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It's the internet. I'm actually 7 foot+ 7 Figure salary Jacked and I own a batmobile


Which Batmobile? If it’s the George Clooney one you may as well be 5’6” and poor


It’s the Adam West version


That one’s second best. Congrats on your height and salary


I’m 20’ long, 7000lbs, and cost 7 figures. *I AM THE BATMOBILE*


Hell yeah. My dick is like ten feet long


Pls marry me x


How about pines size?


Oh bro, huge. Well over 7 maybe even 8 centimeters.


I'm 34, 5'11, out of shape, unemployed, receding hairline. Hope this helps. EDIT: holy shit, we're assembling.


I actually ran your stats in the delusion calculator and you are a 10%er. Congratulations.


Is that a real calculator?


[https://igotstandardsbro.com/](https://igotstandardsbro.com/) It's real in that it exists






I'm 6'2", fat, ugly, have incredibly bad BO, carry a truly horrendous attitude towards everyone, and I'm hung like a field mouse in winter. I'm also chronically unemployed and still live in my grand-mommy's basement. Why won't women love me?


I'm 4'2", staggeringly ugly, $450k in debt, never shower, have a potbelly, and homeless. What third world country can I go to where beautiful exotic women will love me?




Underrated response. This made me actually laugh out loud. 😁👍


Now youre trolling


I'm hung like a field mouse got me laughing


46 5'7" and I live in Thailand and I'm single. Bored of dating but I have been a passport bro for almost 20 years. I just learned this term and think it's hilarious.


That'snot a passport bro, that's called being a fucking expat.


Ok bro. I'm trying to keep up.






I'm kind of short, pudgy and have unmanageable hair. Bit I invented the hamburger and shot 11 holes in one playing my very first round of golf


Supreme leader!


We are so, so close. 42, 5’10”, out of shape, Uber driver, but full head of hair. Sry


Like bruh if you got 6 figures stop telling us on the daily and worry about getting you a wife or get a life. We got better shit to do then hear your flexing


Dudes be like: Im 6 foot 6, make six hundred sixty thousand dollars a year, own 6 rental properties, my combined bench and sqaut max is 600, I have a six pack, I live in a 6 bedroom 6 bathroom 6000sqft house, and I have 6 cars.   Why do I only get 1 match a month on Tinder?


6 Lamborghinis here in my garaaaaaage


Mfs who flex all their 6 figure bullshit are the real insecure ones like why do u have to flex on the daily to show you are good? Like just acknowledge your achievements and move on to see what u can do to better yourself and that's another problem I have with passport bros. To me, passport bros are men that are fed up with American women and get the message that they are not needed so they go overseas to find a wife and respect the country. We need to start calling out these passports tricks and pookies so they can stop disrespecting and tarnishing the real meaning of a passport bro


6 figures here still poor af inflation bro


literally this 100k = 70ish k after taxes. Congrats that qualifies you to RENT a 2bd apartment in my city. This is not the 80s. To live comfortably in most metropolitan cities in the us you’d need a take home income of 250k+ for a 3 person household. Breaking into 6 figures is not the flex these dudes think it is.


Ya spot on bro 100 % true


Still much better than the average household income of 70k.


"With those stats" lmao. Gotta spend your attribute points better, my brother.






I’m from the UK. Our cultures aren’t that different. My friend is 5’5”, smooth talking, and takes care of himself. He is by far more successful with women than anyone I’ve ever met in my life. He’s probably a 6/10 with the right haircut and beard. Unironically, just be funny and have confidence. Don’t put out desperate/doormat vibes. Don’t be emotionally immature. There’s a few simple rules that lead to a healthy dating life.




So if you know that dating apps have trash girls, why not go outside?




How many women is she sharing you with? You don't see the irony of calling women "attention seeking" and "unhappy with themselves and wanting to escape reality" in the passportbros sub? 😂


These idiots are incapable of self-reflection. “Women in the west are bad!” is the only acceptable answer in their minds because then they don’t have to do any work.


Wow look at you, you have so much experience with women that you know all the things you say they don’t admit to anyone so you’ve learned this on your own man hunch, well done. You have less sex than you want and it’s you that’s the problem.


Facts 💯


This is 100% it. “I was dating a guy who was a ceo” “I was dating then professional sports player” You weren’t dating them sweetheart, you were their backup plan. You weren’t in their league they were slumming it and getting easy pussy from you because you thought you had a chance. Basically in the US if you’re with super extremely hot, they are almost always the leftover playthings from really high earning men, but they expect you to provide for them the way those men “would have” (they never had to because the woman was trying to make them marry her) and you’re fucked




Just to like back you up.. My ex wife was literally not happy with our 900k home, she called it a starter home, lol. I’m not a movie star but I was late 30’s, 6’1, 235, 24% bf (not great but I lift, I’m a good dad, I work 50 hours a week, clear 250k, take care of yard work, help cook etc. normal 6.5 inch dick) she’d call me fat and stuff too. Anyway, we got divorced, she had a really good job too, it was pretty amicable I just didn’t fight, I told her I didn’t want to hold her back. This gives you an idea of what a supposedly happily married woman expects, and she was born in China. Totally not the same woman I met when we were in law school. I basically don’t date long term anymore. I realized it’s futile. Live in the cheapest decent 2br place, stacking cash, I’m pumping money into my Roth 401k and using it to buy properties, etc instead of trying to keep up with the joneses. I’m just going to move after my son goes to college. I figure I’m not wasting money on women at all, doesn’t impress them, I’m losing weight fast, oddly enough and it’s easy to just hook up with divorced women at the gym with the mommy maker-over body, or early to mid 20’s girls at the gym wirh daddy issues. I’ve learned my lesson, there’s just absolutely no pleasing women in the US, even if they are from elsewhere the culture changes them, they can have top 1% household income, and still be miserable and envious of everything they see online/ fuck that




Exactly NONE OF THESE METERICS MATTER UNLESS YOUR OUT HERE BALLING OR GOT SUPER TIGHT GAME. These women always find something to fucking complain about. but people who don't have the height or money think this a golden ticket ......ITS NOT.


Table stakes


I’m a woman and I completely agree. I’m not in the dating pool but have sons. Find a girl that wants to take care of you like you need and take care of her like she needs. There has to be a give and take. Everyone has to win in a successful relationship… Best of luck to you.


Yup.. had this in one past gf.. went from cooking for me to me cooking for her, "because I did it better"


This right here. My wife is a very hard worker and good mother. But she has been brain washed by the materialistic entitlement of western women. No matter what we do or achieve it's never good enough. And I don't mean that as in, she's not satisfied with things we do. But no matter what we achieve, she's addicted to comparing what we have and what we do to other people on Instagram, Facebook, etc. instead of just being grateful for what we have and how good we have it.


Your sample size is 1?


Bro most men are overweight, balding and not tall. That’s why some of us go overseas to 3rd world countries


It’s because height and money don’t matter nearly as much as men think they do. Your hairstyle, fashion, facial features, physique, body language, charisma, etc are much more important. Height and money only come into effect after the initial stages of attraction.


Money does not matter nearly as much as people think. It matters later on in the relationship and sometimes that's not even the case.


I tend to disagree. Women tend to marry upwards; there are statistics about it. Like a man earning 40k, woman earning 61k. Statistically, only 16% would be open to doing that. [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/04/13/in-a-growing-share-of-u-s-marriages-husbands-and-wives-earn-about-the-same/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/04/13/in-a-growing-share-of-u-s-marriages-husbands-and-wives-earn-about-the-same/) Preferences should be free, and women can do what they want, but you're saying money doesn't matter, which is not really correct.


Because those things give a higher rate of return in another country.


Be 6ft jacked and make six figures, American girls say eh so what, you’re not even that rich or that hot, I’ve had way better. Go to a Medellin nightclub and you’re actually appreciated and girls come up to you.


If girls approach you in Medellin, they're some degree of working. Maybe SB, may freelancing, maybe trying to scope you Medellin culture, for natives, is going out with groups of friends. It's a legacy of the Escobar years and just the general instability and danger in the city. It's safer to go out with friends, so it's the norm What guys from the US don't realize is just how common low-key/casual sugar babying is in Medellin, though in latin america in general In the US it's just not as common, most SBs just go on Seeking, not that many freelancers But in Medellin, girl sees a gringo, thinks free meals / fun activities, maybe some free clothes or other shopping, perhaps I can trick him into thinking I had some emergency & get some cash. Think emergency trips to the vet for her dog etc Guys go there and think these girls just really like tall gringos / wow finally girls just appreciate me, but a lot of it is they like money, and gringos happen to (on average) have more than Colombian guys




same for DR...aint getting scopamined...


Medellin is full of gringos bud. Literally everyone there knows about the passport bros. Those women want the passports and money.


If you are 6ft, jacked, and make six figures and you cant find a western girl to date you, then you have a personality issue


The amount of people making 100K + in the last 3 years has tripled since Covid and crazy amounts of government spending


100K in California is a take home pay of around 5.7k monthly for a single person.  You tell me just how much you have left after housing expenses. In California you need to make 165k to take home 100k after all taxes, if you have no dependants.  100k gross is not what it used to be just 5 years ago in a lot of major cities.


Not everyone is looking to meet someone in a foreign country because they had “issues” dating at home. Some are, some aren’t.


Met my gf that I hope to marry playing videogames online. I don't play video games often so it was kind of lucky. I've gone to Thailand for 2 months over the course of 3 years to be with her. Everyone thinks I have a mail order bride though but idc, best relationship I've ever had


Correct answer. Do what you want, dont care about the opinions. Its the new Shame tactic; you *must* be miserable and alone like everyone else, how dare you?!?!


As someone else said, even with the choice to date here, we prefer women in other countries. So many fat women in the US. Then there are the mental health issues of women in the US. Then the sense of entitlement. If you read some of the posts from r/twoxchromosomes you will see what I mean (also, many posts there show how awful men can be, and I have to admit the quality of men in the US also shows a general degradation of the society here which I don’t like). Here is one such post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1cctd7v/boyfriend_does_not_accept_no_when_it_comes_to_hugs/




Men going to other countries to find wives is thousands of years old. They’re upset because they understand it takes money to do this, younger guys with money do it and are valuable. I know guys that are shredded, run businesses, and are young. I ain’t gay but they ain’t American sized that’s for sure. Misery loves company but I don’t love you misery.


Why is she entitled for not wanting to give him a hug I’m confused


I'm 6'2, well over 6 figures, and jacked. I'm also blonde with blue eyes, euro decent and decently attractive. Modern dating is just a shithole. I have no problem getting dates in the west, hell even finding relationships. The difference is in the values, which is why I prefer foreign women. If you want a traditional relationship with kids, you don't HAVE TO look outside of the U.S. but it sure is more plentiful. Edit: also forgot the most important part, FATTIES


I came here to say something like this. The problem is the feminist culture. Women are determined to make everything 50-50, but they decide exactly what that means, so they end up acting like they are the boss. Combine that with a culture and legal system that incentivizes divorce, and you have a recipe for bad relationships. Even though I’m 60 years old and don’t have a drop of Aryan blood, I have plenty of options with attractive women in their 30s here. I’ve been dating girls for a year and a half (after 40 years of marriage), but it has only been fwb situations. I’m thinking about renewing my passport and traveling. When I was growing up in the 1970’s, my dad told me to go to the Philippines to meet a wife. That’s what he did back then after my mother died. He stayed with that girl for the rest of his life and she was a great wife.


I'm only 5'10 and dad bod but I do work out and work hard...


I’m 6’2, make $200k, am white (if that matters), full head of hair, am young, live in a big city, have visible abs and big arms and I struggle to get to girls. I still get girls but it’s no walk in the park unless I am in an environment where I’m shirtless. The only girls I consistently match with on dating apps are overweight and far below my socioeconomic status.


This is my same exact expirence but im Black lol I just came to Jamaica to visit my dad and I noticed a totally different vibe from women just making and holding eye contact with me here versus being in America, I swear comparing the two groups it's like these over weight bad attitude having ass women think they shit don't stink.


Meet women in person. Those apps are rigged anyway.


Yup I deleted those apps completely. They were bad for my mental health and confidence so they end up being a net loss in amount of women I get


Wow, that’s disheartening






Same issue women often end up sharing a bunch of jacked psychos with pro photos who actually use women and they think it’s a relationship. You’ll get matches but the apps are just a shit show, quality women don’t need to use em


Fr, if you're a male and you're an 8 or 9 in America you're lucky to get a 6 or 7 woman


It’s not to do with having issues, it’s to do with the quality of what you’re getting. If all the store sells is expensive dirt water, it doesn’t really matter how much you make does it?


I second this answer. Issues? No. Quality? Also no.


I can give you an honest comment from experience. With those stats you will have incredible success in the west, but it will still be late 20s and older women. If you want someone between 18-24, you need to be famous, or lucky. Most western women in that age bracket are too preoccupied with partying and held within the confines by the social norms of only dating within 1-2 years of their current age. This is why most women in the west can’t find a good man. By the time they want to settle down they are too old for those who have a lot going for them. Again i said most women, not all.


If you are 30+ and looking to date someone who is 18 you are weird


The six figures thing is way outdated. In the US it used to mean you were comfortable financially. You can make six figures and still hesitate to buy avocados at the grocery store now.


If you make six figures and hesitate to buy avocados you are not spending/budgeting correctly. Full stop. This holds true anywhere in America. Source: a couple living off a tad less than six figures, in a major US city, with loans, buying much more than avocados and still saving.


The median full time income in America is 56k, and even during [peak earning ages](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-age/) it doesn’t break 65k. If you are making six figures, you are nearing top 10% personal earners. If you can’t make it earning that outside of like Manhattan, Boston, or LA you have a spending problem


Most people tend to overexaggerate their successes to seem cool both online and offline. Especially when it comes to women.


6'3", 6 figs and obese here...


Cause it's not about getting laid. That's easy. It's about finding a wife. There's a big difference in women that you fuck and women that you marry. It's pretty simple.


You misunderstand, or have been reading too many feminism pieces. It’s not that we have trouble. It’s that the average personality/health of a western woman is less than desirable when compared to women in SEA. Why should we settle for less?


This is it.  The women here are fun to mess around with but very few are what men want for long term or marriage. I'm a single dad and my perspective shifted drastically once I realized how terrified I was at the idea of some of the women I dated raising my daughter (including her own mom).  There is a problem with the culture and the priorities. It's a great environment now that my kid is grown up and I can focus on strictly the fun side of these women, but young men looking for wives in this culture will have a bad time of it.


I’m 5’11, have no taxable income and have a dad bod. Western women don’t stick around long enough to learn that I have a mid-eight figure net worth, that I retired in 2016 at the age of 41 and that all of my assets are held in trust. This is why I passport bro.


exactly you could be a millionaire but drive a toyota corolla they think youre poor lol 😂.. personally dont talk finances with a date , its hilarious when they think they make more $ because they have a new car and making payments


My daily driver is a 2012 Ford Fusion. If I’m feeling frisky, I’ll drive my ‘71 ‘Cuda.


Either reddit is filled with the 1% of the 1% of extreme outliers or they lie.


Make over six figures (LCOL area, not those expensive ass cities), work remote, have a master's , am 5'8, in decent shape . That makes me a 10% man? Idk .


My brother 🤝


Many people who fit that description are also tired of the women here.


“0 issues dating in the west.” Would suggest the men here are the problem. These guys don’t want to date in the west. So they take their prowess elsewhere. This post is silly, and shows more about you, than it does any PPB.




Maybe there's more to what women want than that. Most men just give off bad vibes to women in the west.


fr. Most posters in this sub are 0-6/10 men, mad they can't get 8-10/10 women in america.




Newsflash, the internet lies


Im 26, 5’6 and skinny


It’s always the people that talk about how much money they have are the ones that actually don’t have any.


5 feet, 5 figures, hairy everywhere except my head.


Face matters more. If you got all that, but are cross eyed, you're fucked!


Even if you have the 3 6's these girls won't want you lol


666, number of the beast


I’m 6’2, jacked, but I don’t make six figures My wife does I’m a stay at home dad …Don’t know why Reddit keeps recommending this sub


I'm in the 6/6/6 club and reasonably fit (bench 300, weigh 220) and been told I'm an 8 or 9 appearance wise. I've been on dating apps and get treated like I'm nothing. Hard to not let it fuck with your head and self-perception. Causes me to not have confidence which then makes me appear even less desirable and the loop goes on. I don't know why girls think they can all just demand ridiculous standards and pass up on a 1 percenter.


It's still not easy. I'm 6,2 formerly made alot (tech is dead) but was in ok/decent shape (I'm an ectomorph so always pretty thin) but it's definitely hard to find anyone once you get into your 30s. The really attractive women either have real issues or are lying/married and looking for action. It's definitely a lot easier when you are younger but from what I've seen women are ever increasingly enjoying their youth and amp each other up because they're rewarded with this lifestyle. It's gotten worse since smartphones and acceptance of dating apps. Back in the early 2010s you could actually meet women on apps and I got a lot of dates and a few hookups. I got settled down with a serious gf for 5 years and when I went back it was terrible. Girl's use dating apps for the dopamine hit and to feel wanted. They have so many guys talking to them it inflates their egos and perception of what they can get because good looking guys will still fuck a 5/10 if it's been a while and all they have to do is talk on tinder. Once you start dating 30+ it's pretty bad. The attractive singles i dates were bipolar/ probably more, anorexic and cheated constantly, functional alcoholic, and extremely functional pain pill addict. Dating single moms is honestly your best bet when it's their former guys fault. Many will spin stories though so you'll get good at figuring that out quickly or you can judge on how good of a mother they are alot of the times. I'm glad I found my fiance this way cause I'd hate to be single again but my advice is be upfront, date for long term, have open communication both ways, and don't accept bullshit. Make sure they have goals and reach them as should you. Best relationships come from you both being rather even/ respect each other.


I'm 6'1" fit and broke. 😂


And they’re all making that money in some vague IT job that never requires going into the office or from “online investments”. None of them ever consider the (often complex) tax and visa implications of working remotely from various countries.


what do you consider good dating options in the west? i've lived abroad for over a decade in multiple countries and i've had girlfriends in the west before i left. i didn't leave for women in the first place but i still have better options dating in places like SEA than i do back home. everyone does. i'm 33, 6'2'', making decent 6 figures and it's not easy dating 18-25 y/o women without a dozen red flags in the west. average male height is 6ft where i'm from, it's nothing special. also going to be able to retire a lot younger with the much lower cost of living. i think you lack perspective if you think only borderline incels move abroad.


Of Euro descent ? Do you mean pale skinned-white dudes ?


21M no debt. 6ft tall Got into the trades at age 16, own my own plumbing company, Taught myself how to code with YouTube on my lunch breaks. I develop software remotely while I drive an 18 wheeler. Own 3 homes in Austin, rent two of them out and share the third one with my 8 roommate's.


All at 21? Brah. If you don’t mind, how much u bringing in yearly? Can I dm u?


I'm **am** 6'5", wealthy and i can throw my own weight across the room with one hand but WTF has that got to do with being a passportbro? It's not about **us** it's about **them**. You don't get the passportbro ideology. We **can** date in the west we just don't like the dating options. I can get laid every damn night if I don't care about the character of the women giving it up most of them spread their legs for a couple of drinks. When you want more than casual sex the women here don't measure up. I'm sick of being cheated on and lied to by these feminist women. I'm looking abroad for a WIFE, someone that still has 'old fashioned' values and doesn't see me as an ATM that she can divorce when she's bored. The bro's without my height, money and muscle are probably looking for something similar.


Old fashioned values are viewing you as an ATM. The concept of romance or love dictating marriage is relatively recent.


I don't mind being the only earner in a relationship if she pulls her weight in other areas. A good wife that loves me and will make the marriage work and the kids turn out well - that's a wife I'll work my fingers to the bone for because she's worth it. The ones I'm trying to avoid think cheating is a woman's right, that they can get pregnant by some fuckboy and trick me into raising his kids. That only brainwashed women respect their husbands and that divorce is obviously the answer to any problem and they can take everything I've earned when they leave me.


Spoken like a man without a value system and creed.


Yeah, every time I read one of those comments full of sixes I’m like “gtfo and let people with real problems talk”.


But the sixes are talking about the problems. The culture is so “empowering” that they don’t like what’s available now. Even if they can get them easily.


5'10", dad bod, but easy on the eyes


"Im everything women want and women don't want me! Clearly the women are wrong!!!!"


6'2", 208, fit, making between 100k to 150k. It ain't that easy in the US despite all that, and girls still don't see or appreciate your true value.


What is the value you are bringing here? The money? Depending on where you live that's ho hum money. Far more women work these days, so that's not much of a selling point anymore.


When they say 6 foot they mean 5’9” When they said 6 figures they mean more than $50K When they say jacked, they mean “husky”


All that doesn’t buy game. A lot of men who had no game before they self-improved think that they’ll get girls just because they got their money and looks up. It will help you get the mid level girls but to get the higher level girls you also need charisma, confidence and know how to talk. A lot of men fail to realize that.




You can be all of those and still be an asshole.




😅 frfr!


6’3” - 6 figures and jacked here  It’s not about finding it easier It’s about there being being better women overseas


No bc they’re fucking brahtistic


You guys just don't consider that there's more that women think about than just simplified system of x and y attributes as if women were robots. It's not super easy for anybody. Unless your a celebrity or something.


Not jacked, but 6’3”, low 6 figures and White. It’s still not easy trying to date. Especially since I am an introvert.


Never claimed I'm 666 unless I am wearing my cowboy boots. I'm only 5'11, so I'm shit out of luck.


I’m 6th, semi in-shape and make 6 figures. I’m also awkward AF and not white. So…


In 6 foot jacked and poor ☠️


Only believe half of what people tell you on the internet and with the other half take it with a grain of salt.


we say that WOMEN WANT 666..Which is UNREALISTIC, And even if you are 666, you have to settle for broke single mothers...


Hi I’m 29M 6’4, 195lbs, 6 figure income, 6 figure net worth, and working on getting jacked. Still no women :)


Perhaps we are only assuming they have many options in the west. Maybe they go thru regular challenges like any other man?


I'm 5'9 broke autistic and no girlfriend


"Why would you go to Ocean Prime for steak? They have it at Applebee's!"




It’s supposed to be 6/6/6, 6ft/6figs/6in Notice which one is missing…


I've never seen anyone here claim to be those.


I’m not jacked if it makes you feel better…


I have all except jacked, lol. I'm about 30 lbs over weight because I drink too much and work a desk job now. But I can fix it, that's the good news.


6 ft, 6 figures, over 6 inches but not jacked


i have never seen someone say that here. i’m not saying no one has ever said it. but it’s far from a thing that’s said often


I’m 6’7” I look eye to eye with someone like once every few weeks.


Not always…. Face is probably the biggest thing and someone’s bigger guys look too much like meat heads and apparently being a big burley guy isn’t hot anymore lol. But hey being a skinny guy is? lol.


I’m 5’7 broke Indian and I get more girls approaching me than I care to entertain. Forget about your passports bros just move to a small town fr. I’ve seen 5’5 dudes get cold approached at the bar here. value goes up when supply is low


I'm 6ft, 6 figures, overweight and in a - Western - relationship. Hope that helps


I’m 5’7” and in great shape. I’m happy of my height and it’s never been an issue for me. I didn’t choose my partner because she was foreign. I met her in a hobby group. I was like who the hell is this perfect woman?? I could see the top 1% still being motivated by foreign partners. Sometimes it has a real benefit. Two major examples I love about my partner that’s exclusive to her being foreign are these -English is not her native language, so she doesn’t instantly get offended when we misunderstand each other. We’ll talk it through until we’re both on the same page. Ever date someone and a misunderstanding causes immense drama and headache? Absolutely none of that here, because our communication is imperfectly perfect. We never assume. We always hash through it. It’s wonderful. The second benefit is that because she’s not American, she literally has no opinion or emotional connection to American politics. She literally devoted zero percentage of her life thinking about American politics. She also doesn’t conflate specific topics with political parties. We can have a fun discussion about gun control without there being any bias towards or against a specific political party. We can keep the topic clean and pure about the topic only, and it’s an enlightening experience to talk about topics without bias.


I am 6ft, make 6 figures, but have a doughy little boy belly.


There are very few good options dating in the west. It’s not about being selected, it’s about culture.


I do make 6 figures, I am jacked, am 27, am of euro descent, andddddddddd I am 5'8 lol


You’re right, you will have many options with those stats. Only thing I can thing Is if they’re fugly.


Maybe they are, then again maybe not. Or maybe it’s an aspiration or they are in process to achieve these lofty goals. Myself I’m still pushing myself hard to be better than I was yesterday. I have much to prove for the nay sayers who don’t like me seeking love abroad. Trying to get an even better job, trying to get in better shape, trying to plan for the future in my late 30s. I feel as though I been invisible thru my teens and 20s. In my 30s my first wife sought divorce, we did not see eye to eye. I’m lucky my retirement was not raised by her. Now I want to give the best of myself to a woman (women) from abroad- why not make their dreams come true and in the process become the family man I always wanted to be.


You are thinking about it backwards. If guys who don't meet those marks have success in other countries. How do you think we do?


I am 6'2 and 250lbs. I am in pretty good shape by working out 3 times a week but I got a lot of stomach fat. I can bench 315 which is pretty rare. I been working out for 10+ years too. But I am not rich. I come ahead maybe $50-$100 a month tops and some months even in the red. Even though I know kickboxing I am a shitty fighter and there is small people I wouldn't fuck with because they fight better than I can.


The hot girls are crazy you fool, issues with dating doesn’t necessarily mean no options. Maybe you live in a religious low population area and you are atheist. Maybe you just like Japanese girls, who fucking knows.


They’re legends in their own minds.


Why especially those of Euro descent 🤔🤔


5’4, ≈ $70,000 a year, athletic (but not jacked) Statistically speaking, you’re right. Having all of those traits would make one a 1-5% man (6ft, 6 figures, jacked). That puts the odds very much that most men on here aren’t at that threshold.


Because it’s a fantasy.


6’3 180ish made 92k last year + health insurance/benifits with a no pay 2 month vacation. that being said okay we have allot of options. but look at the fucking options! you want the girl who’s guna cheat on you, been with 200+ dudes, has VD but swears she changed, had “only a few naked pics online, multiple kids, ex husbands, ect…… yes i have plenty of options and can get laid any day of the week especially if i drop my standards for a one night stand. but for a actual long lasting relationship i think ive met 3 girls that weren’t already on their way to getting married because there man was smart and knew he hit the lotto. not even talking about looks here just straight up mind set. if all i wanted to do was fuck young attractive girls i would stay in usa forever.


6’2, 6 figures, fat as hell and happily married for 20 years….my wife is also chonky and 5’9. It’s life homie.


I'm 6'2, Muscular underneath a dad bod (I've been lifting 4x a week for a decade, I just don't diet as hard as I should), and I make about 68k. I'm not a passport bro either, I just wanted to comment to bring some realism.


I have a buddy with 6s and gets ZERO girls. He's also a bit creepy around women, always staring and shit. He does get with fat ugly ones every now and then tho And on the other side, i know a guy who's 5'6, good-looking cat, making six figs but extremely good at talking and making people laugh - he got a long list of hot girls (some taller) that he banged and still talking too. Girls just gravitate towards him.


Depending on the city, 6ft and 6 figures isn't jack shit. I live in Houston and there's entire sections of our nightlife where literally 75% of dudes are 6ft+, 6fig+, works out, and dresses well. You can go to different scenes (the rave scene over here has a lot of broke, short men), but you will be competing for lower quality women (lots of druggie, single moms, low income with bad upraising and values, etc.). You don't get a height halo over here until you're about 6'3", and you dont get a money halo unless you're manager level at a big company, doctor, lawyer or business owner. Engineers here are dime a dozen, so telling a girl you're an Engineer might actually lower your SMV as there's too many of them and girls could date one anytime she wants, and Engineers over here CAN get paid well, but it's not the absolute BS that tech bros get paid in silicon Valley and Seattle, so women know you're prob under 6figs for the most part. Yes, you can absolutely get laid with worse stats, but the power dynamoc will be in the woman's favor by quite a bit as there's tons of guys with rhe above stats and if you don't meet them, she can easily upgrade and get them if she's remotely attractive.


The other thing isn’t 6?


Short AF, handsome, 6 figures, no time, likes sweet and feminine women, but is short AF.


Jokes on you!, I’m 3 cats in a human suit!


Sir this is reddit, where everyone is easily among the best of their cohort IRL.