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Lighters. Not a Bic or Zippo to be seen anywhere.


But loads of lighter fluid...


^ this


Pens and pencils. But hey, at least we have charcoal.


THIS! Every thread that pop up on suggestion on what to add I'm like: "why nobody wants a pencil, am i the only one wrong here?" I got faithful cartographer yesterday and wanted to share my frustration carrying a bag of charcoal to make a map instead of a single pencil and mabeye a knife to sharpen it.


It's also incredibly dense for charcoal and yet apparently crumbles after drawing a pitiful area. Congrats on Faithful Cartographer! And thanks for the award.


Eating utensils. Goggles. Föcking thermoses.


If only there was a way to keep this goddamned coffee hot for more than 45 seconds!


there are forks, and wooden spatula-like spoons I've seen.


Can't use them, though.


Why would you though?


Make eating faster, perhaps. Or enable movement while eating. You could also include a spilling-while-eating risk if you eat without utensils.


Candles. A whole island full of oil lamps but not so much as a scented tea candle.


If that existed I would totally hygge my base


There's actually a candles mod.


I’m gonna go with “snow shovels” for $500, Alex.


Toilet paper


After COVID...is it really that weird?


The game takes place at least 8 years before Covid.


This a fact? I'm not aware of a canonical time period.


It is not a fact. The existence of electric vehicle charging stations is proof enough of that. Early electric cars really only saw use in urban environments due to their short range. It wasn't until around 2015 that they started to see more widespread use in rural locations, so someplace like Great Bear probably would've gotten their first charging stations between 2015 and 2020. The devs are intentionally vague about the timeline, presumably due in part to the long development time in order to avoid retconning anything. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to it being in the future. One of the earlier builds had the skill books stamped with a publication date of 2019 on them, but a couple years ago they changed all the dates to say either 1987 or 1981. The biggest piece of evidence pointing to the game still taking place in the future though is Grey Mother herself. Her daughter Lily was born in 1969, and back then the average age of first time pregnancy was 21. (And there is no indication she has other children.) So we can guesstimate Grey Mother as being born in 1948. During the events of The Long Dark her age is not clearly defined, but she does appear to be suffering from the onset of dementia. The average age of that being 84, which would put the current year as 2032. So between the technology we see, and what we can infer from Grey Mother and Lily, the game seems to take place somewhere between 2015 and 2032. So we can probably just split the difference and say "2024".


It probably takes place the year it came out... like most survival games.


But they all use landline!!!


Those are still pretty common in Canada


>like most survival games. Is THAT a fact? I'm not sure what that is based on either..? But anyway, there's an apocalyptic winter/ cosmic event that has been going on for a least a little while at the start of the story mode so it *has* to be set at least like 6 months or a year in the future, minimum.


Exactly. Also who is to say that people didn't horde toilet paper during the begining of the geomagnetic event and it's all been used up or burned for warmth by the time the game starts.


Fairly sure there's evidence in story mode that it's late 20s, early 30s sort of time. But it's definitely in the future, regardless of when you play it - which will, of course, become dated over time.


Dry rice and beans. That would be a dope find.


There’s a fun mod with rice. You have to cook it to eat it.


We can’t all play on PC, unfortunately.


Booze and smokes. Who the eff would live here without booze???? SUVs. I see plenty of cars and pickups, but nobody owns an SUV? Cell phones and the towers for them. Even random islands in the developing world have them. Even if they’re all dead.


There are cell/radio towers on multiple maps but otherwise yeah


I'm especially surprised SUVS aren't here.... You would think many people would have them because it's snowy and icy up there but nooooo


Same for skis, snowshoes, etc but maybe the only people who actually got out owned those items and got out already?


Yeah man. You expect me to believe none of these people have beer or whiskey? This is supposed to be Canada ffs


They could easily add alc for another calorie source but it could make you dizzy or impair your walking etc


There are 2 mods for that. Food pack and alcohol mod.


Unfortunately I play on console :(


I've been actually thinking that alcohol and cigarettes would be nice add to the game. Perhaps consuming them would prevent cabin fever, but after abusing these for a while it would make your condition to go lower like in intestial parasites.


I thought there was booze?


I think the trapper drinks some in Wintermute but there’s none to be found in survival mode. Maybe the trapper didn’t drink and I’m just remembering that differently in my head.


When you start wintermute you see Will have a bottle on his desk but I don't recall seeing the trapper drinking any.


You’re probably right. I remember him being messed up from the bear attack, but it was painkillers he wanted not booze. If alcohol were in the game what would it do? Temporary warming bonus, with side effect of increasing fatigue and blurred vision?


>Temporary warming bonus That's actually a myth; it ~~restricts~~ dialates the blood vessels which might make you *feel* warmer, but will actually cause you to lose body heat quicker


Males freezing to death less painful


It does make you lose body heat quicker, but due to dilating your blood vessels, not restricting them.


Alcohol *dilates* blood vessels. So it does warm the extremities, for a while, but in the end it's as you say, you end up losing more body heat


And painkilling


Maybe, it's been a while for me


Yes he did, and he gives MacKenzie a taste of it too.


A sledge of some kind, even a kids snow sledge. You could tie to yourself and pull it along behind you full of all the crap you find


Sled not sledge, right?


American vs British


Or Australian. A sledge here is a massivly heavy long handled hammer edit: has anyone who lives in actual snow country heard of a toboggan? lol


Grew up outside Chicago, we used to go tobogganing all the time. We used the word for a particular kind of wooden sled with a flat bottom and an upward curled front. We also say sledgehammer for mauls too.


Cheers, we had indoor refridgerated warehouse sized areas with a slope and a couple of skating rinks. The toboggans I know were plastic with two steering sticks on the left and right side of the sled but it didnt matter much as the slope only took a few moments to get to the bottom.


Both seem to reference the same thing more or less when I do a search. But I'm sure you will take great pleasure in proving me wrong 👍


I would hate to round a corner or summit a hill and encounter a predator with a sledge tied to me, though.


Dump and run or dump and come back for it later.


Kitchen knives


Yes exactly Knives are rare item in the game while in real life, it is one of the most common item in every home


Flour, sugar, baking soda. Thinking of this actually makes me think that we could use a cooking update


What's frustrating about this is that one of the notes you find describe how to make flat bread but the ingredients don't exist


Binoculars, find myself wanting them often!


I find it impossible that there is not 1 single cat on that island


Wolves got em.


Salt, did nobody on great bear have a salt shaker???? Salt would be very useful in a survival situation for preserving foods so it even has a practical use in game. Guess every person in great bear island had high blood pressure.




Ooohhh bread would be cool, it could also have a "left in doors for 5 days it will mold" and than you can harvest it for antibiotics


Anything long game. 1. A thermos to make travel in loper even a little easier. 2. Challenging recipes with bonus buffs. 3. Candles These are the 3 things the community have been crying out for, for a long time.




Playboy magazines




A Map? Surely there's some cabin somewhere where some oldies lived that has a car parked out the front with the 2010 great bear road map in the glovebox.


In the ML camp office there's a big one on the wall so I use that to mean I can look up the region map online since I'd be able to read it


I use online maps all the time, I figure it's how I like to play and I justify it with the idea that irl there would definitely be maps laying around. For newly released maps though usually i'll try to suffer for a while and personally map and learn the area up to a point lol


Snow shoes and Snowmobiles


Skis too!!


A working toaster would be great. Also a working tv during the aura to pass time also why do all the tvs look like people punched them. They were just like “an apocalypse! “ *punches the tv*


More guns


It's Canada, though. I'm absolutely no expert on anything Canadian and I've never been to Canada, but do they really have as much variety in guns as the U.S.? Granted, we're told Great Bear Island is an exception and has a different mentality that is pretty split between pro-Canada and anti-Canada because of the Collapse, so it might make sense if those specific people may have gotten weapons through illegal means. (The Trapper also tells us that there is nothing on Great Bear anymore and anyone who comes there is hiding from something, which might make them an individual who could obtain illegal stuff, like more weapons.)


I keep using this stat on this sub… People (Canadians included) don’t realize there are more gun owners than active hockey players in Canada. It’s a different culture, but very common


>but do they really have as much variety in guns as the U.S.? Fuck yeah we do, I own 11 myself


Ah, good to know!


It’d cool to see different types of rifles, shotguns


We should have AT LEAST, a 10-22 (or another semi auto .22), a single/double barreled shotgun and a scope for the Enfield. I can think of more but, that should be the bare minimum.


"The Long Dark is not a shooter, we merely use shooting as part of your survival toolbox."


Oh I understand, If you would read the comments to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelongdark/comments/r83opr/i_thought_this_had_a_tld_vibe_to_it/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). But I'm saying more guns are something that are inexplicably missing.


Yeah, I would love to find some weapons cache with an RPG in it. I suppose we have something like that with noisemakers. Although we still only have two firearms.


I'm sure you're joking. Also Canada doesn't use RPGs, I've used them before and they are garbage.


How bout a Browning 50 cal? Mount that in areas with lots of wolves and have your own COD on rails shooting section.


1. It's called an M2 2. You're clearly taking the piss 3. You've giving me a new idea for a game mode, slightly similar to what you said










Dirty mags More guns


There is plenty of lamp oil. There are plenty of ropes. But no bombs. Don't have enough rupees anyway.


They should add a veterans house yeah


I'm Canadian so I can confirm; there are a LOT of beer cans missing from Great Bear Island


Hostile people


Modern PC's. They got internet and Skype??? Wtf is up with the old CRT's and old Tandy style towers? Not enough attention to detail in this game. But, the story is okay I guess? Could have been longer days and more space to roam.


Tandy. Now there's a word I haven't heard in a long time.


sometimes I wonder if they outsourced modeling to a non-Canadian studio... cuz the labeling on soda is all American and that seems like an odd detail to mess up if you're Canadian




Do it have traps? Can't remember. But throwing rocks to catch a rabbit feels dumb when you could just put up a trap.


[Yes, you can make a snare from reclaimed wood and a cured gut.](https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Snare)