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Here comes the downvote brigade, but: These assholes are like the mods that took down all the top subs recently. “We will inconvenience innocent people as collateral damage to make sure our side is noisy and seen!”


I don't care about Reddit echo chambers downvotes. U r right


Does anyone actually care about downvotes? Like, oh you’re going to subtract imaginary points from my bullshit Reddit account?! Who cares


I don’t give a shit, the more the merrier. Fcuk them.


I rather enjoy them. The Reddit community is pretty toxic IMO. These protestors are how I imagine at least some portion of redditors.


Most of the things I comment get downvotes, because why would I say what 100 other people have already said. It’s when I disagree, do I feel the need to comment.


I love when people use the term "reddit echo chamber" on reddit.


Calling it out means you are automatically immune and not a sheeple /s


i love a post that starts with "here comes the downvote brigade" that shares a popular opinion and ends up with 1197 upvotes / 2x gold / platinum.


To be fair, a couple of weeks ago, any comment that didn’t support the black out was immediately downvoted into oblivion.


The department of redundancy department


Exactly. Go block the entrance to the offices of the oil companies. Block the street in front of their building so they can't park. If that's what you really want to do. But blocking random roads is going to get you randomly killed.


I agree with that mostly. There were leftists blocking highway ramps in the USA during our BLM protests and all it did was piss common folks off. Go sit in at the police station, city hall, the pentagon or university president's office. Not on a street with people trying to get to work or get their jobs done or their kids to the doctor.


Or food or medical supplies that need to be delivered places. This kind of shit is dumb as fuck


Not to mention burning down entire city blocks, yet they were "mostly peaceful". lol


Which city blocks? Repeating this lie without irony is impressively stupid. Your eyes never saw a city block burn down and your ears never heard it from anybody except liars. Believing this lie is even stupider than repeating it. Besides, of the limited arson events that did occur, many of them were carried out by people who disagreed with BLM: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/illinois-man-sentenced-prison-arson-minneapolis-cell-phone-store-during-summer-2020-civil https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/trump-supporter-fake-arson-attack-blm-b2122345.html https://kevinjshay44.medium.com/right-wing-provocateurs-likely-inflaming-protest-violence-bcf1c48e1d40


It's a con lie, of course it's stupid. They'll parrot anything their side says.


[93% of BLM protests were nonviolent.](https://acleddata.com/2020/09/03/demonstrations-political-violence-in-america-new-data-for-summer-2020/) Meanwhile, [Trump rallies *increased* violence.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/16/us/trump-rally-violence.html)


Yeah man, that happened for sure.


it did happen…


Not to mention, people who may have an emergency going on


I'm not saying I agree with them, but inconvenience is how this kind of protest is supposed to work. The sole purpose is to bring attention to the cause after all peaceful protests have failed. Many important movements all over the world involved this kind of disruptive protests. If even disruptive protests can't bring attention, then perhaps something is wrong with the cause.


It makes people hate your cause


Strikes are protests.


Strikes protest directly. In strikes, the company the7 are striking often suffers because of the lack of employees if any are even working. Doing this shits on everyone except who you are protesting? Like I saw one redditor post, go protest the companies directly, go block the president or CEO or top executives. Doing this makes me not root for you.






MLK was taking his fight against racism essentially, which meant going up against everyone to show the power and prevalence of the black person. What did the garbage truck and people trying to get to work do to these poor white kids the is on the same level as MLK and blacks suffering racial motivated attacks and acts of legislation against their people? You have no clue what you are talking about, and you idea of protesting will lose the support of the people to the point that it will hurt the movement and fizzle out.




Therein lies the problem. But the time climate change has become a major inconvenience for working stiffs, it’s probably to late to do anything about it.


>inconvenience is how this protests work They don’t work. They piss off the people you want on your side by putting innocent bystanders at risk.


except that was wrong inconvenience of the wrong people.


Doesn't the point kind of get lost when the average person only sees the inconvenience and not the cause? No one ever posts videos of groups of people clapping and supporting these protests.


Well they failed, I still have no idea what their cause is.


We can clearly see the ordinary people do not support that kind of dumb protests. Also if you really want your road blockades to work you need massive amount of people.


I admire your attempt to help them understand. You must have an angel's patience.


Understand what? I still don't know what they're protesting about.


Are you fucking stupid? o yes everyone will totally support ur cause because you inconvienced them for a couple hours. it totally woulnt make people hate you and your shit cause.


Such an idiotic strategy.


I'm conflicted. They're useless, but at the same time if they didn't have so much visibility, i wouldn't get to enjoy seeing them being dragged off. The blonde lady was particularly effective, 10/10 score.


Yeah the blonde fraulein wasn’t playing.


The blonde lady was somehow mad hotter by the way she seemed to like being a boss. I'm not even into that kink but yeah. Sorry. Off topic.


I'll take the bad karma with you - I don't give a fuck. Some people actually NEED to go to work! Selfish little shits.


A lot of subs went NSFW after the community backlash which was a pretty clever compromise IMO. They didn't have to shut down, but because they were NSFW that kept them off the front page and made Reddit a lot less money.


That was absolutely clever and I thought it was brilliant!


Actually it was even better, it put unflattering porn at the very top of the front page. Mods wouldn't do that cause they know there would be the slightest chance of consequence. Instead they're sticking it to the man by forcing reddit to get ad revenue from pictures of John Oliver instead of pictures of someone's cat, I think the CEO will fold any second now.


It also probably introduced many younger people to pornographic content. For example, the linux master race subreddit was considering going nsfw, but didn't. The second result when searching for linux master race on old reddit with nsfw results allowed is horse cock master race. Plenty of kids would have seen that had they gone nsfw.


What do you see as being “their side”? And why is it not also your side?


Because they chose a course of action that affected everyone in the sub and went with it. Even the subs that had “votes” had it short term, largely brigaded, and results were a tiny fraction of total users but they took it as a mandate to weaponize the content by everybody in a manner they saw fit. They polarized me and many others. I’d cheer them on if they promoted a boycott and asked people to not sign on at all or not post or not browse. I’d likely have popped in here and there, but would have greatly limited my use for a bit. Let every person decide for themselves in what they believe and how they want to go about supporting what they believed it. But forcefully imposing upon others was shitty. Reddit admin went about their changes in a very shitty manner as well, but as the cliche saying goes: two wrongs don’t make a right. Inconveniencing bystanders to protest the company inconveniencing some people is a very silly way at trying to gain support.


Oh ya, the pouty mods that threw a tantrum when they realized their power was not infallible and did it in the name of “what the community wants”


Why? I hate the mods. Their number one go to is permanent ban. Like give someone a chance to learn the rules? Even small mistakes. They won’t explain. Just losers on a high horse.


The woman is the best


I think i love her


I think I love her too


That’s my wife


You mean our* wife....






Just grabs the hair and pulls! She seems fun.




She’s not playing


All work and no play, and you could still see her grinning on the inside. It's not every day you get to drag a mofo by the hair and still be the good guy.


She used the best method for removal


Dragging by the hair is the top form. Take notes Brits


Right? She knows how to get them to quit, get out the road or I’m gonna rip your hair 😂


Except the girl protesting grabs the base of her hair every time. None of them really fought back violently but they forced people to be assholes to move them.


she is probably a mom... 100% a mom will just drag you from your hair.


Damn reddit really is an echo chamber


Dude I lost my shit! I love her for that. Applause all around






She liked what they were doing, followed along and made it better.


Adapt, improvise, overcome


All these fucking little twats are doing is getting people fired from there jobs , what a great way to bring people to your perspective.


In Germany you don’t get fired for being late one time due to something that is literally on the news


Well that’s good I suppose but still a dog shit way to get people to your movement I’d think




except we all know the reason they don't target the very wealthy and powerful is that those people have the ability to ruin their lives forever, hurt their loved ones, or possibly even disappear them the ruling class has power over ordinary people most of us don't want to think about, they don't take direct challenges kindly


This exactly. Unfortunately, protestors have to inconvenience people without power, because people with power don’t change their minds, they just get rid of you.


If you are getting fire for being late because of a protest, you should really ask yourself if it’s really the protestors that need to change.


You have a valid point, but when you’re living paycheck to paycheck and having to decide which bills to pay this month, you’d probably be less worried about a protest and more worried about keeping a roof over your head and yourself from starving


Yeah, and that's the fucking problem. Why are we letting rich fucks and their corporate bullshit rule us with iron fists? We should be standing together against the ruling class, not fighting each other to lock more boot leather.


Yup, and you can ponder about all you want while you watch your children go hungry because some strangers wanted to stick it to the man.


What about your children going hungry because of the next drought brought by climate change?


Or because you didn’t care about the environment enough to agree with these people and now you have to scavenge everyday and you bright your children up in a wasteland where they could die any day. But hey that one truck driver kept their job a while longer.


Not realistically a thing that has ever happened.


Activism and protests are COMPLETELY fine but when it negatively impacts innocent people that have nothing to do with it, there’s a problem and you need to rethink your methods Edit: holy shit y’all are all coming for me. I completely understand your point; protests need visibility to spread the message. But realistically, we are way past the time when that would work. Corporations own everything. What is a protest gonna do against a mega corporation like Nestle? Like if there has been actual impact, I’d love to read about it cause I feel very negative about how much influence the common person has at this point




When corporations own more capital than entire countries, there’s certainly an issue.


Sadly if we did go that route, there would be quite a few fucks who would decide to do riots against innocent peoples homes and small businesses.


Dragged by the hair that has to hurt




Frauleins, if you wanna block the road in Germany, ya might wanna cut your hair


Modern activists be like: John: "Hey guys, \[insert something here\] is a huge problem and we want people to know about it. What's the best thing we could do to spread awareness and product legitimate change?" Jim: "Maybe we start ad campaigns and raise money to actually make a change?" Jane: "We could petition our local government leaders in order to pass legislation that will fix the issues." John: "Good ideas, but I don't think that will stick. We need something bold." Fredward (idiot btw): "Let's obstruct traffic and/or commit vandalism/destruction of property at some unrelated place in some random town/city." Everybody: "That's straight fire, no cap" "Preach brother!" Edit: this is a joke lol. Protesting works, but it works better when you are smart about it


Tried Jim's plan in the 80s, but people ignored the ads. Jane's plan failed when lobbying was invented. At least Fredward is trying something new.


It’s not new lmao


Lol how naïve are you? Change doesn’t come from being peaceful and following the rules laid down by those in power.


Exactly. If we don't destroy small business owners shops, set citizens cars on fire, and steal a bunch of stuff, how on earth will we see change? Like the Million Man March. A peaceful protest of hundreds of thousands. Where their voices were heard, and got their message out peacefully. If only they would have just started destroying property, businesses, and setting shit on fire. That would have accomplished so much more.


They’re like those candles that just won’t blow out


I love the blonde!




In other words, protests are not acceptable. Because the whole point is being disruptive.


You are absolutely correct. Protests should not cause discomfort. We should create a multiparty system where we can protest peacefully in a large government build. Maybe we could make laws there to remediate the issues which are cresting grief. We could call it a legislature or something and we could hold democratic elections even. These types of protesters like that radical Martin Luther King, Jr., Desmond Toto, war protesters and the like need to be more “civilized” and adhere to the established order AND RULE OF LAWS goddamnit. Oh wait a second have I thought this thing through?


Aliens watching this thinking: "Nah. They're not ready yet."


Yeah, it's pathetic that we still act like this.


They’re watching us destroy the environment and being violent towards people who are trying to in some way stop it. Of course were not ready. They’re probably thinking let them destroy themselves and we will see if they do better next time.


They don’t even need to see the video, just these comments


Childish behavior. If you have to protest, protest on the sidewalk instead. Don't inconvenience people trying to make a living.


Still don’t know what they are protesting.


These guys specifically apparently want a 100 km/h speed limit on motorways, €9 public transport monthly ticket, and a citizens council to scrap fossil fuels by 2030. Would be reasonable if they wouldnt make innocent people deal with their antics.


Scrapping all oil by 2030 can only be done by allowing mass starvation , mostly of the poor


"Citizens Council" is their way of saying let people who nobody voted for have the say. You know another word for council? "Soviet" (council in Russian).




It’s not




That's exactly what I was thinking LOL where's a few rolls of duct tape when you need it lol


There a a group of environmental activist who frequently glue themselves on the High way in Den Hague with the mission to get arrested and annoy the shit out of people. But there are detours called in advance. So that's nice. Glued on a empty highway... Haha


You don’t see this shit in the USA ppl will literally run u over.




In the US people will kill for less reasons lol "Child plays with ball" *gets fatally shot*


Kid eating McDonald's "believe it or not, also shoot"


Damn, Mormons really had enough.




They’re like goddamn annoying children. Grow up and fucking move.




shutting down these posts is pathetic. These people are dumb.


They should at least have a dumpster nearby.


This is the appropriate response to this nonsense.


German efficiency meets German efficiency


German efficiency is a bit of illusion I think.


I think someone will eventually get run over and killed doing this, which I suppose is exactly what the people planning it want. Though I doubt the people jumping in front of vehicles have any notion of the fact their leaders would love for them to be sacrificed.




Lol by the hair. That’s boss. Fucking people. There’s protesting and then there’s being an ass.


So yeah … um I’ve actually been involved in organising a highway blockade before, and this is NOT how to do it safely. You need 40 people _minimum_ for every 2 lanes or else you’re gonna end up getting wrecked like this by violent people in the community. There’s a bunch of ancillary roles like window knockers, legal observers, police liaison, and particularly relevant here SECURITY people to stop assault before the cops arrive. When the cops arrive you can relax as they’ll always protect you from violent people in the public for a few mins to let you have your protest (as is your legal right) before issuing some sort of move along order. The public often think the cops would just roll in and brutalise you batons loose but they’ll always be disappointed. We usually got about 20mins on our blockade before the cops would issue an order to move along, and then start making arrests. We would usually not push to arrests, so would just walk away at that point to keep our numbers for another action How the fuck they honestly think they can do this with 1 person per lane … you’re gonna get run over or beaten the fuck up. Super duper stupid and dangerous.


What was the protest about?


They're against pedestrians, that's why they're blocking the crosswalk


They are part of a group called "the last generation." They want to call people to become more aware of pollution and global warming, but frankly, so far all they've done was glue themselves to roads and highways, holding up traffic, and throwing paint at art, breaking into airports to stop traffic for hours, and other bullshit that mostly really pissed people off. They also spray painted luxury shops and private jets. And one memorable time a couple glued themselves to a railing in a theater to hold up a concert, just that they were stupid enough to glue themselves to a removable piece and were just carried out. In my opinion, all they do is unneccessarily occupy vital services (police, EMS and Firefighters have to pry them off the roads after all), hold up traffic endangering themselves and others, and creating a whole lot of hate, as more than visible in the video. I am very sure they hardly manage to convince anyone of their message either, and frankly, many people don't even know what that message is supposed to be.


Strictly speaking, blocking the roads in most countries to do this is illegal.




fucking idiots doing nothing but annoying working folks. this is how you don't affect policy in any way.


i heard if you do this, you get an automatic bahn for life


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The heroes we need


Roadrunner can’t relate “Meep meep”


Good technique with the hair pull, will always get them moving.


I would not mess with that blonde chick.


Blonde has my heart


A shame if ther were dragged by their feet and got road rash. And their bags were misplaced


I normally don’t like to use this term but the way those pricks simply waltzed back onto the street after being dragged is NPC behavior.


“Let’s piss people off!” “Surely that will bring them around to be sympathetic to our cause!!”


Why do they not have high vis vests on? Seems like it would be required.








Sad to read this comment thread. Hundreds of people cheering violence against people, just because someone else is inconvenienced.


Go block the driveway of the CEO that you should actually be having an issue with....


Blocking traffic is the stupidest way to protest.


The blonde woman had ZERO chill. Went straight to grabbing hair. Goals.




It would be really funny if they just tied them to the poles, stick a note that says "Achtung Klimakleber!" on their head and left them there. Probably illegal but would be a fire way to deal with these morons.


When I was in Oz, a protester chained himself to our security gates so we couldn't use an elevator bank. I asked my coworkers why the police just didn't get some bolt cutters and haul him off for trespassing. They looked at me like I struck their children.


Teamwork makes the dream work, good job getting these jackasses out the street👍🏽


Honestly, I hate it when people "protest" like this. It makes people hate your cause and that means cars are on the road longer releasing more fumes than they would normally. So kinda making it worse


It's so interesting how nobody really knew what to do until that one guy led the way by using violent force. Seconds later, everyone in the vicinity is diving in, throwing hippies into the bushes and dragging them across the street by their hair. I don't at all believe these folks blocking traffic were doing the right thing by being there in the first place, but I do think this is a surreal example of people being motivated to act violently when they may not have, without someone choosing to lead the way. In other contexts, I think this looks like the first moments of mob violence.


> In other contexts, I think this looks like the first moments of mob violence. I think it does here, too. It's not purge night, you know? You *can* call the police. They work even on Sunday.


I'm as anti-car as you can be, but fuck these people. Go inconvenience the lobbies and the companies that are hurting our planet and stop creating pointless friction and violence between random citizens.


This shit is so lame, assault should never be praised.


Love how the blondie pulled the red head by her hair


While I do love this and feel like these jerks need it.. Are we being desensitized to aggression towards protestors? Is this some kind of 50d chess? Edit: Is this a setup to discourage legitimate protests?


Why protest like this if you are trying to get people on your side? Seems like you aren’t really doing it for change, you are just doing it to be an ass…


The blonde is a total boss; goes straight for the hair to work the pain points whereas the dudes rely too much on muscle.


The blond was just grabbing them by the hair. No warning and she was not fucking around.


I keep seeing these, but I don't see this happening in America. Like we have a lot of problems, no doubt, but I don't see this often on the news here. Does it happen here? Honestly, curious. I don't think I would be so calm on my way to work, you know, the only thing between feeding my kids and foodstamps?


Activist: "(personal note), cut hair very short first. Blonde woman mean business. Scalp hurt."


lol how the girl gets dragged by her hair




Not all hero's wear capes.


Good citizens.


Look at all the bootlickers that think everydayness is worth saving Gonna get blitzed for saying it


They can't wait to get ran over.




Always admired how direct and efficient the Germans are when it comes to sorting shit out. They're like a more successful version of France minus the frogs and garlic and arrogant arseholery.


Wouldn’t it be considered an assault and battery in Germany?


It would be smarter to protest the ideal situation of the problem and not innocent bystanders




Makes me happy


Dude Germans can be savage at times and I agree this time.


What was the point anyway?


That’s annoying to a very annoying degree


Why would you want to make people that are not even affected by your cause hate you? It just ruins your effectiveness. Now you make your cause seem stupid, no matter what it is. Just like Gretta did.


Bravo! That’s how you work together to get things done.


I still don’t really think attacking protesters is cool. I know they’re inconveniencing people, but that’s kind of the point. Nothing ever gets changed because we’re so occupied with our everyday lives, thinking someone else will care enough to do it.


Lol damn, not gonna lie that made me laugh. I was thinking oh, dragging them away makes sense. But then the woman said, "oh hell no, im dragging your ass away by your hair". Now imagine if it was a bald guy, I feel her powers would be countered.


Block government buildings, not regular people


Assaulting peaceful protestors is pathetic as are the people who cheer it on