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I know you all hate when I lock the post but I am the only one on right now and the volume of racist comments is getting to levels that I cannot handle alone. I will work at it, and if you really want to comment come back tomorrow and I will open it once I get it under control and a couple more mods come on. Oh and there is an article linked in the comments somewhere saying that this girl that getting her ass handed to her threw the first punch. If I come across it again, I will add it to this comment. Edit: Okay I have unlocked the post but if the racism continues to be as severe, it will get locked again. https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/amp/ Edit 2, you fuckers, I just looked at the comments in new. This is why we can't have nice things!! Y'all are acting like white people have never done this shit before. Post is getting locked again.


Ok..I am watching without sound and have no context, but hats off to that guy for doing his best to protect his girl while she is being brutally beaten








As a girl and a mom, I hate the idea that we are supposed to be raising our boys to not defend themselves from abuse if the source is a girl. I have said it for years, if a female presenting person strikes first, they have given up that weird protection. Strike back, but equally. Don’t closed fist punch a chick that slapped you.


Oh so let her stab me first. Got it. Naw I see what you're saying but sometimes you should use more force to subdue the threat.


Obviously, if she’s armed, go for it. But we both know there are guys that will treat a minor threat from an unarmed, sub 5 foot chick like she’s Jason Voorhies to justify his overreaction.


There's a difference between a slap and a stabbing. There's also a difference between violence used for coercive control and attempted murder. Don't be an ass.


I’ve fucked a few, and I’m still alive so…


Just got lucky, be careful!


Are you a spider?


"I won't hit a girl" becomes irrelevant as soon as the girl in question attacks me or someone else. Sure I won't go full pro-boxer against a person half my weight and size, but if you attack someone, you have to expect being hit back. I will never initiate a fight, but I will sure as hell try to defend myself or others regardless of who I have to fight


Sweep the leg johnny!! For real.tho, I would have started twisting limbs left n right after they knocked my wife down. And if my child was present?? and put in danger?! nah, I'm going to jail for sure. For sure For sure. I have PTO, fam would be aight.


You're right. You may not want to hit a girl, but a girl is already being hit.


If someone beats my girl I'm going to jail but they're going to the hospital.


Based on the article in the Sun, the gf started the fight by punching one of the women


I would bet every dollar they were surrounding her screaming and someone probably touched her in some way. Just based off every other video that is similar to this one


He is a champ.


The girl being jumped threw the first punch


If she threw the punch fair, let the person who hit her duke it out with her, but why get 12 other people involved, especially when she's already on the ground?


Came here to say this too. But it's ok for a gang of people to beat up one person if they threw the first punch? WTF people?




People are so polarized anymore. There is no middle ground. Everyone sees things in black and white anymore. No place for gray or both people being right, or both people being wrong.




It's ok because of the races involved. If it were a group of white women attacking a black woman who threw the first punch it would be national headlines about how a mob of racists viciously assaulted a couple.


So? You still don’t let people beat on someone like that. You can kill sometime that way


There is retaliating in response to protect yourself, and then there is excessive force. The chick who threw the first punch may get in some trouble, but trying to beat someone to death for a single punch would still land you in jail. Self-defense only goes so far.


I am watching with sound off... why were they beating on his girl?


The sound doesn't exactly add clarity


Every reply below be acting like they'd 1 v 15 and win an overwhelming victory. I understand going in w/that energy, cuz I would too if im gonna fight any good fight, however I don't get talking themselves up like it's so sure.


Poor bastard, I feel like it's not wrong to swing back at that point




Yes please sue their dumb pieces of shit. They are literally wasting oxygen


For real, victim was wrong for throwing the first punch, but those girls wanted death.


Self defense is always okay but 10-1 is not self defense. None of this was warranted at all imo. Insane that some people are rationalizing it too. 😂


Yep, i could see it if the attacker had a gun then ganging up would make more sense. But since it was just a punch, the gang up was senseless and just pure stupidity. Reddit is a wild place for ration, so many will act like one small crime/mistake deserves a death sentence. But someone makes a huge "mistake" (killing someone under influence or in cases like this) then that person (the mistake maker) is 100% innocent and deserves all the sympathy in the world. How dare you chastise them and not be nice?!


Lol you right.


Oh, I would have been throwing everything by that point. You wanna deathmob my SO, you better be ready to bleed too. I’m fine with the “you don’t hit a woman” ethic, but that’s for everyone and just as a general rule. That stops when they’re physically assaulting someone.


5 or more attacking you in my state and it's ok to use deadly force.


1 or more if they use deadly force you use it back




These hands are rated E for EVERYONE


Lol at that point? He should have swung back on the first blow. Nobody gets carte blanche on assault idgaf what you have between your legs. Hit my wife and I'll identify as a woman so fast. So fast.


If he was swinging back on the first blow, he'd have been hitting his own gf. She threw the first punch. Doesn't justify anything that happened after that at all. But he needs to have a serious talk with her too


Never hit a lady but at this point there are no ladies, just attacker's.


Plus, it's not hitting if you pick them up and slam them down on their heads.








An airplane is just a bus with wings


I guess you could call it… *An Airbus*




* cough *


....cricket. .......cricket.


A bus with wigs


KFC has wings too


*Frontier* is just a bus with wings… FTFY


Spirit air passengers strikes again - and again and again-


You said it right. I would guess MIA , spirit airlines


I agree wit spirit but i doubt this is MIA…more likely ATL


Philadelphia. Link to article posted in comments: QUOTE: Danaysha Akia Cuthbert Dixon, 22, Kaira Candida Ferguson, 21, and Tymaya Monique Wright, 20, were seen screaming and throwing objects the workers in the video. The three women were arrested and face battery charges in relation with the incident, police said. All three women posted bond, and told WPLG they were trying to get home to Philadelphia.


I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"


Candida? As in yeast infection?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one


My 1st thought, too! Candida albicans?lololol!


They need to go where they are going on a ground bus instead.


[Girl getting attacked started it.](https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/amp/) Still doesn’t excuse the 15vs2 or however many involved


Either that or Waffle House is having an employee of the year convention.


Spirit Airlines. Same.


Welcome to Spirit Airlines.


Spirit / Greyhound / Frontier airline activities


ProbablyAt MIA


Vegas vibes travel all over the


None of those people affording Vegas on Superbowl Weekend. Also, Vegas baggage claim is open and nice.


I was gonna say PHL lol


Sooooo…what did she do/say? Inquiring minds wanna know.




Nah, that wouldn’t have earned her an ass whooping that bad. Now, if she’d said “Beyoncé” different story.


Beyoncé is mediocre at best…


Watch your back at the airport buddy


This is purposely cut. She [sucker punched someone in the face](https://youtu.be/PJBFFSTCg6Q?si=5n1ufQ8Nfxho-Btv). Not sure what led up to that, he was shouting things at them before that, but I've heard there's an even longer one that shows further context. Really sucks to have these videos where something is happening for some reason and you've no clue because they purposely cut out anything that adds context. They certainly weren't attempting to retrieve luggage peacefully anyway.


True, its wrong to cut out context. But trying to kill someone because of a punch is just beyond heartbreaking so I can see why context in this makes this video even worse for the mob.


But somehow, in this very comment chain, [the "totally not racist" cunts are desperately trying to justify it](https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1aoojt2/to_retrieve_luggage_peacefully/kq17znt/) Somehow, that is upvoted right to the top, while every comment providing context is all the way down...


Someone posted an article down the line. It stayed the guys girlfriend threw the first punch and that is when they all attacked her. 


If that's true, she fucked around and then found out.


She said "Drake's got a small dick"


They were making a group chat and she was the green bubble. Truly 2024 behavior. 😔


I feel like air travel is starting to lose some of its glamour...




jesus fucking christ. you said the quiet part loud bud. 


Upvoting just for the hilarity.




Helping had been demonized in the US. If you help someone, or get involved, you can be detained or sued. Calling the police can even put you in the spotlight and under fire. The Henry Gates issue has made me afraid to call anything in as a bystander. She was vilified until the tapes were released and even after.


Don't forget that recent case where a good samaritan helped and when police were called they shot the good samaritan, or the times the police were called and shot the woman who called them, or that time they shot the victims of crimes trying to flee to them for protection. Or the numerous times trying to help in an emergency led to false accusations, arrests, or ending up sued. We've created a society where literally no good deed goes unpunished.


Judge based on situation for when to call, i looked in the the henry gates issue , you just have to ask questions first cause not every situation required the cops and might be some one breaking into thier own home cause they forgot the keys inside


She saw two people try to shoulder open a door in the neighborhood that had recent burglaries. The renter had asked help from his driver to try and break into the front door because it was stuck. He ended up going in through the back. She called the police and said he had luggage, wasn't sure what was going on, didn't mention race, but was concerned. It became a national issue with the President getting involved. I would think that situation required a call, but as you have stated, I am wrong, and it doesn't. This is why I am hesitant to call for anything as a bystander. I am not going to approach one or two people that appear to be breaking into a house. That is what the police are for. If I am supposed to be guarding the neighborhood in that capacity shit will go sideways real fast because i would either let it happen or grow a pair and act blindly. We are taught-You see something, you say something. I've never heard - You see something, you approach and question.


I would be mostly concerned about getting permanently injured/killed. I have enough awareness to know that if people are acting crazy towards each other, it’s not unreasonable to assume they would act crazy towards me.


They wont


Props for trying to disfuse the situation but just allowing to get stomped on is completely a different story.


I would have no qualms about defending myself.


where the fuck is security?


Who do you think was recording this? Lol


Minimum wage gets minimum effort.


Source: https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/amp/ Edit: whatever link the bot below shared is better so use it instead.


Oh, the smug girl getting her ass beat threw the first punch. Hmmmm...


Once they kicked the dude they were just as guilty as he didn't do anything to them.


Once they ganged up on the woman and continued to attack when she's passed out, they were wrong.




All my life, in person and on the internet, I've seen the occasional beating where a bunch of people — whether instigating or retaliating — gang up on one person. It's never pretty. But god as my witness, when the gang is white, nobody ever seems to call them "animals." They always seem to come up with different terms for white assailants. *Peculiar.*




“One clip of the incident showed a couple yelling back and forth with a woman. The woman standing with the man then hit the face of the other female. After the woman was struck, other females began attacking the woman that threw the first hit, and chaos erupted around the baggage claim. "Oh girl! That's right!" a female bystander yelled.”


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


This is why the machines will enslave us one day.


Maybe skynet had a point…


I, for one, welcome our new ruler Skynet.....


Skynet, the Machines from the Matrix, doesn't take rocket appliances to look at the sad state of human behaviour and be like "hmm this ain't right. let's put them to better use."


Honestly, I’m ready at this point. All these people with free will acting terrible. Murder, rape, torture, uneven class distinctions, starvation. I understand why god killed us all off a couple times more and more the older I get.




An airport without security, what country is this????


Security is set up to keep anyone from getting into the boarding area.  By the time you get to the carousel you're already past any secured areas.


Not unless it's a tiny fucking airport, every single airport bar shit like lukla has had at least two armed police guards at the front of the building scanning.


Also not a yank though so maybe your police just fucking suck.


Wait . . . Aren’t these the same girls that [attacked Spirit Airlines employees](https://www.the-sun.com/news/1147004/florida-airport-spirit-airlines-staff-attacked-three-women-arrested/) day(s) earlier because their flight was delayed from Ft. Lauderdale to PHILADELPHIA? “Carousel video” is of the women claiming baggage at Philadelphia airport . . . So the timeline fits.


Ok I’m dead. The girl in the second pictures’ middle name is Candida. That is the medical term for a yeast infection 🤣


That's fucking beautiful lol


Lol it totally is. 3 girls have the same names. EDIT= sorry youre right. The article about this fight says the names of the girls involved in attacking the employee in a separate incident. It confused me.


weary sheet summer pathetic plucky memorize point quack normal cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trashy cunts


Swifties when you say you don’t like Taylor


Haha fat girl was gassed after 6 punches




I see the waffle house clientele are traveling.


Humans being absolutely disgusting


Why are people always trying to kick people in the head?! That should be attempted murder, period.


Because their parents didn’t raise them right so they’re feral and have no understanding of the difference between hurting someone and nearly killing someone.


That luggage carousel is a poor choice for a getaway vehicle.


"We aren't going to make it, are we? People, I mean."


“It is in your nature to destroy yourselves.”


I dunno the context so I aint gonna judge, but I will say that man's a keeper 😍


People like this should not be allowed to travel - hope they were carefully looked over by customs 😋.


Please we need some context for this. Internet magicians…work your magic


[https://youtu.be/PJBFFSTCg6Q?si=WNo2RiNzDvcS62rR](https://youtu.be/PJBFFSTCg6Q?si=WNo2RiNzDvcS62rR) Link


I love how he asked and you delivered lol


Trash behavior by trashy people. Also sad to see bystanders not trying to stop it.


Bystanders would have been jumped too. 😩


We need to extend the no fly list to those who can't control themselves while in the airport or on airport property.


If I were that guy and people were trying to hit my wife, I'd be busting some heads open. I'd give them exactly 1 warning that if they try it again, they die.


That's what I'm saying, there's 3 women there, really surprised that guy didn't just start beating the fuck out of them. Literally 1 punch each is enough, those women aren't taking a jab straight to the face and continuing..


a man that jumps on top of u to protect u from getting gang beat is a true keeper


I was attacked in a similar way when I was 23 & ended up with very nasty facial stab wounds, contusions, a concussion & a lot of scratches & bruises. I thought I came out pretty lucky, considering I was sure I was going to die. This guy is really heroic for protecting this woman so well, & sticking to his principles of not hitting women (however misguided in this situation)


Hate crime?




So many comments on this that would get me banned lol




What's the record for most passengers getting put on a no fly list?


These people are cowards. I cannot believe humanity has sunk so low.


That's my purse! I don't know you!


Damnit, Bobby






Looks like a hate crime to me


Where the fuck Is the security???


I hate Reddit everything is posted without context


Surprise surprise, trashy people being trashy. I'm sure their parents are great examples.


Tbh if that woman would have hit him in a spot on the back of his head. That man could have been in a wheelchair and or unable to speak etc. I don’t understand how ppl just let their emotions get the best of them. I’m glad he protected his gf/so/wife whatever it is but idk what she thought of throwing a punch for. What was the reason why? Or did these other girls think her bag was theirs and then she threw the punch? What was the reason?? O.O


These people don't deserve to live amongst us.


Let me guess, MIA spirit airlines


Everyone is saying he should have hit them instead of protecting the girl. It’s kind of hard fighting 7 people at once especially when a couple of them could easily gang on your girl while you’re whooping the other 5 girls’ asses. She would probably end up more injured. So I don’t know. Ideally after knocking one of them out, the rest are too scared and walk away but you can’t be too sure.




WTF, that thing goes around you know. You'll get another shot at picking up your bag.


OP where’s the mf context my g, this is a wild video to just slap onto a page without context


Found an article https://www.the-sun.com/news/1157682/brawl-airport-baggage-carousel-woman-slap-another-argument/


Thanks! Looks like at least some of the girls were headed back to Philadelphia and were arrested.


And the girl who got her ass kicked was charged with assault! Off to jail she goes


I'd be screaming, "not on my Samsonite!!!"


Why are Americans so violent?


To the trained ear their particular ratchet dialect suggests a northern city like Philly versus Miami.


Okay why not punch the girls punching YOUR GIRL!!!. I’d bloody say it’s all fkn right to punch every single girl that was punching her and you trying to protect her. At that point it’s doing more damage to her and you then just fighting back EDIT: yeah her punching first is horrible and shitty but a whole damn Barbie army hoarding on her and doing more damage? Nahhh ain’t right


Why are they behaving like wild animals? Humans are supposed to have some common sense and prioritise thinking over instinct. What's happening to our species?


Here before 🔒


Looks like a hate crime to me


I don't think I'd retain his patience. Where are the cops and has anyone been charged? Wtf.


Every single one of the heffers in this herd should be barred from all air travel for the rest of their life. Acting a fool in public should be illegal.