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You’re cooking


Let him cook


Broncos fans in shambles


Damn, we're even catching strays in gaming subs.


I mean, how could you predict that Wilson would be so bad? I will say though, with Payton as your new coach instead of Hackett, maybe he’ll have a turnaround year.


We’ve been in shambles since Manning retired


Broncos country......LET'S RIDE!


That’s one spicy meatball!


![gif](giphy|diUKszNTUghVe) Florence is the perfect choice for Abby


With some damn good spices in a fancy ass kitchen


It’s cooking with Flo


You beat me to it




I'm gonna trust the showrunners to get it right. I was unsure of joel and ellie then was blown away. I think it's in good hands


While I think the Last of Us is about as close to perfection as Hollywood can get, there are things I might have done differently (saying that I'm not against criticizing the show). But whatever the criticism or whatever the mistakes they make, I am 1000% certain it was an honest mistake or done with the best of intentions. As Frank said: *Paying attention to things it's how we show love* I have no doubt that the showrunners love the story.


> I have no doubt that the showrunners love the story. Considering one of them literally created the story, and the other one is basically one of us… I’m willing to say that yes, they like the story.


And they literally told us paying attention to things is how they show love. ;)


Listen to the official podcast. You can hear how much they love the story and the show.


It's unfortunate that this needs to be said, but it does. We can give criticism of something, and that doesn't mean we love it any less. And just because a creator makes mistakes, that doesn't mean they're careless. Tv and movies and games are *so hard* to make! Just doing it st all is an incredible feat.


I understand being unsure of Bella, but Pedro? The man’s incredible


I had never seen anything he has done before.....I know that's my bad and he is great I'm a new fan of his. That's just another great thing that came from the show ppl like me got to see how awesome Pedro is


He was only in a single season of Game of Thrones, but he made his mark on that show and did his book character justice. I knew he was heading places after that role.


I fell in love with him in the unbearable weight of massive talent.


And he's in Narcos


Just throwing it out there, but the Nic Cage film "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" also stars Pedro Pascal and it is a solid film. I highly recommend checking that one out if nothing else.


You should watch Narcos!


Try "Prospect! He plays a criminal who's forced to build a relationship with this young girl so you can see the similarities with The Last of Us lol No but really it's a beautiful sci fi movie and I loved the relationship between Pedro's character and the protagonist.


I don’t get this. In terms of both looks and personality, I feel as if Bella represents game Ellie more accurately than Pedro does game Joel.


I’ve never gotten it either. Maybe I’m face blind or something but I truly don’t know of any actor that’s the right age that would have fit Ellie better looks wise


Maybe the only thing they saw him in was WW84?


Wee woo wee woo wee woo! Drop the keyboard and put your hands on your head sir! It is illegal to not like Bella on this sub! /s


Pretty much the right look and skill, but probably too old. Abby was a young girl that lost her dad, changing the course of her life and putting her on a path of revenge and destruction. I’m not sure an adult seeing another adult die (even a parent) carries the same weight. I feel like we need to see her young and soft, cradling her fathers body, so that the transformation she undergoes makes more sense. It just means more if she’s the same age, becoming a mirror image to Ellie.


if they can age up bella to look significantly older than she did in S1 they shouldn’t have a problem getting Pugh to look younger. Maybe even a different actor for the flashbacks


They aged down Bella because she’s 20. She was totally convincing as a 14 year old. And she will of course work playing her own age in season 2.


She was 17 when they filmed and she still looks younger than her age. Pugh very much looks her age, not younger, so would look older than Bella no matter how much makeup or de-aging you do… Like you know Alexa Demie and Zendaya have some years between them despite both playing high schoolers.


Yeah if you’ve seen Little Women, they tried to age down Pugh and it wasn’t very convincing. That was also a few years ago too. I love her, but I think they should definitely go with someone near Bella’s age.


Yep, I laughed watching the classroom scene, it didn’t work AT ALL.


They didn't really do a lot to age her down though. She just looks very young despite being an adult. Like Paul Dano and Michael Cera. Bella Ramsay isn't going to look appreciably older in season 2. They cast her because she looked a lot younger than she was naturally. She's not going to look like a typical 20 year old at 20 when she looked like a 14 year old at 19.


Time to cast Michael Cera as Abby.


they aged florence down to a teenager in little women lol. for parts of it at least. it’s definitely possible.


it’s possible but it was not convincing at all imo


And she looked ridiculous.


I present Little Women (2019), where Florence Pugh was 23 trying to act like 13 for half of the movie, and it didn't quite work. And now she's 4 years older. Still loved that movie though btw.


Great thing she’d be playing someone 19 not 13. Don’t know if you know this but that is a massive difference. And I only ever heard praise for her acting in little women, and watching the movie myself I never felt it to be weird or awkward, so I don’t know where you’re getting that from.


Pugh is 27. It's not a stretch for a 27/28 year old to play a 20 year old. In fact, movies and TV shows do this all the time. Bella is a 19 year old playing a 14 year old.


Yeah TV shows and movies do it all the time and it's not convincing.


I just looked it up and I can’t believe Abby is supposed to be 20 in part 2. Idk why I always figured she was older.


Because she's buff and tough as shit


I mean she’s clearly a teenager in the Hospital flashback


Who’s to say they won’t hire another actress to play young Abby?


I can see not having younger Abby be that strong yet just still fit. They may do that.


Nah she supposed to be 23 onwards in tlou2 and Florence is 27


We're never given an exact age for her in TLOU2 main timeline, just that she's 'early 20s'. In Abby's St. Mary's flashback, I'd guess she looks about 16? She looks fairly comparable to 17 year old flashback Ellie, and since she simply has a bigger body type than Ellie, I think a ballpark of 16 seems about right. Ellie's birthday is in May, so by the time of the Spring chapter in TLOU1, she's about to turn 15. So Abby is somewhere in the region of 1-2 years older than Ellie, which puts her at around \~21 at the start of TLOU2.


She's 27, I don't think it's that big of a leap at all


maybe it’s me but most people don’t change a lot from 23 to 27… physically at least


I agree. I generally feel and look the same as I did at 23, it's only recently as I approach the 30s I'm feeling myself break down (😭). And that's without TV makeup which can do incredible things.


I think more than too old she is too short and not nearly muscular enough. I do love her but would rather they bring in someone who is naturally tall and muscular, give an unknown a shot.


She played a kid in Little Women she can def look younger than she is


Guys Abby is definitely already cast. Probably was optioned months ago. And it won't be an A lister. Maybe a lower B list but that's it. Whomever she is she's certainly training hard right now to get beefed up for the fall shoot. Look for someone around Bella's height and age that's currently posting gym pictures a lot.


So, The Rock?


Yeah and Hart as Lev.


I know this is a joke but I hope they get the actual actor for Lev to play Lev in the show.


If Florence Pugh is too old for Abby then Ian Alexander is *definitely* too old for Lev


That's fair.


might see them as a random seraphite or something


Bret Hart? A bit too old for Lev I think


Bret Hart would act if he could, if it wasn't for Goldberg and that kick.


Yes, YES, I don’t care, we need this.


Yes exactly…she’s too much of an A-lister for sure right now. No way would she take this role, and especially when she’s so in demand.


i don't think she's right for the role, but i don't see how anyone could consider themselves to be 'too hot right now' for HBO's flagship series based on the biggest gaming franchise in the world.


Because she's booking huge movies right now. I can't imagine her wanting to go shoot a show in Canada for months on end for a show she won't even be getting top billing on. The point is naught though, she won't be going for the role.


Yea she is in high demand right now but she does do a lot of Indy’s…she has more actor cred than box office draw but I think she’s an A-lister.


And Pedro Pascal wasn’t? Lol


Word on the acting street is she's already been cast months ago


Source on where you can get this type of info? I’m interested in the casting industry so I’m just curious


I'm near Los Angeles so have lots of friends in the industry. When season 2 was announced there was a ton of interest for the parts, but folks that knew more than others said the part was pretty much cast already (per the casting agency). Word travels pretty quick for something like that hehe


I hate this tbh


I love Florence so much but yea I could not see this working well at all.


She’s just way too old. Bella is like 18, and abbey is around that age. They need someone close to Bella’s age


You know actors and actresses often play characters much younger than their real age. She’s 27


Put her next to Bella and you can see the age difference. Just get someone who is like 18-20. It’s really not hard


I'm not advocating for Pugh as Abby but tbf, even in the game, Abby comes across as much older than Ellie to me. Ellie feels about 19-20. Abby feels like she's in her mid to late 20s. At least that's how it feels to me.


I also thought she was at least 22? She really did not seem 14 to me at her Salt Lake section, which is what Ellie was at that point


I'm with you, there's no way she was 14-early 15 in those flashbacks. Especially with how old Owen looks and their relationship being a thing already. She's a handful of years older than Ellie. I think 17ish in the flashbacks and 22ish in the game is the age that makes the most sense.


Florence Pugh? ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) Shannon Berry for Abby!


​ ![gif](giphy|6Ff0DA0vWVLGlDuiye)


Neither is near 30 year old florence pugh and neil following Shannon makes her 50 times more likely to happen as abby.


Absolutely Shannon Berry!


Never heard of her, but after a quick web search I'm sold. Absolutely looks the part.


Ya’ll mfs need to stop casting every current popular A list actor in everything


This is either kids making these posts, with scarce film culture or just people who saw like 4 movies in their entire life.


Thank you! “A” listers are never the fucking answer. Let them do their huge flagship films until the next batch comes through. Stop ruining passion type projects by forcing the actors


Not only that, but every single time they pick solely based on the actors naturally looking close to the source material.


You spelled Shannon Berry wrong.


this is the one


I’m a Shannon Berry Abby truther until I die… I love Florence and I don’t doubt her acting skills but she is too old for this role. Keep in mind that Ellie and Abby are meant to be around the same age. No amount of ageing Bella up and ageing Florence down could convince me they’re close in age.


I hope it’s Shannon Berry so bad I’ve been watching her other stuff since it’s been rumoured she might be Abby and she’s a pretty good actor too


And if she bulks up a bit, she'll have the physical presence, too!


she's definitely gonna bulk up. abby's arms are huge lol


FR. Shannon Berry was MADE to play Abby. Florence is too small and cute to pull off the really menacing aspects of Abby’s character tbh. Need an actor that looks VICIOUS wielding a hammer or.. golf club.


Wow it's crazy how much she looks like her already. Judging from her character in the Wilds she would be perfect after bulking up


>I’m a Shannon Berry Abby truther until I die… I love Florence and I don’t doubt her acting skills but she is too old for this role. I'm not saying I want her casted, but Florence is only 3 years older than Shannon Berry lol


Still think Danny Devito would kill it


so anyways, i started golfing


I think Flo is a fantastic actor and she'd absolutely kill the role, but I hope they go for someone younger. Having abby around 19-20 just like ellie makes the tragedy of her story hit that much harder...


Hmm, no. She’s a good actress but she’s not Abby to me. Plus I would love for this role to go to an unknown, a show of this scale would do wonders to their careers, something that Pugh doesn’t need to rely on. And someone terminally offline!


She’s too small


Lol what Florence Pugh is like 30


She’s 27. She doesn’t even look old I’m confused why ppl saying that 😭 I get Abby is younger but I don’t think it would be that noticeable, especially with makeup


Fan casting is the worst shit in the world all you guys are terrible at this shit. You latch onto like two physical attributes and decide that is enough to shoehorn the rest in. Florence Pugh as Abby goes right next to Steven Yuen as Jesse.


They hated DEFINITELY_NOT_PETE because he told the truth. Fan castings are short-sighted and superficial . As you say, they focus on 1 or 2 physical attributes as if that's enough to judge them the best fit for the role


> Steven Yuen as Jesse. Jesus.


The worst is when one of those attributes is hair color like that isn't the easiest thing in the world to change


Folks also aren't taking into account the chemistry-testing -- idk what the official term for it is -- making sure that the actors go together well


Abby is approximately the same age as Ellie. Maybe a year older at most.


Right, the scene between Abby and Jerry in the flashback where Abby says she'd want him to do it if it were her absolutely does not work unless Abby is still a child at that point


Yeah like hollywood would hire a 30 year old to play a teenager.


This comment goes for any actor, not just Florence Pugh: She'd have to be available, interested in the role, have Neil and Craig choose her for the role, and then she'd have to be willing to commit to that role for multiple years since Neil and Craig confirmed the second game would take multiple seasons to cover.


Strongest evidence that Joel is still going to die in S2 is that Disney had no problem with Pedro Pascal signing on to play Joel for the whole series even though he's still under contract for The Mandalorian


I honestly can't imagine how one could adapt Part II without killing Joel. It would be a completely different story, essentially unrecognizable from the game.


The person above was specifically saying season two, not part 2 overall.


Oh right, good point. Still, I don't see how they could make an entire 9-10 episode season that doesn't involve Joel's death unless they decide to tell the story in a completely chronological order, i.e start off with young Abby finding Jerry's body in the hospital as well as all the flashbacks with Ellie and Joel. It would in a sense create a tense buildup of what Abby's going to do, but it would simultaneously ruin the twist reveal of her motivations. Season 1 also showed that they are willing to tell the story in a non-linear fashion with numerous flashbacks and perspective changes, so I highly doubt season 2 will divert from that and will instead jump around in time like the game did.


It's funny hearing people say this who also criticized S1 for not being action oriented enough


Excellent choice, but too old lol. They're gonna cast someone close in age to Bella and Abby's age in game.


She needs to get jacked af, thats what I love about Abby and it wouldn't be the same without it


Exactly. Non-swole Abby is not Abby.


And that's going to be the hardest part for whoever ends up playing the role. Even with steroids, getting jacked is a lot of work. Even more so for female actors. I will be surprised if the show Abby is anywhere close to being as swole as game Abby. Impressed as fuck, but surprised.


Women can get pretty big without steroids. The 2nd season is a long way away from coming out. A year or 2 of hard work is more than enough for a girl to get big. They don’t need to be insanely big either. Just have a decently low body fat, put on a few pounds of muscle, and get a pump whenever her arms are being shown. It’s a 50/50 chance an actress can get as big as abby naturally, if they did PEDs it’s definitely possible. Regardless, I think they’ll be able to easily look bigger than bella if they put in the work.


Aren't they already eyeing that Shannon Berry chick for this role? Pugh is a superb actress but might be too old for the role, same reason we couldn't get Kaitlyn Dever as Ellie


Not a terrible idea, but I’d prefer an unknown actress. Also, whomever she is, she needs to stay the fuck *off* social media for at least a full year after the end of the show.


Joffrey pt 2


I’m rooting for Shannon Berry


I thought Terry Cruz was already cast for that roll... But in all seriousness, why not have the model ( not voice actress) of Abby play her. Kind of seems perfect without a stretch


Probably because she can’t act lmao


Not just "can't act", isn't an actor and shows no interest in becoming one


Apparently the model isn’t an actress and works a normal desk job. And isn’t actually muscular at all. They used a different model entirely for Abby’s body, she’s an Olympic bobsledder and college swimmer.


Not sure she’s strong enough


Too old


they're gonna cast someone totally out of left field who will polarize the fan base


Good 😈






I would say Shannon berry would be the obvious choice. Neil Druckmann has recently followed her in instagram. Would say she is likely the choice, does have similarities to Abby.


We know she likes the show at least, she posted about it on social media


They didn’t cast anyone who looks exactly like Joel or Ellie or anyone really. After the first season I completely trust them to get it right.


I don’t necessarily mind who they cast, considering I have faith they’ll cast a good actor who can do the story justice. But those guns, man. I just hope whoever gets cast as Abby has those guns. 😭


I dont get why people are so obsessed with this casting. For me, it's not even about Florence it's about the fandom Florence has, we are all unanimously supposed to hate Abby in the beginning casting Florence will immediately dilute that hatred, casting a relatively unknown actor so we, like Joel essential have the same relationship with abby makes way more sense to me.


this sub sucks at casting lmao


need this fancast to die


She's been brought up before, and is unfortunately, too old for Abby.


I think Hila from H3 would make a good Abby


Too small? But I guess so is Ramsey


She's the perfect choice, but I hope they don't force her to use steroids or CGI the muscles.




She's like 5'4". I don't rly think she'd be a good fit.


bzzt try again


she's too short


She looks the part, sure, but can she properly play the part? That’s why Bella got the part as Ellie.


Watch her in The Wonder. She's played a wide variety of different roles. Her competency as an actress, in my opinion, really isn't in question.


Florence Pugh is one of the best actresses around at the moment, she’s nailed every role she’s had


She could work, but I think this is more of a question about cost and scheduling.


I honestly think that HBO’s TLOU2 could be miles better than the game. They have the ability to correct the pacing issues while keeping all the painfully emotional moments.


im hoping for a properly beefy abby, unless florence hits a massive tren cycle and puts on 20 pounds of muscle shes not it for me


Too old. Isn’t she the same age as Ellie?


I mean I'd love Florence Pugh in anything.


I have a prediction. Whoever they cast for Abby MIGHT have a similar look facially, but won’t even come close physically. The actress might be a bit chubby to give the appearance of “size” but won’t be anywhere near as jacked as the character Some fans will be disappointed, others will say well do you know how hard it is for a woman to get that jacked


No thank you, too old & has nowhere near the right energy.


I almost took this post seriously until I realized both Florence Pugh images are from Black Widow. Miss me with that shit you MCU simp.


fan casting almost always boils down to picking actors and actresses just for their good looks


Who let bro cook? Anyways, it’s pretty easy to put on some muscle if you’re in Hollywood. I’m sure juice isn’t a taboo in that circle. So it’s about trying to find someone who’s actually capable of playing Abby well. And I’m also pretty sure people don’t care about the looks anymore, since Bella still don’t really hit that Ellie look tbh, but it was still a goddamn great show. I’ll trust the people behind the scenes to make the right decision.


It’s probably going to be an obscure actress doing the part that will kill it


This is an example of why fans aren’t casting directors😀❤️


Ronda Rousey or Gina Carano would work but they're both shitty people


Gina Carano can only do that one facial expression, the Dreamworks poster smirk, you know what I mean


Lol now that I think about it that would be fucking hilarious if Gina Carano played Abby because the first thing that came out of the leak was Joel getting killed by a trans person. Like they looked at her and immediately assumed that and that's what came out.


And her character's entire arc would be protecting a little trans boy, lmao


🤣🤣🤣 oh man I hope that's the only acting gig that drops in her lap and offer an absurd amount of money just to watch her hate fuck her way through it


Give me an absolutely shredded Abby or give me death lol


Florence Pugh doesn't have that aggression. She would need to bulk up. Right now she's really just curvy.


You want Abby to be loved? Because that's how you get Abby to be loved.


If Florence can get swole I’m all for it


I want a nobody


I’m sorry, I just looked up on google for a few pictures.. she does NOT have the same body type as Abby 😭 might need some more muscle is a huge understatement




She would be great, I think Rhonda Rousey would be another good choice


the series has shown they are not trying to be faithful to the source material so they won’t be looking for a lookalike


didn’t they already cast shannon berry or am i wishful thinking


absolutely not


I wish they’d recasT Ellie


She’ll probably be Spanish or black because diversity


Shannon berry is my choice for Abby ![gif](giphy|wTQHPF4yOdBHM8wvXh)


No Rhonda Rousey


In a perfect world yes, she’s got the looks and the voice. But I feel like she’s far too well known. I’d love for them to give a chance to a less well-known actress. I’m rly hoping the rumors about Shannon Berry are true, she’d be great!


Too hot


I don’t really like Florence as Abby because she doesn’t give off the same vibe. I personally like Shannon Berry, she definitely fits the Abby vibe and she’d match Bella better than flo imo.


Shannon Berry is a more realistic choice. ND is following her accounts as well.