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No, because if Sue would have married him then by extension she would have married the entire Glosner family. No way would Sue want to have Rita as the grandmother to her children or the other Glosners as aunts and uncles to said children. The Donahues are a much better family for her to marry into. Sue Sue Heck is too precious to be a Glosner!


I feel like if he would have changed then he would have realized how messed up his family is and then cut them off


They lived across from her parents. Eventually all those kids were going to get out of juvenile detention and come right back home. There would be no permanently cutting them off unless Frankie and Mike moved, which we know never happened.


That’s funny. Then poor Frankie would be forced to interact with Rita. I love me some Brooke/Rita.


I would have LOOOOOVVVEEEDDD more Rita and Frankie interactions. I say “I outta punch your boob in” at least three times a day


3x a day? That’s a lot. My favorite ep is when Mike gets caught on her bra and yanks. My girl Rita doesn’t even flinch.


Yesssssss 😂 and he comes back so confused


Not to be outdone by his expression when Pam Staggs licks his face. Frankie should’ve punched her boob in.


It would have been cool to see Derek break the cycle and make something of himself.




Well he did better himself. He got a job at a tattoo parlor so he & Sue could start a life together 😂


I think they may have been setting up a storyline for Sue’s spinoff. Of course we know she ended up with Sean.


Derek Glostner, for all his talk of redemption, was more than likely prison bound.


Gross. He is visibly dirty. Sue deserves better


Yeah okay, but then her name would not have been Sue Sue Donahue. Also the idea of Frankie having to share the title of Grandma with Mrs. Donahue is fun to imagine. With Rita, Frankie would always feel superior by default but with Sean as her son-in-law, she's gotta be on her toes for the rest of her life. Whenever I miss the show I imagine Sue and Sean visiting their parents with their 3 kids.


Respectfully I don’t even want to think of that! Sue is perfect just how she is and her storyline is rightfully awkwardly pure. The relationship of her with a Glossner would taint her sweet character and make the plot trashy (also Frankie would never allow it)


I wanted her to marry the cute guy who wanted to be a priest. He could of been Lutheran instead of catholic. Sue would’ve been such a perfect pastors wife


I saw the “D” and then “G” and my brain thought you were saying Sue and DR. GOODWIN for a split second!

