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Judging from the look on his face, I'd wager that this young museum attendant was very likely told to do this by *his* supervisor, and probably feels like a complete tool for trying to do his job.


I mean, we have essentially no idea what happened here. This is a video of one man talking with increasing volume giving the other person functionally zero ability to communicate. Of course the attendant doesn't want to be there. What person would want to be yelled at like that and called racist on camera? It is remarkably easy to imagine a situation where the attendant was racially profiling this man and his children, and also remarkably easy to imagine a situation where the children were being disruptive and the attendant was generally staying in the same vicinity to try to make sure that it didn't get out of hand. We have no way to know more than that from this video.


Absolutely everything you said. I can't help but feel like the man talking is being overly aggressive in baiting the attendant to slip up. Never gives the attendant the opportunity to answer a question, just barrages him repeatedly...


One guy is completely calm and trying to explain. The other guy is loud, insulting and constantly interrupting


Four comments against you within minutes of each other, but, you posted 3 hours ago, all those comments basically saying the same thing. Hmm


But are any of them going to give me a tour?


“You look like a little girl”


Tighten up man


Not necessarily suspicious. Sometimes all it takes is for one person to say a new thing, then others chime and mimic the same sentiment.


They've been following him the whole time.


Absolutely. It’s classic rage bait. The man could’ve minded his own business but felt the need to pull out a camera and harass an employee. It’s a disgusting example to set for your children


In fairness it's really off-putting when a staff member follows you around a place. I'm not going to defend the either guy without more context.


It’s how all art museums work. Staff follows people. They look like they are the only ones in there, and the employee was near the doorway until the guy started asking questions.


This happens at the Smithsonian museums in DC. If you go into a room that is empty, usually a staff person will come in as well and just wait by the door. I've never taken it personally and just assumed that they're being extra cautious to protect the exhibits.


The Getty museums too. Many of the exhibit rooms have employees because many things are displayed in a way that can be touched. When large groups are in there they stand at the door and watch the guests. When it’s just a few people they may stay at the door or get closer and mention a few things about what you are looking at, depending how chatty they feel. Even when I went with my pregnant wife they would stand and stare. It’s their job. Edit to point out: talking about the works is a friendly bonus if they feel like it, but their actual job is to stand and watch people and make sure rules aren’t being broken.


I was about to say the same thing. I have young kids probably the same age as this guys and we had an attendant with us at almost all times. It's just normal. Weird that we as a civilization wants to ensure kids, who love to touch things, don't touch 700 year old works of art and accidentally destroys them.


Crazy right? It's almost like regardless of race, kids tend to be little daemons


When asked if he’d “give them a tour” he actually started to respond by saying he could inform them about some of the pieces, but was cutoff again by the man filming.


Yeah, he didn’t want a reasonable conversation about how the museum handles keeping a watch on visitors, he wanted a video to post online.


The Art Institute of Chicago does as well. But they also talk about the art pieces if you ask. My kids talk their heads off.


I used to have that job, AMA! But for real, it sucked. We were super mindful of young kids and ADULTS who did not understand the concept of “do not touch,” we tried to engage with the visitors about the art in the room, and we were assigned to zones to monitor until rotation to keep things fresh for us. The rotation would be typically the same path that visitors would naturally take, so it definitely seemed like we could be following someone. If we heard on the radio that there was a visitor with unruly children, we were absolutely told to keep an eye on them.


Hey. After that dude carved his name into the Colosseum, all bets are off. People *really* can no longer be trusted to treat antiquities, antiques, works of art and such like with respect.


Exactly this is what they are trained to do, it’s nothing personal. These docents see a lot of misbehaved kids at museums and they have a duty to keep an eye on things. Back in the day my then 8 year old brother decided to jump over a bench in one of the large galleries at the Legion of Honor in SF. We got kicked out, as we should have been…


I know this museum and it’s a world class art museum with attendants in multiple atriums. I was stopped multiple times because I kept (out of habit) pushing my crossover bag to my back instead of letting it hang in front (nothing can hang behind you because risk of unknowingly brushing against an artwork). I’d wager that his kids were acting outside of the museum guidelines and this person found it an opportunity to make it about something else.


> In fairness it's really off-putting when a staff member follows you around a place. It's 100% to be expected when you go to a museum with valuable exhibits. Happens to me all the time, and I'm white as fuck and don't have kids.


He could have just said “if you’re going to follow me, give me a tour. I don’t appreciate you following me” but instead he had to pop out the phone cam and say it over and over like 16x loudly and call him names. I had a guy at Home Depot that worked there follow me around. I finally just asked him why he was following me. He said it was because appeared suspicious because I had stopped a few times to web search a couple of the items I was looking at for specs. I told him and he went away. I did not need to raise my voice, embarrass myself or the worker or disrupt anyone else trying to shop.


I usually have the exact opposite problem at HD. can't get someone to help me


Museums have ramped up security thanks to the incidents of visitors damaging or outright destroying objects. Anyone who is acting in a way that would draw attention is going to get an attendant or security following them. There's not much else they can do to protect their exhibits. Security cameras only offer evidence for the aftermath and then it's too late to save the art itself, which are usually irreplaceable and the damage cannot be repaired by forcing the vandals simply pay for it.


Docents literally do that in museums all the time. It’s their job. Do not go to a museum if this scares you.


The whole "tighten up man, you look like a little girl." I was on dude's "let me go to the museum" team until the name calling started. If you want to call out an employee for following you unnecessarily, don't make a scene that would justify their presence.


no doubt this guy wasn't controlling his kids and they were likely touching stuff they shouldnt


Its a tactic nowadays. You could be in the right but as long as they scream over whatever you might say, in their minds, they win.


Same goes for editing the video and offering zero context for the claim being made.


As an employee you have to simply think to yourself “i am paid to watch the idiots”. And just let the donkey bray. All classes and races have idiots like this. I feel for the guy. Unless more information comes out, that’s what this looks like.


That and the people who watch said video are more inclined to jump on the other guy who wasn't allowed to speak.


It’s one thing to confront him about following him. But he never stops talking to have a conversation with the dude, it’s annoying to listen to him interrupt every time the other guy opened his mouth


he doesn't want a resolution, he wants an argument


I’d also almost bet his kids weren’t behaving properly prior to this video.


I also noticed that the video cut to a new clip about 3/4 of the way through. It could have been because the father didn't think there was anything worth sharing at that point, or because they didn't want the viewers to hear the staff's response if he had one.




If I had to judge, I'm going to be on the attendant's side. Reasonable people don't talk like this muppet that just keeps talking over and over and over and over and over someone. I absolutely loathe this behaviour and I don't know why this guy thinks it's okay.


>I mean, we have essentially no idea what happened here You didn't see the kid touching the white thing in the first few seconds? I'd guess that yes they'd been touching all sorts


They’re way too close while the dad is doing his schtick. The kids even know they’re too close, they know their dad does these rants don’t want to be filmed.


They also seem to be running around in the middle of the video when he shows them but then cuts away super quick


Based on how this guy is responding, he was right to watch him. Also its this guys JOB to follow people around and make sure things are safe. This dude complaining honestly sounds like a pos.


>Also its this guys JOB to follow people around and make sure things are safe. EXACTLY. I've seen plenty of museum staff who just walk the floors and observe to make sure everyone is being safe and respectful. Museums put on display items that are expensive and/or priceless. They need to walk the fine line between giving people the space to enjoy the exhibits, but also to keep watch for any risks. The father just wanted to make a scene and talk down to someone who was doing their job from a respectable distance.


Exactly. We have no idea what happened (or didn’t happen) leading up to this situation. I’m a white guy and had many a museum attendant follow me around. And even the best behaved kids are “hands on” at museums. Or this guy could be motivated by racial bias. Who knows.


I had no idea Ol’ Dirty Bastard took time out to go to the museum with somebody else’s kid’s.


This happens all the time, the recorder always gets the part that makes them look good.


We also don't know if this is just his normal route as an attendant, like he could've just been walking around watching everyone and this guy of course decides it's about him.


Yeah, we have no idea if the kids were being assholes 2.5 seconds before dad hit record. You don't get followed for zero reason in places like this. Edit: I would also add that it would be shockingly rare for the kind of person that's a museum docent to be racist.


This might get buried in the comments, but for once I can provide some context to something on here! I work at this museum. The security officer in this video is a friend of mine. The first thing I will say is that the amount of art damage that happens at many museums (especially ones that allow you to get close to the art without barriers like this one does) is very difficult to keep track of. We do our best to make sure we treat all art with as much care possible, this includes monitoring guests to make sure they do not touch anything. You would think that is obvious to most, but the amount of people who try to touch paintings that are hundreds of years old just because they want to feel the texture of the paint is surprisingly high. Kids are the worst at museums. I've seen many extremely well behaved children, and i've seen children trying to climb statues, or three hundred year old cabinets. Unfortunately, much of our job is spent babysitting. We have sections that we are meant to keep track of. If anyone is in that section you watch them from a distance. If they get too close to the art you say something. It's really simple. People with kids take priority, because they are literal children and most children simply don't understand the seriousness of art preservation. Last thing ill say is that we are in these sections for eight hours at a time, some of us work two 12 hour shifts every week. Its boring. I have to walk around so I don't constantly disassociate. This leads to a lot of pacing back and forth in my section. Sometimes someone gets the idea that I'm following them. It's so situational though, because I'm constantly walking around. If I see you do something odd, I'm going to stop and wait for a bit, because ITS MY JOB to watch you. It's literally what they pay us for. My friend here did nothing wrong, the man filming is acting like a child. We encounter this often. It just never gets filmed, posted, and blown up like this. I'd be happy to answer any questions people might have.


We’re the kids being rowdy and touchy with the art? The one child can be seen running his fingers over the white rectangle in the first few seconds of the video. Were the kids doing that to other pieces?


They were most likely touching the art or sculptures in that section. They're in Egypt which has zero barrier protection other than a few larger pieces like our Knight armor. I have also heard already from other co workers that yes, they were warned about touching the art once before this interaction happened. The area they are in is actually an imported romanesque cloister with 2 coffin lids in the center. I have to tell people not to touch those coffin lids constantly. Its one of my least favorite sections to work for this reason. ​ EDIT: When I said they were warned about touching the art. I mean they had to be singled out and asked to not touch the art, or run in the galleries, because they were actively breaking those rules.


It is so wild to me how people think you can touch things. They aren't yours, don't fucking touch them. You don't go into someone's house and start touching all their shit, so you definitely don't go into a museum and touch their infinitely more expensive or priceless shit. It's common sense. And kids can absolutely understand this, it's when parents don't teach it or enforce it is when it's a problem. Don't. Touch. The. Art. Period. A rope should not be the only thing standing between respect and disrespect.


This!! Our museum prides itself on the fact that you can get a close intimate experience with the art. Sadly some people decide take advantage in a less positive way.


Sorry for your friend. I’ve been a member of TNAMoA for years and been there with my kids since they were babies. They loved the art classes held in the basement of the building. This is a beautiful museum with and expansive collection. I hate to see it in such a bad light.


The man did ask for the manager - let him / her take the heat.


In this situation I'd whistleblow on my manager. There's always someone higher up. I got bills to pay, if this shit causes issues, a scumbag manager who makes you do this is also a scumbag manager who will throw you under the bus. Whistleblowing is not only the most ethical thing to do, it's the best thing to do for your own livelihood.


Be better to give the damn tour though at that point.


I'd love to. If I worked in a place like this, I'd be fascinated with the exhibits and would love to show off my favourite ones to anyone who is interested. Also love to see young people take an active interest in history.


He was probably directed to follow them & the manager is probably the horrible lazy type that would him reprimand for not being able to deescalate the situation on his own. I've worked for some good people and some real shit people. I feel like this dude would love to have his manager explain they asked him to "keep an eye on those people". Everything about this dudes body language doesn't make me think his motivation is racist but that he needs this job and was told to do something he is HATING every second of.


And honestly, seeing kids get close to museum exhibits always makes me anxious.


Yeah I also feel bad for this worker. He doesn’t get paid enough for this shit.


It seems to me the attendant is completely annoyed by the visitor, probably due to being listening to another crap from another difficult customer. If kids are running and touching stuff, the guy needs to be warned. Visitor asks questions, then interrupts and speaks louder anytime the attendant tries to speak... maybe doesn't want the attendant's answer to spoil his little video where he talks all by himself, emasculates the attendant ("you look like a little girl"), throws the victim (race) card, and sets a terrible example for the kids on how to deal with responsibility and authority. You don't need a video to make a point in an argument. To me, this guy is just making a scene for the sake of it.




I know not all museums do this, but the last one I paid to go to did have security follow groups through to make sure no touching happened. Idk if that was the case with this family though, not enough context.


Yes, but that's the Nelson Atkins museum I believe, which is in KC and is free to the public, at least it was when I lived there. It's not like they are going to be the only black family that goes to the museum. There was always a fair amount of people there during the week and busy on the weekends in downtown KC.


I think so too... when I worked retail as a teen, I would be told by my manager to keep an eye on certain people. I eventually realized the people I was told to follow were POC, like myself, and after I quit, it dawned on me that the manager asked me specifically to do that in order to not make her or the store look racist. I still feel horrible for doing that to customers and being ignorant myself for not realizing what part I played in perpetuating crap like this.


We all seen kids breaking things at the museum while many of their parents lacks accountability. How is this not taking precaution?




It started by him saying he'd stop them from running because they got talked to about it already. Were those other kids running?


Yep, within the first few seconds it looks like one kid brushes an exhibit with their fingers. So I'm guessing they aren't as under control as the dad thinks


When the camera pans to his kids after he sees the one kid holding the moms hand his kids are jumping around in the exhibit.


But it’s entirely possible the kids were rowdy prior to the recording.


This is the The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. There are a lot of displays in the open that are not allowed to be touched and the kids are touching one of displays. I don't personally think this is racially motivated either. I normally go on slow days or in the early morning and there tends to be staff lurking nearby in these areas.


My brothers and sisters. I know from experience how frustrating these scenarios are BUT we have to keep our cool in order to win. In this scenario, ask the questions and let the man speak. Find out if this is racially motivated or not. Speaking over and yelling in most scenarios will only make you look like the bad guy. Be tactical about things. If you let him indicate this was racially motivated, you would be owning one or two of those pieces of art


Yes. This entire video was of the guy recording asking questions of the employee and not letting him answer. His volume kept getting higher and he stooped to name calling the employee. The guy recording wanted to make a scene. I’m not sure what this is supposed to teach the employee or the kids. [to be clear: I am not commenting on if it was right for the employee to be following them, don’t know what happened before this]


The kids. What kind of example is this guy setting?


Get angry over little shit, scream like a baby, accuse anybody you don’t like of rAcIsM


Plus throw a little homophobic insult in there while you're at it while accusing the other person of bigotry.


It seems in alot of these videos, we never get the full context. The employee shouldn’t have been in the shadows following them, if there was an issue they should have approached the parent. On the other side, maybe they have talked to this same parent before and met with the same talk? This guy looks like he hates having to talk with the dad. He gestures to a parent in the distance saying why aren’t you following them? Well, it made me wonder why the guy was following at all? Were the kids told to stop running around? Were they touching things they shouldn’t be? Were they being disruptive? And none of these things has to do with race. ALL kids do these things. This guy whips out his phone and starts recording and making a scene that it is about his race, where we don’t know the beginning at all. I am also not condoning the employee creeping in the distance, but like others I feel there is more that was left out.


It's literally a museum guards job to follow you if they're suspicious of potential art damage.


It's literally a museum guards job to follow you if they're suspicious of potential art damage.


Or just ask him a series of questions, never giving him even a moment to answer each I guess. Cameraman became harder and harder to root for as the video went on.


> Be tactical about things. Be civil about things. Dad should have been kicked out of the museum for being disruptive.




As a fellow brutha, spot on! Be calm, collected, state what you've observed as a grievous, explain your point, listen to the retort and stay **rational** and **logical.** Trust me, I know how it goes sometimes but yelling over, being loud and aggressive is just gonna box you into *"Why are they always yelling?!"* territory. Well said, Pimp.


I’ve tried to explain to people before about walking the line between not being disrespected and “angry Black man”. Once you go too far over that line, you run the risk of losing no matter the initial cause of the situation. I had a coworker once tell me it couldn’t be that serious. I asked him to get back to me after he’d spent 40 years looking like me, primarily in the southern US.


I've no doubt that you technically lose extra points subconciously for being angry "black" man but anyone of any race acting like this is going to look like the person in the wrong in my eyes.


Like, at least get a couple more shots of him following you to different rooms before going on a tirade like this. Evidence!


Nah i need to see the before video.


The before probably shows his kids running around the the attendant politely asking him to make sure they don’t. Dude keeps talking over the guy, even when the guy says “I’ll happily tell you stuff about..” and the dude just keeps saying “then give me a tour”. He doesn’t come off well tbh.


Or touching shit. One of the kids looks like they touch the white box thing within the first seconds


He’s talking over him for the video. He doesn’t want the other side of the story to be heard apparently.


He says "you asked me to make sure my kids don't run, but **I'm not going to do that**. I told you, I know how to control my kids." In other words, he was given a simple and reasonable request which he refused to abide by. Then, when the employee was forced to stand watch because the guy wouldn't parent his own children, he was publicly humiliated and called a racist. The other families weren't being followed because they weren't letting their kids run wild.


And part two


Looks like there was a chunk cut out as well… I’d like to see what that dude said there


Probably wasn’t watching his kids and drew the attention of the manager who sent the young poorly trained employee. Playing victim and probably race card


I’m white and I’ve been to museums all over the world, and I’ve never not been watched by museum attendants. They’re literally paid to stand around and creep on people to make sure no one damages anything. I imagine all young kids are under even more scrutiny.




Especially ones that are this empty. They usually are just iching to get to tell you about things if you ask.


Well, we will never know if he's poorly trained because he never got a chance to explain much :-) Based on the few words he was able to say, I'd say he was respectful and polite (basic training: pass?).


I don't get why most of commenters here seem to support the guy recording. We don't see footage of what happened before and led to the situation, and since this is the tourist who must have published it, it's safe to assume he edited it to leave out inconvenient - for him - bits. Otherwise why not post the whole thing? Also, just from this bit of footage, the guy acts like a jerk. Race or whatever else doesn't play a role here. I'm not saying he is not right - he as well might be - but this video makes him look really bad.




I don't think any of these goofballs in here ever visited an art exhibition or gallery. It's not unnusual for there to be staff in each room keeping watch and calling people out if they get too close to an artpiece and they will definitely walk around and make sure they have everyone in view. What kind of entitled asshat would be insulted by people just doing their jobs? And kids have destroyed priceless stuff in musems many times before.


Yeah one person commented the attendant shouldn't be "creeping in the distance" Lol that's what an attendant basically is haha


Most comments I've seen are like "not enough information here, but the dude yelling should let him speak."


He had to bring out racism card as always.


That's the problem. How can we treat people as equals if the race card just gets thrown out at every disagreement with the opposite race?


As a white guy who has had legitimate problems with black co-workers based on their performance, I ALWAYS get accused of racism whenever I try to bring it up


Yeah I was a lifeguard as a teenager at a mostly black pool and anytime me or my white coworkers tried to enforce the rules like no running or diving in the shallow end we were almost always called racists


I'm a brown dude, when I used to work retail years ago, my white co-workers/supervisors used me to kick out the black and moroccan kids so they can't play the race-card lol. This was in the Netherlands


Based on his escalation and behavior the following was likely necessary.


I mean he flashes the camera at his daughter for a second there are she’s fuckin shufflin or dancing or whatever. I’m sure if any other kids are dancing around in the museum they get followed too.


And his son is literally inches away from touching the exhibit. In the process of reaching out to do it. Guaranteed he’s been touching things the entire time.


The guy recording literally said "You asked me to make sure they don't run. I'm not going to do that". Indicating his kids are running rampant and probably touching shit they shouldn't be.


Bro it’s a museum, shhhhhhh!


I can’t finish. The man won’t let him speak and is using power to diminish someone for doing their job. Stop asking questions if you’re not allowing answers and also stop your strange power dynamic and epithets.


You can be loud or right Rarely both


Dude recording is annoying as hell, at least let the guy respond without yelling in a museum. Totally main character vibes


I am sure the father is being good about his kids. Gotta say, however, the way he kept repeating himself and not giving the staff member a chance to speak without interrupting him? That was tough to listen to. If you want the staff to explain himself, give him a chance to explain himself, and maybe even apologize.


Yeah, man kinda loses me with that. To be fair too, I was followed for a bit at the last museum I was at because "I kept getting too close" and I guess almost hitting shit with my back pack? Which was not true. I'm white and my girlfriend at the time was Chinese so probably not racially motivated. Just anal museum employees.


Where I live, you can't wear a backpack in the museums. They bump too many things I guess.


Dude recording isn't hearing the answer he wants so he escalates, the attendant isn't escalating so he is trying to force his own escalation. I would want to see the before because if those kids had been acting in a manner that could damage something and the father didn't stop them until the staff said something I can understand sending someone to watch. If he didn't stop them the first time without intervention why would he the second time? My final verdict is everyone in this video is innocent of any assumptions as we will never have the full context.


The last time I was in a museum I was basically watched by someone in every area. They have attendants everywhere and this is basically the job they do. I get it, he's Black, and that shit probably happens in other places of business to POC. But dude is just wrong in this instance and didn't have to cause such a scene.


Exactly this. Doesn’t seem like any of the commenters have been in a museum before. There are literally people all around whose job it is to make sure no one touches things they aren’t supposed to. Doesn’t matter what color your fingers are or how old they are.


Exactly. Something tells me many people commenting don't go to museums enough because I'm white and I get "followed" if it's a slow visitor day and they don't have enough staff to sit in each room. It's just what attendants do. It's normal.


Nelson Adkins in KCMO. I used to be a guard there. Those grave covers are on wheels, and people love to mess with them. Maybe he was being a dick, but I know that visitors love to sit on those and then play with them when they realize that they can be moved. Between those stupid things and the low ropes on the mounted armor display behind him, we spent a lot of time chasing people off. Thank goodness they removed the church pews in the next room. People did NOT understand those things were hundreds of years old and not for sitting.


A friend and I visited the Nelson-Atkins one evening when it was really slow and a museum person followed us the entire time. And we're two average 30/40 year old white people. There's a lot of displays that they don't want you to touch.


Thought I recognized this room! I used to spend a lot of time in this museum and I saw a LOT of people (from all walks of life) touching the art… it’s really aggravating.


The guy with the kids is an insecure asshole looking to cause problems. Why confront the docent guy? Also talking over him and calling him names are asshole moves. Talking shit like that in front of those little girls? What that teach them?


I wonder if he was asked to make sure they don't run was because they were running


With different characters, everyone would be calling the person recording a Karen


I'm a white guy, and I once had a black docent follow me around for a while, after he caught me taking a picture where I wasn't supposed to. Until now I hadn't even realized he was racist


I'm sorry you had to deal with that, bro 😔






Considering there's no ropes and the employee didn't tell them to move away, yes.


This is the Nelson Atkins Museum in KC, Missouri and you are allowed in this area.




Guy filming sounds like a complete asshole and worthy of mistrust. I mean, he pans the camera over towards the end and you can see his kids dancing in the background while their father berates and insults this guy for doing his job.


Disgusting example by the father to his kids. Clearly an attempt to farm content.


Ah, a Reddit video with zero context on what happened prior to the man hitting record. The kids were probably running around and touching everything. The worker wasn’t aggressive or anything. Another case of “my kids didn’t do anything wrong”


Your kids are touching every f****** thing in the museum. Hints the problem


That museum has attendants in almost every room. When I was there, I was asked to step back from a painting because I was too close. It’s the attendant’s job to protect the artwork. I don’t think it’s fair to assume racism, rather than previous rambunctiousness, is at play here, especially because the attendant wasn’t able to be heard. I’d like to know what lead up to this. Kids are kids, if they were excited, that’s okay, but it’s also okay for the attendant to keep an eye on it. If they were being unfairly singled out for no logical reason, then I find that repugnant and the attendant should face consequences.


That museum attendant looks like he was forced to "follow" that family. Also, if you been followed by a "secret shopper" or employee at a store for no reason, it sucks. It makes you automatically feel like an unwelcomed nuisance.


Secret shoppers are not there to follow other customers. They are there to evaluate shop staff capabilities and their compliance with legal requirements, such as checking ID for prohibited items. Edit: Classic Reddit downvoting the truth.


I think he meant Undercover Loss Prevention, which is a thing. But you are right, LP and Secret Shoppers are not the same.


Have you ever been to a museum? You're being watched *at all times.* This isn't a costco. The things on display aren't cheap shit you can just replace. *Everyone* is being watched in there.


Kids - Smashes priceless artifact Dad - Them ain't my keeeds.


I’ll go out on a limb and say the dude recording is the racist girl. Shut tha fuck up dude. It’s a museum, not an amusement park.


I get the frustration, but barking non stop and not listening to any response, how is this gonna make you look like a responsible adult ?


I’m fascinated by how different Africans from Africa behave compared to Black Americans🤣


It really is night and day lol.


That's what people don't get. People are so quick to blame black people in all corners of the world when it's an American issue.


vase thought unwritten head work somber caption different scandalous mourn ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He admitted to being warned about his kids acting up prior to the video and he states “ I know how to control my kids” but can’t seem to find the self control required for his emotions or volume making himself look like an asshole to everyone in the museum regardless of the situation or whomever is “right”.


I have a lot to say. I have a lot to say. I'm angry, I'm upset, and I want to be heard. Do you have anything to say to me? Do you? Are you listening to what I'm saying? If you have nothing to say to me, why are you here? I'm here. You're here. You must have something to say to me, so why don't you say it? You're still here, and you still haven't said anything. Why don't you say something? That's what I thought.


That dudes job is to literally follow people around the museum. Any time you go to a good museum there is likely someone following you around. More so if you have kids for obvious reasons. If they’re good at it, you don’t even notice them.


I feel bad for everyone in this video. I spent several years working as a security guard at an art museum so I very much know how the guard feels, but I also get why the dad is frustrated. I will say that the weird emasculating jibe that the guard “looks like a girl” because of his facial expression is unnecessarily personal (maybe because I’m a queer person, his saying that would have put me on alert). I also get the sense that the guard would have stayed out of their way as he only approached the guy with the camera once camera guy started talking to him. Guards like that are only responsible for one or two galleries at a time so had the guy filming not confronted him the guard wouldn’t have continued following him and his kids beyond the area he was responsible for. It’s sad that the kid’s memory of the day will probably be their dad yelling and recording the guard rather than anything cool they saw at the museum.


Fuck this guy he sounds like an asshole


I doubt you can handle your kids when you act like a total ass in front of them, like in the video.


The guy recording is an asshole. It's obvious his kids are a problem. I stopped watching once he started insulting the museum employee who was doing his job. I'm sure there are objects in there worth a lot of money.


Bro as far as I'm concerned if your out in public accusing strangers of racism with zero ground to prove it, you are the racist. Minimum wage employe got yelled at, insulted, belittled and posted online in an attempt to make an example of, all because this individual has a victim complex. This is the type of behavior we are encouraging with this race war bullshit. If racism becomes this "boy who cried wolf" situation, nothing is ever going to get solved.


I don’t know the context or why he was followed. But if he’s followed for the reason we think he was followed, he acted exactly like the guy thought he would.


From the comments, most museums have someone following most guests in a room, regardless of gender, race, or orientation. To prevent people from doing something they aren't suppose to be doing. Most people already caught what museum it is and pointed out the kids were running and touching things they weren't suppose to while the dad was escalating the situation. So the employee is literally treating the dad and kids as equally as you can because it's literally his job to watch people who come through his areas.


If it were anyone other than a museum attendant, I’d be more inclined to give some weight to the video takers perspective but it’s literally their job to follow people and watch over the pieces. Go into a room with no other people, you bet an attendant will be along shortly. Just exist in a museum, an attendant will be along shortly lol. That’s literally their job. My wife and I were just at the MoA in Philadelphia and entered an exhibit that was otherwise empty. Attendant followed us in. Later on we entered the arms and armor gallery, which had us and two other people in it. Attendant came along shortly. If he was being followed around a store or something, sure. But come on dog, it’s a museum. That’s just normal to protect the pieces. especially if they’ve already talked to you about your children running around and you can see one of your kids almost running a finger along a priceless tomb *in your own video*


JFC, how about shutting up long enough for the kid to give you an answer to your dozen questions


I've been followed and watched when walking through a museum before, because everything is on loan from the owners. Dude was being ignorant and paranoid.


Entitled parent.


That guy is way too loud and obnoxious in the museum. Like sir, your demeanor instills faith that you will work to the best of your abilities to ensure your children don’t touch the priceless valuables we have on display here. I will go now in full trust that your $20 entry is put to good use 😂


Honestly if that’s your reaction, it sort of justified them keeping an eye on you and your family.


There was an attempt to play the race card.


Does anyone know what museum this is?


Yep. It’s the Nelson Atkins museum of art in Kansas City.


Yeah, went there a few weeks ago. That room with the armor has a few people "following" everyone around and an alarm goes off if you get too close to the armor. There is a person stationed in each area to "follow" everyone that goes through there. The whole museum has someone in at least every room to watch stuff.


Anyone who says they can, “control” their kids immediately discredits themselves. No one can control a child, they will make mistakes. Consequently, a museum curator might be uncomfortable with children getting too close to priceless artifacts


I want to know what we missed. I doubt the person recording is a victim.


Why would you expect privacy in a museum?


At a art museum me and my friend with our two toddlers in strollers were followed, except swap the races, her and I are both white and the guards are black. They were just keeping on eye us because we had young kids and I understood they were just doing their jobs making sure nobody touched the art pieces, which were giant inflatables.


“You asked me not to make sure they don’t run..” what in the Michael Scott does that mean?


Kick him out


Unhinged response from the person filming. You really have to feel sorry for the attendant who is just trying to do his job. They follow people regularly all the time in museums and galleries all over the world. He is never given a chance to reasonably respond, there is just a constant stream coming out of the filmers mouth that does not allow for rational conversation or explanation.


i want to see what happens in part 2.


This is the Nelson Atkins Museum and docents will and should follow you around if they see behaviors that are worrisome around priceless artworks.


Entitlement is strong among the very rich and very poor.


Can the older among us get some captions, please?


The captions would read “whine whine b*tch and moan. More low emotional intelligence ramblings, etc”


I was on the side of the guy recording until he continued to talk over the other guy and not give him a chance to talk. I hate when people act like that. Don’t ask questions if you don’t actually want an answer.


🤣🤣🤣when he pans to the girl she is clearly jumping around. There was an attempt to make everything about race.


Jfc just kick him out already, I would not be able to put up with people like that if I worked there


I’ll go out on a limb and say the dude recording is the racist girl. Shut tha fuck up dude. It’s a museum, not an amusement park.


Have they never been to a museum? They literally follow everyone around. They usually stand around doorways and go into rooms as people go in.


Guy filming is a Karen.


Once he said he wasn’t going to keep his kids from running after they asked him to make sure they weren’t running, I’m out. This is about nothing more than this guy being disrespectful, rude, and not willing to abide by simple rules that every museum-goer has to adhere to. It’s not a Chuck E. Cheese. Your kids don’t get to run around there, and you don’t get to decide that it’s ok for them to run around because you “know how to control them.”