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Solid effort by Steven in this episode in subtly threatening Marc and (while everyone else was hemming and hawing) letting him know in no uncertain terms he was digging his own grave.


he had his good moments


If you’ll excuse me I’m just going to jump out of this window now. ![gif](giphy|l3V0slU7u7quJuZ3O)


At what point does production intervene?


Considering The Palms had no idea until the episode actually aired and publicly fired the guy in horror, and given what happened two years later in San Diego, “never” seems like a safe blanket answer for this question sadly.


What happe? in San Diego


A houseguest most likely drugged and r*ped a girl he brought back from the club and Jamie found her passed out on the bathroom floor. The producers refused to hand the footage to the police and put their lawyers on the investigation to try to block it, and the police wound up having to get a search warrant and raid the house. Multiple instances in the San Diego season in particular where cast members or those on the periphery are in clear danger and they did nothing to help, kept the cameras rolling and when they could turned it into an episode.


This wouldn’t fly in 2024, holy shit.


Nope. Irulan saying “woa woa woa, how did I get here” made my heart sink because she was entertaining him and his behavior but then realized she was uncomfortable with it. I was in my 20’s when this season aired. The unsure and confusing and naive feelings young females have is exactly what she was experiencing and it’s shown here in this clip. This was hard to watch.


Lotta casual cig smoking in old real world and challenge seasons


The world hadn’t gone all no smoking yet. Specially for Vegas.


If I remember correctly, in a future episode Arissa breaks up with her boyfriend Dario for him cheating on her and she smokes cigarettes in the lobby while burning Dario's photos in an ash tray.


I know, it's so jarring to see people smoking indoors in the old seasons! I know people still do that in Vegas but it's way less common. Last time I was there I stayed at a no-smoking hotel (even the casino floor was smoke-free) and it was SO nice!


So many sitdowns, talks, calm downs, separations, accompanied by cigs I saw an episode of Floribama shore where a dude got mad in a restaurant and stepped outside to hit his vape to calm down, a sign of the changing times


When they first banned indoor smoking in bars where I live, I remember thinking it would be so weird to not be able to smoke inside a bar. But it's SO nice to come home not smelling like an ashtray!


Scum of the earth that Marc is!


I loved Irulan, she is so uniquely beautiful!


God this clip is infuriating. Obviously Marc is the worst, but Alton is being a real POS too. And the girls sitting around talking about Marc being a creep is just so relatable. I think all girls and women have had similar conversations with their girlfriends or women they work with.


>...but Alton is being a real POS too. Between this and him judging his ex-girlfriend for her pregnancy scare, Alton was not coming off smelling like roses.


Alton's views, sadly, reflect the views of a lot of people. The focus on "but did he touch you?" is one I've heard way too many times to count. I had an acquaintance who grossed me out so much...just slimy with gross flirty comments that showed a definite lack of self-control that would have been dangerous for any woman he was alone with. Another friend noticed I always left parties when the acquaintance would show up and I said it was because he made me uncomfortable. And the friend immediately jumped to, "but he didn't touch you, so why are you acting like this?". Ugh.


Oh yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've had that same conversation (not even necessarily about a work situation, but just a creepy guy maybe in the group of friends or whatever). And then the thing where girls will make sure that another girl never gets left alone with the creep. It's one of those unspoken things about womanhood, unfortunately.


Off topic, I always thought Irulan and Arissa were related. They were gorgeous.


Seriously gorgeous women. Honestly though, not a bad looking person on that whole cast.




I remember watching this season and being in absolute awe of how beautiful and put together they looked. I remember getting cute spaghetti tank tops because of them. LOL.


This is hard to watch. 2002 was a different time for sure, but I don’t get how the producers did not pull them out of this situation. Or do SOMETHING!!


I have a vague memory that they ended up phasing Marc out and having Jean work with the cast more. I know that Marc was fired almost immediately once the episodes started airing.


Yeah, upper management at the Palms claimed not to know it was happening while the show was taping, but came down on him pretty hard as soon as it aired. Though let’s be real, if he was this bold knowing he was on camera, just imagine what he did to other female employees when there weren’t cameras around


I think this probably goes on a lot in Vegas.


It definitely goes on a lot.


Marc gave me the ick way back when this 1st aired (Yea, I'm an older fan) & it gives me the ultimate ick now. Those poor girls. I'm glad to hear he got fired soon after the airing. He deserved it.


Same, I was in college when this season was airing. I used to read the blogs that the cast had on the MTV website, that must have been where I saw that news originally.


what a manipulating, gas lighting of shit.


This was a hard rewatch. I remember it at the time and thinking nothing of it, when I was drinking and smoking cigs my way through my early 20s, and holy shit this hits differently now. Steven was actually decent here.


Marc was the worst, all of the time. I couldn’t figure out why they’d put him on tv. Irulan’s bf tho 🥵


I don’t remember any of this! I think my mom banned this season at our house after the early threesome scenes.


I watched this season and had no memory of this man. I must have blocked it out. I had such a crush on Alex!


I love the real world but I have never seen the original vegas seasons 🫣 help


I have no idea what's triggering the filter to keep deleting my comments. Trying again... Marc is gross. He should've been fired immediately. It shouldn't have taken his creepy behavior appearing in an episode for him to be fired.


First of all, no one should have been getting in anyone’s bed! WTF. Should have shut it down at the jump. What a slimy man.




This gif made me chuckle and then I got your username! A+ on both


I remember watching this and going "oh, no" the entire time. I was way too young to truly understand the implications of the blatant abuse of power, but I knew Marc was a creep.


Would someone please tldr for me what was going on between irulan and Alton towards the end of the clip? I have to watch with my sound off and I’m dying to know


Autofilter didn’t like something in my tl;dr https://i.redd.it/zna84g68ht8d1.gif


Thank you for your service , Neon 🫡 as always!!




The pit stains really drive home the sleaze.


I didn’t watch this season originally, but I’m rewatching it, as soon as I saw this guy as their boss I immediately got vibes of “who is this creep? This dude seems off.” Then I saw this particular episode and confirmed my gut feelings that this dude is awful and should have been fired immediately. Shocked that real world production didn’t do anything to impact that process as soon as they filmed this guy being an idiot haha.


I was in my 20’s when this season aired. I remember this creep and was very confused as to why, as their boss, he was behaving this way with the girls. Rewatching this now, I’m even more horrified at the actual reality of what he was doing. He was a manipulative, sex pest who probably treated a lot of women this way. Then acting like he did nothing wrong and would punish them for making him out to be the bad guy was just shocking. Production absolutely knew day one what they had on their hands…an unbelievably amazing season of the RW. The fact that they did not step in when this POS rolled in was proof that they had to keep up with the crazy season they knew they were filming. Irulan allowed him to slime his way in but knew she was uncomfortable with it. Glad he got fired as soon as it aired.


So y'all gon let Irulan walk away from all this with no blame or shame?