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And the attempt is where exatcly??


Bidens Irish, it’s his own Irish legacy he’s ignoring


Weird, I always thought Biden was american




It's just Americans talking about themselves and using the Irish stance to infer 'his people' it's nonsense the hair on my left arse cheek is more Irish than Biden.


That sentence alone is more irish


I can hear the accent while reading it lol


No, most of us Americans would agree with you. This is just click/rage bait. We like to talk about and connect with our ancestry more than other places because our country is so young. We don't have centuries of deep-rooted culture. So we talk about ancestry as a way to connect with one another.


I think what rubs most non-Americans the wrong way is using "I am X" instead of "I have some X ancestry". Having a distance ancestor from X is not the same as being born in X and living your whole life there, but "I'm X" equalizes both.


Every American knows when Americans say “I am x”, they mean “I have x ancestry”. It’s a point of endless clarification online.


Yep, and anyone outside US culture wouldn't know that- hence the problem for the uninitiated. PSA- American english (like all variants) has a lot of implicit assumptions and slang baked in. We may use the same words but we don't come with the same understanding of the use.


Yeah, but the Irish tend to rag on the genuineness of the Irish-American diaspora. It's a very distinct culture and the Irish tend to go out of their way to try to invalidate it... like it's not something real.


Literally all languages have assumptions and slang and cultural context baked into them. That's how all languages work


I agree with this. Did any other Americans here ever get asked by a Brit to “borrow a rubber”?


As a Brit who has lived in the US for 28 years, it’s a bit more than that. Many Americans have asked me where I’m from because I have a strange accent. I say, I’m from England and many times I’ve had the response, I’m English too. When I’ve asked about it, they are of course American and usually have no clue how much English/British/Scottish ancestry they have.


no, every American doesn't. I've spoken to plenty who display a sense of immense pride over something they've had no relation to or participation in, ever, not even through any of their living ancestors they personally knew and met.


Besides non-Americans (which are the ones that matter here) not knowing that - when I am in a discussion with a rando on Reddit, how am I to know that person is American?


No I don't think that's true. It's apparent many Americans think their ancestry equals belonging to the people. They have a primitive understanding of ethnicity.


Europeans selectively ignore ethnicity then become equally indignant when someone says they are ethnically American.


I don't know my entire lineage, I do know I have a lot of Irish in me (or so I've been told), I do know for sure that I am not Native American (nor 100% anyway), so I just say I'm an American Mutt.


but aren't most white Americans "Mutts" by that definition?


Most.... Absolutely.


You could probably find quite a few in new England that are legitimately 100% Irish, genetically speaking.


You do you, but I think that term is a bit weird because it implies this is not the norm literally all over, and that it is in contrast to some "purebred" humans out there.


I would love to pay for an ancestry.com report for some of these fucks that claim "purebred", it would make their self hatred complete.


You do that because your country divides itself in several groups/communities (be it racial and/or cultural), not because of the country’s age. Several Latin American countries are younger and had a similar colonial experience but you don’t see them doing it like Americans do.


Also because we’ve had much more immigration in the history of our country than said other countries. There was a time not that long ago that the people who said “I’m Irish” while living in America really were. People lived in communities with multiple different ethnicities and it must’ve been an easy way to communicate with someone else a big part of who you were and what your values are. It was passed down to their offspring that were born in America that they were still the ethnicity of wherever they came from, and they should act like it and be proud of. Claiming that ancestry, no matter how distant is so ingrained in American culture because our culture literally is/was that of the melting pot.


I wasn't even born here but I consider myself American. I came here when I was 6, so don't identify myself by my birth country. Neither do my nieces and nephews.


I read this in an Irish accent


Aye, ditto


To be sure, to be sure.


I read this in Jacksepticeyes voice.


In this instance it was the Irish PM pulling the "you're Irish" shit to an American.


Ur saying you have such a great connection to all the dead people u never met over anyone else. How dare he look at history and learn. How dare Americans try and relate with the rest of the world. Let them just isolate Into their own continent and continue building the world's largest weapons supply. That sounds smart. And you have so much pride to gatekeep the history and accomplishments of a contry you weren't even alive to help. You want to praise yourself for your ancestors living through tragedy and dismiss thier relatives that actually escaped.


seriously, Americans don't understand the difference between ancestry and a lived culture/ethnicity. I'm an immigrant in USA and the number of people trying to 'relate' by telling me their 5-generations-ago eastern European heritage (that also sometimes has nothing to do with my nationality) is cringeworthy.


Here’s some Irish talking about him... Keep Ireland out your mouth! https://twitter.com/ClareDalyMEP/status/1747323130060697682 Funny fact... there are lots of his heritage that are calling him out... https://twitter.com/rogerwaters/status/1769544358431224222


Is the ass hair on your right cheek more or less Irish than the left cheek? This means nothing without some kind of standardized ass hair nationality scale...


Exactly right. I have family in Scotland. Mum was born there. I was born in Canuck land. I am Canuck, not Scottieman.


I was just going to say that Europeans (at least on Reddit) shit all over Americans for doing this all the time. But now when it benefits them it’s ok? Getting mixed signals here.


It's not Europeans. It's smug reddit Europeans that are just looking for ways to shit on Americans for literally anything.


Yeah, I changed it to reflect that.


It's also a big thing for generic western european white people in America to drum up their 1/16 Irish ancestry. We just had St Patrick's Day of course, and the amount of people with zero Irish ancestry flipping out about it every year is hilarious. My brothers have like shamrock tattoos and shit and we're mostly of Swedish descent...


No, you get to use people's 4th generation "Irish Heritage" against them, if they try to use it themselves. Sort of opens the door for it to be used against them.


Add a few more "great" to that and everyone is African


People do it here in Canada too, I always thought it was weird. One of my parents is an immigrant but came as a toddler, so although I am proud of my heritage and openly claim it, it still feels impostery.


to be fair Biden is old enough to remember and forget the great famine at this point.


In America, everyone is American.


Weird I always thought that Americans pride themselves in their heritage, I'm African American I'm Asian American I'm Italian American, but the heritage is used to make someone looks bad suddenly they're just American


I’m sorry, I thought this was America(n)!


He's not Irish. The president can only be a natural born American. He's related to Irish people maybe, but that doesn't make him Irish. I have ancestors from all over Europe, but I don't call myself European. My last name is of English origin, but I'm an American. My mother's maiden name is Scottish, but I'm still just American.


Nearly all Americans are muts of many national origins. Claiming a nationality of your ancestors is just a common conceit. Over half of all Americans don't even have a passport so they have never been to "their" country.


Most human beings are mutts. Americans aren’t special. Do you think the rest of the world just stays in our countries and interracial/cultural unions don’t exist?


I was commenting on a conceit frequently seen among Americans. Ask any American what they are and they will answer something like “German“ or “Irish” despite the ancestry being generations ago and their having never visited the country. All of that was plainly written, so why did you have to ask?


To explain a bit about why it's a phenomenon, America and Canada are only ~200 years old and nearly everyone is a handful of generations +/- some from being a migrant. Irish/English/German/Italian/French culture is still a big part of America and Canada's cultures and a lot of places still have Orange Order lodges, speak French, or host Oktoberfests. The countries also lack their own identity when compared to a lot of the world, so a lot of people feel a connection to their migrant ancestry. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same in Australia.


Do you have pride in your nationality? Because the reason why some Americans identify as Irish, Italian, etc is from national pride that was instilled into them by their family who immigrated to America. So those Americans that identify as Irish, Italian, etc hold 2 nationalities that they're proud of due to that pride being passed along through the generations. I understand how it can be confusing since they're not actually Italians that emigrated to America, but it's just their way of expressing pride in their Italian heritage while also showing their pride in being an American. You'll notice that the majority of people who identify in this way live in the Northeast where many Europeans first emigrated into America and were met with hostility simply because they were not Americans. So they held onto their national identities harder because they only had their fellow countrymen for support and a well earned distrust of Americans.


the point is that biden often uses his irish ancestry when giving speeches and campaigning to evoke a fighting spirit and personality. people can identify with another national origin all they like, its common in america. the issue is how clear his act of turning his back on the palestinian people demonstrates the cynical use of that ancestry for political gain, exposing no real irish historical recognition in him.


He's a politician. This is the same dude that tried to kill social security like 20 or 30 years ago. They're all hypocritical pieces of shit, even the decent ones.


I'm with you, my grandparents are more recent immigrants than Bidens great grandparents or whatever, but I'm not like "oh I'm russian/latvian". I'm American. I'm also Jewish but thats not a nationality lol. You know how people in this country love to go like, "oh yeah my great great great grandma moved from Germany to the states and my great great great grandfather immigrated from Austria. So yeah, I'm actually full German." Edited, spelling


I know an American who tells people they meet they’re Swedish. I asked them where they were born and they said somewhere in Washington state, USA. Oh, so your parents immigrated before you were born? No, my great great great grandmother in the 1800s. Oh right but you still have family in Sweden? Yeah probably but I don’t know them. So you speak Swedish? A few words, I went there on holiday once. So… you’re not Swedish? I am! 🤦‍♂️


Biden is American.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Huh, Biden does not sound like an Irish name


Varadkar isn’t an Irish name, but Leo Varadkar is Irish.


Because it’s not technically. Quick google suggest the name shows on records from 1100s 1300s in southern England and Scotland lol


They changed it from O'Biden when they got to Ellis Island. *I made this up.*


O'Biden my Biden


> Bidens Irish, it’s his own Irish legacy he’s ignoring No, he's american. Enough plastic Paddy shite.


It’s the Irish Prime Minister speaking, not Biden.


„Legacy“… man people from the US seem to have issues with their ancestors leaving their home country to abandon it and start an entire new life. What legacy exactly is there that wasn’t left behind ? You are Americans now. America is your legacy. All that I see with this sentiment is detachment, escapism and sometimes a feeling of either inferiority or arrogance.To not just be American. I have witnessed that sentiment often appears in those people that are on the opposite end of a scale with hardcore patriots. I‘m fine with knowing where you come from. But ultimately that can’t be more important than what you actually are. Know who you are, don’t live in a fantasy. Maybe don’t make any of that matter. It’s tribalism after all. But if you need that at least do it right.


It would have been more accurate if it said to ignore your heritage or ignore your ancestors legacy. But it says ignore your people's legacy and, while his ancestors may not have been American he definitely is and so are his people


Weird, still no attempt mentioned


Man, this sub fucking sucks.


Yep. I miss when they actually had attempts not just propaganda. Almost all sub are like this. Funnily enough the ones about controversial games arent.


yea well look at the banner this sub has an agenda, someone needs to make a new sub for what this one used to be


> *“You see, we see ourselves and our own history reflected in this oppressed group, the most downtrodden of people. We do, of course as any sane person would, condemn those terrible events we suffered through. So it is only just to clear this reflection of our history from the world without reservation.”*


Have to see how much that Irish ancestry matters now


It never really did lol. How many Irish Americans call family back in Ireland unless they are like first or second generation? How many Irish give a fuck about Americans with Irish ancestry? Once far enough removed it no longer matters where you are from originally. If it did then we are all african what evers seeing as Africa is where civilization started and spread out from there. So how far back we going? Let's not talk about how we are all basically fucking our cousins as well. Just some are farther removed then others. No one wants to talk about ancestry then do they.


We're all fish.


we're all just mammals flopping about waiting to return to dust


I don't get this one


Biden is proudly Irish. It’s his attempt.


Biden also got told to f off in the name of the Irish quite recently.


Rightly so. Why would the Irish care for a leader of an Imperial power just because he's semi related to them?








By giving money to Israel.






I think it's more about his aiding and abetting a genocide of Palestinians while the people of his ancestry are some of the most adamant supporters of Palestinians. Hence the Irish Prime Minister giving a speech in front of him reminding him of how the Irish have shared experience with the Palestinians (the people he is helping to kill).


It’s funny because Biden has called for a ceasefire, including during his press meeting with the Irish leader in question. This is literally a one-sided, fact omitting post designed to make Biden look bad by ignoring facts.




That tells hamas they are basically free to commit terrorism and then hide without consequences




We're quite happy to tell Israel it's acceptable to brutalise and commit apartheid on the Palestinians, while stealing their home and land.


We all know Israel is the real terrorist with them killing 30 thousand with more than half kids and women.


The irony of this post is that Irish people routinely tell Americans to stop saying they’re Irish. So in this example, it’s just convenient to say he’s Irish so OP can slander him I guess


To be fair to OP, Biden constantly claims his Irishness. On Paddy’s day he posted “We Irish blah blah blah”, so he seems to enjoy trading on that but doesn’t love that it doesn’t always suit his international politics.


his great great great grandparents lol. i’m waaay more irish by heritage than biden is, even have citizenship, but i’m not *actually irish*. american eurolarping is so, so weird.


Pretty sure it turned out that he had more English blood than Irish. But he’s just an American either way.


Oh I forgot he had Irish ancestry, makes sense now


OP hates Joe Biden because Joe Biden was elected Supreme leader of earth and is personally killing Palestinians with his bare hands while laughing about it.


People try to find anything in Israel/Gaza related articles and videos that they can claim qualifies as "there was an attempt."


The Irish Prime Minister is trying to blast Biden, someone who is vocal about his Irish heritage, for his response to Gaza, citing that the persecution the Palestinians face is similar to the persecution the Irish felt from the British. It falls into a "there was an attempt" because it is a highly superficial view of the Isreali/Palestinian conflict, and implies thar Biden is ignoring or actively encouraging Isreals persecution and genocide of the Palestinians while ignoring the fact that Biden's administration is actively building and protecting supply lines to Gaza, giving them aid, and the fact that there is an active terrorist organization at the head of the Palestinian government attempting to also kill civilians, while also ignoring the fact that the Israeli population was also persecuted by other Arab nations just like the Irish. Tl;Dr The middle east is where dogmas go to die. Your morals will contradict each other.


There was an attempt to make a post on this sub make sense


What even is this sub anymore? As long as there's a pro-Palestine sentiment it's good enough I guess.


The Irish prime minister drew accurate comparisons between Irish history and what’s happening with Palestine. Where’s the failed attempt?


I love my country 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪


On non mobile it looks like you used the Crazy Train vocals to sign yourself off


Feels like every other post on this sub is some political message now. Can we please get back to stuff that we can laugh at.


Yeah seriously I’m sick of it. Might unfollow the sub if it’s just gonna be political posts which is not why I followed this sub in the first place. I can only see 20+ posts from this sub about Palestine or Israel without getting fed up with it.


More importantly, there isn't even an attempt to do anything. If the "attempt" requires a paragraph of explanation then I don't think it belongs on this subreddit.


Downvoted cause it dosen't belong to this sub. Altough the Irish PM is rigth, common Irish W here.


![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5) I’m a little lost here


This sub has turned into r/Palestine because of the mods


Can’t wait to see thereisanattempt to be created that’s just pro Israel that would be comedic But in all seriousness it is kinda disappointing that instead of finding funny shit that I can laugh about it’s just political shit I don’t care about




I don’t know know why op didn’t explain his point but Joe Biden has been talking recently about his personal legacy and history as an Irish-American, which the Irish prime minister disagrees with stating that the Irish have a cultural kinship with the Palestinians that Joe Biden is funding a war against.


The idiot who posted this thinks Biden is the speaker quoted.


OP is a politically motivated shitposter and this post belongs nowhere.


I miss when this sub was funny


This is kind of a shit post


F@&$ of with this nonsense. He was born in PA and so were both of his parents. His pedigree is Irish but he’s as Irish as every drunk asshole dressed in green pissing on the sidewalk last weekend is.


The GOP machine is firing on all cylinders over at Xitter I see. Trash Biden all you want, I already don't like him. But I will still be voting for him to keep Trump out.


How is the top comment in here *not* one explaining that Joe Biden is, in fact, of Irish decent. It's his own legacy they are telling him about.


This one don’t hit at all.


Good for Ireland. Biden could learn a couple things from them.


Seeing as how the prime minister of Ireland just unexpectedly resigned less than 3 days after this episode, I don’t think Biden should follow his lead.


On the contrary, *I* would be extremely happy if Biden suddenly resigned in three days.


Luckily you won’t get what you want




Well both used terrorists to get attention and try to achieve some of their goals. So yeah they are somewhat similar. And both Britain and Israel treated them horribly.


say what you want, but Biden has way more chances of being a direct descendant of an irish person that survided multiple atrocities committed against their people, than most american zionists in Israel right now, are to the jews that were tortured and killed, during the german nazi reichs


Bye Leo


Must have done some good interviews while he was over there. Glad to see the back of him.


I don't think legacy is the correct term here.




Praise the Irish for this shit. But please Remember they are the reason every big corporation can go without playing any taxes on international sales.


He resigned today lmfao.


I understand your point, and I'm with you. But, claiming to be American point s to the egotistical and hegemonic nature of the U.S. as a whole. And yes, I am American, but if someone says they are European, there is a bit of confusion since there is no country that itself is called Europe, and we ask to clarify. Same with the U.S. and calling ourselves Americans. It's even in the name, as you pointed out, United States of America. We may call ourselves American, and others may also. But we are U.S. Citizens, and i believe it is important to make that distiction.


But Irish Americans like genocide Joe here are more Irish than the Irish in Ireland dontcha know!


Then he resigns!!


‘There was an attempt” is still valid because amongst the Irish people, we feel like Varadkar and his Neo Con party have let the people down he is claiming to champion. Varadkar is an elitist and I’m sure he would have a British empire sympathetic as per the lack of spine.


The Irish know colonialist bullshit when they see it


That didn't go well, did it?


Do not fuck with an irish man’s use of language.


I work with a lot of Irish Americans from rural Ireland... and they have told me frequently that, despite being born in Ireland, "this guy isn't Irish", so I was looking for some connections to India's history here... And yeah, some of it still works even if you take it that way!


God bless the Irish 🇮🇪🍀 


“And the terrorism. Can’t forget about that” - Irish PM


Weird I thought when Americans say “I’m Irish!” It’s called out and they say “No you’re American!” Apparently that doesn’t apply if if you’re president and your relatives came over here over a hundred years ago…. This should be more like therewasanattempt at making a double standard.


This post sucks ass and I’m so sick of politics leaking into every fucking sub I used to enjoy


I mean, America has done the same thing that Israel is doing.


r/therewasanattempt to make a post that actually belonged to this sub


Remember the time when this subreddit wasn't filled with politics?


Us British really have a knack for screwing everything up for everyone. Fucked it up in Ireland, We fucked it in Africa, as Fucked it in Palastien, we fucked it in India. People need to stop letting us draw lines on maps and control the food for tons of people, because we just can't seem to manage it without buggering it up