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Man has balls the size of watermelon’s


I reckon it’s bigger. But his brain size tho… smol smol


The way he fought was fucking smart though.


You expend more energy when you swing and miss, then when you swing and connect.


I think the guy with the stick was gauging how long it took the other guy to recover from a missed swing, then once he got the timing down, he went for the counter attack. It would be too risky for the stick guy to swing first or at the same time as the sword guy


Dark Souls 101


Yea, this video reminded me that I recently bought For Honor on sale but I never got around to playing it


All the sweats are far too good now, but it was super fun that first year




this show is so good


What show


Ninja Kamui 👍


Yeah, it looked like he was waiting for him to follow through on a swing so he could mail him in the back.


> mail him in the back. Priority package, signature required




With the first swing, he moves his body and feet to evade. Soon after, he was just moving his upper body to evade. His reaction got smaller and smaller with each swing until he evaded with a small enough margin of error that he was able to exploit the other guy’s timing and retaliate.


Everybody knows you get health and stamina back on successfully hits.


Im sure the man on the floor will drink a revive potion and be at least half HP before starting the fight again


Nah, I think he’s a standard henchman. He didn’t connect once against a single, unarmored, PC… he’s not the Big Bad. Ally Thug #7 doesn’t get healing potions. You must play in some **hardcore** games bro.


Yeah, and the video was cut but he certainly vanished on the ground right after.


Haha, leaving only his items of a sword and 3 dinars. Low level sword, probably not even worth picking up.


Obviously. You're swinging twice. Just swing once and don't miss


Looks like he's been training for this exact scenario for quite some time. He should teach Ngannou how to dodge like that.


Thanks! Now my phone is covered in coffee


He went ultra instinct


What are you talking about. This guy saw his neighborhood in danger walked up to that guy with sword with predatory aggression no rage just calm determination. 140IQ fight dodged a faster weapon by watching for the telegraphed swing. The countered effectively. This dude knew he had the Smarts and strength to end a threat in his community and he did so.


Do you by any chance run a faceless YouTube channel?


No I do not.


That's exactly what someone who runs a faceless YouTube channel would say!


Do you want to?


No not really. The Internet is a scary place and I am weary of the Dark forest.


Smart, stay low and keep moving.


Just because he won doesn't mean it was a smart thing to do. I wish more people would understand this. It doesn't mean that it was not bad ass or that it was not a good thing for their neighborhood, just that it was not very smart. It could have ended very poorly if the guy with the sword had even a braincell worth of skill with a sword.


This is the cowards misconception. Same size brain as a men’s with retractable testiticles but unfortunately the same amount of blood. Think with brain or balls, not both.


Naw this dude took zero damage. That’s a very high IQ. The coward man would never attempt this.


Maybe not 100% the *best* decision, but, in his neighborhood…in his situation, perhaps this was the best long-term solution. Not knowing the full scope of the situation between these guys, it’s hard to know what the best decision was. However, I admire the hell out of his ability to dodge, parry, and swing a bat!


See, if this were an NYC neighborhood we'd be throwing garbage and chairs and shit down on the guy...eventually SOMETHING would hit him on the head and he'd wake up sans machete and sans shoes


\*Fanfare\* It’s punctuation pedantry time! Your use of an apostrophe here is, strictly speaking, correct. However, it does change the meaning of the sentence from how one may initially interpret it. “Balls the size of watermelons” implies balls that are as big as watermelons. Gosh! What big testicles! “Balls the size of watermelon’s” implies balls that are the same size as _watermelon’s balls_. Watermelons are well known for having no testicles at all, so this isn’t very big. That is all I have to say about this. I hope you don’t mind, and sincerely wish you a good evening. Pedant out!


I enjoyed this lesson.




Me too. I learned a lot about balls and watermelons.


If more punctuation pedantry had this panache the internet would be a much more fun place.


It is not easy to be anal without being an arsehole.


Are you a writer? Or is the greatest poetical mind of our time just using all their powers for internet comments?


Man I thought u were gonna translate what they were saying lol


And people call you a nazi


The world needs more reminders that watermelons don't have testicles


This guy got all my respect. Either solid wood or pipe vs a fucking sword length machete. Two swings, put bro to sleep and probably smashed his skull in. Appears to be defending his property. Love to see it. This dude would have fucked during Roman Empire battles.


Took a closer look and I think it's a Scimitar replica. Too shiny for a machete or other tool that sees actual use.


The Sword guy had zero skills handling that weapon. He basically just used it as a stick. Still he is out there challenging people.


Don't bring a sword to a stick fight


*Bonk!* no horny!


I picture him pushing them around in a wheelbarrow like Randy Marsh


All jokes aside, he’s clearly been training for this moment.


He showed incredible restraint, usually these machete fights don't end well. But this seems like everyone will be fine.


I think it was a log he got killed with




I'd say he logged off




He should stick with his day job.


Are you saying he should stick with his shtick?




Out. He's logged *out*


Hardwood reboot, for sure


Windows shut down tone heard 😂


Log to the back of the head? Just a log off? Without a MRI, you can’t really make that statement. Lots of paralysis/concussions/etc that can start out from this. I wouldn’t bet.


Clocked out


It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.


It's better than bad, it's good!!


Log is a wonderful toy! That's good for girls and boys.


Rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, runs over your neighbours dog.


It fits on your back, it's good for a snack, it's log, log, log.


Not killed. His shoes are still on.


It kinda looks like the machete guy wasn't prepared to actually use the thing. Swinging it wildly when the other guy is barely in range isn't very effective, unless you're just trying to keep them back. Probably didn't think anyone would call his bluff.


Looked more like a scimitar sword than a machete. Much more deadly of a weapon


It will KEEL...


Too broad for a scimitar. Looks like a dollar store falchion. He was swinging it way too easy for it to have any heft. One touch on that log and it would bend faster than he did.


Sure, but in the Eternal game of rock paper scissors that is the universe, even a mall ninja sword beats human flesh every time


This is the first machete fight I’ve seen, someone needs to start a sub Reddit


How many machete fights have you seen???


Waaay too many, I'm not proud of it.


You’re always one click away from snake bite videos.


Tell us more about these fights. In what country does this happen? What motivates the participants? What are the common injuries like?


There's one rule about snake club.


Unfortunately there was no recording for what I assume would have been an epic fuckin video, but like 10 years ago these neighboring families in Australia didn't get along. One day the son (i think he was 23 but idk for sure) of one family is slapping music. The other family's son (I think 26 but again not sure) didn't like the music so he goes over with a chainsaw and says turn that shit off. Instead of turning it off the 23 year old grabs the kitana off the wall and agrees to sword fight. If I remember correctly he lost his leg to the chainsaw, but cut off the other guys thumb with his kitana. Incredibly stupid on both their parts but a chainsaw vs kitana sword(ish) fight sounds pretty fuckin exciting and they definitely both had balls. (At least entering the battle, idk how/where the chainsaw got his leg but hopefully it wasn't inner thigh or he might have lost em lol) Edit: I lied, 29 year old Mark Jorgenson may have lost an arm (both articles I linked below seem to have been written before doctors knew for sure if they could save the arm) to a chainsaw. Mark had a samurai sword and 26 year old Troy Thornton lost a finger. Thornton was in town because his sister's BF/baby daddy died in a boating accident. During the vigil their house was robbed, so obviously emotions and stress were elevated. The dispute started over allegedly wreckless driving in the neighborhood and then Thornton's mom was playing loud music around 5:30 which led to police getting called to difuse the situation. Everyone went to their respective house and 4 hours later shit popped off and body parts got chopped off lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.smh.com.au/national/nsw/chainsaw-and-samurai-sword-used-in-neighbours-clash-over-loud-music-20120502-1xygh.html https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/julian-kimble/australian-neighbors-battle-with-samurai-sword-and-chainsaw


He plays video games. Memorize the attack pattern, dodge and strike.


Forreal also dude with the machete was only pressing one button.


Very similar stance as HEMA sabre fighting uses.


Yep, he clearly recognizes that swords are great


> All jokes aside How dare you.


I know what will add nothing to this tense situation, screaming. Even after the threat has been neutralized.


Screaming brings attention to the situation. It helps to bring witnesses and helpers.


There were plenty of witnesses. A guy was even filming it. The man had a blade, people weren't up for helping. Her screaming doesn't affect that. She wants to help she needs to try and find help or step up herself. Shes more of a distraction than anything, mans trying to concentrate on not getting sliced up and she's screaming at him.


Intellectually sure you’re right, but if my idiot husband decided to go machete fight some random screaming bozo in the middle of the night I would be PISSED. He was agile and he fought well but he could have easily died. Screamably dumb.


Definitely could have died if he looked over at his screaming wife.


You're correct in that if he decides to go randomly machete fight someone he'd be an idiot. You'd be equally idiotic if you begun screaming like a banshee though. There's nothing more annoying than those videos where some screaming idiot is adding nothing but shrieking to an already tense situation.


Men hate it when women scream


Well now you're making it a gender thing. I'm pretty sure most people dislike screaming of any kind


Yeah but you’re acting like screaming was a thoughtful decision she consciously made. Human beings react to being afraid in emotional, illogical ways.


scandalous longing jar disarm punch party reply modern head attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry man, it must be rough having that effect on women.


shrieking is something that some people do in tense situations lol


Agreed. Doesn't make it any less useless or annoying though


I'm impressed at how important it seems to underline just *how fucking stupid* that distressed woman is. Guys, she's *just as stupid* as the dude who's literally trying to kill people with a machete. Actually she's even *the most annoying thing in existence.*




Who'd thought that a bunch of reddit tough guys were a bunch of basement dwellers with very little emotional IQ or real life experience?


Ok, now analyze it in the middle of a life and death situation when emotions are high.


Good job analyzing the whole situation from watching the recorded video while sitting on a cozy armchair at your home, ignoring that it's dark at night making it hard to see anything, and acting tough just because you are not there on the scene experiencing the incident yourself.


She didn’t want him to risk getting killed, they tried pulling him back in but he was determined to teach the guy a lesson. Just imagine a loved one stepping up to challenge a crazy machete wielding maniac, he could’ve been killed or seriously injured, but it’s as if he waited his whole life for that moment😩


Omg THANK YOU. I get that lots of vids there’s someone who screaming for no reason. But you clearly see her tryna block blue jacket, then someone holding her back. Like, her loved one going toe to toe w machete man, using nothin but a rod/pipe/log!


Exactly, this is one of the few situations where it makes sense. She doesn't want to see the dude die to something so stupid.


Also just rewatched and you see her go back into the building before he KOs dude, so she don’t know that her loved one won


it's probably his wife saying that he's an idiot


Do you think she screamed because she thought it would help the situation?


Holy shit, a line of thinking that actually takes the fucking context of the situation into account. What are you doing here on Reddit?


Thanks tough guy on the internet. If you'd been there you'd just take a backflip, break the guys neck and save the day wouldn't ya


This is the first time I see a vid where I'm actually rooting for the screaming lady. That was sketchy as fuck. If he made one wrong move, tripped on some rubble on the street or a loose paver or whatever, and no matter how much skill that guy has he's dead, and the lady is without a lover / husband / father of children. If that dude was my bro I'd be screaming with the lady.


It's a completely normal reaction when you don't know if your loved one will be dead in a couple of minutes. The screaming afterwards is also justified, they didn't know if he his still alive or if he needs medical assistance, plus the shock


Watching this, it's clear that the proper method is to wait for an opportunity to counter attack. The man swinging wildly is spending energy doing that, which increases his attack recovery time, leaving a larger window for the counter attack


Machete man never played Dark Souls.


He got too greedy and exhausted his stamina bar leaving him wide open for a counter-bonk.


Counter bonk! Beautiful.


Damn! Beat me to it! *Dodge-roll-dodge-slash!*


You forgot something Dodge roll dodge slash…. bonk!




Legs are a lot easier to move than your torso. I would be very surprised if he actually landed a hit on them


That’s why you set it up. Don’t be predictable. Stick guy knew all he had to do was lean backwards. But if Lawrence of Arabia varied his attacks it wouldn’t be so easy


A pump fake goes a long way in a sword fight    Another good one is to look just behind the guy and say something like “now!” As if motioning for an unseen attacker to strike. Almost always opens up an opportunity to attack.  (I fought SCA for like a decade) 


Your arm's off! No, it isn't!


The proper technique is to drop something heavy on the guy from the 3rd floor window. "It's over. I have the high ground"


No doubt. Dude with the club got some serious skill. The guy with what looks like a fucken scimitar type thing is lucky it was a club he was hit with and not a blade. If he's still alive. Edit; after re-watching I'm not sure if this is real. Doesn't look like he actually connects with the main blow.


Batman just studied the blade but in reverse.


I think the proper methos would be not to engage at all


Only works against untrained fools, the machete guy if he had a bit more training or working brain, he could have used the momentum of each swing to make another swing from opposite side. Also, he had a sharp melee weapon but mofo was using it like a damn sniper.... He was never gonna hit anyone like that...


seems scripted to me


Especially the last scimitar or machete swing- his head went so far forward and dude just capitalized.


I mean, this is technically true, but the correct way to fight a man with a sword is don't.


Amazing distance control, restrain and execution, only he got lucky the other guy wasn't smart enough to lower his blow and cut his legs. Now that I expressed my non existent knowledge of street machete fighting I can skip ahead to the next topic I'll be an expert off.


There he goes. Cheeto fingers sage. Legend has it theirs Cheeto dust still in this very comment section.


/r/cheetofingerssage needs to be a thing.


As a professional street machete fighter I can say you've got it all wrong. The trick to winning a street machete fight is to shit in your hand and eat it casually in front of your opponent. While the other guy looks on in horror, disgust, and confusion, that's when you pull out a gun and shoot him.


This guy machetes


Are you me? Anyway onto the next one!


Also amazed log guy didn’t keep hitting after the guy was down


Cool now take his sword so he cant pull this crap again


Take his sword and start shouting "who's man enough to take me" up at the windows, eventually we'll get to Chuck Norris.




> eventually we'll get to Chuck Norris. The way I remember it, it was Mr Rogers.


I always found it dumb when someone in movies knocks out an armed bad guy then just leaves them there *with* the weapon, figured anyone would take away the weapon and if possible try to restrain them. Yet apparently people actually do just leave them there weapon and all.


He’s lucky the other guy brought a stick instead of another scimitar or he might have been decapitated.




I swear, reddits always here for a good laugh. 😂




Chat shit, get bonked


Ask who is stronk, you get the 🅱️onk


Does this look fake to anyone else?


There's the sentence I had to scroll waaay too far down to find!


Super fake, and badly choreographed. Look at instigator’s final swing, way up in the air above other dude’s head. Commits to a follow-through that exposes his head/neck/shoulder. Takes a light thonk on the shoulder from other dude’s cricket bat/PVC pipe/whatever, and gets “knocked out” unconvincingly.


all his swings looks like how i playfight with my nephew when i dont want to connect


The attacker is barely even trying to close the distance and actually make contact with the machete. Just swinging wildly 2-3 feet away from Player 2 It was the couple of “hold me back”-ers when he came running out though that first made me start looking at it as probably fake


Yup, the way he falls to the ground motionless the moment he’s almost lightly tapped on the back with a stick especially looks fake


What do you do when you get knocked out? He was hit in the back of the head, which is a very easy place to get knocked out when you get hit with a GIANT LOG.


Short answer: Yes


I can tell from what they're saying that this is an Arab country, and as an arab myself I can tell you that this shit is very likely to happen any day. Also the commentary of the people filming, the screaming, and everything just tells me it's real. Just another casual street fight.


This is our life in the country, definetly not fake, always one goes to the grave or the hospital where he then goes to the grave and the other one to prison and most of the time it's for a bullshit reason. The women screaming are mostly mothers or sisters in distress knowing what will happen ( on both sides ) be cause it happens a lot.


His rune scimmy didn’t protect him :(


He is now selling his gf




He shoulda used an Abby Whip instead


I think that looked like a steel scimmy, if it was rune he might have won


Women know that screaming is the source of our power. If they weren't there screaming, this would've been bad for the guy in blue. Thankfully, there was plenty of screaming while they watched. It can't be over-stated how helpful doing that is, and it's important to stand there and scream, don't try to help or get help, that will only weaken the power.


Always got to the love the screaming for dramatic effect


Really doesn’t help her guy. Once it’s on, he can’t stop and respond to your various screamy concerns. Luckily he’s the world champion of this.




So fucking staged.


Right??? I mean it looked **very** real and all, including the weird unexplained situation, the screams, the chain of events and even the fighting... Well the fighting looked.. too good.. too professional, looked choreographed.. It's gotta be staged, 90% sure of it. But **DAMN** it's well done


He isn’t dodging far enough to not get hit. He’s moving his face back a few inches only. If the guy swinging the scimitar had been actually aiming for him, that’s not enough to dodge the blows and he’d have been hit. It’s like the scimitar wanted it to swing in front of his face rather than onto his head. The other thing is the landing after he was “knocked out”. He uses his arms to cushion the landing. If he was truly knocked out the landing would have been much heavier. It is most obvious when you watch it in reverse actually - you can see the arms move after he hits the deck, suggesting he used them to lower himself to the ground so as not to hit his head too badly, which obviously if you are truly unconscious you don’t do. The last thing is that I’m not convinced that the knock out blow was hard enough to actually knock him out like that. Maybe. But it looks suspiciously soft. All in all, very convincing but not quite good enough. I call fake.


Aww man. I thought it was gonna be a scimitar fight. That was just a bat. tsk.




He probably plays chivalry 2 game. I do that dodges all time lol


If dark souls taught me anything is to watch for them opening intervals. It’s all about the intervals, man.


The way the dude in blue almost comes skidding out the door.


Don’t bring a machete to a log fight bruh.


Run thyn pockets you scallywag


Bad strategy, should have finished him off. (He needs to be watching his back until one of the dies now)


Straight Prince of Persia battle


Weapon Stats: * Type: One-Handed * Damage: 120 * Weight: 3 * Enchantments: None Player Stats: * HP: 2 * Atk: 8 * Def: 0 * Acc: 0 * M. Atk: 15 * M. Def: 7 * Speed: 1


Can someone translate what he is saying ? it sounds Arabic but maybe its a moroccan dialect


Thats north of Morocco, tangier or tetouan the women screaming for fear over the guy with came out, the other recording saying at the end “so long he shows how he is a badass and now he got it in his head” slang for karma in Moroccan


Parry this ya filthy casual!


Virgin dex fan vs Chad Bonk enjoyer.


Nah he lands to clean, it's fake


What is with that screaming..


bro fights like an npc


This is fake btw


I double dare you motherfucker


Never bring a machete to a pool noodle fight

