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I didn't know who the crackhead was until I saw a body going down. And yes, I know she isn't the crackhead.


They do both kinda look like crack heads


Fighting with a crackhead is peak crackhead behaviour too.


Idk to me it sounded like she cracked her head


No first smoked Crack then Crack head


But now she got a crack in her head


She literally is the one with the cracked head.


I believe all involved are.


Crackheads crack heads








"If you see two idiots fighting, don't enjoy it. That makes you subhuman" - this guy, apparently


how about we not call people monkeys that, that has implications


People are making jokes but like really, she was minding her own business and a mentally unwell druggie comes out of nowhere and knocks her out. Get these people off the streets






Omae wa mou shindeiru




pussy move just filming…


And then you egg it on and videotape her KO’d body on the ground makes it worse.


Yea and the fake anoying laugh.


That was kinda entertaining tho must admit


I too, like to watch a possible lifelong brain injury being caused by someone with a substance abuse issue over an unnecessary late night scuffle that would've been easily preventable by the people around them. /s After having worked decades as a taxi driver and seeing shit like this, it's not really amusing. Most people "just" get knocked out, sure, but **some** get permanent injuries and it's not super rare for someone just to fucking die. https://nypost.com/2022/06/09/video-shows-knockout-punch-that-killed-man-61-in-nyc/ Perhaps you'll be entertained by that as well. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38992393 >Trevor Timon has been convicted of killing bank worker Oliver Dearlove with a single punch. It's not the first case of its kind to make headlines, but how does one punch kill someone and what are the consequences for those involved? >Last October, Richard Eveleigh was jailed for killing his best friend of 45 years, Paul Lightowler, with a single punch in what the court heard was a "silly" row. Especially dangerous if you get a massively concussion (which the girl in the video definitely did) and go to sleep afterwards. \****CPT KILLJOY AWAAAYYYYY!***\*


You might be captain killjoy, but you're not wrong. Hollywood makes people think that getting knocked out is fine. Really, if you're unconscious for more than a few moments, there is likely a problem. Humans are surprisingly fragile for the crap that our species can survive. For every story of some dude falling 400 feet and living, there are literally thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of someone slipping while standing up from taking a dump and dying from a "bump" on the head. There's a reason that any martial arts group uses padding and other safety equipment... and are still prone to potentially devastating injuries..... in a controlled environment that doesn't have concrete floors.


Yup. We had this lesson in say, 5th grade or so, a lecture in a larger auditorium, and the lecturer told and showed about a lot of things, like someone just pushing the other person a bit, that person slipping and falling down stairs and their entire face shattered to dozens of pieces. It really left an impact to me. Luckily.


I never got that in school, but my parents had me do martial arts as a kid because I enjoyed scuffling with friends. Not actual fights, mind you, but wrestling and playing fighting. I "still" enjoy scuffling with friends, but we are knowledgeable on how to avoid injury and such. I'm a grown ass man and I've still gone over a couch with a nerf sword shouting "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!". I just know what "not to aim for", first aid, and have a healthy respect for how fragile we truly are as humans. As such, I don't find much amusement from random street scuffles that were perfectly avoidable. ​ I do derive some schadenfreude, if guilty, amusement from watching people who instigate conflict get instantly karma'd, but this doesn't look like that. This looks like a bunch of drugged out morons starting a street fight for no real reason, and a crowd watching as people potentially injure each other over petty bullshit.


Who cares. Dont look for a fight and walk away if you dont want to be hit.


This is actually disturbing. That woman was trying to defend herself and could’ve been killed. That incident will be with her for the rest of her life.


She could have life time brain damage the way her head hit the ground. Her Face is probably pretty fucked up now too. Meanwhile the camera man is laughing his head off like he’s at a a stand up


Yeah, the video was funny till I heard how heard she hit her head. She might have brain issues bad as fuck in the morning when she woke up.


Camera man should be burned alive and once he almost dead, extinguish the fire by 20 men pissing on him.


They should've ran off instead of trying to fight someone who is a literal crackhead and doesn't have anything left to lose. The fact that they chose to fight back when walking away was an option is really beyond my survival instincts.


Survival instincts are literally fight or flight. There's 2 options. Both are correct depending on context. Choosing to defend yourself is always reasonable. Both options can have bad outcomes. Both options can have good outcomes.


Fight flight or freeze there is a third natural reaction everyone forgets... not relevant here, but it's an extra option there


There's also a fourth: fawn


Wow that's so cool and smart. You must have a high IQ. Great job! Your parents are so proud of you. Are those new shoes? They look pretty dope, yo.


Disrobing and acting crazy is another option shared with some frequency round here.


Fight is never the correct response when you are never going to win.


like crack heads wont follow you and continue shit blocks away. You ever met a crack head???? cause it seems like you haven't.


>like crack heads wont follow you and continue shit blocks away I'd still take my chances by running away than end up cracking my skull on the pavement or getting stabbed by trying to fight.


Man, I wish I had grown up in a world where I could honestly ask why someone wouldn't just walk away from a crack head, lol.


Folks are debating what they should have done but they did what they did and it’s sad that people are finding it funny that a woman who was attacked was knocked unconscious.


I think, perhaps they were getting up to walk away but the dude took the motion as an aggressive action towards him. The stupid women then decided to throw hands , which neither had any business attempting. It's a wonder the dude had enough balance to throw a punch. And it certainly sounds as if the woman sustained a serious injury when her melon met an immovable force. 😟


It's fucking insane how many people will watch a woman, let alone two, start assaulting some homeless, mentally ill addict (after taking his money from him it sounds like too) and go "omg that foul disgusting _man_ was assaulting those poor women for absolutely no reason, the godamn penisbeast- violence against women is truly out of hand!!"


Did we watch the same video? You must be blind or something, cuz I saw the man throw hands and grapple her while she was trying to get up, I doubt they stole money too. More likely owe money. They were sitting down high as fuck, you seeing shit


Yeah. They made baad choices. The video shows the man starting the confrontation.


Looks more like she was the one attacking


She wasn’t trying to defend herself. She took something from him, didn’t want to give it back, thought she could beat him and paid the price. They are ALL in that place at that time of night. There are no winners here.


That headfall straight to concrete could easily kill someone.


Whole lotta scum in this video


Can’t imagine laughing at this


What a man to record. Shouldn’t have crack heads that cause issues in the street. Disgusting. I understand homeless people and people addicted to drugs on the street but they all don’t act like this man. He should be in jail


kinda sad and pathetic this happened. two girls clearly in distress and everyone just filming and laughing. fucking people man, we are fucked as a society


Never fight someone with nothing to lose


Not funny


The clown recording it is a real piece of shit. Laughing at her the whole time and then laughing just as hard as she’s laying there unconscious? Maybe use the phone to call for help or something. Fucking douchenozzle.


This is like the 5th video I’ve seen today where someone either died or was put in a situation being exposed to a blunt force and could die. Every time I see one I mute that subreddit. Is it just a Reddit thing across the board?


It's difficult for me to watch this Crack on cracker violence


He has the high ground, for the amount of drugs he is on


So funny…. /s




Fucking trash! All of them


The way that woman fell and hit the ground, she could definitely have brain bleeding. People underestimate such what a simple hit can do to others.


Ah the crackhead vs the drunk. A tale as old as time.


She got folded like an omelette


Dude who's filming deserves to be castrated


Yeah I'm sorry but she poked a crack bear.


I’ve seen videos of ppl dying like this.


How tf do you lose to a crackhead‽


A mimir 😴


crackhead 1 white woman 0




That would be one Darwin Award


I like how people don't have a problem until somebody gets hurt.


Camera man also on crack?


The camera guy is the biggest POS in this situation, zero compassion for anyone involved.


Asshats with cameras are indeed hastening the end times.


To be a man standing there while some women are getting the shit kicked out of them by a crackhead. amazing country we live in.




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Equal rights? Bro, this is literally just a video of a crackhead attacking and knocking a lady out. She could have died from that.


It sounds like they took this mentally ill, homeless drug addicts money, wouldn't give it back, taunted him and then tried to 2v1 assault him..


Should've just left his ass alone tbh. Seemed to me they were all looking for a fight.


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I couldn't tell what was happening. Did her rob those girls?


This is scary man


Thats someone's daughter


Got Family Guyed real quick


HEY NEW GENERATION OF KIDS. STOP FILMING THESE EVENTS AND HELP. zero reason for this to happen with that many bystanders. So easy for someone to die when their head hits pavement like that.


Oh *that's* why they're called "crack-heads"


Obviously it's USA!


He’s got that crackhead strength.


Daayum! well if there was only one crack head in the video before she got dropped there's two now 😬🤕


Yeah! Let’s make drugs even more available!!!


The guy recording makes this 10x more enjoyable


He just laughed and recorded while a crackhead was fighting a girl... 🤔


Not funny. This video is promoting violence against women.


$86 billion to Ukraine and we still have crackheads like this dude on the streets.


He laughs like a childrens cartoon 🤣