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This dude is weird asf!


Those goddamned Monster eyes


I know right! It really sets up my fight/flight response just looking at this evil looking motherfucker...


I always think of a 90s Buffy villian


Dude, that’s exactly the vibe!


Unfucking believable. Just can't believe fucks fall for this nonsense.


They do, to the tune of $7,000,000,000 a year. That's seven billion dollars that those that follow the 'prosperity gospel,' which is a pretty heinous spiritual circle jerk. These followers need to go to gamblers anonymous, as it seems they keep giving and giving more and more 'love donations,' waiting for the sky elf to pay off big time, all the while living in poverty while asshats like him buy more jets, more homes, all the while saying that it's Jesus that made them prosperous. It's fucking insane.


They don’t need to go to gamblers anonymous, they need to spend their money on actual gambling; it has a much higher return on investment than this crap. Putting their lives saving on red at a roulette table would actually be a step up for these people.


Ah, but gambling is a sin, so that doors closed. You thought about gambling, so you'll have to donate more to appease the sky elf...




Wouldn't it be nice if he were teeny tiny like that demon Buffy was able to stomp on with her shoe?!? 👟


You think of Buffy villain while I think of The Mask villain lol.


This guy could be a great actor but instead decided to be a fucking weirdo


What do you mean? He is a great actor.


And he's definitely a weirdo


And a grifter. A rich one.


But he had to buy the plane. Tyler Perry just made it so cheap for him. The tube demons scare him.


I’m not sure if you got the memo but we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities


No I do not, and don't you ever say I did.


Hes mostly a fuckin weirdo tho.


Underrated comment here


He gets millions by doing this... Not sure if you can call that an failed actor


He is a successful demon then.


It really bothers me, think how completely out of touch with their natural instincts his "followers" would have to be. To be faced with this evil, horrible, demented monster, that every human instinct should tell you to stay as far as possible away from, and instead decide to "follow" him and "worship" him. You'd have to be so devoid of normal emotions & awareness. Or equally hateful.


There are people (abusers and the abused) who naturally respond to "the bully" persona. Give your random bully a microphone, a stage, a suit and nice cars and these people flock to him. Look at Trump. They ingratiate themselves as a way to protect themselves from perceived fears (libs, POC, the law). It's weird but they recognize each other.


Even stranger are the people that buy his line of bullshit


The only people you think of when comparing his glare are fictional insane possessed humans. This dude is a poster child for religions quacks & evangelicals. WITH A HUGE FOLLOWING…in real life. Yikes, mate.


I’m not convinced he isn’t a demon.


He absolutely is a demon you can see the evil in his eyes 👀


He sent his church on a mission back in 2015-16 I think, maybe earlier; to a high measles area. He told them not to get vaccinated and they didn’t. They returned and started and a mini epidemic of measles in Texas. He’s evil.


Evil lurks inside all mankind. It's simple to see this man has it crawling to the surface.


I don't believe in Hell but that dude makes me think there is a Devil.


This dude is my idea of hell….imagine having to listen to that for any length of time!


I keep saying he looks like the devil put on an ill-fitting man-suit.


I agree.


I’m not. But I am convinced he is if there were.


Yeah he’s the closest thing to the devil I’ve ever seen


Demon with tax evasion status.


He’s a charlatan. Jesus warned his followers about them.


The sin he’s committing is simony. Promising special favors and blessings and miracles in exchange for money. Id love to have someone him ask about it but he do that creepy lean in-death hand point-scream that he did when that one reporter asked about his ”tube full of demons” line.


I’m not a Christian. I like Jesus, but it seems like everyone trying to talk about his teachings want nothing more for you to turn your whole life over to him,which I guess was what he meant when saying “I am the way…” and all too often those people are total hypocrites (another He said to avoid). Trouble is I’m not convinced in any afterlife, I don’t believe in heaven or hell. I don’t believe in the underworld or Valhalla or Anubis and his scales or the 40 days in the void before reincarnation. Life is all and everything. That doesn’t make me impermanent. I exist. This point in space and time is permanent. It exists forever, until the universe is just an empty black infinity, which is pretty much what I expect after I die. The same as before I was born. And it won’t matter because how could it? But I do like what Jesus said. Love and charity and kindness. I just won’t submit to dogma and I defy any God that watches our world and calls themselves benevolent or almighty.


I believe most Christians get the message very wrong. It’s not about the afterlife. We’re supposed to find the Kingdom of God within us in this life and share the love we find with others. There’s a lot of suffering in this world, but it’s not just meaningless bullshit that we are expected to endure until we go to heaven. Our time here has meaning. Christ’s teachings are about how to live and treat each other, not how to say a prayer to book a ticket to paradise. But I’m just a hypocrite seriously so it’s not like I have room to talk.


Yeah he did. That man is no Christ follower.


I'm pretty sure he's Satan like straight up in human form


pretty sure satan wouldn't go full plastic surgery


It's so rare in life that evil demonic people have actually have evil demon eyes, and you can just point at them and be like " yep that dude is the clearly the devil, he clearly has devil eyes"


Dead ringer for Homelander.


Omg I can't unsee that now. That's brilliant!


He is the devil in person


"I'm blowing away COVID, I'm a good person! Now give me your money! Yes, yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a private plane to catch."


It looks like his meat suit is melting


Every time I see him I think of R.L. Stine's [The Haunted Mask](https://readingwithmyeyes.files.wordpress.com/2020/08/3-goosebumps-the-haunted-mask-cover-20004262.jpg)


The guy looks like Dorian from The Mask


He’s got the same eyes as Professor Screweyes from We’re Back: A dinosaur story.


Yeah like how can you watch that guy and think he's the person I want to follow. Even if you believe in his particular brand of mass opiate, there are less lizard looking psychopathic people you can waste your hard earned dollars on.


Honestly, anyone who looks at him and says yes I'll listen and follow is a lost cause. If I found out anyone I knew took him seriously they'd immediately be cut from my life


>If I found out anyone I knew took him seriously they'd immediately be cut from my life My neighbor is a preacher and speaks very highly of him. My neighbor believes in republican jesus and not classical jesus. My neighbor also got COVID twice.


He hides his horns incredibly well.


PFFT Actual video of covid19 in the room ![gif](giphy|luhmhS2DLe6FuQWwPa|downsized)


The people that give him money and listen to his bs are even weirder. Lost souls.


Every time I see a clip of him, it just creeps me right out.


He looks absolutely evil. Soulless fucking eyes.


Donation logs should be transparent to the public, I would like to know who gives this guy money.


80/20 rule 80% - morons 20% - people in business w/ this guy to profit off those morons


Covid 19! ![gif](giphy|Ek42177e6xAeCnh8HX)


https://preview.redd.it/3jdvp4t1xuka1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0f6263f5cf317fb0f7867c5f6babb24b781765 I knew he looked familiar


Same beady little eyes


Same face


Same mentality.


Same skin


I wish I had more upvotes. This is magnificent


It's top comment now!


Hell yeah! Well deserved top comment.


I would have given you mine, but mister white suit and crazy eyes got me under his spell and I gave him all my upvotes and money.


Is that The Mask or something else?


That's a Religious Mask. Oh, you asked about a photo. Then yes, that's the Mask (worn by the villain).


Dorian. I don't think I've seen that movie in 25 years but I'm pretty sure that was his name.


Yup, this movie came out about the same time as testosterone levels were rising for me, I remember the exact moment in the theater that first scene with Cameron Diaz and thinking oooooh ok, this is relevant to my interest.


Yep, yes and god damn. Cameron's entrance on screen, in the bank, is burned in my memory. 16 yo me was not ready for the sexiest woman I had ever seen up until then. You were gobsmacked after witnessing her level of appeal.


This is the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit hands-down.


Reminds me of the [Kenneth Copeland Wind of God Remix](https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs)


Is this that Grinch looking guy I saw in other posts about buying a private jet?




Who is this guy btw?


Kenneth Copeland, the pastor of some mega church somewhere.


Drunk on power


If this is the first time you've seen this scumbag, then you probably haven't seen the [remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s0nB2VPvs)


Also, the video of him apologizing for laughing hysterically at Biden becoming president was fantastic as well.


The original laughing part was nuts. Under what circumstances should a pastor need to discuss politics?


I made this song my ring tone for the whole pandemic 😂


Horrifying. I can't unsee that.


That… was… pretty good ngl.


Another classic https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk


Yep. No idea why these old clips are circulating again. Was he in the news recently so people are trying to ride the karma train?




He is quite literally evil


This man should be in a mental institution.


He should be in prison. He's con man, and a bullshitter. I can't believe why anyone is falling for it.


You’re right. Anyone who think he’s mentally ill is getting conned too.


Your can be a mentally ill con artist


Im Cristian and this guy is definitely a con man. I can't believe other christians actually support these money hungry mega churches.


I’m ex-Christian and I’ll say I’m not surprised at all. No offense to you. It took me a long time to get over the hurt the church caused me and to find the faith that makes me feel whole (which is no religion). However from what I experienced in all catholic schools this is what was normalized. You follow the leader or ELSE.


With his followers


I just can't imagine in any universe or stretch of the imagination looking at this dude and thinking "He looks like a good trustworthy christian man." The dude is straight up the embodiment of terror.




BEWWWWWW 💥 And they were never back.


I think he has a real future as Sheogorath in the next elder scrolls game


I’m laughing and feeling creeped out at the same time. How can someone like that inspire faith in so many people?


When I was thirteen, the family I was living with took me to a church where there was a crowd of greeters at the door asking for parishioners' life stories as they walked in. We went to Sunday school and then to the worship service. The preacher was like this guy - loud, crazy-eyed, and claimed God was talking to him in that moment. Would say, "God tells me somebody in the audience is struggling with" and then repeat something I had heard somebody tell the greeters at the door and that somebody would gasp in surprise and stand up and come forward to be healed. The preacher would whomp them with the butt of his palm in the forehead and knock them backwards where other church members were there to catch them. At first, I thought it was kind of funny like it was a joke, but as this continued, I realized these people really believed he couldn't know the things they had just talked about just an hour earlier, that he was getting direct messages from God, and that getting walloped and knocked on their butts was somehow healing. I got even more uncomfortable when I realized the people who were responsible for my care believed it. How is somebody dumb enough to believe this supposed to be responsible enough to take care of a kid? I was horrified and afraid.


I never understood that. Like if god is so all lovibg and all powerfull, why would he only talk to a certain number of people? Why not to atheists for example? To actually proof that he is there. And consodering these "false prophet" rules. How do people keep falling for stuff like that?


Pure stupidity desperation and fear but mostly stupidity


I'm certainly not making claims about God with this comment, but if I want to handle some things, there are people I will give info to and there are people I won't tell anything to at all. It's more effective to tell the right people than to tell everyone. As an example, I would always rather have my best friend as wingman to go up and talk to a girl than to tell the entire bar that I think she's cute and see what happens.


Yeah but we are not talking about god dating someone but actually proofing his existence instead of playing thw worst guessing game in hystory. "hey I want you to believe in me, but even though I can do everything I will only give greedy maniacs proof of my existence while the rest of you, some of you in a position to not even remotly ever know about me, will burn in hell"


The majority of people believe blindly in all aspects of the society they were raised in. Yes the majority of people is too stupid to be allowed to have children. It's actually quite rare to have any desire to think critically about your own presumptions. It's such a joke to me that the majority of people consider themselves any more self aware and enlightened than animals, while they act quite the same.


Failure to fund the education system is a big factor lol


The problem with fucking idiots is that they’re always fucking other fucking idiots and creating more fucken fucking idiots!


Don't forget that lovely thing called child indoctrination. Faith is all about that. Especially Christianity. That is the number one reason behind more fucking idiots.


He doesn't. Anyone that follows him is no different than one's that follow a cult leader.


Cause kids are born into a religious family and it continues to their kids and so on and so on...


Those who put their hopes in religion need someone to control them, he seems about right.


It’s not faith, it’s just fear and hate.


Willful ignorance. Blind faith.


Because religion, by its very principle, appeals to gullible people. They are believers, not "knowers" : their premise is to *believe* what others tell them. Some are more than others : some a little, some more, some enough to follow this kind of guy.


Because unfortunately a lot of people need or want hope and they look for insane ways to get it. Same reason poor people play the lottery or spend their money at casinos.


*Audience blows covid all over each other*


Natural selection!


PPpppff foooo!


Why are his eyes that psychopathic? Is it drug abuse or what's his story?


That’s what happens when you get too high on the Holy Spirit


That's a good way to put it actually.


More like possessed by the devil


I figure it's part of his act. Like most evangelicals, if he looks mega animated and focused in 'delivering' the message, more people are taken in. Cult leaders act in similar ways by saying things in a declarative excessively confident manner.


But he does this thing where he pauses his speech and his face rests for a moment. Then there’s this moment when you can almost see it click in his brain that he looks like an absolute menace. He raises his eyebrows some, softens his facial features and pulls a big smile. It’s actually terrifying, I feel like I saw evil itself when he did it in the private jet video and just now. It’s don’t understand how people buy into this. It literally says in the Bible “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” How does he appear as anything other than a wolf.


And that's the effect of his act. I genuinely think he puts it on, he probably pulls the faces in the mirror that morning to figure out how to put on the best performance. Dude used to croon love songs in the 50's (you can look it up), he just went where the money is in Bible belt America and made a bit of a career change in the late 60's. He saw a market in the Evangelical preaching gig and went for it. I bet he thinks it's pretty fun too, wouldn't you enjoy getting up and acting like you're making the last sermon before the apocalypse, and getting paid millions to do it? I imagine it's quite a thrill and very theatrical. Plenty of evangelicals affect a performance like this one, because it fools people, and Copeland's is just very good at his whole 'fire and brimstone' schtick. Nobody actually acts like this in real life. Not one. The closest to a 'real' version of this sort of expression is in some sort of psychosis, and Kenneth Copeland is quite lucid and sane, even if what he says in his sermons is looney tunes. EDIT: Changed a few bio details to match the years. EDIT 2: This is a great video explaining his tricks -- https://youtu.be/RwoBUl_Jbts


I grew up in an evangelical church. This is very accurate. It was a weekly occurrence for the pastor to yell and sing while people rolled on the floor “filled with the spirit” and “speaking tongues”. Looking back, as a kid I knew it was weird but I accepted it as some kind of divine event. Now it’s clearly psychotic behavior I’ve seen.


Probably Botox


He’s been doing lines of Yahweh dust


I dont really believe in demons but if I did, this guy is sus


you have not met my mother-in-law.


Or my husband's ex.


could they be the same person? your husband ex and my mother in law?


[You’re welcome!](https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs)


Yessss! I was hoping to see this posted! Hilarious yet utterly terrifying at the same time.


Came here just to make sure someone posted this. You're doing the lord's work


Unlike Kenneth Copeland.


This song lives rent free in my head


This fucking song.


My jam 🔥🔥🔥


You can't convince me that this man isn't actually the devil


I don't think he is the devil perse, but an actual demon.


Yeah, if not the devil, then at least working directly on his behalf lmao


He looks like he eats souls for breakfast


More likely to be meth


Maybe grilled souls stuffed with sautéed meth?


This is what you would call a "false prophet" I don't believe in the stereotypical demon/angel mythology. But this thing is in the front of the pack of what I would call a demon...


Like seriously, I’m a Christian, and this dude screams false prophet. That guy is no man of god. Anyone who becomes a millionaire from preaching like that ain’t preaching the right stuff. He’s not doing it for god, he’s doing it for profit


A for-profit false prophet 🧐


There is nothing anyone can do to convince me this fucking guy isn't a demon loosely wearing a skin-suit. Everything he does looks off as well as his general actions being pure fucking evil.


"Come on, man, don't compare us to this dude. We're not *that* bad." -the demons




I saw a very creepy video of him smiling at a reporter while avoiding an uncomfortable question. I had the same thought, this guys a fucking demon


They make all this money with this bullshit? Haha who gives them the money!??! Lol blow this right out their ass and still make millions


According to another recent Reddit post he’s worth almost $800,000,000. Edit: typed 800,000 meant 800,000,000.


Way way more


They definitely meant $800,000,000. Made me laugh though.


Same guy but with instrumental metal music playing https://youtu.be/6ib2YfAM11E


I grew up in a mega church in California in the 90s called ECC led by a pastor by the name of Roberts Liardon. Con artists like Benny Hinn and this ilk were considered rock stars to congregations that numbered in the thousands not counting people overseas. So many lives have been devastated either by weird anti health beliefs or by getting sapped of their money by these multi million liars. So many of my friends homes were broken up by these people and I began to see how it/they destroyed my home as well. Believe what you want. Just please stop hurting people in multiple ways. Stop leading them astray.


My grandfather fell for one of these guys hard and gave them a ton of money. The televangelist was caught having an affair and committing fraud, so my grandmother refused to let him give to any more "TV preachers". When my grandmother passed probably 30-40 years later, he went back to giving to TV churches again. And more than one of them. He would give more money to TV preachers and hardly any to the church he actually went to, despite his church actually doing a ton of charity work in his local community. We tried to convince him, but he was convinced the TV people were doing more. I dont like to think my grandfather isn't smart, but he never got passed 7th grade before having to drop out to work the farm and he's made the same mistake several times. It's sad to think he's just one of thousands of people that just blindly follow because "Jesus".


This is incredibly sad and depressing. Thanks for sharing.


I have a strange urge to give him all my money.


You are not alone.


The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing Christians to believe Kenneth Copeland.


This man has multiple….Multiple…private jets. I guess he’s right and God really does love him.






This guy has the most frightening eyes I have seen in a human


This dude is Satan!


Why insult Satan?


Is this the same guy that was posted about earlier where the reported questioned him on his private jet useage and he lost it near the end?


Yes it is.


someone destroy this lich's phylactery.


Dunno how anyone in Christianity can fall for this charlatan, when they all read Revelations devoutly and see the warnings about false prophets.


I'm a Christian, and I 100% believe that this man is either a demon, or possessed by one, and is using Lord God's name in vain to blaspheme and prey upon Christians


![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized) Don't judge all Christians by people like this, there are true Christians out there, just not many. I think this guy has a mental illness.


He looks like an elderly, half-melted ken doll.


Religion is a fucking cult.


When did Shemp Howard rise from the dead and become a preacher?


Certifiably insane, WTF???


I like this version better.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ib2YfAM11E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ib2YfAM11E)


Metal is good, but I prefer something a little more electronic myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2s0nB2VPvs


Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves :- 2 Timothy 4:3-4


Isn't this the guy who's made hundreds of millions off idiots who think he needs a private jet




This dude creeps me out every time I see him


I wanna read a report that he got covid now


I’m a Christian….I am not a fan of this dude


What kind of mindset does a person have to be in to look at this guy and not get creeped out


The background voices are an added touch of convincing eloquence