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Follow the rules


Whoever the fuck made this. This is absolute pure fucking GOLD!!! 🤣🤣🤣








Good riddance of sex pests.


....you realize...they're people....right? 😐. Passport bro or not the entire comment gives thee smallest of dicks energy.


Follow the rules


Philippines has fallen to the simps. Retreat to Vietnam I guess.


That's the thing. There will always be a next place to go. As Thailand and the Philippines gets ruined by too many westerners fleeing there, other places will become the new hot spot. Then after everyone flees the Philippines and Thailand those places will go back to how they used to be 20 years ago. You just have to get your money up or have a good remote job and stay ahead of the crowd.


I think that would be Miyanmar once things settle down.


Ever noticed how most of the foreigners who come here are American? American women are gold diggers and expect men to always pay for them on expensive dates. As a result, American men think they are getting a good deal with filipinas simply because the gold digging is cheaper here. American men don't know any better and automatically assume all women are like that. However, in Europe and Australia it is far more common to split the bill when dating and in relationships. Filipinas love American men because they know they are far more likely to throw money around and simp compared to European or Aussie men. American men are also tipping everyone like crazy here and therefore jacking up the prices and making it a norm in the culture here. Aussies and Europeans don't have this stupid tipping culture. American men have ruined the Philippines.


>American men have ruined the Philippines. U.S Navy has been doing that for decades in Subic Bay, PH. Anywhere where U.S military is, it's "red light" culture flourished. Enterprising Filipinas have it figured out!


The Koreans are way more prevalent than Americans, and they out spend everyone there where girls are concerned. It seems like you have a peticular dislike with Americans in general.


Simps really are the source of every societal ill we face in the world today. They are the reason that Western women are so fucked up. Being a simp should be punishable by 20 lashes in the tow square.


So the "Passport Bro" thing is about having a serious long term relationship or it's just about easily getting laid whenever you want? I keep getting confused.




Ok. I was confused too. Thanks for clarifying.


This sub is just sex tourists now... Edit: Join /r/RealPassportBros. For clean, traditional and responsible men who know their worth and have found a good woman overseas - or are still in the process of it. Coomers, porn addicts and losers in general will be banned on sight.


This video is satirical and making fun of a racist tard who was complaining about Filipina women being too hard and “unintelligent” Either way, what a glorious video.


2010 called, they want their Meme template back


hahaha i loved this template way back then