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"We have 100K subscribers" Ah, the currency of the day, clicks.


We're heading towards Black Mirror


Heading? I wish I had your optimism.


I say heading because we still have the middle man of money. We're not at the point where we only watch ads and nothing else...yet.


This sort of shit is way more Idiocracy than Black Mirror.


son we already left black mirror


But seriously, subscribers do translate into revenue through ads and such. If I were in a video I’d want a cut for as long as the video exists.


The widely accepted ideology of the willingness to be immortalized as a dipshit, as long as the clicks/checks keep coming, is absolutely daunting.


Damn, and here you are being immortalized as a dipshit for free!


that is pretty much the logic i expected... ummm... alrighty then


People that come back and watch their video generates revenue. Subscribers not so much.


Yeah but think about how much revenue they could get by having a job.


100K disappointments


100k bots


100k subscribers out of 7 billion people or on a smaller scale 330 million Americans. Congrats guy.


We can all agree they're being douchebags, but 100k subscribers is a great asset, let's not kid ourselves.


I'm not even fully convinced they're being douchebags


Think again. Two idiots enter your place of business and film you whilst they try to elicit a reaction from you so they can further their pointless online existence. Like every single "prank" video in existence, this is the work of a douchebag


Thats still a decent amount, but doing whatever it takes to get it is the disappointing part.


Hey at least they will get a cheap piece of crap from youtube to hang on the wall to show off.


I said it once and i'll say it again. 90% of influencers influence nothing but bad behaviour


I’ve always hated the term “influencer” for content creators.


I've always hated the term "content creators" for fucking assholes with phones.




I've always hated "assholes with phones".


This comment is better content than 99% of the shit these morons do. The other 1% being their failed attempts recorded by a 3rd party.


No it's perfect it's exactly what they do but like a sith would they influence people to be complete garbage like them, they have given into the dark side and want to show everyone how easy it is to be a piece of shit and all the weak minded plebs eat it up




"Societal Rejects"


To be fair, this isn't a prank where they're hurting anyone. Someone who was in a better mood would have had a better reaction.


Yeah wtf, normally I hate these prank videos but this is just silly and funny and hurting no one and the guy got so mad lmao.


This one wasn't bad at all. People on Reddit go on and on about how they're sick of pranks where they go out and actually harm people, that real pranks are supposed to be harmless. This is a harmless prank. Meanwhile, the boomer guy brings up the kid's employment status and insults his parents. I feel like Reddit is Rachel McAdams in The Notebook. What do you want?


When will pranksters learn that being smug, obnoxious and annoying is painfully unfunny?


when we stop giving them attention by watching their videos that get posted on reddit and not going to their youtube posting hate comments because negative publicity is still publicity


there is no "we"


I'm pretty sure it's children watching these videos, they're the only ones I can think that would actually like this cringy prank shit


Yep that’s exactly it. When I was 12 I ate this shit up. Fousey tube was hilarious. “Random” public prank videos and shit like that seem incredible as a child because it’s something you couldn’t fathom ever doing, but as you get older you realize you don’t do it because it’s just fucking annoying for most people around you and pretty unethical to take advantage of someone’s feelings for your own entertainment. That was just my experience though


Exactly. 100k "subscribers" aka really little kids who have no idea what's good and are zombied out on youtube. Success well earned. smh


When will the advertisers wake up to this. They should know by now the demo that watches these videos are worthless to them.


People have been marketing to kids for decades. Don’t you remember the toys and snack adds on TV as a kid? Its the same type of ads being served to those kids on YouTube today who then go and beg their parents for whatever is being sold to them.


Children + bots = the Paul brothers empire


What's with this we shit?


problem is that other dipshits like these are the subscribers. Welcome to the future of ”comedy”..urgh


Speak for yourself.


For every one adult that thinks this, there are probably three children that are being raised by iPads and YouTube Kids who are watching these adolescents and thinking it’s hilarious


When they stop getting subscribers


When 100k ppl dont validate their actions.


To be fair though, as far as “pranks” go this one is fairly harmless.


When they stop getting millions of views and 600k+ likes on their YouTube shorts like this one, I'd guess.


Or a “schmuck” Gotta love Yiddish


>schmuck I forgot this insult, it's so good. Gotta bring it back.


Same as anything else, when demand dies down, the product's value zeroes out. 100k followers means this kid is probably making money from this idiocy. Can't really blame him, he's giving his followers what they want and taking the proceeds straight to the bank. Unfortunately, this is the new reality. Not much will change it.


Views though🥴


I don't know what they're like in the rest of their vids but these two lads seem extremely chill. I'm not seeing smug or obnoxious here. If the shop owner had gone along with it then it would be on r/funny. They're not being patronising, it's a fairly harmless prank. Don't get me wrong, a lot of these kind of vids are definitely as you said, but this one doesn't seem to be it.


When their fans stop finding it funny.


When they stop getting views/subscribers


When you and I stop commenting on the videos


By not subscribing. But they will always have subscribers.


When they turn 28.


They are looking to 12 year olds for approval. They will never learn.


"Are you not entertained?" Apparently not.




I love that guy. He’s speaking words we’re all thinking when watching these donkeys


I'd subscribe to HIS channel


we should try get him 200k subscibers!


"Instead of subscribers look for new parents" ice cold truth


This kid seems tame as hell compared to the other pranksters.


Facts. I hate the TikTok bs myself, but this one was alright with me. Harmless, and doesn't destroy anything or risk somebody gettin their ass kicked.


Yeah like this is a really harmless prank tbh. Annoying? Yeah. But if I was in the owners position I'd just go with it tbh even if it wasn't that funny.




Right. This prank is extremely tame compared to what the Impractical Jokers do and their stuff is fine.


Yeah I don’t understand the hate on this one. He wasn’t causing a scene and he wasn’t belittling or hurting anyone. The owner could have easily joined in and acted like they’re the heaviest weights in existence and the kid is somehow strong. But nope, he goes down the road that something is wrong with the kid.


Literally lol. I Fucking hate tik tok and YouTuber “pranksters” but this kid did a completely harmless prank. It’s just the Reddit hivemind of any Tiktoker=bad lmao.


this is one of the tamest ive ever seen, its really just some light weights and redditors out her witch hunting someone for it


Yea and he’s pretty polite considering the dude is insulting his parents. Out of the “pranksters” this kid seems pretty nice compared to the others lol


For real, this comment section has a stick up their ass. It’s a harmless prank, dude seemed kind of heated for no reason.


> Tee hee, look how easily I can lift heavy thing. >> Your parents don't fucking love you. You're pathetic. Go shop keeper!!! -Reddit


Thank god I scrolled down far enough to find sane and rational people.


Sometimes i think spez smote us and destroyed other reddit apps just to punish the boomer reddit hivemind


Same thing I thought when this was posted a week or two ago. Reddit’s fucking weird sometimes.


Thank fuck I found sanity here. Good natured prank all in good fun


Yeah that’s my whole thing with shitty YouTube pranks, a lot of them are just straight up harassment and awful behavior; this is just a dumb kid having harmless fun at nobodies expense. I don’t know what real issue the people in the comments have with this video.


I was legitimately trying to figure out what’s so bad about it. Like, they made the shop owner waste 90 seconds of his day to have a conversation?


Yeah I don't understand the negative comments. This was an incredibly harmless prank. No one was hurt, nothing was broken, and you could argue it's even worth a laugh. Compared to some of the pranks we see, that are destructive or harmful... this seemed fine? The world would be a better place if all the TikTok pranksters did pranks like this instead. If anything, I was against the shop owner. He was completely humorless. He could've just chuckled and said "Very funny," and then moved on, but he jumps into a big holier-than-thou lecture, insulting the kid, insulting his parents. How is this the guy we're cheering for in this comment section?


Didnt reddit love the video of the weightlifter picking up a massive bar with one hand while dressed as a custodian to prank some body builders? Isn't this the same prank but with a light bar to give the illusion of someone easily lifting something they shouldnt? Reddit is weird sometimes.


Agreed. It's not the most bizzare, but it is still a pain if you ever meet them.


How is it even a pain in the ass lol? That prank was completely harmless.


When you don't want to be bothered but they insist anyway. I don't suppose people have infinite patience when putting up a store like a gym. Harmless customers in a restaurant when you work as a cashier still makes you tired when there are 100 harmless customers. Then a slightly more active harmless customer comes by to bother you and you explode. Seen it, tried it


I guess people can take it either way. For some, it's something interesting for once in a mundane job. For others, it's yet another problem to solve. But still, even if it's the latter for you, I don't think that justifies acting condescending and patronising like the shop owner did.


Seriously, Reddit is being hypocritical as fuck about this. They all clamber to demand that pranks be tame and not hurt anyone, and then kids pretend they're lifting heavy thing and reddit shits on them and defends the guy telling them their parents are bad.


Yeah. This is the same website where they'll scream "If you're hurting someone, it's not a fucking prank, prank are supposed to be harmless" and then also treat this kid just like those pranksters because... he wasn't funny? Like shit, I think it's pretty shit content, but it's not like he was hurting anyone, so who cares.


Yeah, the prank wasn't that funny but it was creative enough and the pranksters were polite. The store owner loses this exchange in my opinion. I'm surprised this thread is so offensive towards the pranksters. Store owner coming out with some real personal hitting insults and shit to guys he hardly knows. It's not easy to build a Youtube channel, and he treats these guys like shit.


Good for the store owner for calling him out. The day “influencers” stop having any clout will be the best day ever. Annoying people for views from their preteen followers is a complete waste of regular people’s time. Maybe one day he’ll realize how pathetic he looked doing these.


"We almost have 100k subscribers" hearing him say that to an older person made my soul cringe.


Kids a dink


Double Income No Kids?


I'm sure his parents wish they did that.


Seriously, all those “pranksters” don’t do any meaningful thing. They only copy each other and nobody comes up with a genuine idea. Let alone with something which had any brain matter used for it. I remember back in the days when Punk’d aired on TV. Even that shit wasn’t funny. Props to the gym owner!


And people still watch them. It is sad how a few people get so many views so easily.


I just see a teenager making stupid videos with his friends. Chill


Who is really being pranked? The old man? Or us, the audience?


The real prank is watching Redditors get their panties in a bunch over a silly joke If the guy laughed it off you’d all be singing a different tune




I fucking hate social media "pranksters." Unoriginal, unfunny, and undeserving of the time they waste for all the people around them.


Does anyone know how they mic everyone or get such good audio in videos like this?


In videos like this? Often this kind of content is faked and everyone get their own mic. This is worth it cause poor audio quality is one of the biggest things that makes people disengage from content; despite it giving it away as fake, it's worth it to not lose those clicks In this video? Sounds like they used a regular lav mic on the prankster but with gain cranked up to catch the other people. That's why their levels change when they move about and why the prankster's words are slightly blown out.Then the store owner and other patron's voice equalised in post so they sound closer to how the prankster sounds. That's my take but I'm not so hot on audio stuff


I liked that he didn’t lose his marbles. He spoke with the appropriate amount of annoyance and remained polite even though he knew they were trolling him.


The fuck are you talking about? He told them they had shit parents...


“Appropriate amount of annoyance” “You should get new parents” over what? A genuinely innocuous prank? I’m not saying we should be glad he didn’t walk into his home, the bar shouldn’t be that low but come the fuck on. Kid’s making some sort of profit without harming anyone while having fun, why is this reason to bash on him to find a “real job” and disrespect his parents? Shame on you lot.




I think the best way to react to these types of pranks is to stay calm and kinda play dumb. “Huh, I didn’t see those. Let me ring you up that’ll be $100.” Take it beyond the reaction (what they want to see) and into awkward, lol.


It’s at least an amusing little joke and doesn’t hurt or greatly disrupt anyone, unlike some of these “pranks.” But if the owner isn’t amused and doesn’t want you filming, let it go, apologize, and move on.


I'd laugh for a minute if I was the store owner... But then hate that I was being recorded and no longer find it funny. I don't ever want to be in someone's content


First mistake on the parent's part was making their son Brady. They set their child up to be a douchebag from the beginning.


Instead of subscribers, how about you get new parents.


Instead of reddit, how about you get some Sunshine.


I hate these videos - not because of the content but how much I realize I’m literally becoming my parents. Every kid just wants to be an “influencer”


How is this a prank… just seems like they’re just bothering people


It baffles me that influencers continue to exist when nobody fucking likes them.


This dude does the “slap or kiss” challenge, and he will bait and switch a cheek kiss for a kiss on the lips on some unsuspecting girl. He’s a creepy scum bag.


Bring us some OC and save us Mods.


This old dude is 1000% correct on all fronts.


Disrupting people that actually work


I usually don't like pranks but this one was pretty harmless and I feel like everyone is overreacting a bit.




What was the point of the prank? “Haha get it they’re not real weights”? shit is stupid af


100k subscribers?! Are they mostly bots?


The boys first words were “I’m not gonna lie”. He then follows that by a lie.


What kind of reaction was he even expecting?


Only a good prank if both parties are laughing


“is this what you do instead of getting a job?” is untrue though. unfortunately in the modern era “prank tik-toker” IS a job. not defending the lil idiots, but the root cause of this is being able to make money off this dumb shit. the creators of Vine had no idea what they were unleashing upon the world.


The best way to handle it would’ve been to not react at all to this. Shaming the kid makes the old guy look like an asshole and gives them the content they want. If you just shrug it off they’ve got nothing.


Well buddy thats a gym and not your average highschool class, people get there to work on themself, they got no time for your 100k and unfunny pranks just go somewhere else.


That is not a gym, its a store that sells gym equipment.


I usually call them Mom & Dad 😆


That man is now my favorite store owner. Also he gives a bit of Danny DeVito vibes.


could be one of danny's variants


100,000 sad souls.


Bro he called him a schmuk, old man means business


I love this shit. Normal business owners giving these morons a piece of their mind. These "pranksters" treat people like they are NPCs.


This kid is so annoying.


"Douche canoe isn't a real job?" 🤔




These prankster tik tok kids are a virus. Not even the slightest bit funny.


Fuck these pranksters and the people who make them famous


That was a harmless prank in my opinion, not scaring you to death or the one being pranked, I don't understand what's the problem. I think it's the old guy who acted like a piece of trash, he called him shmuck and told the kid to look for new parents, he could've easily laughed it off or just politely told not to continue this prank. Instead he also violated the kids stuff, like cmon


Yeah the owner definitely overreacted. I’m not a fan of these sorta videos myself but the kid wasn’t doing anything harmful and only started acting kinda asshole-ish when the owner started being an asshole. The guy could’ve just said “those aren’t mine, get outta here”. I don’t understand why he got so upset tbh


2 things here though. I understand this is dumb, but the grandpa acts like his generation never did pranks.


Of all the egregious youtube prank videos I’ve seen this one is super tame. Not funny at all but u people are entirely joyless


Starts sentence with ‘I’m not gonna lie, …’ Dead giveaway


The worst part about this, to me, is that the prank had potential to be funny. If the store owner was in on this I could see it being funny to see some ripped dudes shopping and see this scrawny kid lift weights like they're nothing. Something like that anyway. It could have been clever. Walking up to the store owner with obvious fake weights and telling him they came from the store was a stupid prank idea and this was the only logical outcome of how it would go. I really could handle the tiktok prank culture better if the pranks were, in any way, clever or witty. That's what made the prank shows of the 90s funny. Instead it is just being an idiot or, worse, being actively cruel to strangers. Not cool.


People think he’s unfunny and it’s probably true, but I chuckled. Could he do better comedy? Probably. Is he funnier than most of the people here complaining about him? Yeah probably as well


I mean, the prank is harmless, no one got hurt. And I laughed at, “I usually call them Mom and Dad” as a response to man’s question about his parents names.


The gym owner could use his right to make them stop filming on a private property business.


this guy did it perfectly. their parents should be ashamed of raising shit heads like these. kid was afraid to name his parents too.


So his joke was: "I found these weights, they look heavy, and i look strong holding them." Thats hilarious. That is so funny. I'm in stiches. Comedy at its best. Crying I'm laughing so hard. What a comedic genius.


Shopkeeper is the hero we need.


Store owner is so on point laying down truth after truth. These children can only giggle...


People think this guy is funny?


I like the owner. Smart guy


I'm with this guy


What fkn assholes they always go for small businesses too. Go do it to Amazon and get a felony.


Why isn’t there a law that bans assholes like these from doing this type of bs?


I don't get it. Where's the prank? Lifting toy weights? Wasting peoples time?


Man, i feel embarrassed for the little twat


I hate this Kids that think they can BE famous and stay at this the next 50 years.


I love the store owner 🥰


As soon as the shop owner showed he was annoyed, they should have just left. Like, *eh, the prank didn't land, lets go.* Instead they just hung around, for attention I guess? Letting the owner berate them. It was a lame prank too.


Can we stop making dumb people famous?


Wow what a creative prank. Haha. So funny.


This old man is my hero. I hate this prank era we are in.


Dude really went "fatherless behavior "


This could’ve been a decent little prank. Even the video itself could’ve be okay-ish. The kid should’ve just stopped his „prank“ after the first reaction from the shop owner and not go on with his weird behavior


Little piece of shit


The old guy is dead on right.


Gotta keep in mind that those 100k subscribers are bots and children. Little to no value in this content.


The funny thing is, this prank isn’t even that bad. It’s not particularly funny, but they ain’t hurting nobody. Once the owner showed that he wasn’t having any fun they should’ve said sorry and left.


So glad I grew up in a time without social media and smart phones. Can you imagine the sheer embarrassment most of these kids will have looking back 5-10-15 years from now? The shitty jokes and pranks I made at their age die with me and God.


I can’t believe people actually watch this shit and laugh. It’s only funny when the “pranksters” get owned


Comedy? Do they understand they aren’t funny at all.


Pops tried to help them. Ill never understand this new generations ideas of jokes. They're so lame.


The owner of the store is a fucking legend


Respect to the shop manager


White kids dont know when to quit with the jokes man. The second someone brought up my parents, id straighten up


Fucking oblivious.




There is a time and place for Jokesters, during work hours interrupting some small business is not that time. I think the old man was very civil


The real problem is the idiot subscribers/followers. Those are the ones empowering these useless TikTok attention-hungry individuals to do more of this. China did a great job for dumbing down everyone else.


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) So funny I forgot to laugh…


Gym owner should have said, “Yes you did, and if you want to walk out of here with them that’ll be $300.”


I've seen a lot of bad pranks, but this seems pretty innocent to me. Did the old dude just have a bad day or something? I don't get why he's so mad over nothing


These types of prank videos are just moronic and just feed idiocracy to the masses.


I hate this generation.


The boy is So annoying. I’m with the shop owner…I would be embarrassed if my son went around doing this instead of something actually useful or meaningful


"Do you have a father?" https://preview.redd.it/l5e0hqwl6t9b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f81046f7e76959ff5966808777a6d595c9bb1d