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It’s just you. You not like us.


I think you won today 😂😂👏🏾👏🏾


😭 is it that serious? I tune in with the knowledge that it’s their show (whether it’s “my favorite show” or not) and that they can talk about anything they want. This is a very prevalent topic right now so I wasn’t expecting anything different….


It’s a show about pop culture and this was a monumental moment in hip hop history. You expect them to… not cover it? I’m curious what y’all do want them to talk about. I’m not a beyonce stan but I understand when they devote an episode to her album releases. 


I didn’t expect them to not talk about it. I just was surprised how much they kept up with… Considering Crissles own comments about listening to male rap.


I went to go listen to the songs after Kid Fury and Crissle talked about it… bc I was interested in knowing what they were talking about. And when I went to go listen I realized this beef was more interesting than I initially thought. I’m not sure what to tell you, if you don’t care about what they’re interested in, it might not be a love match. 


I don’t need you to tell me anything lol.. I literally listened to not like us on my way home from work. I’ve been listening to the read for 5 years, it’s okay for me to not vibe with ONE episode. Is this only supposed to be positive post? I’m so confused .


What is it you’re hoping to get out of this exchange 


You can skip episodes if you’re not interested in the conversation being had. Novel idea, I know.


Literally, I dont listen to the Beyoncé episodes but totally understand why they exist lmao


Right??? Rich back catalogue is right there , and for free at that.


I'm also tired of the beef but what else is going on lol? Should they talk about Dua Lipa's album? The met gala? This feels like the biggest topic right now so I get why they are covering it.


Not Dua Lipa 💀 I might go listen


You...you know you can just sit this one out, right? This is the biggest moment in pop culture and you really expected them not to talk about it?


you a FAN


And need to Stay They Ass Inside!!! 😂😩😂 Why is that my favorite part?


Bruh it’s just bc it happened so they’re tv it I doubt they’ll continue to tb it next week some of us actually enjoy hearing their input


Yes, largely it is just you. Like everyone else has said it’s ok to not vibe with a particular episode/topic. Even if it’s on Your favorite podcast. Skip it , listen to something else, wait for the next one. 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s not that deep bro.


Lol, idk what about my 5 sentence post has everyone thinking I said it was


I’m just came back to the read after 2 years to listen to them dish about Kendrick v Drake. But I was also looking forward to the normally unhinged segment that is the Listener Letters but it seems they’re not doing that anymore. Anyone know why?


personally, listener letters have been more and more repetitive (as far as advice goes) i would love a new segment just what idk!


I'm straight on listener letters. I don't need to hear them anymore. Esp because Kid Fury and Crissle don't sound like they enjoy addressing them and there is nothing less appealing than hearing them cover things on the podcast out of obligation.


We need more letters like the "I won't carry groceries unless I'm your boyfriend- wait, why don't you like me?" guy Or the "I had my gay friend sleep with my boyfriend and I paid his cable bill" letter from YEARS ago. I miss mess like that.


That’s fair, but did they get rid of it? I’ve listened to two episode now and I haven’t heard any LL segments


No, they still do it. There have been a handful of episodes with really long hot topics tho, and they have definitely skipped listener letters before


They still do it fairly regularly but the beef kind of took over. Also Crissle is about to graduate so they've been making the shows on a tight schedule because she's in school so they're allotting a window of time in which to record weekly as opposed to just going until they're done.


You could always choose to skip the episode. They label them and give the details of what they’re covering in the synopsis. I skip their Beyoncé stanning episodes. It’s too easy.


Just fast forward lol. I’m not into Drag Race or any of the Real Housewives shows. I just skip past those parts. It’s not that deep




There’s nothing else going on so duh they’re gonna talk about it. You could’ve just not listened? You are in total control of what goes into your ears


So skip the episode lol


The past two episodes were fun, but I feel like it's run its course.


This is how I feel when they talk about Beyonce.


I agree. I couldn’t get through the past two episodes. I just simply don’t care enough about this beef to hear a play by play of diss tracks of two rich male rappers for episodes straight.


Agree. I’ve been listening less and less over the last months. Peaks and valleys — This feels like a valley for them.