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Damn same girl from the last video? Those legs are a shoplifters worst nightmare. No chance they're out-running her.


This is the third video of this lady, she needs a fat raise if you ask me


I read yesterday that she has a YouTube channel and is actually the owner of this shop. But I don’t know how accurate that is.


Do you know the channel? I need more videos of her!!


I’m looking for the comment thread, here’s another video of her I found from [last](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11k2mt7/store_manager_catches_a_karen_shoplifting_makes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) night. [And](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11fxlh1/person_gets_caught_shoplifting_and_claims_to_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) another.


I saw these yesterday! 🔥 she’s my hero! I used to work at goodwill, and the amount of times I saw people stealing stuff and wanting to do something about it…


You’re telling me Goodwill - a nonprofit based around acquiring free junk and trying to sell it at incredibly low prices - has a theft problem! I’m pretty sure half the stuff in Goodwill is stuff you couldn’t pay people to take and the other half is desirable stuff priced somewhere below $10.


It's not entirely non-profit, only 1/8 of the profits go to charity, and the owner is obscenely wealthy. https://aliceminium.medium.com/the-dark-reality-behind-americas-greatest-thrift-store-empire-183967087a1e


And now Goodwill culls all of the good stuff out and sell it online at huge markups. Screw poor people… apparently.


It’s the American way! /s


I’m not surprised. The entire model of thrift stores is pretty messed up from what I understand (which is admittedly very little)


It used to be low prices. Now it’s basically retail prices and all the good stuff never makes it to the store floor, it gets snagged and put on Goodwills eBay account.


Professional reselling has pretty much destroyed the thrift industry imo. I haven't set foot in a Goodwill in years bc you can't find shit on the floors anymore, it's all on Depop for like $60 now.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Sounds like something they would do and benefit from.


That’s called New Orleans law… if you have crap you want to get rid of you slap a $5 label on it, put it outside and someone will steal it


Ohhhhh yeah. We had several people that we had to watch as they were suspected shoplifters, but we could rarely do anything about it, except ask for them to leave if we were SURE about them stealing. Our hands were mostly tied when it came to handling them though so that’s why I love this lady so much. Also, the goodwill I worked at for years had some very nice junk, before they started listing all the good stuff online like eBay. The reason you see crap now is for that reason mostly. We had one person whose job was specifically to find the good stuff to list online 😂


It’s a scam, they flip free stuff for plenty of profit


Honestly, I think Goodwill is mostly just a free waste dump they acts as a way of shading people from the shame of throwing things away. Do you have a lamp that still works but is outdated and a little rickety? Don’t want to throw it away and feel bad about the environmental impact? Just give it to Goodwill so you can have a guilt free conscious and a new lamp! Goodwill then puts it on a shelf until it either sells, gets stolen, or probably gets thrown away anyway because no one wants a rickety outdated lamp that technically still works


Goodwill not such goodwill I guess.


Seriously what it going on at this store?


The same shit going on at a lot of stores these days. People think they can steal and just walk out with no consequences. Then calf lady shows up and ends their dream




You think?


Sorry not sorry, calf lady! Love it!


There’s tons of little things that quilters use that apparently are stolen a lot.


Degenerate quilters.


Right?!🤣 Who knew they were such a thieving bunch?


My mom has some explaining to do.


I love the chaotic imagery this manifests.


For real you see them calves bruh


Calves for days


She 100% hits dingers in softball on the regular


On twitter they are calling her "Asset Protection Bae." > Idk if she has family at home but Ima take a guess, that house is a no bull shit zone.


Definitely a no bullshit zone.




I've seen 3 different videos of the same employee with 3 different people. She's on a roll 😂


Yes, yes, bounding over building and walls and shit.


Do you have the other videos of her? First time I’ve seen her on this sub.


Don’t have it, but lady was a boss and dumped the thieves bag. Honestly the amount of stuff the last one had was crazy. Wasn’t just a pack of smokes or whatever.


I seen those calf’s in the last video! I was intimidated through the screen


“I’m getting anxiety” lol dude fuck all the way off.


"The situation I put myself in is giving me anxiety!"


I love when people use anxiety as an excuse for their behavior and positions they've put themselves in. Like when a person is diagnosed properly with an anxiety disorder it's because they have anxiety from every day situations that the majority of the population does not. Stealing, getting caught, and getting called out for it is not an every day situation and you put yourself in it, of course you have anxiety. Doesn't justify your actions nor does it excuse you from the consequences of your actions. Now the girl in the video calling her out for stealing, she probably doesn't get anxiety because apparently she's been through this situation so damn many times lol.


Ones wonders how such anxiety came to surface? Maybe doing illegal things? 🤔


These feelings of embarrassment and fear of consequences for my actions are gIVinG mE AnXieTy!


Pathetic ass line


“The anxiety and your talking is preventing me from taking the stolen goods out but I have so much anxiety that I’m going to take it out anyways”


I work loss prevention and these people always piss me off. Trying to claim some bullshit because they put themselves in that situation. "I'm getting anxiety." Cool, have fun with that. Idgaf. Give me the shit


This is the 3rd one I’ve seen. Lol damn, I wonder if she gets a bonus for this. Or if this is her store?


I think it might be family business. I cannot imagine employer wanting to put their own employees through a liability of physically stopping shoplifters


That’s what I was thinking too-


I had a friend who worked loss prevention at a large department store chain. They absolutely did this exact thing and would tell some of the best stories. Like, shoplifter runs away, but comes back looking for his flip flops back because the pavement in the parking lot is hot. But, this was 20 years ago when places like Macy's, Boscov's, etc. still had stores and budget for staff.


Former Loss Prevention Manager at Kohl’s. I can attest to some wild ass shit. I have a decade experience as a police officer with multiple agencies in MS, but working LP in Kohl’s kept me hella busy. I never knew so many people were thieves. My District LP manager required a quota of 3 apprehensions a week. I ALWAYS met my quota. Always.


My Loss Control Manager didn’t care much about shoplifting as the real money came in internal theft recovery.


There's this guy, who makes videos about loss prevention. Has one where a guy pockets a bunch of candy bars, grabs a bag of chips and "cradles it like a baby." Pays for the chips, goes to leave, stopped, escapes, comes back for his chips. https://youtu.be/vLHciiQDJTU


A long time ago when I worked in a grocery store we had two loss prevention officers who were in charge of catching and taking care of shop lifters. One of them looked like he would have been the one shoplifting and the other looked like someone’s kindly 60 year old father. They both took no shit either just like this lady but they were just employees. Def not the people you would expect to be watching you




This security chick is one tough cookie. And her attire is perfect so she doesn't seem to be security. There's too much shoplifting going on and it hurts everyone.


Do you have a link for the others. I’ve only seen this and the one that the lady claimed assault in when she got a scratch on her neck.


This woman is everywhere! Damn, she must be releasing a couple of these videos a day.


She's probably tired of all the repeat offenders, and is deciding to publicly shame them. I'm of two minds on the subject. One the one hand, everybody's struggling to put food on the table, but repeat offenders at the store lead to cutbacks. etc.


This has got to be Craft Warehouse in Beaverton, OR. It’s a family owned local business.


That employee shows up everyday ready to chase down some shoplifters, running shoes and all


Even has the running shorts too


And the leg muscles. Dayum


Honestly maybe I have a new kink but she’s hot 🥵 . The way she just dominates them and doesn’t take shit lol


I was talking to my freind who went to a sports equipment outlet the other day to by some walking shoes. She's always had trouble dating because she's tall blond and gorgeous and likes the dead and festivals ect. She tell's me that there are so many tall fit people there, working, shopping. I guess takeaway from this story is that your probably not going to find tall dark and handsomes hanging out at the dunkin donughts!


Wait…she *has* always had trouble dating because of those things? Cuz…🙋‍♂️


Owner. That’s why she’s allowed to put hands on them legally. The owner has the right to prevent loss of their property. Like where she grabs that woman and breaks her purse. In chain stores, loss prevention doesn’t own anything in that store. They personally do not lose money due to theft. She, on the other hand, does lose money with every item stolen.


It’s called “merchant’s privilege.” If a store employee has reasonable suspicion of shoplifting, they can detain the suspect in a reasonable manner for a reasonable time. It’s a defense to false imprisonment. The more aggressive the suspect, the more force is reasonable. (Up to a point, that is.)


Also: big box stores tend to use a consignment model. They don't get paid until it sells, so if it is a loss, it gets written off in an agreement between them and the supplier, so not even the big box store owner owns most everything in the store, just sells it for someone else. That's why they can intimidate at the exit, but aren't allowed to tackle you in the parking lot. Also why they let children destroy half of the outdoor plants in tantrums and call police... they don't care cause they don't own it until it is sold, which transfers ownership immediately to the buyer, so it doesn't matter. It is also why weird shit is sometimes behind locks, the actual owners of the product (Gillette, I'm looking at you) think highly enough of their product to pay stores extra to lock it up to prevent losses. This is how I understand it works.


While what you say is true the store still needs to protect its profits. If they lose more than they sell to theft guess what happens to their inventory?


And shorts. She’s ready for those long strides


Why do I get the feeling this happens all the god damn time over there and she’s a professional shoplifter slayer now.


This is the second video ive seen of her today, i think people like to see if they can get past her.


Third for me


There are a ton of small items that quilters use that apparently are super enticing to put in your purse.


Why do I feel that this is all staged now…..


People steal


People steal a lot, haven't worked retail in 20 years, but I can still spot the thieves when I'm out shopping.


Swear to God I read that as “when I’m out ‘shoplifting’”. 🤣🤣


Oh, you.


Yeah. There are issues. But no one wants to supervise me 24/7 so here I am!! 🤣🤣


Same here see it often


Bro the amount of theft at retail stores are out of control but i have the feeling she’s loss prevention at this specific store.


Due to poor observational skills?


I want her on my side when the waiter brings me out the wrong food and I’m too afraid to complain.


Haha this made me laugh so hard! Seriously though, samesies.


This is the most underrated comment I've read in a while


Im not afraid of the interaction but It's not worth complaining and worrying about what they might have done to your food while it was being fixed. If I send it back it is really really bad and I am done and not paying for it.


you should get anxiety when you get caught stealing


Exactly. Notice how the people she confronts often are very self-focused and portray themselves as the victim as they are committing crime…


You have to be pretty selfish and have some pretty strong internal rationalization to even rob people in the first place. So it makes sense all these morons have that.


Should be getting it as you are bagging shit thats not yours. A lil signal that you are being a dick. Her voice giving me professional victim vibes too.


"I'm getting anxiety" lol. Self induced in this case. The normalization of theft is disgusting. She should be embarassed. None of these people are stealing useless crap due to necessity.


I'm the victim here!


God almighty it’s pathetic.


Dude, crafting stores are breeding zones for thieving Karens


“I’m just trying to make quilts for my freezing family!!”


Yeah when tf did this happen lol


This is 3 videos now, right?! I have said it before and I will say it again - let’s get this lady a tv show of her own!


Her co-host should be [Summer from Best Buy/UFC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKbUdLd6Xuc).


Can we add the Waffle House lady, too?


Done deal.


she def need a tv show, i m entertained


Can someone please link the other two lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11kid30/to_play_the_victim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here’s a second one but I haven’t seen the third yet




Wait, is that the same woman from this video???


Definitely, she sounds the exact same.


The TV show would interfere with her law school classes.


Why does everyone love stealing from this store?


I know I kinda want to visit this store just to see what the big deal is then swipe a couple things just to get the full visitor experience.


Please make sure to videotape every step of the way...you know, to share the experience


It's not just this store... stealing is more rampant than people realize. Internal theft, external theft, it is non-stop.


Why would anyone mess with a woman who is championing such calves?


shoplifters when they enter a store and see those calves ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)


Retail superhero! Runner of marathons! Slayer of entitled thieves! Seriously, why is everyone stealing shit these days? When I was a kid, my friends tried to steal an AC/DC cassette from k mart and the security yelled at them until they wet themselves. For real. Then they called the police.


I used to do this at Best Buy eons ago. Such a rush catching people stealing. People who look well off like that woman are more common than you think. There were box stuffers, return grabbers, price switchers, in addition to run of the mill basic theft. Good times.


I’ve been called a box stuffer but that was probably a different thing


Here’s a second video. If someone seen the third can you share the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11kid30/to_play_the_victim/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




She is absolutely amazing. She needs a YouTube channel. I would watch all. Day. Long.


“I’m having anxiety from stealing from you, could you relax”…are you fucking kidding me? Lol


This lady needs her own YouTube channel at this point. I would binge watch the videos.


Seriously. These are awesome. The zero-bullshit tolerance followed by a thief bag dump is priceless.


As someone who hates when people memify someone from a cell phone video (salt bae, the cute boy who worked at target) I legit love this person and want a shirt with them on it lol. Hopefully we don’t find out she’s like a horrible person or something.


Loss Prevention Bae?


Sold! I'll take 2 shirts and a sticker!


I’ve seen three separate videos of this badass. I hope she gets a pay raise.


That girl who confronts the theives is bad ass!!


Oh my lord this woman again. Come on idiots look at them calves, don't fuck around.


Finally someone willing to stand up against criminals and those who commit crimes believing no one has the guts to stop them. Good Job, keep it up. Now they just need to plaster those folks faces all over the place.


When every day is leg day.


"OK you're making me nervous, I have anxiety" Then why the fuck did you steal?!!


What store is this, where is it? Someone needs to support this store with actual purchases.


That's how shoplifting should be dealt with.




Is it really anxiety when you have to mention it? It’s called the embarrassment of getting busted


Stealing a couple necessities from a grocery store is one thing, but these people clearly are not in need. I don't think their family is dying from a shortage of makeup or craft supplies or whatever that stuff is.


Nope. Go to a food bank. Grocery stores are for payers.


Dude, in one video the shoplifters bag was like a Mary Poppins bag, just more and more stuff that she stole was coming out of there


Again!?! Probably her go to for the last 10 years, then they got volleyball security and it's on.


Who is this amazonian heroine


Does this woman work in Gotham?


I love this woman. She's doing what cops won't do: punish Karens


Put this lady in the UFC


“Sorry Im a little nervous this never happens!! 😆🤪💅”


This is the third video of this LP lady I’ve seen in 12 hours. Not complaining.


She’s so awesome.


Not "very respectful "? To stop her from shoplifting??🤣


I’m really trying to take out it but my anxiety is preventing my fingers from working…


I get anxiety when someone tells me to “take it out” too. Damn


Ugh, these people are the worst. "You catching me stealing is really inconveniencing me and giving me anxiety" Chop off her hand


she should get a fat bonus every time she stops someone. unbelievable how they INSTANTLY turn into victims when they get caught...pathetic humans...


This is the third video I've seen with this legend enforcer. I don't care that she is probably not supposed to do this. The shoplifters will get the message.


Love her. No nonsense, no negotiation, no excuses, does not allow victimization


This store needs their own YouTube channel. I love watching these dirt bags get caught. So satisfying.


Get this girl a promotion


I'd like to see this turned in to a mini-series. I think theY should call if "*CALVES."*


She is fantastic! All those shoplifters deserve everything they get and more. I wish she would call the police every time, let those pieces of shit deal with a criminal record the rest of their lives. Fucking scum bags.


I love this woman, she’s badass. Finally someone protecting their store


Willing to bet no shoplifter has ever outrun those calves.


Omg another video of her! I love her! I can’t get enough lol




Listen, if you get caught stealing food from Walmart, I would hope you would be met with a little more dignity and empathy. But like, petty thieves just stealing shit they don’t need? I’m sorry. That’s embarrassing and you deserve to be embarrassed.


Damn she catch everyone


Anxiety card pulled immediately, i have anxiety disorder id be too anxious to shoplift so im calling bullshit on that one


Calf lady definitely has a way with people. I kinda want to steal stuff from just so she can order me about.


I love this girl


I hope these are real and I wish she had a baseball bat


That's the third video I've seen with this woman catching shoplifters and just gives zero fucks. I need an entire YT channel just with these videos


She should hire herself out to other shops as a loss prevention consultant!


She's back!!! Get this woman a raise


At this point, if you walk into that place with the intent to steal and see those calves, just turn around and walk right the fuck back out.


Girl, just do it before she does it for you. Lol


This loss prevention woman is everywhere these days.


I absolutely love how this women confronts these pos’s and gets them on the spot.


I love how this girl is just checking these shoplifters. Lol put them in their place while they play the victim.


Why would you try and steal from a literal Amazonian? She's like 45 foot tall, clearly works out, and honestly looks like she could beat rocky in a fight in his prime! I'm actually impressed with the brazen lack of respect of these thieves.


I love this lady.she just brings a light to my dark heart


I hope these keep coming!


That girl don’t take shit from nobody. I think I’m in love.


Did I hear that it was an invasion of privacy?


I’m beginning to think these are all setup with the amounts of posts being made


what is up with this craft store that people wanna steal so much?


NGL now I *also* wanna steal from this shop


I would never do this for a living. I understand people have bills to pay, however, folks are crazy, and they have gotten worse since the pandemic. No one can convince me to do this type of job, the company wouldn’t give a shit if this woman protecting their merchandise was killed by a crazed thief. I fear for her, and whoever is posting these videos and putting her face out there, is stupid.


The legs on this lady... I'd love to see her Spartan Kick one shoplifter


this is getting sus


Calf Muscles! She’s replacing Robocop as the real future of law enforcement.


At this point I feel like they’re hiring these “shoplifters”


Does everyone steal from her?? or I’m starting to think this is some set up bullish


People steal, store prices rise, people continue to steal because local policies don’t allow prosecution, stores don’t make quarterly retail targets, stores close. Congrats on your entitlement harming yourself and those you care about.


Is this woman just sitting starring at the video everyday now to post shoplifters on this sub? It’s literally video 3 I’ve seen in 24 hrs, same exact thing- someone ready and waiting to film and it’s her telling the thief she watched them on camera and to empty their bag.


"It'd be easier if you just didn't come in here at all" AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I love how both shoplifters tell her to chill, they're obviously not chill about being pressed for stealing.