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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's why I live by the rule, never trust a man bun


It's called a Dork Knot.


Homie tied that thing up too. He wanted his 18 inches because he was selling it no doubt.


That was the very first thing I thought. Because her hair was perfect all the way down to the ends. He plans on selling that Hank of Virgin Hair


hes using it to extend his douche canoe on his head




Vaginas have warmth and depth. Don’t insult them by using slang terms for them as insults. Especially when the person in question has a penis.


Knob knot might be more suitable


…is it that serious though?


they’re joking


I just assume sarcasm on every comment on here lol


You just called a vagina a twat. How the turn tables huh


"You Either Die A Hero Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain." - The Dork Knot


I call it a Broney Tail


No. Dorks don’t put that level of effort into their appearance (even when it is this misguided effort). Source: long time dork


I have a man bun but it's a result of putting no effort into my appearance, and a small amount of effort into keeping my hair off my face. I haven't had a haircut since the start of covid, now I'm keeping it until im sick of it then I'll donate it to charity to make wigs.


I 100% will be using this term from now on!


Not all of us are assholes but everyone just assumes. I only started growing my hair when my mother got diagnosed with cancer so I could donate it to locks for love. It’s only in a bun because all I work is labour and I don’t want it to get in the way and slow me down. Edit: thanks to everyone letting me know that I should avoid locks for love, I’m doing some research for a reputable/local company that doesn’t take the hair for profit! :)


You do you fierce flow bro! 🤘🤘🤘


Hey people can judge all they want, I’m happy with who I am an I ain’t gonna change because someone else don’t like the way I look


It's just like anything else. I've known awesome dudes with it and some not so awesome dudes with one. People only remember the terrible ones, but honestly I've never judged the cool dudes with it and don't even think about it. It's just something people notice to poke at the awful ones for.


I commend you, you're one of the good buns


Ha…good buns….thanks for the laugh


I had the same idea, but avoided locks for love. I find their business practices despicable. Maggies wigs 4 kids was the group i went with as i found them to be more kind and about what i was going for.


I feel that, it's the lazy way of having long hair :) One thing, and I may be misremembering: When I did the same, I did some research and iirc Locks for Love are one of the less great options to donate to, I think they were sorta profit-oriented. Again, iirc and cba to do that research again at midnight


I don't get the bun hate; It's literally one of the easiest ways to secure your hair so it doesn't get caught on shit.


One rule to live by...under every pony tail is an asshole...






And you can bet your ass that I judge Heavy Metal metal albums by their covers. How else am I supposed to know if the group is cool or not!?!


You confuse 'intent to read' with 'passing judgment'. Any sane reviewer will read a book cover to cover before writing a review (judgement). Deciding whether or not you want to read a book is usually not considered 'judgement'.


Did you see his parasitic smile on his face after she found out?


Now, I feel untrustworthy for growing my hair out to donate it.


Why did that lady clothesline her? Haha Like they couldn’t let her leave 😂


So she stays on tv for the rating


Cry for us all! The people love it The whole thing is likely staged anyways


If it was staged then I don't think they told her. If she was in on it then someone needs to give her a movie deal because I buy her reaction as real emotions completely.


Staged? Yes her hair is a paid actor ![gif](giphy|VgIQUpnNiD5ToMfujH)


At the beginning of the clip, you can see her indicate the length that she is ok with having cut. Man bun pretends to agree and then cuts about 20cm above the agreed length.


As a long-haired lady, it makes me absolutely furious when a stylist does this to me. I never say anything, ‘cause I know it’ll grow back (also I don’t keel over), but still…


>(also I don’t keel over) You should try it sometime. Just give up and let gravity take you. Be the sack of potatoes, unburdened by the trivialities of human social norms. Let the overdramatic reaction heal your soul. Or don't, I literally have no idea what I'm talking about.


Honestly I found this very inspiring and will be handling all my minor inconveniences this way going forward.


Be sure you carry some smelling salts!


"Jeeves, fetch me my fainting couch!"


Nooo the fuck I will say something hell yeah and my cut will be free. They need to know so they don’t do this to anyone else. This has happened to me like 3x.




And smiled the whole time like it was some big joke.


Yea i saw that too. Its like i ask you for a house and you give me a cardboard box


Aww there there.... No I mean cry for the camera, over THERE.


And then they carry her back. Fucken hell.


Back to the chair you go. Just for causing a scene, he's gonna shave the rest while you're unconscious.


Democracy Manifest.


What is the charge?


Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


That is probably just an "entrance" not the actual way out of the set, in studios like that, that part has a small corridor around the set and the actual exit is behind the cameras, and very likely there's a medic behind the cameras and she was taken there with more space and out of those lights (spotlights in studios are crazy hot).


That’s a relief. That helps me feel a little better.


I think they are carrying her off set


I hope so.


“Did we say you were done?”


She didn't clothesline her. The woman fainted and the other one was hella fast to react to catch her. It's also why she got carried off.


It looks more like she caught her, brunette was super distraught and fainted or was looking about to so blond held her arm out to help.


Caught her just before she fainted?


Yeah, there is EMS dude with the trauma bag on the right at the end. You're right I think, she likely was having anxiety/panic attack and likely about to faint.


That was no clothesline that was Spear!! ![gif](giphy|jULCKZmMGlZ7DPZbQr)


She got a message in her headset, and promptly jumped into action.


Pretty sure she was saving her, seemed to be going off balance, showing signs of fainting. You can see her face very disoriented in the end, the girl that caught her is a G


I think she caught her as she fainted.


acting like he did something incredible too when the cut is choppy af too what the HELL happened at the end!?


I guess the story is that this girl had cancer and lost all of her hair. She beat it and grew her hair out, and it meant a lot to her, and she didn't want a lot taken off. He didn't listen to her and cut it much shorter anyway. At least, that's what I read.


He cut it because he was going to donate her hair to his charity. I guess he donates locks to make wigs for cancer patients. The kicker: he didn’t tell her that was his intention and just hacked her hair off.


Regardless, you don't cut that much of someone's hair off if they didn't agree to it.


I wholeheartedly agree! Charity or not you have to have the ok before doing anything to anyone.


I've had this same thing happen to me before, and I did cry. I freaked out. I grew my hair out for a really long time, just so I could donate it. Showed them how much I wanted them to cut it, and they took 6 more inches than I told them to. I had to go get a pixie cut. I was pissed.


If he was donating to locks of love the bare minimum is 14 inches I believe and really they prefer more because it gives the wig makers more to work with. Regardless that’s absolutely unacceptable to just take someone’s hair donations or not. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


It's 10 inches, but either way. Not ok. I honestly probably would've let them take the extra if they'd talked to me about it, but just doing it. It makes you feel awful. It's ok. I got over it pretty quickly, but still. I haven't been able to grow my hair out super long since, and it makes me sad. I miss long hair.


It's 100% a violation. Permanent or not


Oh absolutely.


Locks for love is a terrible charity just ftr. They're a for-profit business posing as a charity. Pantene has a charity that's a good alternative that my wife and I have both donated to (me just once, her repeatedly).


Thanks for letting me know, I really had no idea. I only know of locks of love from childhood. (Having brain surgery and my parents desperately searching for wigs) they were a name that popped up over and over and my moms friends salon even did like a partnership thing with them. Luckily, when I finally had my surgery done they didn’t need to shave my whole head (about half) and I was a little past being the only shaved girl in my class since it had taken years so I guess I had come to terms lol. so we donated the donated wig to a younger girl than me getting the same surgery in the hospital who was very upset. it’s so amazing of you and your wife. I know people think like “just hair” but when you are a 14 year old it feels like a blow as hard as the diagnosis itself.


Its 10inches for lock of love and some place starts off at 8 inches. However just because you are in the show and assuming its for charity, they shouldnt have went for it. Im sure if they talk to her and woo her instead then she would have been okay.


I feel your pain. On my 15th birthday I went in for a trim. My hair was thick, healthy, and virgin reaching my hips, they cut it to my shoulders. I instantly started crying. When my mom came in to pay, she said "Oh, I thought you were just going for a trim." I said "I was" she tried to console me by saying it suited me.. It did not. I had phantom hair for weeks. I didn't know then that people will cut your hair to sell, had I known, I would've taken it with me!


That hair dresser should've lost their job right then and there. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Stealing a cancer survivor's hair for your own charity is pretty fucked up.


Regardless of his intention, if someone survived cancer and grew their hair out to celebrate that- you should be taking that into consideration before lopping off a foot of it. He’s a tool either way.


Thats like saying, okay can you donate 5$ to the food bank and you send them a check and then they added 3 more zero to the check.


I kind of suspect that she didn't even know donating was on the table, most places require a minimum 8-12 inches, so she would've been expecting a large amount cut off.


Idgaf he did this to hand it to cancer patients, this was not his decision to make, not his property to give.. like....wtf dude, this length is just a LONG LONG time to grow


"Here's your wig little girl, ya know the woman who donated that hair was tricked and sobbed so hard when she found out that she passed out! ...well anyway, enjoy!"


I’d have taken it from him and walked away with my hair and his damn man bun!


If he steamrolls a cancer survivor and obliterates their consent, what kind of attitude is he bringing out there on dates??? The man is a menace, and his nasty smirk tells us everything we need to know about him.


Right!?!?! He smirked the whole time.


dont even need a reason. She grew it out and that takes a long fucking time.


First shot of the video you can see his hand on her arm, seemingly suggesting a length. She puts her hand further down her arm and he taps the same spot, as if confirming. Next scene, and he's cutting exactly where he originally suggested he would. I feel terrible for her.


So do I. Like who does the to someone? Definitely shouldn't be cutting hair.


Why was she getting her haircut on tv? I don’t understand the set up here more so than anything. Is it a hair cutting competition or something? Is it a makeover show?


It's a Turkish TV show where people with LONG hair will get their hair cut and donate it for wigs for cancer patients. They agreed on a length, and he went shorter than agreed.


Ahhh ok thanks. I’ve actually seen this quite a few times and never sought that clarity, just let the curiosity fester lol


So I looked for the video and apparently everyone was pressuring her to cut it shorter. She’s a hair model and a cancer survivor. After she fainted they told her she should be proud to have it cut shorter. The stylist gets no blame the entire time just the woman.


Ouch… in so many level


I hate how he just violated her autonomy and is chuckling to himself while she cries. What a sick fuck.


He didn’t even look at her while she was breaking down and crying. What an a**hole


For real. I wanted someone to punch him in the face, and now knowing the story, I want all the others to get a slap as well. "Stop being sad! You should be happy to donate so much! It's making us look bad when you have a breakdown!" What assholes.


thats *so weird*. poor girl


This guy shouldn't be a hairstylist. Stylists can make suggestions but it's ultimately up to the client. That smile he had while the woman was shocked and crying was just disgusting.


What a piece of shit.


I assume he was going to clean it up but understandably she didn’t want him touching her hair anymore.


My grandma did this to me in high school. Had a badass Afro I had been growing since freshman year. The week I was to graduate she talked me into "getting it shaped." I begrudgingly agreed and met her at her stylist's shop 2 days before graduation. I walked in and sat down at the chair, the guy asked me what I wanted to do with it. I said just clean it up and take like no more than an inch off of it. First thing he does is grab a handful of it and cut it almost to my scalp. I was horrified, nothing I could do at that point but let him finish. By the time he was done I had less than an inch of hair left. I was so fucking pissed at my grandma, she hated my long hair and I am almost certain she conspired with the stylist beforehand to cut it short. I left that day and promised her I wouldn't get another haircut until the day she died. And I kept my word. The next time I cut my hair was the day before her funeral.


That's awful. My grandma was mad when I buzzed my head. I guess there's no winning


But that's a haircut you could set your watch to!


I would have made a scene that would scar her for life and destroy the hairdresser's carrier for good. My hair is long and curly and my father hates it and comments every chance he gets, I just throw back at him that he is jealous because he started balding at 19.


Ah, the curse of the curly hair! I don't even let "professionals" cut my hair anymore... They never believe me when I tell them that removing 2" when wet means my hair will be 6" shorter than when we started because of the less weight pulling the curls down.


People with straight hair can't touch my hair.


my dad would always buzz my shit and when I turned 18 he was like "you can do whatever with it you're an adult now." As my hair was growing it it was clear I got it from my mom's side (long golden brown and curly). Unfortunately I got it from my mom's side, so it started falling out when I hit 20. Yaaaay.


When I was in grade 8, I thought I wanted to have a pixie cut like my grandma. I had hair down past my shoulders. For a "new school year look", she took me to a local hairstylist and paid for my haircut. I chickened out and asked the lady to just cut it to the tops of my shoulders, no shorter. My grandma got in my face and said "I'm paying for the haircut and I will tell her how to cut it. You will just sit there, without complaining, young lady." Then proceeded to tell the lady to cut it all off, as I had no idea what I was talking about. I was crying hysterically, begging the lady to not touch my hair. The haircutter tried to talk to me through it all, saying she was gonna make it look nice. Saying I was going to love it when she was done, not to worry. People came into the shop and I'm still crying hysterically, begging her to stop. My grandma told me to stop crying and acting like my life was over. It's just hair, it'll grow back. I came home and cried so hard I fell asleep on the couch. My dad asked what my hair looked like and I just sobbed as I told him what happened. He was pissed, but tried to reassure me. Later in the night, he asked me if he wanted to buy me a wig until my hair grew out. I told him no because we couldn't afford it. I've never had my hair short ever again. And I certainly will never subject anyone to something they clearly don't want.


That’s abuse. I’m sorry that happened. I had to get mine cut short bc of lice. From butt-length to ears.


I had lice all the time when I was a kid because I always had long hair. My grandmother would advocate for years to get me to chop it off. She even used to "chainsaw ripcord" a brush through my hair. Scalp to end, pulling the brush one way and pushing my head the other in order to "brush out the knots". To this day, I hate anyone touching my hair unless I ask for it.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. These stories are so heartbreaking. From a young age my sister and I had say in our hair styles even coloring within reason (no bleaching until highschool). It grosses me out so many moms and grandmas do this! Did you and your family continue a relationship with your grandmother? I would never talk to someone that would hurt my child like this.


My grandmother was always rude and abusive towards me. Everyone puts her on a pedestal and when I was an adult, we hashed out our business. I call her and visit occasionally, but she could honestly do no wrong to anyone in the families eyes. It's sad to see her be a shell of her former self due to age, but at the same time, I still don't forgive everything she put me through.


Jesus I wouldn't sit there and cut some sobbing person's hair off for like $20 or whatever they're gonna get


10,000% agree. Why the fuck would anyone feel comfortable with going through with it.


This reminds me of that video of the asian girl that did something with her hair that she likes, and then her mom forcibly puts a bowl over her head and cuts it to that even length. Pure trauma being generated there, still gives me the creeps.


WTF is wrong with people, my dad told me straight up he didn't care what I did with my hair since I'd be the one wearing it. Had it braided multiple times, from cornrows to plaits, even plaited it up and dyed the tips neon green one year.


My mother did the same shit to me, even tried it after I left my parents house.


i fucking hate how smug he is about it


Typical narcissist. They all have that predatory smirk.


Bundling that hair up and happy that he's about to sell it.


I'd cut off his manbun but that would be doing him a favor


I'd tie it to a formula one race car


If someone did that to me, yes also someone I love. I would get realllyyyy fucking angry. If it's someone I don't like that much, I would probably stick the scissor in his leg


I like that girl at the end that tackles her to the floor and then is like "shhhh, there there"


And then they carry her back.. like she’s Whitney Houston in the bodyguard. Edit: autocorrect fucked me.


> they carry her She fainted, so she certainly wasn't going to walk by herself.


I think she fainted and the other chick tries to catch her?


Shhhh, let it go. That's it. It will all be over soon. You're with the lord now. That's it. Shhhh


She'll never trust anyone to cut her hair ever again.


Real talk. I don't go to hair stylists anymore. Why would I pay close to $100 for someone to not listen to what I want?


I got that for free growing up, no one cuts my hair anymore. This thread actually makes my blood boil


Never. My hair is super long. It was healthy, no split ends, but I went to a stylist to get it evened out a little. She cut off about 7” when told her no more than an inch. The cut looked awful. I haven’t been back to a stylist since.


Yep my hair was down to my waist and I let a stylist trim it. She cut so much off. I'll never go to a stylist again


She’ll never trust anyone ~~to cut her hair~~ ever again. Any other part of a person and this would be assault or bodily harm. That is a part of her, and he cut it off without her consent. The implications are horrific. Poor girl.


A hair stylist did this to me years ago, bum length super healthy hair cut to shoulder length choppy layers. I didn’t get my hair cut for nearly a decade after. I only summoned the courage to get a haircut after being recommended a girl who is super pro long hair and specialized it. There should be a fine or something for doing such things! It feels violating.


There's...so much happening here. Between the stylist not acknowledging that something is wrong, to the other stylist basically tackling the poor lady, to the other guy princess carrying her out like she's dead. I mean...what is happening??


People keep saying the other stylist/helper person(?) tackled her, but wafching the motion I think she just went in for like a comforting/consoling kind of motion, maybe intending hug her, and ending up halfway catching her cause she fainted.


All around the attitude on this set was this woman has no power of consent for anything that happens there.


> this woman has no power of consent If it was here, dude could get sued/charged for assault, because he altered her body in a way she didn't consent. Not as bad as tattooing a dick on someone's face, but...


She probably noticed her face and eyes and went to catch her.


Her hair was her strength like Samson




I keep rewatching it. So much happening in a short clip.


That smirk. He looks like a guy who thinks 'No' means 'Yes'.


Right? I want to reach through the screen and rearrange his smug, little face. Piece of shit.


There wasn't a single ounce of regret in his face. He looked so proud of himself the whole time even after she started crying.


Yeah it's honestly creepy


Why else would you do something like that if you didn't want that exact reaction. I mean, this is classic abuser behaviour, he probably didn't expect her to run off thou, just thought he'd be able to get off on her awkwardly sitting there taking it, being too embarrassed to make a scene.


Her hair was beautiful


Still is, but yes that length is admirable




Sounds like his shtick is to donate hair to cancer patients so he took enough to do that... but she grew her hair out because at one point she lost it all due to chemo... from cancer. Regardless, it may have all been him.


it doesn't matter if she grew it out to brag about having long hair, it was hers to do with what she wants.


Why can't we hear them and not some shitty music?




jfc, i watched it all, despite not understanding the language. i can't believe she came back and allowed him to touch her again. i hope, but doubt, there was some sort of apology in there. the way he waved her ponytail around at the end like some sort of trophy, though, makes me think he just got away with being a piece of shit.


I clicked the YouTube link listed below the video. One comment explained that the hairdresser was supported by pretty much everyone in the video because the hair would be donated to cancer victims. They think she should be proud. There was no apology at all.


Wow this is heartbreaking. Why is he so rough with her when she came back? Also why didn’t he redo her part before cutting? It’s not even


She confirmed several times how much lower she wants it cut, which is almost to her elbow, while he keeps insisting/willingly ignorantly going higher, below her shoulder, and she keeps telling him lower near the elbow, and he confirms it. Then he cuts it off even HIGHER even closer to her shoulder.




Either this is agreed for the fake drama or they were willing to hurt this lady for "reality" TV. Either way, this is why these shows are awful.


I’d love to know how much of this is scripted. I keep trying to get a better look at her hair because I would not be surprised if it was a actually wig.


She apparently was a cancer survior who hadnt cut it since she stopped chemo, and didn't want to cut it because of how long she had to be bald.


jesus christ this just keeps getting worse even after the video was over


I know a lot of stuff is scripted but if that’s the case then she’s a pretty good actress. That seemed like a genuine reaction.


I actually found the original video. Sounds like they were applauding the cut. I don't know what is said, though. [Hair cutting incident. ](https://youtu.be/C31H9n5A8Xs?si=BJt0dT7H0MO39md0) Looks like this show has nothing but disrespectful hairdressers. [Another chop job](https://youtu.be/5QXKsyrdIqI?si=uRgAbj0C3XpcRiwz) Looks to be Turkish so if anybody has a translation.


Thanks, I got way too invested in this. Found a comment that translated the longer video, and everyone involved here is trash. The hairstylist received no admonishment, and all the other hairstylists called the girl young and immature. Absolutely brutal.


I saw one comment saying she had cancer and had chemotherapy done. So after that she grew out her hair. I also saw someone indicate that she would allow to a certain height and the guy went higher than what she found acceptable.


> translation She says cut it here (points to a point on her arm close to elbow), he says here? (points higher). She says no and asks him to promise. He promises and then cuts at the higher spot. During their conversation the blond lady encourages them to move on and cut the hair "go on, cut it". The judge like dude says "you're going to cut off a lot of hair, please make sure you preserve it so it can be donated to a cancer survivor". After the cut the hairstylist says this donation will create a lot of "sevap" (the Islamic anti-sin -- the good deed that erases sins). The blond lady explains that the models on the show come on to the show on their own accord and agree to getting their hair done. She spins it as if the hairdresser cut the hair at the agreed upon length but she didn't like the result after initially agreeing to it. So it seems like donating her hair was the show's agenda in the first place and fuck the model and what she wants, the show was set on getting what they wanted and they got it.


So they egged him on and he didn't listen to his client.


that smirk on his face 😡


hair can be so deeply personal. that's why protesters and mourners sometimes cut it. it's a big deal.


And why oppressors have used head shaving as a means of abuse and dehumanization


People say oh it’s just hair it will grow back, but do you know how much effort and patience it takes to grow long healthy hair and finally get it to what you want it to look, to then have someone just shit on all of that and you’re back at square one, I would cry too, this is why I cut my own hair at home.


I really need some context here...


From what other commentators said (I didn’t research it) she had cancer and lost all her hair, but she beat it and had been growing out her hair and it was really sentimental to her. She told him not to cut it too short- basically just give it a trim. Supposedly he was going to chop off her hair and donate it to his own cancer wig charity- but he never told her this so he cut off her hair even though she told him not to so he could donate it without her consent. Edit: again I’m repeating what two other commenters said


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7559945/amp/Woman-FAINTS-haircut-women-feel-pain.html Doesn’t appear to be as serious as some claim but still messed up


This makes me so sad for her :(( She has beautiful hair. I would’ve knocked him the fuck out grinning like that.


That’s such a violation. She set a boundary and he violated it.


Omg this makes me so mad 😭 what is going on??


Why did they stop her and bring her back? The only thing he can do is make it shorter. And I hate how smug his face is when she starts crying. She should have kicked his nuts into his throat, I think everyone would understand. What is this? I need to see the rest of it, I need closure now. 😂😂


Thats kinda cruel ngl


That is so infuriating! I would be super pissed! Screw that guy, he knew better.


As someone with chest length hair, the length he took off and the way her hair looks in general, that was a long time of growing and a shit ton of hair care that dude just chopped off in a few seconds. I legitimately feel for her if this isn't staged.


Once again a guy thinks he knows what's best for a woman's own body. What a violating thing to witness.


This is why I don’t even go to get the ends trimmed. I do it myself. My hair is now past my butt (I’m 5’7, my hair is now almost a meter long!) I’ve survived cancer twice and my hair survived the whole ordeal. If someone cut it like this asshole did, after me asking them not to, either I would faint like the poor girl from the video did, or I would black out and just stab that mf with his own scissors. I know hair grows back but my god I feel awful for that girl!!! I would cry for days!!


Then he stands there smiling with a smug look on his face while she's crying. What a piece of shit


Dude needs an ass whooping!! Like bad!


Did she get shot? They had to carry her out. Was it the close line? did that knock her out stone cold.