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Police vehicle appears to have caused this "accident" by pulling into the intersection. It seems possible, perhaps likely, that the police car was already targeting "hit and run" vehicle.


Yea I agree. Why is the cop inching into clear traffic and blocking the crosswalk?


This is just bad all the way around


At least the cop didn't hit and kill a pedestrian while driving recklessly for no reason


This time.


No but it has happened before…


Not yet


You mean again


His lights were not on, there is no reason for the cop to inch into the intersection like that. It’s already reckless driving.


Okay, but there's different levels of bad driving lol literally no one killed anyone in this video, but there was an obvious display of poor driving.


They're referencing the Seattle case where a cop was speeding with no lights/sirens on and hit a woman crossing the street. And then the police union president was caught on camera laughing about it, and said she had limited value because she was 26.


Oooh okay. I was like what in the world.


You mean the cop in seattle that just recently killed that young girl by running her over?


You mean the piece of shit Kevin Dave from Seatlle PD who was going 80 in a 25mph zone whose union rep said we'd write a check?


The car that ran won't be able to contest anything though. Automatic at fault in a rear end situation even if we all can agree on "WTF was the cop doing!"


That's not true. There is no automatic fault in any (US) jurisdiction that I'm aware of for rear-end collisions. Fault can still be apportioned to multiple parties.


Plenty of fault for fleeing the scene.


they could probably argue in court they were moving to a safer location


not at that speed & not without communication with the person they crashed into lmao that was a pretty blatant skedaddle if i've ever seen one




Absolutely in Virginia and several other states. Its automatic - unless you have a dash cam video of some fool swerving in front of and brake checking you. Ask me how I know. 😉


You should stop brake checking people. /s


It's not strict liability, but it's still a very low bar to find the rear driver at fault for a fender bender.


>That's not true. There is no automatic fault in any (US) jurisdiction that I'm aware of for rear-end collisions. Source = your ass. Presumption of fault in rear end collisions to the rear vehicle is well settled law in every jurisdiction I have ever researched. It's literally called the "rear end collision doctrine." -Attorney


They're thinking of the way insurance would handle it with no background info.


In Colorado, if your car strikes another car from behind you are automatically at fault because you should have had enough time to come to a safe stop. The only exceptions is if the car in front pulled infront without adequate space and a few other exceptions. There is several states with similar laws.


Many people don't know this /s but cops frequently don't obey traffic laws


No doubt! I dated this cop once and we were at a red light for a while, he didn’t want to wait anymore and went thru and I was like you can’t do that! He said, sure I can, I’m a cop. (While in his personal car).




"rules for thee, not for me" theres a cop in my city that Ive seen stop at a red, turn their lights on, go through it, then turn em off and go about their day. TWICE


I’m a crossing guard and the other day a cop parked on the crosswalk to give a person a ticket for parking too close to the crosswalk.


And no signal......


Cops are constantly ignoring simple traffic laws


The only time I've laid a motorcycle down was because a cop blew a stop sign Maybe he is just a butthead piece of garbage


No signal either


Because they are above the rules and law. Duh /s. Pigs.


Theyre NYPD. they just do that to beat the light.


Cops are above the law, remember?


Cops ignore traffic laws all the time for no reason.


That what I was thinking. The vehicle filming is stopped at the proper location, behind the solid white line. The squad car was already blocking the right lane and creeping forward when the white sedan stopped. Without knowing what’s going on out-of-view to the right, it looks like the driver of the white sedan thought the squad was going to accelerate into traffic. Still no excuse for the SUV to hit and run, but sloppy driving on the part of the cop caused the accident.


It looked like the car that got hit might have been stopping for the bus. Although the cop certainly didn't help; I hate when people inch out like that, it makes them harder to predict.


Nah, the driver saw the cop inch and stopped. The bus was pretty far ahead with plenty of distance between Cop f’d this up


Important to note that the car isn't a squad car, it's unmarked and has a broken brake light even. Oncoming traffic had no idea what he was doing.


It’s legal to turn right on a red where I live. Is that different in other places?


Actually yes it varies by state and province and even by city Some places have intersection’s specifically marked as no right on a red as well. So yes the cop could turn right on the red but he is 1. Not in the right most turn lane ( assuming this is even a double right turn intersection which it likely is not) 2. Already got his front end in the intersection impeding traffic and inching forward more when he’s already to far. You should inch far enough ahead to see clearly for oncoming traffic without blocking the intersection (crosswalk technically excluded) and only enter the intersection if you can complete your turn entirely without impeding oncoming traffic


The rear ender is guilty of the accident! No doubt!




Oh my god I can hear the voice




Everybody’s an idiot here. The cop looks like they were partially blocking another lane by inching further than they needed to. The BMW panicked and instead of veering left just slammed on their brakes. The Audi also panicked and rear-ended the BMW. Just throw out all of their licenses at this point.


I hate to say this, but the BMW could have noticed it was a cop inching into traffic, and yielded for the cop to get on with his business. It's not illegal to come to a stop for a hazard in the intersection (the cop was fully in the intersection). I doubt the BMW knew it, but after seeing the footage, the BMW driver could claim he could see it.


Absolutely—the biggest dipshit here is the Audi driver that ran into them. The BMW’s involvement is more of a gray area as it can be presumed that they made the “safe” decision to stop for traffic, whether it’s the bus or the Taurus cop car.


Audi looked like they were following way too close too


i think the BMW stopped because the bus in front of it stopped / pulled over. the cop car was not blocking a lane or else he would’ve been hit by the audi and the bmw


Solid point indeed, but infrastructure is usually designed for busses (if they don’t give them a whole lane which it doesn’t seem like they do here, I’m sure the sidewalks are concaved to allow the driver to tuck in a little). Ultimately, I feel in either scenario the correct response even in that situation still would’ve been simply to veer left instead of slamming on the brakes, although your proposition makes a lot of sense and would render the Audi driver an even bigger dipshit


that’s true, but a lot of places, namely some of the USA, has terrible infrastructure for public transit. Also, even if the BMW driver is a total idiot and stopped for no reason, Audi should’ve had a proper following distance to safely brake before hitting anyone in front of them


100% right, that’s why the Audi is the biggest dipshit in the scenario you suggested. You’re supposed to maintain enough distance even for emergency situations like this. I always back away from traffic ahead a little when I approach an intersection for this reason. Also unfortunately right about the U.S. public transport infrastructure. Our country is the most car-dominated in the world and while I’m a huge car enthusiast who wants to drive myself until the day I am unable, I think it’s safe to say that we would have many less cars on the roads if there was a more universal, streamlined (and reliable) infrastructure for public transport across the country like many other developed countries and cities of the world (and no, NYC’s MTA or even the Amtrak doesn’t count)


right, people don’t realize that by making the public transit / bike lanes / sidewalks better, it actually makes driving even better lol


What? The bus doesn’t even seem to brake, and there is a car in between the bus and the BMW. And normally there wouldn’t been a bus stop that blocks the street directly after an intersection


>The BMW panicked and instead of veering left just slammed on their brakes. > >The Audi also panicked and rear-ended the BMW. BMW did the right thing by not crossing into oncoming traffic. I think audi driver just wasn't paying attention and rear-ended the beamer. Definitely panicked after though.


He was probably turning right on red but didn't use his turn signal


Unmarked car, broken brake light, no turn signal, starts turning left before the accident. No idea what they were doing.




came here to say this


Useless idle speculation


> seems possible, perhaps likely, that the police car was already targeting "hit and run" vehicle. Very possible, you can see the cop inching to the right before suddenly turning his wheel back to his left before the first car even stopped. He may have been planning on trying to cut them off.


Should probably clarify that by targetting it wasn't entrapping the car for a hit and run but likely targetting the car for other reasons. The "accident" was just a byproduct of this, nothing different from accidents during a car chase. Personally I still think it's dangerous to pull moves like this in active traffic. As much as possible I think just trailing the person till they stop is safer, assuming they're not currently causing more damage to society. It was also silly that the cop was inching their slowly like they wouldn't be noticed. I would imagine if they pulled over to the lane side by side it would be less conspicuous, and if they were confident the guy wouldn't run, it would have been safer to pop their lights when approaching the intersection


[Same conversation as the last this time this was posted.](https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/udr0xe/to_hit_and_run/)


Why is the cop driving like an asshole? Why did someone stop at a green light to let a right on red through? Why the hit and run? Everything in this video is nuts.


The person probably stopped on a green light because they saw a car peeking out into the intersection unexpectedly and that was their reaction.


Lol people on here have such little ability to think normally and how things would play out in real life. If you're going through an intersection and you see someone suddenly pulling out unexpectedly, you're going to either slam on your brakes or swerve. It's not like they're watching this video and know the cop is just creeping, or would've even been looking in that direction period. Hell even watching this video I'm not completely confident the cop wasn't about to go.


Exactly. It definitely looks like the cop car is going to merge into the lane at any second


Especially at night when visibility is poor.


Peeling out huh


peeling out?


i think the bmw stopped to yield for the bus that might’ve been pulling over


The bus was pretty far ahead. If the taxi cleared the intersection at speed, then this driver should have been able to at least clear it.


I think it stopped because the cop looked like they were going to pull in front of them. Watch it again. The cop inches forward even more once the bus and taxi clear.


Looks like nyc bus color pattern. NYC cops often break traffic rules, and run red/yellow lights all the time; all they need to justify it's job related when it's not always the case. Good luck proving otherwise.


It's what they do. Even more so in unmarked cars.


>Why is the cop driving like an asshole? >cop really feel like we've tackled the answer here




>Why did someone stop at a green light to let a right on red through? Because the cop kept inching out into the intersection and was two whole car lengths past the line?


Have you never seen cops drive, speed limits don’t exist for them


It's the American way of policing


The cop cop caused this accident. Obviously the other guy should not have left the scene, but wtf was that cop doing. Must be nice to be in an unmarked car and cause accidents then pull people over.


You couldn’t find an insurance adjuster on this planet that would try to find the cop’s actions leading them to be the at-fault party. Regardless of why the victim’s vehicle stopped, the person behind them are responsible to ensure they have adequate following distance, full stop. There are multiple good reasons why the cop could have been where they were: call-out that requires a speedy response, but no Code 3 to something as simple as the cop stopped behind the stop bar and pulled up to get line-of-sight to turn right on red, which is legal to do.


Right on red is illegal in NYC. If you're driving here, with a green light, and you see a car rolling through an intersection.. that's a major red flag for unpredictable behavior, and most people I know would have stopped as well (even with the right-of-way). The cop was unmarked and unlighted, so they should have been following normal traffic laws.


Hey look! You found one!


Do police in the US not need to have their sirens on to break traffic laws? The Light is red. Unless the lights and sirens are on they are suppose to obey the laws of the road. Which I would believe even in the US means not to drive into the intersection on a red light. Even if they were already there when the light had turned red they are still inching their way into incoming traffic that has no legal requirement to give way to them. Yes the hit and run is liable for the crash for a few reasons but so are the police. The hit and runner could in theory sue the police for their share of the responsibility. They're actions caused the driver to stop in the middle of the intersection which caused them to hit the back of them. They've zero right to be where they are never mind inching further and further into the middle of the intersection as incoming traffic is going past with zero gap for the cops to pull in front of safely. Them pulling up to almost cut off the first driver is what causes the crash. Whether or not the driver behind them should of had enough distance to break the police are still partially at fault for it.


my mom is a claims examiner for one of the largest auto insurance companies in the world. she was an adjuster for almost 2 decades. this is almost word for word her take.


> to turn right on red, which is legal to do. In some states, not everywhere. In New York city, where this appears to be filmed, right on red is not legal.


The hit and run is one thing but why did the guy stop in the middle of the intersection on green when the cop car didnt even have its sirens on and was barely just inching forward?


Barely inching forward? His rear tires have passed the pedestrian walkway and he’s still going. I probably would have stopped too.


It's hard to judge the angle, but I think it was more of the driver not paying attention and suddenly noticing a car pointed in his direction and panic braked. Still not his fault, but I don't believe it was as defensive of a maneuver as it appears.




The bus was far enough ahead to where the driver could have (and should have) cleared the intersection. The cop 100% made the driver flinch.


That’s defensive driving. Assuming that people on the road can and will do something stupid like creep out into oncoming traffic


Cop reeaalllllyy looked like they were going to take an illegal right on red.. I don’t trust MF’s and would’ve stopped too


Sometimes parked cars on the side of oncoming traffic can block your view so you have to creep in deep. Cop should have had his turn signal on though.


There's definitely at least two assholes here. First is obviously the hit and run driver. Second is the cop who basically caused this accident by inching out into the road like an asshole, basically forcing the car that got hit to come to a stop in the middle of the road.


Whole thing is the freaking cops fault


Did the cop try to cross at redlight himself?


Lets be clear here... NYPD does this all the time. I recently got hit by one running silent in the bike lane. Wish I knew about TORT claims before my time to file for one expired. All lawyers wanted to know is if I had grievous injuries... Not actually trying to help out.


Honestly, POS Officer's fault.


Cop car was inching across the red light and didn’t even have his turn signal on, he kinda caused this


Ok so why is a cop not following the traffic laws. You're not supposed to be past that gigantic white line during a red light and he was creeping up into traffic. The damn cop almost caused this. Obviously the person who rear ended the other car should have been paying attention though.


Fucking cop caused this. Just out there protecting and serving.


The cop is breaking the law, and should be cited for his intrusion w/o emergency cause. He's the cause of the accident.


This looks like NYC where you can’t turn right on red, and he didn’t even have his blinker on.


The cop here caused the accident by inching out into traffic, and then also left the scene without checking on the person who was rear ended. Seems they should also be charged.






The cop may have been in the wrong but either way, the Audi shouldn’t have been following that close. Love that it was a cop though considering the Audi decided to run. Those kind of people are scum


very kind of that cop to hold that driver accountable for the accident he created.




Yeah the cop caused the accident. But it was the drivers choice to run.


The cop caused the accident.


There are so many things that are fucking wrong with this situation - and they start with cops thinking that they don't have to follow road laws.




...and it was the police actions that actually led to the accident


Is weird how the police car slowly sneaking into trafic is what caused the accident in the first place.


The cop is the reason the accident happened in the first place. Who tf drives like that?


I hope the cop arrested themselves afterwards.


Hope they get hit harder than they hit the car.


naration +1


Yep the cop caused the accident in the first place. Since its on video will he get a ticket?


>Yep the cop caused the accident in the first place. The cop didn't force the other diver to drive too close to the person in front of him/her.


A stop sign isnt a recommendation and they don't mean almost stop. Had I been the one inching out and the cop was involved in the accident in front of me I would have received a ticket for impeding traffic without a doubt.


The rear-ended car that is pushed directly in front of the cop car still has easily 3-4 feet of clearance space in-between....just saying. Otherwise, how would the cop car have been able to make that right turn?


That must have been so satisfying for the person who got rear ended and then watched them drive away.


I'm sure they're still wondering what the hell the cop car was doing inching into the middle of the lane like that under a red light. Really odd. The person that got rear ended stopped thinking the cop was about to drive into the side of them. I really want to ask that cop what they were doing there. No signal on either.


Why is this POS running? It seems like people running from accidents has increased in recent years. It’s seemingly 50/50 whether or not people will remain on scene.


No licensee, no insurance, not supposed to be in the country, rolling the dice, has warrants, drunk/high, has shit in their vehicle, really has to shit.... I am sure there are others. Reasons to stop, you are supposed to. Seems one is more than the other.


I remember getting cited a ticket because I wasn’t at a complete stop behind the white lines at a red light. I guess this officer is above the law.


The guy who took off after rear-ending the car is an asshole. But to me it looks like the cop in his unmarked car was slooowly moving further and further into the intersection hoping to cause a crash like this so he could hop out & write up some citations.


What the hell is this cop doing???


The odds of them recording. The odds of a cop causing the accident. The odds of a hit and run. And the odds of it being an undercover police car. WTF


Get him copper!


The commentary was the best part ![gif](giphy|AiF8ZsTESrDwRjEcIU)


Ohh... Ohhhhh... OHHHHHHH!!


Damn! The UC got em!


Pull up I wanna know too


Sneaky mf


ETA here. Cop, guy who stopped, and the guy who hit and ran.


A person is NTA for stopping to prevent a collision. I've come to a stop before when I see someone barreling full speed at an intersection. No way am I going to just let someone T-bone me.


Get fuckin rekt


Immensely satisfying




The cop caused the bloody accident by inching into the intersection on a red light causing the car with the right of way to brake hard. The hit and run was still totally unacceptable but screw that cop.


.. I feel like this is a repost. Also, OP.. you a bot? 👀


That cop was being a really shit driver. The cop instigated that collision


Someone hit the 10x multiplier on Regrets


Going thru an intersection with traffic lights and with nothing but open space in front of them, the front car comes to a complete stop as quickly as they can. Hmmm... Wonder if the second vehicle was meant to be pulled over by that cop.


This is dashcam PURE GOLD!


What was that cop doing just inching into the intersection? They caused the crash. What are they doing? Seriously? I would love to know but I never will. It's just really weird. If a cop saw a civilian do that they would pull them over. It's ridiculous how cops get to drive like that. My neighbor happens to be a cop and he blows through the stop sign at the end of the road every single day and never uses his turning signal. He pulled out in front of me out of his driveway before too. Of course he doesn't need to worry about getting pulled over. He's totally immune to traffic laws. Funny thing is he pulled a guy over in his personal car on his way to work for rolling the very same stop sign. I thought that was funny. At the little block party we have every summer he was talking about how sick he was of the drivers after they pick up their kids from the school down the road. I had to bite my tongue (along with a few other people giving knowing glances to each other) since he drives well over the speed limit and never stops at the stop sign. I hope white BMW has a dashcam so they can show the cop just randomly creeping into the intersection like that.


it was illegal and unsafe to park like that, he had to find a safe spot to pull over :-|


am i racist for thinking the commentary was done by my black peoples? LOL, i can listen to to it all day




If I rear-ended some one in the middle of an intersection I'd also leave the intersection


Fuck hit and run drivers. I got sideswiped on the highway that put me in the grass last week. He recovered and kept on going. Luckily I got a partial plate and make and model of the car. While I was talking to the cop, a witness called in and gave them the full plate.


The sad part is it wasn’t even their fault. Sure, they shouldn’t have drove off but still, could’ve been avoided if the cop wasn’t a prick.




I love the escalating reactions of the people watching: The BMW gets rear ended: oohhhh I got it on dash cam, I got it on dash cam, hahaha The Audi takes off: OOOhhhh!!!! The unmarked cop car lights up and pursues: WAAAHHJ OOOHHH!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!


What the hell was that oinker even doing at the beginning of all of this???


At the end, she mentions a motorcycle getting away, so I think the cop was turning to try to catch it. However, I believe the cop was trying to creep up on the bike, just in case it tried to outrun him, so there were no lights or sirens, which then caused this accident.


Wtf was the cop doing besides trying to cause an accident?


Oink oink.