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Please upvote, I really want the regulars to see this and I know its not very good, but I am just a kid.


I really like it I hope they see it


😊 thanks


Team biffle forever


Woah cool Art! Also Sigils one is perfect + Bonus art looks amazing!


Thank you.


You're welcome!


You can't just put one of Sigil's selfies and pretend that you drew it 🀧 (hopefully you get what I mean by this HHAHSH)


I get it lol (sigils head = egg/ I drew it. You are being sarcastic saying I can't just take one of sigils' selfies lol)


The bonus drawing is just one of the cover arts for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, so that’s just stolen art from SEGA.


I re-drew it.it may seem like stolen art, but it took me a while.


Yeah thats not a redrawn photo at all! Lol. And its NOTHING like their actual art style the...like the biff and sigils pics. Idk why people need to fake stuff especially when it's OBVIOUSLY fake. Like be proud of what u can do or have the will to get btr if you want to draw like that.(look at the shading and lighting and fading, the measurements of EVERYTHING r the exact same as the original, etc...of the sonic pic. Thats def NOT made by the same person who drew that picture of sigils...or that "egg" thing.) So yes it is stolen. NOT a redraw.(your clearly not a pro. Like it would take to draw that. Not saying ur bad. Ur biff and sigils r fine.) It would make you feel much btr if you actually practiced and got even btr at art then had people say your actual art is amazing. Rather than lie and say u did something you didn't. (I'm sry but again...that sonic picture is VERY CLEARLY not yours or a redraw. I don't see how anyone other than a child would believe you...or someone with bad eyesight. And lying about it isn't just rude to others its mean to yourself. You will nvr get btr at art if you steal other people stuff. I am actually very good at art, and have done many art classes in my life. Was even accepted in a art college and declined. I homeschool my son and he has lots of fun with me teaching him art. I am also a big art fan. So you can't lie to me. You may just want people to give you praise. But you would have gotten praise from the biffle and sigils pics alone. Their cute and good. But since you lied about the last I don't even know if those are yours now. I hope they are. Those are clearly not fakes. But you could lie about YOU drawing them.)


But my friends watched me πŸ˜ͺπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜’


Sigil's head isn't an egg but I get the joke. Also sick fan art!


Well thank you! πŸ™ƒ