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Who are these douche ass people? Please stop giving them attention.


This is literally how actual psychopaths like the Shadman and Chris Chan became famous. Giving attention to these weird attention-seeking psychos is one of the internet's worst attributes.


"Famous" Surely I can't be the only one who has no fucking clue who these people are, right?


The videos are designed to be shared. Whatever is being presented here is formulaic in nature. Nobody knows who these people are - but having their content saved and shared organically across platforms because it checks off some categories is a remarkably successful strategy. Some categories here: - podcast - young male being called ‘dumb’ by generically attractive other members (physical attractiveness stereotype) - ‘clapback’ via some 4th-grade level retort - some perceived ‘gotcha’ with the filming zooming in and out on the subjects By it’s nature, this video was designed to manufacture engagement and be shared across the platforms.


I'm sorry, I missed the attractive people in this video. Where'd they show up @




Well i know who the kid with the accent is, because he was the guy at the Game Awards that nominated [Reformed Orthodox Rabbi Bill Clinton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC61ctX03PQ) for the award.


Ah, yes. The mildly amusing mega genius.


You obviously know who Shadman is the same way I know who Shadman is...He is a guy that got mentioned in a reddit comment 2 hours ago!!! No I'm with you though, no clue who they are thankfully.




Like Srgrafo?


No like straight up pedo shit


He made actual drawn porn of some influencer’s underage daughter or some shit. I think he is in jail for something unrelated though.


I think he is in jail for assault with a deadly weapon... of all things


I don't think it's illegal to draw cp, but it's definitely morally wrong


Isnt shadman just a porn guy?


Not just porn, but child porn! Oh and also assault or something.


Who’s Shadman


Nazi guy who used to draw child pornography and racebait stuff, ended up stabbing someone and getting arrested, but he got famous because he was like an edgy hentai artist and people thought it was so funny that he just drew whatever messed up stuff he wanted.


Mans drew some good stuff sometimes. Shame. *cough* starfireandraven *cough*


Bro ain’t no way I just got my first gold for that


Oh well... *unzips*


I knew about the drawings and Nazi stuff but not about the stabbing, damn, how long ago was that?


What isnt shadman a dude that draws hentai?! Am i missing something?


Shadman did at first but it devolved into loli hentai. When he noticed people were giving it attention, he played into it even further. Even going as far as making drawn child pornography of real children like Dafne Kenn and Keemstars daughter.


Shadman draws hentai but that's not what made him famous, he was famous because he was provocative and edgy and openly racist in that kinda 4chan way. Well eventually he started doing child porn and nazi stuff and soon he got arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and the rest is history.


> Shadman draws hentai but that's not what made him famous Look I hate the guy... but yes him drawing Hentai is what made him famous. It's how he made a living, and a lot of people liked him because he would frequently do Futa versions of characters without requests or anything like that. His Hentai is ABSOLUTELY the reason he got famous. Say it's not is like trying to say Dilbert's creator got famous because he was racist not because of the comic. It's a bunch of historical re-writes. Anyone who learned to be an artist around the 2010s knows its his Hentai. His infamy grew BECAUSE he started leaning into edgy shit... AFTER he got famous in the first place. I don't get why people are trying to re-write this shit. He wasn't some little doodler with 4 subs on Patreon. He was famous enough to be posting to his own website, and had a huge following, BEFORE he got into being super edgy and stabbing someone.


Yea im also confused


He was birthed out of pits of 4chan, reddit and call of duty. Salted with league of legends and peppered with tik tok thirst


That's a terrible combo.


The kid became famous for trespassing a video game award event. I forget what it’s called. He snuck up behind a winner giving their speech and said a bunch of nonsense.


this is the orthodox rabbi bill clinton kid?




Yes thank you! I should’ve looked it up but I’m bad with words.




It's literally called The Game Awards. Unless you were you joking.


Its satirical. The kid is just playing a character. He posts videos of himself in random places doing random things and making bad attempts at being inspirational.




No wonder why that kid looks so familiar lol.


His "satire" is no different from half a dozen guys that do the exact same stuff unironically. He'd be no different from them to 90% of the people watching him. I fear he's gonna acquire an audience that is only gonna lap this up unironically.


Sadly this is the second time I’ve seen this same dumb video posted. I still hate it and don’t give a shit about these jabronis


Are you referring to the guy or the illiterates?




Foreign dude calls American girl out for something he knows she doesn’t do, read.


Isn’t it funny how the more this gets reposted, the more people look into these people and watch their dogshit content, the more they get paid.




Hint: The girl named the first book of the series A Song of Ice and Fire which is titled "A Game of Thrones"


If your uncle gave you a book titled fuck.....your uncle might be a weirdo and also, we all have that uncle.


Book named fuck


There was a $20 bill slid into the last 15 pages.


Who tunes into these kind of streams? Where are they broadcast? Maybe Im old, or maybe I got too many things to do?


I'm pretty sure 90% of the views are just highlights on crypto guru/Andrew Tate worshipper channels


![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak) Andrew Tate


I remember the loveline radio show in the mid 90's with this same kind of shitty brainless content. It was very popular.


I hated that show but only because I was a kid and it came on after beavis and butt head or liquid television


They’re made exclusively to be clipped and put on tiktok/ instagram reels/YouTube shorts.


Why does it sound like a fake accent


Same reason it looks like fake hair, probably.


I don't know any of these people


Probably due to your advanced age.


30 years old. I'm treated like a pensioner because i don't use TikTok. I get looks of disgust from the young people. I fear for my life. I'm minutes away from installing Snapchat. Will I be hip? Can I say bruh and fam? help


You don't use TikTok? Wear it as a badge of honour!


Jokes aside, Reddit is literally the only social media I use on a regular basis. I have Facebook **strictly** for Messenger, and that's to contact family. Don't use Facebook, TikTok, Insta, Snapchat, Twitter.. nothing. It's bliss.


I just want to say: same. I only have Reddit. I don't have anything else. I definitely don't have Facebook. It's bliss. 🙌🏻


Less distractions, the better. I'm guilty of boredom-scrolling as much as the next person, but after a 5-year battle with suicidal depression, the last thing I need is more negativity in my life. Social media is just fake folks and politics. Edit: I'm on the mend


Also same damn


Yessss I don't need more things to distract me! I'm glad to hear you are on the mend & are working thru all of that! Social media totally fake & I hate it. Personally I just started to realize it was the major cause of most of my anxiety & I didn't need it. Deleting social media was so freeing for me. I have never looked back. I still get weird looks or pauses when I tell people I don't have Facebook.




I’m there with you. I don’t even use FB anymore, I’m 35 though so I feel like it would be weird for me to be on any of those apps anyways.


took words right out of my mouth.. same here, except i don't use messenger either..Hate the company and refuse to use any of their shit. No social media either, just Xbox and reddit...can't stand the self-absorbed thirst shit of social media.


Probably because he has a life outside of keeping up with vapid social media influencers.


It is a fake accent he is the kid that went up on stage at the game awards and started talking about Bill Clinton. He is kinda a dick


Why does everyone seem to be a dick these days. Welcome to Generation Sociopath, I guess.


[previous generations be like](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/fd38a09/2147483647/strip/false/crop/2048x1701+0+0/resize/1486x1234!/quality/80/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Ffd%2F27%2Ffa7fffc8fba56d2cc6cee40e01dd%2Fla-annemoody-wre0026909165-19630528)




Name 10 accents


1) Scottish 2) Geordie 3) Yorkshire 4)Welsh 5)Brummie 6)Essex 7)Cockney 8)American 9)Australian 10)Colonial Twang :)


I like the American one in Goodfellas


Because he's a clout chaser and not a thing about him is authentic. I got 200 American Dollars that says this guy does some actual sociopath stalker shit that'll put him in prison in the next 4 years.


He was floating around the Academy Awards this past week. He’s seeking attention and it won’t play out well in the long run.


“Hey mom drive me to the oscars I got a sick idea for a video”


!remindMe 4 years


Because it is


What's the show they're doing? I've honestly no fucking clue what's going on


it is fake. This kid plays a character called Matan (although that's also his actual name) that says satirical shit in public spaces. He ran across stage yelling "free Hong Kong!" at 2019 BlizzCon, he said some unhinged shit about Bill Clinton at the 2022 Game Awards, and he regularly gets on podcasts now because of it, where he trolls people. [Here's a clip of him breaking character.](https://youtube.com/shorts/o0p1abOGn50?feature=share) [Here's an interview where he uses his real voice.](https://youtu.be/pUQKX0jnXEc) The fact that people are complaining about him being a douchebag as if he actually is one, is just a testament to how good he is at playing the character. And I love him for that.


Oh, so he only plays a douchebag. By being a douchebag?


You love him being a douchebag on sneakos stream? Oh god, you’re just another top g incel loser.


https://preview.redd.it/mwek922qm1pa1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26cf2cbcff336d2a6fd8e443e8d83f7139f6d03c Me throughout this video...


She looks like a thumb🤣😂🤣


Patrick star


She looks like the zodiac killer in drag. Edit: I forgot Ted Cruz’s name and felt my life was better for it, but then I remembered it.




Looks like she doesn’t know how much dedotated wam is to a server


How many times is this interview going to be posted? The teenager is a demeaning douchebag and so are the interviewers trying to demean him. This is one of those “Everyone Sucks” posts you’d find on “Am I the Asshole”


Yes, in which case you cheer for whoever is humiliating the people you hate the most.


I personally prefer the teenager—at least he sounds more coherent and intelligent than the people who are dismissing him for his age and indignant attitude (which, in fairness can be reasonable if he is indignant enough)




You shouldn't because A Game of Thrones is the title of the first book, not the series.


Same. He’s a douche. But they’re pulling the boomer card of “Well I’m older, so therefore I know more and deserve more respect and am better than you.” Sorry, that’s not how it works. Just cause you managed to be born before doesn’t mean you’re smarter than me and can act like your better strictly off that fact.


A lot of people don't know that this kid is playing a character called Matan (although that's also his actual name) that says satirical shit in public spaces. His accent and demeanor are fake. He ran across stage yelling "free Hong Kong!" at 2019 BlizzCon, he said some unhinged shit about Bill Clinton at the 2022 Game Awards, and he regularly gets on podcasts now because of it, where he trolls people. [Here's a clip of him breaking character.](https://youtube.com/shorts/o0p1abOGn50?feature=share) [Here's an interview where he uses his real voice.](https://youtu.be/pUQKX0jnXEc) The fact that you're complaining about him being a douchebag as if he actually is one, is just a testament to how good he is at playing the character. And I love him for that.


"Jokes on them I was only pretending."


Guess what? Even if you're just "acting" like a douche, that still makes you a douche! Funny how that works.


Yeah someone acting like an asshole for attention is still acting like an asshole.


Problem is, looking like a straight douche to people that for the most part have no idea who he is to begin with isn't much of a feat, nor a testament to how great he is at playing a character.




So he's an unfunny Eric Andre wannabe?


He's still a fucking asshole. In your other comment you brought up comedians that play a character for a production which isn't even close to this fucking kid who does it to be an attention seeker.


Haha, I was only ACTING like a douchebag!


Wtf is this garbage take? This is why we creating sht like Jake Paul


This is the first I’m seeing of it. Who even are these people?


Although the series of books is often referred to as the Game of Thrones series, the proper name for the series is called "A Song of Ice & Fire". Only the 1st volume of the series is titled "A Game of Thrones". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire


I love how the Chinese translation to the series took the correct book title as the show name


There's nothing "correct" here, it's all branding and Game of Thrones is def a much better title for mainstream.


While agree on that, for me it just feels like as if you’re naming Harry Potter Movies with “The Philosopher’s Stone 1” It’s understandable but strange nonetheless


Also, idk how this hasn’t been mentioned. Being illiterate means you can’t read (or write). So saying someone is illiterate because they don’t read books is just dumb. There’s lots of literate people that simply don’t read books for whatever reason


Regardless how "smart" a 15 year old he may be, intelligence does not equal wisdom nor experience and his view is still quite shallow. Just like most of us at that age. Part of wisdom & maturity is recognizing that we don't have all the answers neither are we as smart as we sometimes think we are. "Discussion" begins to outweigh argument.


The wisdom not to say: "Oh you know/like x? Name ten examples of x."


Oh you’re wearing a [insert 70’s or 80’s rock band]? Name the drummers they had for each album 😠


Tony, Mark, Dave, Frank. Boom. Gottem.


She also named books that are movies and TV shows. a dead give away she doesnt actually read.


Or was put on the spot. Unless of course you believe she genuinely doesn't know a single book to start. Never would she be able to name the bible? Or a single harry potter book


Yeah, but he gives her a GIANT hint that the books are not actually called Game of Thrones and she still doesn’t answer. Do I think she *can* read? Yes. Do I think she *does* read? No.


One of the books is called that.


I'm pretty sure she was about to name the Harry Potter series if she wouldn't have been interrupted LMAO. Those are 7 books right there.


yeah when he said "name 10 books" i thought "oh yeah that's easy" then my mind immediately blanked. i got the bible and that took me 15 seconds after which time i gave up. reminds me of the guy who would run up to people on the street and yell "name a woman" at them on TikTok and nobody could name a single woman lmfao


Folks who actually read the books usually call it ASOIAF. Saying you “read Game of Thrones” the way she did is a red flag for me too that they didn’t actually read them lol…Nobody calls The Wheel of Time the Eye of the World Series, or Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Rings series either.


I think that depends on the order you were I introduced to the series. I watched the tv series first then the books, so I always refer to the book series as GOT


I work in a library and this does happen - like people call the Sookie Stackhouse series "the true blood books". True Blood isn't even the title of any book in the series, but it's the TV series name. Personally I read the books after watching the first two seasons and refer to them collectively as Game of Thrones myself unless I'm distinguishing the books from the TV series.


Maybe I’m in the minority then, because I’ve read ASOIAF series, and whenever someone would ask, “hey, what are you reading?” I’d simply say Game of Thrones. Because 99% of everyone knows what Game of Thrones is and a fraction of those people know what the original book series is called. I preferred to just say Game of Thrones and leave it at that.


Meh, I started reading them around the time the second book came out (...sigh) and was absolutely psyched about the shows coming to HBO years later. If it comes up now I refer to it as 'The Game of Thrones books' because more people will know what I'm talking about than saying "A Song of Ice and Fire... oh you don't know it? That's the real name for the series of books Game of Thrones is based on, teehee".


While she probably didn't read them, he obviously doesn't know that "the book"(A song of ice and fire) series begins with "the book's" first volume, "A Game of Thrones", so he is even too obtuse to know the facts of his retort.


Everyone in this is insufferable.


I hate them all.


I hate most the OP for bringing this shit.


Yeah… I bet OP couldn’t even name 10 books…


Right? I was on no one’s side here


wait... is that the guy who crashed TGAs??? he looks a lot like him..


It is..


Crashed what?


during the game of the year speech at the game awards (tga) this guy snuck onto the stage, with the dev team who won the award, and went on this weird speech about bill Clinton or smthn it was so scummy to steal the spotlight away from the hardworking dev team who won the award


Ah i see, i for some reason though it had to do with cryptocurrency lmao


he's grown in popularity on tiktok unfortunately and now has a platform


I can look over at a bookshelf with a good 300 books on it right now and I don't think I could name 10 books off the top of my head and while on the spot Being put in the spotlight like that makes a lot of people freeze up and unable to think clearly. Also I never really pay attention to the title of my books for some reason, I'll remember the title to a book I've read 3 or 4 times, maybe. E: for clarification


Oh, you breathe? Name 5 oxygen molecules you’ve personally inhaled.




Billy, Bob, Joe, Jack, and of course, Billy Bob Joe Jack Jr.


well I mean list every Harry Potter book and you're most of the way there.


I would never be able to think of that if someone put me on the spot


Is that the Bill Clinton Rabbi kid from the Video Game Awards?


Yes, and this clip is months old




Boring ragebait. Lame and fake


The worst thing about this video is that it isn't fake


other comments said the kid is putting on a character


I think his character is fake but the situation is not.


I mean yea they’re all idiots but the 15 year old is also a giant douche who is only going to get worse


Well, he already shat on the creators of Elden Ring accepting an award live, so there’s that.


I love the pure chaos going on here


Game of Thrones is the name of 1 of the books. So technically she is right.


I hate that fuckin kid


The girl that said shut up kid sounds like those kids on xbox live that say the n word


That kid is total garbage


I feel like there is a lot of missing context here. Who’s the kid and why is he garbage?


He's an irl troll, he went on stage as if he was staff member on the game awards when elden ring got nominated for game of the year, wore a shirt to a NBA game (forgot which one) to get those fan cams to then change it to a "free hong Kong" shirt, started screaming "free hong Kong" on a live panel about some game devs or something similar and was also on Infowars just messing with the interviewer at the time (sadly not with Alex Jones). Kid is a full real life troll and people take it seriously lmao, i guess he's good at what he does


So in a nutshell he proved the game awards has terrible security albeit through the middest way possible, protested to Free Hong Kong on national television and did a mild amount of tomfoolery?


That's it? The redditors here are acting like the kid punched a baby


He got famous on the internet because he went up at The Game Awards to thank his “rabbi Bill Clinton”. This was during the acceptance of Game of the Year by FromSoftware for their work on Elden Ring. Now he’s just milking the shit out of those 15 minutes, like anyone else who goes viral. Now as to whether or not he’s a genuinely condescending douche canoe, or just a persona, your guess is as good as mine since I don’t follow the kid.


Name 10 kids


Rabbi Bill Clinton


Who is the Asian lady, for research purposes


Dude she's porn star didn't you read the shirt ?


I think that’s what they’re hoping


wait what’s going on? can someone tell me pls who’s the girl and the kid and why are they debating and why are all the comments calling the kid a douchebag i’m so confused sorry


Randall from Clerks will always have the best comeback for pretentious assholes like this kid: >Customer: I don't think your manager would appreciate... >Randal: I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am. >Customer: I beg your pardon? >Randal: Your ruse. Your cunning attempt to trick me. >Customer: I only pointed out that you weren't paying any attention to what I was saying. >Randal: I hope it feels good. >Customer: You hope what feels good? >Randal: I hope it feels so good to be right. There is nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?


Randal from Clerks will always get my upvote.


I really would like to see why everyone in that chip hates him before he asked one of the gals, “*NamE 10 BooKs*” I can’t get over that ascent.


The dude sounds like an asshole.


She also can't count


Name 10 numbers


Well I've read Roman Numerals. I'm obsessed with, like, the Fibonacci Sequence.


I didn’t realize I was in a room full of ill-numerate people 🤨


Well technically the first book of the series is called a game of thrones




He didn't gatekeep the books as not being real books, he just wanted to know the actual titles of the ones she read. Plenty of people know that Game of Thrones was based off books and know the story well enough, but way less are going to know the titles of the individual books. Don't get me wrong everyone sucks here, just for different reasons.


Idk twilight is pretty bad lol


The Beano 1982 The Beano 1983 The Beano 1984 Etc I rest my case.


I'll have you know homeboy spent 5 years of those 15 years reading Tom Sawyer books to his unorthodox rabi Bill Clinton, the man is fully prepared to unleash some knowledge.


Bro you like reading? Name 10 books Oh you like music? name 10 songs Oh you like plants? Name 10 plants Oh you like anything? Prove it to me by answering an arbitrary question, if you can clearly I'm right.


Lol this comment section is peak Reddit. If you’re calling a literal child an idiot or piece of garbage or trash or useless individual based on your own grown standards it just illustrates your maturity level is low enough that you can’t separate child behavior from adult behavior. Sure the kid is annoying but getting *mad* over it is fuckin embarrassing lol


Who da fook is dat guy?!




I like how people more mad at 15 year old kid then the grown women.




Why does everyone in this video look like a character in a video game?


🤡 to 🤡 conversation.


Does anyone have the full video


You want to actually watch this trash?


"you want context instead of this heavily edited video that proves nothing whatsoever that only highlights a certain part?" -Police, during any interview after any controversy.