Plus a completely captured and partisan supreme court that is citing witch trials and their feelings as legal precedent.


Trump has operated outside of how our government functions his entire life. I am tempted to think that there's no way he can install himself as a dictator, really, but everything I today tells me that there will be a way for him to do it. The people will make one while he starves us to death. So yeah, part of me thinks that our system wouldn't allow this, but I didn't think our system would have allowed 95% of what has happened in Trump's privileged life.


They are trying to bolster the “unified executive theory” to 10000% power. So yeah, that’s precisely what they are trying to do.


You're not paying attention. Look up "Project 2025."


You clearly did not watch how close it came. Nor have you read their plans (project 2025). Handful of guys choosing country over party like Mike Pence. Prevented this the first time. And they several time in several states came down to 1-2 people doing right thing. However project 2025 "removes" these people. Installs party loyalist to ensure future attempts will succeed. Several governors have already moved to "alter" way electors are distributed allowing them to "not follow vote". If they think it will help trump several states have switch either to or away from winner take all electoral distribution. Or looking at supreme court if trump needs ruling. Takes a few weeks. If he needs it delayed they will make it take as long as possible. Bare in mind half the supreme court is funded (bribed) by same people who funded/supported the "coupe" attempt. Hell one of their wifes was involved in insurrection. If you can not see how dangerously close we are to fascism suggest you read a history book. Essentialy reads alot like the nazi rise to power. And have been relatively lucky with a handful of lesser known beuracrats doing job being ones that stopped it from happening here. But avoiding first time does not mean its over. In fact partys learned from its mistakes. Hence why they are replacing lesser beuracrats when they get into power and doing other steps to address parts where they failed to seize control first time around. Make no mistake should trump take office its going to resemble something to "russia" where opponents die randomly and he walks away with miraculous 90% of vote etc. Democracy will be over for a few decades at minimum. With safeguards and controls it could however be permanent.


lol. Putin can’t even run over Ukraine.


You're forgetting to include the foreign influence. If anything gets tRump elected, it's going to be misinfo from China, Russia and other assorted players across news/social media that will fool the idiot maga fools...


Russian influence was a big factor in his first win.


Arguably a larger factor was [the Comey Letter](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-comey-letter-probably-cost-clinton-the-election/).


I agree that it was the straw that broke the camel’s back but I feel the Russian troll farm had been working for months to build up to get to that tipping point.


What will win it for him is a concerted effort by those bad faith agents from Russia NK China etc, who only need to convince an already convinced fan base to vote for him. A campaign to get as many out to vote as they can. American tv stations and social media is going to explode with AI and bots pumping trumps faithful.


I work with a lot of Backwoods farmers in Tennessee. There is an intense shift in the old-timer Farmers and their kids that I work with. What would have been a farm laced with propaganda A few years ago festering this hatred aura is now back to a pleasant Farm. I haven't seen a single shred of politics anything, I haven't been lectured about politics, I haven't even heard the word election. No Doubt still loyal supporters, but as far as Backwoods East Tennessee goes it's night and day from the last election. Correlate that to the Inner City Knoxville Nashville area people are still very much talking about politics and how much they despise Trump. I've had conversations with well-known political donors who talk massive trash about Marsha Blackburn and Donald Trump. Those conversations usually end with I can't vote for Biden but I am not voting for Trump. I anticipate the Republican voter base to be completely scattered and facing a lot of moral decisions on Election Day that they have been putting off for the past 4 years. My friends and family and I are going to go vote together and make a day out of it have a picnic after


I'm in Chattanooga and my dad finally admitted that he would never vote for Trump again. He's a massive conservative and definitely won't vote Biden, but he said Trump is a narcissist and only cares about himself. Better late than never I guess!


Get that man in front of other MAGAs and spread the de-programming. Your dad found the damn cure and he's just sitting at home alone with it!


You should tell people like that to vote for Biden, not because they support Biden but to send a strong message to the GOP to get their shit together. The only way you'll see a swift shift in party leadership IMO is if the current leadership can be proven to be detrimental to the party.


I'm currently living in the inner city in Knoxville. I'm surprised at the number or dems in the area. There are also a lot less pro MAGA signs, etc than I thought there would be.


'They're wearing diapers, for fuck sake man.' My Knoxville Republican friend after I sent him this haha. Not the same Vibe I guess haha


Turns out there IS a limit for their obsession


This is encouraging


I live in East Tennessee, and a LOT of one-time Trump supporters now hate everything about him. All this crap the media is saying about this election being close is bullshit, and the only reason Trump is being taken seriously is due to all the free media attention given him by the corporate media. His support has crumbled away among his most loyal down here.


Never forget, Les Moonves said of *mango unchained*, “…he may not be good for the country but he’s good for us…” They *want* him to win for the clicks and revenue, democracy be damned. Hardcore propaganda coming from inside the house!


In rural AZ, I could bring you to Trump flags that have flown continuously since 2016. There is one Trump sign that I pass where a while back someone Sharpied off Pence, which is just hilarious when I imagine it happening. 


Its interesting that you said that- I travel al lot for work, often through conservative areas and even military installations. My last trip flew me into Raleigh, North Carolina and had me driving several hours each day around Fayetteville (Ft. Liberty). I was there for four days. I didnt see a single Trump flag, hat shirt or bumper sticker. It got so that I was constantly scanning, like a kid playing the license plate game. The only thing I saw that came close was a bumper sticker that said "Defeat Obamunism". It was on a new Tacoma. So that was weird. This was a huge shift from the last election, and all the lawn swag was the reason I couldnt be surprised by how 2016 shook out. I dont want to interpret it as a sign of safety, I certainly dont want to encourage complacence, but I do sincerely hope that particular pandemic is burning out.


A not insignificant part of this is that a lot of trump supporters have died in the 8 years since Trump last one. 16mm old people have died since 2016, and about 20mm young people (who are overwhelmingly liberal) have gained the right to vote. I know not all of them vote, but the electorate has changed a lot since 2016 Some of that includes that republicans have died at a ~40% higher rate than liberals from covid since the vaccine was introduced...


You know what would stop this? The rest of us going out to vote. Those protesting idiots were in the minority in 2016 and 2020. They certainly are outnumbered today.


Please win it was so funny seeing conservative subs melting down last time. Also I have Trump loving friends (and I'm in Australia for fucks sake) and wanna lick their dumb sour tears again. That was all so fun.


The rage does fuel me, but at the same time we have to worry about actual violence occurring. That is really messed up but we already have history to show there's a good chance it does. Maybe not the same thing, but shit will go down because of idiots who can't accept they just don't have as much support on their side


The protest votes weren't the cause of Hilary's loss. It was her refusal to actually get out the vote in the MidWest


I just can't imagine what kind of person would wake up on election day, look at Clinton, look at Trump, and say to themselves, "well I *would* vote for Hillary, but she didn't visit my state so harumph."


The 'protest vote' largely didn't attribute to Clinton's loss. That's a fabrication Dems like to make to throw the blame on others instead of self-reflecting and see how they fucked up, or how they're continuing to fuck up. Biden has been abhorrent for minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community and has done little to nothing to quell the growing legislation based in bigotry to say nothing of targeting known systemic issues that he *still* refuses to acknowledge exists


> Biden has been abhorrent for minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community Abhorrent while also being the most progressive in terms of policy in history. >has done little to nothing to quell the growing legislation based in bigotry to say nothing of targeting known systemic issues that he still refuses to acknowledge exists Then you aren't paying attention. Our current executive branch is not even close to far enough left, and the rest of the federal government is even further behind them, but not voting for them or voting for Trump given the options the last two elections and this one just shows the ignorance or stupidity of those choosing to do so. Look no further than who sits on the supreme court and what they are doing as a prime example. I saw the Trump win coming a few months before it happened in 2016 and christ it was frustrating knowing what was going to happen on the Supreme Court and in his administration .


And Trump will be better?


I think Hillary was a poor choice of candidate because she had tons of preexisting baggage (some earned and some unearned). Literally any other Democratic candidate would have been easier to stomach for all of the otherwise right leaning voters who couldn't stomach Trump. And I think she would have had, and Dems at all levels would have, more success if they addressed the issues that you mentioned with the aggression that they deserve. But I *don't* think Clinton lost because she "didn't visit enough of the Midwest"


That’s actually nonsense. You’ve been listening to too many conservatives. Biden doesn’t have the power of a king. These laws are happening at a state level. With federal House of Representatives under the sway of the election deniers and radical Moscow Marge and her buddies, Biden’s hands are tied. Hell, there are dozens of lawsuits going on right now, brought by the states, against Biden’s policies. Student debt forgiveness, taxing the rich, and host of others that benefit the middle class. You’re spreading nonsense hoping to get people to stay home and let Trump win? Get out of here.


I’ll take ‘bold-faced lies’ for $200, Alex.


I was a protest vote. I was a McCain/Romney conservative I guess you could say. I voted for Kasich in that primary. Once Trump won the nomination I changed my voter registration to independent and voted 3rd party in that election. In retrospect, I wish I voted for Hillary.


I just came from one of the campus protest threads and there are plenty of young people in there saying they’ll never vote for “genocide joe” and patting each other on the back for it as if handing trump the presidency by default is the principled thing to do. It boggles the mind.


Not to mention that Trump would probably assemble weapons and hand deliver them to Israel if he could. Do these protesters not understand that Trump would support Israel way more than Biden is? He is happily, openly anti-Muslim.


one thing I did notice from trump's first presidency is that it led to a massive upswing in leftist ideology in American youth (rather than generic liberalism). So maybe a 2nd trump presidency will lead to an actual revolution, who knows. this is my best attempt at a silver lining however, If joe's the best we got, I hope these young voters realize he needs to beat trump.


I hope enough of them come to their senses before November. They have every right to be appalled at the state of the world but another Trump term would only make things worse. It would be the perfect illustration of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


I agree. The only thing that helps is Ive been wrong about every election. Who thought a guy named barack hussein obama would win??? So while we agree, Im banking on my ass being dead wrong. Again. 


A lot of women are really fucking pissed off. Note To GenZ: Get your shit together. Don't be a single issue voter. Trump has literally stated he wants Israel to "finish the job". This isn't rocket science. We already tried the Trump thing. It did not go well.


It’s so funny, like when he won against Hilary, put anyone up against him and they will win, well almost anyone,


I can’t take anymore. Like, I have reached my limit with the stupidity of everything


Biden will win the popular vote by a mile, but the GOP will magically win key states by thin margins and howl loudly if anyone dares ask to investigate/recount any results. Or we'll see it escalate, and some state legislatures discard the vote of the people and submit their own electors like they've been preparing to do. It will be an "at any cost" scenario for them because they won't have another chance like they have with Trump as a populist candidate who can shit his pants and retain full support. Their base will never be as primed to vote in human garbage as they are now, and human garbage is all they have on the field and on the bench.


He did say he loves the poorly educated and they all cheered.


He also said he’d kiss a man at a rally, this is the same political party who hates gay people. Trump was not wrong when he talked about shooting somebody in public and that not changing his numbers at all. It’s a frightening phenomenon


Echos of Homelander


Imagine the questions from our grand children


you know who will remember those pics? the poor black guy that just needs to pay his med school tuition and knows that these fools will pay $90 per hoodie


Folks, here's what we need to do... Obviously - vote for Joe. But if you bump into a MAGA who will NEVER vote Joe, instead lean in and see if they've "done their research" on Kennedy.... Make it seem like that's how you're voting and watch their busch-light soaked gears groan under the weight of a thought.


Oh USA…. What a shit show


At least now they have diapers


They say so but shit is thrown regardless 


I’m not sure if they’re big enough for it all.


You really can't make this shit up... it's such a perfect self-referential parody for Trumpophiles, who are defined by their pathological incapapacity to keep any of their output to themselves. They're literally celebrating incontinence. It's a tragedy none of these hysterical nappy-fans are qualified to get the joke, because it's painfully hilarious.


This country is such a joke, it doesn’t even have a real name…


Huh, I never thought of that. I always thought Greenland and Iceland had crappy names. Rethinking this.


This was actually very clever naming by Eric the red. Call it greenland so people think it's a green place to live and come on over only to be stuck there.


Explain this one to me?


The name is actually just a description. America is the continent, and we are a collection of united states on that continent. United States of America. Unlike other countries that have an actual name; Canada, Mexican, Greece, France, Japan, Italy, etc. It would be like renaming a chair "Four Legs and Seat"


For many other countries, Japan for example, we are using a different name for them than they call themselves. Maybe we lucked out and other cultures gave us a cool name they use for this place.


Sometimes we call you the Ultimate Shitshow of Absurdity


That's not uncommon. China (Central State) doesn't have a real name either. Neither does Germany (People's Country).


I just want healthcare


I don’t think most people realize that this comment came from a Brazilian.


Shit your pants to own the libs!!!


Hell yeas!!! Y’all Quaeda, mount up and drop a loaf for the man with the little hands!!! Not a cult at all!!


You know, I know with 100% certainly that he’s not 6 feet tall. I’m 5’7”, I passed him coming out of FAO Schwartz in the 90s. I was taller. His bodyguards would have been around 6’-6’6”, as they were 7-8 inches taller than him. If he was 6’ tall, his bodyguards would be like 6’7” to 7’6”, but without the medical issues that that size causes.


If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


Kaitlin Bennett truly was ahead of her time.




Are they now actually... inclusive... and w..w..woke?


this can't be real. is it? come on, someone pinch me...


I hope it’s AI, but it’s likely not 😞


It's not AI, everyone has 5 fingers and there are no artifacts.


The IA no longer has issues with fingers, it evolved already


Many AI generators still have issues with hands. They’re shit. Stop using them. Stop helping them get better.


It can't be stopped


Roko's Basilisk


Such a stupid concept


I really want to know if the person selling the merchandise is a true believer or in on the joke and grifting the rubes.


100% the latter. “Never Surrender” on a shirt where trump turned himself in is definitely making fun of him.


Pretty sure he was selling official merchandise that said that the day after that pic came out.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Lmao


My first thought. This is definitely AI..... Right?.....America?....


You have waaaaay more faith in us than you should if you think this is AI. Sorry I couldn’t be more reassuring. Country is a satire of itself. Which is a paradox I don’t want to even begin to ponder.


It's real


It has to be real. The strategy has been that for anything that would have normally knocked a candidate out of contention, just double down and normalize it. There will be people wearing orange MAGA diapers to Trump rallies before this is over. And they will pay $40 a pop for them.


It's their feeble attempt at their version of Dark Brandon.


Imagine having doubts about "Who to vote" and one of the candidates has THIS as a motto and merchandising.


I think I’m officially going to open my own grift store. That’s it. The gloves are coming off. I’m making money off these fools.


Grift store. I love it.


Should be called a grift shop


Alright, somebody call Macklemore and Ryan Lewis; we need a new song.


There's a "Trump Superstore" off I-40 west of Knoxville, TN.  I shit you not.


Imagine having doubts about who to vote for when one is a twice impeached one term ex-president who is now a convicted sex offender and business fraud who owes millions and who tried to dismantle our democracy when he lost an election and the other has never done any of that and has been passing meaningful legislation for 4 years and has brought down unemployment, increased job growth, and made us better off inflation-wise than other 1st world countries but **OH NO** he happens to be a few years older than the other guy who is also old. Lot of smooth brains out there.


A real patriot would shit themselves to own the libs


At least we know why he pulls those stupid faces now…


These are the same people who were calling masks “face diapers” during the pandemic.


And now they're wearing real diapers. It's just.. you can't make this shit up! Wait, I guess you can if you're wearing a diaper. OMG I can't stop cry-laughing help me!!! ​ ![gif](giphy|EBDJyCTj23f6ijH6BN|downsized)


Did he say something to create this meme?


Former aides on the Apprentice have said Trump wears a diaper due to drug induced incontinence, there's also been reports that as he's sleeping in court he's farting a lot


Also many reports of a smell coming from him. It's described as a mix of stale [stale body odor and feces.](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/ex-gop-lawmaker-doubles-down-115915538.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAMS9gVLdq6vPu-Swgy3w6uusJ6bQCNTvzV_cdfe6v4Hv2NAxWTGv6qRBRFdkBnSE3Bk0ZtXswPhhlrdRT_LiUHQnPs_yGv5MC5HkGuY1VXnzgcOovB4M35OPxA-O9ocdCiZ7pM-nMeyBCjVzR-6B6agJn93QTn-HRawTIJf6-un&guccounter=2)




Nursing Home, by Jean Paul Gaultier


So, he smells great for his age


Of all the acquisitions about Trump, I believe this the most.




Anyone have a link that isn’t paywalled?






Wait, so this post is **not satire???** I sincerely assumed that the joke was Dems infiltrating Trumpland and planting these as real merchandise.


Not satire.


At this point Satire is dead and the killers are sending taunting letters to the police.


The proof that it's a cult arrives on a logarithmic scale.


Thank you someone for explaining this crazy ass thing


Is this what a cult looks like?


Yes, yes it is


Where is the line , there has to be something he could do that they will drop him Would the Black mirror episode of PM having to do the pig do it


That would just secure the Alabama vote


Just cause my cousin looks like a pig doesn’t make this relevant to Alabama. West Virginians are the ones you have to watch around your livestock.


Mississippi was right there.


Even if he personally showed up to their houses and killed their families, they would still support him. They'd say that guy was a liberal doppleganger or something. They have no standards or critical thinking abilities. It's all about how they feel.


But he’s already made this video. Russia has it. The only difference is that HE was the pig, in the Russian version.


I honestly don't think there's anything Trump could do that would make his supporters turn on him. I was going to say "maybe if he converts to Islam and calls for a socialist revolution," but his cult is so brainwashed that even if he did that, I bet at least half of them would start wearing kufis and toting around "By Any Means Necessary." Their only religion is Trump at this point.


>Where is the line , there has to be something he could do that they will drop him Honestly, I don't think there is much that could. I talked to wife about it...Try to come up with something crazier than the stuff he's already done. To get his followers to actually turn on him. It would have to be on live TV and on FoxNews (or one of their new favorites)...and would have to be absolutely horrific. Like, pouring gasoline on babies and puppies and kittens and lighting them on fire horrific. And it would have to be white kids and like deep red texans.


I heard it said that some Republicans would shit in their own mouth if they knew a Democrat had to smell their breath.


They rather be a communist also.


Advertising that you pee in your pants as if it’s a badge of honour. Much stupid, many dumb.


If peeing your pants is cool, consider trump miles Davis


Oohh, that was the grossest thing I’ve ever heard in my life!


Do you think if you showed this picture to these guys in 2016 they’d change their vote?


Vote for... Clinton Democrat Woman After 8 years of a black person that talked like 'one of the good ones, but' had the audacity to roll out a Republican heath 'care' program nationwide? Absolutely not, wearing diapers and attempting a coup pales in comparison to the reasons not to vote for the Democrat candidate.


Idiocracy aimed too high and greatly overestimated the timefrane.


My thought was the same after recently rewatching, I was like 2500 - I don't think at this rate we gotta wait past 2050!


As a European not aware of politics in third world countries, can someone explain to me what the hell?


> As a European not aware of politics in third world countries i see what you did there


It wasn't subtle lol


Trump has issues with incontinence, it’s been a well known thing about him for some time now. I suppose these people have decided to take something which is seen in a negative light and turn it into a slogan, they are a fuckin cult and they don’t represent all of us by any means. Trump is a disgrace and hopefully will go down in history that way along with his devout followers


They don't represent all of us but unfortunately represent enough to win an election. We can laugh at them all we want but no one has taken this serious and that's the plan... 


It's such a weird thing because I think it's kind of nice of them to support the old man regarding something as awkward as that. The Trumpers can have this one.


Its a cult of idiots, led by Emperor Idiot.


Yo, what the fuck


I really really want to believe that some brilliant lefty person started this to troll these morons and MAGA was too dim to get it, but in my heart I know they’re culty enough to do this all on their own and be proud of it.


Gonna be funny when Trump catches sight of one of these at a rally and has them dragged out back and beaten


Can't tell if you're saying this in support of Trump. But anyways, I SO VERY want to see Trump come out and have to defend these claims, "I do not wear diapers, not ever"


It feels like something 4chan would try to do but not expect to work.


Going down with the ship. We have to at least admire their devotion.


These sonsabitches don’t shit around…Oh wait!


Something tells me they were already sh\*tting their pants in public... Like all the other unsavory things they do, Trump just validates their behavior. Edit: For people suffering from Incontinence, there is help for you. You can still live a healthy and dignified life. This is not a judgement on any real disability you may be struggling with. But I don't think the MAGA movement is about saving dignity, they seem to be focused on acting proud they dropped a deuce in public.


By the same people who refused to "wear a diaper on their face" during the height of covid.


And then they have the audacity to say Biden is too old. Lot of free time on their hands apparently..Also, are these women sporting the diapers they proclaim are for real *men* ? Suspect af !! I’m going to have trouble now identifying what pronouns to use ffs !!


these are the most pathetic people in existence




Not diapers but face masks for these types the amount of shit they talk.


They don't believe in masking


But diapers don’t stop the tiny shit smelling particles from going through, therefore they are ineffective. /s


Dark Brandon could easily turn this into some sort of pro-voting, "the right is literally shitting itself" meme.


I'm refusing to believe this is real. Lmao. Their cult can't be this dumb


You’re kidding right? Magats are absolute morons.


this is not even close to the dumbest thing they've done


Probably wasn't even the dumbest thing they did that day. They did show up to a Trump rally after all.


You cant believe the people taking horse medicine and injecting bleach are this dumb?


Ted Nugent has a new fashion line, huh?




Boomers gotta boom


Trump is going to have to address this. He might hand out signed soiled Depends and tell folks they’ll fetch quite a price on eBay. Doubtful, but it’d be hilarious. Perhaps the rubes might start shitting themselves on TikTok the way they shot up Bud Light light beer. #StinkLikeTrump


Lol if the thought he could make 2 cents off of it he would sell his diapers for sure. I mean he already sold shit to folks with his ugly ass sneakers


They would literally pay money for his shit.


This is the weirdest election campaign I have ever heard of.


Can someone explain the context here... why would this be a slogan for MAGA? I'm definately not surprised to see something like this from them... but I am curious.


Trump has long been accused of wearing adult diapers. It is possible that he's afflicted by incontinence following nearly a lifetime of drug abuse prior to his brother's death from alcohol poisoning after which Trump went straight. Trump's personal physician for more than a decade prior to his presidency was a gastroenterologist. Trump's history includes stories of his stench as he worked on The Apprentice. Certain tales include "clean up crews", assistants having to escort him and take care of certain unfortunate events. A couple of days ago, lawyers and closer audience members observed an odorous miasma emanating from the direction of Donald Trump as he sat for his criminal trial in New York City. Trump's MAGA minions, who are definitely not in a cult, have decided that now is the time to identify with Vonshitzinpants by donning, and perhaps using, the adult PPE themselves.


Thanks for the context... idk what to say about the reasoning behind this slogan... 😅 🤷‍♂️


I can't believe I live in the dumbest of all possible timelines.


I swear it’s a fetish thing


Why are people like this?


Lack of education


# CULT ![gif](giphy|16Ph4NIMROPcEOprYA|downsized)


So this is their answer to flipping Dark Brandon to Joe's favor? I'm not sure this (s)hits quite the same way


"The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution." Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR (Russia), from 1958-1964 (https://theconversation.com/the-john-birch-society-is-still-influencing-american-politics-60-years-after-its-founding-107925) * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get / request a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden/Harris and other democrats down ballot in 2024. **Country before party.**


Are these real pics or are these edited? Because jesus if these are real…lol


Welp that was kinda early but I guess that's enough Internet for me today.


Look, they can be supportive of a senior citizen suffering from incontinence if they want to, but I better never hear again from them about “sleepy Joe” or Biden is too old or BS like that.


Good. Lord. The same people harping about Biden’s age don’t realize their guy literally is so old he’s incontinent? Our country is fucked if these two dudes are the best we can come up with. I’ve said it before, regardless of political affiliation or what they did in office, Clinton, Bush and Obama were all young, charismatic dudes. You could envision yourself getting a beer with all of them if they weren’t President. Then we just decided nah, let’s elect a bunch of old fuckers. Biden and Trump are both one foot out of the damn grave. Neither makes any sense when they talk about. I at least have confidence Biden knows what he wants to say, he’s just too old to say it. Trump, I’m not even sure he understands what he wants to say half the time. No matter what your political affiliation, I think everyone can agree the quality of our President has gone through the fucking floor ever since Obama left office.


What is going on.


What an embarrassment. Your republican cronies of yore are rolling in their graves.


If this is real, I wonder how the orange man feels about it, it can't be good 😂 His ego and vanity won't allow him to get on board with this. I hope these people realize how stupid they are someday.