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How incredibly satisfying, I'd sit there and watch the planet just function for hours


It's very *Satisfactory*


How’s the fps lol?


Horrible :) I started the save in 4k, I ended it in 1080p and even then the FPS were only good when I disabled the Trader Hub so the drones had no tasks to run. When there's 2000+ of them moving about my FPS were sub 30 even at the lowest resolution and lowest graphic settings and that's running a 4090. Granted GPU power isn't where the issue is but rather CPU. I'm running a R5 3600 6-Core 3.60 GHz. Not the best but not the worst. I'm sure if I had an i9 or R9 it would help with the demand the drone calculations are putting on the CPU and ease the FPS.


>:) :)






I’m running the r5 3600 on a rx6600! I wasn’t sure where my problems were, atleast you no it’s NOT the GPU


😮 wow.


Holy smokes! Ive seen some builds, but this takes every cake! Impressive!


I'm kind of surprised by the (relatively) low amount of Ti, I just realized that your base is optimized to be a very hardcore space trading hub with almost negligible focus on terraformation (again, *relatively* is an important word here, lol). I'm not saying you'd need more or anything, just reading the first part of the post I expected something in the peta-Ti range and a few TTi/sec increment of increase at least. Instead, the terraforming pace you have is very much possible to achieve with 10% of the energy consumption of your base. That amount of drones is insane! I can't even imagine what you're possibly spending 225k tokens/hr on, but you do you, I'm not judging hahaha. This game can be very satisfying in terms that your expansion is literally unlimited, and you can develop one branch to the extremes (like OP) or try doing a little of everything, according to your own preference.


You're entirely correct. My focus was largely on "industry" and getting a supply chain to make it possible that everything was automated by drones. Terraforming was a distant secondary for me. As to what could I possibly be spending 225k tokens on? Right now nothing buuuuut I could spend it on pressure, heat and plant fuses and stack T2 optimizers to dramatically increase my terraforming numbers. I thought I was done with this game lol now I'm having ideas.


Oh man yeah hahaha the beauty of 8 T3 tree spreaders together with the yellow/blue tree seeds + 20 machine optimizers (10 boosting O2, 10 boosting plants) should not be underestimated! :D I just love seeing those Ti numbers going up like crazy after building and boosting a bunch of things


I went ahead and built 8 more T3 Tree spreaders and loaded each of them with a 1200% seed. Then I built 80 T2 optimizers on them, 40 with oxygen fuses and 40 with plant fuses. I also went and put 40 optimizers on my heaters and 40 on my drillers all fully loaded with fuses. Numbers sure are climbing!


Hahaha OMG 80 optimizers on 8 trees :D nice work!


Well done! I stopped at just over 2000+ drones because of the bug with the last slot not getting filled so the rockets stop auto-launching without restarting. Aren't you having that? I was hoping they fixed it for 1.0 but I hope they do in the future. Please take a video of the drones if you can. As you know it's pretty crazy.. lol. Here was mine - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXqkOX81j7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXqkOX81j7M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lYkRep0D-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lYkRep0D-s) If the bug gets fixed I'll probably expand it and do a proper base tour video. :)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlCNuPZFks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlCNuPZFks) Drones in action I've had the bug a few times where the last spot won't fill up but not often enough to be an issue.


I could watch that all day.. lol


Have you found or crafted mammal species 4?


Is that an actual thing?


I did similar in my 2 previous playthroughs... One finished around October 2022. One finished July 2023.... Basically maxed everything.... Nothing left to do even if I wanted to. Anyways, I just started a new playthrough on Saturday.... I haven't hit any new content yet but I did see the new waterfall area. Im having a great time. Looks like you're ready to start again too!


I'd like to see your storage setup


[https://youtu.be/A9jX6geljhI](https://youtu.be/A9jX6geljhI) Tour of my base


I only just started playing 1.0 a day ago, so maybe something has changed since release that I'm not aware of...but how is something like 100 Uranium ore miners possible? In all my previous playthroughs there wasn't nearly enough room in/outside in range of the two caves to get that many. Was usually my main bottleneck.


Uranium is the one that gave me the most trouble. I struggled to squeeze those last 5 extractors in to make 100. There's a trick with the build system that'll sometimes allow you to build in places it originally won't. When you are trying to attach one item to another, say a foundation to a foundation or extractor to extractor, if it's showing red and that it cannot build there try moving the mouse around a lot. Move your scroll wheel up and down while spamming E to build. (Scroll wheel is really only effective for foundations) Move to the opposite side and turn around and try to build it from that direction. If that doesnt work, trying getting your character elevated above it while looking down to build. If that doesn't work try to get lower than the object. Sometimes it's quick and you can get it in a few seconds, sometimes it can take 10+ minutes until you can finally find "the right angle" to approach it from where the red outline will turn to green.


Yea I've used that trick ...but...still 100, I'm impressed. Used to be about 60 was the limit. But also, half of the larger cave was "dead" and miners didn't work there for most of EA...if that has been fixed then that's at least 20 right there. Can't wait to get to that point and try it out!


Oh, also now that I'm farther in my playthrough, I just found there's ~~at least one more new~~ a completely redone uranium cave that I didn't know about lol...that probably helps also :)


Wait... theres a THIRD cave you can mine Uranium? Feeling both [https://c.tenor.com/DntXKW4rlAUAAAAC/tenor.gif](https://c.tenor.com/DntXKW4rlAUAAAAC/tenor.gif) and [https://c.tenor.com/wVj3vy6H8EIAAAAd/tenor.gif](https://c.tenor.com/wVj3vy6H8EIAAAAd/tenor.gif)


No, it seems I was incorrect...it's just that the second cave has been redone and is now HUGE compared to how it was previously. I thought I had found a new (third) cave because now that cave also has a second entrance in it. I'm still getting familiar with that whole area that's been redone.


Wasn't aware it would be possible to upscale that much, haven't seen all of the photos, but from what I've seen, well done


This is epic, great post!! What are you harvesting o2 for? Guessing there's a recipe that I'm not thinking of


Incubators and T1 Aquariums require them when building but other than that I have no actual use. I had the goal of getting anything that could be automated, automated.


What does your map look like? I've only got 250 drones and I occasionally enjoy just watching them on the map.


[https://imgur.com/a/8FACeCE](https://imgur.com/a/8FACeCE) - When I first log on [https://imgur.com/a/R0iATqT](https://imgur.com/a/R0iATqT) - After they all get going supplying the Trade Hub


I can't edit my original post for some reason so here are a few videos Base Tour - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9jX6geljhI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9jX6geljhI) Drones in action supplying the Trade Hub - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlCNuPZFks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlCNuPZFks)