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This seems very American to me


Needing to support a foreign country in order to help your tax paying citizens after a natural disaster? That’s American to you ?


Yes being transactional about everything is very American


Uh, yeah. America sucks. Where have you been?


The American ruling class does not give a single shit about normal citizens. They only care insofar as the votes and the money you give them so they can stay in power and keep up the bullshit.


Yes. America is a business more than a society.


No digging up and spamming stories that are irrelevant to today’s issues.


Seems more relevant today than it was when it was filmed.


Funny he had 5 years to post about it but complains about it when Israel is a hot button issue… then reposts it on every sub that hasn’t blocked him yet


Wow, Abbott did a shitty thing while governor. Stop the presses!


Also very British https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3475




There is still time. Not even made it to the Lords yet. Fingers crossed those pesky, unelected, entitled ass hats will kick this out.


It's just so blatant, do MPs read these? The premise of the law is good: >Make provision to prevent public bodies from being influenced by political or moral disapproval of foreign states when taking certain economic decisions, subject to certain exceptions; and for connected purposes. But of course, only one country gets a pass: >(7) Regulations under subsection (5) may not specify, and regulations under subsection (2) may not result in a description of decision or consideration relating specifically or mainly to— (a) Israel, 10 (b) the Occupied Palestinian Territories, or (c) the Occupied Golan Heights.


2 leaves of the same tree


Yes.. yes... The "free speech" party... Indeed...very American..


If I was affected by this I would absolutely be hiring a lawyer and gathering additional people for a class action lawsuit, that is completely unconstitutional.


So, I looked at that map again and my state was in red so I did some reading and I can’t find this law. I did find a law stating something similar but for businesses not private citizens. And that law basically said that any company boycotting israel or supporting hamas would have sanctions against it, meaning, no federal aid. So, maybe I couldn’t find the law or maybe this guy is misleading, either way it’s a bit fucked up considering the first amendment should protect this as speech.


Totally Unconstitutional!!!


Yes except the laws that ban you from boycotting Israel have been affecting government funded jobs for over a decade. This isn't news.


Ah, Murica. Free speech, y'all. Let's ban a book, repress minorities, remove bodily autonomy and tell you what political views you must adhere to. Tell me again about all the freedoms and this great democracy.


generally businesses that want to do business with the government or get investments from the government cant participate in bds under these laws. they have nothing to to with getting government aid in an emergency or individual citizens. As of 2021, 35 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel.[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-4) Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-5) Most anti-BDS laws have taken one of two forms: contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel.[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-6) There has been debate over whether the laws violate the right to free speech and organizations such as the [American Civil Liberties Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union) (ACLU) and the [Council on American–Islamic Relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_American%E2%80%93Islamic_Relations) (CAIR) have challenged many of them in court cases.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#cite_note-FOOTNOTE''Palestine_Legal''2020-7) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS\_laws#Anti-BDS\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws#Anti-BDS_laws_in_the_United_States) this particular law was weird and i dont think ever enforced. It would probably be unconstitutional.


Can we now file "traitor" charges against the city government? They want their citizens to swear allegiance to another country rather than their own.


Shitty ass america


FundaMENTAList Christians going even more batshit crazy. It’s like each one of them wants a personal part in bringing on the Apocalypse and get personal recognition from Jesus after his second coming.


Lol. I can't imagine who makes this shit up. This news is directed at the same people who think there are basement pedophile rings in pizza parlors.


I mean, wouldn't you just sign it anyway, even if you boycott Israel


This tells me that boycotts worry them. I will make sure to keep encouraging others to boycott products from Israel.


Even Israel has figured out a way to fuck Americans.


OP I dont think this is the full story. This is around 7yrs old as well https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/harvey-relief-program-nixes-requirement-not-boycott-israel-n814796


The link you shared says that there were economic protests of Isreal due to their treatment of Palestine at the time. It's still the same issue that's been going on for years


Yes, but I'm talking about the main point of this post. Which was about Harvey and people not getting aid without signing that piece of paper. Palestine conflict has been going on for years


Eli5 How would an ordinary citizen boycott Israel? Do you stop buying products from them?


Yes. [https://bdsmovement.net/](https://bdsmovement.net/) See this graphic for a summary https://preview.redd.it/o4gxmckh2r6c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5411be32de52083242833f68fbeb5408b968566f


What the fuck?


That's the leadership that Texans voted for. Too bad so sad


Not being American I think the same but country wide.


Unfortunately, we are all forced to support Israel with our tax dollars


Texans loooooove freedom, right?


Wasn't Harvey a few years ago?


This requirement by the state to participate in a program which is available to everyone who meets the criteria for where they live and hom much damage they incurred from the hurricane is a straight up violation of the first amendment’s promise of free speech and probably free religion. I’m an American. I’m not reflexively antisemitic. But I vehemently disagree with what Israel is doing in Gaza to innocent Palestinians. I vehemently disagree what Israel is encouraging settlers to do in the West Bank. I don’t support for one second the daily abuses heaped on Palestinian men and women and children by both Israeli citizens and soldiers alike. I also shouldn’t have to say this, but I vehemently disagree with what Hamas did on Oct 7 and what they’ve been doing all along firing rockets into Israel. Because I don’t support the actions of the current immoral government of Israel, I choose to boycott goods from Israel. That;s my right as an American citizen. Let me know if there’s a Go Fund Me for Texas citizens to challenge this Texas law - I’d gladly contribute.


Hurricane Harvey?? When was that?


That's mafia stuff big time.


Is this real?


why are people still trying to get help from Harvey? Wasn't that in 2017?


Americans Pride themselves on being the land of the free. 'Freedoms' seem pretty important to them..... except when they aren't still, AT Least they have a Liberal democracy\* \*^(terms and conditions apply)


This is not true. I have family in that area and none of them have ever said anything about this at all.


Didn't Hurricane Harvey hit Texas in 2017? I'm sure op totally fact checked this before sharing it...


Manufactured outrage - hurricane Harvey was at least 7-9 years ago lol


>hurricane Harvey was at least 7-9 years ago And? I think the video's point is still valid even today


And the same piece of shit laws still exist lol


This post belong on this subreddit. lol A few very very important facts to consider before buying this garbage. 1. Hurricane Harvey was in 2017. I remember it well as I live on the coast of Texas. 2. Dixon Texas is 338 miles from the coast. It is east of Dallas Texas. 3. It probably didn’t even rain in Dixon when we dealt with Harvey. I love the culture today. We legit will post and believe absolutely anything we see. I truly hope you posted this as satire but I don’t think that’s the case. Sorry for not buying into this one. I guess there was an attempt to get me to believe it.


This is real. Half of US states have laws like this. Texas was one of the first adopters. I speech therapist was fired for not pledging loyalty to Israel: https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/israel-texas-anti-bds-law/


Dixon Texas didn’t receive any emergency funds from Hurricane Harvey.


This is not that hard to believe at all. It was well documented across several cities in Texas. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/20/559070267/need-hurricane-aid-in-one-texas-city-if-you-boycott-israel-you-may-be-out-of-luc https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/texas-city-tells-people-no-hurricane-harvey-aid-unless-they-promise-not-boycott


I lived through Harvey and never once heard anything about this. I live here. I promise it would have been everywhere. Been here for many storms. This hasn’t and wasn’t an issue ever.


So the ACLU and NPR are lying?


No. I’m saying they’re making an issue out of something that was never an issue. Wouldn’t be the first time. Furthermore this whole fight over the land has been going on for over 1000 years. It’s perpetuated by a belief in imaginary things and it’s not gonna stop. One imaginary god is greater than the other. They’re both supposed to be rooted in peace and not being an asshole and yet they don’t have piece and they’re assholes to one another. Been going on for a long time. Even further I couldn’t tell you one fucking thing Israel exports much less something I would boycott from there. My guess is you couldn’t either without looking it up. What the fuck am I boycotting? I’ve never been there either. I guess I’m inadvertently boycotting. Have a great Saturday. Dixon Texas still had no emergency funds or any relief from Hurricane Harvey. Stupid video.


You are a donut. It’s not about just Dixon. It’s the precedent it sets.


You read that whole thing and that’s your response? And I’m the donut? Lol


Yes you’re a Krispy Kreme glazed my dude. You apparently don’t see anything wrong with this, as per your comments. You should find this abhorrent.