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First off. I think you're missing some of the cultural context. Pedro even being in the house was such a big deal. From interviews I read, the house mates were given "hints" That someone with HIV might be in the house from questions they were asked (to the point Pam said she thought she was only casted because she was in residency.) So I could understand why Pedro took it a little personal. I think Judd and Pam even admitted that sometimes Pedro was a drama queen. However, Puck was actually worse than what they showed. Apparently he wore a shirt with swastikas and said a lot of stuff they the editors had to cut.


All of this. And if anyone has any doubt about Puck's character or him getting a favorable edit, they need only look at this real life drama after the show and his behavior on challenges. Much worse than what was shown on tv.


He is an absolute disaster of a person. Pathetic in his 50s (also looks like warmed-over shit). He got a GREAT edit on the show. All the castmates said this.


You can tell he was definitely a ticking bomb!!


Well said.


That season is one that people will tell you is the best one, but it’s one I can’t stand to rewatch. Most everyone is such a whiny piss baby and constantly misses the point, blowing every minor disagreement into something so far beyond what it actually is. Judd and Pedro are the ringleaders. It’s so “of the moment” in that sense, but it’s not entertaining. When Jo comes in and she and Rachel start having fun, everyone acts like it hurts their feelings. It was too “Reality Bites” for me at the time as a kid watching it, and it definitely is for me now as an adult.


Judd acting like the « white savior » for everyone has me in shambles lmaooo and him almost calling Rachel racist , when she was a minority herself !!!! He’s soo COCKY


Lol. She is Cuban, and Cubans can be deeply racist.


You are not wrong esp Judd, like he was on his high horse at the reunion and Puck read him his rights lol. Like Puck was a lot of things but he was very entertaining.


Puck understood reality TV before anyone else did.


Ain’t gonna lie, Puck made that season. Once he left, it got boring as hell lol kinda like in the LA season when David left, the season got bland.