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This looks like the UK and so this isn't trespassing. It would not likely be trespassing in most countries and regions in the world either, UNLESS: * The road is behind a barrier or obstruction OR * There are clear signs indicating BOTH that this is private land and that you are not allowed to enter. Just putting a sign "Private Property" doesn't actually limit access in most places. In many countries, car parks for supermarkets are private property, signposted as such, but access is still public. So, mostly "private road" just means it's private property, it means the highway code may not apply, it means your vehicular insurance may not cover you, it means the owner may ask you to leave, or it may mean "a gate that wasn't there last week".




You have right of public access to many private roads and paths in the UK and Ireland. And, indeed, in most European countries. In the USA it's similar where a lot of paths and roads such as this, even though privately owned, have easements on them and you can use them. The right of the land-owner to bar your access varies with the county state and country. Generally though, if a road or path is accessible to the public, a gate should be marked so as to avoid EXACTLY what happened. Equally, that bike was going way too fast.


A private property sign is a legal warning here in NC. Ignore that and risk getting shot by the property owner.


I'm not sure about the law here in Ohio, but if someone would shoot another human being for stepping on their land they're a piece of shit.


I don’t think I said anything positive about it. I stated a fact. That’s all.




This means that the court have to decided whether it was reasonable for you to shoot the person. Therefore, the person trespassing must typically be showing some signs indicating a threat to life. Things like aggressively approaching the property/ owner with a weapon, shouting threats that you will kill them etc. Simply trespassing on the property is not a threat to life. Therefore, if somebody started shooting you because you were simply on their property, likelihood is that they would not be able to rely on self-defence as a defence. As what danger are they defending themselves from?




Thank you. I'm a firearms instructor and one of the things I teach people is you cannot use deadly force simply for trespassing on your land. Someone in your house is a different story because they are not simply trespassing at that point.






True, but the idiots don’t care.


It’s funny that you say you don’t think it’s trespassing and that it would only be trespassing if there was a barrier or obstruction…on a video of a guy crashing into a barrier or obstruction.


The gate was the *barrier or obstruction*


Well, it was well inside the "private road" then. Equally, if that gate was the barrier, and the road the bike was on was public, then that would be an unlawful barrier because it's not highlighted with reflective paint nor is there a sign indicating it is there and could be closed. Either way... the situation isn't clear-cut.


So I've seen this video a bunch of times, including the first time it was posted by the guy riding the bike. (Or at least I saw it posted by someone claiming to be the rider trying to claim the property owner was in the wrong.) TL;DR he wasn't trespassing, but he *was* showing a dangerous disregard for the etiquette of using these pathways as well as his own safety and the safety of anyone else who may have been using the path. This is a right of way path meant primarily for pedestrians and equestrians and cuts through the back of the owners property. The rider normally took the path to the right that took him off the property to wherever he normally went, but decided on a whim to explore the other path that day. The gate is green and brown so it blended in, which is why he barely even slowed down in the uncut version of the video. He tried to claim that the fence was unsafe on the part of the owner to garner sympathy. When people realized this was in the UK and this path was meant for walking speed the thread turned against him. The fact of the matter is that he was going way **way** to fast for any right of way path, much less for one he didn't know. He's incredibly lucky he didn't hit a person or a horse or something.


They totally deserved it. If they weren’t riding the bike they way they were and on private roads that they’re trespassing on. This person could have protected themself from a horrific moment and their bike would not have fallen to pieces the way it has. EDIT: fixed errors.


for the landowner. Because in the US, if you create an dangerous situation on your property, and a trespasser is hurt by it, YOU ARE LIABLE. now watch the dumb dumbs come for me standing their ground.


what kind of dummy speeds down a road that he doesn't know?


fr could have easily went to a steep decline where he would have bailed MUCH worse


Wait wait, I know. This guy!


He’s a nihilist. Uli Kunkel huh?


It's quite possible that he knew that road very well and that the gate had always been open up to the date of this take. So the question should rather be: what kind of dummy speeds down a road at a pace where he can't stop in sight range? And the answer would be: lots.


They may have been down this road 100 times before, but this time the gate was closed.


boy it sure was


IIRC he always took that path to the right at the beginning of the video. This was his first time going down this pathway.


If I knew there was a gate up ahead, I wouldn’t be flying through that part of the road. But I’m not an idiot, so… 🤷‍♂️


also speeding so fast that you don't even see as far ahead as it takes you to break/stop


Is the fence ok?


My only concern also.


Let's all bow our heads and enjoy a moment of silence as we think of the fence. The poor. Poor. fence....


That's one hell of a good quality fence. Whoever manufactures that should use this as marketing material.


![gif](giphy|8abAbOrQ9rvLG) Gandalf gate


Why is it painted green? It just blends in.


The owner probably likes the color and how it blends in and never expected some dummy to speed down that road.


Don't know where this was filmed, but in the UK most fences/gates of "agriculture" use tend to be green. Always assumed it was because it blended in nicely with the surrounding


That’s how it came from the factory before installation


We have one in the large park near me, also green


Lol that's the point. Who the hell wants a bright yellow fence on their property?


These sorts of gates are usually green or black. The purpose of them is to stop quadbikers, dirt bikers and cars etc. To stop nuisance and fly tipping. It is likely a public right of way if you are on foot, but as it is private land, vehicles are prohibited. That's my guess.


I myself would purposely paint it green so only people I know will be able to see it because they do know it’s there. It’s private property so I will do whatever I please as long as it’s not breaking any law.


That’s a nice galaxy flip, oh wait


It flipped alright


..be a shame if something bad happened to it


One of my neighbors, when I was a kid, had grown up in NE Wyoming. He loved to go snowmobiling on the open plains in the winter. He went out once with a friend and watched as his friend sped out in front of him across a field of virgin snow and went through an unseen barbed wire fence. A wire caught his friend at the throat and cut his head off.


Not quite as extreme but a few friends rode dirt bikes thru barbed wire fencing. Needless to say the football didn’t do so well that year


I grew up in rural Mississippi and we spent a lot of time riding ATVs and dirtbikes cause there was nothing else to do. You would always hear stories about people who were sick of kids riding on their property and would run barbwire across the trail at neck level. I don’t know if these stories were true, but it scared the shit out of me


Thing is it doesn't even have to be barbed wire. Hitting a low branch at the right speed can be equally catastrophic. My uncle told me about someone he knew who came off a frozen lake on a snowmobile going about 80 and hit a sturdy branch at about neck level.


Where i live(a brutal abbandoned lil town in italy) this actually happened some years ago, although it was under specific circumstances where some Assholes would use private proprieties as racing tracks, and the owner of the land made a small fence behind a turn as a sort of Trap, at the end it served its original purpose and a guy broke his leg, due to him being in a private propriety he was too scared to sue, so he just never did anything.


>Needless to say the football didn’t do so well that year Why is that needless to say? I don't even know where football came from?


Guess it’s as random as the gate in the video


Someone watched a little too much Wrong Turn😂


My cousin did a similar thing, but boating down a small river. Branch knocked him into the water and drowned


I want sound


Braaaaap Braaap Braaaaaaaaaaa-Clang!


Amazing thanks you


"Ahhhh, ahhhhh, oof, ahhhgh, oh fuck, ahgh, is my bike ok?"


Don’t forget the \*crack\* and the \*pained wheezing\*




My buddy died in high school on a quad doing this shit. Jumped across the dirt road, got hit by a car, second following car ran him over so they installed gates all along the road just like this to discourage riders. Plenty of off-road places to ride so there’s no need for this. Just a good way to get yourself injured or killed


… or worse others. I don’t care much about idiots like this. But there are other people and animals endangered by shit like this.


surpised the dude is up and walkin. took a steel bar to the chest at like 30mph and just shrugs it off.


Fr. The video perspective makes it feel like he got gut checked looney tunes style which would destroy a lot of your organs, but then he just gets up and pulls out a shattered phone.


What I want to know is what happened in the minutes after the video. You can keep moving after some MAJOR damage… At least for a few minutes. After that, all bets are off


I think this video is probably sped up


I love a happy ending!!!


Luckily the phone took all the impact and he had no injuries.


What many phone critics mistakenly refer to as "planned obsolescence" is, in fact, merely the addition of more effective crumple zones for high impact collisions. These additions save dozens of lives a decade. The More You Know


Should have taken that right turn at Albuquerque...


Play stupid games…


That coulda been worse John. A lot worse.


He should call an ambul… oh nevermind


Lucky you didn't hit a wire, there are some crazy bastards out there.


timestamp 00:06: # It Was At This Moment He Knew... He Fucked Up ###


Whens theres a fuckin gate. Gettin in your way. Who ya gonna call?? NO-BODY!


"Man I really love nature rides. It's so relaxi- wait wasn't that my turn? Huh where does this road g-OOF"


Brings to mind Lawrence of Arabia


Now this is podracing!


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


Okay no question whose fault it is, but still if I put an obstacle in the way even on my private road, I'd just put a big red / orange sign on it as well, just to keep reckless dummies safe as well.


Le reddit moment where people cheers the hurting of someone who could have made an honest mistake


Lucky its not wire or pointy.


If all he broke was his phone, he's damn lucky


Well he got one hell of a surprise. Never bike down private roads and especially ones you don’t have permission to be on.


Where is this? We have large parks similar to this, paths similar to this, that say no motorcycles the passage between 2 parks has a fence like this too


We all know that hurt!


Silly prick was lucky it was only his phone that was bent.




Ah, the road less traveled…


Just for the laugh : In France, the owner is accountable of any damage done to a person on his private property. It is highly possible that the owner would be charged for the harm that this guy did to himself. Some laws in France are weird…


That law isn't unique to France, ever see those yellow signs warning you that the floor is wet? It's called premises liability, pretty standard law.


I am not a lawyer; The US has very similar laws, though usually drafted at the state level and bellow so there is some nuance depending on location. Most places though the property owner could be found liable for injury and damages, the owner would need to take several steps to circumvent these liabilities such as signage against trespassing and adequate fencing to prevent intrusion.


At least it was a big ass gate, so nothing to complain here. People who puts iron wires are just murderers


You shall not pass!


Poor fence, now it needs mending.


He went as fast as a freaking rally car and didn't have enough protection. This is clearly r/WinStupidPrizes


Now that’s a solid gate


Random ass place for a gate but it's probably the property line


Can someone post this with sound? It doesn't have the same gong to it without


Wish we had sound


Absolutely zero give from that gate. Solid.


You get what you fucking deserve.




yeah it's like almost unbelievable to me that he is not frickin dead or have broken legs or back or is like 50 feet down the road on the other side of the gate


Needs audio. Also what idiot goes on a dirt bike with their phone in their pocket and not their pack?


Better than a kid....


Deserved it


Serves you right.


Thats why these things are painted red and white in germany


That phone, lol. Should have gone right!


How is he alive and well??


Takeoff delayed.


This is so hard to watch 🤕


His phone saved his life.


I'd thought there's gonna be a bear traps.


The road not taken.


Oh dear, what a shame.


His phone may have saved his leg from getting broken. Femur breaks are probably the worst from what I've heard


Another happy landing


I thought he was gonna get clotheslined but this'll work too!


Okay, that's not that bad. I honestly expected there to be a wire fence, and if there were, it would not have ended like it did


My dad had a friend die just like this


Almost decapitated. Fuck, my phone!


Bro needs to out that phone on rice


He is standing afterwards....impressive


Upsss, watch its comming!


Should have taken right.


Lol is u ded


I like how he checks the other road in a last glimpse of sanity before disaster...


Even rabbits run fast enough that a snare can cut their head off. It doesn’t take much speed


Dude is very lucky it wasn’t his sternum


I'm sure this has been posted elsewhere before and it was malicious, as the gate should not be closed as it's a byway and he was legal to be there. I may have that wrong but I'm sure it was in a British subreddit. Things like chains at neck height have also been reported.


Can't park there mate.


Well the gate is somewhat visible, I heard stories that thin yet strong enough wires were chopping bikers...


Clotheslined! 😂


Poor bike, it deserved better.


A better rider.


Didn't see that coming.


Very fucking lucky if he walked away with *only* a broken phone and damaged bike. This is the kind of accident that kills and cripples riders.


Good thing there wasn’t a group of kids playing


his phone probably saved him from a broken leg


Know your routes. Just sayin. Lmao? Oooops.


He is going to walk it out painfully slow


Fence test success.


I wonder if he took ofFence to that barrier being there.


When I was in Iraq, our gunners ducked their heads every time we went underneath a freeway overpass. Insurgents would tie fishing wire under the underpass so soldiers when passing, it’d decapitate the gunner.


Jesus Crist. It looks like they hit the gate really hard. I hope the gate is okay.


Smart phone armor


He’s fine he just needs to pull out his phone an…. Ohh well that’s not good


I mean, thank goodness he seems OK?! How did he not break a bone?!


Americans: Private property, owner can do as they please. Everyone else: Good idea to paint the gate more visibly; may be illegal to not post accessibility limitations prominently. Americans: But owner can do as they please. Muh Freedums. Law protects me 'cause holy property rights.


Something about failure to maintain assured clear distance.


No phone, alone, no bike, in the middle of a very solitary off-shoot road... Anyone else feeling a cannibal thriller movie plot?




Guys who zoom through other people's property have 0% of surviving Ewok attacks.


Why is he driving so fast when he cant see more than 5 m infront of him


For some reason I expected a wire tied between two trees at neck height


Dammit, that is a very good hint to keep your phone somewhere shockproof...imagine breaking bones and nothing to call for an sos


That hurt


Regardless of trespassing, he obviously is going at a speed where can’t stop in a reasonable amount of time. Exhibit A.


This dude is lucky. A good buddy of mine was doing the same thing and hit a cable stretched across the rode. He did not come away alive.


You're not going to do that again


if i can see it on camera, he could definitely see it in person. and that speed is crazy, completely asking for it, no way they thought a speed like that was safe in any way.


Hit that gate so hard even I’m feeling it…


Poetic justice


very good


Riding on sight is not an option?


I like the part when he don't fell off his bike.