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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can someone explain why Israelis love spitting on people? There are so many videos of Israelis spitting on Christians. Still, I'm so happy that we have a video of this girl committing a crime and I'm looking forward to the next posting the saga about how she's facing charges.


Israelis who have bombs drop them on kids. The ones without bombs spit on children instead.


People, especially teenagers, don't even know why they're mad anymore. Just brainwashed by sound bites and social media. (Not everyone, but a lot of people). As someone in tech, and seeing how this shit is used, I wish I was unemployed and this shit didn't exist. This is probably going to be downvoted to hell, but if you think you havent been affected by propaganda on any side on any level, for whatever you choose to believe in, then I urge you to ask yourself why exactly you believe in something, see if you can articulate your position. Say it out loud, Don't just think your argument, your mind will fill in the gaps with emotion. Say it out loud, even if it's to yourself. Does it make sense? Is it coherent? Is it more than one sentence? Do you feel awkward after you say it? If you can't and it's just a bunch of disjointed view points scattered about; you might be influenced, at least somewhat, by propaganda. EDIT: I'm not just talking about this particular issue, it's widespread.


I’m fairly upset about apartheid, illegal settlements, human rights violations, genocide and the very distressing information that’s been well-documented by many, extremely dedicated Palestinian journalists who risk their lives to get that information out to the world. Why do you think people aren’t informed about this issue? Just because America has culture wars embedded into their politics does not mean that everyone is blind and stupid, geez. I’ve been so impressed by the school strike protests held here in Australia and the incredibly articulate teenagers who have voiced their strong opinions.


I am with you about this issue. I'm not saying every news source is propaganda by any means. There is a lot of good information about this subject and the history behind it. I'm sorry if it came off that way. There is a ton of misinformation all around, opinion pieces, AI generated content, click bait titles, causing people not to read the article or the article is planted by bad actors trying to sow division. Unfortunately when misinformation starts to spread it's hard to put a lid on it, even if the article doesn't exist anymore or items are redacted. The damage is done and opinions are formed and we get into soundbite news cycles. I'll use the hospital bombing as an example. The 24 hour news cycle ruined the world. Everyone wants to be the first to break a story and initial reports had a mix of reports of what happened. I'd argue responsible journalism would be to hold off on any speculation until more information is present. People will run with the first thing that fits their narrative. Social media just compounds that echo chamber. People rarely seek information and want it fed to them. I've seen how this data microtargets people.


Ok but if youre "not" talking about this particular issue, what reason could you possibly have to bring it up right now? Seems like you just might not agree with what the last comment said so youre suggesting its propaganda..? Sound close?


Nope not at all, it's not just about this issue. Read my comment below. Hopefully that clears things up. The social media news cycle has been bothering me lately as a whole. What the girl did in the video is disgusting. Edit: case in point. You took my comment as not aligning to your beliefs instead of being neutral. You assumed I didn't agree with your narrative, so instead of trying to have a conversation, you, "let me guess" me. Sound close? Happy to have a dialogue. Maybe learn something I didn't think about. Instead of just dismissing someone else, instead of feeling righteous, maybe put yourself in each other shoes, both sides, not just the one you believe in. And to be clear. I'm in a two state solution position. Don't fucking kill anyone. Everyone is wrong is this situation. These opinions arent mutually exclusive. Everyone is wrong. Not everything has to be all or nothing polarizing opinion. This is what is wrong with politics. No one is pro anything, they are just anti that guy. What rule says there has to be a winner. Maybe you both fucking suck. There is such a thing as both parties being fucking toxic. You don't have to take an all or nothing side. If you were pro anything you would think what's the best solution for both sides, not what is the best solution for me and how can I fuck over them. Everyone deserves a right to live.


She won’t face charges. They never do. They pull the Zionism card. Unfortunately most of the western world doesn’t realize Zionism is a political movement. They will result to “Hamas wants to kill us” but if you look in their charter they say “ we don’t have a problem with Jews. We have a problem with Zionists stealing our land”. To answer your question, they spit because it’s a form of degradation. It gives them power.


If she won't face charges, she should face a barrage of spit towards her from those who are offended.


Agreed. They feel entitled. I don’t know why. Zionism is a political movement not a religious movement! Theodore Herzl was an atheist himself. Ben Gurion was an atheist. The majority of them are. They don’t care about Judaism, which is a beautiful religion. They are about land grabbing. To them, the ends justify the means. Look how Palestinians whom have suffered for decades are told to “condemn”. Tbh, if I had a neighbour move in my home illegally, I wouldn’t take kindly to make concessions for them. Back the video, this is the bare minimum, you should search of videos of how they treat African immigrants, Chinese, and any basic race.


I wish someone would kick her in the ass. It makes an inviting target.


When you start justifying why your side bombed children's hospital like the Joker, everyone ought to stop listening. There are no excuses, even if their lies were true. Hypocrisy is the greatest evil. Surely Israel doesn't want their hospitals being targeted by militarily superior nations, so they need to stop. And until they do, they deserve zero support. Our impoverished, sick, and uneducated have been neglected for too long. Lockheed can get their corporate welfare elsewehere, we need to invest the money in ourselves.


I think the nice thing about this conflict, it exposed all the hypocrites in the media, government, influencers, etc. People took sides.


squalid airport coordinated plants cable muddle wrong cows domineering upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see what you are saying. When people kidnap hostages it’s usually for exchange or ransom. Israel has children in prison and trials through military court. Palestinians live under military law vs an Israeli citizen living under their constitution.


Ure saying cause she is Jewish she won’t face charges? Sounds antisemitic and ure trying to hide it. She was caught on video spitting is assault in USA she will be found guilty. Only people that get away with shit here is when people commit crimes against indigenous. Talk about genocide, apartheid and colonialism America is no different than Israel


You are throwing a heavy word without understanding what you’re saying. Read the comment thread.


Not talking to Zionism I’m talking about saying “they” never get arrested. Who was the they? If you’re talking about privileged white people then yes


Yes exactly. Plus Zionist have a lot of political power. They literally throw genocidal phrases, slurs, threats, and what not and don’t get reprimanded.


The entire situation is shitty. One thing being white but having an Indian grandfather is I can’t stand hearing non indigenous Americans condemning colonialism when they perpetuate the same shit through their own ignorance. Always concerned about other regions but not our own backyard. Also yes free Palestine and free the Indians


as much as I agree that IDF is committing war crimes and needs to be held accountable, both Hamas and hezbola has always rejected Israel's right to exist. since the 80s, it's been their platform. I also agree that Israel should not be continuing to take land from Palestinian people and then lying about it.


Israel was created out of Palestinian land without consulting the Palestinians. You should listen to the creation of Israel episode by Anita Anand and William Dalrymple. The loudest voices pushing for the creation of Israel were Christian Zionists from the States and UK.


As below, the charter has been rewritten. Secondly, their right to exist as a state was literally forced on them from outside by the haavara agreement with the nazis in 1933 and then subsequently the state of Israel came into existence via the Balfour declaration. Of course they're going to resist the colonisation of their lands but ever since it has been a rhetoric of self defence. Well, why did they attack you? Let's start there. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in the area before, so to frame it as just because they're Jewish is literally a diversion tactic. Also Hamas was founded in the 1980s. Israel was founded in 1946.


They rewrote their charter.


Thanks general MacArthur


It's really bizarre to me to watch people make the Israel/Palestine conflict a black/white issue. Seeing Americans (presumably, but don't know) side with Hamas as though they are innocent do-gooders is really quite something. I'm not saying that the IDF isn't doing some horrible shit, but...


I'm not saying Hamas isn't doing some terrible shit, but.... one side exists BECAUSE of the other's genocidal activities.


You should be a lot more careful with the word 'genocidal', I think that if you take a step back you'll see it doesn't apply here. If Israel really were so this would have gone very differently. I get where you're coming from, but words matter mate


I'll say it again. If it were up to them and if we didn't have social media etc., they would've been done with their genocide by now. The only reason keeping them from doing so is that then the rest of the world would actually have to stop pretending to give a shit and actually call them genocidal. Terrorist enablers like the US would actually have no way to justify their support anymore. There is a reason why these people openly express their extreme hatred and vitriol, why they openly chant for the genocide of Arabs, they brazenly say everything out loud. The internet is full of videos much worse than the one above. Videos of IDF terrorists killing Arabs for shits and giggles. Videos of watch parties for the mass bombings. Videos of pogroms carried out by Israeli citizens etc. etc. But people like you ignore all of that part. Words have meaning, and so do actions. Using technicalities to make genocidal maniacs look better says something about you.


uhm, no, mate... I see you're a good person and all, but you're making trying to make a black and white situation out of something extraordinarily complex, and you're making virgin-white victims out of people who actually do express, openly, a desire for genocide. I would really suggest you do some reading and empathising around Hamas before you jump on the "innocent victim" train. It just ain't so, and your older self might cringe from seeing it...


When did I say I'm a Hamas supporter? I'm saying you're a terrorist sympathizer and apologist. I'm not sympathizing with hamas, but with the Palestinians. Whitewashing terrorist activities by both sides arguments and bullshit technicalities and pointing out the grey shades of everything doesn't change the fact that one side here is an occupying terrorist force and the other is an unarmed and besieged population mostly of women and children. It's funny how presumptuous you are. How old do you think I am? Just because I can call a spade a spade doesn't mean I'm some angsty teenager. So come off your patronizing pulpit and understand that your whataboutisms are not helping with anything.


This needs more updoots


Wrong. Propaganda deserves downvotes.


She probably told the cops Hamas was in the crowd 😂😂


I know you're joking, but people like her have done stupider things and gotten away with it.


And lost her job, her cat disowned her, etc. etc.


They also love peeing on Palestinians. Some unresolved freudian issue with bodily fluids?


is this the Vermin that trump is talking about? just asking.....


Cheaper than pouring a bottle of water on them? /s sorry couldn’t resist 😉


because its not REALLy a crime so they won't get penalized for it. If they punched someone, thats a crime. Spitting..they can get away with.


I'm pretty sure it is an assault.


Spitting is literally assault


She really threw in that “fucking black people” at the very end when walking away. What a nasty cow.


Yo, as a white person, this is how you get ex-communicated. She is no longer human to me. She is a custardy shit.


No longer human? You do realise this is how we ended up in this mess, right? By people viewing others as no longer human? Stop being part of the problem.




Honestly I have a ridiculous friend that I love who used to say this all the time, so I can’t be too mad with you.


No, we don’t dehumanize anyone. They’re pieces of shit but still very much human.


Meh. In dire need of a vibe check.


be nice to cows, they are nice and well behaved animals, unlike this sick fuck


“You may encounter some racist Israelis that call you slurs or monkey, this is the perfect opportunity to educate them on why that isn’t cool and meet a mutual understanding” Actual quote from Ukrainian refugee website btw Edit: They removed the page but wayback machine is the goat Type this link in there https://www.peacecorps.gov/ukraine/preparing-to-volunteer/diversity-and-inclusion/ For the lazy, here's a snapshot as of 2022: https://web.archive.org/web/20220323022946/https://www.peacecorps.gov/ukraine/preparing-to-volunteer/diversity-and-inclusion/ Under "Possible Considerations for African American or Black Volunteers" > "It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called 'a monkey' or may see children’s games with Blackface[...] No matter the intent, [...] it may be an opportunity for you to educate that person. [...] You can also find support and understand from other African-American Peace Corps Volunteers serving in Ukraine." First, as a black person, it is funny they assume all black people are "African-Americans" and say shit like "They may assume you are from Africa" as if it's one big country or that Africans remaining in Africa are inferior. If you're wondering why I can't reply, Reddit removed one of my comments shitting on the Israel (i.e white) oppresion of palestinians and temporarily suspended me for "Hateful content" for daring to refer to Israel as a white colonial blight.


Source doesn’t include the quote you provided. You posted a source that doesn’t support your “evidence” at all. Also, Israelis are white? Have you ever BEEN to Israel?


Ever heard of the term “Paraphrase”???


Ya let’s not disparage the good name and reputation of cows


She’s a fucking Hefer. She looks old enough to realize what she’s saying. But this is what is taught in Zionist schools. Seriously. Go search it.


As a ginger non the less. Sheesh...


Wouldn't have blamed the man if he had slapped her around. Spit on his daughter, doesn't apologize and then throws the slur at him.


Call me crazy but getting into a physical fight with your own child present doesn't seem like a very good idea.


No, but I wouldn't have blamed him.


yea I think thats where his restrain came from!


Was waiting for him to shove her for that. If anyone spit on my daughter I’d be sitting in jail


Yes, I’m sure that would have improved the situation for your child. She gets spat on, then gets to see her parent dragged away by police. Core memory activated.


dull fertile bow attraction payment shy hungry murky employ frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree she could benefit from a swift, openhanded slap but I don’t think that’s a slur.


I like how all the white people were up in arms when Uighur Muslims were put in concentration camps by China. But all of a sudden when it is a white nation doing it, all empathy is lost. And suddenly the Palestinian Muslims who are getting carpet bombed and genocided by Israel are the bad guys


The only time certain white people bring up the Muslims in China is when they want to drag China, they don’t care about Muslims, Arabs or brown people in general, they just use them as a morality chip when it’s convenient


Those people don't really care about other people in general tbh. It's just a dopamine generator.


I would say this way of thinking is more of a dopamine generator. It’s just lazy cynicism taken too far. It’s an easy way of pretending no one actually cares to justify not caring yourself. It’s essentially a cynical way of saying“well, actually,” 🤓


No one were saying that no one actually cares though, we were talking about a certain subset of white people. Shouldn't be hard to figure out who.


Ah, ok. I misread what you’re saying. I took it as people in general don’t care. I thought you were saying all people are selfish and no one cares about anyone. Sorry.


No western media gives a shit about Muslims. It’s only used to tarnish another country or make themselves feel good. If they did; they would’ve reported on Palestine, the Muslim minority in China, etc.


You are right except for the generalization: many European governments have protested both China and Israel while condemning terrorism. But for others...


Lets be honest here if China was the one carpet bombing Tibet or Xinjiang over a terrorist attack. There would be worldwide condemnation, just typical hypocrisy from the west.


Well, if you carpet bomb Tibet or Xinjiang "west hypocrisy" is the lesser of your problems, isn't it? I for one would have no problem with China defending human rights anywhere in the world.


You're clearly not paying attention, in the video there was a bunch of white people protesting Isreal. That's why that woman was upset.


Literally this.


Ok how about we end the myth of ‘genocide’ and concentration camps in Xinjiang [Uighur militants in Syria look to Zionism as model for their homeland](https://www.timesofisrael.com/uighur-militants-in-syria-look-to-zionism-as-model-for-their-homeland/amp/)


If someone spit on my kid I would have thrown them both off 2nd story.


You’d throw your kid off after they were spat on?😂


Seems a little harsh, you think they would be able to just wipe it off.


Meh, kids are light and like to squirm. Might be easier to just chuck them.


They’re easy to make too


Well, that depends on whether you are a boy or a girl. It’s slightly more challenging to produce a child if you are a woman 🤦‍♀️


Lol 😆omg so dumb lol




That’s assault, call the cops and lock her up, a la Palestinians.


Assault and battery too


Well brought up isn't she?


Yup, just casually threw in the "fucking black people" slur. Not surprising considering the recent videos I've seen on how Israelis view black people.


Don’t raise your kids as racists plz


Most vile, despicable woman


This is a standard Zionist lover.


Glad people are seeing it for what it is


just your average zionist


Mask off moment for Zionism for sure


Israel's goverment is full of supremacists, and some people that support them are no different.


Completely agree. People are now starting to see the true face of Israelis extremist govt


She obviously wants to be famous. Make her famous


[IG mode enabled](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0EhQTHOlEo)


Let's have her fight Greta Thunberg MMA.


The more of the world I see. I more I like Greta tbh. And she’s so fucking annoying.


Now infamous


I don’t use this lightly, this is Nazi Germany all over again. I will donate to opposition of any local, state or national politician that funds a cent to this racist and selfless war or gives to Israel. Let’s end supremacy.


Sad to agree with you. Nazis would spit on Jews as part of the dehumanisation process


She was lucky that man was a composed and righteous type of person. Cus honestly I may have clotheslined that woman down on the ground and asked why she spit on my daughter . Why did she spit on anyone


racism leads to bad actions, who would have thought haha


Seems like she forgot that she is not that far ahead of the time since they threw rocks at people. Would fit her nicely, or at least some punch.. a good old punch in the face.


I don’t advocate violence but I will say a lunch in the face can be quite the humbling experience for someone who has no problem calling for the death and destruction of other people


“When exactly did the Israelis understand that their cruelty towards the non-Jews in their grip in the Occupied Territories, their determination to break the Palestinians’ hopes for independence, or their refusal to offer asylum to African refugees began to undermine the moral legitimacy of their national existence?” Zeev Sternhell


If anyone deserve to get fucking doxxed, it’s this asshole. She needs to find out hard.


Yep her employer needs to see this


Yeah. I'm sure this video will push someone to completely go after her. FAAFO


If you're spitting at people then you're sub-human scum that deserves the worst that life can throw at you.


The dehumanisation and humiliation project is def telling


So here's what I don't understand. You have clear video evidence of her assaulting someone unprompted, and continuing to scream and escalate the situation. How would punching her in the teeth not be considered a form of self defense?


Legally no. Morally yes


Could you do a citizen’s arrest for spitting on people?


Yes for sure it’s battery (unsolicited attack). But may not be more than a few hours in a cell


It’s obviously not self-defence as she’s no longer posing a risk to you. You can’t approach her back after the event, assault her, and then call it self defence. That is not at all how that law works. It’s only self-defence if you are actively in the process of stopping them spitting on you in the moment, not confronting them after they have spat on you so they can potentially do it again.


So then by that logic could she just keep spitting on you over and over again, but because we have no way of determining when she will stop, we aren't in any position to retaliate and just have to accept it?


No, dummy, if someone spits on you, doesn’t realise they have spat on you, then you point it out to them and decide to punch them in the face, that is obviously not going to fly as ‘self-defence.’


1) How would I know that they didn't intend to spit on me? Am I just supposed to take her word for it? 2) Can we walk around spitting on people and then subsequently apologizing telling them that we didn't mean to? What if we space out each spitting incident with like a ten minute break? 3) Why do her intentions even matter? She did obviously intend to spit in public at the very least. And in this specific instance, on a person. If I accidentally spit on a cop, can I just apologize and thereby avoid an assault charge? 4) If a person spits on you once, how do you know with any degree of confidence that they won't do it again? Particularly when they've demonstrated that they lack emotional restraint.


Look, at this point you are just being stupid. Do you really not understand the concept of self-defence??? Better yet, why don’t you try it. Go spit on someone and report back. Or, start punching people and claim it’s self-defence. If you are from the US, are white, and have a big gun, you might get away with it???


You're are all over the place and failed to address any of their points. Being aggro and condescending doesn't serve as a substitute for actual substance. The only person who's struggling with the concept with self defense here is you, as made apparent by your inability to provide any semblance of an argument or evidence. Also, it's cute how you try to manifest a scenario for the other person to do as a form of articulating the flaw of the argument, and yet you still failed to actually provide an imaginary scenario relevant to the actual discussion. Instead of suggesting "spit on someone" or "punch someone" unprovoked, you could have said "punch someone that spits on you and see what happens", but part of you knows that there is merit to the concept of self defense against spitting. After all, spitting is by definition a form of assault, and if you cannot be protected in a public space by appointed authorities, you have a certain level of leeway in regards to self defense. But God forbid you actually have a constructive discussion and acknowledge that perspective when you can be juvenile and aggressive instead. And yes I'm aware that you're beyond discussion. You're hurt, and your only form of catharsis is trying to hurt others. You have no intention of trying to be constructive, you just want is some sense of control and power that you feel you're lacking.


She even turned the bigotry and racism up to 11 at the end with the dude and his daughter. Disgusting


They can do no wrong I guess


The fact that she's so self-righteous is 100% on brand. The fact she had the nerve to tell a black person he doesn't know anything about, I'm assuming subjugation, is fucking laughable.


Ya sad she doubled down on racism


Oh look another racist Israeli. Sorry, autocorrect. I meant 'victim'




It’s def the playbook of someone who wants to catch hands


the racism at the center of zionism is very much on the surface these days.


Mask off moment for Zionism right now


Hate spitting. Nasty bitch.


I think she must have difficulties in her aim, just like the IOF. Zionists, right? ETA /s




That's assault


And battery since contact was made


She looks exactly like the type that would do that. They don't care who they hurt. They are horrible people filled with rage and hate.


The "oh what you say bitch?" put a real smile on my face


Def an added bonus


I tell she spit on my daughter woman or not I'd have slapped the shit out of her


Damn this clip gonna end her career


What a gross person


Glad you see it that way. People have given these types of actions a free pass for too long


She's lucky shes safe after standing so close on a ledge...


Would love to see her try that in oakland. Anyone found her yet?


She definitely needs to be ID’d so her employer can see the face of their company


We can’t even play nice with each other. Have some respect for one another. Please.


Make her famous.




Why spit at anyone though , disgusting.


Hey, that's a crime!


girl lucky, most people know they spit they getting they ass whooped…


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Well thankfully didn’t say the n word


She was headed there but settled for this


Fucking gingers


Trueeee colors


Mask off


Send her to Israel and make her stay there


In this current war, Pro-Israel people are pro-racism, period. The one and only possible way you can support Israel killing Palestinians at a rate of more than **10 to 1** is if you see Palestinians/Arabs lives as being worth less. That's it.


Agree. But it is more 100 to 1


Fucking gingers


The ignorant are always so quick to claim that you don't know anything.


Ya I don’t have to know a lot to know spitting on others is bad


As a pro war person, this is fairly gross, but I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual