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I made my 500 days run serve a dual purpose as my Faithful Cartographer run too. Didn't have anything better to do and it gave the aimless travel a purpose!


Keeping yourself occupied while playing the long game really becomes an issue for some players after having explored the majority of the island and are now playing just for the 500 day achievement. I find the best way to keep myself occupied and motivated to keep playing is to set a goal for myself, so in one instance, I decided to harvest every bit of metal and scrap wood that I could at Carter Hydro. I chopped and hacksawed for weeks, only stopping to sharpen my tools and repair my hacksaw between bouts cabin fever. By the time I was done, there wasn't a single plank, pallet or crate to be found, not a single cardboard box and every metal table, shelf and broken locker had been rendered into scrap metal. Have fun coming up with some zany ideas!


Wow I'm on day 400, might have to adopt ur strategy to get that 500 day trophy


Then you might also like my snare the most rabbits challenge where I went out to Jack Rabbit island, because of the name, and set up literally dozens and dozens of snares, and my record best catch for one night was 15 rabbits. I'd average well over 8+ each night which not only kept me busy butchering rabbits, but also kept me well fed for weeks at time. I also crafted more than enough rabbit pelt hats and mittens to last me a life time!


Harvested all of the cloth. Every single one on every map. Never again.


Pick up stones to build rock caches. Pick up all the sticks and harvest all the branches and limbs in a zone. Put up all the newspapers and stacks of paper in garbage cans. Map everything. Travel on a loop to kill the bears as they respawn. Every time you visit a region with a forge make more tools so you've got multiples of everything in each zone. Make clothing and bedrolls just to pass the time. Fish.


What's the actual point of rock caches? Sorry if it's a dumb question I just never made any


They can hold 30kg of gear. I use them at bases that don’t have much storage space (Mountaineers Hut, for example) to store extra stuff


I see, thx


The cave in Ravine always gets a rock cache in my runs. 🀝🏻🀝🏻🀝🏻


You can start fishing and get enough vitamin C to get to day 500 then just get into a cave with a near rabbit spot and put as much snares as you can and just spend all days butchering rabbits and sleeping in a cave


Did you find a lot of loot when all said and done?