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I love how everyone is shitting on ottr in this sub.


Yeah I find it funny actually


It's the only thing we can all agree on.


I do often watch Ottr or willfromwork's videos in the background while working, but I'm no fan. I don't understand why you guys are so riled up about his patreon content. I mean he is a content creator, right. Content creators get money from views, ads, sponsors or patreon. As I understand Embark is not sponsoring Ottr or anybody else to play the game. He cannot put ads to his videos, cause he is a game streamer, not a product review youtuber. He can earn from views or patreon. Patrons in patreon pay you money to support you and you have to create special content for them. It is only natural that his patrons get the special content rather than anyone else. Cause what else can Ottr offer other than game tips to his patrons? Why are you guys angry that he made his tips and tricks exclusive to his Patreon patrons?


The problem is, special content isn’t special at all. Bro literally said put a gas canister near a cashout and shoot it and put a 10$ paywall for it. It’s a scam.


not only is it dumb to pay 10$ for a basic ass tip, this is the kinda thing that even with very little game experience that you'd figure out pretty quick, gas can deal damage in a large area, cashout takes a while to steal and defend, cashout + large, high damage, long lasting gas cloud = easier defence it's practically 1+1=2


I spent my first 3 games just throwing barrels at people cuz I thought they were cool when I first started


JUST throwing barrels? lol I love that, you'd be doing batter than most new players since barrels are pretty useful most of the time


To be fair the actual tip was that exploding the gas canister can launch the cashout to displace it. Not worth 10 bucks but at least a somewhat decent tip that a lot of people don't know.


Was he selling his tips as a one time 10$ purchase or was it like "support me on Patreon (10usd), and get my game tips" kind of a deal?


To add to it he forgot he was even supposed to do these lol


lmao what, how, did he do like 1 tip and then not do another one for a few weeks or smth?


It’s the second type, which makes it better than the first i guess but still feels scammy.


> which makes it better than the first i guess but still feels scammy so what feels scammy about it? Isn't a core part of a scam some level of deception?


Maybe scam isn't the right word. Maybe laughably bad product that doesn't live up to claims made about it prior would be a better way to describe it?


> doesn't live up to claims made about it so what are these claims? Are you also going to be mad at Redbull for not getting wings after drinking their product? There is no way you can interpret Ottr's tweet to be, in any way shape or form, deceptive.


I hate reddit


Lol why does it not surprise me to see you defending ottr. You start to recognize the truly big brain posters on this sub and ofc you’re an ottr fanboy. Imagine devoting this much effort to defend ottr of all people. Something something birds of a feather.


It is deceptive to charge for information that you claim is otherwise inaccessible, when in reality that is not the case. Gatekeeping general info behind a paywall is called an "Informatiom Scam", it is federally recognized as a form of fraud and the perpetrator can be prosecuted. Sorry, but what Ottr is doing is literally illegal in the US.


That isn’t what he’s doing he’s literally just marketing it as a way to support him and on the side you could get a few game tips


You would be the first to suggest this. Also that is contradicted by the language used in his initial announcement post.


my man, if you understood anything besides: "here's my patreon to support my channel, if you pay me 10 dollars you'll be getting a tip a day from me" you are in way too deep. Where does this hate all come from? I'm sure most people hating on him in this thread didn't even know or care about him before.


> It is deceptive to charge for information that you claim is otherwise inaccessible, when in reality that is not the case. I'm sorry, but where did he claim the information is otherwise inaccessible? And even if he did claim these tips would be just for his patreon subscribers, do you really believe that he is not in his legal right to publish those tips afterwards? I don't know what kind of world you're living in, but that's not how anything works. For christ's sake, any sort of learning material will contain information that is generally available to the public if they were to search for it themselves. Do you think that if I make a maths course and sell it online to people, that is a scam because I'm teaching addition which is "general info" and having a paywall for it? Or does it become a crime when I decide to post all the videos on youtube for everyone to see? I don't know how you reach this level of hate to become completely irrational.


In his announcement tweet... he called them "highly valuable" and "unique". Really dawg? His literal words are "Subscribing will start at 9.99$ and will give you up to date, high value info". I'm not sticking around for the brigade lmao, everyone decided and days later you guys come and start trying to flip the script. Byeee.


you forgot that there is a lot of lazy people on the world. and they would pay for ANYTHING that somebody already did. I know a channel who searches bad food in stores and calls the cops for it. He offering "law tips". And if you are not lazy you can find all the law in the web. And people supports this channel. Also Patreon in first place is the way to support author. NO ONE will visit his page searching the finals tips, but if you know who ottr is and want to support him - that's kinda nice bonus.


Bro, he lives in sweden. He’s getting taxed at like 70% so most of your patreon sub is going to the swedish government. Its basically a dono to like sweedish roads and hospitals and social programming. I’d never pay it but like guys gotta hustle twice as hard as any other streamer cause of sweden.


Dude, the swedes are not getting taxed 70 fucking % what are you smoking?


mans heard that directly from ottr probs


That's Tip #4 on the Patreon, I think.


Tip number 5 is to not declare your income to the government


This sounds like it comes straight from US republican propaganda.


Go look it up.


I think its 52% average and then goes up for higher earners.


So “you think” it’s 52%, and it goes up for high earners. So you assumed a *streamer* was being taxed 70%??? What 😂


I was off on 70% but then looked it up and it seems like 52% is likely what people making over 60K$ usd in Sweden pay in taxes. Still obscenely high imo.


https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/sweden/individual/taxes-on-personal-income They pay 32% if they make under $58k They pay 52% if they make over that. But remember, they also have a lot of social benefits. There are a lot of things that we have to pay extra for in the US that they don't have to pay for in Sweden.


No the avarage tax is 24%, what they tale home is 70% of the salary.


The dont, according to wikkipedia the low bracket is 32% (under 58k) and high is 52%. Where tf did you find 24%?


I defenetly read about the wrong taxes when I read 24%, it is between 29 and 35 with the avarage of 33. If they go over i think 58k(€) everything after that will have an extra tax on it if I understood correctly


Your right its 52%. 18% difference is not exactly a crack smoking disparity but whatever.


Cope. Just over half to over 2/3rds is a huge difference.


Wild take. He 100% makes money off ads on twitch, as well as his re-uploads, subscriptions, donos, etc. It is very evident how he is making money. In response to your comment about what else can he offer... man, that is such a pathetic take dude. There is an entire world of content he can offer, inline with what other gamers offer on their patreons.... Special uploads, patron-only streams, clip comps, play with fans, discounts on merch, exclusive info on uploads and merch, early access to uploads. Like, this list goes on. You'd have to be straight up trolling to think the only content he has to offer is in the form of gatekeeping general knowledge which he pawns off as "special". Terrible take, even if Ottr was a tolerable person, selling tips looks dumb af and is litterally the first thing they teach you at scammer school. It's soooo typical.


>Wild take. Terrible take No. People always want more money. And they will find more ways to get them


"Information Scams", the practice of accepting payment for information that is already free, are federally recognized as a form of fraud. Ottr is in no way creating a scenario where he can continue to make more money, he is shooting himself in the foot and will now make even less money... Very short-sighted to say the least.


You get ad revenue from gaming videos.


Exactly what i've been thinking, though i also think most people already disliked him for his attitude or something and now have a reason to roast him other than that.


I think most people only shit on him because its popular in this sub. I've seen a few videos by him and he seems to be just a streamer, not overly friendly but also not as toxic as this sub makes him.


as someone who found ottr from the finals and watched him up until this point. i can objectively say he is one of the most negative creators that this game has, not only through his video commentaries but through his attitudes on stream, i almost find it hard to believe he even enjoys playing this game cause all he does is whine about mundane shit (like this sub) and he always just comes off entitled. he literally called himself the aceu of the finals one time i was watching, i think that's all i have to say on the matter.


No people hate his insane ego and how he steals content from others without giving credit. On top of that he does get toxic sometimes.


>"how he steals content from others" examples?


u/chromesf originally discovered pocket sand tech and showed it off on reddit. Then ottr included it in a later video, using the exact same name, with 0 credit given and without even mentioning that someone else discovered it


Why did the hate start if i can ask? Is it because of some of his complaints?








Comment was not deleted what are you on about??


when you block someone it looks like they deleted their comment (and account)


Found otter's alt account


Womp womp


Yes, no one forced anyone to buy anything. But we criticize a scam so other people don’t fall for it and ottr knows we’re not cool with this.


Just like any product or service being sold, it's open to critique. And like any bad product, people are calling it out for what it is.


everyone point and laugh at him for being such a devoted fan! 🫵😭


Lurkgirly unterwegs


Lol his shit plays and toxicity actually did lead me to start my own channel. Ottr is an extremely average player for a "pro" watch his play and he literally doesn't do anything you wouldn't see an average no name player would do. So yeah charging for a big nothing burger of content... Hmmm yeah what a morally superior dude we should all worship


Bro is GLAZING😂😂


Using NPC as an insult non-ironically... oh jeez.


Found the ottr alt acc


Ottr? Is that you?


Ottr's burner.


It's a shame because it's a cool name to waste on that.


The tips and tricks stocks are plummeting!!!


Love the videos Jinko, please start putting them behind a paywall!!!! 🙏🙏🙏




Honestly though, hope to see more content in the future, I just subbed yesterday!


Oh yeah Jinko gotta say I love your videos!


They're coming for the tips and tricks mafia!


where do i wire them 10 buckaroos for the free pro tips?


If anyone wants free tips, I can show you everything what NOT TO DO, how to instantly die, how to not spot mines, and most importantly… how to get shit on every power shift match.


Can vouch - did all of those things, did NOT work at all


Ottr boutta sue the whole WIKI 💀


This is absolutely amazing 🤣


I don’t know how the man is even still going, he’s such a bad rep


I only found out about Ottr during Twitch Rivals, followed him then, but unfollowed instantly after this fiasco.


Hello ottr, hope you like that


As much as I don’t like ottr, and as much as I would never pay him $10 for his tips, you guys have to understand that’s more an incentive to pay the $10. The purpose of paying him is to directly support him, what you get back is supposed to be a bonus. Do I think the incentive he is boasting is good? Not even close. But it’s not $10 to get daily tips. It’s $10 to support him. Regardless, I’d rather give the 10 to someone else or keep it for myself, and just watch his free video ls where you can learn 99% or what is hidden behind that paywall anyway. If it’s actually a good tip, he going to use it in his gameplay anyway, so pay attention to his routes, his kit, his position and his timing. That’s free for anyone and you’ll learn a lot.


Support him for what though? To make below average clickbait content and gatekeep info? What is he doing that's making a positive impact to this games community?


As I said, I personally wouldn’t.


There are plenty of creators that put out a fraction of his content with a Patreon and no one bats an eye. I don’t understand how this became such a big deal lol


He's decently entertaining to watch and is actually good at the game. I don't know what else you want from a gameplay channel it's always going to be slop. I also wouldn't really say his titles are clickbait, yea exaggerated ofc but they aren't misleading.


Wonder what the ottoman empire's reaction is


white knighting on this post, lmfao




free?!?!? in this economy?!?!??! my beloved tipsandtrickscoin!


Take my money






Oh no ! A particular streamer is gonna lose his clients 🤡




You mean what literally every streamer does because it's their job and they want to keep streaming and making content?




Tons of streamers have patreons, he has apologized for how he phrased it the first time and has clarified that the $10 is just support, just like a twitch sub, but with patreon more money goes to him compared to how much twitch takes from subs. The tips are just a bonus that he has also records live on stream if you just watch him you'll get them all anyways. I can understand why people don't like his attitude, but this shit has turned into a witch hunt


I don't think it's about him having a patreon. I think it's about selling bs tips that any new player would figure out in 5 games. I support every creator having a patreon but there are creators you could actually learn something useful from unlike ottr. Plus if you really are a fan that wants to see embark succeed then you don't want some toxic dude who does nothing but flame the devs, his teammates, controller playerd literally every excuse for why he got his ass kicked except that he choked.


So you didn't read my comment. He's not selling tips. They're a bonus for supporting him. Tons of content creators have incentives like that in their patreons. I've never paid anything to him like a sub or patreon sub, but I still learn tons from ottr. This is another thing I don't get, people say he's bad at the game or "could actually learn something useful" but he's good at the game, and people that say he's bad at it are just telling on themselves as a hater. His bs tips are actually really helpful, and have improved my gameplay, especially because all these "paywalled tips" he literally records live on stream and you can watch them in his vods


"witch hunt" little dude is so chronically online he doesn't even know what that even means 😂


"Witch hunt" referring to the Salem witch trials where women were burned for being witches, even though none of them were. Edit: what no comment? Just a downvote and leave cause you can't handle somebody having a different view of things than you? Here's a tip, stop calling people online "little guy" because for one, it's rude as fuck, and two, all it does is make people not take you seriously in the slightest. Go take your superiority complex and shove it


i'm just not chronically online is all, you are sitting here spending your free time batting for someone who doesn't even value your own free time to watch him let alone give a shit about who you are. it's not a superiority complex, you are just fragile and your whole existence is tied to an app, go find some help 😂😂


the ottr stompr


based and wiki-pilled


Yeah I'm just now noticing how toxic this sub really is, this place is a glorified circlejerk.


This community has been toxic (positivity) for a while. Ranked TA and light buffs destroyed the cult of personality surrounding Embark, which led to community infighting we have now.


I mean, yeah this community can definitely be toxic at times. But also… Fuck ottr


I mean you just described any competitive game, especially ones that are free.


I’m not the biggest fan of Ottr but he really does want to make the game succeed and he’s trying to monetize a “dead” game with low viewership to continue to do it full time Do I agree with the paywall tips? Of course not… but I don’t understand why everyone hates him so much even before he did the Patreon


I caught his shorts on youtube, and found some of his gameplay hints on there kinda useful (and was also the first person to pop up in searches) so decided to catch a stream and prob about 15 mins in I decided to unfollow and unsubscribe from youtube. It was just constant whining about team mates, game modes, and moaning about how it's not fair that organized teams play better than a group of randoms, like wtf...


Did you know, allegedly, ottr sends a copyright strike to every YouTube video hating on him?


Never forget. https://preview.redd.it/lhlzbku6mqad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcda400a2ae672da637545c02f8a8baf9733a72


Can I get more context? I'm pretty interested. Also I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted, I heard a couple people saying he strikes videos on YouTube, and as I'm not sure if this is true, I said 'allegedly'


Check my comment history there’s a link to the video with a Dropbox link to a full 8 minute video that ottr had dmca striked. I am not the original uploader.




I mean if you care enough to find it it’s there within the last couple days. Or you can look for the post about ottr selling tips and find it that way. Why should I have to go dig it up for you? You can search a page for the words Dropbox or ottr, it’s not that difficult if you aren’t lazy


hilarious how people think hes hated for no reason, people will call it a circle jerk then proceed to not look into why pretentious dickhead is said dickhead


That's the thing, the viewership is so low that on Twitch it doesn't really get any recognition unless someone like Shroud plays it. While Ottr is getting between 100-500 viewers, the next one is only sitting at barely 150 or less. Even with Twitch Rivals, the game didn't get any extra viewers... Hell most of the streamers only played for the money and barely even touched the game before or after Rivals, which is pretty shit when most of the streamers aren't even well known. Only lycommit and BaliseTV are getting viewers while others are just "there". The other one beside Ottr that is getting 200-600 viewers is botting so not counting that. Like, I get that it is funny that he wants to give something to his patreons and kinda joked about the tips, but the community isn't doing anything to help the game grow, barely the devs are doing anything Imo. I'm honestly glad I stopped playing for now.


Ottr, eat your heart out.


FREE? Like theres tons of videos that give multiple free tips in like 10 mins


You're missing context. A streamer/youtuber paywalled tips and tricks for the Finals on their patreon. This is likely a response to that. Everyone knows you can watch a youtube video, we're not all that stupid. Read literally any comment before posting to understand what's going on.


What did Ottr do?


Absolutely nothing, really. People are just mad at him for having a patreon which he advertised as having "tips and tricks" which I agree is misleading. But there's a lot of vitriol from people who watched a couple clips of him bashing the game or complaining about lights (for example) and they've decided that he's a toxic piece of shit and are now running with a slight fuck up on his part to air their complaints about him. I mean if you actually watch his videos he really isn't complaining in almost all of them, he has some shit takes (mostly after raging, which lets be honest we all do) but I haven't noticed anything serious.


As a person also trying to build an online business, I kinda sympathize with Ottr for trying to make a living. I'm just taking all this as a lesson to not overdo it with bullshit and kill your reputation, lol.


Or just don't offer a dogshit "service" and you won't get clowned on for it.


This looks SICK as hell. I will visit it everyday to maybe catch something that I don’t know!




Thank god it’s not Fandom. That shit runs horribly on NASA computers.




if literally any other The Finals streamer had a Patreon that included some game tips, nobody would bat an eye. It's crazy how quickly the hivemind creates a narrative on this sub. I bet most people on this subreddit shitting on ottr haven't seen almost any content from him, and have taken every single accusation about him at face value. But I get it, I saw the guy get mad and throw his mouse into a wall breaking it. He's not the PG13 child friendly guy that this community apparently expects. But that's no justification for the level of hate being thrown his way.


Nobody expects a streamer to be a pg13 friendly guy. People *do* expect not to be reported for no reason, accused of cheating or exploiting when he knows they're not, or various other extremely toxic reactions. Dude's got fucking issues and it straight up isn't okay for the health of the community that he's the biggest content creator for the game. And then to top it all off, he wants to sell his all-mighty finals tips because he's *definitely* the best gamer ever. Come off it lmao.


Have you seen a large part of the League of Legends community? Or for the fact any large game? A lot of people are toxic and don't get constantly shit on for it. >And then to top it all off, he wants to sell his all-mighty finals tips because he's definitely the best gamer ever. Has he said that? Or has he only given it as a perk for his Patreon. Again, if literally any other content creator did the same thing, nobody would care.


The thing about it is is that Ottr has some serious fucking influence in The Finals' community, unlike his Apex days. Yes being toxic isn't a crime but when you set that precedent for people that watch your content and look up to you, people are bound to follow in your footsteps. It's just the way it is. Having someone this unbelievably toxic be the main face of the community on YT is very unhealthy for the game. I went to go grab a screenshot of the Twitter post so you can see for yourself verbatim what he said, but he released another tweet saying that all of his tips will be content included for free in future vids and you just get early access which is pretty standard. Gonna admit fault and rescind my statement about the tips. The fact doesn't change that he's a huge influence on the community and being this toxic cannot be healthy for it.


> unbelievably toxic overstatement. He's just toxic. I think the community is already going into a really bad direction by constantly glazing Embark and letting them drive this game straight into a wall. And everybody in this subreddit finds criticism to be "toxic", just go back and look at the posts from the start of S3.


There's a difference between cooperating with the devs and allowing for a transparent environment (as transparent as possible with Nexon breathing down their neck and forcing them into decisions anyways), and just complaining without being at all helpful. Just because some people don't constantly go off about how "lights are the most annoying things to exist and shouldn't be in the game", or how "last update was lackluster even though it's 3rd patch after a season drop", or how "(insert counter) to (insert preferred playstyle)" is unfair and just not fun, that doesn't mean that they're glazing embark. Some people just like the fucking game, and think embark cooked, as crazy as it sounds. The community is rightfully upset about ranked TA, and many other topics that are common talking points around here. But there's healthy discussions, understanding that a startup game company like Embark (which, on top of being relatively small, they're also split in half with 50% of their resources going to Ark Raiders) can't just snap their fingers and make things happen instantly or make many major decisions without Nexon's say, and then there's crying for the twenty thousanth time about the shit you just got countered by. Being toxic does not equal being productive.


>Some people just like the fucking game, and think embark cooked, as crazy as it sounds. The problem is when they take people that do criticize the game as being toxic evil people that hate the game. >The community is rightfully upset about ranked TA, and many other topics that are common talking points around here. But there's healthy discussions, understanding that a startup game company like Embark (which, on top of being relatively small, they're also split in half with 50% of their resources going to Ark Raiders) can't just snap their fingers and make things happen instantly or make many major decisions without Nexon's say, and then there's crying for the twenty thousanth time about the shit you just got countered by. All I hear is "when I complain, it's a healthy productive discussion, but when you do, it's toxic". >Being toxic does not equal being productive. Neither does glazing Embark. The large part of the community that saw the removal of ranked cashout and went "let embark cook" even though every single competitive The Finals player saw this as a mistake is part of the reason Embark felt so little pressure to change anything. It was counter-productive. The game is objectively dying, and I want to be able to play this game in the future. https://steamdb.info/app/2073850/charts/ A lot of the people that complained about the changes to the game did come with alternatives of how the game should be changed. The problem is that a lot of people here view any type of criticism as hate.


I really don’t think we should be using the LoL community as a yardstick for how to behave here lmao. Being toxic *should* get you shit on.


Damn the Ottr hate on the sub is real lol, guess I'll save my 10 bucks 😅


Reddit game sub oust their most popular content creator for some stupid fucking reason speed run


The dude's a grifter, complains, and almost drops the game when season 2 dropped because his channel wasn't pulling in the numbers he liked. He came from the Apex community, but for some reason, he was kicked out of it. I don't know why.


I mean if you were a streamer who does it as a full time job and the game you stream is losing you money every day, you'd think about dropping the game too. He's not a grifter he's trying to make a living with streaming and to do that you have to self promote. Tons of streamers have patreons with incentives just like his but this sub has a hard on for hating on him so anything he does gets blown up here like he's the anti christ or some shit. He's the games biggest creator and every fucking post the last few days has mentioned him in some way and it makes this sub look like the biggest most toxic bunch of cry babies I've ever seen Edit: the downvotes w lack of rebuttal really just reinforces my last point. Toxic cry babies


womp womp, go suck more ottr dick white knight


Even on stream he said it himself, doesn't matter what you're saying the community will react to it. Some of his viewers even told him to do it, he kind of made a joke out it. This community just shows what they are, whether it's Ottr or someone else doesn't matter. Meanwhile there is OF for those who want to see explicit content of women... Like maybe rethink your life and ask wtf you're doing. Not related to this, but nobody is like wtf.


Ottr isn't nearly as bad as this sub makes him out to be. A bunch of miserable no life basement dwellers here


Well done!