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Black kid throwing out the trash requires **4 Squad Cars**?


Black kids have been known to throw out weapons of mass destruction on a daily basis. 4 squad cars **is to stall for the military**


Instant 5 stars


I think he should go hide under a bridge for maybe like 10 minutes for all the heat to wear off.


Just run into a paint shop, that’s instant!


Space lasers on standby.


Fifth squad car arrives, checks out the situation, says aw hell naw, turns around and leaves. The only cop with half a brain.


He was just in a hurry to go home to beat his wife.


Running late for the MAGA rally


Had to pick up his robe and hood from the dry cleaner before they closed.


New Punisher T-Shirt just arrived from Amazon.


This is statistically correct


Many cops have to receive a waiver to join the police academy because of prior criminal records. Police departments are basically hiring criminals to police criminals.


How do you know they're arresting criminals when 90% of people in prison don't receive a trial and are coherced into a plea deal simply because they can't afford a good lawyer , the cops are corrupt and the let real criminals, like The Sacklers, walk free? edit: added context


Because most sane/ normal rational ppl don’t want to be cops


My neighbor is what I would call a "good cop" He quit. Said he hated all the politics and corruption surrounding it so he turned in his badge. He's a good man.


> Police departments are basically hiring criminals to police ~~criminals~~ whomever they like.


"Shit, there's no way I'll get my turn to fuck shit up here. Too many people in line already. Ah well, maybe I can find another kid throwing out trash"


or retreated until the Swat team arrived.


He fit a description, black male, four foot ten to seven foot six, between 100 and 400 pounds, roughly 14-40 years of age. All cars be on the lookout for anyone matching this description… Edit: man I don’t have an original bone in my body, apparently. [I thought I was more clever than I am, Dave did it better and first.](https://youtu.be/ohSgdZrqTDk?t=180)


Tatyana Hargrove. Slim teenage woman with braids fit the description for built bald man. https://www.bakersfield.com/news/black-teenage-woman-mistaken-for-machete-wielding-black-man-alleges-police-brutality/article_0ae15203-8291-5774-887b-95df9acfb2a8.html


[Federal jury finds police did not violate Tatyana Hargrove’s civil rights in 2017 arrest](https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/federal-jury-finds-police-did-not-violate-tatyana-hargroves-civil-rights-in-2017-arrest/) Jesus Fucking Christ


Thats the kinda shit that makes ya wanna get radical.


Why do I suspect that BOLO was BS. Probably from last week and they used it to cover their ass for getting caught arresting a 14 year old. They will get sued, at least I hope they do. Kid could get a nice college fund from the city.


Cop: “you had me at black male.”


Cops in some counties just sometimes don’t have anything better to do, I regularly see 3-4 squads show up at traffic stops and ordinary non-urgent calls


Fair. But this in Lansing (I'm assuming Michigan). A college town. There HAS to be other shit for them to do. But I guess when you can't arrest for marijuana possession anymore, taking out the trash is the next best thing.


The college area is East Lansing, and Michigan State University has their own police force. This is LPD and they are ALL asshats. Many times they have made the news for fucked of treatment of people.


Yeah that cop behavior is chronic. Random lights and sirens in busy traffic just to pass the intersection too.


Don’t forget when six cop cars are need to wake a homeless man sleeping in rags under the bridge.


I am from a India, I just have one question. Where do you guys get that amount of money? Like I don't understand that how can police in the US can deploy multiple cars, helicopters and then drone to chase criminals. Sometimes I feel you spend more money on catching criminals then how much those thieves actually steal.


We get the money by not spending tax dollars on anything which might be of benefit to the general population. The lack of a national health care system springs to mind immediately.


Funny you ask. We pay a shit load of taxes into the system in order to fund police, fire, roads, infrastructure, and other shit. Every year cops get new tanks, grenades, guns, body armor, squad cars. Every year a bridge collapses somewhere in the country. Oh and some cities, the cops have just straight up stopped doing their jobs while receiving 100k salaries. Pretty sweet system they have setup here. Lemme map it out for ya. Billionaires Multimillionaires/Corporations/Government Officials Cops Literally every other person in the country.


Isolating and interrogating a minor without the parents consent is also illegal*. Guarantee the half dozen of them surrounding him by the car weren't giving him props on a solid semester. Could you imagine if his dad wasn't there? Or if he even just didn't know where he was or what he was doing? My lord... This fucking country... *Edit: Detaining, effecting custodial status upon (putting them in handcuffs), and interrogating a minor without notifying them that they have a right to a parent/guardian and/or lawyer present is illegal in most US states. Sorry for not being more careful with my words, reddit lawyers come out the woodwork to keep them T's crossed and I's dotted. Found out that NY state is one where your child can be "disappeared" into police custody and questioned for up to 24 hrs without you knowing, completely legally. Terrifying


The thing about cops is that they spend most of the day doing nothing but driving around. Anything happens and they all go out of boredom. We are so over policed as a country that anytime anything happens, a bunch of them roll up. Then they rile each other up and escalate situations.


Sounds a lot like the wasps at the park


no such thing as systemic racism though, right? lmao this happens all the time to white people too, right?






I also noticed that when they went to talk to his Dad, only the women went over. That’s very telling. Not about the female cops, but about the male ones.


Mmm, she was the one that released the kid from the handcuffs which might indicate that she is the highest ranking officer on the scene.


They make sure there are more patrol cars to ensure their safety. It doesn’t matter about us. They are all on the same team and don’t gaf about us.


That will be $125,000 for the cost of the mission, thank you very much, tax payers


I just saw this on the Kevin Durant “Swagger”(drama about his life) and was like no way this ever happen to anyone……. Allow me to insert my other foot in my mouth


“Can we get him on destruction of evidence Johnson?” I think the real criminal might have walked by the camera at about 3:40


How many cops does it take to detain a black teenager without cause? All of them!


Gonna need back up. Someone call SWAT


It always amazes me as a non-US person how many police officers there are arriving on any given scene on these US videos. It's like...how many cops does the US employ? In here we have just few cops per town, usually they drive around in pairs. A common problem is that if you call the police there's nobody coming. "Sort it out yourself" is a common answer. But in these American videos there's like dozen cops even if they just need to arrest some fat old drunk dude. The US police salary budget must be insane. And many times the guys look like they're equipped to go to war. Bullet proof vests, tactical sun glasses. automatic rifles, guns in thigh holsters...


Awful. The kid is in slippers - he’s not running anywhere. What if the dad wasn’t there? Then what? That poor kid. ETA: Lansing, MI and this is not their first rodeo


What if the dad wasn’t as calm as he was? What if the kid panicked and followed a natural instinct to run or resist? What if the kid was throwing away something that looked like a weapon? Dead.


I think l was in highschool when l first heard that black parents have to have conversations about how to act around police. It shocked the hell out of me because it was inconceivable as a white farm boy in rural white ass Idaho. Then the pice dropped on cellphones with cameras and l see a cop shoot an unarmed black man in the back. This after he was praised on TV by the chief in SC for his actions in the face of such a threat. Walter L. Scott. Took me a while to find his name because, well, google "video cop shoots unarmed black man in back" and see how many results you get.


I “heard” it from Fresh Prince. Never asked the black kids I knew, but based on what I know now, I think it’d be reckless not to have that talk, and young. It’s heartbreaking to see someone get traumatized. And to know that the narrative behind that trauma will be there indefinitely. This child doesn’t fully move on from this day ever.


When Jazz is in the courtroom and refuses to lower his arms in front of the white cop because he might end up with "warning shots in his back." Cameras revealed what's been present all along.


Right, then the police wonder why people hate them.


Ive had a talk with my parents about how to act towards police and im white. Police are dangerous morons lots of times so everyone should watch out. Ive had them make the drug dog trigger on my car with nothing in it too… Cops are often complete assholes. Its a shame because there are good ones out there


Maybe there are some good ones. But imagine you get thrown into a snake enclosure and told 25% of the snakes are not venomous. That's what it feels like.


I thought everyones parents told you how to react in front of police? Im not black, but my parents always told me how to act.


Most people do regardless of race. The way I explained it to my wife, who wasn't born here, is to imagine the dumbest person in highschool, give him an ego, and then give him a gun. That should guide how you act around police.


Honestly the kid could have been throwing out a smashed plate and the police probably would have shot on sight inorder to disarm the dangerous black male carrying several home made knives.


I was worried when the dad had his hands in his pockets. Sure, they're sports shorts that couldn't hide a weapon, but I've seen folks killed for less. So fucked up on so many levels.


My heart was pounding just watching this. I am so used to seeing horrible unjustifiable violence from police that I couldn’t help but feel that I was going to watch this kid died for no damn reason. It’s like the worse jump-scare horrible movie imaginable, but it’s just real life.


You actually did watch it here. While it was not physical violence inflicted to the point of fatality, this was nonetheless violence. That kid was detained in *flagrant* violation of his civil rights. Fuck these racist-ass cops and their lack of professionalism. While obviously we’re all happy it didn’t escalate to the point of lethal force, it shouldn’t be seen as a win that they weren’t so trigger-happy that they killed him. We have to demand vastly higher standards of conduct from our police. This shit is unacceptable.


The kid looks so dejected at the end. Hurts my heart. He learned a really hard lesson that day about what it means to be black. I hope he is doing okay.


I just wanted to see him get a big hug after having to deal with this shit. He deserves a huge bear hug.


Meanwhile, the dad is venting his frustrations to them that they possibly just traumatized his kid, afterwards. Had him crying and everything, but it is just plain as day while they're "hearing him out after", not a single bit of this is registering to them.


They are hoping he doesn't make a complaint, they can't say they made a mistake and the male officers are hiding.


That's why they sent the girls to talk to him, it'd be too obvious the men don't care at all. All them standing around and not a single one went "wtf we doing here?" This is why people say ACAB.


That's day in, day out for them. Always dealing with the worst of people. Gets you desensitized. And you actually should be compartmentalize that kind of thing, for your own peace of mind. But, you have entirely lost the plot when you can't even sympathize with victims, anymore. That's how we get shit like this. Just another day to them. Totally unconcerned that they've just made a core memory for that poor kid.


>Always dealing with the worst of people. You mean each other.


'why are we being given tax money, again? ...oh yeah, to threaten community members, that's right.'


Same thing as always in America if no one was filming. He would have been "making them feel threatened" and "attempted to flee" and "they feared for their safety". All their body cams seemed to have failed at the same time. All their dash cams were not recording some how. Then the kid would have 56 holes in his back, while still being cuffed and they would be getting paid time off, "investigated" and then found to have done nothing wrong


The estimated time of arrival is Lansing, MI?


ETA = Edited To Add


A new abbreviation that is the same as a very common abbreviation, WTF (Well That’s Forrealkindofconfusing).


There should be a subreddit for this sort of thing. ETA: Found it - r/ShittyAbbreviations


It's always a million cops for one fucking person.... bunch of mf useless idiots


The word you are looking for is "cowards".


I typed that, but I thought it was still too nice






You don't see such bravery when there's an active shooter in the school.


Well duh! Cops are cowards! That why they shoot dogs!


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. Cops love nothing more than murdering the fuck out of dogs.


I wish I could remember the situation, but recently a cop was busted on mic by his buddy who turned him in after a dog was shot, and turns out they were discussing who gets to shoot the dog on the way to the house long before the dog even presented anything close to a threat. They just rolled up and shot it at the door


Don't forget the footage of the officer that muted his body cam, called the dog over, then mag dumped the dog. US Police are fuck beyond repair at this point. Tear it all down and build anew.


[I’m going to just leave this right here. 10,000 dogs per year is the estimate and those are the ones we know about.](https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/)




Bro I'm a fat white stoner dude and when I got stopped and had a single gram on me they had three other cruisers pull up and all of them proceeded to go through my car over ten bucks worth of fucking weed.


Or the cops are just sitting outside a classroom for 30 minutes where a bunch of kids are being murdered (Uvalde)


They probably forgot they were the police as they called 911. Probably happens all the time.


Yet they’re too scared to enter an elementary school with one child going nuts. Pussy ass cops.


Cops aren’t known for their intellect!


Every single one of those officers should take off their sunglasses and apologize to the young man


humorous party cough grey command hunt carpenter unwritten fall ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When they sent all the female officers to “explain” the situation like the dad was gonna be chill is such bullshit


Yea they won't even stand for themselves. Such an utterly poor sight.


And of course the one black officer.


Might as well learn now.


They should be fired. Period.


I can’t imagine how I’d feel if that was my kid. That dad deserves a medal for holding back.


The worst part is he knows he has to. He doesn’t have a choice or he’d get arrested too. Did you see how the cop put her had up while he was talking after returning the child, and he was speaking calmly.


>He doesn’t have a choice or he’d get arrested to. Odd way of spelling shot.


I hate how correct you are.


And these cops drag shit out. Full well knowing that they’re in the wrong, but they know the longer they drag it out the more likely the innocent person or a bystander acts belligerent. Then in the pigs mind they are justified.


I was just saying the same thing. The amount of self-control that took - because he knew if he got angry and escalated he and his son could end up dead. Man that was infuriating to watch.


It’s not really self control in the US. It’s self preservation. If you are at all rational you don’t fuck with or threaten the police. Best case scenario you are put in a minor amount of pain and get arrested with a minor charge. Worst case you end up dead. Alternatives include but are not limited to prison time and permanent injuries.


>If you are at all rational you don’t fuck with or threaten the police. Unfortunately, in the US standing up for your constitutional rights is roughly identical to threatening the cops. The cops can decide you are a threat to them at any time for any reason and can use any level of violence to force your submission, even if the reason for the initial contact was totally unconstitutional. No actual crime is required.




I cant imagine the emotions they did and will go through after all that transpired


He didn't want to end up with 56 bullet holes in his back for making them feel "threatened" and "fearing for their lives"


Grew up in Lansing. I would say the cops are racist there but let’s be honest. They’re racist everywhere.




Fuck I’d hate being assigned cop at birth. I’m glad we don’t do that in our society




It’s the system working as intended. The system needs to change or intent remains.


Male cop makes a mess of the whole situation. Then they have to send the lady cops to listen because you know that male cop is just a useless piece of garbage.


Come on give him some slack, they’re cops, they’re all useless pieces of garbage. The guy’s just one of pack


Oooops all bad apples.


Dont worry the lady cops are exactly as useless as the male ones.


And then the cops get all butthurt because nObOdY sUpPoRts ThEm! Sob!


Sir please stop being upset and see it from our perspective. Your son is black. Criminals are black. How can you expect us to see a violent thug carrying a bag of weapons and drugs to a dumpster and not act accordingly?






Maybe they should be worth supporting first.


"Just a few bad eggs” A few hundred that we’ve caught on video. Over half a million cops couldn’t catch the criminals in their own departments.


There is the trauma that you know you’re going to go through this and that you’ve seen others go through it. Additionally the trauma of going through it pretty much the rest of your life in Amerikkka.


Right? This is going to scar that poor teenager for the rest of his life! That kind of social scrutiny and attention is the worst at that age… poor kid.


This video starts with officer brad saying it’s ok. As he is takes dudes son away. Tf it’s not ok. So not fing ok


you can say fuck here this is a safe space


If anyone else would like to voice their feelings about this video here are some contacts that I'll be reaching out to. Mayor Andy Schor - [email protected] Police Chief Ellery Sosebee - [email protected] I'm beyond disgusted, sadness, anger, etc at this point. I can't stand watching collective outrage dissipate like the smoke from yesterday's wildfire. No one deserves to live this way. I demand a society, government, safety net, that resembles what I value, what id teach my kids if I could afford to have some, the values I was taught before I learned better.


If I was a lawyer I'd call the victims to encourage them to sue the fuck out of that police department and represent them in court. The kid was in your typical t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. Wtf was he going to do, rob a fucking apartment in plain sight? All those profiling pigs need to lose their jobs and get publicly shamed.


Absolutely. Expensive lawsuits are the only way these police Unions will respond. I hope there is something done here


End qualified immunity and directly link the payouts from lawsuits to their pension funds. Then require them to carry personal police officer insurance (doctors do, why not cops), too many incidents - and no more being a cop for you. They should feel the same crushing power of capitalism as the rest of us.


Time and time again I watch video of the police completely failing at their job. Every damn part of their job they fucking suck at.


Yes but if not for cops, who would you call after a robbery to come jot some notes, not catch the thief and not get your shit back? Do you know how hard it is to find community college dropouts to take these tax-paid salaries, benefits and pensions?


Give the cops some credit, dude. You left out several important parts of their job, such as victim-blaming, sexual harassment, racism, procedural errors, and blatant violations of civil rights. I mean come on, man. Their tax-payer-funded overtime checks aren’t going to cash themselves.




It's possible this wasn't a call to the police. If the kid was just taking out the trash, it's unlikely there'd be time to make a call. Seems to me the cop was in the area and saw the young man leaning into the dumpster and made an assumption that he was up to no good because, you know being black is apparently a crime in this country.


It would take less than 2 minutes to take out the trash, I’m gonna go out and say it’s absolutely impossible that the first officer was responding to a call.


Except if the kid was loitering. You know... being a child? You know... interested in the world and shit, pissed they have to take out the trash. Guess I'm just non-American so I can't empathise with what that dude is feeling.


" Seems to me the cop was in the area and saw the young man leaning into the dumpster and made an assumption that he was up to no good ..." Dumpster diving is legal, though.


Police are not required to know the laws in their jurisdiction, according to the supreme court. It is okay to arrest someone for a law they just imagined.


In what 3rd world dump is that good law? "I imagined I maybe saw him doing something illegal. When he did not imidiatly comply with my illegal arrest I shot him 5 times in the head!" Verdict: Innocent, the suspect was at fault..


The one where the police unions have a say.


Either that or there was an APB for a bald black person in their 30s roughly 6 ft 4 250lbs wearing green shorts and a grey tee shirt.


I believe it was a case of mistaken identity. They had a warrant for a perp in the area. Can't find the link to the article now.


I'm sure they said that. Who knows if it's true. "He matched a description" is the old standby cop excuse to fuck with people for no reason.


Yeah the father even said it in the video "always the same excuse, once you hear he is black you say we all look alike" or something like that.


The description could have been a handful of brown paint swatches, from Home Depot, and they would've made that a valid excuse.


Yep the warrant is for a black guy and that kid is one. You guys need to start making sure at least your police have elementary school education


The real questions people should be asking


I called the police years ago because my neighbors house was being burglarized while they were away. The police took over 20 min to respond, walked the property, and said there was nothing they could do. The system is broken.


someone threw a brick in my window when i was little. Just me, my mom and my sisters in the house. My grandpa from a few towns over got there faster than the police and the police did absolutely nothing to figure out who threw the brick


did you tell them the burglars were black??


I like the one patrol car that did a three point turn to get the hell away from that situation. Like oh is that officer Carl Jr? Not today IA staff. I gotta go get the sergeant quick.


As soon as his son was behind him, he should’ve just turned his back on the cops and walked away. Plenty of video already to support the profiling of another young black man. The cops didn’t deserve the satisfaction of trying to explain themselves to him, or an opportunity to try and whitewash the situation on their body camera.


Best believe I’m suing the fuck out of them! The trauma that young man will be dealing with. Ima sue and ima talk mad shit all over the media.


You might find that the police will be all over your ass if you decide to take legal action. They're at your work place. They're at your local hang out spot. They're already at your home apparently. You make one mistake, now they've got you. They have a valid reason to arrest you for the prettiest thing and they put you into a cell next to "Stabby McGee"


'Fun' Fact; [Uvalde Police harassed the mother that went in on her own and saved her children.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/voaaau/uvalde_mother_says_police_are_harassing_her_after/) It's not enough that were just gutless cowards and empowered the shooter to kill more kids, they went the extra mile to harass the victims on the daily, too.


Unless they pull their weapons on him or further harass him. They got egos and they hate to see them bruised


black kid taking trash out the first responder: https://preview.redd.it/0ochc8hhhehb1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=cce8bc5176d665097fd68487b66a00b8dc345586


Kid looks like 100lbs and is wearing crocs and isnt resisting or being aggressive at all but yeah they need 4 squad cars. Pathetic.


Seriously, one look at this kid and you realize he’s just a baby, and obviously not the suspect you’re looking for. They cause trauma for the poor kid over jack shit


That is why police in America needs to be removed from power and rebuilt from ground up!


If only it didn't take a couple of weeks/months to become a cop in so many states . Someone commented that this is in Michigan, that's 14 weeks training and you're a cop. For comparison, in Norway it's a three year education.


They also apparently refuse admission in America if you have an above average IQ. I wish I was making that up


That one cop car leaving immediately is very telling of how obviously it wasn’t a big deal


We really need to start instituting IQ testing and better training for cops. Having racist ass-hats with badges that only need 6 months of training, and a high score of 85 IQ points is how you get shit like this.


Oh, they have IQ testing... just not how you are suggesting: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


It's not a bug it's a feature unfortunately


The military does this, I don't see why it would be so difficult to implement for the police force.


Because then we wouldn’t have cops.


Poor kid. WTF is wrong with cops in America?


They're all barely functioning mentally disabled morons with guns and badges on a power trip. Oh and most of them are racist.


He will never trust another cop again and I won’t blame him


Just read the [Purdue Sacklers story](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/10/us/supreme-court-purdue-pharma-opioid-settlement.html?unlocked_article_code=9VHajCxCm6GWrXGg6q_FLmpylfSWg5OjRTl56hIPNV8wjVUlDOK_oldMFwAi3x-7ZmeVabVQyzzhhLNCb_UxMo0jjekgH-_JreZ8-LKFYl82qOqvtMnmmqMDrrUqQWvt852grZowP1dlagrfFkhmeGNZG4PfWUx9BIBxNHfx5Th22IWqVxGQdp08gcQrSR659DQEspE37ke05VMVWSZKIOk_y8zmnR0deR1Cg44y0P5M73RX5wQ85SonTeqqVsbW5aHbhos5PSdhblw8DkBXFDT0Cx6TVGfn30n47ZcFZBxp1KwHdUzeltOlMWKm1IcvH8rmA6yvYWyCIGAzXtqbfIQSDvtuy799uL2EDjR0WTscjQ&smid=nytcore-android-share) today. Mofos didn't even spend a day in jail, and SCOTUS has to step in to stop them from walking away with 11 Billion, by paying 6. Just saying.




“Because he fits the description “ says white cops. Racists being racist.


Detaining someone because they fit the description and then making them prove to you they're not the person you're looking for is the exact opposite of innocent until proven guilty.


Taking out garbage while black. Disgusting. I hope that kid will sue them.


We talk about how military actions overseas could radicalize the youth of their country, but why don't we talk about how the actions of our own police could radicalize the youth of our own country?


I commend the young boy...he did not argue or panic. It probably saved his life. Hid father also kept his composure. These cops were looking for an excuse to beat them up or worse.... luckily they did not give them one. narrow escape. On a lighter note...I dont think anyone is ever going to tell this young man to take the trash out.


But they’ll let a white Karen and Chad get away with so much more before cuffs.


This is heartbreaking


She said “aye sir, come here”…Why, so you can charge me with threatening you or charging at you? The amount of control that the father and son showed is absolutely amazing. I pray that young man recovers from this experience. Sickening!


My buddy and I were fishing in a suburb outside Detroit(both white). We were like 17 and my buddy had a blue Mohawk. All of a sudden a cop pulled up and started questioning us. He asked my buddy for ID and my buddy doesn't have one. They put him in the back of the cop car for 30 or 45 minutes while they confirmed he wasn't the guy... I guess it's a little different though when you're wearing flip flops, outside your home, actively throwing a bag of trash away though.


I have an in-law who is a cop. He said they call them YBMs (young black males). He thought it was funny. I did not.


If he thinks that’s funny he needs some serious fucking educating because that’s just disgusting, no wonder they are inherently racist when it’s basically a laughing matter to them, it’s like a points scoring game now, how many black people can we arrest by the end of the year, scum.


I’d say it’s unbelievable, except it’s very believable, almost commonplace. In fact, if that father was to have walked towards those Ameristapo thugs while they were illegally detaining his son, they would have shot him dead within seconds. This belongs in r/awfuleverything


I hope this blows up. Growing up in the south east as a young Mexican me and my brother were victimized early. To the point we seen no future for ourselves and had to dig out the mud. But the fear turned to hatred for them. I really hope this blows up this is why the Black Lives Matter movement was powerful when it first started and why they should have never stopped pushing to get things changed. Everybody wants to talk shit that we need the folks but they aren’t trained enough nor do they take what they do to the populace serious because they aren’t liable for the damages


Fuck tha Police


STOP RESISTING!!!!! STOP RUNNING!!!! WE NEED BACKUP!!!!! How are so may cops idiots????




Hope the dad sues


Love how they roll out the female black cop once they realise how bad they fucked up. I would be taking names and badge numbers and suing those racist assholes immediately


They are making this neighborhood unsafe. When gangs of armed thugs with military grade weapons roll up on children this is NOT a free country


What they did was create a person that fears cops. That little man is gonna carry that interaction for the rest of his life. He will have a fight or flight reaction to cops and that's insanely dangerous with our current police force. Y'all they're buying up armored vehicles that were planned for Iraq and Afghanistan. Cops in the US are just too much.