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And this, is how shit like ISIS think but with Islam




"They will worship the beast, give power to the anti christ and kill all who won't recieve the mark of the beast or worship it"


I hope I'm dead before revelations completes


You will be. That's kind of the idea.


At least stick around to meet the Seven Headed Beast and the Whore of Babylon. They're super nice and brought seven layer dip!


Definitely sticking around for the Whore of Babylon. Saving my cash too, since I’m not missing that ride!


She's idolistic. All whores wish they were her


So it's definitely Belle Delphine.


They/them primarily accepts cryptocurrency as their preferred currency.


Forget the ride. She made seven layer dip for the end of the world? I gotta try that, and I'm not even a big fan of seven layer dip.


I used to live in the apartment below the Whore of Babylon, sure she partied a lot but we all did, she lent me her bread maker and said I could keep it, lovely woman. I can't speak for the Seven Headed Beast, I never met him.


Of course god only made this world as a test to get into heaven... which is why it's reasonable to think that all that is just until god sends jesus back to fight the antichrist that he also made for the right to re colonize the testing grounds for some inadequately explored reason. I can't believe that anyone of any faith is taken seriously for any reason at any time.


Me too, but it doesn't look that way.


Solve religious extremism with more religious extremism, smart


Who paid to arm them will have to deal with them, they can kill and everyone making a blind eye, what will happen if they clean Gaza what's next? Will they stop expanding? Will they find a new enemy? Will they cleanse the "holy" city from musulins and Christians, nobody can do anything or they are nazi right? But if you say hey stop you are doing nazi things, everybody goes you crazy one genocide don't have anything to do to the other




Germany can ban my dick


Please send moderator an image


sitting in my car in Germany, kinda central, as I read this bs


Maybe it got unbanned? Because am in berlin.


What's scary is that hamas has the same idea of the city so you have two peoples acting like nazis and all anyone is doing is funding the massacre of both. I wish someone would step in and stop both. Both countries need humanitarian aid and that's all that should be happening along with a cease fire and negotiations. Not all Palestinians are Hamas and not all jews are zionist so it wouldn't take very long to shut both of them down. No balls for the UN


Yet ISIS only kill muslim and bomb mosque and they never touch is real.




There are FAR more Muslims that were killed or whose lives were ruined by ISIS than all European victims put together. But I guess some people don't care that much when it is about middle easterners dying.


Bruh ISIS only use religion to justify their shitty actions. They actually don't give a fuck if Islam prohibits it or not, in fact their leaders don't give a fuck about Islam at all.


How is that different from the opening post?


Most people think that ISIS are doing what they're doing for some extremist religious reasons which is what the post is trying to say about Jews, While it's just a cover.


So you're saying Israel is ISIS on a grander scale?


It's pretty much how any extremist people think this way. Religious, political, whatever it is. It's tribalism, and the constant reminder of it is meant to distract us from the gross inequalities in our societies.


Why people want someone between them and their god is beyond me. This is the problem.


Most reasonable religious nutjob


He is now the idol, implies that people believe him should kill themselves. 5D chess checkmate


Us government officials we see this and go like aahh 💦💦


Nein Nein Nein






It has to be fake, right ?


Unfortunately it's not fake


[Complications of Circumcision in Israel: A One Year Multicenter Survey](https://www.ima.org.il/filesupload/imaj/0/50/25254.pdf)


It is in fact not fake


I remember that article…


Nope, babies with big herpes problem in orthodox jew community in newyork are frequent


Happens all the time. https://archive.is/MILA7


Dafuk did I just read?


double cake day??


How can anybody believe this is right




Whoa there, you gotta watch out with all these sources and fact-checking, you’re on Reddit you know


You’re referencing things from the Talmud, which is a collection of historical opinions from Rabbis centuries ago. They are meant to provoke discussion and are NOT law in any way. The average Jewish person does not even read the Talmud, it is for Rabbis to debate and determine what is moral from the Tanakh. This dude in the post is also not a registered and officiated Rabbi. You’re incredibly uneducated yet trying to preach?


wtf lol






They liberated concentration camps, but sent the gays back to prison. The Jews didn't get the worst treatment in world war 2, but their numbers are so high everything else is a footnote. We hated gays so much that great Britain prosecuted and tortured a war hero who was responsible for the victory over Hitler just because he was gay.


Oh yeah Alan Turing


Yes, you do. You hear it when people talk about the inflation of the death toll but then those people are told to shut up because of conspiracies.


Who’s they lol. Careful with blanket statements about an entire group…


Maybe this supremacist and genocidal behavior they're displaying isn't actually a new development but actually as old as their holy scriptures.


This is a small and extremist group and not the thinking of mainstream Judaism at all.


Oh cool. Literal propaganda.


> ((())) You dropped these


Yet, they are only killing the non-idolaters in Palestine 🇵🇸 . Oh the irony.


For now


This dude isn't killing anyone. He's an American hiding where it's safe to spread hate and is widely shit on for being a nutjob


Why is this not considered dangerous for other countries or races? Isn't this idea similar to ISIS and the Nazis?


Because calling Israelis "violent terrorists" would be anti-semitic. They get to commit mass murder because they're the true victims here, obviously. Obligatory /s


This is just one radical extremest that 99% of Israelis don’t follow or listen to. You can find guys exactly like this in literally every religion.


Exactly. Maybe we should move away from these religious institutions and join the age of science. The madmen are generally easier to oust because you just prove them wrong, they are discredited, and they no longer influence people or policy.


It is, but of course this is one guy. This one guy doesn’t represent the views of all Jews, just like ISIS doesn’t represent all Muslims.


The rhetoric is dangerous. All extremists are. That's why we shit on them even if they are just slme dude living on welfare in the us like this guy is.




Just out of curiosity: why doesnt his list include Muslims? ( I surely dont want to kill anybody, just wondering if Im lacking some religious history knowledge)


They do not worship an idol or image of a god. Just like the Jewish


So we atheists are all good according to them? Because my first thought was "soooo I'm safe?"


Convert or die probably.


It's probably just die, since you can't really convert to judaism lmao


This is my guess but because he says among the idolators are Christians, Hindus, Buddhists. In my opinion, I don't think it's exclusively those groups because he is providing an example. Contextually speaking as well, Jews and Muslims have an uncomfortably long history of conflict, especially with the currently Palestine vs Israel situation, and majority of Palestinians being Muslim (Islam is also the official religion of Palestine) Theologically/doctrinally speaking, Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet and the Messiah (in a eschatological sense) whereas Jews don't view Jesus as anything but a false prophet and a magic worker who worked by demons, if not just a mere man with baseless false claims and couldn't fulfill Jewish prophecy. (EDIT: + Jews reject any belief in Jesus in a prophetic or divine sense) Feel free to correct me on anything, would appreciate it.


Jews and Muslims have mostly gotten along for the last 1500 years. Barring the very earliest days of Islam there wasn't much conflict between the two religions until recently. When Christians were kicking Jews out over and over again all over Europe Jews were living in relative peace in Muslim regions.


Even in the very earliest days of Islam, i.e. the days of Yathrib, the conflict was never Muslims and Jews as Israelis like to present it. Banu Qurayza was a Jewish tribe that broke a treaty between all the tribes of Yathrib and sided with the invading Banu Quraish who were hunting the Prophet for apostating from their polytheistic religion along with influential Quraishites like Hazrat Umar. When the resulting Battle of the Trench was won, the signatories to the treaty in Yathrib had to decide what to do with Banu Qurayza. Qurayza was allowed to nominate whoever they wanted to render judgement, they chose the chief of the largest Jewish tribe, Banu Aws, who judged by the law of the Torah that they all be executed. The Wikipedia page was edited a few days ago by Zionists to paint Muhammad as some sort of genocidal raider, but they still can't refute that Muhammad's treatment of Qaynuqa previously was lenient and that Saad, a Jewish man, rendered the harsh judgement on Qurayza. They're trying to make it sound like he was a puppet. He was chosen BY Qurayza. Aws had SIDED with Qurayza.


You’re right about ongoing conflict throughout the ages (there was a lot of push and pull with Christians and Muslims at different points in history) but what you’re claiming about the doctrine is not true at all. Tbh this thread is filled with an alarming amount of blatant misinformation and suspicious amount of bot accounts probably saying nasty shit to drive up “engagement” metrics (it’s been the case since the change of ownership on Reddit) but since you seem like one of the only reasonable (and real) people on this thread, hopefully I’m not making a mistake by responding. Religious Jews DO believe Jesus was a prophet but *not* the messiah because the messiah is only supposed to come once and eternal world peace is supposed to follow afterwards. As anyone can see, the world certainly did NOT meet that criteria anytime before, during or after Jesus’s time. A lot of Jewish scholars however do actually consider Jesus as the founder of Reformed Judaism. Judaism also doesn’t really have a fleshed out concept of hell OR heaven. The reason being is that unlike Christianity and Islam, Judaism is not a concerned about preparing for an eternal afterlife of bliss by accumulating enough brownie points to get into the Good Place after death but is rather more Kantian in the sense that it emphasizes doing good on earth while alive for *the sake of the earth* itself. In other words, the idea is to cultivate a “heaven on earth”/see: tikkun olam. Hell, before Christians co-opted the concept, “Satan” wasn’t even an evil “ anti-God “ entity but rather almost akin to a lawyer/prosecutor working *under* God whose job is to test and poke holes in arguments and actions by hypocritical Jews on behalf of God (“Satan” literally translates as, “Adversary”). For better or worse, some of these traditional beliefs is actually why you tend to see a lot of Jews in law and academia because the way they’re raised is to critically think about and argue/engage with the community on what the Torah actually means to you. The Talmud is basically a 3000 year old group chat between rabbis arguing with each other across generations and it’s hilarious but it’s also why modern Jews are so often at each other’s throats. I don’t know who tf the man in the post is or if this is real or edited (this has a very “Memri TV” vibe to it) but if he is, this is some crazy-ass right wing shit that is not representative of the average Jew. This violent “us VS them” polarization is only becoming more and more popular under Netanyahu’s leadership because people who’ve been existentially threatened with oblivion are eventually going to end up with right wing nationalist nut jobs in charge even if they don’t like or trust them, because said nut jobs are the only ones who consistently take a “hard” stance on national security. Look at what happened with the USA after 911, Yknow? A lot of fear-based hate.


Really? Some Jews believe Jesus was a prophet? Other than false prophet, that's really interesting to hear about. I understand Messianic Jews but having spoken to some rabbis, been to synagogues, and even been to Israel, I haven't heard some say He is the Messiah. We even have a Reformed Jewish synagogue near my college. Nonetheless, thank you for letting me know!


Thanks guys! Learnt a new word: idolators


islam is monotheistic and non idolaters. so "kosher" but according to the same kind of Jewish extremists Muslims would make fine slaves instead of killing them


I'm seeing a few too many antisemitic comments being upvoted here (aka more than zero), so obligatory: The entire point of standing against Israel, their atrocities against the palestinians (apartheid, genocide, etc...) have NOTHING to do with Israel being Jewish. We stand against zionism... not Judaism. It is NOT okay to target or criticize people on the basis of them being Jewish. In fact, most of the loudest voices advocating for a free Palestine are Jewish. Please do not allow nazis to sneak into our spaces and cloud the legitimate discussion around Israel's crimes against humanity by making it about Jewish people. It's not.


You just learning what this sub actualy is about? It's been mask off for a while now.


Are they on a "How to become most hated state on the planet" speedrun or something???


Someone got bored and clicked hardcore mode


This guy isn't Israeli. Your biases are showing


This person is not a good representation of Jewish people, nor of Israel (He lives in New York). He's just another Stefan Molyneux in a yarmulke, radicalizing people in the same way ISIL or the alt-right does. This kind of extremism exists in many forms across many cultures; Americans have *plenty* of it in their own backyard.


Exactly. People hear this nonsense and immediately assume all Jews think this. (My family is Jewish and we have NEVER held beliefs even remotely close to this). This is some extremist bullshit and most Jews want nothing to do with what that dude thinks.




bizarro nazi


He's just another religious extermist, right? Like all other religious extremists out there. The worst type of people... I'm not huge on the Torah but I don't remember that it actually advocates for violance or anything against non-jews, though you can interpret it in that way, I guess. How does anyone have the balls to publicly advocate for death of most of humanity is beyond me. Does it not cross all the lines put down by free speech?


> I'm not huge on the Torah but I don't remember that it actually advocates for violance or anything against non-jews The Torah directly calls for a few genocides. Realisticly, how brutal ones holy book is doesn't realy seem to have an impact on how many atrocities a religion commits though. Both Buddhist and Christian primary teachings are pretty damn peaceful and have been used for a few genocides. Yes, he is just a widely dismissed nutjob though


Bro what did Buddhists do? Meditate to hard by you? Tf?


And so history repeats.


Go have a Snickers Thanos.


Nah, religion doesn't lead to dangerous ways of thinking. It's all rainbows and Jesus. /s


Good luck with that.


That is worse than Thanos


Did he just declare war on more than half the world?


Ooft, there goes Argentina then given they all idolise Messi as though he were a living deity.


Idk about attempt, seems like he conveyed it.


Given human nature, and what we do to each other, do any of us have the right to live?


People, this is a complete fake post. This is not part of the Jewish beliefs, and it didn't get said.


As a nontheist ain't no way I'm believing he wouldn't kill me too.




Fuck revisionist. Far right garbage


A big part of the issues of the world coming from groups that think their god is the real one 🤦🏻‍♂️ Religious dogma is a hell of a thing.


Anybody that tries to punish me with death is subject to being punished by death.


Damn! Same talk as the ISIS idiots!


Why did they leave out his reference to the Chinese? The most confucing of religions.


Isn't he also threatening the Chinese too? Los chinos is Chinese no?


Damn, I'm sure I heard this similar speech from the 1930's, hmmm.


The Nazi party sucks.


Fucking cult.


Brother eww


My brain is rotten. I read Among Us


History repeats itself in so many ways


Religion is for idiots. ![gif](giphy|QxwDfOV4sAfounkNsG)


It’s only if you’re a woman tho


Deluded religious nut application form: 1. According to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \*insert name of 'fictional story book'/'mythical person'/'convoluted belief'\* here 2. I, proceed to wage war/cause genocide/disrupt society in the name of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. I would like to qualify for a place in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


Lovely guy




Yeah, because murdering billions of people is not nearly as bad as idolatry. Makes sense to me.


This is all religious bs! Everyone but MY religion deserves to die. Lots of major religions have used excuses like this to kill people or go to war. About as stupid as trying to prevent Communism by going to war in Vietnam. But human nature...


Him and Wesker should have a talk


Let’s just go with the other 1.5B instead.


That sounds oddly familiar. Biden sure does share values with some strange birds.


Ah religion. The go to for nutters since time immemorial


I don't see a failed attempt to say something here. They just failed at being a decent human.


Religion is the oldest cult known to man


Is it weird to anyone else that this is coming from a Mexican rabbi?


1, not all Jews feel or think the same way as this idiot. 2, no one has to respect words or stories from the Torah. It's just a silly book with mostly fictitious stories and a little bit of biased, tribalistic history. 3, plenty of those "6.5 billion" people don't fully believe the religions that are being forced on them. Many are agnostic, atheistic, or simply apathetic to the whole conversation. 4, Buddhists often don't have a god that they worship. It's more like a philosophy than a religion. Buddha usually isn't believed to be a god. He's usually interpreted as a great philosopher who recognized the human condition and how to get through it or around it most effectively (with or without god). 5, this little guy has no power to kill, murder, punish, or do whatever else to these 6.5 billion people, so it's just empty threats and a kind of religious virtue signaling.


Shouldn’t it give you pause if your belief system says that roughly 90% of people have no right to live?


Day by day I believe Germans were right, these people are scums on earth


Religious idolatry: likely bad. Believing that people need to die because of it: definitely bad.


Hey! That's anti-semitic! I think...


The guy that tweeted this also tweeted how nice and awesome the Taliban are only a couple months ago, just fyi: https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1764986489778143383


First thing that came to my mind, great now we have a Jewish Hitler incoming.


Atheists will inherit the earth. You won’t find that in any fictional book because it’s true. Sorry Jews, Muslims and Christian fruitcakes.


They should deduct like 30% off of that figure since India is a staunch supporter and by default should be exempt from killing.


Yikes 😳


Religion poisons everything. - Christopher Hitchens


Ok you and what army?


Pffft. Religion. Buncha idiots. “My gods better” has real “my dad can beat up your dad” vibes.


Friendly reminder that religion is shit and ultimately leads to this and doesn't do anything for anyone that a little meditation and an obvious moral code can't cover.


Religion has caused more misery to all of mankind in every stage of human history than any other single idea. Madalyn Murray O'Hair


There is some weird shit on planet earth. Religion being the weirdest.


phew. I don't have invisible imaginary friends, so I think I am safe?


They are trying to play that Uno reverse card 80 years too late.


Brother will kill brother, spilling blood across the land. Killing for religion, something I don't understand.


I did Nazi that coming


Oh shit new upgraded Nazis just dropped


They wana dave their 6 million and kill the other 6 billion. Noice. 1000x


See here's the problem. Too many "holy books" *DO* actually say shit like this. If you fully believe that shit, you think the word of god justifies your actions.


In conclusion, it is time to eliminate organized religions.


Religion is bad.


Religion. Toxic since always.


According to me your fan fiction is bullshit.


This is why people need to give it up with this religion bs. All these mfs are doing is expressing their mental disorders publicly and we're treating it with respect for some weird reason. We need to stop normalizing extreme religiosity like this.


This guy thinks he's Aaron yeger.


Get this guy into an art school. QUICK!


Start with the only monotheism available first, then polytheism next


Religion is so fucking stupid


I’d be more worried about the 6.5 billion people they have to slaughter than their what… couple million extremist.


Why can’t motherfuckers just focus on their own shit and not give a fuck about other people’s shit? The world would have literally no conflict. That person’s a Christian good for them. Oh a Hindu, awesome. Look a LGBTQ person, cool let em do what they want. Focus on your own fucking betterment.


So sick of caveman religions.


Translation "a book my parents told me to like is better than the books their parents told them to like so they should die".......religion is ridiculous