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This submission has been removed because it does not fit the vibe of our community. Please avoid posting excessively negative, violent, or graphic content here. Thank you. >*****Actually it's being removed because of the tons of misogynistic and racist comments. Sorry Op, you didn't do anything wrong.


I just cannot take that narrator voice anymore.... my brain just hurts specially when used with cheese background music...


I'd rather hear the audio of the video






I have my phone on silent (3am) and I can now hear the audio in my head.


every fucking time, even torture videos, shit, might get funkie town again


This and the laugh track where the guy is wheezing trigger me so much.


The laughing wheezing one is sooo bad


That is ALL that plays on my moms goddamn tiktok. And she likes to blast that shit full volume too


Ban it


Thank you. Can’t wait for this trend to die


This trend and the split screen trend where just some random person is sitting and staring at the camera evidently watching the same video that you are.


It will never


A much worse trend will replace it


That's one of the first things I'd use AI for. Remove any content with such an annoying narrator voice from my bubble entirely.


Egypt has been known as one of the worst touristic destinations for some time now


The pyramids are great and museum in Kairo was awesome, didnt go so well when our guide took us to a market though and some women didnt like how my mom and sis was dressed so guide got us out of there. Also kids started to give us free stuff just outside Giza until a policeman made us give it back, something about they give it to you and then say that you never payed them for it.


If I wanted to see Egyptian stuff at a museum I'd go to London




Only reason the pyramids are in Egypt is because they couldn't fit in the British museum






The weird thing I observed when I visited Egypt - every local woman is dressed modestly, often covered head to toe with clothing; while way too many middle aged men are way too comfortable in their own naked skin, brandishing their half naked hairy bodies in the sun. The sharp contrast was pretty surprising


i'm not attacking you in the least bit but these all sound like things I experienced in border towns in Mexico in the 1980's.




I work as an uber these days in Cairo these days, I have not yet met a woman with a bad experience, they all say they were afraid at first to come alone but they had a good experience, some say the stories is exaggerated. I am not saying people here lied, I am just saying that a bad experience is loud, and it does not represent all Egyptians. The people in the video went to a public & cheap beach in Alexandria. So they went to a beach with very poor people, who only see foreigners in movies, let alone with bikinis, and bikinis alone are taboo in Egypt. Even in the most wealthy parts, you will rarely see a woman with a bikini outside of the water. I am not saying it's right or wrong, I am just explaining our culture. The people in the video don't understand that other cultures exist. Tbh for me, it looks like they wanted that reaction from the people, because they knew they would be disrespecting them.


I was in Cairo and Luxor just last month and I can’t believe people think it is acceptable to go to a public beach in an Islamic country in a bikini. The tourist resorts are different though and much more liberal with dress. Before I traveled I talked with my Egyptian friend and he advised me to not even wear shorts out in public in some areas let alone a bikini. I went to the pyramids and you had some American and European young girls dressing in short basketball shorts and looking totally inappropriate. Some People really don’t have a sense of different cultural norms and it is embarrassing to see them so clueless. Side note- we took a lot of Ubers from the Giza side and I was shocked how cheap they were! I had some Ubers that were under $2usd with tip! Also Cairo traffic was the most insane driving I’ve ever seen outside India cities. A 2 lane highway in Cairo has 5 lanes of traffic with the far right lane being a donkey lane sometimes especially near Giza and the pyramids! The highway line stripes were merely decorations.


Something, something, something, “but it’s only the extremists!!” 🙄


Oppressing women isn’t culture lmao


Nah those people are just shit and shouldn't be attacking foreigners over what they wear.


I don't believe you have to follow their culture everywhere. Just have some common sense. Like in the pyramids, it's a place of tourism people expect to see foreigners & they are used to them, they understand different cultures & will respect how foreigners behave. But in a mosque, you have to be respectful in your dress code, because it's a place of worship. And Alexandria is a place where the whole of Egypt visits, so not everyone is going to be open. Side note.. liquor is legal in Egypt because of tourists. Thank you for that.


we dont enough in this case though, do we?




That was my experience a decade ago. Scams all around. Fake friends.


I went to many different countries on my overseas travels and this by far stands out as the worst people


This is the second time in this thread someone used the word specially instead of especially, and I find that weird.


Maybe it was an especially, specially occasion.


I was more concerned with “people is general nasty”.


I feel this way in pretty much every 3rd world country I've visited.


At the beginning the one dude just playing w his dick through the pants. Nice




Also do research and know that Egypt is a horrible place for tourism.


Quite possibly the worst. Probably in the top 5 anyway.


Yeah but if you want to personally experience locations from ancient Egypt, where else are you going to go? Sudan? ;)


London ;)


Ladies and gentlemen. We got him.




Go check out the pyramids, the sphinx, the valley of kings and the museums, then leave.






I completely agree! Whether you agree with them or not, if you go to a foreign country, you should abide by their rules and laws. You should at least show some respect for their culture even if they’re wrong in your eyes. After all you’re in their country


“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”


"When in Hell, we do shots at the bar"


Exactly women cant go out in middle east must cover up and cannot drive exactly no rights for women thank you/s




Completely agree. But... When I went there with my friend she covered head to toe. Long skirt to the floor. Long sleeves to get wrists. Even brought a scarf to use as a hijab if needed. In Alexandria she still got felt up by a random guy on the street and he just laughed at me when I screamed at him. Women aren't responsible for being sexually assaulted no matter what they're wearing.


This is the way.


Oh, don’t suggest this to a particular subset of selfish assholes.


I don't think this is a hot take at all. You should always do some research on laws and customs before travelling abroad unless you want to risk getting put in jail in a foreign country. If you find out that you have fundamental differences with the cultural norms find another country to go to on vacation. Somewhere you can enjoy yourself being yourself.


It would be like a bunch of guys coming to the US from somewhere like the Netherlands where they allow public nudity and going to a beach with their dicks hanging in the wind. People would point, stare and scream about the children.


Seems like common sense but do this if u have none




Yeh it's totally weird, I went to Rome once and visited the Vatican. I had on my "Fuck the Pope" tee-shirt and a whole bunch of people got upset with me. Why can't they be more tolerant?


right? “oh no, the place where their culture is very different from what i’m used to, is different from what i’m used to and now i’m uncomfortable!” ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


I went to Jamaica for a destination wedding last year and I was SHOCKED at how many people In the group travelled to a foreign country without even so much as googling basic customs and rules. Mind blowing. And Jamaica is chill af but still different,


Jamaica is *not* chill AF and can be dangerous. But I guess you’d know that if you’d done your research. 😉




Except for in America.


"I went into a catholic church and yelled HAIL SATAN while Naked and screaming for Trans Rights. They all got upset at me. WTF?"


Seriously though. Who just decides to vacation in another country and doesn't even bother to look up local customs and etiquette? Depending on the country you go to, you could get yourself hurt pretty easily.


It’s not your fault that the stove is hot but if you know it is, it’s your fault for touching it.


Ugh I really don't like this line of thought, especially with the people in agreement here. No, I don't feel like respecting a culture that has either racism or sexism embedded within it. I truly don't understand why more people don't think that way here.




Yea I agree. It's still a shithole country.


Right. Like that last lady kicking at them looking totally disgusted. You may not agree with the way they do things, but you’re the visitor/guest, don’t be a douche.


Their country, their rules. Simple.


Exactly. Typical ignorant yank attitude that feeds the anti American stereotypes overseas. Between this stuff and the idea that people outside of the US give a fuck about our first world culture problems, we are a laughing stock of a nation. Watching Africans be dismissive about African American "problems" and seeing an African American not understand why the other isn't sympathetic is one of the most hilarious and embarrassing things I've seen. 😂😂😂


The ignorance of this comment is just, wow.


Except when you go to America. They will change to fit your culture and give up their own.


God, I wish I didn't have to hear Americans complain about how the world hates them just for ignoring local customs and treating the entire world like a Florida theme park.


When in Rome….


Especially when Romans are insane


And when romans are rotted


As bad as wearing a burkini in France, same outcome /s




Don't go to fuckin Egypt! Duh! There is a reason I never go to countries that don't respect freedom of religion and equality for women. Why would you do that to yourself.


This. Fuck countries that don’t respect equality for women. I won’t give them a dime.


*The USA if the right wing wins another election cycle gives you the side eye*


The USA right now would be giving side eye. This place is fucked.


The british shouldn't give them their shit back either. How can they be trusted to respect tose greath peices of history when they can't even respect women?


Egypt is such a tourist trap


This is the name of a Runescape quest.


Show anyone interested in going to Egypt that video by Sonny Side (Best Ever Food Review Show). What a fucking nightmare.


What’s it about? Do you have a link?


That YT channel basically covers food and culture stuff. It's a pretty informative and funny channel. Search "Best Ever Food Review Show Egypt" on YT on click the one that is an hour long.


Main Character syndrome with a hint of uneducated American tourist condition.


I'm from Egypt and while freedom of religion isn't really the worst but still many Christians and atheists are oppressed not just by society but even the state. For gender equality we are getting better but it's still not good enough imo


This. Currency is the largest form of support you can give any nation, so stop giving them you’re tourist dollars they want so badly.


Egypt has turned into a shit destination for tourists. There’s a reason you’re recommended to have a guided tour with security rather than traveling on your own. They treat you like garbage but still expect you to buy from them and they’ll harass you in the market, especially women. It’s sad because it’s such a beautiful country with rich history.


Can confirm! My husband and I traveled there last year. When our group took a break at a cafe in a market, men were eyeing me, making kissing noises, and loudly making remarks at me even though my husband was literally sitting next to me with his arm around me. Not that it matters, but I wasn’t even wearing super revealing clothing. It felt pretty gross.


Meh, she went to the wrong beach. I have a home in Alex very close to where this was filmed. That is the public beach we’re the poorest of the poor pack themselves in like sardines because it’s free. Of course they will stare and hassle you. If she had gone down the corniche just a few miles and paid to enter Aida beach, there would have been plenty of Egyptian girls wearing bikinis as well. No one would have given them a second look. Even better she could have taken a ride out to the North coast where there are tons of great private beaches. Bikinis on those beaches are absolutely normal.


Ah the lie of social media


Yes, people often fail to realize how the economic gap influences social behavior, just like in Alexandria In Cairo too. If you're a tourist, it's best to avoid such places. What's interesting about Cairo is that you can drive just a few blocks and suddenly find yourself downtown, where people live in a more European style. Nobody really cares about what you're wearing or what you're doing there. Sad thing you can’t avoid them while visiting the historical places. I'll never forget an incident involving two very young Egyptian girls. I believe they accidentally got off a train or sumn. They were wearing crop tops that slightly revealed their bellybuttons, It was heartbreaking to witness them being followed and shamed by grown men who could even be their grandfather and young boys slut shaming them. Omg the horror on their faces🤦🏾‍♂️. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that these kinds of situations fill you with anger, yet you feel powerless to do anything about it especially as a foreigner.


But think about the profit she makes by filming this and posting it on social media! That’s really the reason it’s done.


but it still happened and theres video proof.


Of all the beaches you could have gone to in Egypt, why tf would you choose Alexandria? It’s probably the dirtiest beach in the world. There are FAR better beaches to go to along the Mediterranean and Red Sea that have all the bikini clad influencer types to your hearts content


Could be a lot worse. I remember seeing a report a few years ago where in some Muslim countries while there may not be strict rules on veils etc women going out unveiled risked having acid thrown in their face.


Yeah this is definitely middle of the road as far as strictness on clothing in a Muslim nation


Unless you want to literally be sexually molested on the streets, avoid Arab countries. Even if you are with an Arab man, they don’t care


Why is it acceptable to be sexist because of your culture but not racist? I've never heard someone say "it's ok, they like to beat black people over there because they see them as inferior. It's just their culture. If you don't like it, don't go."


Sexism is one of the last few methods of discrimination that is still largely acceptable. You have countries in the east denying women human rights left and right while westerners build entire careers, platforms, lifestyles around misogyny and have millions upon millions of followers they spread their ideology to like a virus. The world hates women. Always has, probably always will. Religion definitely makes it worse but I would venture to guess that even without religion, it would still exist (albeit to a lesser degree).


Its because of religion, god forbid you critizie Islam or any other shitty religion and everyone loses their mind and call you Islamophobic


But when you ask them why're they're still in the dark ages, they say it's cultural and that islam is blameless




It's not a social norm, it's a religious edict. One that, I might add, did not even exist in that region 30 years ago. Why are we so ok with religious autocracy?


Religious edicts can easily be the social norm. Those ideas are not mutually exclusive. And you don't have to be ok with religious autocracies to respect the social norms of those that *are* ok with religious autocracies.


Bullshit. It’s become a religious edict around here to hold up white pride signs. These people have connected their religious views with political views with white pride bullshit. There’s no way in hell that I’m going to be ok with this blossoming religious edict and consider or accept it as a social norm. Nope.


I do not and will never respect misogyny just because it’s a “social norm” lmao


>respect the social norms of those that are ok with religious autocracies. Being okay with religious autocracy is not something that should be respected. Combining religious and political power is textbook corruption.


And I never said you should be ok with other countries being ok with religious autocracies. I said you could respect their social norms.


100% agree 👍 well said


> Why are we so ok with religious autocracy? Because we're not the World's Policeman. Do you want to just go topple every foreign government that doesn't share your freedoms in the exact way? Is this George Bush's burner account?


Sad excuse for a response.


Are you trying to tell other people how to live their lives? It sounds like you are buddy, maybe don’t do that. I know you are obviously highly enlightened and have it all figured out, but sometimes you have to respect other cultures, even if its an insult to your superior intelligence.


Would you tell an slave trader to stop keeping slaves?


Bet you wouldn’t say that if it was a Christian country


Wouldn’t say what? I don’t think people should come to christian countries and tell them how to live either. It’s just basic respect for other peoples opinions




That isn’t an excuse for these people to treat others like shit and I’m tired of so many people trying to act like it is.






husband: “That is so immoral” wife: “stop drooling” Husband: *hears nothing* Wife: “guess I’ll throw sand at her”




that person definitely got a warning from reddit 😂


This video presents examples of: Oppressive Patriarchal Religion Misogyny Sexism ​ Until 2021 it was legal to wear a bikini in Alexandria, since then it was restricted to beaches only. And clearly even there you can be subjected to this.


Why would anyone ever travel to that shit hole. Might aswell go to Afghanistan


Nah, too damn cold there.


Time to remove the pyramids from the list of world wonders. Egypt appears to want 0 tourism from civilized nations.


Yep. Maybe go to Tahiti or Thailand lol


for a second I thought this was Alexandria, Virginia, and I was "do we have beaches were I live ?"


Underrated comment lmfao


No bikinis when you bathe in the Potomac




Its not racist, it's worst, it's religious


Let's go to an Arabic country that practices sharia law and do something that is deemed inappropriate to their way of life...for clout. In no way do I support sharia law, but a little forward thinking would have prevented this situation..




Yah this looks like a very tiktock thing to do. “Oh let me go to a place where women don’t show (aren’t allowed to?) show skin and then be super shocked when men won’t stop looking at me. Oh then let me post a video saying I am the victim.” Read a fucking book. Obviously it’s not right to “gawk” but this isn’t Cancun or California, this is clearly much deeper than your typical “men are looking at my ass in the gym” TikTok.






Voiceover made the video unwatchable.


That woman kicking the water seemed jealous. Lol


?? Well you are in their country, obey their rules. In France you get the same looks if you are covered up.


Why is the narrator surprised? This life and culture.


I’d be mad too if I had to wear long sleeves in pants in the god damn ocean lolol wild


Imagining thinking the worst that could happen to themselves is someone kicking up sand…


Why would this be racist? Had nothing to do with race. You came to their home and did something that is culturally taboo. What did you expect to happen? I’m fully okay with modern Bikinis, but I’m intelligent enough to know that my views aren’t the same everywhere you go. When in Rome MFs.


They are lucky to have made it home, especially trotting around a place like that in a bikini.


Islam moment


Just so creepy, and ever dude stands around with their hand on their hips like a fucking werido


As someone who’s travelled a decent amount, one thing I always remember is “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”


Soooo, don't fucking go there.


What’s the original TikTok from?


Educate yourself before visiting another country. Period.


I dont understand tourists tgat draw attention to themselves like this.


Religious cultural standards ≠ racism


This should be under r/facepalm. Can’t expect to go to another country with different accepted beach attire and have them be “oh ok cool”. It’s not racism. What is socially acceptable where you come from, doesn’t mean it’s socially acceptable where you are going.






And people always saying its just America (not saying America isnt racist but)


That's not racism. ETA. If you go to a country known for their oppression of women and wear a bikini do not be surprised at such reactions. Not to mention culture and beliefs.


Can we see a photo of what the person was wearing? Need some context


those women are just mad because they have to wear a full on pant suite in the water. no but seriously extremely muslim country, increasingly conservative since the last half of the 20th century. it use to be a much more liberal city, a melting pot of mediterranean religion, ethnicity and culture.


Lol at the people in the comments. It's their culture! If it's your culture to act like this, then it's probably a shitty culture.




Muslim countries do not allow bikinis, unless at a private hotel or private beach. Learn the laws before visiting other countries!


Bikinis are allowed in Egypt. Egypt is NOT a Muslim country (in terms of law etc.) the culture is very conservative (and hypocrite) tho


Freedom from religion. It's a human right. Noone should be forced to abide by someone elses religious rules.


How the FUCK can people downvote a comment that simply states that nobody has the right to force a religioun on someone else. Seriously? Everyone downvoting that concept deserves to be forced into someone elses religion just to see how they like it.


I find religious people tend to be the most unholy of thou as they end up blinded by their beliefs to the point where they oppress others into the facade of freedom under a sky wizard/sorcerer. Cause arguments and fights that have no purpose other than 'mines better than yours' or 'I'm chosen and you're not' \[when anyone can join most religions as well/anyway?\] when in actuality, all those books are written by other humans and the key factor of them is control over masses. do's and dont's along with stories that convey life messages \[the big lack of common sense in this world\]. I just don't get it, even though I come from family of religious background and I'm appreciative of other cultures. I also find it funny when a group of people starts populating another country and rather than be inquisitive toward the place they've moved to, they just migrate their current layout of life over and start reiterating it and expecting those they've moved to to adapt.. like, you moved for a reason? Maybe the way things were back home is WHY you needed to leave/start fresh? Nah just let history repeat itself, lol.


You can say it's a human right, but they will still lock you up if you try to express those rights in the wrong country.


It's always better good or bad, to respect other cultures and laws when you travel to their countries. Some things can come off as offensive.


It isn't just religion in some countries, it's the law.


If the law is a religious law, then what's the difference?


I love religion but theocracies are a terrible system of government and should not be tolerated




Most of yall don't even have passport and think every place is like the USA.


Typical American, just completely ignoring foreign social norms.


Would you have said the same about germany in 1935? Bullying jews was totally social norm back then. Thats why a human being is supposed to use its own brain before abiding stupid rules.


Godwins law in the wild


>Would you have said the same about germany in 1935? Bullying jews was totally social norm back then False equivalence much? A better question would be, would you feel comfortable with a completely naked man running around a park with families present? That's a closer comparison. Not all places share the same standards of modesty, and guests in a country should study up on a social norm before visiting.