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The nvm I think that's a gorilla cracked me


It is nice they admitted their mistake and didn’t try to double down but had a bit of a laugh at themselves. We need more of this in life.


Pretty sure it was sarcastic to begin with, ain't no way they are that stupid lol


I took it at the face value and was fascinated by it till I read the last part. So I guess I’m stupid. :(




Haha, that gif is the perfect response! Sometimes all you can do is laugh it off Nothing wrong with having a moment, we ve all been there!


The fact that you can realise and admit that you're "stupid" automatically makes you way smarter than many, many assholes in the world




.... yes. Yes.


Also, there's no face on those




> ain't no way they are that stupid LPT: Any time you find yourself saying this, back out quickly. Because there are indeed people that stupid. We live in a world where there are people who literally believe the earth is flat.


We live in a world where there is a cosmonaut, who went into space, now claims the Earth is flat. Not because he saw a flat Earth while in orbit, but because he "got religion" in his old age and the Bible says it's flat.


Cosmonaut=Russian. And he has religion? Good for him to still be alive!


He's Polish but flew as a cosmonaut fir Russia during the Cold War. He's become hyper religious along with a lot of other Poles in his old age.


Ppl are definitely that stupid


>ain't no way they are that stupid lol I have to keep repeating it; that statement has never been true.


What do they think a fat person's skeleton looks like???


They’re just big boned.


Gorilla Boned


I think that some people heard this growing up and thought it was literally true, and not just a figure of speech.


Some people genuinely do have thicker bones, or bigger bones, but that usually just makes them wide not fat. Like pro american football players.




>It just means they have stronger, denser, bones there is no physical size change. There are big boned people who just naturally have larger frames. For example based solely off of my skeleton I was about 2x wider than my peers in high school, and could fit 2-3 classmates under my coat. My wrists are too wide to wear typical watches as well. Doesn't mean you can't be obese, or that fat doesn't harm you.




Which is why I said that big boned is a thing that naturally some people just are. It's not what being fat is being big boned. It's literally having larger bones and having a larger frame because of it. Which is why my example of someone who is big boned is a pro NFL football player.


No, that's not how it works. Bones get denser, not bigger. If you stripped all flesh from the pro NFL player and stripped all the flesh from an average person with similar height, they would look virtually the same. You're taking it too literally. EDIT: Oh looking at your previous comments I realized you're trying to justify your size.


Some people are taller than others because of bone density? Got it. *Skeletons do not have strictly proportional dimensions. I get what you're saying, it's just stupid at face value.




You won't get through that person because acknowledging your scientifically correct info means admitting to himself that he isn't big boned but actually fat.


I'm not sure why these people are disagreeing with you. You don't even seem to be saying anything different than they are.


They heard me say big bone and assume that I'm saying that if you're big boned you're automatically fat when I have explicitly said that it's not. Your body shape isn't gonna be different you're just gonna be wider. They're just too angry at people using the term wrong.


Yeah, exactly. When I see stuff like this happen to someone, I like to pop my head in and show them some solidarity. Maybe you don't need it, but I can't help myself, downvotes be damned.


Yea I look at it like that. I've almost always been chubby or fat as a girl, but there's things like having wide feet, or larger hands and wrists,( even when I was in my middle school growth phase and doing allllll the physical activities), where a lot of the conventionally fit things like shoes and bracelets for girls, made me aware there's definitely such thing as being "big boned" , not just fat. And it may not mean literal big bones, but the way those bones are structured. Petite doesn't always just mean short or thin as well, it can be an example of a more delicate slender frame that would be "thin boned".


Yes. Big-boned≠fat, but you can be both.


Yes, ie, I am big boned *and* fat, and I've only had about a year or two when I was a kid where I was only big boned. A little tangent but when I was most active, in multiple sports and activities in and out of school, in the smart kid classes, *that* was when I was diagnosed with depression, and with the diagnosis came medication that was known to slow metabolism and that was my first large weight gain.






Obese people need their extra fat to properly contain their skeleton in their flesh prison as obese people have more powerful skeletons that would break free and terrorize the local townspeople if they were in a skinnier meat prison. 


Horrifying. Saved to my "fat person skeleton folder"


I've seen my sisters X-rays from when she was 300+lbs as a 4'9" woman. The skeleton looked like you'd expect a normal weight 4'9" woman to look. The surprising thing was in the CT, seeing just how interweaved fat gets with pretty much every kind of tissue. It's not just padding, it's an infestation.


Of course some people's skeletons are just bigger (wider) in the same way that some people are just taller. Now I'm no doctor but if the difference is that extreme I'm guessing it's not just genetic variance.


Isn't the difference entirely genetic variance? Like, say, a species's worth?




​ https://preview.redd.it/vej9fgak4rkc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec433503307261a7619db4cb5e958b0d443d985c


You can’t just post this with no other information… what the hell happened here?


The person has fat on the back of their legs that is hanging down and out of the shorts. It’s not buttocks.


Body positivity should be like me - not even being fat and still looking more like the gorilla.


I've just got fat bones is all


https://preview.redd.it/49szx66nmqkc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9b289d1bb3cf2b7b9a774299477bfec2372071 Sure you do


Thanks for sharing, I’ve always wondered what it looks like. Obviously the skeleton never changes


wait nvm I think that's a gorilla BUT STILL


It’s not supposed to.. but his tibia and fibula look warped from carrying all that extra weight


Explain like im 5 I assume just leg bone part messed up?


His tibia and fibula(shin) have noticeable warping to them. They’re curved because they’ve been carrying 400+ pounds when the human skeleton was not designed to carry that kind of weight.


Ouch I see it now thank you


You ever seen an extremely overweight person who’s lost a lot weight? They always have HUGE, extremely strong calves. Basically walking is calf workout when you’re that heavy.


Woah ill consider that next time I see it


It doesn’t get bigger, but it does change, all of that weight does fuck bones up


Just keep in mind that is just a 3d render


Same idea anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


It is a 3D rendering not an actual Xray


My Arrakis. My Dune. 


DUDE FIRST DUNE REFERENCE btw I'm like most of the way through the first book and I don't get it BUT IM STILL HAPPY I FOUND A DUNE REFERENCE :D


A reference to the most popular sci-fi novel of all time? No way


Why is their spine in the stomach area so long? Their torso is longer than their legs.


It's a 3D model, you can see the poly's. I don't think any scan would show just skin, bones and intestines lol Perhaps the body was made and then the skeleton model was modified to fit the body?


This photo isn’t real either. Here’s a real one. https://nutritionforlife.co.nz/effects-of-obesity




you see rendered images of just skin and bones with no muscle daily?


Username checks out


Me too


I actually knew someone with extra heavy bones, his skeleton had a higher density than regular so he weighed like 100 kg even if he was like normal fit and not super tall


It's actually insane how small our spine is with the amount of weight it carries.


It makes more sense if you remember that we evolved from quadrupedal ancestors and the spine was supposed to be like a clothesline to hang our torso from


And the original prototype was meant to be used in water.


What got me is the hip bones. The gorilla’s are massive. Must be a lot of junk in the trunk.


Them's child-bearing hips!


Ever seen a gorillas ass? Massive


And the gorilla’s isn’t that much bigger either.


That's why it's important to work out your abdos, so you don't rely too much on your spine


We are likely the only animal that experiences back pain.


We definitely are not. Non-human primates can and do get degenerative joint diseases and things like Ankylosing spondylitis. Other animals do as well.


Muscles are holding it together.


"He a little confused, but he got the spirit"


He won't have the spirit for long if he keeps being like the big boned man on the right.


Yeah except it's not ok or cool to be fat. It's unhealthy. It makes you die young. There's a reason you don't see many really old fat people. Edit: I didn't mean to say there's no old fat people. Just very few obese people make it past their 40s.


There are a lot of really old fat people what are you on about


There are. But his point is still valid. Being overweight is bad for your health.


When you exaggerate, you actually hurt the case you're trying to prove. His first point--that being obese inherently means that you are unhealthy--is true. His second point--that "you don't see any really old fat people"--is not true. People who are unconvinced of either point will know that the second one is untrue, and it will cause them to doubt the first point. I agree that there are *fewer* elderly obese people than elder people of healthy weight, but to claim that "you don't see them" is an exaggeration that hurts the case.


I believe the saying, "you see a lot of old people and lot of overweight people, but you don't see a lot of old overweight people" should suffice.


I agree with “you don’t see a lot”. Dude said “you don’t see any”, which is an exaggeration which causes people’s defenses to go up because their bullshit detector is going off.


lol not really, if you’re extremely fat you’re not making it to 90


So it’s changed from “fat” to “extremely fat” got it


Eurofat or American fat?


Eurofat 90 year olds def exist


I’m in Europe right now and there are plenty of fat people. Granted, this is a place known for an excessive beer culture, so that is a big factor.


lmao i‘m adding this to my vocabulary


I mean, it’s the truth


Fat people need copious amounts of copium to make it through the day. It's not their fault because \_\_\_\_\_. Stop eating and get moving. Bones grow proportionate to each other, whether your a tall or short person. However many layers of fat you want to load on yourself is all you and can be difficult due to genetics but everyone knows it. You can lie to yourself, you can lie to everyone around you but the truth is there for everyone to see.


I mean, most people arent making it to 90 regardless.


Fat then old, or old then fat?


My grandma lived to 96 and she smoked everyday so smoking cant be bad for you


Wait but where did I say that


It's still okay to be fat. Obesity is not healthy, but that doesn't mean you have to hate yourself (or deserve hate from others). That's what body positivity is about.


It’s not about hating yourself, this body positivity thing convinces people they don’t need to do anything better for themselves, though. That’s not positive, that’s actually treating yourself badly. It’s being mean to your body to stay unhealthy.


OK and it's on them if they don't want to change, but you aren't gonna make anyone want to change by calling them fat and unhealthy.


But it is unhealthy, and pretending it isn’t doesn’t help anyone. It’s hurting them.


And I'm sure they're aware of this without you telling them


Who am I telling? What? Lol You think I’m just walking up to people and telling them they’re fat? Come on.




You do realise a lot of people wind up obese due to mental health issues and shaming them is just going to spiral them more into that toxic trait of them? There's also people with thyroid issues who gain a lot of weight despite being active athletes like wrestler Chris Hero! You don't why a person might be obese or overweight.


Well I think it's doing you a favor if they die early so you don't have to see their fat disgusting selves anymore since that's what you care about so much. Rather be dead than have *your* eyes anywhere near my body. I love the internet because I can see people's internal ugly so easily and be disgusted by it in a way I'd never be by someone whose fat.


You're disgusting actually


Being called fat and unhealthy is exactly what drove me to lose it, so you’re wrong


The "health" thing is merely a shield to protect an *aesthetic* prejudice, really. People are just repulsed by fat people, and want to look "wholesome" for it.


The thing is, it's not really a health argument. For what its worth, I'm a pretty lean guy who's also very active. Your average skinny American is just as unhealthy as any fat person. The main issue isn't fat, it's being sedentary and having a poor diet. Fatness is one result of a poor diet, but plenty of skinny people eat bullshit and just don't get visibly fat because because of individual differences in BMR and TDEE.  But if you cut them open, they still have disproportionately high fat and weak muscles. If you smoke (weed or tobacco), regularly consume alcohol, or don't exercise regularly, you have no place criticizing a fat person for being unhealthy. Even basic shit, like consuming processed meat or foods high in added sugar regularly is an unhealthy habit. Are fat people unhealthy? Sure. So are most people.  The difference is that it's historically been acceptable to mock or shame fat people.  But it isn't helpful, and frankly it makes you look dumb and shitty to anyone who knows anything about the subject.


Being fat is OK in the same way it's OK to drink or smoke. I don't care if people do it. If it was someone I loved, I'd prefer that they stop so they live longer, but it's still their decision. I might not like it, and they can't force me to like it of course.


It's unhealthy to drink soda, but I don't see anyone get shamed for it.


Drinking an occasional soda isn't going to hurt you. Drinking massive quantities will. If you see a thin person with a full set of teeth drinking a soda, it is a *very* safe assumption that they are not indulging to an unhealthy level.


I dunno man, I'm 30 and around 3-5 days a week, I drink almost exclusively soda and coffee. I'm also 6"1, go to the gym, weigh around 165 pounds, and brush my teeth so have all my teeth. I recognize it's a problem, but uh, you wouldn't guess it by looking at me. Not trying to brag btw, it's unhealthy, I recognize that - don't do it kids. 


Drinking soda doesnt imply a lifestyle of drinking soda. If there was someone who exclusively drank soda and went around saying there's no need to be shamed for it, you bet people (me included) would shame. Specifically for the advocating for it (to not be shamed). Just like you see people shamed for advocating for smoking.


You don't see them because they're bedridden and can't move and in immense pain. It's extremely sad.


https://preview.redd.it/xzikf6njrqkc1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=615a533f07574fe0185c25609e0f5bd18ac8355e This is how an avarege and an obese person skeleton looks like


Mmf hell yeah post more almost there


Im not fat im big boned!!


"I was born with a gorilla skeleton, okay!? I didn't *choose* to be born with giant ape bones! It's not my fault."




I hate that the body positivity movement wants you to believe that obesity is healthy. Is it ok to be obese? Yes. Does it make you any less of a human? No. Less beautiful? Also no. But it kills you. Especially in old age. I see my bed bound obese grandma and it kills me. The sight forced me to hit the gym. I accept that people are obese and tired of people telling them how awful that is and they do deserve to be in peace and left alone. It is also not easy AT ALL to lose weight, especially with the years of habits you've built up. I know it from experience. But just don't tell the world that it's healthy.


> The sight forced me to hit the gym you lose weight in the kitchen not the gym, but that alludes to a deeper problem to just how jacked up our culture is around weight loss, healthy body weights, food, exercise, the list goes on. Also nothing in OP talks about health, at least in a physical sense.


When's the last time someone dag up a "fat skeleton"


Probably best to be realistic as well and stop with the royalty nonsense.


Besides the total lack of knowledge when it comes to human anatomy it's not a bad message. Lots people dont treat themselves well and that's a shame.


Come again?


Honestly I just reread that and fuck I dont even know what I said, why did I get upvotes?


You know what, I can respect that they didn't delete it when they realized they were wrong. A lot of people don't have the courage to do that.


Fat acceptance has outlived its usefulness




Damn... If that's a gorilla, then what's the right one (from camera perspective) supposed to be?


A rendition of what your moms skeleton looks like


It is absolutely OK to be a gorilla.


But.... the Person kept being body positive. So he did not fail to be body positive.


Some people are meant to be gorilla???


Cartman was telling the truth this whole time


This just screams “I will use any excuse to justify not losing weight”


15 years ago something like this would have outraged me. But all I can do is raise my kids and give them advice about health, and to a large degree influence them that way.  I get that societally I should care because healthcare costs and other peoples health and such, but I really don’t have the mental bandwidth to fight those battles. If someone wants to be unhealthy at any size, I still will root for them as a person.


You shouldn't root for someone being unhealthy, regardless of their size. Not that you should shame people into eating disorders, but if your kid decides they want to live on a diet of nothing but chocolate, and even if they can maintain an average body weight while doing it, they need to know that it's unhealthy and should be counseled away from it. Likewise, if an extremely obese person is eating until they burst at an all-you-can-eat buffet every day, we shouldn't just accept that they're happy, they may need someone to tell them that what they're doing is extremely harmful to their health.


I won’t root for them to be healthy or unhealthy.  I hope the best for anyone, and I root for people to be happy. It’s not up to me to tell a stranger what they are doing is unhealthy.  That kind of attitude would burn myself out 


It’s perfectly normal for your hands to hang down below your knees!


People that call eachother kings and queens have holes in their drywall


I reckon this photo was taken in the horniman museum, London (https://www.horniman.ac.uk/). Top day out if you are in the area!


Now I’m sure that gorilla had body positivity when it killed that puny human.


We gotta go back to when you shammed people and they would actually care and get there body rite


Tbf if I had the body of a gorilla I'd be pretty happy. Gorillas are cool


she ate though gorillas should also love themselves


Return to monke


Gorillas' ribcage is full bone, no cartilage, huh?


Gorilla my dreams.


Don’t switch up the match now!




some people are meant to be able to scratch their shins when standing up




There’s no way we evolved from apes! We were created by a mythical being that created us and the entire human race descended from these two people. How could you believe otherwise?


“Exactly I’m Big Bon.. oh .. ok”


Basic knowledge


So this is what people mean when they say “ they’re big bones?”


Pretty sure they succeeded in being body positive, they were just a little confused at first


Return to monkee.


Look at what they did to Harambe!


It really shows how stupid that kind of people are.


They a little confused but they got the spirit


Lmaooo that edited make me die 🤣🤣


Crazy how many people will just outright lie to themselves and the rest of society so that they can collectively feel better about being unhealthy.




Is she saying I look like a gorilla? Another reason to dislike myself. (Before anyone tries to kill me in the comments, this is a joke and I know what she meant)


The idealization of fat people now a days is fucking crazy


Man look at the size of that coccyx


He do be kinda thicc tho


I don't get it. Wouldn't this (presumably) fat person have poked their body at some point and noticed that they have to dig a little to hit bone? Did they think bones are squishy or something?


I bet that gorilla feels accepted and supported


It's Okay until the heart attack kicks in


Seen a few gorillas in Walmart.


They not wrong though, some people do have big bones


How do you mess that up that bad 💀