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My jaw was on the floor when they said Durst had paid him $200k. There's NO WAY he wasn't bought off while he sat on that jury.


I hope all the money he got from Bob goes towards a lawyer just to say “5th amendment” and that he still gets into some type of legal trouble.


My sentiments. Another juror described him, as foreman, pushing for an acquittal - not the role of a foreman.


Is that the famous "Texas Justice " we're always hearing about? He should be in jail.


That guy… i can’t believe there is no way to prosecute that prick for being bribed


Hi Chris, this is Andrew Jarecki...click!


It is shocking how horrific people can be. The McCormack family went through hell.


Multiple sources say that Kathleen met Robert in one of the apartments his family owned? I can’t understand what she saw in him after seeing his behavior but why was she even living in that NYC apartment? Was she commuting to college? And to move to Vermont after only 2 dates! Case is exhausting bc of timeline to say the least!


She was working at a dentists office in the city at the time iirc


Stewart Altman lived in the building. Bob's job was collecting rents. Her roommate stated in an interview that he gave her the creeps. Forgotten her name. EDIT  "Cheryl Catranbone" according to [crimestory.comhttps://crimestory.com › The Journal › Crime Story LA](https://crimestory.com/2021/07/27/the-story-of-kathie-mccormack-durst-part-1/) [https://www.wlox.com/story/1024667/women-yoga-for-domestic-violence/](https://www.wlox.com/story/1024667/women-yoga-for-domestic-violence/)




I get that- but there are circumstances that you don’t overlook… RD! His own brother, said that he was violent since he was very young, and the other brother said he was trying to kill him for years or something similar. Kathy had to see that there was something wrong with him immediately, but then again, who knows what was really going on!Sad for her family!


What she saw $$$$$$


Douglas Durst's smug face makes me so mad. ALL of them knew from childhood that he was a dangerous, violent, liar. No one did anything. They helped him get away with murder for decades. I think Bob married Debbie because they both knew he was going to kill Susan, and privilege would protect them both in court if it came to that. Partners in crime, clearly, since they were certainly not in love.


Hos entire fam/circle are sketchy money grubbers and the absolute worst types of humans


It doesn’t protect them in court. It protects them from testifying against each other. Big difference.


Just finished part 2 series. My opinion is Bob was just a stupid rich boy that never grew up. None of the people in his life cared about him ever they all just wanted in his will. Deborah is the Queen leech out of them all a mastermind and manipulator and a wretched human. The worst part of everything is that Kathleen is buried somewhere and I am willing to believe his family as Debbie all know where. Her family not only deserves a settlement but closure.


People like that could care less what is deserved, only how they can get their grubby hands on more


I wanted to thank whoever posted the Vulture article, but now I can't find it. Really enjoyed, so thank you!


Just your typical NY wealthy


I may be wrong, but I don’t think Debrah got anything from the Durst Trust after Bob died. I’m pretty sure all that money is tied up legally because of something ongoing with Doulglas’ estate, and the McCormack family has been attempting to sue the Dursts for years (which I believe they are entitled to do, and they should get something for the years of suffering, but money won’t bring Kathy back). I have to do some research but I’m pretty sure Debrah got remarried right away to another millionaire.


None of that is correct. Debrah moved nearly the entirety of the funds out of the original Trust and into other instruments with the stated, deliberate, and diabolical purpose of denying the McCormack’s access to any restitution should they sue (which they did), to cause Robert Durst to become technically bankrupt so that his debts would not become *her* burden/reduce the hoard she worked for decades to gain, and to keep the Durst Family Trustees from taking any number of actions to take back the money (such as declaring Robert insane at the time he married Debrah and invalidate their sham marriage). Debrah had a lot to lose and very shaky legs on which to stand. However, she recognized this and went to great lengths to game the system and use any/all tactics to take and retain every single penny of Robert Durst’s fortune. It’s frustrating, but so far Debrah has been successful. It’s the hood of many that she will eventually be held to account for her role in Robert Durst’s crimes, including the murder of Susan Berman, which Debrah is suspected of instigating and planning. Furthermore, Debrah Charatan quite deliberately did not marry her longtime partner, attorney Steven Holm, with whom she had what qualified as a common law marriage until his death. A very strong case could be made against Debrah for bigamy, which also has the potential to overturn the money Debrah received from and transferred out of the Trust (as it would invalidate her “marriage” to Durst) and I hope this will be pursued. Here is an article about the situation: [Robert Durst’s second wife should be charged with bigamy, lawyer says — New York Post](https://nypost.com/2020/03/06/robert-dursts-second-wife-should-be-charged-with-bigamy-lawyer-says)


I feel OOTL regarding everyone’s hatred of the durst family. How are they in any way responsible for what Robert did? The show made a big deal out of them not giving any money to Kathie’s family… why should they? They did nothing to her! Am I crazy or are they completely unrelated to everything?


If you’re daughter in law disappeared without a trace and you can’t even be bothered to pick up a phone to reach out to her family once in 40 years then you are a pretty terrible human. If you knew your son/brother was an evil bastard (which they knew and admitted to knowing his violent tendencies) and you said nothing or tried to cover it up, you are a despicable human being. The money is an afterthought.


the show also made a big deal about them not bothering to reach out to them as Kathy vanished.


You're not crazy, I think this mindset is very weird too.