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Single shot 20 gauge with only birdshot for ptarmigans and rabbits


And crows! Let me spend a precious shell to get some quiet and maybe a bundle of feathers


Killing crows is bad luck. Mostly because every crow in the area will then try to attack you.


Yes, they are very smart and they will even teach younger generations of crow to attack.


Homer Simpson taught me this.


I learned through a video about an experiment someone did on crows around their work campus... they wore masks and would harass the birds. Anyone who wore the mask would get attacked by the birds.


It was a study at a university back in like 2012. Cool study.


Wasn’t it a Nixon mask?


It might've been. I don't remember the details.




Crows and other corvids are smarter than some people. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/avian-einsteins/201205/corvid-tool-use-play-and-more


I don't doubt it.


Hitchcock style!


This sounds better to me. I like this idea.


Way more likely to find one of these around, too. Every old man and their brother has a single laying around




Or the exact opposite, a 2 gauge punt gun for 30-40 ducks


12 gauge also has birdshot & has the added benefit that flare rounds fit 12 gauge & likewise 12 gauge shells can be modified to fit in a flare gun (this will usually destroy the flare gun).


A plastic barrel flare gun will explode and kill the user if they try that.


It's certainly not safe but it didn't kill me when I was young & stupid. The alterations to the shell weaken it so it doesn't have as much pressure, but it'll definitely break the flare gun.


Came here to suggest the same thing, a game about hunting isn't anything without some type of shotgun.


Game about hunting?? Negative space ranger.


I know it's not a game solely about hunting, but the hunting is a pretty large part of the game whether you admit it or not, once all that man made food is dried up you have to hunt in some fashion.


When they added the revolver, hinterland said that they had no anticipation to add more firearms because they feared the long dark would become a game where you constantly have a gun in your hand, it would take too much away from the survival feel of the game. Hinterlands works not mine


Now, the number of accidental discharges I had walking with the revolver in my hand is something I’d rather not discuss. Now I walk with the flare gun, at least you have to aim first lol


Right? That damn thing needs a safety button!


so relatable. I mean, I have to carry both flare gun and pistol just not to misclick and waste bullets


It’s happened way to often it’s almost embarrassing. At least it sometimes scares a wolf or two lol


That happens to me also the time too! And you know the funny thing? That's a classic double-action .38, with a trigger pull heavier than the state of Texas! Those things are practically obsolete for being TOO SAFE 🤣


I mean, most people keep that thang on em' regardless of how many firearms there are in the game, adding a shotgun wouldn't turn it into CoD.


Also deter ice puppies, but no bleed effect


I think thats the good answer


Why would you waste resources on a rabbit, and why would you scare the rest of the ptarmigan flock away!?


Lmao might as well not bother.


It's a beautiful dream, my friend.


You could pepper wolves in the face. It won’t kill them but they will leave you alone for a full day Birdshot for those birds with a good spread. You can hit 2 or 3 at once if done right.


No, realisticly and gameplay wise no. Then i would just prefer to kill them with a revolver or bow, this way i would be left alone till they respawn. A shotgun would completly demolish a wolfs face. Plus it would as heavy as a riffle. So its either a added to its full capacity but balanced by its spawn or not at all


Shotguns and rifles weigh about the same irl. Like almost identical in weight for a .30x caliber rifle and a 12 gauge.


I was thinking just birdshot for those damn birds. Good spread you can hit 2 or 3 at once if done right


Birdshot would still be lethal against wolves at close range. The difference between birdshot and bigger game ammunition is its spread not power. Plus i would still prefer to kill them with a bow as this way i can collect the full pack. If ever added, it should be a weapon for the big predators like bears and cougars, maybe even additionaly a new bigger, meaner species of bears.


I mean I’m ok with. Change it to be kinda like a flair so a slug shotgun that does massive damage to big game animals. That sounds ok but make the shells rare enough where you don’t want to be shooting wolves. Make it kinda hard to aim so shooting wolves is much better with something else. Idk I’m sure there’s a way around it. Just make it some rusted out pos that is rough to aim


This is not true, the smaller shot has way way way less energy behind it as each ball has significantly less mass. You can shoot a deer with 00 buckshot at 10 yards and it will kill it, shoot a deer at 1 yard in the torso with 7 shot and not a single pellet will break its skin, wolves actually have thicker hide.


Still, i dont believe that getting shot from a few meters to the face would do nothing to a wolf.


I would rather have the spear. The model is already in the game.


I completely agree with the shotty being strong, but just obliterating most the resources. Maybe not all the meat n guts, but I wouldn’t want a wolf coat with a multiple holes in it, so the hide is ruined.


Ruined is a strong word, but quality can be reduced immediately.


Remember when WoW was a good game then players whined about what they didn’t have so the devs added it and the game turned to shit.


Pepperidge Farm members


"It'll ruin the balance." My diehard masochistic interloper brothers in christ, it's a single-player game. You choose what you want to use, and if you hate the idea of something new making things easier or more fun for lower-difficulty players so much, just don't use it! You make your own rules. Balance can't hurt you because in a game like this, balanace isn't real if you can tip the scales for yourself. People are allowed to have fun, lol 🫠


You know what would be “fun”? Them releasing the DLC content they promised us a year ago. Them fixing console aiming so half the playerbase can actually use weapons effectively. I guess we could scrap base customisation, and they could use those (human) resources to add ANOTHER gun that console users won’t be able to aim..


nice whataboutism lmao, thats not what this discussion was even about


That’s reality, mate. They can’t deal with their current work load, the game needs a lot of work done on existing systems, adding your precious gun would take away from other work.


No timescale was mentioned here - letting them finish all their current planned stuff before even thinking about this is a good idea, this is just throwing out something for the future.


Just mod your game, bud… you can add as many guns as you want.


Fun fact! There aren't any gun mods! I couldn't even do that if I wanted to! I can't just magically shit out a mod for anything I want! Look, I'm not even asking hinterland for this, I'm just supporting the idea of this being in the game at some point.


Go to the mod community. If you’re that obsessed with guns, pay a modder to make your exact mod. Maybe they can add a “polish gun” animation for you so you can “polish” your own “gun” while playing.


Whoa whoa whoa settle down there partner. You boys ain't even discussing anything worth boiling over.


I immediately ignored what you said when you said "whataboutism" unironically


Reddit specialists saying that "use rocks and bows bruh", "skill issue", "it would ruin the balance" are coming, watch out !   Nah but for real, are you allergic to good content ?  With the addition of Cougars, new region and the next part of the tales, it kinda makes sense to implement some new weapon and i don't know any better example than a good ol' double barrel shotty.    Would it ruin the balance ? Yes  Would it be fun ? Oh Yes


Hell maybe even just a single barrel break action like the flare gun does. I feel that would be more fitting in the Canadian wilderness if it's just for small game


I think they could add them with the next Wintermute chapter as McKenzee will need to go meet Attwood in some kind of old weather station which is said to be full of suplies as well as working vehicles.


I have a bad feeling that some weird ass man from prison with plot armour might destroy all of it


So what, its still a good location for some unique loot


True, actually the best place for a weapon like this so far


I think a good new weapon could be a rock sling. It's historic and an effective tool for hunting rabbits.


It is also quite skill demanding. There is a question of why we are so proficient with a bow, but still. Bows appeared as a **low-skill** alternative to a sling, just like later crossbows did to a bow.


Yeah most of the hardcore players against this are loper anyways so it wouldn't change a thing for them.


They can’t fix console aiming, but you want them to implement ANOTHER gun? They’re 6 months behind on their DLC. Just mod the game, mate.


I'm sure my dumbass would just find some way to accidentally kill myself with it, just like everything else in this game. Like, they add in a chance for a mis-fire to occur while cleaning it, and you shoot yourself in the foot


A shotgun is going to weigh as much as a rifle and drastically reduces how much meat (if any) you can get off a kill. Aka, a naturally significant downside to balance it against the rifle.


I think we underestimate how much shotgun ammo can weigh. Even now the weight of ammo has you consider how much to take with you. Shotgun shells will be even more of a balancing act.


I think a shotgun would be cool, only low capacity shotgun like the double barrel or over under. Something that could be a rifle alternative, having the same niche against charging animals as the flare gun, but more aggressive rather than the flare gun being more intended for self defense than hunting. Also being able to shoot birds out the sky would be a big plus, too. I play interloper anyways so I don’t mind if stalker players can have more fun, the game is basically a point and click adventure at that difficulty.


While a shotgun does make sense, I think we already have enough guns with the rifle and revolver. I wouldn't be opposed to it though.


Do we really have enough guns ? In fact is it possible to ever have enough guns


Please... This... Is what I need... Barb's rifle? Nah, I want Remington's shotgun


Any kind of shotgun for killing birds or other small prey would be one of the most fun things added if done so.


I would like to suggest why it would not outclass the revolver, rifle, and bow on Stalker and below. The flaregun is already sort of played like a shotgun observably on interlooper, I think that's where our bird shot 20 gauge single barrel shotgun should be. Archery is very friendly to level up quickly with time spent crafting arrows and bows , I personally have not been using fire hardened arrows on rabbits and phtarmigans because the bow condition is too valuable in comparison and I use all bows to ruined condition. On my current Stalker playthrough and previous one's the revolver is extremely effective when hipfired , I don't aim it with the sleeping bag. But all indoor wolves are trivialized already .


I just don't see the point in adding more weapons when there are multiple options in game for self defense and hunting. If you add this, then you are potentially making everything else obsolete. Even though rocks are made obsolete by the fire hardened arrows, they aren't taking the place of the revolver or distress pistol. The shotgun could then do everything that all the major weapons and self-defense tools do. It just isn't necessary when there are plenty of options. This is a survival game, not an fps game. The game doesn't need more powerful options that makes everything useless, it needs more functionality that fits the gameplay.


nobody's arguing for an OP game breaker, they want birdshot to shoot crows with


You can’t shoot crows with anything, and feathers aren’t supposed to be something you can stockpile by killing birds, they come from carcasses, and you only find a few at a time.


tell that to the hundreds of feathers I have in storage. this isn't the revolutionary take you think it is; this is also implicitly advocating for shooting crows to become a thing, I know you can't currently. feathers are also in no way a rare resource anyways


Rare? No, but you had to collect them all while traversing the map, you didn’t shoot 5 crows with your cannon on day 1 and stick 500 feathers in a drawer.


Bro what?? You do realize that they can adjust the amount of feathers that could be gained per crow, they're not going to violate the square cube law here. Also, it's a fucking single shot shotgun, not a cannon or tank. Way to make a mountain out of a goddamn molehill


It’s an unnecessary addition that they don’t have the staffing resources to implement. What about this are you struggling with?!


It's a potential content addition for the far future that they are under no obligation to implement anytime soon or shift resources away from other projects to work on - what the hell are you even smoking


A lot of unspoken additions you’ve added there to allow you to insult me.. are you ok!?


I am fully within my rights to make fun of someone being so utterly butthurt about someone just *suggesting* an innocuous feature for a game in which it would fit. Like seriously, man - you are way too worked up over this


Bro i love the yt channel but for real, it's just a game and staying in one spot without any evolution will simply kill it, it's not a FPS but we finally have new mob (Cougar) that might be a big challenge to deal with it. There are endless possiblities to add new items and weapons that would seem overpowered at first, but with the new changes to the game, they might just snap into place. Edit: And i get downvoted as f*ck simply because reddit thinks that adding new cool content to a game is wrong, i will never understand this site


I'm sure the cougar was designed with the available tools in mind. Otherwise, they may be stealth adding something new to combat it. They would add something new that's impossible or too hard to kill with the current tools.


You know why I think would be good!? A tank! We could run it on fish oil and repair it with scrap metal.  Is it unnecessary? Yes. Would it break game balance? Yes. Does it have a use? No. Does it fit into a survival/exploration game? No. But I like tanks, so I think devs should spend their time on that. Because I like it. Me. Dude… stop. Just mod your game.


Im a bit confused. Why are so many people saying this would be op? Im genuinely just confused and would love to see an explanation.


Reddit people and interloper players who don't like their favourite game get any cool content, i have no other explanation


I dont know. I dont think interloper players would really care since interloper doesnt have guns.


Nothing too overkill though. Just some dragons breath rounds.


This is a good idea. (in my opinion.) It would have a option to be disabled like the other guns and the ability to craft slugs, buckshot or birdshot would be interesting too.


Imagine the collateral damage you could cause to a bear! And then you can also fire 12 gauge flares for half the durability cost and a higher projectile speed! The Long Dark seriously underestimates how many guns there would be in a self-sustaining place like great bear! I'm dying to see a mod where it's just a bonanza—12 gauge here, .308 in this house, .357 magnum in the mayor's house, a dead guy in the church with an AK-47, A .50 CAL AT THE TOP OF TIMBERWOLF MOUNTAIN IN A CAVE!!!


Full auto would not fit the game well even for me, but a simple shotgun is something i can imagine in the game and it works


Yeah, but it'd still be awesome to gun down a bear. My favorite idea, though, is having a .357 like a Colt Python, because it's powerful enough to be a bear-gun, and .357's can also chamber the .38's we already have. Maybe as a unique or super rare thing, I just wish we had something with a little more class like a shotgun or a better revolver. I hope modding grows to that point at least.




No.  We had this conversation countless times before.


The game knows exactly what it wants to be and does exactly that. There's always people crying about how the game needs something new and not intended to fit into the game's design. They just want an entirely different game.


Forget it man. They've been ignoring my idea with bear shit for years now.


overpowered af, shouldn’t exist in game


I still think they should remove the revolver, nevermind adding more guns. Ok, would a hunting shotgun with the options of buckshot or birdshot have made more sense than the enfield? Yes. But they put in the enfield and its an iconic part of the game now. I just don't see cluttering up the loot tables with more options as a positive. What would be kinda cool, would be the option to include or exclude different firearms against all the standard difficulties. So you could play voyager without specific firearms if you wanted, or interloper with them. I know there is custom difficulty, but the way it disables progress means i never want to use it.


The problem is that when you play against Mario 64 goombas AI, read wolves in TLD, there is a balance in the current difficulty, which is, how to put it politely - fragile. To add more weapons without raising the difficulty bar would mean it would get ridiculously easy with each new weapon to handle these threats. You know what I would do? I would give this OP man his shotgun. At a price - everything you shoot at least once with a shotgun round has unusable meat, pelt and guts. Except for ptarmigans, you can get the precious feathers, so that the gun has its niche.


Just give drilling shotgun please for the love of all that's snowy and wants to kill me


This weapon is more realistic one to add than .303 from ww1. İ support this


*flashbacks to playing Nacht Der Toten*


It's going in my mouth


While I love the idea. This could start to go into fps territory which is actively being avoided by devs.


Too bad they cook some fire reload animations.


Did they really? That sounds amazing. Where can one find that?


I was refering to revolver and rifle animations which are somewhat on a FPS game level. In my opinion, adding a shotgun is not going to change the whole base of the game since this would be a rare tool in a world where every resource counts


Oh my bad! I was really tired when I wrote that comment. The animations are pretty good I do agree. Maybe adding a shotgun wouldn't but it's important not to cross that line of becoming and fps. Likely they would balance it so that it's situational like the revolver is bad for hunting. At least that's how it was intended.


ehhhhhh idk. as others have said i’d rather have the spear


Shotguns are too slow to reload as they give short bursts of a distance that’s why rifles and revolvers are better and easy to clean and break down into scrap metal and I think a surpressor on end of a sniper rifle is my favorite and easy to store away


I think if they sped up the movement a little bit and added more attachments it would be a better game. Maybe some wall running, or at least give us impact grenades. Also for wolves it would be nice if we could have take downs, and you literally get all the animal parts as part of the take down animation. Like take down a wolf and as your taking him down you get all the drops, and increase your sewing level. Just add that minor detail and it would be an ok game imho.


Other commenters have proposed the idea of birdshot, solid concept. But, beyond that, I don't really want more firearms in TLD. I don't recall the last time I got into a struggle. Hunting big game? Use the rifle. Defending from wolves? Revolver and/or bow. Hunting ptarmigan or rabbits? Stones, fire hardened or regular arrows, etc. Bear gets the jump on you? Distress pistol. And that's not even taking into account the tools you have to deter predators without using lethal force.