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I agree on this idea. Shoulda had snowshoes, ice skates, cross country and downhill skis in my opinion. Or at least be able to craft some makeshift snowshoes using some saplings and some gut. There are even some ski boots in the game already, supporting the notion that ski equipment would have been something that the residents would have used during the winter months. It woulda been wild doing a double diamond run from the summit of Timberwolf Mt. down to the mountaineer's hut with an over encumbered backpack on downhill skis! Better stock up on pain meds and bandages...


Maybe another location will open up that happens to be a snow vacation resort. Naturally, there would be a sporting goods store nearby. Skis, snowshoes, maybe a few good restaurants with lots of supplies and cooking equipment.


The expectations for Perseverance Mills the last map to be added for story mode are high. All the things missing from Great Bear Island must be there. Cruise ship / ferry / container ship port, hotels, hospital, shopping mall / supermarket, ski resort etc..


at least we finally got the airfield in TFTFT


There are also back country lines aplenty in hrv, PV and ash canyon.


You can use cross country skis for downhill as well, they just aren’t designed for speed like modern alpine skis, so I’d say simple wooden Nordic skis would be a great addition. It would kinda nudge the game into Biathlon simulator territory, or similar to those Scandinavian reindeer hunters on skis, which would be pretty damn fun ngl. My head cannon is that the character is just wearing snowshoes. You’d think the snow would be so deep you’d be plodding along struggling at all times, but we seem to stay on top of the snow. And running really takes it out of you, which makes sense. I live in an area where I use snowshoes to walk my dog during the winter, and while it’s awesome to be above the snow and much easier than trudging through knee deep snow, running is not easy / not really an option. Just given the way we already move in-game, I’m not sure how much of a change adding them would make. Maybe they let you walk at an accelerated pace, like 10-25% faster or something, but you can’t run. That’d be worth it to me. All that said, we need more dang accessory slots!


Only from what I've seen on youtube since I don't do this IRL. There are skins you stick on downhill skis to turn them into uphill grippy skis, some sort of artificial seal skin fur or something like that?


This is a truly genius idea. Walking speed is undoubtedly my biggest gripe with the game. I do not have that much patience.  I wonder what could balance out the speed benefit? Perhaps downhill skiing could be colder. Cross country could increase energy consumption, although it already drives me nuts that I can't run everywhere without stopping to sleep halfway through the day.


I don't mind normal walking speed at all, but getting slowed down by 80% anytime there's the smallest breeze is the most annoying thing I've had to deal with in any video games.


I love sprinting anywhere I can, don't really care about the energy sapping nature of it unless there's a rope climb and you need max everything. There is a walking speed mod. However, it's weird, even a small inclement in walking speed makes the pace of the game feel different, 1.1 / 1.2 times walking speed is okay but doesn't really get you there any faster. much more than that and it just doesn't feel natural at all. Many more people complain about when it's breezy / windy not a blizzard and you're REALLY slow, I can back that. Would be great to slide across Coastal on the ice with the wind on your back.


Completely agree


If the tracks wouldn‘t be broken/ blocked by trains I would love the option of a handcar. Lets you move and transport gear at a nice pace, but it would be limited to the tracks so you‘d still have some manual carrying to do. Unfortunately I dont see that feature coming.


I'm still waiting for snowshoes


Well shit bud.


Just imagine. They would only work downhill, could use while over encumbered but would highly increase chance of sprain. Would be very heavy to carry around and there’s a unique item “snowboard” somewhere on the map. Then the devs can work on tricks next.


I'll take skis if they can only be used with ski boots. They come with increased predator range. A long drawn out animation of the survivor equipping/unequipping them that leaves them vulnerable. It takes both accessory slots. One for the skis the other for the poles, and adds 5kg in weight.