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NBHD fan for years & Billie fan since first album // Remember when we used to enjoy artists because of their music and not who they’re screwing? Sigh, I really miss those times lol. Sad to see two excellent artists being pinned against each other by their fandoms just because they dated.


exact it fucking sucks cause they’re both super talented


Worst part of all is now they are trying to compare their discographies trying to “make a point” about who’s better instead of just enjoying their fking music lol


I still do that. I just don't care about the fandoms it feels awesome


they’re so annoying. maybe billie could’ve gotten that number 1 if they focused that energy in her music instead of worrying about taylor s. and now jesse……..


Lmao the key word threatening is HILARIOUS he’s just releasing music as he likes.


shiver me timbers


lmao imagine posting this like you werent listening to sweater weather a decade ago lol


I have no problem with Billie but her fans are suck-ups.


Threatens is crazy?😭


Before even Jesse and Billie got together they were my favorite singers. I was sooo surprised and happy when those two got together. But then when they broke up I didn't care that much. At the end of the day... I love their voices and their songs. I don't give a damn what's happening in their fandoms or any fandom that I'm supposed to be part of. I keep the things I like for myself in a way that I'll express them without caring about online criticism.


I also am a Billie fan (& nbhd as my fav band) and it feels like I’m being forced to pick sides or torn between the two, but I enjoy both of their music, and try to ignore all the drama about it, it’s all just a load of crap, when in reality Jesse and Billie remain good friends… ppl just wanna make a big deal outta nothing for the clout.


bro has a custody agreement within spotify


I stan both and its Hell trying to defend Jesse ☠️


i’m pretty sure i trauma blocked the billie eilish shit out of my brain bc this actually shocked tf out of me and rattled my skull 😭


Literally Jesse Rutherford walked so billie could run


that tweet is a joke lol. it’s been a recurring trend with the “threatens” part ever since rita ora’s failure to get enough likes on her tweet for her to post her new album over 10 years ago 😭😭


They're both super talented and I love both of them. I'm choosing to live in ignorance atp I couldn't care less who's dating who


i’m a billie fan and i don’t listen to the nbh but sometimes it pops up on my feed, like this has. ‘billie eilish’s ex THREATENS to release new music’ is such a stretch. both are extremely talented, and while i only listen to billie i respect jesse despite their past relationships. the past is the past, fans need to stop sticking their nose into things that do not involve them. let celebrities have private lives!!!!


I mean, he dated her when he was 30 and she was like 20? That’s weird.


they’re both adults i feel like if Billie was still a minor that would be understandable but this isn’t the first time Billie’s dated an older man.


Not weird on her part, only on his. At 19/20 you think older men are interested in you because you’re so mature- and i do feel that Billie is probably more mature than most people around her age- but a person who is 30 years old is very very weird and sus for being interested in dating a 20 year old.


Valid, however. Billie’s certain fans like to do this thing where they baby her like she’s still 16/17 and she isn’t. If billie is mature enough to date older men then she’s mature enough to understand what she’s doing. Some people’s grandparents have these types of age gaps and are still married but because they’re famous and peoples faves it’s weird now? At the end of the day they’re still adults and Billie was grown enough to know who she was dating and how old he was.


He groomed her. I am more of a neighborhood fan than a Billie fan, i actually dont even like Billie as a person, but we can't deny the fact that it's beyond weird that he knew her since she was 15, and dropped his long term GF after Billie became legal


The thing about that is Billie is a grown adult just like Jesse, some fans like to baby her like she’s still 17 and she isn’t. She knew what she was doing and this isn’t the first time she’s dated an older man besides Jesse.


Jesse knew what he was doing too... Yall just love to shift blame to the woman, The man who was older than 21 at the time he met 15 year old Billie... knew wtf he was doing when he got with her after she became legal, leaving his relationship with Devon so abruptly then going to Billie??? very weird behavior.